DK Children S Picture Encyclopedia

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geography History Nature

Wildlife Continents and countries Technology

11 *•

The DK
Claire Llewellyn



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First American Edition, 1997
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About this book

A to Z entry pages
Africa to Weather
World map
World map: continents
United States
World history timeline


About this book
It’s easy to find what you’re looking for in Main entries Alphabet
There are 145 Use the alphabet at
The DK Picture Encyclopedia. The large
exciting main the top of the page
heading of each main entry tells you what entries to look up to help you find your
the page is about. Subjects are arranged and learn about. place in the
alphabetically to help you guickly look up encyclopedia.
subjects that interest you.

,J'/d „i Insects
Types of insects They crawl, fly, buzz, and sting - Did you know? Did you know?”
Index insects may be small, but there are
over a million kinds, more than
The South American
grasshopper disguises Every page has a
itself as a thin twig.
If you can’t find the topic you are looking any other animal in the world.
Did you know?” box
for, it may not he a main entry. Look it up Damselflies are
expert fliers and with a fascinating fact
in the index to find out which page it is on. dart through the air.

about the subject for

you to discover.
Beetles have hard
wing cases to protect
their delicate wings.
North Ameri photographs
Each page is full
US and Mexico Ant colonies
Ants live in groups of colorful close-up
With mountains in the west and eas called colonies
and share all the photographs, and
deserts in the south, North Americc work to be done.

some spectacular scenery. Butterflies and many feature step-

moths have four

Rocky Mountains Monument

patterned wings. by-step sequences.
Growing up Ladybug egg
The Rockies stretch
for 3,000 miles
These sam Many insects change
■ - U';
rocks ha shape as they grow. This _Pupa
is called metamorphosis. ^ y Sp
(4,800 km) down , carved 3 About a week
1 A wormnke larva 2 The fully grown larva " later, the pupa splits
the western side o in the 1 hatches from an egg. makes a hard case called open, and an adult
the US. Desert, Ladybug It feeds and grows. a pupa around itself. ladybug crawls out.

Find out more Butterflies and moths 36 Insects of the world 87

the five Great Lakes

make up the largest
area of freshwater
in the world.

Picture cross-references
At the bottom of each page, you
will find out where to look for more
EveTgtatles information on related subjects.
This vast trofiicaLtnarsh in
Florida is home to arurfft
Collared lizard such as alligators. Illustrated maps
This lizard manages to
survive in the dry Grand Canyon Large picture maps on many
deserts. This deep, rocky
gorge has pages help you learn about
been cut out
in Arizona hy different parts oi the world.
the Colorado
Death Valley
Death Valley in SUSS HI Okefenoke<Swump
California is the Sonoran Desert This freshwater
hottest, driest place This desert lies between the swamp in southern
in the whole of US and Mexico. It is famous Georgia is a safe
North America. for its giant cacti. refuge for wildlife. Every page has several subentries
giving you more information
104 Find out more Desert animals 45 Water 146
about the main subject. You
can find these by using the index.

Find out more World of Nature ABCDEFGH lJKLMNOj(|QRSTU V W X Y Z

Each mam entry falls into This subject area covers'

one of five key subject areas, the natural world, from The polar lands lie around the north
and south poles. The frozen ground
and icy climate make them a hard
indicated by the symbol in th< birds to polar lands. place for plants to grow.
Ice field Glaciers How from

top left-hand corner of the A lot of the lund in c*ie ice ^e^s- No one lives in the
Antarctic, but scientists
Mosses grow in thick
cushions. This

Continents of the World visit to study the land

protects them from
icy winds.

page. The picture cross- and its wildlife.

Information about The Arctic


references at the bottom of regions, countries, and

stores food


the page offer suggestions for continents is found in Grasses


related entries to look up. this key subject area. quickly

in the
spring w
Life in the An tic
People have lived in the

Life in the Past Aictic for Thousands of

years. They have hud to
adapt their lifestyle to
the harsh climate.
Learn all about ancient Antarctica
« Warm clothes

civilizations and prehistoric Antarctica is a vq ice-covered

Did you know?
are made from
animal skins.
continent near the si Antarctica is bigger

life in this key subject area. lives here permanenl

and windiettt
than Europe and the
US put together.
Antarctica is
actually a desert!
It gets no rain all Fleabane grows only
for a few weeks in
year round.
the Arctic summer.

Antarctic summet
Antorctico 19
ice melts in sum
But the ground
remains frozen,
Travelers For thousands of \^ars people Round Earth Scientists
In 1519 a lamou: Scientists from
have explored t leLvorld,
Spanish explorer around the world
- hoping to find feriile 1 Magellan, sailed visit. W-iil. iku
Pacific islanders fine goods, M around the world -'' study the land-
were the first to ct and proved that it and its wildlife.
the Pacific Ocean. Sailing ship r
Starting in the
igfs. The Vikings
1400s. European Iceberg
fSB sailed to the
sailors explored the 1 Icebergs are huge chunks
E§\ south to find
world in fast, ice chat break off from the
Ml fertile
land and float tn the ocea
i farmland. sturdy ships \ |
like this one. \ l
The picture cross-
South pole
The south pole is
the most southerly
Below the ice and rock li
Tourists admire
references guide you
point on the Earth.
coal, copper, gold, and scenery from
Merchants explored
the rouce between
other valuable materials. large cruise ship: to other main entries
China and Europe Wildlife
to trade in silk. Some animals and a
few simple plants have
adapted to life here.
The animals hunt lor
Room for
food in the ocean. Albatross
cargo, foot
and water.
Arabs traveled in
the 13th century to
more It you look up topics m
Finding the way
trade and find new
lands. Q J Explorers used the
Y sun, stars, and this key subject area,
^ instruments to (and riches f
I Sextant find their around the
you will find out about
Columbus, Spanish
explorer, crossed the
everything from
Atlantic Ocean
using an astrolabe. transportation to sports

Anchor T ransportation People use allAinds of vehicles
Ships and boats carry passengers Did you know?
Anchors act as of the world to travel long or short distances, A boat takes 3 M days
brakes. They dig and goods up and down rivers,
to cross the Atlantic
into the seabed i over lakes, and from port to port and to can^^Bvy loads from Ocean, while a plane
and stop ships I
across oceans and seas. cakes 3 '/> hours,
from moving. { Hovercraft float
Different vehicles
Cruise ship
Science and A All boats do a particular
kind of job. A cruise ship Tuk-tuks
New forms of transt
are being invented]
time, although sonj indent

Technology gives passengers

a vacation at sea.
Cargo ships carry
trucks used forms are still in uJ

This key subject
area includes
everything in the steering
Bicycles are chi
and clean. They
popular in Chin
world of science, Did you know?
Cargo ships carry u
[ to 2,700 containers,
These would stack
from the human almost twice as
high as Mount
Everest! Paddle steamers
body to space to curry pusscnyei
curry people up a

if their boat sinks.

travel. Animals as
transporta tii
Moving in water Camels are «
Different boats move Elephants often called ^
different ways. in Asia i ships of
carry very I A ' the desert.
Paddle steamers go heavy loads. 1 Donkeys are very They can Is
up and down rivers. Streetcars are electric The driver strong. They can carry goods *
Motorboats Rowboats hat
buses, running on rails is called a carry people up and people'
have an engine oars to move i They are driven by
that turns a propeller, through the w a wheel at the bock. in some city centers. steep mountain paths, in the heat

Find out more


°f the S}]o^
Northern Africa
Northern Africa is one of the hottest parts
of the world. It is made up of mountains,
rain forests, and a great, sweeping desert.

Atlas Mountains
Hog gar These mountains form
Mountains a high wall between
These red the Sahara Desert
JUfiP5** mountains rise and the wetter land
up out or the on the coast.
Nile River
Sahara Desert.
Rain forest The muddy banks of
Rain forest grows » AI.G1F.HS the Nile make fertile

near the equator, RABAT* •O

where there is Tunisia
Suez Canal

heavy rain. \ (

Western l\ \ Algeria
,r"— j
Libya Ethiopian Highlands
Sahara / 4>.

The Ethiopian
S A H A R A Q E s E R t Highlands are hot,
Egypt dry scrubland.

Mauritania Farming is very

difficult here.
A > Mali I
W'- __t
“W TjTDpiEA-^
J*BlS9AU " v.. » BAMAKO
giuaoadoi igoIt
• r Chad /
1 /
Capital cities
\ *
rv ■» 1
I Lake Chad
Sudan . ; Djibouti
r •“-tv vr v _ ^/DJIBOUTI
’ Leose
T-rw\ ~ Nigeria j

' m .o' W
c> .

Ivory 1
to; yj
/’ol w C
/ 'OIP3
/ IM ' f.S'S' Central /^
\ Ghana
1 i
African Ethiopia / V
' Cameroon \ Republic —

Fennec fox
The fennec fox lives
Did you know?
in the desert. Its huge
The Sahara Desert
ears give off heat,
is the largest desert
mm cooling
in the world.
Sahara Desert Lake Chad the fox
At 4,145 miles
The Sahara Desert has Lake Chad is now down. ’ ^
(6,670 km), the
burning hot days and shrinking as the
Nile is the longest
freezing cold nights. Winds rivers that feed it
river in the world.
blow the sand into dunes. are drying up.

6 Find out more Deserts 46 Rivers and lakes 119


°f the
Southern Africa
Southern Africa’s thick rain forests, dry
deserts, and rolling grasslands are home to
a huge variety of animals and plants. Mount Kilimanjaro
MALABO Although this ancient
. Guinea r volcano lies close to
'til >—. the equator, it is always
O / Congo tv,
•LIBREVILLE ^gandV Kenya covered in snow.
Gabon o^° KAMPALA* '

G ' -r-A
RwAfeiflA' Lake Victoria

Congo rain forest /M BRAZZAVILLE Zaire BuiVumfc^


1 he Congo ram forest J V-'

. 'TAR.:;vtv™.j.

tl- ■■

is home to a huge Ol
variety of wildlife. v\
LUANDA ,-Aa Tanzania Great Rift Valley
Z. This huge valley was
A w
■'W-. y\
1 S'
% ,Is' formed millions of years
Angola r_4i ago. It is a land of
Zambia LfeONGWE lakes and
Namib Desert
This desert has Victoria
towering sand dunes. Namibia Ft^ls 1 N
It contains diamonds > WINDHOEK
* I Botswana
and precious metals.
th on
Victoria Falls T ^ MBABAf^f #

This dramatic
waterfall BLOEMEONTEIN v * m/Neru

drops over a hiiso^ffo

steep cliff in the Baobab tree
Africa ■' vV' #3glPi
Zambezi River. ^CAEEJOW.N
These trees survive
Serengeti Plain dry weather by
Mountain This plain is a vast storing water inside
Did you know? area of grassland. their trunks.
The Great Rift Huge herds of grazing
Valley is a huge animals live here.
crack in the Wildlife
Earth’s crust. No two zebras
At 19,340 ft (5,895 are exactly the
Table Mountain same. Their stripes
m), Mt. Kilimanjaro
This flat-topped mountain is camouflage them,
is the highest
often hidden by a cloud that and help confuse
mountain in Africa.
locals call the “tablecloth." m
A their enemies.

Find out more Grassland animals 76 Rainforests 114


A £ ‘
Africa: culture __
Culture Africa is home to millions of people. Tourism
Thousands of tourists
Most of them live in small villages visit Africa to see its
and farm the land, but more and magnificent landscape
more are moving to the cities. and wildlife.

Textiles are bold Market

and colorful. This Many towns in Africa Minerals
carpet was made have a daily market, There are gold and
in Morocco. diamond mines in
where people gather to
southern and
buy and sell goods and
western Africa.
chat with friends.

Dance and music

are an important
and popular part of
African village lite.

Crafts, such Farming

as wood Many Africans still use
carving, are traditional farming
practiced all methods to grow food
over Africa. crops such as corn. Farmer in Corn

Towns and cities Shantytowns are home Did you know?

Cities in Africa are growing to the very poor. The In Chad, more than
quickly as people leave their shelters have no water 40,000 people have
villages to look for work. or electricity. to share one doctor.
Village houses are
made with a mix of
dried mud and straw
baked hard in the sun.

8 Find out more Towns and cities 140 Dance 44


Air pressure Air is a mixture of gases that swirl Air currents

Barometers Air currents are
measure air
around the Earth. We cannot see,
pockets of moving air
pressure - the smell, or taste air, hut it contains the
weight of air
oxygen we need to live and breathe. People use
pressing on Barometer air currents
the Earth.
for sports
Air resistance such as
Air pushes against
a parachute as it
falls to Earth, and
this slows it down.
Birds use
air currents
to help
them fly.

Air Plants
resistance use air
makes currents to
parachutes spread their
fall slowly, jl pollen and seeds
Gases in air Harness
Humans breathe m oxygen Did you know?
W ind power
and breathe out carbon Without air, the sky
Wind is moving air. It
dioxide. Plants take in would look black
can turn wind turbines
carbon dioxide and put even during the day!
which make electricity.
oxygen back into the air. \ Parachutist

Air power Mountain air

Hovercraft float On mountain peaks,
above the sea on the air is cold and
a cushion of air. contains less oxygen,


Wind speed i gale- v

force 7 \
People use the
Beaufort scale
when they want ^ Gentle Strong

to measure the
If breeze breeze
!L force 3 force 6
speed and
strength of wind

Find out more Energy 54 Weather 147 9


Vh no A
The fastest way to travel is by air Types of aircraft
Aircraft can carry people around
the world in just a few hours.
Passenger plane
Planes today are often used to Helicopters have
carry passengers long distances. Cockpit spinning blades
This one can carry more The cockpit contains called rotors.
_- than 100 people. instruments the computers and
controls used by
The fuselage is the balloons
the pilot.
. wg body of the plane, fly because
-'■iP eC-bio where passengers sit Streamlined Cockpit hot air is
shape lighter than
cold air.
aluminum body,
Jet engines power
the plane forward Wing flaps help the
plane slow down Wheels
Did you know? and turn in the air. These fold uj
inside the
The long, pointed
plane during
nose of the Concorde
“droops” so that the flight. Airships are filled with
pilot has a clear view helium gas, which is
for landing! Escape chute lighter than air.
Black box Air-filled chutes
This records all are the emergency
the details of an exits from
aircraft’s flight. m an airplane.

Airport Food and Staff direct takeoff Passengers Seaplanes have

Planes take off and land at drink is loaded and landing from wait in the
pontoons. They can
airports. Cargo is brought onto a plane. the control tower. terminal. land on water.
here, and passengers wait for
their flight.

Gliders are towed

up into the sky. They
have no engine and
glide on air currents.

more Inventions 88 Transportation 142


Growing up
Breathing Amphibians are animals like
Amphibians change
Frogs breathe frogs and newts, which live their shape as they
through their
skin when partly in freshwater and grow. This is called
underwater, partly on land. They lay
but use their
lungs on
their eggs in Nostnls
dry land. water.

1 Large groups of frog

Strong back
eggs are called spawn
legs for hopping
and swimming Large eyes
look for
insects. L men egg grows
into a tiny tadpole
Webbed feet that takes in air
move like paddles through its gills.
in the water.

3 The tadpole grows

Frog Z2 legs and loses its tail
The red-eyed tree frog Common
is one of 4,000 different Deadly color
amphibians. Its body is |A Some amphibians,
well adapted to life both like this frog, are
in water and on land. poisonous. Their bright
colors warn other
animals not to eat them 4 The grown-up frog
Did you know?
Golden poison-arrow frog breathes with lungs.
Frogs have
sticky /f
tongues. M7 Other amphibians
Ornate horned toad Fire salamander
Marbled newt Ay

Newts have a
long, thin body Toads look like frogs Salamanders spend most
like a lizard. but have bumpy skin. of their time on land.

Find out more Rain forest animals 113 River animals 118

/ ■

c in the
Ancient China
Chinese China was formed more than Silk robe
inventions Rich people
2,000 years ago. Powerful
wore beautiful
Compasses were emperors kept China isolated robes made of
used at sea on n
Chinese ships. J from the rest of the world. expensive silk.

i he dragon was an
important symbol of
strength and goodness.
It was the emperor’s
Wheelbarrows were
symbol, too. Colorful Dragon seal
invented about
Emperors used
2,000 years ago. material
this seal to sigr

An earthquake Entertainment
detector felt the The ancient Chinese
slightest shaking of loved drama and playing
the Earth. games, such as chess.
Scales of a fish
Dragon costumes
were worn at
raper was
from straw important festivals Actor

and water. Gambling


Did you know? Emperor The first emperor

The Chinese used Ancient China was ruled completed the Great
kites in the shapes of by emperors. The royal Wall of China. It is still
dragons to frighten family was called standing today.
enemies in battle. a dynasty.

The Kangxi The tomb of the first

emperor ruled emperor was guarded
r China 300 by a huge army of
years ago. life-size clay soldiers.

12 Find out more Asia: culture 21 Inventions


Ancient Egypt
Writing About 5,000 years ago, Arts and crafts
writing was
Egypt was one of the most Pottery jars
made up of powerful and advanced and pots
rows of were made
countries in the world. from river
pictures called
hieroglyphs. mud.
Pyramids pointed
to heaven.
Pyramid Pharaohs
The pyramids are the tombs Nile River
were buried
Egyptian farmers grew
of dead pharaohs. They were inside.
plenty of food on the
built with millions of
banks of the Nile.
heavy stone Pictures of everyday
The Great
blocks- ...HE Pyramid at
life were often
Giza painted on rich
people’s tombs.

. ;** Papyrus
was a
HA marsh reed
that was made
into paper.

Egyptians believed in life Cats were very
after death. So dead bodies important in
were carefully preserved. Egypt. They were
Egyptian children Metal, such as
These are called mummies. preserved, too.
played with halls bronze, was used to
and spinning tops. make items like
mirrors and razors.
Did you know?
Dead pharaohs were
buried with food and
drink to help them on Pharaoh
their journey into the The kings and queens
next life! of Egypt were called
pharaohs. They were Lucky charm Pendant

thought to be gods. Jewelry was worn by

Queen King the wealthy. It was
Nefertiti Tutankhamun often made of gold.

Find out more Africa 6 A Buildings 35



in the
Ancient Greece P 7U,

The ancient Greeks lived

more than 2,500 years ago,
The Greeks
had many but many of their ideas are
gods. Zeus still important to us today.
was king of
the gods. Stone carvings
This beautiful bronze Theater was very
mirror is decorated with popular. The Greeks
Temple wrote many plays.
a picture of Aphrodite,
The Greeks built
the goddess of Pottery
wonderful stone
¥ m beauty. vases were
temples to their
made of
gods. The
red clay, \j|&
Parthenon is and then
2,500 years f decorated. ^j!&^


Toys for children

were made of
painted clay.
Family life Food
Metals were
Ancient Greek Many ancient
made into
families were Greeks ate
statues and
very close. bread, eggs, -

Marriages fresh fish, 1
were often and figs. ^ Gold earring 4
Did you know?
Education Socrates was a Olympics Masks and platform
Boys went to school. | famous teacher The Greeks loved shoes were worn in
They studied music, % and thinker. sports. They invented ancient Greek
reading, and writing. His ideas are the Olympic Games. theater when 42V.
still read actors AZV
| today. played the
parts of gods.

Statue of
Socrates Painting of athletes

14 Find out more Religions 115 Sports of the world 136


Animal families
Did you know? Every animal has a different kind of Family groups
Male black widow family life. Some animals live alone m
spiders are often
eaten by their and come together only to mate,
bigger female others live in family groups.

Domestic cat
Lionesses do most ■'L

Unlike lions, Humans often live in

of the hunting.
domestic cats a small group called
live alone. a nuclear family.
Lion Male lions
Lions live in family groups protect the
called prides. They share group, All the females
out the food between them. look after the

Meerkats live in a
large group called
an extended family

Sharks live on their

own, coming together
briefly only to mate.

Watching over baby Scorpions Baby birds are

Male rheas take care carry their fed by both
of the female’s eggs, babies on parents until
then look after their their backs they leave
babies for a the nest.
few months.
Baby bats are Some fish
taken care of protect their
in one large babies by
group called carrying
a nursery. them in
their mouths. Cichlid

Find out more Animal homes 16 y. Living things 91


,-^L luj’
Animal homes
Different homes Some animals make homes, others find
temporary shelters. Whether animals live
alone or in groups, their homes protect
them from danger or bad weather.
Hermit crabs make When baby
their homes in an Rabbit warren Entrance is dug into the rabbits grow up
earth or among tree roots j they also
empty seashell. Wild rabbits live together
in a warren - a system of % live in the
EL warren.
underground tunnels
and rooms.

Squirrels make warm

homes called dreys
from twigs and leaves.

Clownfish live among

the stinging tentacles
of sea anemones.

Baby rabbits live in Underground rooms

nests called stops. called burrows

Termite nest
Termites build Did you know?
Tortoises have mobile
homes - their hard
amazing nests j \ A female polar bear
shells protect them.
housing up to
five million
\ i and her cubs sleep all
winter in a warm den
termites. I ^4 under the snow.
Network of cells
and tunnels
Marmosets make a
made from
dried mud
different home ever
night in the treetops
Some nests are
40 ft (12 m) tall!
more Animal families 15 s and nests 51

Mammals, such There are more than ten million different Did you know?
as humans, live • r • i • i i i o •
mainly on land. sPeciesot animals m the world. Scientists Most invertebrates
are so tiny they can
Only a few live have divided them into two main groups.
in the sea. only be seen under a
Vertebrates Invertebrates microscope

Fish live in the

world’s rivers, lakes
, and oceans. They
take in oxygen
| through their gills. Starfish and sea urchins
Octopuses and
belong to a group of
squid have soft
animals with spiny skins,
bodies. They are
gggip related to

but do not
have a shell.
Amphibians, such
as frogs and toads,
live both on land
and in water. Reptiles, such as Insects, such as
snakes, lay eggs on Mollusks, such as beetles, have a hard
land and have dry, snails, have hard shells outer skeleton. *
p scaly skins. to protect them from
enemies and sun.

Birds are animals

with beaks, feathers,
and wings. Most of
them can fly.
Crustaceans, such as
crabs, shed their shells
when they grow too big
for them. A new shell
grows underneath. a

0! Vertebrates Invertebrates - m
Vertebrates are animals with Invertebrates are animals with no
backbones. They are split backbones. Many have hard shells
into five main groups. or a tough outer skeleton to protect them

Find out more Living things 91 Skeletons 128


Animals in danger
All over the world, wild animals are in Protecting
danger. Some are killed for their skins,
others live in areas called habitats that
T , are beinq destroyed. These animals
Large copper butterflies i
are very nearly extinct need OUL protection,
because their marshy
Orangutans’ rain forest
habitat is being destroyed.
habitats are being
destroyed as trees are Large nature reserves
Habitat destruction cut down to make give animals like
Wild animals can die out way for farms. elephants the space
due to lack of food and they need to live.
shelter if their habitat is

Hunting Tigers are in danger of

Wild cats, snakes, and crocociiles extinction because they are
are hunted for their beautiful killed for their claws and teeth,
skins, as well as other parts used in Chinese medicines. Zoos help rare animals
of their bodies. like eagles breed. The
young can then be
Snakes are released into the wild.
killed by the
thousands to
make snakeskin
bags and
Laws ban rare animals
such as tortoises from
Pollution being sold as pets.
Did you know?
There are fewer Factory waste and
than 200 pandas left farm chemicals can
in China’s forests. pollute the land,
air, and water,
poisoning many
Seals can die
wild animals.
from diseases caught Laws ban goods
from the polluted water in made from the skins
which they live. of certain animals,
like crocodiles.

Find out more Asia 24 Conservation 43


the Ntfo'V
Antarctica is a vast, ice-covered Did you know?
continent near the south pole. No one • Antarctica is bigger
than Europe and the
lives here permanently. It is the coldest
US put together.
and windiest place on Earth. • Antarctica is
actually a desert!
It gets no rain all
• year round.
Research station
Antarctic summer LAND
In some places, the
ice melts in summer.
But the ground
remains frozen.
£i-LSW ORl" Scientists
Scientists from
around the world
♦ South Pole
visit Antarctica
to study the land
and its wildlife.



Icebergs are huge chunks of
ice that break off from the
land and float in the ocean.

South pole Tourism

The south pole is Minerals Tourists admire
the most southerly Below the ice and rock lie Antarctica’s
point on the Earth. coal, copper, gold, and scenery from
other valuable materials. large cruise ships.
Explorers at south pole

Some animals and a
few simple plants have
adapted to life here.
The animals hunt for
food in the ocean. Albatross Penguins Moss Leopard seal

Find out more Explorers 61 Polar lands 112


Eastern Asia
Eastern Asia is a vast area that has
many great rivers, dry deserts, wind>
highlands, and flat, grassy plains.
Rafflesia plant Mount Fuji
This flower is the Mount Fuji is Japan’s
largest in the world, highest and most
beautiful mountain.

Yangtze River
The Yangtze
River in China \ Gobi desert i

is the third TAKLA MAKAN

longest river Korea

South Mount Fi
Gobi Desert
Korea The rocky Gobi Desert
Tibet is very hot in summer,
Tibet is but cold and windy
/4| so high in winter.
above sea QUANQX1 ZHUANQ

PP level that it
* is known as the Burma
.Hong Kong

roof of the world. acao

Mangrove izon

swamps • MANILA
Mangrove Cavubodia >
• PHNOM PENH Philippines
trees grow Thailand’s coastline
along the Mindanao
Parts of the Thai
coasts of the Brunei
coastline have strange
region’s islands Malaysia
rocky towers and
<• SINGAPORE steep cliff faces.
Did you know? Borneo

There are more Celeb*

volcanoes in eastern 1AKARTA

Asia than anywhere Rain forest

else in the world. d hick tropical Panda
The country of rain forest Pandas live in
Indonesia is made grows on the mountains
up of more than the hillsides 1 of China.
13,000 islands. of many of They feed on
the islands. bamboo leaves

20 Find out more Mammals of the world 95 Rain forests 114


°f the WX
Asia: culture
Did you know? Eastern Asia Culture
In Japan, people are Many people in eastern Asia live Buddhism is a
employed to push very important
passengers onto busy
on quiet farms. Others work in | religion in
subway trains! high-tech factories in busy cities. much of
p|j|fr Southeast


Industry, Japan have been
Japan is a world leader Factory
in producing workers
in Indonesia
televisions and for hundreds
other electrical of years.
and high'
technology Lacquered
\ goods, such
i as this plate,
are made in
line BMkc
Kimonos are
Electronic Japanese ■■
circuit dress. ■
board These Kl
are made
Village life Food and drink
of silk.
Many Asian people Rice, tea, and
live in small, wheat are grown in
country villages. the region. Fresh fish
toik music is
They farm the land is a very important food
- very popular
in traditional ways. Jasmine tea
The nomads
Rubber trees
of Mongolia
In Malaysia,
sing to the
the sap from
music of a
rubber trees is
L fiddle.
collected and
turned into Korean
rubber. dish

Find out more Theater 139


the NtfcA

Northern Asia Did you know?

