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1.0 Purpose
This procedure is to provide instruction should a security emergency occur and evacuation order
given that will require the evacuation of personnel from the shipyard to a location outside of the Port

This procedure is specific for a state of emergency and impending attack during a state of high
tension or a conflict scenario.

2.0 Scope

This procedure is applicable to all Zamil Shipyard employees, and external persons on site within the
Dammam Shipyard and is created in line with consultation with the King Adulaziz Seaport Authority
and KSA Coast Guard.
3.0 Definitions & Abbreviations

City Siren – Civil Defence civilian authority

ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Code
KSA – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Port – entire boundary and area contained within as falling under Port Authority
Security Level – Port area alertness 1 being lowest
Siren – world war 2 type air raid siren
SY - Shipyard
VHF – Local authority official communication channels
WI – Work Instruction (written procedure)

4.0 Responsibility

Head of Administration
Is responsible for the process and enacting of this procedure and shall additionally drive all
actions contained within this document.
Head of Admin Checklist can be printed from appendix A.

Safety Supervisor
The duty Safety Supervisor shall assume the lead role in evacuation and coordination with Coast
Guard and Port Authority.

Security Officer
The duty security officer shall act as the significant point of contact with the Port Authority and
Coastguard following evacuation and shall be the conduit to provide updates to the company via
the Head of Admin.

5.0 Procedure
5.1 Circumstances for Use – Prior Notice
The Port has staged ISPS based alertness levels that are posted and replicated at the Zamil
Main Gate

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Security Level 1 – Normal security measures

Security Level 2 – Additional security measures required, dependent of the threat and area authority
instructions, typically vehicle searches, I.D. checks etc.
Security Level 3 – High alert with imminent threat
At level 3 it would be expected to be on a high readiness to evacuate, preparations in the evacuation
plan would already be in place such as evacuation coaches ready with driver and rear party staff
identified and briefed, customers notified.
The evacuation process would be the same as with minimal notification.

5.2 Circumstances for Use – Minimal Notice

Below is the sequential process

 Siren sounds continuously (this will be the Port Siren and possibly the Dammam City
Port Siren – Emergency Evacuation siren, this is a traditional air raid siren as per
company shift start/end however the evacuation instruction will be taken from a
continuous unbroken sounding
Dammam/Khobar City Siren – this is a similar siren but not as loud and this is
warning city residents to seek shelter, this will not initiate an evacuation but shelter in
place and preparation for Port evacuation will begin
 Port Siren immediately kicks planned events, the main entrance to the Port will be
blocked to incoming traffic, the only movements of vehicles and personnel will be to
exit the Port boundary, SY will do likewise.
 All employees make their work safe, turn off all electrics and gas cylinders closed, all
vehicles and plant parked up and keys remain in vehicle. Vehicle and plant to be
parked in a way that does not restrict access to emergency vehicles wishing to
access the yard
 Security opens all main gates and directs traffic taking care of other facility vehicles
evacuating, if necessary security will stop oncoming traffic and monitor congestion
 Medic appropriates emergency supplies and places in ambulance if not already
 Security Officer assigns a guard as ambulance driver, ambulance moves on station
at clinic
 HR Department downloads employee master list of contacts for return to work
communications or security updates
 Canteen boss stops all cooking and turns off all appliances and makes all cooking
equipment safe with gas supplies off at mains
 All employees living onboard in guest and seaman’s buildings immediately pack an
overnight bag and move to the evacuation point
 Zamil camp boss prepares to accept personnel and may commandeer additional
company personnel to working parties, blankets and water made available and
prepare for additional temporary accommodation for non-Zamil persons evacuated
from yard

