Tutorial #3

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EME 2315: Thermodynamics

Tutorial #3 – Bring a Calculator and the Steam Tables to class

1st Law of Thermodynamics on Open Systems

Q + W = m {(h2 – h1) + ½(C22 – C12) + g(Z2 – Z1)}

NOTE: Q, W and m bear a dot above the letter to indicate a rate of flow per time.

1. A boiler, turbine, condenser and pump are connected as shown below to form a simple

steam power plant as illustrated below, solve the following questions:

P = 50 bar, T = 550 ºC

Boiler Turbine Work

P = 0.1 bar, x = 0.95

P = 65 bar
Pump Condenser

Coolant Coolant
Inlet Outlet

If the mass flow rate of fluid around the power plant is 25 kg/sec.
a) What is the power output of the turbine?
b) What is the heat transfer in the condenser?
c) What is the heat transfer in the boiler?
d) Water to serve as the coolant in the condenser is available from a
nearby river at a temperature of 15 ºC and exits the condenser at 25 ºC.
How many kilograms per second of this river water are required?

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