Northern Asia encompasses frozen lands The Caspian Sea is
the north and rolling grasslands and the largest lake in
the world. It is four
barren deserts in the south. times the size of
Siberia Iris
Lake Baikal is the
In the north of Asia, there The Siberian w
oldest and deepest
is a vast, snow-covered iris flowers in f
lake on Earth.
area called Siberia. the summer months

Ural Mountains
Much of Siberia
These mountains have
is a frozen,
been worn down by the
treelesss plain
weather over
called the tundra
orr years. \ ' s
y \ ^
/ Belarus \
{ >• i




Capital cities
5 DUSHANBE Lake Baikal
BISHKEK Balkhash

J 7* x 1
Husky dogs
In Siberia, people use
huskies to pull sleds
across the snow. W

Volga River Aral Sea Lake Baikal

The Volga River flows over This large
Lake Baikal is fed by
2,000 miles (3,500 km) saltwater lake lies than 300 rivers and is
into the Caspian Sea. in dry desert land to many rare animals

22 Find out more Polar animals 111 Polar lands 112

°f the
Asia: culture
Did you know? Northern Asia Regional foods
In winter, Siberian The Russian Federation is the bigg
children stand under
sun lamps. It’s meant country in the world, with many
to keep them healthy. different peoples and cultures.
Trans-Siberian railway
This railroad is the longes
Borscht is a famous
in the world. It reaches
soup made from
A from one side
beetroot. It comes
Kremlin, Moscow of the country 1
from the Ukraine.
The Kremlin was once gl 11* to the other. ag***

home to the Russian Czars. ™ Assumption lA Caviar, the eggs of

Cathedral T, mak. the sturgeon
It now houses the government
fish, is a very
Archangel jOU. L' i
Grand Kremlin expensive
Cathedral i ilk I
^ Palace delicacy.

Bread is an
important part ot
the Russian diet.
Mining is very Draniki is the
Heavy industries, important. Sultur national dish
such as iron and Coal, gold, ( of Belarus. It
steel making, have and diamonds is made from
led to problems with are all m grated
air pollution in the r mined here. potatoes.

Craft work Russian peoples Russian Cossacks Kyrgyz nomads

Different peoples,
Fur hat such as the Russian
Cossacks and the
Russian dolls
Kyrgyz nomads, all
scarf have different
Balalaika customs.

Find out more Rocks and minerals 120 Transportation 142


Western and Southern Asia Did you know?

Some of the world’s hottest deserts About one'third of
the world’s oil is
and highest mountains lie in this pai
found in western
of the Asian continent. and southern Asia.
Indian elephants
Hot pools Desert
have smaller ears
These Sandy desert J0.
than African
amazing hot ■MBH covers most
pools in of SauJi
Turkey are Arabia.
made of
Capital cities Elephants
2 BEIRUT live in the
4 MANAMA forests of
Cyprus 1
Mount Everest
2* ( Mount Everest, in the

Himalayas, is the
highest mountain
in the world.
KUWAIT crrt<

Arabia RIYADH •
>ATAR Everest
Desert rivers .United

often dry up, EMPTY EmirItep

leaving rocky
called wadis.

Red Sea
The Red Sea divides
northern Africa from
western Asia.

Sri Lanka

Ganges River Sri Lanka

This river carries water Kashmir The island of Sri
to a large part of India Kashmir is a land of Lanka is fringed with
and Bangladesh. lakes and mountains white, sandy beaches.

24 Find out more Mountains 99 Oil 106


Asia: culture
Products Western and Southern Asia Riyadh
The city of
Most people here still live in small
Riyadh in
villages, hut many are moving to Saudi
the cities for work. Arabia was
built with
Taj Mahal, Agra
Jute is grown in money from
Bangladesh to make This marble tomb in India was oil. All its
sacking and rope. built as a memorial to the wife buildings
ot an emperor. It is over 350 are new.
years old.
White marble
Oranges and other
on both
citrus fruits are
grown in Israel.

Tea is grown on
large plantations in
India and Sri Lanka.

Nomads still
. Cinnamon Turmeric
and live in parts of
ire used Asia, moving
Oil is drilled in the from place to
desert countries in Dates Garlic place.
the west.
Did you know?
In Bhutan, archery
The craftwork in this part
competitors jump in
of Asia is brightly
front of the targets to
colored and highly
distract each other!

Bollywood, Bombay
This is the center of
India’s film industry. Child’s hat Indian dress Sitar Turkish rug

Find out more Film 66 Foods of the world 71 25


°r the WA
Australia and Papua New Guinea Did you know?
From mountains and rain forests to Australia has many
animals that live
deserts and coral reefs, Australasia has
nowhere else in the
a varied landscape and unique wildlife. world.
The Great Barrier
Rain forest Reef is the largest
Tropical rain forest
living structure on
covers over two-thirds Earth.
of Papua New Guinea.
Blue Mountains
The Blue Mountains
run down the eastern
Papua New
coast of Australia.

- -04 . -w/ 4.

Great Barrier Reef
HHiH LAN D The Great Barrier
Desert rocks Reef is a long line of
These strange desert NORTHERN reefs and islands. It is
rocks in western Great sandy made of living coral.
are called A u T R A
the Pinnacles. cdonnell ranges
(Ayers Rock)
st.R' AUSTRALIA bear
Koalas live
m eucalyptus
Outback woods in eastern
The middle of Tasmanian devil
Australia, feeding on
Australia is dry This fierce animal AUSTRALIAN
the leaves of the trees.
grassland known has sharp teeth
as the outback. and a nasty snarl. It
lives only in Tasmania. TASMANIA

.A Tasmania
- .. i'.'- - •*!..
Uluru (Ayers Rock) Tasmania
This huge rock in the is a small
desert is a sacred place island that
sesffj for Aboriginals, the first lies south
SlSlll people of Australia. of Australia.

26 Find out more Birds of the world 3:

Seas and oceans 124

New Zealand and Pacific Islands Did you know?
Hot springs, volcanoes, and white, sandy New Zealand’s
beaches are just some of the features of most beautiful
areas are protected
New Zealand and the Pacific islands. as national parks.
PACIFIC ISLANDS There are about
Solomon 30,000 islands in
the Pacific Ocean.

New Vanuatu
r Kiwi birds cannot
fly. They live in
V New Zealand.
Fiji is made up of 322
islands. Much of the land
is covered with forest and
surrounded by coral reefs. ISLAND

Mud pools
Heat from inside the
Earth makes hot mud
Mount Cook
pools in New Zealand
Mount Cook is the
highest mountain in Tropical island
New Zealand. The Pacific islands
have long, sandy
SOUTH water fountains
beaches and ISLAND ^ that shoot out
sparkling blue of the ground.
Mount This New Zealand
parrot is very t|
rare. It is too Jk
New Zealand’s coastline has
heavy to fly. J|1
deep inlets called fjords.
Lake Wakatipu

Te Anau

Sheep Volcano Lake
The wet climate provides There are many active Beautiful freshwater lakes fill
good grazing for sheep. volcanoes in New Zealand the craters in the mountains.

Find out more Birds of the world 31 Seas and oceans 124

Australasia: culture
The people of Australasia have different Farming
lifestyles. Some still lead a traditional life
far from the nearest town. Others live busy
lives in modern, crowded cities.
Rugby is a very Tribes
popular sport There are more
jii|t than 1,000
jpj§|r different tribes
Sydney Opera House in Papua New Wool from sheep
This modern opera house IfF'
W uuinea. farms is sold all over
overlooks Sydney White-tiled the world. Tamarillo
roofs The arched roofs Orange f
Harbour. Most A
look like the sails
cities in Australia JtfL „of yachts.
are on the
coast, rm J
Sydney W' Peach
Harbour Fruit farming suits
New Zealand’s warm,
wet climate.

Mining is important. Tourism
Gold, gemstones, coal, The stunning scenery
iron, and copper are all
and relaxing lifestyle
mined in Australia.
attract many tourists.
Did you know? Aboriginal and Maori people came
Some Australian
Maori people to New Zealand over
farms are so large,
1,000 years ago.
farmers use planes to Aboriginal
get across them. people settled A
in Australia jfV
more than E|jl
50,000 Ip
MM Maori
years ago.
V Aboriginal carving
bark painting

more Farm animals 63 Painting 107


Did you know? Bikes are a popular transportation Types of bicycles

46 people once rode
choice because they are cheap, easy to
one motorcycle at the
same time! repair, and keep us healthy. Add an
engine, and you have a motorcycle.
Road bikes are light
but strong for use
Brakes on bumpy
stop the roads.
Frame bike.
Bikes are machines.
They are moved
by cyclists Pedals
pushing the
Rickshaws are made
to carry several
around with people, like taxis.
their feet.
Gears give Unicycles
Tires are filled cyclists ^ often seen
with air, which r more power circuses.
helps cushion ^, , , Balancing
, Chain links pedals
bumps. 1,1, one wheel
r to back wheel Riding a bicycle difficult!
Learning to ride a
bike is a tricky
Panniers can be
skill. It takes a
attached to a bike
good sense of
to carry things.
Tripletandems are
Motorcycles Scooters have small for three riders. They
Motorcycles are more complicated engines. They are have three seats and
machines than bikes. Powerful popular for traveling three sets of pedals!
engines move them. around town.

Motocross bikes are
used for racing
across rough
Cantilevers are the
most modern racing
bikes. They have
streamlined frames.

Find out more Cars 37 Machines 92


°"d of^W

Did you know? Birds come in all shapes and sizes and Beaks and food
The ostrich is too are the only animals with feathers. Hummingbirds suck
heavy to fly, hut
They have a beak but no teeth, and nectar with their
it can run fast! long beaks.
their babies hatch out of eqqs.
Ears are hidden
under feathers. _
Parrots crack open

A bird has wings

instead of arms. _
\ Eyes are sharp Eagles kill small
to spot food. animals with
Tail is used
their MiSS
for balance.
Robin sharp ,
Like most birds, beaks.
this robin has a
light, streamlined
body, which Flamingos scoop
helps it fly. up algae
Claws grip branches and tiny jM
and grab food._

Long tail and wing
feathers are used for Finches peck at seeds
flight and balance. and nuts.
While soft, downy
chest feathers keep Chest Wing
a bird warm. feathers feathers

The feathers close As the wings_

A bird stays up in
up and push down rise, the feathers
the air by flapping
against the air. spread apart.
its strong wings.
Some birds can
glide on the
wind. , 'eon

30 Find out more Birds of the world 31 Eggs and nests 51


There are more than 8,500 different birds, and Did you know?
they live in every part of the world. Each bird’s The rhinoceros
hombill has a box on
b body and feeding habits have its beak that makes
evolved to suit where it lives. its call so
loud it V y
HgSr —Barn owl can ;§§»
slclf IThe barn owl lives in heard over Jmmt
WPW\s- IraSanorthern Europe, feeding 1 mile (2 km) JHeL
on small mammals. away.
Bald eagle
The bald eagle, found
in North America,
swoops down to
The shelduck feeds on
grab its prey.
small shellfish. It is
ARCTIC OCEAAf found on river estuaries
in Southeast Asia.
Si Orth


Toucan *SOUTH
Toucans live in
the hot, steamy
rain forests of
South America,
eating tropical fruit kiwiscan t tly.
They live only in
New Zealand.
Native to Africa
k scarlet-chested
HI^ sunbirds eat
Ar Scarlet macaw M insects and
^ Macaws live on the .■■""Hi nectar.
edge of South American
rain forests. They eat
fruit, nuts, and seeds. i

Emperor penguin ™ Flamingo Cockatoo

Penguins live in icy cold Many flamingos live Living on the
Antarctica. They can’t j hot lakes in Africa. Australian grasslands,
fly, but are excellent They feed on tiny cockatoos feed on
swimmers. shrimps and algae. seeds and leaves.

Find out more Birds 30 Eggs and nests 51 31


tife To&°^
Did you know? The words and pictures inside
So many copies of the books provide readers with
Bible have been sold
that they would fill
information, ideas, and fun.
120,000 libraries. Library #
Novelty books ,>7
Public libraries are places ■
i i i •*?. M -Wm Novelty books
where people can read have pop-ups, ' ^
and borrow many fj| Mb*; flaps, and
different kinds of books. £Clis|ni§f|fe stickers to make
.4 reading fun.
Bookshelves. Qt-nHv

books are
about the real
world. They contain
t -HhIPT^ v ;w Fiction
facts, pictures, and
Fiction books contain
made-up stories.
Children’s fiction
Jsi often has
pictures. >. 4
n - . j f.-. ,I-

CD-Roms are
information discs
read by computers
They have
pictures, words,
and sounds.

Writing 3*- m
“But wln>
chorus of voices naked-
is to give l.lio prises?" .juili
Braille books
f M
To write, >/f ft iny
“Why, yJii-,
to Alin- with
of ootttse,*’ said the Dodo, poi
0110 finger; and the wT Braille books
4 ■A w it parly at ouee crowded round her, railing out
people use a a confused wav, “ Prizes! Prizes! ’’
use a special
ft * 4*
collection of Hr T N7 Alice Imd »i" idea wlint to do, mid in dwq
she. put her hand into her pockety uud pul
alphabet of
m tit * V#i
• •ill a l.c.x of .-.unlit-, (luckily the salt water I
letters and ft 1- *
Mot got into it.) and handed them round as pri
'lliere was exact I v one a-ihece. all round. raised dots
symbols The Chinese use Arabic words The Roman that blind
called an symbols called read from right alphabet is used people “read”
alphabet. characters. to left. around the world. with their fingers.

Find out more Ancient Greece 14 Human body: senses 81

A B C D E F ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Bridges and tunnels
Types of bridges Everywhere we go there are obstacles Did you know?
to cross. Bridges and tunnels make it Some bridges in South
America are made of
easy to travel over or under rivers, braided grass!
across valleys, and through mountains.

[ Brenner Bridge Forth Rail Bridge, Scotland Support tower

Beam bridges are The deck of this cantilever
: supported by strong bridge is made of two pieces,
i columns called piers. built out from the banks.

Deck of
bridge Steel girders

Cantilever bridges
i balance the deck on
: strong supports.

Building a suspension bridge

Tyne Bridge
Arch bridges push
their weight into the
banks of a river. 1 Huge cranes build tall 2 The towers are built. 3 Pieces of deck are
columns, called piers, on These are the strongest hung from the
each side of a river. part of the bridge. strong, steel cables.

Tunnel Road tunnel

Tunnels burrow under through a
barriers such as mountains, mountain
seas, and crowded city streets.

T rain
Suspension bridges coming out Huge drilling
hang from cables of a tunnel machines bore tunnels
held up by towers. under the sea through obstacles.

Find out more r Building machines 34 Europe: culture 56

b1 °V
r '>-

Building machines
Did you know? In the past, many great buildings Types of building
It would take one were built by hand and took years machines
man two months to
do the same work a to complete. Today’s powerful
backhoe loader does machines make building work
in one hour!
much quicker and easier.
Concrete mixers
Exhaust Driver’s bring ready-mixed
cab concrete to a site.

A bulldozer clears and
flattens the ground, '■wini-mnm ■

ready lor A
building. ^ Excavators dig out
trenches, where pipes
and foundations
Big steel k will be laid.

Fiandheld Crawler tracks can Dump trucks bring

machines move over all the building
Not all machines materials to a site.
on building sites ground. Ji
are huge trucks.
Some are much
smaller machines Cement mixer Wheelbarrow
Pneumatic drill

Backhoe loaders dig

Building site trenches and then
Many machines are Crane remove the rubble. .
used on building sites
They are busy and
dangerous places to

Demolition ball " h.. yi|¥f-iu i

Demolition balls smash Concrete mk 1 f r
down old buildings so mixer_- Truck loader cranes
that new ones can be
lift heavy loads to the
built in their place.
top of a building.

34 Find out more Buildings 35 Machines 92
CjC'C'Ce Q()(/


Wh no\°^
Did you know? Every building has a purpose - whether Uses of buildings
Tall skyscrapers are it’s for leisure, worship, or work. But Offices are built in
built to sway town and city
slightly in each one is different - built from a mix centers, where
strong of materials in a variety of styles. many people
winds. go to work.
Walls are central
built of tower Chrysler
brick. Building j|| |

Place of worship
St. Basil’s Cathedral Brick mosaic
Colored bricks have
in Russia was built
been used to make
to celebrate a flower mosaics.
victory in war. Sydney Opera House
Dome Theater and opera
Today it is used as
houses are buildings
) a museum. with large seating
Turret halls inside.

Houses are different

around the world,
and are built of a
variety of materials.

Building materials Tiles on Beachy Head

1 Builders use materials roofs keep Lighthouse
l that are strong, out rain. Lighthouses
> weatherproof, and They can be are built to
) easy to find. made of clay. warn ships
of rocky
Wooden Bricks can coasts and
beams can be stuck Thatch is made sandbanks.
hold up together of reeds or straw
floors and in rows to It makes a
ceilings. build walls. waterproof roof.

Find out more Homes and houses 78

8 ,‘f
Towns and cities 140


c %&.
°«d o(^<>
Butterflies and moths 1HI
Growing up
With their colorful wings, butterflies
A butterfly’s
mouth, called a are the most beautiful insects. Moths
proboscis, is like a are less colorful because most of
long, curly straw. x
them fly at night.
W. Butterflies smell ^ m A |
Scaly wings 1 Butterfly eggs hatch
irSBh-with their antennae. «** m
out into caterpillars.
Eyespots on the
wings of this
butterfly frighten
2 A caterpillar grows
enemies away
so fast it must keep
shedding its skin.

3 The fully grown

m Banana v caterpillar slowly
Ik makes a hard
This butterfly SrI case called a
camouflages chrysalis.
Thorax Abdomen
. "f itself by
pretending f Swallowtail butterfly ^
vl5| to he y
Butterflies and moths are insects. Like this 4 About four weeks
later, a butterfly
swallowtail, they all have three body
crawls out and
Leaf butterfly parts, six legs, and four large wings.
dries its wings
Moth facts v§T-^ISr’ Citrus

Did you know?

Thick, furry body Large, feathery Wings spread out
African Jjggp
antennae when resting
moth has Wm
Butterfly facts
a proboscis
three times W
as long as its
body to suck
nectar from
Smooth antennae Wings folded exotic flowers.
Slender bociy with clublike ends when resting

36 Find out more Insects 86 Spiders and miniTeasts 134



Cars come in all shapes and sizes Types of cars

and are used by all sorts of people.
The job a car does determines its
looks, its performance, and its price! Classic cars are old,
stylish cars that have
Family car Baby car seat survived from the early
Engineers use Babies sit in years of car design.
computers to create small seats
Airbags fill up with
the design for a car, with straps to
air to protect
such as this family keep them safe.
people in a crash.
station wagon. Police cars are fitted
Five comfortable
Streamlined with radios, sirens,
Large luggage space passenger seats
shape Small engine and other special
cuts down fuel equipment.

Customized cars
have been
chopped up,
added to, and
painted to make
them look unusual.

\Ttirn signals warn Mirror

other drivers Car mirrors help
when the car is drivers see the
going to turn. road behind them.

Tire Albterrain vehicles

Different cars use have powerful engines.
Did you know?
different kinds of tires. Big wheels keep a grip
The world’s longest
car has 26 wheels on muddy tracks.
and a tiny swimming
pool on board! Battery-run car
This car is for a disabled
driver. It’s environmentally Race cars have room
friendly because it runs on only for the driver.
a battery, not fuel. They are low,
Road tire Race car tire streamlined, and fast.

Find out more Factories 62 Trucks 144


Did you know? Castles were once the homes Types of castles
The world’s largest of kings and lords. These
castle is in Prague,
Czech Republic. It has
strong buildings protected |
a cathedral inside! them from their enemies.
Saumur castle lies on
The flag Drawbridge the banks of the Loire
carried ^ Pulling up the River in France. It has
the lord’s drawbridge cut tall, pointed towers.
coat of arms the castle off
Spanish castle from enemies.
This castle has two Arrow loop
sets of thick stone Archers fired arrows Caerphilly castle is
walls. It was built through slits in the the largest castle in
1475 and became Wales. It was built
luxury palace. Battlements % between 1268-1271

El Real de Manzanares
A metal grille
W'. Si protected the
^ wooden
pll gates. Krak des Chevaliers
was a huge Crusader
fortress. It could house
over 2,000 soldiers.

Neuschwanstein i. 3
looks like a fairy-
tale castle. It
was built in JpMI-J
Germany in
the 1800s.
Laying siege Giant catapults
In a siege, an enemy hurled rocks and
army surrounded a castle stones at the
and attacked it with castle walls.
powerful weapons.

fired arrows
George du Dades
at soldiers on Cannons began Archers were castle in Morocco has
the castle v to be used in specially trained very high walls. It
battlements. about 1350. to fire crossbows was hard to attack.

38 Find out more fib
Buildings 35 Europe: culture 58

Did you know? Every part of the world has its own st spruce
The driest place on climate, a pattern of weather that
Earth is the Atacama
desert in South is roughly the same every year and
America. It had no affects the plants that grow there.
rain for 400 years.

Desert climate Namibia Cold forest climate

A desert climate is very dry. This has long, snowy
Most deserts have burning hot winters, and short,
days and freezing cold nights. cool summers.

Tropical climate
This climate is hot England ^
all year round. 1 emperate climate Polar climate
There is heavy This climate has warm Polar climates are
rain every day for summers and cool cold and icy all
many months of winters. It rains most year round. They
the year Rain forest leaf months of the year. Temperate leaf are also very dry. Polar lichen

What affects The sea

the climate Places near the sea have milder
climates than places inland.
The summers are cool, the
The land winters are mild.
The higher you
climb, the colder The sun
it gets. High The sun is hotter near the
places, such as equator and cooler at the
mountains, have poles. A place is hot or cold
cold climates. depending on where it lies.

Find out more Seasons 126 Weather 147


Ah no\o^
A world without color would be a dull Paint
Paint was once made
place. The beautiful colors around us
from natural sources.
are actually different kinds of light.
m :
, v‘ iiw
,C Hk
Although sunlight looks
| f a white, is actually

made up of many
different colors.
You can see these
colors in a rainbow.
vH& i®
ISP ■■■r
Red Seeing in color
When rays of light hit
this painting, some of Rocks or plants were
Yellow the colors in the light crushed to make a
are soaked up. Others colored powder. This
; - •' •.
S* bounce back into our was mixed with oil.
■ V Green


Primary colors
The primary colors are Today, most of the
red, blue, and yellow. By paints we use have
mixing these, any other been made from
color can he made. chemicals.

Color in nature Did you know?

Colors help animals Chameleons change
communicate. v color when they
This frog’s bright feel angry,
colors warn that frightened,
it is poisonous. or too hot
Life without color
or cold.
Colors affect our feelings about Peacocks attract
things. Which of these meals mates with their
would you rather eat? colorful feathers.

Find out more > ^ Light 90 Painting 107

Sign language Talking, writing, and reading are
Some deaf people Did you know?
use a system of
all ways in which people share Native Americans
hand signals to / l their thoughts and ideas. This used smoke signals to
communicate quickly
communicate. P\
is known as communication. across long distances.

When people talk
they use their voices
facial expressions,
and hands to help
say what they
mean. CJne-way
Mobile phones
turn voices
into radio
waves, which
are sent around
the world by
satellites. Televisions pick up
Internet radio waves and
The Internet is a world change them into
wide computer system sounds and pictures
that people use to
Radios pick up
exchange messages.
sound waves that
travel invisibly
Videophone i jn through
This phone has a TV
picture of the person
at the other end.

Writing Letters are delivered

The earliest around the world by Alrupollm .
Ukkd -seminar*

far oljerctissak

writing was planes, trains, HE ‘SSu TIMES


carved on stone vans, and S>r Gfeltjrwf,

Now we can peopl f NEW YORK
l . 1 W- ' Cf THoikJc
print words T§
Fax machines use
quickly and Magazines ** phone lines to send
easily. and newspapers are a popular documents to other
way of spreading information. fax machines.

Find out more Books 32
Television 138

Calculator Computers don’t just sit on desks.
A calculator is a
small computer
They are the superfast electronic
that can figure brains behind many of the
out complicated machines we use in everyday life.
arithmetic fast.
Headset has a Flight simulator
Virtual reality minhTV screen Pilots train in simulators
With virtual on the ground. Computers
reality machines As you move your
make it look as if they are
head, different
you can imagine flying in the air.
images appear on
you are at the
the TV screen.
controls of a
supersonic jet Controls
or spacecraft.

In many movies,
Games computers create
Computer games amazing special effects.
are just for fun!

Robots do Motors i^esign
many different rock the
Designers use computers
jobs in factories. In machine to make
to create pictures of theii
car factories, computers “tell” the “journey”
ideas, such as a new car.
robots how to assemble a car. more realistic.

Personal computer Chips are the ^ Did you know?

These computers can “brain” of a The first computer
be used in many ways, computer, was so big it filled
from playing games to UJJ u

doing homework. whole

Screen A laptop is a
A hard disk stores personal computer
Disk drive
information inside that you can
Keyboard the computer. carry around.