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 Vessel Masters are at their discretion to evacuate the port in their vessels at their
own discretion to safe harbour provided they have received Port permission over
VHF however it is mandatory that all crew without exception evacuate their vessels.
 Any shiplift operation mid process returns the vessel to the water and ties up or
evacuates the area
 All personnel make their way to main gate and board company transport
 All employees with private transport vacate the premises and travel to their home
address and await further notifications.
 Zamil Security Officer remains in VHF contact and remains near telephone for official
instructions from area authorities
 Zamil Coach and Mini-bus drivers man their vehicles and park in front of the guard
room to take on personnel
 Safety officers go to Head of Admin for briefing on their duties
 Commercial Department prepares list of current customers in shipyard and mails to
Security Supervisor then evacuates with customer contact details as second
reference point
 Head of Admin informs Zamil Offshore of evacuation (Offshore Safety Department is
already briefed as to these actions)
 Following brief on their duties, safety officers are tasked with rig and vessel visits to
ensure crew are making their way to main gate evacuation area for evacuation by
Zamil coaches.
 When coaches and mini buses are full they take passengers up to the main gate, the
vehicles do not leave the port boundary (they will not be allowed back in) but debus
passengers and return to the port for additional evacuees.
 Head of Admin and Commercial representative contacts Rig and Vessel companies
in yard and informs them to collect their employees from camp accommodation and
take to safe area/temporary accommodation and informs of remaining souls onboard
and passes on their representatives contact details for any updates from area
Head of Admin creates master contact list for situation updates
 Safety officer’s assist and clear buildings and workshops to ensure no personnel
onboard and equipment is safe
 Buildings not in use have electrical main boxes switched off
 Safety staff are dispatched to switch sewage to sea discharge to prevent overflow
 When the yards are cleared, company coaches are released with remaining safety
and security staff to exit the port and park at camp accommodation
 At this point the yard is under the control of the Coast Guard and military authority
and no persons shall be allowed to enter

5.3 Continuation of Duty - Post Evacuation

Upon evacuation of personnel the safety and security sections switch to a monitoring role and begin
internal patrolling and fire watch duties until Port authority relieves them for evacuation.

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Internal communications are routed through the security supervisor and external via the Head of
Admin. The Security Officer shall also reference the area emergency contacts in Port Emergency
Plan for updates/guidance and has the Zamil Emergency Contact List (HSE-DT-026).
In the event of an escalation of hostilities and the likelihood of a war setting, the company in line with
area authority shall make a decision to evacuate to Jeddah Shipyard as a safe haven if the threat is
from the West or to remain on station for emergency repairs as tasked by the authority.

5.4 All clear – return to normal duties

The security officer will communicate to the head of Admin when the all clear is announced, this will
be the only means of communication.

Employees coming to work the day after the evacuation may find the Port gates locked, that being the
case, they are instructed to return home and try again the next day until the gates are opened.
When the all clear is given, the persons in the master lists (safety, commercial, HR) are contacted
and top management will issue a communication as to instruct the workforce to return to normal

6.0 References

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ports Authority, Emergency Plan (updated annually)

Emergency Contacts Dammam (HSE-DT-026)
ISPS Code 2004 – International Ship and Port Facility Code

7.0 Document status

7.1 Approval

Approved for Use

Author Department
Name Date
David Crowther QHSSE David Crowther 16/01/2020

7.2 Authorisation

Revision Authorised for Use (COO)

Owner (dept. head)
Number Signature Date
1.0 Head of Administration Nasser F. Al Hazzani 16/01/2020

© Zamil Shipyards 2020

This document is and shall remain the property of Zamil Shipyards. This document may only
be used in locations where it has been approved for use and authorised by top
management. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited.

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Appendix A – Site Safety and Security Emergency Checklist

(Print on Alarm)


Security Incoming traffic redirected to leave the Port other
- than official vehicles and returning Zamil coaches
Security Opens all main gates and directs traffic
Safety - Request to HR for employee contact list
Safety - Request to Commercial for customer vessels in
yard contact list
Security Assign security guard as ambulance driver and
- move ambulance outside clinic
Medical Stocks ambulance with emergency supplies
Safety - Officer dispatched to ensure Canteen closed in
safe manner
Security Inform camp boss to prepare for incoming
- personnel
Safety - Inform Zamil Offshore QHSE Manager of
Safety - Sweep of vessels and rigs in 2 teams, old and
new yard
Safety - Sweep of buildings in 2 teams, old and new yard
Safety - Dispatch officer to turn sewage discharge valve to
sea discharge
Security Main gate to brief coach drivers do not leave port
- boundary
Safety - Site equipment check – turn off all active
especially gas cylinders
Safety - Turn off electricity main boxes and shore side
Safety - Report to security when facility is cleared
Security Release coach drivers taking safety staff
Security Await relief of duty by authorities

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