- N
Find out more Inventions 88
» Space travel 133
~~\rm-------L ■*

TchncA°T Conservation
Did you know? Conservation means looking after the Clean water
If all the aluminum Garbage and poisons
Earth’s resources - plants, animals,
cans thrown away in pollute water. This
a year were put end air, water, and land. It’s a world can be dangerous.
to end, they would problem, but one that begins at home.
stand 50 times
higher than Recycling 1 Used glass
Mount Recycling means bottles are
Everest. collecting old collected at
materials and using home.
People, plants, and
them to make new
Clean air animals need clean
Cars use fuel and water to live.
pump dirty exhaust
fumes into the air. 2 Used glass is
put into special
Walking to school collection bins.
instead of
going by
3 Glass is
car helps
taken to a
keep the
recycling Dirty, polluted water
air clean.
factory. Each bin is for causes sickness and
different materials. infection.

Glass is melted
Clean Earth
down to make
Chemicals and
new products.
garbage pollute the
Recycled land. They stay in
glass bottles the soil for many
Cycling is a clean Picking up
form of transportation. litter keeps the
It does not pollute environment
the air. clean.

Energy Recycled
Burning glass bulb Modern wind
fuels to machines
make produce Organic crops are
electricity Switching off electricity grown without
uses up lights saves without chemicals - keeping
resources. energy. burning fuels. the soil clean.

Find out more Energy 54 Materials 97 43


trfe To<W
Dance "t
Types of dance Dancing is moving your body to Did you know?
music. People dance alone, with a A limbo dancer once
Thai dances I danced under a bar
are graceful.
J partner, or in groups. There are just 6 in (15 cm) off
They were first dancing styles around the world. the ground.
performed in
Spanish flamenco Dancers tc
Flamenco dancing comes their headj
from Spain. ^ Iff
The dancers J^r
whirl to the . j§||jA Z-wS&f? JmjS; dancing
music of a fc -£mki
Rock and roll dance gmrar. Jpf
began in America
in the 1950s. Long, colorful
dresses 1 . I; •T'L'
dances Ballroom dancers
all have jyP|Ft^ are judged on their
special steps, style, and
meanings. grace.

| Country- i dancers

| and- | are judged

F western P on their
1 dance is p energy and
popular and ; original
Flowers Castanets
lots of fun. are worn are diked in movements.
in hair. a rhythm.

Ballet Ballet dancers are

Ballet tells strong and fit.
stories through They
dance. It has train for
five basic many
body positions years.
that combine
Folk dances are the into many
old, traditional movements.
dances of a country. First Second Third Fourth

44 Find out more Europe: culture 60 Music 100

. ft <.

_-zS^A M.A

Desert animals


With burning days, freezing nights, Desert survival

and no water, a desert is one of the
harshest habitats on Earth. Even so, Harris’s jj|
hawks M
some animals manage to survive here build their1
nests in the
Bactrian camel Thick fur protects Desert shelter
Camels have the camel from the Like many desert
branches of
adapted well to burning sun. r animals, fennec foxes
timps cacti.
shelter from the sun in
desert life. They store fat
underground burrows.
can go without for when
water for food is Nostrils can
scarce. close to keep
out sand.
Dwarf hamsters
have thick fur to help
them survive freezing
desert nights.

Darkling wing beetles

have white wings to
reflect heat, keeping
the insects cool.

Wide feet prevent Stomach Tadpole shrimps

sinking in soft stores water can survive
sand. under the sand
for 10 years,
Did you know? Lizard k waiting for
Male sandgrouse rain to fall.
Many reptiles live in the
soak up water in their desert. Their scaly skin
breast feathers and stops them from ions
then fly back to then- drying out.
chicks, who drink it

uries in sand

Find out more Africa 6 Deserts 46

Desert plants Deserts are the driest places on Earth.
Instead of soil, the land is covered
trees can with bare rock, gravel, or sand,
survive for
several years
so very few plants can grow.
Did you know?
The San people of
water. Rocky desert
Africa find tiny wells
Hot days, freezing
in the desert. They
nights, and strong winds
suck up the water
make desert rocks
through hollow sticks.
splinter and crack.

Sandy desert Sand dunes can be

Barrel cacti jtore water Strong desert winds blow as tall as a 60-story
inside their thick, sand into ever-changing hills skyscraper.,
waxy spines and stems. called sand dunes.

Hedgehog cacti grow

in rocky deserts and
flower when it rains.

An oasis is a place where Palms and other plants

water flows out of the ground, can grow here.
Century plants
bloom once every Desert life Bedouin
20 to 50 years. People who live in the desert move around, nomads
looking for water and grazing land for
Whisker cactus their animals. They are called nomads.
flowers open at
night because
most insects Arabian
feed when horses are
it’s cool. used for Many nomads use
Saluki dogs are used transportation. doth tents to shelter
for hunting. from the burning sun.

Desert animals 45 South America 130


Dinosaur types
Did you know? Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for 165
The longest dinosaur million years. There were more than
was Seismosaurus. At
131 ft (40 m) it was
300 different kinds, but they didn’t
longer than many all live at the same time!
modern planes.
Edmontonia Oviraptor ate eggs,
Edmontonia had cracking the shells
spiky body armor. with its pointed beak
This made it hard
to attack. JP

Ducklike beak
Corythosaurus used its strong, bony
Corythosaurus skull to head-butt its
was a duck-billed enemies. -
dinosaur. It lived
in the Cretaceous Troodon
period, and fed Troodon used
its huge, curved
on leaves.
claws to catch
Compsognathus had
its prey.
Long tail for a long neck, narrow
balance 'A jaws, and sharp teeth.

Front legs
down Psittacosaurus
Euoplocephalus branches. Psittacosaurus
Leathery skin and used its horny Triceratops had
spikes protected beak to strip three horns and
Euoplocephalus leaves from trees a frill to protect
from its enemies its neck.

Deinonychus uanodon was m :g
Deinonychus was a fast a large plant Stegosaurus had a
and deadly hunter, with eater with a small head, with a brain
strong teeth and sharp claws sharp beak. the size of a walnut!

Find out more Dinosaurs 48 Living things 91


Dinosaurs were reptiles that Did you know? Changing Earth
first lived on Earth about One of the smallest
dinosaurs was The dinosaur age
230 million years ago. Wannanosaurus. It lasted so long that
Small was the size of a scientists have split
Meat eaters and
head chicken! it into three parts.
\ / %% plant eaters
Dinosaurs were either
fierce hunters or
Long /
tail for gentle vegetarians.

Dinosaurs first
Long neck/ mi m appeared 245 million
to reach \ Barosaurus was \ years ago in the
tree tops a gentle giant, \ * Triassic period.
eating only m \Tyrannosaurus
leaves and Mr 1 . rex was a
grasses. m ferocious killer.

Powerful legs
Hips **
Dinosaurs are divided into Plateosaurus was
two groups, bird-hipped or lizard-hipped.
lizard-hipped, depending \
on the shape of their hips. \.
In the Jurassic
Bird-hipped-- Ok.'- 0 period, 208 million
lyuanoJon M years ago, many new
dinosaurs appeared.

Fossils Model of Crocodile

Scientists learn about dinosaur
dinosaurs by studying nest
fossils found in the Fossilized skin
shows that some
JL/} dinosaurs were
Fossilized bones |V| covered in scales Dinosaurs died out
tell us the shape like reptiles of _ 65 million years ago
of these extinct Fossilized today, such as at the end of the
Struthiomimus animals. eqq crocodiles. Cretaceous period.

48 Find out more Dinosaur types 47 | Fossils 74


Tools and About 30,000 years ago, people

weapons began to shelter in caves, gatht
A stone adze
their own food, and make tools
was used to from wood and stone
Cave painting
cut wood or
dig up Early artists painted
roots. pictures of animals
on cave walls.
Rubbing sticks
Luggers were
together made
sticks used to
gp-w-; a spark. This
dig up grubs
set tire to the
from the
Sprl grass.
Dry wood
or grass
A leather
shoulder bag
carried a
hunter’s bow Bread made
and arrows. from grains

Arrowheads Clothing
and blades Clothes were
were made made from
from a hard wool and hairy Food
stone called animal skins. People hunted
flint. *® animals, dug
W up roots, and
gathered seeds
for food.
Arrows Animal skin
Did you know?
Iron age Early humans met
Bronze age Bracelet
Iron is a harder metal and knew only about
Bronze was first
than bronze. It was 25 people in their
used about 5,000 Sickle
first made about entire lifetime!
years ago to make to cut
metal objects. ~ crops 4,000 years ago.

Belt decoration

Find out more A Fossils 74 Materials 97

c^cvence Q/]^


The atmosphere The Earth is a giant rocky ball spinning in

The atmosphere is space. It is surrounded by the atmosphere
made up of several
different layers. - layers of air that protect the planet and
provide the oxygen we need to breathe.

Inside the Earth

The Earth is made up of
different layers of rock Earth from space
and metal. This picture of
The highest layer is
Earth was taken
430 miles (700 km) The inner core is by a camera on
above the Earth. a ball of hot, solid board a
Satellites fly here. metal. spacecraft.

The crust
is the
rocky layer
on which
The ozone layer we live.
contains ozone gas,
which protects Earth
The mantle is
from the Sun’s rays.
a thick layer of
The outer rock. It is very hot
core is a and some of it
very thick moves slowly.
liquid metal.

The middle layer is

up to 30 miles (50 km) Earth’s ingredients
high. Planes fly here, The crust is made The mantle is a The core is Did you know?
above the clouds. up of basalt and mix of metals made of solid The Earth’s crust,
granite. like peridotite. metals like when compared to
the whole of the
Earth, is thinner
than the

The lowest layer is Water and ice The atmosphere is

only 7 miles (10 km) cover over three- made up of colorless
high. It contains the quarters of the gases that surround
gases we need to live Earth s surface. ~ the Earth.

50 Find out more 1'


Planets 109 rl Rocks and minerals 120
A B C D E F ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
^-- '
'■ <-
Eggs and nests
Types of eggs Birds and insects, frogs and snakes - Did you know ?
most animals lay eggs. But some Red'billed hornbills
make nests in hollow
animals build nests especially to trees and seal off the
protect their eggs and babies. entrance until their
Butterfly eggs are
laid on leaves and
Bird’s nest hatch.
look like tiny jewels.
• • f» •
Birds collect all sorts ol
f * .►% •
,, • *. <
*• . * V *

» * ^
' . % Jt <
« .• ..
* -

materials to make a warm,
•, * Vr, Moss for warmth
comfortable home like this
. v'i’V •• -

wagtail’s nest.
Frogs lay hundreds
of eggs, protected
by a jelly, in water.

Twigs for
j Feathers
Tortoise eggs are for warmth
soft and leathery
and buried in sand.

Hens’ eggs are soft

at first, but harden
quickly as they dry.
Lichen for
Mud mixed Horse hair
with spit
Dogfish lay their
tough egg cases
among seaweed. Unusual nests

Male weaver
[ birds use their beaks
and claws to
scrape nests among
H "V weave wonderful
Slugs lay clear eggs r Wasp nests are made rocks and dirt, so their
nests of grass.
in damp places, from chewed-up wood brown speckled eggs
such as under a log. and feel like paper. will blend in.

Find out more Animal homes 16 Birds 30


Did you know? Electricity is a kind of energy. It is Types of energy
One flash of useful because it can be made easily, Different types of
lightning has the energy can be used
same power as 50 then sent into homes where it
to make electricity.
million batteries! provides heat, light, and power. |

Fuel 0l1
Coal, oil, and
gas are all used
Coakfired power plant in power plants. Hydroelectric dams
Power plants burn coal to heat c use the power of
water and make steam. The Turbines in the through running water to
make electricity.
steam turns turbines, which main building are chimneys,
produce electricity. powered by steam.

Solar power uses

the sun’s light rays
to produce

Tower Electricity cable

From the power In towns, most Wind turbines have
plant, electricity cables are buried huge sails that turn
is transported underground. A in the wind, helping
along wire cables few are carried make electricity.
supported by towers. on small poles.

Lightning Battery power Battery

Lightning is Batteries contain chemicals that
a kind of make electricity. Batteries
electricity. It are used to power Nuclear power
is as natural things like plants use chemical
as wind and toys and reactions to make
rain. flashlights Battery-run car electricity.

Electricity at home 53

Tchno\°T Electricity at home J

In the kitchen It’s hard to imagine life without Did you know?
Ovens electricity. We use it to heat and Most lightbulbs last
often use about 1,000 hours -
light our homes, cook our food, listen
electricity all day and night
to heat to music, and talk on the phone. for a month!
up and Light ^JL „ Lightbulb
cook our Electric lighting is « Electricity
food. bright and safe. It 9H1| mapes light-
replaced candles bulbs glow and
and gas lamps, \ giye out light,
used in the past.

At night, lights shine

out in the
Microwaves run on
electricity. They cook
food very quickly.

Electric plug Safety in the home

Refrigerators use Electricity flows along Electricity can
electricity to keep wires and into the plug be very dangerous.
food cool and fresh. in wall sockets.

Never touch
damaged wires.

Televisions use
electricity to Computers are powerful Telephones use electricity
make sounds machines. They use very to change our voices Never use electrical
and pictures. little electricity. into signals. objects near water.

Find out more i Electricity 52 Energy 54


odeTe 0 v

Tch not°T
Energy fN

A person running, a fire burning, a plant Types of energy

growing - all these things use energy. Energy comes
in many forms.
Energy makes things happen. Without it,
there would he no life on Earth.
Sun Runners use up huge
The sun provides the amounts of energy.
energy all living Heat energy can be
things need. used to cook food
and keep us warm.
People and energy
Your body needs Light energy
energy for everythinc can come (jte
from a ijk n
you do - whether
flame, """la* wk ~
you’re thinking,
electric ” wry
working, or running. light or ;
the sun. J .MKSSk h.

Sound energy is
produced when
k something

Athletes eat high-energy foods

rood ror energy Calories
People and animals get The energy value of food is
energy from the food they measured in calories. Pasta
eat. Some foods give us has more calories and gives
more energy than others. us more energy than carrots. Carrot

Chemical energy is
Did you know? Machines stored in plants.
Old animal droppings All machines need Animals eat the plants
can be a source of energy to work. A car and use the energy.
energy. They give off gets energy from
a gas that burns. bI burning fuel, Electrical
Hit A but a bike -BgBPW energy is the
gets its H main source
on, coal, and gas are
energy jgLj|*r of power in
all sources of energy.
m from you! HMpP modern
But these fuels will run
10%^ homes.
out one day.

more Food and eating 70


Central Europe Did you know?
The area of central Europe covers many Wild pigs called
boars still live in
countries. It is is a region of flat farmland, the forests of
wooded hills, and snowcapped mountains. central Europe.
The Rhine River is
Rhine River 820 miles (1,320 km)
g , The Rhine is an important long - the length of
H riverway for transporting the UK.
I cargo across the region.

1 Netherlands
The low-dying land
: by the sea is flat \ .■■ '■
j and fertile - g
] perfect for „ ) W, ) European
/ Poland
growing AMSTERDAM § A bison

bulbs. Leic Rivet £ IJ Bison once

ST { lived in huge
l Germany \ herds. Now
\ they are
^ i&VENNEs protected.
C /7 PRAGUE \ ) ,lV>
wl Vis^v
, _ ‘) »i \/
Luxembourg/ r £
Czech Republic

Capital cities x JO I
/1 C ijX0 %v° /
ffl V '
Austria Mountains
. ^ A NS • BERN
Hungary These mountains
'■'f ' / \ \
Switzerland /
Mountvipger V lie to the east of
Black Forest
The Black Forest in Germany
is an area of wooded

Mount Eiger
Mount Eiger is The Ardennes Danube River
one of the This is an area of hills This river runs
highest peaks and valleys in through six countries
in the Alps. southern Belgium. in central Europe.

Find out more
Mammals of the world 95 / Rivers and lakes 119
v 'T.
V> 1

0/ the \Co'V
Europe: culture
Did you know? Central Europe Regional food
St. Bernard dogs are Central Europe has a large Root vegetables,
trained to find people
who are lost in the >pulation. Many of the people live such as beetroot and
potatoes, 4
mountains. in busy, crowded cities. are grown VBV ||
in Poland. O

The capital of the Czech Republic
Mussels and chips is
has some of the most beautiful era house a popular dish.
architecture in Europe. / The Old Town Vltava This dish is often
Bridge Tower River eaten in Belgium.

Swiss chocolate is
made with the milk
from Switzerland’s
famous dairy herds.

Edam cheese is
made in the
^_X Netherlands

Pretzels are made

from wheat. r~ft
They are \ fp| i||
Germany manufactures cars popular in
for countries all over the world
Germany. m

Regional products Tulips National Architecture

Tulips s costume The architecture ,/
Cuckoo are flown \ Poland’s f of central /III
clocks and all around national 1 Europe is highly
watches are the world costume is ] decorative, such
made in from the worn for as this church pl:|
Switzerland. Netherlands celebrations in Vienna.

56 Find out more Sports of the world 136

jjfa11 m’t |.
Towns and cities 140

Northern Europe Pine forest
The tough northern
This cool, wet region has snowy pine forests survive
mountains and pine forests in the the bitterly cold
north, and rolling hills in the south.
Hot springs Fjord
In Iceland, hot Norway’s fjords are N
i l
springs, called r'
deep inlets carved
geysers, spurt out into the coastline
of the ground. by rivers of ice. /


Y* \
Ic E L A N D


The English landscape
has many gently rolling
hills, but no high

Scottish highlands
Scotland is a land
ot rugged Estonia \

mountains —'A

and beautiful HLQHLANDS


Rhododendron Latvia
This evergreen plant
NORTHERN survives cold winters.
Lithuania )
It lives throughout '-VILNIUS • |
Republic northern Europe.
United \
of Ireland

Kingdom Did you know?

ENGLAND In Iceland there is
Midnight sun so much hot water
In the far under the ground
north, the that it is used to
midsummer heat whole towns.
Red sguirrel sun never There are more
Red squirrels live in sets. There is than 100,000 lakes
forests, feeding on daylight in Sweden.
nuts and seeds. even at night!

Find out more
kh Climates 39
% Forests 73

Europe: culture
Northern Europe Regional
Did you know?
In Denmark there The industrial countries of northern
are twice as many
pigs as people! Europe still have strong traditions of
farming and fishing.
Tea Butter
The British are
Dairy products
famous for
Big Ben Jjl|!i are widespread in
drinking tea.
London clock
JM northern Europe,
especially in Ireland.
London is the capital of the United
Lego is a
Kingdom. It is a modern city with Houses of world'
many historic buildings. Parliament famous
toy from
London bus Denmark.

Timber from the

region’s forests is sold
around the world.

Rugby Fishing
Rugby is a Many of the
popular sport countries in Aircraft, such as
throughout this region this Concorde, are
the United have large produced all over the
Kingdom. fishing fleets. United Kingdom.

Culture Wooden stave

churches were Sami
once built in The Sami
Norway. people live a
Smorgasbord traditional
is a cold buffet, life, herding
Tartan is a traditional served in reindeer in
Scottish material. Sweden. Lapland.

58 Find out more Fish of the world 68 Sports 135


Southern Europe Did you know?
Southern Europe stretches down to the Huge flocks of
flamingos fly to
Mediterranean Sea. It is a dry, hilly land, southern Europe in
with hot summers and mild winters. the summer months.
There are 36 villages
built on the slopes of
the active volcano
Mount Etna.

Alpine flower
The bird's-eye primrose
Alps flowers in early summer.
Wild herbs grow The Alps are the longest
in the hills of and highest mountain NcHTSINAD
Provence in range in Europe. \ ‘ \

France ^ 'i
southern France.
✓ xs—* Romania
\ _( ™>NA-^ .7A,WA
Croatia 0 Belgrade
■*-> r;
/• r • ^
CENTRAL t and i <?, 7
Herzegovina Q. A. /

W ANDORRA '' ♦ 7 ^FIA „

^ . dti
f‘tJuero River
^ ~~ ■fA'Y.ELLA Camargue /
I y' • SKOPfe
MADRID / tirana)MacedonF
^ r- • V - J"
LISBON v Spain Albania*-
m o ; MESETA
a* (s "plain

Greek Islands

The Camargue Mount Etna

This French Mount Etna is an active
saltmarsh is famous volcano on the island of
for its wild horses. Sicily. It last erupted in 1995.

Rock of Gibraltar
This rocky cliff lies at the tip
of Spain. It is home to the only
monkeys in Europe.

The Meseta Plain

lies in the middle of Greek islands Olive tree
Spain. It is a high, Greece is a hot, dry land Olive trees grow
rocky area with with hundreds of small on the dry
very few trees. islands in a warm, blue sea. southern hills.

Find out more Flowers 69 Mountains 99


°f r/ie
Europe: culture
Did you know? Southern Europe Architecture
Vatican City is the These countries are rich in history,
smallest state in
the world. and are world famous for their good
food and wonderful wines.

St. Peter’s Basilica

Chateaux are old
castles that were
built in France about
Vatican City, Rome 400 years ago.
Vatican City, in
Rome, is the head'
quarters of the
Catholic Church.

Orthodox churches
in Greece are richly
decorated on the
Industry inside.
Wine is made
Ancient ruins, such as
from grapes
the temple of Apollo in
throughout this
Greece, are popular
with tourists.
Beaches on the
Mediterranean coast Greek houses have
attract many tourists white walls to
to southern Europe. reflect the heat of
Cork is made the sun in summer.
from the bark of Fishing
the cork oak tree, Fishing is very important in
which grows in Greece. The seas contain
Portugal. squid, sardines, and tunny fish.

Southern Europe has
many famous foods
and dishes that ^#1
Ancient buildings,
are eaten
like this tower, are
worldwide. Olive 01 Oranges Paella Cheese Lamb kebabs Pasta found in Portugal.

W ‘
60 Find out more ‘ Foods of the world 71 Homes and houses 78
-§FW--- o

in the?C
Travelers For thousands of years people Round Earth
In 1519 a famous
have explored the world, 0 Spanish explorer,
hoping to find fertile farmland, Magellan, sailed
around the world -
1 Pacific islanders fine goods, and riches.
and proved that it
3 were the first to cross , \ Four masts
was round.
1 the Pacific Ocean. ‘ailing ship r\ / for large sails

The Vikings
sailed to the
south to find Sailors spotted
fertile land from the
farmland. crow’s nest. Ship’s
Viking helmet compass

1 Merchants explored
: the route between
. China and Europe
3 to trade in silk.

Room for
cargo, foo<
and water
Arabs traveled in
the 13 th century to
-Asp- Finding the way * Goods
trade and find new
l Explorers used the vTIM Explorers brought Did you know?
lands. O
sun, stars, and J im home new foods Before the 1520’s,
. ’
instruments to and riches from most people thought
Sextant find their Jade around the the world was flat!
way. world. 'Gkn/O

Columbus, a Spanish
Backstaff C'OVeS j§f|.
explorer, crossed the
Atlantic Ocean
using an astrolabe. Telescope Cinnamon
:r~ Js i

Find out more Vikings 145 Ships and boats 127



Did you know? Clothes, chocolate, cars - almost Types of factories
5,000 chocolate everything we buy is mass produced
bars are produced
in factories. Factories use machines
by one factory in
the time it takes to make goods in the thousands.
water to boil!
1 Raw materials A hat factory makes
All the chocolate thousands of hats in
ingredients are one style at a time.
sent to the
factory. Washing
Chocolate factory Sugar Milk Cocoa pods
A chocolate factory is organized factories
so that chocolate bars can be Chocolate is checked have
for quality. testing
made quickly and cheaply.
facilities to
2 Production process ensure quality.
Machines make the Chocolate
chocolate, pour it into bars on
molds, and wrap it conveyor
when it’s cold and hard, belt

Computer factories
make hundreds of
new computers on a
conveyor belt.

use robots
to put cars

3 Finished product Leather goods

The finished chocolate This shoe
bars are packed factory uses the
and shipped to leftover shoe
stores, ready leather to make
for you to buy. other goods, Food factories keep
Chocolate such as wallets their machines very
bar and key rings. clean, so that the
food is safe to eat.

Find out more • f Computers 42 South America: culture 132

Farm animals
Did you know? Types of farm
China’s hens lay so animals
many eggs each year
Llamas provide
they could make an
milk, meat, leather,
omelette for everyone
and wool. W
in the whole world.

Types of cattle
farming Turkeys
are bred
Hereford hull for their
comes off in
one piece
called a
Some cattle are
farmed for meat Wool is used
to make
clothing, Ostriches are fanned
for their skin, meat,
fabrics, and
^ and feathers.
Jersey carpets.

Others are farmed

for their milk.

Short coat
Fish farming keeps sheep Sheep’s wool
cool in is warm Pigs are farmed for
summer. and oily. their meat and

Free-range farming Intensive farming

Free-range -A, Some farmers keep animals
farming indoors in small pens.
allows farm "
Trout and salmon animals to
are raised on fish wander intensive ||§gggg
farms. The farms around farming, J
provide cheap fish freely. AW

Find out more Australasia: culture 28 Farming 64


t/fe Tod^
Most of the food that we buy Farm tools and
each day in stores is grown on machines
farms throughout the world.
Rice plants More than half Flooded rice
grow in the world’s people fields are
water. live on rice. called paddy Ox'drawn plows
In some countries, farmers
fields. slowly break up soil
use rice harvesters to
for planting.
gather rice quickly.

Rice farming
Most rice is
grown in parts
Tractors are expensive,
of Asia where
but powerful. This one,
the weather is is sowing seeds.
warm and wet.

Did you know? Most

In southern Europe, of the work
farmers use pigs to is done by Crop sprayers spray
find mushrooms products hand. chemicals over
called truffles. plants to protect
them from pests.

Pitchforks are an
old farm tool. They
Rice cakes Noodles are used to pick
up hay.
Farm crops Fruits grow on
plantations, in Scythes are used
Vegetables are grown
outside in fields orchards, and to harvest crops by
and inside in in fields. hand. The blade is
very sharp.

Squash Cereals, such as

wheat and corn,
are grown in huge Combine harvesters
fields around gather cereal crops
Sugar beet Cape gooseberry the world. quickly and efficiently.

Find out more Asia: culture 21 Foods of the world 71


March to May Festivals are special days in the Festival customs
year when people celebrate and
remember events in the past. are a
symbol ol
Colorful life and
costumes truth.
In Holy Week Christians
remember when Jesus died
and was resurrected. Dancing
Mardi Gras crowds
Mardi Gras is a festival in
Brazil. Christians used to Costumes often have
celebrate this day before special meanings.
beginning a 40-day fast. They may be a

June to August Music

have fun

The summer solstice has been

celebrated for 4,000 years.
People gather to watch the
sunrise on Midsummer’s Day.
Dances are a way
of reliving customs
September to November December to February
of the past.
At Chinese New Year
a dragon dances Did you know?
through the streets, On March 1, Greeks
chasing away smash pitchers
the past. against their front
doors to get rid
On Thanksgiving, of mice
families celebrate At Christmas, and fleas. ^
the harvest Christians remember
season with a the birth of Jesus
special meal. and give

Find out more Ancient China 12 Religion 115



~ife To A0''
Did you know? Films tell stories using 3
Film history
rm woom/wm
The first films had no moving pictures, sound, and K TAKE
Silent films
sound. Someone
played the piano special effects to create were the
first films.
while the film ran. great entertainment. Clapper board
They were in
Film set black and
It takes a large team of white. i
pick up every
people, and a lot of sound.
money, to make a film. Camera

Engineers The
control the director is
lighting. in charge.

Talkies appeared in
1927. People flocked
to the cinema to
hear actors speak.

Color films were a

hit when they arrived
in the 1930s.

Types of films
Millions of
people go to the
use the
theater to see
many different
types of films.
Science tiction Western Horror technology.

Cartoon films are
made up of many
which move
when run

66 Find out more Asia: culture 25 ®lSHw Computers 42

%... ffl
4. Hjfc. F\o

Did you know? Fish live in the world’s rivers, lakes, Defense
h Male catfish carr and oceans. The way fish look, move
i: the females’ eggs
i inside their and breathe is perfectly suited to
r mouths their underwater life.
[. until they
4 hatch. > j\ Fins help Goldfish
A school of dart fish is
y fish steer. A fish’s body is smooth
harder to attack than
\ i and streamlined, just like one fish on its own.
\ this goldfish. It is the
works lb V,Perfect shape for moving
iddle ,vV\V m quickly through water.

Long spines make the

pufferfish almost
impossible to swallow!

Water goe, Camouflage helps

Breathing in through flounders blend in
Fish breathe the mouth. with the seabed.
ijThe mackerel is a bony
underwater with
Ithe largest group of fish
their gills. These
take oxygen from
the water as the
.Lampreys are part of a small fish swims along. Water
:group called jawless fish. comes out
of the gills
Most fish lay
millions of jellylike
eggs straight into Torpedo rays give an
!Th is leopard shark is a the water. This is electric shock when
•.member of the shark group called spawning. they are attacked.

Find out more | * Fish of the world 68 Sea animals 123


Fish of the world
There are more than 30,000 different kinds Did you know?
of fish in the world today. Just over half of Not all fish live
in water. a
them live in salty seawater. The others live Mudskippers
^ in freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams. spend a lot d
of time jr
on land,
Sticklebacks live in the
even up /
northern Atlantic ^4
trees! I k#A
Ocean. They feed
on smaller fish.
Leopard shark
This harmless shark ARCTIC OCEAN

lives and hunts in the Tiger barb

Pacific Ocean. This tiny, striped
fish lives in streams
and rivers on warm
Pacific islands.

European eel
These eels live in
European rivers, but
travel far out into the
ocean to breed.
Queen angelfish
This tropical fish lives
Piranha in the coral reefs of
Piranhas are deadly hunters. the Pacific Ocean.
They live in the rivers of Its coloring helps it
South American rain forests hide in the coral.

Where fish live

Ocean deep
Seas and oceans Only a few fish can
Many saltwater fish live survive in the cold,
near the surface. Some dark water in the
Rivers and lakes deepest parts of the
swim in schools deeper
Freshwater fish are ocean.
down. Still others lie
often more colorful Butterflyfish
on the seabed itself. Angler
than the fish of the Tropical seas fish
sea. Different kinds The warm, shallow
choose to live in tropical seas are home
still or fast' to some of the world’s
flowing water. I most beautiful fish.

Find out more Fish 67 Rivers and lakes 119


0^d 0{
Did you know? We love flowers for their color, Pollination
The Venus’s-flytrap shape, and scent. Yet their Pollen must be
gets extra food by carried from one
trapping and loveliness is not for us; it’s to attract flower to another to
digesting small creatures to visit them. make seeds.
insects! Petal
Petals come
in many shapes,
sizes, and colors to
attract insects and
birds, which
pollinate the 1 A bee visits a
flowers. flower to feed on
Flowers can look its sweet nectar.
1 very different from
3 each other, but Patterns
lead insects
I they all have
to the
I the same center.
I basic parts
• - just like
I this lily. 2 As the bee feeds,
pollen on the stamens
sticks to its legs.

Stamens make
Rose a fine yellow
dust called
Perfume The sticky
! Many flowers have a sweet stigma collects
3 At the next flower,
i smell and are used to make pollen from
the pollen brushes
i soaps, oils, and perfumes. other lily plants.
onto the stigma.

Unusual flowers

Catkins are
groups of tiny 4 This flower is now
Water lily flowers Grasses have Urn plants have red flowers found pollinated, and can
float on water. dull flowers. flowers to attract birds. on some trees. begin to make seeds.

Find out more Fruits and seeds 75 Plants 1 10


ch no,\o°^
Food and eating
Did you know? To stay strong and healthy, it is Preserving food
A person eats about important to eat the right foods.
33 tons (30 tonnes)
of food in a lifetime - Food gives us energy - plus it’s
the same weight as delicious to eat!
six African elephants.
Vitamins and minerals in Fat is found in oil,
fresh fruits and vegetables butter, and avocados, Dried foods, such as
help fight disease. and is stored in the beans and herbs,
body for extra have all their water
energy. removed.

A good diet Pickled foods,

The food you eat such as fruits
makes your diet. and vegetables,
A healthy diet are preserved
in vinegar or a
has food from
sugary syrup.
five different
groups. Each Canned foods,
group helps like fruit,
your body in a fish, and
different way. meat, are
packed in
Proteins help the liquid in a
body grow and sealed can
repair itself. They are
found in meat, fish,
dairy products, and nuts.

Fiber helps
1 From your mouth, food food move through Frozen foods, such
goes to your stomach. Carbohydrates your intestines. as meat, fish, and
2 Your stomach juices give you energy. Cereals, nuts, vegetables, keep well
turn the food into liquid They are found in beans, and bread for several months.
rice, potatoes, all contain fiber.
3 The liquid is squeezed
and pasta.
along the intestines.
Here the nutrients
pass into your blood.
Your body needs Smoked foods, such
4 The leftovers are about 5 pints as fish and bacon,
pushed out when you (3 liters) of are dried, or cured, in
use the bathroom. water every day. WsW a room full of smoke.
abcdef|ghijklmnopqrstuv w x y z

Foods of the world
Pineapples, peanuts, and pears - Did you know?
our food comes from all over the Every day humans
eat a pile of rice more
world, adding color, flavor, than six times the size
and variety to our diet. of the Great Pyramid!
Olive oil ♦ ^ Root vegetables
Olives grow in the Root vegetables, such as
hot, dry climate of <3 turnips, grow well
southern Europe. in the cool, wet ^
Canada has the
Olives are squeezed & climate of
ideal climate for
to make oil. s northern Asia.
wheat, which
needs a wet spring \RCT1C OCF.

and a dry summer.




Tea plants grow in
Bananas warm, wet, and hilly
Bananas grow areas throughout
a hot, tropical Southeast Asia.
climate, like * Chocolate /
/ Peaches /
that of South Chocolate is Peaches are grown
America. made from the in Australia,
beans of the cacao where there are
tree. These grow in hot cool springs and
wet African rain forests. hot summers.

Transporting food Fishing boats far from Trucks carry dried foods,
Planes are used land pack the fish they like spices, to a market.
Orange grove
to transport catch in ice. This keeps Dried foods ^
fruits and « the fish fresh until the keep well. W ^
vegetables. WamL boat returns to shore.
Fresh food,
like oranges,
rots if it is
not eaten
quickly. W$Mm

Find out more Asia: culture 25 Food and eating 70


Forest animals
Did you know?
The forest makes a wonderful home for Forest
Wolves pull faces to animals. The trees provide them with mini-beasts
show other wolves
everything they need - food, hiding
how they are feeling:
angry, sad, or happy! places, and shelter from the cold.
Squirrel Earthworms
Squirrels feed drag dead (L
on nuts, cones leaves under
and insects. the soil, which
Badger makes it more fertile
Forest birds Badgers live in
Woodpeckers burrows. They
drill holes into
hunt at night.
# trees to make
0 nests and eat Powerful jaws
W insects under tear out tough Wood ants live in
F the hark. roots. colonies of up to
100,000 ants. They
Crossbills have Raccoon Grizzly bear eat other insects.
twisted beaks, §*>^5 Raccoons Bears feed on
which they\~ III' climb trees to plants, tree roots, Millipedes
use to open W steal eggs
cones. jmfi and small scurry through
L from nests. J
t animals. They the leaves on
k are well the forest
Jays feed on floor.
|i adapted to
seeds, but Thick
r they also
forest life.
fur to
steal eggs Weevils
from other help break
birds’ nests. down dead
Strong legs
for climbing
claws can
dig out Centipedes live in
roots and the soil, catching
grip trees. small animals with
their special claws.
Tawny owls spend
all day hiding in a
tree, then come out
to hunt at night.

72 Find out more Animals in danger 18 Forests 73


Deciduous forest Forests grow in many different parts Deciduous
A deciduous of the world. There are three main forest plants
forest contains a Mushrooms help
mix of different
types of forests: coniferous,
decompose dead
trees. Most of Horse
deciduous, and rain forest. J| , plants, keeping soil
them lose their Fall leaf color Trees are a gk, fertile for growth,
leaf rounded shape.
leaves in the
fall, and grow Variety of trees
new ones in the
spring. Primroses bloom in
the spring, before the
leaves on the trees
block out the sun.

Mosses are small,

flowerless plants that
grow in damp places.
Mountain Mountain ash
1 Maple leaf in fall ash blossom Seeds * Bluebells cover
Leaves Seeds the forest floor
The broad, flat Blossom i often ■XtA with a carpet
leaves change color Trees grow flowers grow inside of purple
in the fall. to attract insects. a tasty fruit

Coniferous forest Snow slides Trees are a Leaves

Coniferous forests off the triangular Leaves, called needles,
shape. are thin and tough. Pine
contain evergreen branches.
trees, which can , i nruce cones
survive very Did you know?
cold weather. JJLCMfn ; fc If polluted air mixes
Evergreens with rain, it can make
acid rain. This
shed some i cones harms forests by
needles all V , V V\ damaging the
year round. - leaves on trees.

Poor, Seeds are protected
infertile soil inside a cone.

Find out more Rainforests 114 Trees 143


r/d 0{\ioS
Fossils are the remains of plants and Plant fossils
animals that lived millions of years
ago. When discovered, they give us
fascinating clues to the past.

Mammoth Shark’s tooth Dung

This huge mammal is A tooth can tell I This dropping
Mmmk scientists the size of I came from a This
now extinct. It was H
ifr hP an extinct animal. r sharklike animal. poplar leaf
found frozen in the soil
fossil looks like
Ammonite Eye socket poplar leaves today
Ammonites were
Jg|lpg| sea creatures that
WBrnBEr are now extinct.
These seed
Print of fossils are
skeleton Outline of about 30
soft tissue million
in rock years old.

Bark fossils
Early human skull
tell us which
This fossilized skull
plants were ,
Ichthyosaur || teaches scientists about
growing i
This fossil of an 5 the first humans.
millions of J
extinct sea reptile Amber spider
years ago. m
This spider has
was formed when
Dinosaur footprint fi been fossilized
the earth around This fossilized footprint jj in amber, the
it slowly turned shows how big and juice of an
into stone. heavy its maker was. ancient plant.

Did you know? Fossil hunting

This man died 1,740
Only the simplest A magnifying
years ago, but his
tools are needed to glass is useful
body was preserved
find fossils. to examine a
in a peat bog
in Denmark. WmM

Fossils are very fragile.

They must be uncovered
very carefully.

74 Find out more Dinosaurs 48 Rocks and minerals 120

^ or
Fruits and seeds
Different seeds We think of fruits as juicy foods, Making seeds
Seeds come in all
like peaches and grapes. But
shapes and sizes.
They are fruits are really seed cases, and
protected in many they certainly can’t all be eaten!
different ways.
Acorns are Peas are 1 As soon as a flower
the fruit of the seeds. They is pollinated, it
oak tree. Fruits grow inside starts to grow seeds.
that have hard, a fruit Dates are the
woody shells are called a fruits of palm
:alled nuts. pea pod. trees. Each date
contains one seed
seeds grow Lemon seeds are
inside a seed called pips. They 2 The petals drop
case that is are protected off, leaving just a
wing-shaped. hy a fruit with seed case.
juicy flesh and
Prickly pear seeds a tough skin. 3 As the seeds
grow inside a thick, i grow, the
spiky-skinned fruit. seed case
grows bigger,
too. This is
Spreading seeds the fruit.
Seeds need to get away Walkers
carry seeds 4 The fruit
from their parent plant
around in ripens at
so that they will have the mud the same
plenty of room to grow. on their time as the
Dandelion seeds float hoots. seeds inside
through the air on
fluffy parachutes. Did you know?
The world’s largest
seed is from the coco
de la mer palm tree.
It can weigh as much
Prickly burrs Berries are as 44 lb (20 kg).
stick to eaten by
animals’ birds, which
coats and leave the Coconuts float out to
are carried seeds in their sea and are washed up
away. droppings. on other beaches.

Find out more Flowers 69 Plants 110


Grassland animals
Burrowing Many grassland animals have their Did you know?
animals food right under their feet! But life The fastest human
Meerkats live in runs 329 ft (100 m) in
can be dangerous because there is
Africa in large just under 10 seconds.
groups nowhere to hide from predators. But the cheetah can
under the M run it in 3.6 seconds!
Savanna animals
ground. fjfT J
The savanna grasslands of f
Africa are home to huge herds M
of animals. They roam together
looking for food and water. ^Mlj|g|||
Wildebeests move Rheas live in South
Giraffes eat
around in huge F^r America. They can’t
leaves off the
herds. They are I I fly, but can run very
scattered trees
safer that wav. fast from their enemies
Wild guinea pigs
are found in South
America. They live
in the old burrows
of other animals.

Wild hamsters live in

Russia. To stay safe,
they leave their
burrows only at night

Echidnas live in Servals are wild cats that
live in Africa. They run
very fast and have
danger, they roll up, excellent hearing.
showing only their spikes

Wallaby Secretary bird

Dingos are wild Wallabies live and feed in Secretary birds
dogs that come the Australian grasslands. have such long legs
from Australia. They can move very fast that they can walk
They live in other when in danger. through tall grasses
animals’ burrows.
They live in Africa.

76 Find out more Africa 6 Grasslands 77

4^^ W -

°^d of^a' Grasslands

Grasslands are vast, flat, grassy plains. Grasses
There are many kinds
Few trees grow there because it is
of grasses. But they
too dry. Grasslands have different are all very adaptable.
names around the world.
The tropical grasslands of Africa are
The prairies lie in the
called the savanna. The weather is Grasses can dry out
; center of North America. or even burn, but
The fertile land has been warm, but very little rain falls. Grasses grazed
will grow back
1 turned into wheat fields. by herds of
within hours of rain.
Small scrub
tree Pampas
grasses have
I Flat, dry strong woody
j land stems to keep
them upright
in strong wind

fe imknWm
' -r/\,U Cereals are grasses
grown on the prairies.
They include corn
Pampas j and wheat, and are
The pampas of South 1 resistant to disease.
America are used for
cattle ranching. Did you know?
Cowboys on the pampas Bamboo is the fastest
are called gauchos. growing grass in the
Mongolian 0 Nomadic tent world. It can grow
nomad Steppe 3 ft (1 m)
Steppe land exists a day -
Outback across Asia. These the same
In the dry Australian cold, but fertile plains height as
outback there are are home to nomads, a 2-year-
huge sheep who move with their old child.
farms called animals in search of
stations. grazing land.

Find out more Australasia 26 Grassland animals 76


£ife To<i°^
Homes and houses
Did you know? Home is where you live, eat, and Homes of the
Some people in sleep together as a family or alone. world
Cairo live in an old
cemetery, the City of
Homes give shelter from the weather.
the Dead!
Porch over
Bedrooms Wooden
are upstairs walls
Swiss chalets have
sloping roofs to shed
Family house
Homes are often
made of local
materials A__
suitable for
the weather. 11 Greek homes often
have white walls to
reflect the Sun’s heat.

New Guinean
homes are built
over lakes on stilts.

Apartment building
These have homes
for lots of people. Nigerian homes are
sometimes made of
Mobile homes Tepees and mud and straw.
Some people live in , other tents
homes that can be A I are quick
moved around. M - and easy
1111* to put up

ssd Campers are Houseboats are Caravans are Tunisian homes can
comfortable floating homes on homes pulled by be built underground
Q - homes on wheels. a river or canal. horses or vehicles to keep them cool.

78 Find out more Electricity at home 53 KHMlj

ffi tiw jy
Towns and cities 140

tife To
Hospitals and doctors
Hospitals are places where doctors Doctors at work
and nurses care for people when
they are sick or injured.
Accidents and emergencies
Alter an accident, patients are taken
Doctors usually treat
to the emergency room. Doctors
patients in an
examine them when they arrive.
1 Ambulances take examing room.
Strong Surgical
emergency patients to
the hospital very quickly.


Masks and
gowns cut Doctors sometimes
down on treat people at the
germs. scene of an accident.

2 X rays show whether carry out
the patient has broken operations.
any bones.

Did you know?

In some countries, Doctors can give
mobile hospitals visit people health
patients instead of the check-ups at work.
other way around!

3 Some 4 Alter the operation,

patients have to go patients are moved to
to an operating room a ward to rest and
for surgery. recover their strength.
Doctors visit their
Intensive care Nurses Home- most sick patients
Very sick Nurses care lor patients care
at home.
patients may both in hospitals nurse

need special and in Hospital

equipment to homes. nurse
stay alive. This
Some doctors have to
is called
fly to patients who
intensive care.
live in remote areas.

Find out more Human body: skeleton 82 Trucks 144


Human body: growth
Did you know? From the moment our lives begin, Developing skills
At the age of two our bodies are always changing. Our
years, a hoy is
half his adult
minds grow, too, as we learn more
height! about the world around us.
& Growing up
It takes about eighteen Babv
Crawling starts at
about 10 months.
years to become a fully
grown adult.
Starting life
Young Fully Walking
begins at
about 15
An embryo is a
group of cells that
grow into a baby
inside the mother.
in full
begins at

This 10'Week'old
fetus has grown Writing
from the embryo. starts at
the age
of four
or five.

This five'inonth'old
fetus looks like a tiny Boys and girls Height
human. Boys’ and girls’ bodies The height you
and minds grow and reach largely
A newborn develop at different depends on
baby sucks rates. your parents.
milk from If they are both
its mother. tall, it is likely
that you will he Riding a bike is
tall, too. often mastered by
the age of five or six.

Find out more Animals 17 Early humans 49


Human body: senses
Sight, sound, touch, smell, and
Sound lets us enjoy music.
taste - your five senses tell your But it also warns us of
brain what is happening danger, like a buzzing bee.

around you and help

keep you safe. Working together
Your senses often work
The five senses together. When you
cross the road, you
Touch use your eyes to
A rabbit is soft see and your
to the touch, ears to hear.
but a hot pan
can burn.

Taste tells
you that ice
cream is good
to eat, but
soap is not!
Sight Smell
l Your sight lets Your sense of
i you thread a smell lets you enjoy
needle, and a rose. But it also
warns you not warns you of sour
to touch a milk or rotten eggs.
prickly cactus.
Sight Smell

Did you know?

Sight problems Hearing problems Our sight is so sharp
Guide dogs are Sign language we can see a candle
trained to help blind helps people who flame 1 mile (1.6 km)
or partially sighted can’t talk or hear away in the dark!
people get around. communicate.

Braille is a
form of writing Hearing aids
that blind people help people who
“read” by touch. can’t hear well.

-\ t, n
Find out more > |||m Books 32 Music 100

Human body: skeleton

Your skeleton has 208 bones! It gives Did you know?
protects \
your brain. you your human shape and protects Every time you smile
you use 17 muscles.
your vital organs. Without bones and But every time you
# 1, muscles, you couldn’t move frown you use 43.
" Bones
\ Shoulder Bones are mQde °f a hard, strong
blade material called calcium.
We get calcium from milk
—— Rib cage
protects Bone joints
your heart 1
joint at shoulder
\ Elbow joint

\ Hinge joint
Broken bone ^ rQy pictures Joints are places
It a bone breaks, a doctor ma where bones meet.
wrap it in a plaster cast. This They allow your body
helps the bone grow together to bend.
v, _False

bones are
the longest Long bones
bones. knee joint
Long bones
are strong but Inside of a bone False plastic joints
neecap light because magnified are used to replace
they have air thousands real joints if they
Shinbone holes inside. of times wear out.

Muscles Flow muscles work

You have about 600 All muscles work
Ankle muscles. They work with MR
m pairs.
joint your bones to help you
1 The biceps muscle
move, skip, and jump.
pulls the arm up.
Thigh muscle pulls__ 2 The triceps TricePs
on the bone, i ,, muscle
making your
leg move. mf

Find out more Skeletons 128


Human body: skin
oYour hair Your made-to-measure skin is Skin uses
ilkeeps in
iiheat and
waterproof, elastic, and tough. It
^protects protects your body, keeping your
icyour scalp
insides in and harmful germs out.
Skin is dead on the Skin is waterproof.
outside. Dry specks It protects you when
brush off our bodies you wash or go
every day. New skin swimming.

~~ows underneath. Old age

As you become older, If you are
Skin is your skin begins to cold, the
r| Eyebrows stretchy and hairs on
sag and wrinkle.
ostop sweat moves when your skin
a from you do. Hair stand up
if dripping There are and trap
Skin contains
rjinto your small hairs air to keep
tiny nerves
;\eyes. all over you warm.
that can
your body.
sense touch.

Did you know?

Your skin weighs When you
tfSkin about 7 lbs (3 kg). are hot,
v:senses That’s as much as a your skin
cheat, cold, small bag of sweats
jmoisture, potatoes! salty water
aand pain. Skin protection to cool you
It’s important to down.
protect your skin from
vY the sun’s harmful rays.

JHair Fingerprint
I The hair on your The skin on
shead can come everybody’s
jin any shape, fingertips has
length, and tiny ridges.
:color. Hair These make
jhelps keep unique
cyou warm. patterns called
r- ■ „

Find out more Insects of the world 87 Sports 135


Human body: systems
Nervous system Your body is a wonderful and Blood system
This is made up of complicated machine. It is made up This is made up of
nerve pathways that blood vessels that
of systems that work together
take information take blood,
to and from to keep you alive. carrying food
brain. and oxygen, to
Heart every part of
The brain is pumps your body.
the body’s blood
control around Arteries
center. the take blood
body. from the
pinal cord heart, and
is made up of veins carry
Nerves carry it back.
many nerves.
signals to
and from
your brain. Blood cell
Blood is made up
of millions of cells.
Nerve endings
Nerve endings
collect information
from inside and
outside the body. Pulse
Cut When you feel
The brain
When you cut your pulse, you
sends signals to
yourself, a sticky feel the beat of
Reflex action muscles along
clot forms on the blood being
When something your nerves.
skin. This is pumped around
nearly hits your
called a scab. by your heart.
face, you cannot
help blinking. Giving blood
Your brain stores Did you know?
This protects Giving blood provides
the information If your blood vessels
your eyes and is extra blood for patients
you learn were joined up, they
called a reflex in the hospital.
in your would stretch around
memory. the world twice.

Brain activity
These special pictures
show that different parts
of the brain are used for
Reading Sleeping different activities.


84 Find out more Food and eating 70 Hospitals and doctors 79

y i

in the
! Inca toy The Incas were people who lived Inca life
This pottery
; dog belonged
in South America more than
] to an Inca 500 years ago. They ruled a
; child.
1 great and wealthy empire.
Stone ruins of Flat terraces cut make precious
Machu Picchu houses and ; into the hillside. goods, such as this
The Incas were expert llama ornament.
templeS\ . Food grown
j builders. This ancient \ ' ZA.. on terraces.
) city was built high up Music
i in the mountains was very
\ of Peru. popular.
These panpipes
made a soft sound.

Religious ceremonies
tobk place in special
Quinine for temples. Animals
Tools medicine were often sacrificed.
Tools were made
: from wood, stone Plants
bone, and wool. Plants were
grown for food
and medicine. 5# /
* /*
Hoe for
farming Potato
Sling for hunting
Llamas were used to
Gods and goddesses
Snakeroot for
carry goods up and
Did you know? were important, such
stomach-ache down the mountains as this statue of
The Incas did not
use writing. They the goddess of
Spanish conquest Spanish soldiers
recorded farming.
When Spanish killed the Incan
things on ti g fighters quickly Dead bodies
soldiers arrived in
knotted with their quns. were carefully
South America,
strings j jj Helmet preserved. The
they stole Incan
called Incas believed
gold and sent it
quipus. in life after
back to Spain.

Find out more Tc Ancient Egypt 13 Farming 64


Types of insects They crawl, fly, buzz, and sting - Did you know?
insects may be small, but there are The South American
grasshopper disguises
over a million kinds, more than
itself as a thin twig.
any other animal in the world.

Damselflies are Antennae are feelers

expert fliers and that taste and
Tiny claws
dart through the air smell the air_
can hang c
to plants. _

All insects
Beetles have hard
wing cases to protect have three
their delicate wings. sections to their
bodies and six
legs - just like
this wasp.
_The thorax is
the middle pa
Flies have two I of the body.
wings that heat so
fast they buzz.
The abdomen
is the end Ant colonies
part of Ants live in groups
the body. called colonies
and share all the
work to be done.

Butterflies and The six le

moths have four bend at
patterned wings. the joints

Growing up Ladybug egg

Many insects change \
shape as they grow. This
is called metamorphosis.
m 3 About a week
1 A wormlike larva 2 The fully grown larva later, the pupa splits
hatches from an egt makes a hard case called open, and an adult
Ladybug It feeds and grows. a pupa around itself. ladybug crawls out.

more Butterflies and moths 36 Insects of the world 87

Insects of the world
Insects live everywhere in the world
except in the ocean. They make their
homes in trees, in the ground, in
buildings, and even on us! Did you know?
Whirlygig beetles
Great diving beetle have a set of upper
This European pond eyes to see above
American locust dweller is fierce - water, and a set of
„ A swarm of locusts skipper
it will even attack lower eyes to keep
t may contain up to
This butterfly
frogs. watch underwater!
10 billion insects. can survive in the
They will eat all the freezing Arctic. It
[ plants in their path. eats grass.

Robber fly
This fly lives
near beehives in
Asian violin beetle
! South America.
This beetle is totally
It kills bees in mid-
flat! It lives between
i air and eats them.
thin layers of fungi
on tree trunks.

live almost
everywhere. They are
This damselfly lives
scavengers and
in southern Europe.
eat anything from
It skims over water,
paper to dead animals.
feeding on flies.
Head louse
This head louse, Goliath beetle
magnified many Praying mantis The Goliath is the
times, lives on This praying mantis lives in heaviest beetle in the
human heads. Africa and feeds on other world. It lives in the
It feeds on insects. It grasps its prey African rain forest,
dead skin. between its two front legs. eating tropical fruit.

Find out more Human body: skin 83 ■-Sh Insects 86


Electricity The wheel, X rays, computer games Medicine
Medical inventions
Many new inventions - inventions can change our lives, or
followed the discovery help people live
of electricity in 1831.
simply be fun. They are new ideas longer, healthier,
that do a job in an original way. and more
Electric active lives.
heaters are Transportation False teeth
The need to help people
travel has led to who have
than fires.
many great lost their
inventions. real teeth eat.

Electric light
is safer than
or gas lamps.

irons were X rays can
first used help doct(
100 years Wheels are used on many 1 see inside
ago. Cars first appeared kinds of vehicles. They were bodies
about 100 years ago. invented 5,000 years ago. without cut
Communications Now millions of them open.
Planes were box-
Modern inventions people drive.
shaped at first.
have helped people Today they are fast,
• Mm nil
speak to each other Stethoscopes,
large, and sleek.
over long distances. invented in
1855, are used
Entertainment Computer to listen to our
Modern inventions have games are often heart or lungs.
brought entertainment small and light,
send sounds
into the home. so they can be
along f /c< Did you know?
wires. carried Thomas Edison, the
anywhere inventor of the
Satellite lightbulb, was
dishes send expelled
and receive from
discs play
messages school for
music that
from all laziness!
Television is the most sounds as
around the (1847-1931)
popular kind of home though it is
world. entertainment. playing live.

88 Find out more Computers 42 Machines 92


Knight s
Did you know? Knights were medieval soldiers in Types of armor
A full suit of armor
armor who fought on horseback
weighed about as An Italian
much as a for a lord or a king. They lived knight
six-year- about 1,000 years ago. 1380 had
old child. armor
Helmet that
only part
Visor of his body
Sword belt

Weapons and armor

In battle, knights used Wooden shield
dangerous weapons An
made of iron and steel English
A suit of armor knight in
protected them from Sword 1590 was
cuts and blows. totally
Horse armor by his
Some knights armor.
used armor for
their horses, too. Close-fitting
Face guard Spike chain mail
Neck warriors
guard were
Short ax Japanese
Leg armor Their metal
armor was
Copper and
Spurs steel sword with silk.

Tournaments Shield Helmets

In times of peace, knights Tournaments
took part in jousting were very
tournaments. They Horses colorful.
) charged at each draped with Many knights
i other on horseback, wore unusual Italian Helmet with
helmet eagle’s beak
carrying lances. colors helmets.

Find out more Castles 38 Festivals 65


c,c\ence Or,c/

Wh no\°^
Light rays It’s impossible to think of a world Types of light
Light rays can
without light. Light is a kind of Electric light
travel through is powered by
some materials. energy that you can see. Without it, electricity and
Transparent nothing can live or grow. used in
materials like buildings and
Light and shadow
glass allow light outdoors.
Light travels in straight lines
rays to travel
called rays. When light rays Candlelight
through them.
hit something solid, the light was used to
is blocked and a shadow light homes in
Translucent forms on the other side. The Sun is our planet’s the past.
materials, such most important
as plastics, let source of light.
some light rays
through. Glowworms
Long shadow
use special
to make
their light.

Opaque materials,
like wrapping paper,
do not let any light
rays through.

Reflection Hand shadows

When light rays It’s fun to Fightning is a kind
bounce off shiny shadows of electricity. It
things, like still with our makes a flash of
water, they make hands. bright light.
a reflection.

Did you know? Plants and light

People still tell the Plants need light to make food
time by using the for themselves. They die if
shadows on a they are left in the dark.
light. Fireworks explode to
make a beautiful,
Leaf in dark chemical light.

Find out more Color 40 pSrj Sun and stars 137

. JM
Living things
Stones do not
need air to
breathe. They But there is one big differena
are not living. can make food for themselve:
while animals have to find it.
! Animals Plants
1 All animals Chicken Like all plants,
move around to breathes
sunflowers - ^
i find food for oxygen
are alive. They
themselves, just stay in one
like this chicken place and make
!: Chickens food for themselves
i have young
Plants use water,
; called chicks
air, and sunlight
Chickens peck to make their
the ground own food.
for food.
is rooted
in the

Did you know?

Coral may look like a
lump of rock, but it is
made of millions of
tiny animals.
Sea urchin


Ingredients for life

Light helps
Water is an Air helps plants grow.
important part of plants and Without
every plant animals plants, animals
s&U and animal. make energy would die from
for themselves. hunger.

Find out more Amphibians 11 Trees 143

c,cAence QV

Did you know? People have always used Lever
The Greek scientist Levers help lift loads. They
machines to make their lives
Archimedes invented a have a rod or bar that turns,
pulley that would easier. Simple machines like around a pivot.
allow one man to pull wheels, pulleys, and levers help This corkscrew
a ship in or out
of water.
us in dozens of ways every day. uses levers to
lilt a cork out
of a bottle.

Scissors are
two levers
Bicycle joined
Bicycles are machines together.
that use pedal
power to carry us Gear
faster and farther Gears are wheels
with teeth that fit
than walking
into each other. Gear
wheels change the
speed at which parts
of a machine work.

Hand beater

The gears in a
watch make the
different hands
move at
Inside a
Gears give power on hills. Pedals are levers to push against, watch

Wheel Pulley
Wheels turn around an
A pulley uses a
axle. They are used to
wheel and a rope
move things
to lift very heavy

We use slopes in many
machines. Rolling something up Cranes use
V a slope is often easier than pulleys to raise
T lifting it straight up in the air. and lower loads.

92 Find out more

-—A h Bicycles 29 ^ Science 122
TchnoVA Magnets
Magnet uses Magnets are made from iron or steel. Did you know?
Fridge They look like ordinary metal, hut Electromagnets are
magnets are very powerful. They
have the power to pull things toward
used to can even lift up
hold notes or push things away from them. old cars!
on a fridge.
Magnetic poles Around each
Metal detectors The two ends of pole is a
use magnets a magnet are magnetic field.
to find
called the North North
metal pole pole
north and
The magnetic field is
under the south poles.
a powerful, invisible
ground. magnetic force.
South South
pole pole
South North
pole pole Magnetic forces
push the same
poles apart.

pole / South
/ pole
Magnets are used Magnetic materials
in spacecraft to Magnets only attract
forces pull two
stop things from certain kinds of metals, ^
different poles
floating around. such as iron and steel. gteej
Man-made spoon
and many Natural magnet
other Lodestone is a
electrical natural magnetic
machines use rock. Most magnets Steel
magnets. Lodestone are man-made. Iron nails paper clips

Magnetic Earth . Compass Northern lights

-ri i ■ . Magnetic
1 he biggest magnet d Compass needles This light show in the sky
of all is the Earth. It 11( ’’1 1 always point to is created by the magnetic
has two magnetic the magnetic force around the Earth.
poles that create a north pole.
magnetic force A ship’s
around Earth. compass helps
Magnetic sailors find
south pole — Compass their way.

Find out more North America 102 Pirates 108


°r/d of tAa'
Large eyes see Many of the animals we know best are Mammal facts
well, even in mammals. Cats, cows, monkeys, and mice
the dark.
are all mammals. So are human beings.
Long whiskers
touch and feel Marsupial mammals Echidna
Some mammals, like this Mammals have fur,
^kangaroo, have furry hair, or even spines
pouches on their on their bodies.
tummies. Their
babies spend
f -f •%, vO *1
inside growing.
The different parts of a
leopard’s body help it
survive. Other land
Mammals are warm
mammals have similar to the touch. They
kinds of bodies. Long
need food for energy
tail for
Did you know?
The biggest mammal
in the world is the
blue whale. It is
as heavy as
2,000 people! v;
Mammals have
larger brains than
Dappled fur * other animals.
Strong claws help for camouflage
in climbing trees. among the trees
Mammal 4
babies feed 4
on their 1
Mother and baby mother’s iljj
Baby mammals grow milk.
inside their mother’s
body until they are born

K Baby puppies Playing and fighting

grow bigger on together makes the
Newborn puppy their mother’s milk puppies grow stronger Giraffes

94 Find out more Animals 17

r Mammals of the world 95

;jHk. There are only about 4,000 different kinds of

jjpF®^ mammals, but they live in every part of the
” world - on land, in the sea, and in the air.
Reindeer Bush baby
Reindeer live in snowy
northern wastelands. Some
Bat 7 ^ ^ Bush babies have huge
Bats are the eyes. They hunt at night
are kept for meat and leather.
only mammals * among the trees of
T.. Otter that can fly. They li African rain forests.
rpjj&ggL Otters are expert \ in large groups in Dolphin
gSSPBfcwfc divers and live and \ caves all over Dolphins are found in
feed in the rivers \ the world. all the oceans of the world.
ot North America. They live in large groups
Porcupine called herds.
Porcupines live
in North 3
America. They '
raise their sharp AFRICA

quills to protect
themselves. 0SOUTH

Mouse f
Mountain goat Mice are found all
These goats are ^ over the world. They
very surefooted. ^ often live in people’s
They live on Jfj Zebra homes, eating crumbs.
Brown bear mountain Zebras live on the grassy
The European slopes in plains of Africa. Their Did you know?
bear climbs trees North i stripes help camouflage When they are
to raid bees’ nests America. / fl them in a group. attacked, skunks
for their honey. spray a horrible'
smelling liquid ,,
at their enemy, 1
then run
W0&0' Rhinoceros away.
Rhinos are found in
Africa and Asia. They use
their fiercedooking horns
to defend themselves.

Find out more Animal families 15 Mammals 94


World map Maps are pictures that show

1 A globe is places, such as towns, from
the most
above. We use maps to find
/ accurate map A compass
of the world. our way around. ~
always points
Abruzzo National Park,
southern Italy to the north.
It helps you
Map reading find your way
You must be able to with a man.
read a map to find
L A flat map is your way. Beech and pine forest
made by flattening
out the globe. Symbols
The special
signs on a
map are wm
symbols. A f&Ws
Lake Barrea
symbol represents
3 The gaps are filled something real.
in with extra bits of Symbols are
land and ocean.
explained in a key
Did you know? Key
Space satellites take This symbol
A very
photos of the Earth to shows you
Kl beautiful where north
help people make
is on the
more accurate maps. igh map.
Mount Marsicano
A good
viewpoint Main road

Tourist Minor road

information Footpath

Types of maps
Floor plans show
you the layout of
a building.
P-ty ~-r—

ni. cilL
Street maps name Weather Subway maps show Road maps help
all the streets in the weatl where underground drivers plan a
a town or city. different i train lines qo. journey.

Did you know? Steel is strong, glass is clear, cotton is Materials for
Nowadays sweaters different jobs
soft - every material has special
can be knitted from
recycled plastic! qualities. Everything we use is made
from materials just right for the job.

Aluminum foil can

withstand high
i Cotton temperatures. It is
i Some materials, W 1 used for cooking.
) such as cotton, Cotton is
are found turned into
naturally. Others thread to
) are made in
factories. Natural sponges
soak up lots of water.
They are good for
washing with.
Polyester fabric
is made in
factories. It
is soft and
often used
to make
teddy bears.
Glass Steel Plastic
Glass is useful because Steel is a hard, strong is strong
you can see through it. metal. It is made from and does not rot
It is made from sand, limestone, carbon, and or rust. It is made
limestone, and soda. iron melted down together. from heated oil.

New materials Bullet proof Recycling

vest made
i New artificial
of Kevlar
Some materials,
materials are like glass, can
being invented be recycled to
Wood is naturally
all the time. make new
hard and strong.
i Lycra clothes
It is often used to
fit comfortably. Recycled glass make furniture.

Find out more N Conservation 43 North America: culture 105


Moon machines The Moon is a ball of rock that circ ✓

the Earth. It is our nearest neighbc

in space. Astronauts have landed
on and mapped its surface.
Moon surface
Low land filled
This Moon buggy is There are flat r ains, vaiie
in by the lava Moon from Earth
used by astronauts mountains, and craters on of ancient The Moon looks
to move around the the Moon’s surface. volcanoes bright because one
Moon quickly. * ,?j Dusty
Astronaut Bare side is lit by the Sun

This lunokhod is a
Russian vehicle. It
was put on the Moon
to take photographs.

A lunar module Climate

carried astronauts Because there is
from their spacecraft no wind or rain
to the Moon surface. on the Moon,
flags won’t fly
Did you know? and footprints
It’s possible to jump will never Astronaut’s flag is held Craters are big holes
six times higher on disappear. footprint up by wire. on the Moon’s surface
the Moon than on
Earth thanks to the Moon phases
weaker gravity there! As the Moon travels
around the Earth,
we see different parts
of its sunlit side. This
gives us the phases
of the Moon. Full Moon Half Moon

98 Find out more [ llpr Planets 109 Space travel 133


The high, rocky slopes of mountains Mountain
are battered by cold winds and animals
covered by heavy snow. They make a
harsh habitat for animals and plants.
Lichens grow high up
Mountain plants because they can
Trees cannot survive extreme cold.
To survive the harsh conditions grow above
mountain plants have special the tree line. Coniferous forests Vultures’ large
shapes and parts. grow on the wings allow them to
higher slopes. glide on strong
mountain winds.

A bobcat’s spotted
coat helps it blend
in with its rocky
mountain home.

Deciduous forests
grow on the lower
Chinchillas have
Rhododendron Bell heather thick fur coats to
The tiny leaves Kock rose protect them from
Thick, shiny leaves save
of this heather Rock roses grow the cold.
this plant from the cold.
can withstand close to the ground
Did you know? strong winds. to stay out of the wind
In 1963, a volcanic
island suddenly
appeared in the sea. Volcano
Called Surtsey, it When volcanoes
is now home erupt, they shoot
... to plants. out molten rock. Mountain goats have
This can build a specially shaped
mountain in less hooves to help them
than a week! clamber over rocks.

Find out more Asia 20 Plants 110


ypes or music Music is a pattern of sounds made

Popular music by musical instruments and human
-gup y
> is fun and
catchy. It is often voices. People enjoy different kinds
.good for dancing. of music all over the world.
Nursery African music Wooden
rhymes drums Musical notes
African music is based
are simple ^ beat out Music is written on a
on strong rhythms -
songs for the set of lines, using
young children perfect for dancing to. rhythm. notes instead of words

Dancing to
the heat.

Choral music is
usually religious. It
is sung by groups
called choirs.

Classical music is
written by composers
for instruments in
an orchestra.

Music in the home Indian music

Most people listen to Indian music has Did you know?
recorded music a haunting The German
at home. ti&k, sound. It is often composer Beethoven
played on a sitar. was only three when
he performed his first
Moroccan music
Mexican music ~x piece of music!
music is often \ Mexican bands
Compact disc Personal
, - stereo based around % play traditional
folk stories 0,^ f°lk music
and dance. on violins
and guitars.

100 Find out more Festivals 65

o Musical instruments 101

Musical instruments
Most instruments belong to one Percussion
Did you know?
These instruments
In 1454, a French of five groups. Each group
orchestra hid in a make a sound
giant pie to surprise makes musical sounds in when they
guests at a party! a different wav. ■ are hit or Maracas are
™ shaken. rattles. They
TU A double bass is make a
T-4; one of the largest aj *r swishing sound
instruments. It
T3 has a very deep
Til? sound.
String instruments 2^? Sitars are ' Triangles 4
I These instruments "j§f Indian stringed Tambourines make a \
:: can be strummed, ||i instruments. have jingling clear, tinkling
| plucked, or bowed. tiS jjg| Bow ijji metal disks. sound.
Ww scrapes
strings. , , M Electronic instruments
These use electricity to
make sounds. A
strings Electric keyboards
can make the Mjg||aj|
sounds of many 71
different instruments. I

| Electric
Chamber group body_
I drums W '
Stringed instruments I can only j
are often played in Metal spike be heard througf
small groups. to rest on_ loudspeakers.

1 Woodwind Brass
i Woodwind ^ Musicians blow and Digeridoos
have keys for fingers.
. instruments make a \ vibrate their lips to are made
The mouthpiece is
sound when you blow make brass from a hollow
made from a reed.
instruments sound. branch.
air inside them.
Recorders are
have a
f one of the simplest
French horns narrow tube
have long bent around
Accordions blow pipes that twice. The
Flutes are air with bellows to end in a valves control
made of metal.1 make sound. large bell. the tone.

Find out more Sound 129 Theater 139


°f the WA
North America
Canada and Alaska Did you know?
North America reaches as far north as • Canada is the
second biggest
the Arctic Ocean. Its rivers, peaks,
country in the
forests, and lakes are a haven for wildlife. world.
• Greenland is the
Tundra world’s largest
In the far north island.
is a frozen,
treeless plain
called the
Greenland lies in the
Arctic Ocean. Much of
the land is covered in ice.

Great Bear
Mount McKinley

! mall wood
Reservoir 1



Win nil
QREAT Grizzly bear
Grizzly bears WmBSti

Moose live in the Rocky

Moose are the larg< Mountains. They feed
deer in the world. 1 on animals and plants
Alaska has huge
rivers of ice called feed only on plants
Mount McKinley
Mount McKinley in
Alaska is the US’s
highest peak.

Niagara Falls
Northern lights Pine forests The Niagara Falls in
These glowing lights Forests cover more than Canada are made up
can be seen in the one'third of Canada. of two thundering
skies above Canada. Many animals shelter here waterfalls.

Find out more

% Forests 73 n Magnets 93

the Wc*A
North America: culture
Did you know? Canada and Alaska Culture
Some Canadians
This huge landmass has a small The maple leaf
tlood their backyards
m winter to make ice population. Most of the people is the
hockey rinks! live in cities in the warmer south.
emblem ot
Fishing in Canada’s
lakes and oceans is a
popular sport and an
important industry.
Forestry, Canada
Forestry is one of Canada’s most
important industries. The pine Truck carries Felled trees
logs to sawmill. Ice hockey is a
trees are made into timber
popular winter sport,
and paper. and is followed by
many fans.
were the first
people to live
in Canada.

Many French'
speaking Canadians
live in the province
of Quebec.


Mining is important. Rodeos celebrate

Most of the world’s the skills and
zinc and nickel is courage of
mined here. cowboys.
Farming Oil is drilled in Alaska.
Canada’s farmers raise It is then transported
cattle or grow huge fields south along the world’s
of wheat on the prairies. Zinc Nickel longest pipeline.

Find out more Farming 64 Rocks and minerals 120


\ North America
US and Mexico Did you know?
With mountains in the west and east and Mexico has over
deserts in the south, North America has 6,000 miles (9,650
km) of coastline!
some spectacular scenery. There are only 800
Rocky Mountains Monument Valley grizzly bears left in
The Rockies stretch These sandstone the US.
for 3,000 miles rocks have been
(4,800 km) down % carved by winds
the western side of in the Painted
the US. Desert, Utah.

DAKOTA Great Lakes
OREGON SOUTH The five Great Lakes
make up the largest
OHIO area of freshwater
NEVADA in the world.


J Qrand
DESERT Swamp* r-


This vast tropical marsh in
Florida is home to animals
Collared lizard such as alligators.
This lizard manages to
survive in the dry Grand Canyon
deserts. This deep, rocky
gorge has
been cut out
in Arizona by
the Colorado
Death Valley
Death Valley in Okefenokee Swamp
California is the Sonoran Desert This freshwater
hottest, driest place This desert lies between the swamp in southern
in the whole of US and Mexico. It is famous Georgia is a safe
North America. for its giant cacti. refuge for wildlife.

104 Find out more

Desert animals 45
5 Water 146
Uf the WoM
North America: culture
p US and Mexico
Did you know? Culture
Mules deliver mail to The US and Mexico are large,
people living at the
bottom of the Grand modern countries. But they both
Canyon in the US. have strong traditions and cultures.

New York Baseball is the

This is the largest city national sport of
in the US and is the the US.
country’s business
Silicon valley Silicon
Industry Hollywood in Los
The US’s famous Angeles is the film
computer industry capital of the world.
is in Silicon Valley,
Rock and
roll was
in the

Traditional crafts
Farming Jazz music began
fMany traditional
The prairies in in the southern
o goods are still
central America states of America.
ii made
r throughout are very fertile.
Ancient ruins
f the US They are used to
'land Mexico. grow wheat and
Mexican masks American quilt Navajo rug other cereals.

1 Millions of people
: visit North America Ancient temples
'/every year to see its were built in Mexico
; famous landmarks many hundreds of
■ and scenery. Florida White House Las Vegas years ago.

Find out more Grasslands 77 Incas 85


Fuels from oil Oil is formed over millions of years.

Different parts of the
It is found deep inside the Earth,
crude oil are used to
make other fuels. and is pumped out to make many
different kinds of fuel.
Oil rig __ Crude oil Nodding donkey
This is a small oil
Drills on an oil rig dig Crude oil is
rig that pumps
deep into the seabed for , thick,
.1 j i i • a dark iiguid up oil found
oil and qas, which is then , _ under land.
u thnt romps our
pumped up and taken to 0f tpe groung
Propane gas can be Gases are
stored in bottles and the shore via pipes.
burned off.
tanks and used for
cooking and heating Crane lifts Workers live on
heavy drill an oil rig for
parts weeks at a time.
Paraffin oil is
used in lamps
% S
i and heaters.
It is also
mixed into The oil rig’s
paint to make concrete legs
it smooth. rest on the
sea bed.

Drilling Drill bit

Oil is used as a Holes called wells The bits have
lubricant. It helps are drilled deep strong steel teeth
machine parts slide underground to to cut into hard
against each other. collect the oil. ground.

Oil refinery Did you know?

Heating te gases
Crude oil is taken Drill hits get so worn
towers ire burned off.
to a refinery. Here down by the hard
it is heated until rock that
it separates they need
Gasoline is one of into different replacing
the most important parts. twice a
products of oil. It is day.
a fuel for cars.

106 Find out more

Conservation 43 Materials 97

V/e To<W
Types of People have painted Did you know?
pictures for thousands In the past, black
paint was sometimes
of years, creating works
made out of ground-
of art on walls, wood, Palette
paper, or canvas. Painters mix oil
A self-portrait is an paints on a special
ri artist’s painting of Painter at work wooden palette.
t him- or herself. Many people enjoy
painting as a
Painting surfaces
hobby. They Artists paint on
often work different surfaces,
outside, painting such as
from nature. paper or
I Murals are large
^pointings that are
Easel for
cdone on a wall.
[jPortraits are the picture
pictures of
jlpeople. Paints
Paper Canvas
j They are
cnot always Picture frames
irtrue to A picture frame
helps display a
painting and
protects it as it
hangs on a wall.

[Abstract paintings
5 use lines, shapes,
rand colors.

Paints and inks

Artists create
pictures with
various materials.
landscapes are This makes their
[paintings of outdoor works look very
•scenes. different. Pen-and-ink drawing Oil painting

Find out more Australasia: culture 28 Color 40


e in
Pirate ships Pirates were the robbers of the Figurehead
Pirate ships were small seas. They attacked ships and Sailors believed
that a figurehead
and fast. They were Sj-0le their cargo, and sometimes on the boat would
protect them.
their unusual flag! even the ship itself!
Pirates used the Sun,
stars, instruments,
and maps to find The Jolly
their way at sea. Roger -
the pirates’
swords O

Pirate attack
Pirates attacked
Telescope ships and then
pulled them close
m Mm
Compass with iron hooks. Iron hook

Pirate’s life Iron Treasure

Many pirates led awful
Pirates attacked
lives. At sea, they ate
merchant ships to steal
Limes Biscuits hard biscuits and limes
their valuable cargo.
to stay healthy.
Punishment They shared out the lost
If pirates were caught, they treasure between them.
were hanged. Their bodies
were hung in an iron cage to
Did you know?
warn others.
Treasure chest When the pirate
Blackbeard went into
battle, he set fire to
Handcuffs string in his hair!
W eapons Silv/er coins Rings
Pistol Every pirate was
Cutlass armed with a pistol Diamond
and a short, sharp
sword called a cutlass. necklace

Maps 96 Ships and boats 127


Did you know? Planets are huge balls of rock, metal, jtfSfek Mercury
Saturn has 18 moons
and gas that travel around a star in Mercury is
in its rings - more
than any other space. The Earth is one of a family of Xij[y
planet! nine planets that circle the Sun. Cold It’s boiling hot by
Jupiter sur^ace day and freezing
cold at night.
Jupiter is the biggest
planet. It is made Jupiter is
up of hot, runny larger
rock and than all
Saturn swirling gases. the other
Saturn’s shining planets put
rings are made together.
up of ice, rocks,
and dust.
A red spot
is a great
Venus storm.
Venus is
the hottest Asteroids
planet. It is
and meteorites
covered in thick
These are tiny
clouds ol gas.
planets made up of
Earth rocks and metal.
Earth is the only Mars is very cold,
1 planet with air and and covered in
' water, vital to all HI dead volcanoes,
living things. craters, and
dusty red soil.

Asteroids are larger

than meteorites.
Neptune Uranus is
Pluto Neptune covered
Pluto is the has cold with a
smallest planet. winds that thick layer
It lies farthest blow as fast of beautiful Meteorite
from the Sun. as the Concorde blue-green gas. fragments

Sun Venus Solar System

Earth Four planets lie close to the Sun. Five planets lie much farther away.

Mercuryx Mars \ Jupiter * Saturn

<\Uranus Neptune/

Find out more Moon 98 Sun and stars 137

There are more than 425,000 Did you know?
different plants in the world, and they Giant kelp seaweed
grows so tall it would
come in every shape and size - from
reach higher than the
delicate seaweeds to towering trees. Leaning

Towerof MmM
Pisa in
pH i t
Cacti grow in hot,
make Italy1
dry areas and store
water in their stems
seeds. y' mm
fmm I

MU ft
Mosses grow t
in moist V-
soils. They jdf |fe. Plants as food
neyer mm
_ Stems carry
Seaweeds \ water and Com is made
All plants have
grow in the food to the of seeds.
the same basic whole plant.
sea attached
to rocks. parts, just like
this Skimmia
Roots take up
shrub. a
water from
the soil and
Leaves make/
food for the hold the plant
Grasses are an in the ground.
whole plant.
important food for Tarragon A carrot
many animals. Food First / is a leaf. is a root.
Plants use air, water, leaves
the green in their open. Cabbage
leaves - m is a group
chlorophyll, and Seed/ of leaves.
the sun’s energy |ffl| leaves
to make food. wither
" Broccoli is a
Sprouting seed mix of flowers
Beechnut and stems!

Trees are the 1 The seed 2 A tiny 3 A shoot

biggest plants. Their soaks up root grows grows up
trunks are really water, swells down into toward Ginger A tomato
very large stems. and splits. the soil. the light. is a root, is a fruit.

110 Find out more Flowers 69 Fruits and seeds 75


a* r Polar animals
Did you know? Around the north and south poles Migration
The coats of Arctic it is bitterly cold and windy. But
foxes turn white in the
winter to hide the many animals have found
animals in the snow. different ways to survive here. Reindeer l'|H
migrate south If
from the ^Uh|
'%jl Weddel seals spend
Arctic in
% winter under the
winter to find food
. ' * Antarctic ice sheet.
and shelter.
8'*^.. ^. lip
_ $P^
They breathe through
11. i
" m\umui 5 holes m the ice.
Emperor penguins live Flippers push the
on the Antarctic ice, penguin through water Beak has
huddling together in feathers for
groups to keep warm. warmth
They can’t fly, but are Snowy owls also
expert swimmers. travel south in
winter. They feed
on Arctic rabbits.

Wolves have hairs under
their paws to give them c Musk oxen move
good grin on ice.
south from the
Arctic in the winter
to find grazing land
, . packed feathers jjj
fej,. flj
Polar bear *•

Polar bears have thick, oily

coats to keep out the cold.
They are the only mammal
to live on the Arctic ice. ^ Walrus
Krill A thick layer of
Krill are tiny shrimp- fatty blubber keeps Moose travel north to
like animals that live the walrus the Arctic shore in the
in the seas around warm in cold summer to escape all
Antarctica. Arctic seas. the flies in the south.

Find out more Seasons 126 Polar lands 112


Polar lands
The polar lands lie around the north
and south poles. The frozen ground
and icy climate make them a hard
place for plants to grow.
Ice field Glaciers flow from Antarctica Mosses grow in thick
A lot of the land in ^ie ice ^1C^S* No one lives in the
cushions. This
the polar regions is \ Glaciers are rivers Antarctic, but scientists
protects them from
covered by huge sheets \ °/ icf t^at move visit to study the land
icy winds.
r • ii i • r- ii \ slowly down and its wildlife.
of ice, called ice fields. \ . ,
\ mountain slopes.
The Arctic
stores food
in its roots
to help it

Grasses |j|
quickly |
in the
spring when
Tundra Life in the Arctic there are long yp
The tundra is the frozen People have lived in the periods of daylight
land in the far north. Arctic for thousands of
The ice melts here in years. They have had to Primroses have
the summer, and a few adapt their lifestyle to long roots to
plants manage to grow. the harsh climate-. help them
Did you know?
The tallest ever Winter coat Warm clothes
iceberg was higher are made from
Dog'pulled sleds make j
than St. Paul’s animal skins.
it possible to move f
Cathedral, London.
goods across the ice.

Fleabane grows only

H ijJWmUT for a few weeks in
the Arctic summer.

112 Find out more Antarctica 19 % Polar animals 111

°vd0{^ Rain forest animals
Flying animals Monkeys howl, parrots shriek, and Did you know?
insects chirp - tropical rain forests Scarlet macaws can
tell each other apart
are noisy places, home to a huge by special
variety of wildlife. patterns on P&
their feathers. M1
Morpho butterflies Spider monkey
have bright colors Monkeys swing through
to help them attract the canopy, gripping
a mate. Tree snake
the branches with
These snakes live in
their strong feet,
trees near water. They Tree frogs
hands, and tails. eat frogs and lizards. Tree frogs spend their

Scarlet Thick, woolly coat The monkey’s

up in tree
macaws tail can support branches, sr ipsa
have it from a branch
hooked beaks
that can crack
open nuts. Three-toed sloth
Sloths have hooklike
claws that cling on
to branches.

Toucans Gecko
use their long beaks The gecko’s clever
to pick fruit and steal camouflage hides it
other birds’ eggs. from hungry snakes

naby monkey Monkeys feed on tasty

to its mother fruit and leaves.
Ants ^
These ants eat a fui
Jaguar that grows on the
Fruit bats The jaguar’s leaves they cut and
rest during coat helps hide it store.
the day in the in the dappled
forest canopy. forest light.

Find out more Rain forests 114 South America 131


/£. AV
V- <r Rain forests
Forest flowers Tropical rain forests are hot, sticky Did you know?
Slipper orchids places packed with trees and vines. There are many
|k are pollinated plants and animals in
All the plants and daily rainfall the rain forests that
Bt by only one
type of bee. make them dark and steamy. have not yet been
discovered by people.
Trees grow The forest roof, about
tall to reach 130 ft (40 m) above
the sun._j

4§by Thick leaves and branches

Shaving brush trees
attract bats with Rain forest layers
their scented flowers

Steriphomas flowers
are tube-shaped.
Only long- Ik 1
to different heights.
insects Only smaller tree
stay on
can feed varieties grow lower
the trees
on them. Jr W, down, where it is shady.
all year

The hotlips plant

has beautiful bright
red flowers.

flowers are
vines that
grow quickly Forest fruit
toward the Rain forest Rain forest tribes
plants provide Bread fruit Nutmeg
light in the The Txucuhamai
canopy. us with all tribe has lived in
sorts of South American
delicious rain forests for
foods to eat. Cocoa Pineapple thousands of years.

114 Find out more Animals in danger 18 Conservation 43


There are five main world religions.
IS lip
Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in Followers of Jainism
iffiS »sljg believe in protecting
IS iHf one god, Hindus believe in many, and all living things.
Buddhists do not They wear
The Bible is the
masks to stop
Christian holy book. Angels worship a god.
insects going
Christianity in their
Christians worship one mouths.
god. They believe that
God’ s son, Jesus
Sacred The
Christ, lived on words on an Koran
Earth about Islamic tile is the
2,000 years ago. Muslim
holy book.
The Christian
mother Islam
symbol is a cross. of Jesus The religion of Islam
began with the
Judaism prophet Muhammed.
Judaism was the first Followers of Islam are
religion to believe in one called Muslims. They
Some muslims
god, about pray on a mat. worship one god.
4,000 years
ago. Its Snake Buddhism
followers are mask to
Buddhism began in Prayer
called Jews. wear India. Its followers are
skullcaps. off evil
called Buddhists and
A shrine, for
believe that they
prayers at home
will be born
Hinduism again after
Hinduism is an Asian they die.
religion. The followers
Candles for a The Torah is called Hindus, The Hindu God The Buddhist The Buddha was a prince
Jewish festival the holy book. worship many gods. Shiva wheel of life who became a monk.

Places of worship
Each religion has
special buildings in
which people get
together to pray.
They are guided by
a religious leader. Christian church Muslim mosque Buddhist temple Hindu temple Jewish synagogue

Find out more *g|®g Books 32 Buildings 35

Reptile families Lizards, tortoises, crocodiles, and Reptile eggs

Baby snakes cut
snakes are all reptiles. Most of them
their way out of
live in warm places, have dry, scaly their shell with
milk snake skin, and lay eggs on dry land. a special tiny
eqq tooth.
The scales are Strong tail for
like armor for swimming
Snakes are expert protection. Rat snake
hunters. They poison
their prey or squeeze
it to death.

Alligator snapping turtle

Turtles are excellent

swimmers. They only Long,snapping
come on land to lay Did you know? jaws and sharp
their eqqs. Many snakes eat Crocodile teeth catch nre1
their food while it Crocodiles live and catch
is still alive! Webbed feet move
their food in rivers. Their
like paddles.
bodies are perfect for
hunting in water. Baby reptiles
Unlike most reptiles,
Basilisk lizard
crocodiles take care
of their babies for a
caiman few weeks after
Lizards make up over
half of all reptiles.
They are small, quick,
Lizard tails
and feed on insects.
sPfrrafl If a lizard’s tail is grabbed by an enemy
it can break off, letting the lizard
escape. A new tail soon grows back.

Tortoises live on Cold blooded Garden l,zard Broken
land. Their hard Reptiles are cold blooded. They tail
shells protect them need heat from the sun to warm Newly
from their enemies. up and shady places to cool down. grown tail

\\ 6 Find out more Animals 17 Reptiles of the world 117

: -i VC.-A'-'-■ t
6i SSfcsSrr r>*

°^dof^ Reptiles of the world

Alligators live in the
There are more than 6,000 different kinds
swamps of the south of reptiles, and most of them live where it
eastern US. When
is warm. Some live in water, but many
resting, they open their
mouths to cool down. more piefei to stay on dry land. European grass snake
To escape its enemies, this
snake lies upside down
and pretends to be dead.

Soft-shelled EUROPE This cobra has
turtle i AMERICA
a poisonous bite
This turtle lives in that can kill in
North America. It AFRICA minutes. It lives
is usually found in Asia.
buried in mud in AMERICA

rivers and ponds.

Tegu lizard
This South
American lizard
has a tough skin Pricklenape agama
made from T he agama lives in northern Crested water dragon
horny scales. African deserts. This lizard lives in Asia
When food is "V and can run taster on
scarce, it two legs than it
survives \ can on four.
Did you know?
on tat in
When it’s attacked, a
mtk its tail.
horned toad squirts
blood from its eyes to
shock its enemies.
Chameleon Frilled lizard
Chameleons live in Found in the dry
Atrican rain forests. bushlands of Australia,
They can use their this lizard puts up its
amazing eyes to look in frill to frighten ott
two directions at once! enemies.

Find out more Desert animals 45 Reptiles 116


River animals
Flying All kinds of animals live in or near Did you know.7
visitors the world’ s rivers, otrong swimmers Water beetles
breathe underwater
live in fast-flowing rivers, but most by trapping an air
animals choose quieter streams. bubble under
Bats swoop over their wings.
rivers at night to
catch small flying jhmMl Water rat /! Mayfly young
insects. HV Water rats M are called larvae
make their f§ and live
TTl homes in ll underwater.
riverbanks. The adults fly in Water snake
the air above. Water snakes have thick,
Beaver scaly skins to keep out
Beavers build dams across The lodge is built water.
small rivers. They use with logs above
Kingfishers catch trees they have felled the water level.
fish by diving with their sharp teeth.
headfirst into rivers
A heaver’s
Herons stand in the home is
water waiting to called a
W stab fish and
eels with their
pfcjjp- Y\ sharp
m m

Leeches Crayfish
Leeches cling to Crayfish live in fast
River shellfish
stones on flowing rivers,
These shellfish live Trout
riverbeds, so feeding on JWr
in fast-flowing Trout live in swift, shallow
they won’t be small fish j||l;A
water. They feed streams. The females lay
swept away. on water plants. their eggs in the riverbed. and worms, fll

118 Find out more Animal homes 16 Rivers and lakes 119

Rivers and lakes

Did you know? Rivers are always on the move. Uses of rivers
Some rivers contain They carry rainwater downhill, and lakes
water only once or
twice a year when from mountains to the ocean.
there is rain.
1 River source
Rainwater trickles into the
ground. It comes out at one Water sports, such
place - a river’s source. as fishing and
sailing, are popular
2 Stream activities.
From the source, a small
stream flows downhill.
The water is clean and
fast flowing.

A river’s course
Rivers start life as
trickles, but as Fast'
Hydroelectric power
they flow into flowing
stations make
each other, they electricity from the
become larger power of a river.
Big rocks
and slower.

Clear, clean

3 River Water transportation

4 River mouth
The river flows is an important way
A stream becomes a
of moving goods from
river as more water into the ocean.
place to place.
flows in. It forms big This is called
bends called meanders. the river mouth.

Lakes are dips in
the ground that
are filled by rain- Irrigation pumps
and river water. Crater lakes form water from lakes and
Some lakes are naturally when rainwater rivers to dry fields to
man'made. Reservoirs are built by people. collects inside a volcano. help crops grow.

Find out more River animals 118 Water 146


Rocks and minerals
Minerals The world around us is made of rock. Did you know?
Rocks are made of tiny We use rocks and minerals for many The largest diamond
grains called minerals. in the world is called
Some minerals form things, from buildings to jewelry.
the Cullinand. It is
beautiful stones. as heavy as a
Rock types
Opals are There are three main types pineapple.
valued of rocks. They are formed
for their
in different ways.
Sedimentary rock
Diamonds are
Sedimentary rock is Granite
the hardest of
made from layers of
all minerals.
mud, sand, and
stones that have
Jade is very been squashed
hard. It is together.
often used
for carving.

Gold is
Igneous rock
a precious
metal. It, Igneous rock is made
too, is formed from hot, runny rock
Metamorphic rock
by minerals. deep inside the Earth
Metamorphic rocks are
that has cooled and
sedimentary or igneous
rocks that have been
changed by great heat,
great pressure, or both. Marble

Copper is an ore Using rocks and Paint can be made from Sculptures are
mineral. Most useful minerals colored minerals in rocks. often cut from
metals come from igneous rocks,
ore minerals. Chalk is a soft such as marble.
rock used for
' Pencil

Graphite is one of are made from Tin cans used
the softest minerals. a metamorphic
Azurite Vermilion to be made
It is used in pencils. rock called slate. blue paint paint from tin ore.

120 Find out more k Earth 50 ' Early humans 49


L in thA0"
Roman life The Romans were a powerful
people who lived in Europe about
2,000 years ago. They ruled over
, ,
a huge empire.
it ejL Roman soldier
Baths were places Roman road
The Roman army was one The Romans were great
to relax and wash.
of the best in the world. builders. Their roads and
They were built in
Its soldiers were expertly aqueducts were strong.
trained and ^ a t
*\ i fjr/ ' well armed. ■§

Armor of
were huge stadiums
Many public sports
Backpack Weapons fg
■ A soldier In battle, f
were played here. HI 1 .
■ carried a soldiers fought
M bag, tool kit, and with spears,
If pots and pans. swords, and
If-^Woolen tunic

Temples were fine Belt

stone buildings that Every soldier
the Romans built to wore a belt
worship their gods. Sandals of leather
A soldier’s sandals and metal.
Fountains provided were studded with
townspeople with nails so they’d last
Shield Did you know?
Roman men
Emperor wore robes f;
For more than 400 called togas. AT
years, the Romans were Emperors Pants were (JjHJ
ruled by emperors. wore a thought to T -
crown be unmanly!
Coins stamped
of leaves, t
with emperor’s

Find out more Buildings 35 Europe: culture 60 121



Types of Science is observing, examining, and Did you know?
scientists learning about the world around us. Isaac Newton figured
out the laws of
Scientists often find new ways to gravity when
improve people’s lives. an apple fell
on his head.
Chemists produce Many scientists work in
new foods, drugs,
laboratories. These rooms
and materials.
have the special equipment
scientists need to perform and
record experiment results. Scientist

Bunsen Chemical
burner Test
Radiologists take tubes
X rays and study
the results.

Forensic scientists
study the clues that
can solve crimes.


Zoologists study Experimenting 1 Scientists 2 They do tests 3 They take

animals and how Scientists learn ask a question to prove they measurements
they live. by doing and come up are right. and keep
experiments. with a possible careful records
solution. as proof.

Geologists study
rocks to find out
about the Earth.

122 Find out more Air 9

Hospitals and doctors 79

r/d 0f>i&'
Sea animals
Did you know? Salty seawater covers nearly three-
Flying fish can leap quarters of the Earth’s surface. Below
tram the water, spread
out their tins, and the waves, the oceans teem with a
glide through the air. huge variety oi sea life. ,

Thornback ray
The flat thornback
Narwhal ray hides on the
Starfish The narwhal Pacific seabed. It is
Starfish cling to the rocky whale has a twisted tusk well camouflaged
seashores of the Atlantic and lives in the icy waters against the sand.
Ocean. They use their am of the Arctic Ocean.
to pry open seashells.

Deep-sea hatchet
Named after its big :RICA,.

axlike belly, this

hatchet lives in AFRICA *

the deep
waters of j |lSOUTH
Dugong ^
the Pacific dPff/, if Dugongs are gentle
Ocean. WfflJ, mammals that swim
in large herds in the
shallow waters of the Pacific
Billions of tiny sea
creatures called
zooplankton float in
all the world’s oceans

Octopus lg|l % W
This octopus inhabits the Isll jip
warm coastal waters of
the Atlantic. It wraps \
its prey up in its Sea horse '
Sperm whale tentacles. Sea horses are the only
Huge sperm whales eat tons fish that swim upright,
of plankton a day. They live in j They are found among
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans the coral reefs off Africa

Find out more Fish 67

Hi s
Seas and oceans 124 123
"d of#**
Seas and oceans
Did you know? From space, the Earth looks blue Sea exploration
At its deepest point, because most of it is covered by water.
the Marianas Trench
Below the waves is a secret world we Canoes were used by
down are only just beginning to explore. the first explorers.
7 miles Wind and sea
(11 km). The Arctic Ocean is currents helped
the smallest ocean. them move.
It freezes over in the Spanish
sailing ship
winter months, and
The world’s oceans only icebreaker ships
There are four main can get through.

oceans in the world. ARCTIC OCT.-', V

They cover nearly

three-quarters ASIA
{•> J!r* ' -'» '

of the \ V "P'R Sailing ships were

Earth’s AFRICA
used by explorers 500
surface. years ago to sail
around the world.

Ocean surrounds
Submarines are used
by today’s explorers
The Indian Ocean to study the seabed
stretches between under the ocean.
The Pacific Ocean is Africa and Australia.
bigger than all the other Coral reefs grow in
oceans put together. It the warm, shallow
The seabed
has huge waves. If you drained away
waters close to shore.
the oceans, you’d see
The Atlantic
Land Continental shelf the seabed has valleys
Underwater and mountains just
separates Slope
mountain like dry land.
America from
Europe and
Deep- ocean floor r\
Africa. Huge trench
ships carry
cargo between
the continents.

124 Find out more Fish of the world 68


''H\V i!f
°*d of^W
Did you know? The seashore, where the sea meets Seashore life
This crab holds a sea
the land, is home to a huge variety
anemone in each of Pipefish
its pincers. If a fish of plants and animals. They have have very
attacks, the sea all had to adapt to saltwater, long, thin
anemone stings it! bodies and
strong winds, and waves. hide in
Seaweed Sea Winkle

Crabs hide in holes

in rocks and wave
their pincer claws at
their enemies.

Sea anemones can’t

move, hut have
stinging tentacles
Tide pool that kill their prey.
When the tide goes out,
water is trapped in tide pools. Sponge
Here, animals and plants can
stay safely underwater. Prawn

Seagulls eat almost

anything, even dead
Seaweed fish on the beach.
/ are plants
that grip
rocks with Shells
sticky pads. Shells of all shapes and sizes can be
Their leaves found on the seashore. Each shell
called fronds. was once home to a sea creature.

Find out more Australasia 26 Cjjih — p|i Seas and oceans 124

In many parts of the world Northern Northern Earth and the seasons
summer winter We have seasons because
there are different seasons in the Earth tilts as it circles
the year. The changes they A the Sun. When the north
pole leans toward the Sun,
bring affect most living things. it is summer in the north
Southern Southern and winter in the south.
Four seasons
winter summer
In many parts of the world, there
are four seasons in the year. Summer
The days are
Spring Trees grow long and warm.
The weather new leaves, Flowers bloom
warms up. Plants and fruits grow. Butterflies
begin to grow and
feed on
many animals
are born.

Lambs Plants Trees are

are born. flower. in full leaf.

Winter Some trees have all

Winter days are no leaves. Fall days are
dark and cold. shorter and
Little grows in cooler. Nuts and Some trees
the frozen soil. berries ripen in start to lose
the woods. their leaves.
hibernate Squirrels
all winter. collect nuts
for winter
It may
often snow.

Did you know? Polar seasons Tropical seasons

The Arctic tern spends There are two seasons at the poles. There are two
summer at the north seasons in tropical
In summer, it is In winter, it is
pole, then flies all the areas - one wet and
always light. always dark.
way to the south pole one dry.
for summer there!

For half the year,

winds blow in from
the sea, bringing
heavy rains.


126 Find out more Jljji | Climates 39

#1 Earth 50
^dence Q/] j

A tnoV'T Ships and boats w*L

Anchors act as
Ships and boats carry passengers Types of boats
brakes. They dig and goods up and down rivers,
into the seabed
over lakes, and from port to port
and stop ships
from moving. across oceans and seas.
Hovercraft float on
| a cushion of air. Fans
Cruise ship Ropes are used a lot
blow air downward
All boats do a partic tilar on boats. Knots hold and lift the boat up.
kind of job. A cruise ship things in place. >: -
gives passengers Portholes The bridge is
are cabin where the
a vacation at sea.
windows. Lifeboat captain controls Cargo ships carry
Swimming the ship from. containers full
pool !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! •!!!! • of goods around
the world.
i mil aiii mil inn nm n»n mu

Trawlers are fishing
Did you know? All ships carry boats. They drag a
Cargo ships carry up rescue equipment net that scoops up
to 2,700 containers. in case of accidents fish from the sea.
These would stack at sea.
almost twice as Flares are like fireworks.
high as Mount They lead rescuers
Evere to where you are.
Frigates have missiles
Life rafts are used
Life jackets help on board to strike
to carry passengers
people float if they enemy ships in times
if their boat sinks.
fall into the water. of war.

Moving in water
Different boats move in
are driven
different ways.
by the
Paddle steamers go
Motorboats Rowboats have up and down rivers.
have an engine oars to move them They are driven by
that turns a propeller. through the water. a wheel at the back.

Find out more Explorers 61 Transportation 142


°Vd of^
A set of bones, an outer case, a beautiful Animal skeletons
shell - almost all animals have some sort of
skeleton. Skeletons support the body
and protect the soft parts inside.
Human skull Tortoises have an
Elephant skull
Long, light The large skull inner skeleton joined
The long tusks are
bones help the encloses a big to their exoskeleton,
actually teeth!
cat run faster. brain. or shell.

Snakes can curl

up because
they have
hundreds of
Long, pointed hones in
teeth to kill their spine.

Cat skeleton
Without a skeleton,
most animals, like
protects heart
and lungs this cat, would he
Fish have long,
floppy bags of skin
bendy spines to help
Sharp claws with no shape! them move through
to catch prey water.

Birds have
Exoskeleton Shells hollow
Many animals have a Some shells get hones, which
hard case or shell on the bigger as the make them
outside of their body. It is animal grows. light enough
called an exoskeleton. to fly in the air.
Did you know?
Shedding exoskeletons
Beetle Worms have no
As a crab grows, it gets too
hones at all. They are
big for its shell. So it
filled with fluid,
wriggles out of its
which gives them
old shell and
their shape.
grows a new,
Stiff plates make a Frogs have short
hard casing that larger one.
spines, but long
protects the beetle’s hack legs that are
soft body. good for jumping.

Find out more Cl Fossils 74 Human body: skeleton 82


Did you know? The world is full of sounds Noise levels
Some singers can sing Some are useful, others The loudness of a
sound is measured
a note so high and so
loud that it will
are just annoying! But 0 in decibels.
shatter glass! we hear them all in the I Falling leaves
same way. are quiet. Their
noise measures
Sound waves W 20 decibels.
All sounds are made by
Sound waves
vibrations, which move the to people
move outward air and send out invisible measures
through the air sound waves to our ears. 30 to 60

reach 60
to 80
Warning sounds
Smoke detectors
bleep loudly it
a tire starts. ^
■—I ^ AT

Alarm clocks Jumbo jets are very

ring to wake you loud, making 140
in the morning. decibels ot noise!

Speed of sound Musical sounds A double bass

Musical instruments makes sounds
make sounds in as its strings
di tie rent ways. vibrate.

Light travels faster than Sound travels farther in Recorders make

sound. That is why you water than in air. Whales sounds when air
see lightning betore you can hear noise up to vibrates inside
hear thunder. 60 miles (100 km) away. the hollow tube.

Find out more Music 100 Television 138

South America
Central America and Caribbean
Central America’s volcanoes, forests,
and Caribbean sun-drenched islands
are home to some exotic wildlife.

On many of the islands,
Scarlet ibis old volcanoes are covered
The ibis lives on by lush tropical rain forest.
the Caribbean
Pitch Lake islands. It pulls
This lake in Trinidad is worms out of
full of pitch - a black the mud with its
sticky tar in the ground NASSAU ,
long beak.

The tropical islands have
heavy rainfall. There are
many spectacular waterfalls.
Dominican Virgin British
Haiti Republic Islands Virgin
7 BFihzii I^ands
Jamaica a I Puerto Rico . Antigua &
• M
/ V Barbuda
' t / // - y^ -
' Guatemala AJ / / Guadeloupe
Coral reef GUATEMALA f) j
. Dominica

Coral reefs
Bee hummingbird VC* -
Ss , Martinique

in warm SALVADOR S
-—-'-lit Cuba is home to the St. Lucia
El Salvador
St. Vincent -k /. Barbados
Caribbean Nicaragua world’s smallest bird. AND THE
waters are home to
Bee hummingbirds are t Grenada
sponges and tropical fish. the same size as a
v_ Trinidad
Costa Rica butterfly! j
• ; & Tobago

Passion flower f
Passion flowers Panama

grow in climbing Did you know?

vines in the forests. The Caribbean
has some of the
Beach most dangerous
White, sandy storms in the world,
beaches stretch called hurricanes.
their way around Hummingbirds are
Mangrove tree
the shoreline. the only birds in the
These trees grow in wet,
They are fringed world that can fly
boggy land along many
with coconut palms backward!
tropical coastlines.

130 Find out more 4%$ Climates 39 Mountains 99

°f the
South America
South America
Did you know?
South America is home to the world’s The Amazon
rain forest is more
largest rain forest. It is bursting with color than 12 times the
and is a refuge for rare plants and animals. size of France.
Lake Titicaca is
Howler monkey the highest lake
The screams of in the world.
howler monkeys
'v_ Venezuela echo through
Angel ' O * PARAMARIBO the forest.
♦ BOGOTA Falls ♦ d V • iS
1 /• C:73 Q* A
Colombia / £ V £ V V \ CAYENNE

> A.r
Ecuador i
Angel Falls
Angel Falls in Amazon River
Venezuela is The Amazon and its
the highest
Brazil surrounding rivers
waterfall in
make up 20% of the
the world.
'Plateau of
world’s freshwater.
Lake Titicaca pAato qrosso
4> / • LAEAZ A
Bolivia v' Rain forest
.—. / HIGHLANDS Rain forests
AT^C'.CMA J are being
Dffi^RT v_
cut down
to make
Andean way for
condor roads and
Fake Titicaca
South America’s This eagle is
largest lake lies high the world’s
up in the Andes. heaviest
bird of prey!

The Andes
The Andes are the longest
chain of mountains in
the world.
Atacama Desert Pampas
This desert in Chile The Pampas are the
is the driest place dry, rolling grasslands
on Earth. Few living in Argentina. They are
things can survive here. used for cattle grazing.

Mountains 99
Find out more Birds of the world 31 131


0^ '
South America: culture
Did you know ? The people of Central and South Culture
Panama hats are America enjoy both modern and
made from palm
tree leaves that
traditional lifestyles. There is a great
grow in Ecuador. variety of culture and customs.

Elaborate Music is very Arts and crafts,

headdress. La important to all such as jewelry
South American making, still follow
Brightly cultures, Steel drum traditional methods.
Carnival, Brazil
Traditional festivals
are still important
today. Colorful
dancers sway to
modern music in this
Brazilian carnival.

This cathedral lies Cricket is the most
in Brasilia, Brazil’s popular sport on
capital city, which the Caribbean
was built Islands.
only 30
years ago. n

Christ the
Food, like Italian
pasta, has been
This statue stands
introduced from
high above Rio de
other countries.
Janeiro in Brazil.

Oil has made
Venezuela the
richest country in
South America.
Tourism is an
Copper mines in Steel works in important industry
Ancient ruins of
Chile are some of Brazil produce in South America. long-ago cities lie
the largest in the the metal used Many people flock hidden in the forests
world. to make cars. to beaches there. of Central America.

132 Find out more - r; Music 100 jjj Trains Ml


Space travel
People have always wanted to know
about space. For years scientists could
only look up into the sky. Today, they
can send up rockets to investigate.
Working in space
Space shuttle Shuttle Astronauts leave
Astronauts inside the shuttle to do People float around
a i i , MbimL* ifM tank experiments. in space because
the space shuttle xc «
there is no gravity
are blasted into ^ *V *
to hold them down.
space on the ^ ** \W Jm
back of a ^^ vf / J •• mSSsi
rocket. ';-;y/ ■IS® Space suits
are special
Space orbit They A**
Out in space, the rocket help W
drops away from the shuttle, astronauts
which then slowly orbits, or breathe in
Extra fuel \f
circles, the Earth. _ space.
tanks for

Space food is
different than food

normal food -
it is dried to
Rocket Landing make it last.
fuel On its return from space, the
burning shuttle flies through the Earth’s
atmosphere and lands just like
an ordinary plane.
Did you know?
Viewing space The Saturn Vrocket
had the most powerful
Satellite dishes
engine ever. It used
on Earth collect
.3.3 tons (3 tonnes)
information and
fi of fuel per second!
pictures from
Satellites orbit in Space probes are
space. They send sent into space
; in space
information back to explore other
to Earth. planets.

Find out more f§ Communications 41

% j&cikj
Moon 98

A spider in a corner, a snail in a wall
a worm underground - spiders
and mini-beasts
Centipedes can
live all around Wk _ , move fast. They feet
Spiderlings Ajfl
us, but keep Baby spiders, Jg|
on insects and slugs

well hidden. called spiderlings,

fly through the ai
long pieces of silk
Web spider Millipedes have up
A spider is not an to 400 legs. Most feed
insect. Insects have on rotting plants.
six legs. Spiders
have eight.

Sow bugs live where

it’s damp and shady.
1 he silk comes out They feed on leaves.
of the spinnerets. _____

Each leg has

six joints.
Webs Earthworms tunnel
Web spiders make strong, through soil, feeding
sticky silk, which they spin on dead plants.
into round orb webs to
trap flying insects.

Did you know? Hunting spiders Raft spiders can

The pill millipede Not all spiders spin webs. walk over ponds
curls into a tight, Some hunt for food instead to find food.
solid ball when it’s Scorpions kill their
attacked by an prey with the deadly
enemy, such as a sting on their tails.
beetle or ant.

Chilean reddeg Trapdoor spiders Crab spiders kill Snails crawl along on
spiders eat mice ambush their insects with a their foot. They like
and birds. unsuspecting prey poisonous bite. to eat vegetables.

134 Find out more Butterflies and moths 36 Insects


. -■c
We To^

Did you know? Most people enjoy sports for the Sports events
Some skiers improve exercise and fun. But some people
their technique by
train hard to compete against the ine U o Ctpen is
practicing on top of
one of golf’s great
fast-moving cars! best athletes in the world. championships.
< Olympic
Olympic Games
' medals
The Olympics are the world’s There are
greatest sports competition. three
They are held every four years medal
Olympic athletic winners in
stadium each event The Cricket World
Cup is a competition
_ Running
between many nations
fey track

The Rugby World

Cup is a huge
Paralympics Sports rules
The Paralympics is A referee or umpire makes
an international sure players obey the rules.
competition for A blow on a whistle can
disabled athletes. stop a game.
The Formula 1
Winter Olympics World Championship
The Winter Olympics is won hy the fastest
is a competition of overall driver.
winter sports, such as Whistle
skiing and ice skating.

Sports gear
Each sport has
special gear.
Other pieces of The Grand Slam
equipment consists of four
protect players Baseball Ice-hockey great tournaments
from injury. glove Netball bib helmet Football sweater in the tennis world

Find out more Human body: skin 83 vf_ i Sports of the world 136

We ToW
Sports of the world

All over the world, individual Did you know?

athletes train hard to compete The world’s
heaviest sumo 5
among the best in their wrestler
chosen sport. weighs as
Ice hockey Jm much as four w
Team sports Baseba Attacker Defender teenage boys. 1 f
Most team sports are fast
moving ball games. The
players in a team must
work together to win.

In some sports,
Basketball people compete
alone, trying to
One 'Omone sports Animal sports score points, J
In one-on-one sports, Horse racing is the or racing
the players compete best-known animal against the I
against one other sport. But camels clock.
person at a time. and other animals
Camel racing
are raced, too. !


Squash Horse racing

Water sports
Water sports
take place on
rivers, in the
ocean, or in
swimming pools
indoors. Surfing Scuba diving Swimming Canoeing

136 Find out more ^> Ml ^ort^ America: culture 105 ^ Romans 121
%c\ence Q/j^

TcfmoVA Sun and stars

Studying stars Huge groups of stars in space are Did you know?
Astronomers use called galaxies. The galaxy we live It would take about
different instruments 20 years for a jumbo
to view the stars. in is called the Milky Way. Our Sun jet to travel from
is just one of millions of stars Earth to the Sun!
Sun in the Milky Way.
Like all stars, the Sun is a
huge ball of super-hot gas.
It burns very brightly,
Telescopes offer the giving Earth the
simplest way to look heat and light it
at the stars. needs to
support life. Solar-powered car

Solar power
The Sun’s
Dark rays can be
patches used to make
are called electricity.
Observatories contain
huge telescopes that
The hottest
can see many miles
part of the
into space.
Sun is it’s
center. This is
called the core.

Eclipse The Sun’s rays are

Space satellites send When the Moon passes in so powerful they
back pictures of stars front of the Sun, it blocks out most can damage the
to the Earth. of its light. This is called an eclipse. human eye.

Mapping stars
On a clear night you
can see thousands
of stars in the sky.
Astronomers have
made maps of
the stars.
Star map of the
northern skies

Find out more

© Light 90 Planets 109

£'fe To
Television *

Did you know? Television uses sound and moving TV programs

The smallest pictures to broadcast sports, films,
television in the
world is so
programs, and news from
tiny it can around the world.
fit on a
Control room
People in the control Movies are often
room keep in close shown on television.
touch with the studio. News programs
Television studio give daily
Most TV programs are made inside reports and
with special lights and cameras. On location stories.
Some programs are
The large rooms are called studios.
made outside using
Scenery smaller, lighter,

such as wildlife films,
are programs about
the real world.

Social events can be

televised to reach
wider audiences.
How television works 3 The television set Satellite television
turns the signals into Some television signals Children’s programs
1 Transmitters
sounds and are broadcast from are made to entertain
send out
pictures. and inform
television satellites in space.
signals as
waves. 2 An antenna on
the roof picks up the radio waves
dish on
and sends signals to your roof

138 Find out more Electricity at home 53 Film 66


Ge To<V^
Types of plays For thousands of years, people
have enjoyed going to the theater
for entertainment, watching
actors perform.
Theater building Open-air theater
In some countries, theaters
A tragedy is a The audience sits in
Downstairs are built outdoors.
serious play, with a rows on several different is called the Spotlight
sad ending. levels. The actors stalls.
perform on a stage.
Upstairs is
called the

Operas are plays

performed by
singers to music.
Mime is the art
oi acting a
story without
„ saying a
' word.

Chinese theater Indian theater

In China, the costumes Traditional Indian
Comedies are funny actors wear tell the plays tell stories.
plays, intended to audience about *..<£ The actors mime,
make people laugh. their characters. sing, and dance.

Did you know? Puppet theater

The first theaters Glove, string, and
were built in Greece shadow puppets are
about 2,500 popular in theaters
years ago. around the world.


Glove puppets, like Shadow puppets Marionettes have

Punch and Judy, are are used in up to 20 strings to
Crocodile popular in Britain. Southeast Asia. move them.

Find out more Film 66 Dance 44


Tfe To
Towns and cities
Services Towns and cities are bustling Transportation
places where thousands or
millions of people live
and work together.
Cable cars run on
Office buildings City center tracks and carry
are where many City centers are often built passengers up hills
people work. Skyscrapers
around a central square, in some cities.
Tall skyscrapers
where there are many save space on the
historic buildings. ground, and form
Old an excitina skyline.

Hospitals can he big Buses are quick

enough to treat and easy for people
thousands of patients. traveling through
the city streets.

Taxis are more

expensive, but are
Shopping is easy in
useful for people
a city. There are
who are in a hurry.
lots of big stores.

Ferries carry p
along rivers an
at many differs
Schools are placed
landing points.
around a city for
children of all ages. Entertainment
Cities have interesting
Did you know? places for people to
The city of Venice, in visit or relax.
Italy, is built on 108
islands. It has canals
instead of roads!

Cafes are places to

Parks are quiet, eat, drink, and Museums and galleries
green spaces, away watch the people have interesting objects
from busy streets. passing by. and paintings to observe

Find out more

X Africa: culture 8 T &
rBh Homes and houses 78

Types of trains From the first puffing steam train to Did you know?
the electric “bullets” of today, trains The first trains ran
on tracks, but were
have provided high-speed pulled by horses!
transportation for people and goods.
Breakdown trains
clear fallen trees Electric train
and broken trains Most ot these are modern,
off the tracks. high-speed passenger trains. Electric cable
They get their power from

Crocodile trains pull

cars up steep
mountains. They can
“bend”around corners.

Jrir [in
vilj s-

Shunters are mighty

Diesel train Smoke from
engines that push
These trains are burning coal
and pull other trains
powered by engines
in a train yard. in early clays,
that run on diesel oil
simple signals
made railroads

Freight trains Steam train

transport heavy loads Early trains used the power of
across the country. steam to drive their engines. Bell Whistle

City trains
Magnetic levitation
Subway trains
(maglev) trains float
carry passengers
above a track. /
under the ^a
Strong magnets jih
busy city ™
Monorails run on a push the
single track high train
Electric track above busy roads. the air!

Find out more Electricity 52 O Magnets 93


^ife To&°^
Transportation People use all kinds of vehicles Did you know?
of the world to travel long or short distances, A boat takes 3 lA days
to cross the Atlantic
and to carry heavy loads from Ocean, while a plane

Planes are a fast way

place to place. takes 3 Vi hours.

to carry people and

Different vehicles
goods around the
New forms of transportation A modern
are being invented all the bullet train
Tuk'tuks from Japan
are small time, although some ancient
trucks used forms are still in use.
as taxis in

Bicycles are cheap

and clean. They are
popular in China.

Paddle steamers
carry people up and Traditional
down rivers. Indian cart with mule

Animals as

Camels are
Elephants often called
in Asia ships of
carry very the desert.
heavy loads. Donkeys are very They can
Streetcars are electric The driver strong. They can carry goods
buses, running on rails is called a carry people up and people
in some city centers. mahout. steep mountain paths. in the heat.

142 Find out more Aircraft 10 Bicycles 29


Did you know? Because of their size, it’s easy to Tree products
jjjj The world’s tallest forget that trees are plants. But like Paper is jjLjp
4 tree is a coast made from 3I4., •
5 redwood in North any plant, they have roots, a stem, mashed up Ipfffh
4 America. At leaves, and flowers that make seeds. wood.
* 151 ft (111 m) it
| is taller than the Leaves will Branches, twigs, and leaves
Statue of Liberty drop off in make up the crown of
I in New York. the fall. . Jr the tree.

Oak tree such as
Every part of this totem poles,
deciduous oak tree may be
carved out
helps it survive
of a whole
and qrow. tree trunk.

Maple syrup is
made from the
Leaves sweet juice,
Leaves use called sap, of
sunlight, water, sugar maples.
and air to make
food for the tree
is made of
Trunk wood
The trunk is
Bark from the
L the strong stem a Acorns
trunks of
I that sucks up PS Acorns are \ Roots gro
The bark
protects trees.
I food and water mm the seeds of under the
the trunk
f from the soil. v. the oak tree, ground.

Unusual trees Baobab trees survive Mangrove trees grow in

in the desert by swamps. Their roots arch
Bonsai trees are storing out over the water.
.& dwarf trees that water in
are grown their trunks. 1
in pots.

Palm trees grow on

sandy beaches.

Find out more Forests 73 Rain forest animals 113


Semitrailer Huge trucks rumble along our roads
This truck has two both night and day. Most carry
main parts - the cab
goods around the country, but some
at the front and the
trailer at the back. are used for emergencies.
Tankers carry liquid Engine under
goods, such as oil, driver’s cab
gasoline, or milk,
around the country.

Street sweepers
collect garbage from Storage space
Jointed section makes it \Thick, strong tires
the streets and keep for goods
possible to turn corners.
our towns clean. Wheels
Exhaust Trucks have lots of
Diesel fumes from wheels to support
the engine come their heavy loads.
out through the
smokestack. Did you know?
Moving vans carry The very first trucks
the furniture when were steam powered
Inside a cab
people are moving Coal was shoveled
Many large ,
to a new house. into a boiler
trucks have as the if - 4,
a bed in the Jf ■■ truck MU
cab so the ™
moved Wjy^j
driver can rest •
war carriers carry on long trips.
new cars from a
factory to the
Emergency trucks Tow trucks take
vehicles to a
garage for repairs

. a
t f-'Vrcvfr- 0^

Snowplows have a
rire engines carry
large shovel at the Ambulances take firefighters, water
front to clear snow people who are sick or
pumps, and hoses to
from roads. hurt to the hospital.
the scene of a fire.

144 Find out more Building machines 34 Factories 62


g warrior The Vikings from Scandinavia lived Metalwork

\Xer< more than 1 ’00° years a9°- They Bronze

coast. sailed all over Europe and America, items,
fighting and trading. _ like \mlL3H
this key,
Viking ships Prowhead ff|8 were often
The Vikings sailed great The prowhead " highly decorated
distances in strong, fast was a carving at
the front of the ship Silver
boats called longships. jewelry, like
Mast Sail made of this brooch,
was worn by
This oar
Room for Iron shears were
was used
80 warriors used to cut cloth
to steer
and shear sheep
the boat.
Snake-tail Ik for their wool.
Steering oar

Weather vanes sat

Rowing oar
on the masts of
ships. They showed
Did you know? the wind direction.
The Vikings traveled
Some Viking warriors
far and wide,
prepared for battle by
exchanging goods
working ACx
for gold and silver.
themselves /)
into a frenzy Coins Scales to
glass cup weigh goods
and going k,.M
berserk. They L /|| Cooking pots
were called f \ v\ made from iron or
berserkers! jj q soapstone were
Weights for scales hung over a fire.

Find out more Explorers 61 Ships and boats 127 145


" >

' W

ech no ,\oT

Dissolving 1 Evaporation
Water is the most important
Some things seem to The sun’s heat
disappear when mixed liquid on Earth. It has no smell, turns water into
with water. This is color, or taste, but without it water vapor. This
called dissolving. rises, cools, and
people couldn’t survive. forms clouds.
Dirt dissolves Water cycle 2 Rain
in water. Water is always moving Winds blow the clouds
That is why over land. Water in the
from the ocean, to the
you bathe! clouds falls as rain,
sky, to the land. This is
snow or hail.
called the water cycle.
3 River
The rain runs into rivers,
which flow to the oceans
Minerals in rocks can Fastflowing stream
dissolve in water.
They sometimes form
stalactites in caves.

4 Ocean
The rivers empty their
Oxygen dissolves in water into the ocean,
water. Fish need this
and the cycle starts all
oxygen to live.
over again.

Ice is so
it can cut
Salts in rocks dissolve huge valleys Did you know?
in water. They make into hard The Dead Sea in
seawater salty. rock. Israel is so salty that
Forms of water people can sit up and
Water can change float in it without
its form. It can he sinking!
solid ice, a runny „ ^
liquid, or steam - *
a gas that mixes
with air. Solid Gas

Living things 91 *■' ~

Seas and oceans 124

• ,> r\ r ^ ^

Recording the Wind, sun, rain, or snow - weather Did you know?
weather is what happens in the air around us. The biggest hailstone
in the world fell in
Weather affects our lives, so forecasts North America. It
warn us when it will change. was as heavy as 13
tennis balls.
World weather Rain clouds Europe is
over the sunny.
Satellites in space
take pictures of the
Anemometers spin
around quickly. Earth. This one
shows patterns of Clear skies over
They measure the
northern Africa
speed of wind. clouds around
the globe.

Storm clouds

Weather buoys Snow

gather information Rain turns to snow
about all kinds when the air is
very cold.
of weather
Tornado Fog
These strong, Fog is a type of
Thermometers whirling winds

cloud that forms

ii,;oa,% •» "5'8 *

measure how twist at up to 300 low down on the
hot or cold the mph (500 km/h).

liJ mm ground.
air is.

Barometers are 1 Clouds are made of 2 The clouds get 3 The droplets grow bigger
used to measure the tiny water droplets that darker as more water and heavier until they fall
pressure of air. float in the air. droplets join together. to the ground as rain.

Find out more Air 9 Se asons 126

This map shows the position T RIS T A'
of more than 190 countries in 1 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (UK)


the world today. The number 3 DOMINICA
of countries often changes as 5 BARBADOS
new ones are formed or 7 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

others join together. SGWgE _

georc; I A
— (UK) A N DS

World map: continents
This world map shows all seven North Globe
pole A globe is a round map
continents. Each continent,
of the world. The Earth
except for Antarctica, is made spins around an invisible
up of several countries. pole, called the north
pole at the top and the
south pole at the bottom.
North Europe Asia
America This is one of Asia is the
North America the smallest largest
stretches from continents, but continent, The equator is an
the North pole it has one of with the South imaginary line that
almost to the the largest largest P°^e divides the Earth
equator. populations. population. in half.



Did you know?

Over 90 percent of the
world’s ice can
be found in the South America Africa Australasia Antarctica
continent of The continent of Africa is the This area includes This is the
Antarctica. South America second largest Australia, which coldest and
stretches all the continent. The is the smallest most southerly
way from the equator runs continent, and continent. No
equator almost through the many other one lives here
to the south pole. center of it. small islands. permanently.
vj \ ujr\;
The United States of America (US)
is made up of 50 different states. It
is the richest and most powerful
The stars and
Hawaii country in the world.
; stripes represent
The Pacific Islands
the United States.
of Hawaii are also Industry
part of the US. . gg| The US’s lea
products indue
Baseball is very
. electronjCS) irc
popular. It is the
/ and steel, cars
. / national sport of


and timber.
the country.

W w.



Capital city:
Washington D.C.
Country area:
3,618,760 sq miles
(9,372,610 sq km)
Longest river:
Missouri 2,714 miles Government Native American
(4,367 km)_ The White House,
Largest lake:
in Washington
Lake Michigan These were the first
D.C., is the home
22,300 sq miles people to inhabit
of the president
(57,757 sq km) America. ^
of the US.
World history timeline
This timeline lists some of the Early people
Ancient Egypt
begin to make is at the height
important events in world history tools from stones. ot its power.

and shows when they happened* 30,000 BC 3,000

BC means before Emperor Roman soldier

the birth of Christ. Augustus Mayan statue

AD means after The Roman Christianity Mayan

the birth of Christ. Empire grows becomes the official civilization
across Europe. religion of the develops in
Jesus Christ is
Roman Empire. Central
crucified about
this time.

AD 1 30 600

The plague kills The Aztec and Inca The first printed book The Renaissance
one-third of Europe’s empires grow in in Europe - the Bible - brings great changes
population. Central and South is made in Germany. to life in Europe. It is
America. a time of learning in
science and art.

Statue Painting by
of a llama Leonardo da Vinci

1350-1519 1455 1450-1600

The English
Civil War ends
and King Charles
Jiff Peter the
Great becomes
ruler of Russia.
War ends
I is executed. He improves British rule the first
llr-JvK if VwaHdih'.vMMMaiaawdaHirBiMtBI industry and in the US. president
The execution education. of the US.
of Charles I

1649 1682 1775-1783 1789

Canada becomes The first automobile English

The first successful
independent from is invented by the hunting
airplane flight is made by
Britain. German in India
American Orville Wright.
Karl Benz
1898 Benz Australia gains
“Velo” The British Empire independence
is at its peak. from Britain.

1804-1885 1901 1903

Australia welcomes Gandhi leads Mao Tse-tung Germany is Mount Everest,

about 2 million the movement makes China split into West the world’s highest
settlers from Europe. for Indian a communist Germany and mountain, is
independence republic. communist climbed by
from Britain. East Germany. Edmund Hillary
and Sherpa
Tenzing Norgay.

152 1945 1947 1949 1953

Judaism spreads Ancient Greek Buddhism starts The Chinese
civilization is at in India with Empire begins
its peak. The the birth of its when Shih Juang-
Parthenon is founder, ti unites China, in Ath ens. Siddhartha and becomes its
Gautama. first emperor.
Greek vase
Shih Juang-ti

500 563 221

The prophet Vikings from Christian

Muhammed Scandinavia Crusaders from
Viking -4/ Av
begins the travel widely to Europe fight to i; frl*;

religion of find new lands longship regain control of ■

Islam. and trading Jerusalem from
partners. the Muslims. ..


622 800 1096-1291

Italian-bom The world is Japan stops all

Christopher round, not contact with
Columbus flat. This was foreigners and
crosses the discovered by the outside
Atlantic Spanish world for the
Ocean. explorers. next 200 years. The slave trade grows.
Many Africans are seized
and shipped to America.

1492 1500 1639 1600-1800

The French Maori rebellion Civil War breaks

Revolution in New Zealand out between the
brings down ends British rule. states of
the monarchy New Zealand is America.
in France. Steam trains are invented, allowed to Slaves are
They are powered by govern itself, set free.
wood or coal.

1789 1830 1850 1861

The Russian The Great World War II breaks

Revolution Depression is out after German leader
overthrows the a time of great Hitler invades Poland.
Tzar. Lenin hardship in
British fighter plane
becomes the new the US.
communist leader.
World War I is
fought in Europe. Vladimir Illich Lenin

1914-1918 1917 1929

The Vietnam The Berlin Nelson

War is fought. Wall comes Mandela
American down as becomes
troops help East anti president
South West of South
Neil Armstrong is
Vietnam. Germany Africa.
the first person to
walk on the Moon.

1965-1973 1969 1989 1994

Index of entries
Bolivia 131, 148 Carpathian Mountains 55
astronomers 137
A Atacama Desert 131 Bollywood 25 cars 37, 62, 88, 142
Bombay 25 cartoon films 66
Aboriginals 26, 28 Atlantic Ocean 124
bones 82, 128 Caspian Sea 22
abstract paintings 107 Atlas Mountains 6
atmosphere 50 books 32 castles 38
Abu Dhabi 24
Augustus, Emperor 152 Borneo 20 caterpillars 36
accidents, hospitals 79
Australasia 26-8, 149, 150 Bosnia and Herzegovina 59, Catholic Church 60
acid rain 73
Australia 26, 28, 149, 152 149 catkins 69
Afghanistan 24, 149
Austria 55, 149 Botswana 7, 149 cats 15, 128
Africa 6-8, 100, 148-149, 150
Ayers Rock 26 Braille 32, 81 cattle 63
air 9, 43,73,91
Azerbaijan 22, 149 brain 84 cave paintings 49
aircraft 10, 152
Azores 148 Brasilia 132 CD'Roms 32
airports 10
Aztecs 152 brass instruments 101 centipedes 72, 134
airships 10
Brazil 65, 131-2, 148 Central African Republic 6,
Alaska 102, 103, 148
Albania 59, 149 bricks 35 149

Algeria 6, 149 B bridges 33 Central America 130, 132, 148

alligators 117 babies 80 British Empire 152 central Europe 55-6

alphabets 32 badgers 72 broken bones 82 cereals 64, 77

Alps 56, 59 Bahamas 130, 148 Bronze age 49 Chad 6, 8, 149
aluminum foil 97 Baikal, Lake 22 Brunei 20 Chad, Lake 6
Amazon River 131 ballet 44 Buddhism 21, 115, 153 chalk 120
ambulances 144 balloons 10 buildings 34, 35, 38, 60 chameleons 117
America see United States of bamboo 77 Bulgaria 59, 149 Charles I, King of England 152
America bananas 71 bulldozers 34 chateaux 60
American Samoa 148 Bangladesh 24, 25, 149 bungalows 78 Chatham Islands 149
amphibians 11,17 baobab trees 7 Burkina 6, 149 cheetahs 76
anchors 127 Barbados 148 Burma 20, 149 chemical energy 54
Andes 131 barometers 9, 147 Burundi 7, 149 chemistry 122
anemometers 147 Barosaurus 48 buses 140 chickens 63, 91
Angel Falls 131 baseball 136 bush babies 95 Chile 131, 132, 148
Angola 7, 149 basketball 136 butterflies 18, 36, 51, 86 China 20, 149
animals 15, 16, 17, 18, 91 bats 15, 95, 118 ancient China 12, 153
Antarctica 19, 112, 148-9, 150 batteries 52 Chinese New Year 65
Antigua & Barbuda 130, 148 bears 16, 72, 95, 102, 111 c theater 139
Antilles, Greater 130 Beaufort scale, wind 9 Cabinda 7 trade 61
Antilles, Lesser 130 beavers 118 cable cars 140 chocolate 62, 71
ants 72, 86, 113 Beethoven 100 cacti 46, 110 Christianity 65, 115, 152
apartment buildings 78 beetles 86, 128 cafes 140 Christmas 65
Arabs 61 Belarus 22, 23, 149 calcium 82 cities 8, 140
Aral Sea 22 Belgium 55, 56, 149 calculators 42 Civil War 153
archers 38 Belize 130, 148 calories 54 climates 39
Archimedes 92 Benin 6, 149 Camargue 59 clothing, early humans 49
Arctic 112 Benz, Karl 152 Cambodia 20, 149 clouds 147
Arctic Ocean 124, 148 Berlin Wall 153 camels 45, 142 clownfish 16
Ardennes 55 Bhutan 24, 25, 149 Cameroon 6, 149 coal 52, 54
Argentina 131, 148 Bible 32, 115, 152 Canada 102, 103, 148, 152 cobras 117
Armenia 22, 149 bicycles 29, 92, 142 Canary Islands 148 Colombia 131, 148
armor, knights 89 birds 17, 30-1, 72, 118 candles 65, 90 color 40
Armstrong, Neil 153 bison 55 canoes 124, 136 Columbus, Christopher 61, 153
art 107 Black Forest 55 Cape Verde 148 combine harvesters 64
arteries 84 Blackbeard 108 caravans 78 communications 41,88
Ascension 148 blind people, Braille 32, 81 carbohydrates 70 Comoros 149
Asia 20-5, 149, 150 blood 84 carbon dioxide 9 compact discs 88
asteroids 109 Blue Mountains 26 Caribbean 130, 132 compasses 12, 93, 96
astronauts 98, 133 boats see ships and boats carnival 132 Compsognathus 47

computer games 88 Dominican Republic 130, 148 geckos 113
computers 41, 42, 53 donkeys 142 F geologists 122
Congo 7, 149 dragons 12 factories 62 Georgia 22, 149
coniferous forests 73 drums 129 Falkland Islands 148 Germany 55, 56, 149, 152, 153
conservation 43 fall 126 geysers 27, 57
constellations, stars 137 families, animal 15 Ghana 6, 149
continents 150 E farming 8, 28, 63, 103, 105 Gibraltar 59
Cook, Mount 27 eagles 30, 31 Faeroe Islands 148 glaciers 102, 112
Cook Islands 148 early humans 49 fax machines 41 glass 97
copper 120 Earth 50 feathers 30 gliders 10
coral reefs 130 magnetic poles 93 fencing 136 globe 150
Corsica 59 as a planet 109 festivals 65 glowworms 90
Corythosaurus 47 seasons 126 fetus 80 goats 95
Cossacks 23 earthquake detectors 12 fiction 32 Gobi Desert 20
Costa Rica 130, 148 earthworms 72, 134 Fiji 27, 28, 148 God 115
Cotswolds 57 eastern Asia 20-1 film 66 gods, ancient Greece 14
cotton 97 eating 70 finches 30 gold 120
cowboys 103 echidnas 76 fingerprints 83 golf 135
crabs 16, 125, 128 eclipse, Sun 137 Finland 57, 149 Grand Canyon 104, 105
crafts 8, 23, 25, 105, 132 Ecuador 131, 132, 148 fire 49 graphite 120
cranes 34 Edison, Thomas 88 fire engines 144 grasses 69, 77, 110
crater lakes 119 Edmontonia 47 fireworks 90 grasshoppers 86
craters, Moon 98 education, ancient Greece 14 fish 17, 67-8 grassland animals 76
Cretaceous period 48 eels 68 families 15 grasslands 77
cricket 135 eggs 11, 51, 67 farming 63 Great Barrier Reef 26
Croatia 59, 149 Egypt 6, 149 river fish 118 Great Britain see United
crocodiles 18, 116 ancient Egypt 13, 152 sea fish 123 Kingdom
cruise ships 127 Eiger, Mount 55 skeletons 128 Great Depression 153
Crusaders 153 El Salvador 130, 148 fishing 58, 60, 71, 103 Great Lakes 102, 104
crustaceans 17 electric light 90 fjords 27, 57 Great Rift Valley 7
Cuba 130, 148 electric trains 141 flamenco dancing 44 Great Wall of China 12
Cyprus 149 electrical energy 54 flies 86 Greece 59, 149
Czech Republic 55, 56, 149 electricity 52-3, 88 flowers 69, 114 ancient Greece 14, 153
electronic instruments 101 flying 10, 30, 152 culture 60
elephants 128, 142 fog 147 festivals 65
D embryo 80 food 64, 70-1 houses 78
damselflies 86 emperors: forensic scientists 122 theater 139
dance 44 ancient China 12, 153 forests 72, 73, 103, 114 Greenland 102, 148
Africa 8 Roman Empire 121 fossils 48, 74 Grenada 148
festivals 65 energy 54 France 59, 60, 149 growth, human body 80
Danube River 55 conservation 43 French Guiana 131, 148 Guadeloupe 130
Dead Sea 146 electricity 52 French Polynesia 148 Guam 149
Death Valley 104 England 57 French Revolution 153 Guatemala 130, 148
deciduous forests 73 English Civil War 152 frigates 127 Guinea 6, 149
Dein onych us 4 7 entertainment 88 frogs 11, 51, 128 Guinea-Bissau 6, 148
demolition balls 34 Equator 148-149, 150 fruit 64, 75, 114 guinea pigs 76
Denmark 57, 58, 149 Equatorial Guinea 7, 149 Fuji, Mount 20 Guyana 131, 148
desert animals 45 Eritrea 6, 149 furniture 143 gymnastics 136
deserts 39, 46 Estonia 57, 149
diamonds 120 Ethiopia 6, 149
diesel trains 141 Etna, Mount 59 G H
digestion 70 Euoplocephalus 47 Gabon 7, 149 hail 147
dingos 76 Europe 55-60, 61, 149, 150 galaxies 137 hair 83
dinosaurs 47-8, 74 evaporation 146 Gambia 6, 148 Haiti 130, 148
Djibouti 6 Everest, Mount 24, 152 Gandhi 152 Halloween 65
doctors 79 Everglades 104 Ganges River 24 hamsters 76
dogfish 51 exoskeleton 128 gas 9, 52, 54 Hawaii 148
dolphins 95 experiments, science 122 gasoline 106 hearing 81
Dominica 148 explorers 61 gears 92 heart 84

heat energy 54 Jainism 115 light energy 54 Midway Islands 148
helicopters 10 Jamaica 130, 148 lighthouses 35 migration 111
helmets 89 Jan Mayen 148 lighting 53 Milky Way 137
hieroglyphs 13, 152 Japan 21, 149, 153 lightning 52, 90 millipedes 72, 134
high jump 136 Java 20 lilies 69 mime 139
Hillary, Edmund 152 Jerusalem 153 lions 15 minerals 8, 19, 70, 120
Hindus 115 Jesus Christ 65, 115, 152 Lithuania 57, 149 mining, Australia 28
history timeline 152-3 joints 82 living things 91 Mississippi River 104
Hitler 153 Jordan 24, 149 lizards 116, 117 Moldova 59, 149
Hoggar Mountains 6 Judaism 115, 153 llamas 63, 85 mollusks 17
Hollywood 105 Jupiter 109 locusts 87 Mongolia 20, 21, 149
Holy Week 65 Jurassic period 48 London 57, 58 monkeys 113
homes and houses 53, 78 jute 25 Luxembourg 55, 149 monorails 141
Honduras 130, 148 Monument Valley 104
horses 89, 136 Moon 98, 153
hospitals 79, 140 K M Morocco 6, 100, 149
hot-air balloons 10 kangaroos 94 Macedonia 59, 149 Moscow 23
houseboats 78 Kashmir 24 machines 34, 54, 64, 92 mosses 110
houses 35, 78 Kazakhstan 22, 149 Machu Picchu 85 moths 36, 86
hovercraft 9, 127 Kenya 7, 149 McKinley, Mount 102 motor racing 135
human body 80-4 Kerguelen 149 Madagascar 7, 149 motorcycles 29
humans, early 49 Kilimanjaro, Mount 7 Madeira 148 mountains 9, 99
hummingbirds 30, 130 kimonos 21 magazines 41 Mozambique 7, 149
Hungary 55, 149 Kiribati 148 Magellan 61 mudskippers 68
hydroelectric power 52, 119 kitchens 53 magnets 93 Muhammed 115, 153
kites 12 Malawi 7, 149 mummies 13
kiwis 27 Malaysia 20, 21, 149 murals 107
I knights 89 Maldives 149 Muscat 24
ice 146 koala bears 26 Mali 6, 149 muscles 82
ice hockey 136 Koran 115 Malta 149 museums 140
icebergs 19, 112 Krak des Chevaliers 38 mammals 17, 94-5 mushrooms 73
icefields 112 Kremlin, Moscow 23 Mandela, Nelson 153 music 100
Iceland 57, 148 krill 111 mangrove swamps 20 Africa 8
igneous rock 120 Kuwait 24, 25, 149 Mao Tse-tung 152 Asia 21
Iguanodon 47-48 Kyrgyzstan 22, 23, 149 Maoris 28, 153 festivals 65
Incas 85, 152 maps 96 musical instruments 101
India 24, 25, 100, 139, 149 Mardi Gras 65 sound 129
Indian Ocean 124, 149 L markets, Africa 8 South America 132
Indonesia 20, 149 laboratories 122 marmosets 16 Muslims 115
industry 21, 23, 103, 105, 132 ladybugs 86 Mars 109
insects 17, 86-7 lakes 68, 119 Marshall Islands 149
spiders and mini-beasts 134 landscapes 107 marsupials 94 N
Internet 41 Laos 20, 149 Martinique 130 Namib Desert 7
inventions 88 Lapland 58 materials 97 Namibia 7, 149
invertebrates 17 Latvia 57, 149 Mauritania 6, 148 narwhals 123
Iran 24, 149 leather 62 Mauritius 149 Native Americans 41, 44, 103
Iraq 24, 149 leaves, trees 73, 143 Mayan civilization 152 Nauru 149
Ireland 57, 148 Lebanon 24, 149 medicine 88 navigation 108
Iron age 49 Lenin 153 meerkats 15, 76 Nepal 24, 149
irrigation 119 Leonardo da Vinci 152 memory 84 Neptune 109
Islam 115, 153 leopards 94 Mercury 109 nerves 84
Israel 24, 25, 149 Lesotho 7, 149 Meseta Plain 59 nervous system 84
Italy 59, 60, 149 letters 41 metamorphic rock 120 nests 51
Ivory Coast 6, 149 levers 92 meteorites 109 Netherlands 55, 56, 149
Liberia 6, 149 Mexico 100, 104, 105, 148 New Caledonia 27, 149
libraries 32 mice 95 New Guinea 78
J ■Libya 6, 149 Micronesia 149 New York 105
jade 120 lichen 99 microwaves 53 New Zealand 27, 28, 149, 153
jaguars 113 light 53, 90, 91 Midsummer’s Day 65 newspapers 41

Newton, Isaac 122 Palau 149 punishment, pirates 108 sailboats 61, 127
newts 11 pampas 77, 131 puppets 21, 139 St. Helena 148
Niagara Falls 102 Panama 130, 148 pyramids 13 St. Lucia 130, 148
Nicaragua 130, 148 pandas 18, 20 salamanders 11
Niger 6, 149 paper 12, 143 Sami people 58
Nigeria 6, 78. 149
Nile River 6, 13
Papua New Guinea 26,
28, 149
Q Samurai warriors 89
Qatar 24, 149 sand, deserts 46
noise 129 papyrus 13 Sardinia 59
Quebec 103
nomads 25 parachutes 9 satellites 50, 133
nonfiction hooks 32 paraffin oil 106 maps 96
North America 102-5, 148, Paraguay 131, 148 R satellite dishes 88, 133
150 Paralympics 135 space 137
rabbits 16
North Korea 20, 149 parks 140 television 138
raccoons 72
north pole 112 parrots 30 weather 147
radiologists 122
northern Africa 6 Parthenon 14 Saturn 109
radios 41
northern Asia 22-3 peaches 71 Saudi Arabia 24, 149
railroads 141
northern Europe 57'8 penguins 31, 111 rain 146, 147 savanna 76, 77
Northern lights 93, 102 percussion instruments 101 rainbows 40 scales 92
Northern Mariana Islands 149 perfume 69 schools 140
rain forests 6, 20, 26, 114, 131
Norway 57, 58, 149 Peru 131, 148 animals 113 science 122
nuclear power 52 petals 69 recycling 43, 97 scorpions 15, 134
nurses 79 Peter the Great 152 Red Sea 24 Scotland 57, 58
pharaohs 13 reflection 90 scuba diving 136
Philippines 20, 149 scu lptures 120, 143
o pigs 63
reflex actions 84
refrigerators 53 scythes 64
oak trees 143 Pinnacles, Australia 26 reindeer 95, 111 sea horses 123
oasis 46 piranhas 68 religion 115 seagulls 125
observatories 137 pirates 108 Renaissance 152 seals 18, 111
octopuses 17, 123 Pitcairn Islands 148 reptiles 17, 116-17 seaplanes 10
offices 35, 140 pitchforks 64 desert animals 45 seas and oceans 68, 123, 124,
oil 25, 52, 54, 106 plague 152 dinosaurs 48 146
Okefenokee swamp 104 planes 10, 142 reservoirs 119 seashore 125
olive oil 71 planets 109 Reunion 149 seasons 126
Olympic Games 14, 135 plants 46, 91, 99, 110, 112 Revolutionary War 152 seaweeds 110, 125
Oman 24, 149 plastic 97 rheas 15, 76 secretary birds 76
opals 120 Plateosaurus 48 Rhine River 55 sedimentary rock 120
opaque materials 90 plays 139 rhinoceroses 95 seeds 69, 73, 75, 1 10
operas 139 plows 64 rice 64, 71 Seismosaurus 47
orangutans 18 Pluto 109 Rio de Janeiro 132 Senegal 6, 148
oranges 25 Poland 55, 56, 149 rivers 68, 118, 119, 146 senses 81
Orthodox churches 60 polar lands 112 Riyadh 24, 25 Serengeti Plain 7
ostriches 30, 63 animals 11 1 robins 30 servals 76
otters 95 seasons 126 robots 42 Seychelles 149
outback 26, 77 pollination 69 rocks 120 shadows 90
ovens 53 pollution 18, 43 Rocky Mountains 104 shantytowns 8
Oviraptor 47 polyester fabric 97 rodeos 103 sharks 15, 68
owls 31, 111 porcupines 95 Romania 59, 149 sheep 27, 28, 63
oxygen 9, 146 portraits 107 Romans 121, 152 shells 125, 128
ozone layer 50 Portugal 59, 60, 149 Rome 59, 60 Shih Juang-ti, Emperor 153
power stations 52 rope 127 ships and boats 61, 108, 124,
Prague 38, 55, 56 rubber trees 21 127, 145
P prairies 77 rugby 58, 135 shops 140
Pacific Islands 27, 148-149 preserving food 70 Russian Federation 22, 23, 149 shrubs 110
Pacific Ocean 61, 124, 148 proteins 70 Russian Revolution 153 Siberia 22, 23
paddle steamers 127, 142 Provence 59 Rwanda 7, 149 Sicily 59
paint 40, 120 Psittacosaurus 47 sieges 38
painting 107 Puerto Rico 130, 148 Sierra Leone 6, 149
cave paintings 49 pulleys 92 s sight 81
Pakistan 24, 149 pulse 84 Sahara Desert 6 sign language 41,81

Singapore 20 Sudan 6, 149 tractors 64 villages 8, 21
skeletons 82, 128 Sumatra 20 trade, Vikings 145 virtual reality 42
skiing 136 summer 126 trains 141, 142 vitamins 70
skin 83 Sumo wrestling 136 Trans-Siberian railroad 23 volcanoes 27, 99, 119,
skulls 128 Sun 137 translucent materials 90 130 27
skyscrapers 35, 140 climates 39 transparent materials 90 Volga River 22
slave trade 153 energy 54 transportation 140, 142
slopes 92 light 40, 90 travelers 61
sloths 113 Solar System 109 trawlers 127 w
Slovakia 55, 149 surfing 136 treasure 108 wadis 24
Slovenia 59, 149 Suriname 131, 148 trees 73, 110, 143 wallabies 76
slugs 51 Swaziland 7, 149 Triassic period 48 walruses 111
smell, sense of 81 Sweden 57, 58, 149 Triceratops 47 Wannanosaurus 48
snails 134 swimming 136 Trinidad & Tobago 130, 148 Washington, George 152
snakelocks anemones 125 Switzerland 55, 56, 78, 149 Troodon 47 wasps 51, 86
snakes 18, 113, 116, 117, 128 Sydney Opera House 28 tropical seasons 126 water 43, 70, 91, 146
snow 147 Syria 24, 149 trucks 144 water sports 136
soccer 136 tuk-tuks 142 weapons 38, 89, 108, 121
Socrates 14 tundra 22, 102, 112 weather 39, 126, 147
solar power 52, 137 T Tunisia 6, 78, 149 webs, spiders 134
Solar System 109 Table Mountain 7 tunnels 33 weevils 72
soldiers 89, 121 tadpoles 1 1 Turkey 24, 149 western Asia 24-5
Solomon Islands 27, 149 Taiwan 20, 149 turkeys 63 Western Sahara 6, 148
Somalia 6, 149 Taj Mahal, Agra 25 Turkmenistan 22, 149 Western Samoa 148
Sonoran Desert 104 Tajikistan 22, 149 turtles 116, 117 whales 94, 123
sound 54, 81, 129 talking 41 Tuvalu 148 wheat 71
South Africa 7, 149, 153 Tanzania 7, 149 Tyrannosaurus rex 48 wheelbarrows 12
South America 130-2, 148, Tasmania 26, 149 wheels 88, 92
150 taste 81 wind 9, 52, 147
South Georgia 148
South Korea 20, 149
taxis 140 u winter 126
tea 25, 71 Uganda 7, 149 Winter Olympics 135
south pole 19, 112 telephones 41, 53, 88 Ukraine 22, 149 wolves 72, 111
South Sandwich Islands 148 telescopes 137 Uluru 26 wood 35, 97
southern Africa 7 television 41, 53, 88, 138 United Arab Emirates 24, 149 woodwind 101
southern Asia 24-5 temples, ancient Greece 14 United Kingdom 57, 58, wool 63
southern Europe 59-60 tennis 135 149 World War I 153
sow bugs 134 Tenzing Norgay, Sherpa 152 United States of America 104, World War II 153
space probes 133 tepees 78 105, 148 worms 128
space shuttle 133 termites 16 Ural Mountains 22 Wright, Orville 152
space travel 133 textiles, Africa 8 Uranus 109 writing 41, 80
Spain 38, 44, 59, 85, 149 Thailand 20, 21, 149 Uruguay 131, 148 alphabets 32
spiders 15, 134 Thanksgiving 65 Uzbekistan 149 hieroglyphs 13
sponges 97 thatch 35
sports 135-6 theater 14, 35, 139
spring 126 thermometers 147 V X, Y, Z
squash 136 Tibet 20 Vanuatu 27, 149 X rays 88
squirrels 16, 72 tigers 18 Vatican City 60 Yangtze River 20
Sri Lanka 24, 25, 149 tiles 35 vegetables 64, 71 Yemen 24, 149
starfish 17, 123 tin cans 120 veins 84 Yugoslavia 59, 149
stars 137 Titicaca, Lake 131 Venezuela 131, 132, 148 Zaire 7, 149
steam trains 141, 153 toads 11 Venice 140 Zambezi River 7
steel 97 Togo 6, 149 Venus 109 Zambia 7, 149
Stegocerous 47 tools 49, 85 vertebrates 17 zebras 7, 95
Stegosaurus 47 tornadoes 147 Victoria Falls 7 Zimbabwe 7, 149
steppe 77 tortoises 116 videophones 41 zoology 122
sticklebacks 68 touch 81 Vienna 55, 56 zooplankton 123
streams 119 tourism 8, 19, 28, 60, 105 Vietnam 20, 149 zoos 18
streetcars 142 tournaments 89 Vietnam War 153
submarines 124 towns 8, 140 Vikings 61, 145, 153

Additional editorial assistance Stella Love and Susan Peach British Library: 32cla.
Additional design assistance Peter Radcliffe and Cheryl Teller British Antartic Survey: 19bc.
Bruce Coleman: 15bc, 19cl, crb, 20clb, 24bc, 58tr, ch, cl, 60crb,
Additional picture research Garifalia Boussiopohlou and
76cr, 96c, cr, 102c, 102crb, 104 cb, HOcb, 115c, 122bl, 130cla,
Tom Worsley
ch, 146cr / E&P Bauer 11 ler, J. Burton 134tc, J. Cancalosi
Index Hilary Bird 104c, E. Chrichton 24cla, G. Cubitt 2 lcla, 7tc, R. Forest 39cl,
Cartography Roger Bullen K. Gunnar 99br, T.O. Hounsen 60clb, J. Johnson 76c,
H. Kranawetter 1 15cra, O. Langrand 105tc, A. Munzannres
Jacket design Sophia Tampakopoulos
15cb, Charlie Ott 112tr, Andy Prue 16bc, Hans Reinhard 20br,
27cl, 68cl, K. Rujhby 27cr, Kim Taylor 143br, U. Walz 119c,
Additional illustrations Konrad Wothe 143bc, J. Worrall 52clh, C. Zuber 75bl.
Angelika Elsebach, John Hutchinson, Ruth Lindsay, BT Corporate Pictures: 42cr.
Daniel J Pyne, Gill Tomblin, John Woodcock, Colin Woolf. Cadbury Ltd. 62c.
Central Broadcasting: 138c, tc, era.
Photography Collections: Patrich Wise 121 cl.
Peter Anderson, Sarah Ashen, Jane Burton, Paul Bricknell, Colorific: Steve Razzetti 24bc / 7 lbr.
Geoff Brightling, Peter Chadwick, Andy Crawford, Geoff Dann, The Colour Museum, Bradford: 40bl.
Philip Dowell, Mike Dunning, Andreas Von Einsiedel, Donald Cooper: 139c.
Neil Fletcher, Lynton Gardiner, Max Gibbs, Steve Gorton, Corbis Bettman: 62tr.
Frank Greenway, Boh Guthany, Alan Hills, Michael Holford, Lupe Cunha: 79tr, c.
Colin Keates, Gary Kevin, Barnabas Kindersley, Dave King, James Davis: 20cl.
Bob Laneirish, C. Laubscher, Richard Leeny, Ruth Lindsay, Environmental Images: 23cb.
Mike Linley, Andrew McRobb, Tony Morrison, David Murray, ET Archive: 121crb.
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