How A Bill Becomes A Law

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HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW: Calendaring for Floor Debates

Filing/Calendaring for First Reading  Calendar for Ordinary Business/ Calendar for Special Orders/
Calendar for Third Reading
 A bill is filed in the Office of the Secretary where it is given a
corresponding number and calendared for First Reading.  A bill that has a committee report can be referred to the
Calendar for Ordinary Business only. It may again be moved to
First Reading its Special Order of Business for priority action.

 Its title, bill number, and author’s name are read on the floor, Second Reading
after which it is referred to the proper committee.
 Bill author delivers sponsorship speech on the floor. Senators
 Only the title and author are read on the floor. engage in debate, interpellation, and rebuttal to highlight the
pros and cons of the bill. A period of amendments incorporates
necessary changes in the bill proposed by the committee or
 SP is responsible for referring bills introduced to proper introduced by the Senators themselves on the floor.

 Any committee member who fails to enter his objection or to

Committee Hearings/Report
make of record his dissenting vote after it shall have been
included in the Order of Business and read to Senate in
 Committees are referred to as “little legislatures”. accordance with the second paragraph of Section 24 hereof,
shall not be allowed to speak against the bill during the period
 Committee conducts hearings and consultation meetings. of general debate although he may propose and speak or vote
on amendments thereto,
 Committee can approve/reject the legislations without
amendments, rewrite the bill entirely, report favorably or  The sponsor of the bill or author of the motion shall have the
without recommendation, which allows the chamber to right to close the debate.
consider the bill at all.
 With the debate closed, the consideration of amendments, if
 If the reports submitted are unfavorable, they shall be any, shall be in order.
transmitted to the archives of the Senate, unless five senators
shall, in the following session, move for their inclusion in the  After the period of amendments, the voting of the bill on
Calendar of Ordinary Business, in which case the President Second Reading.
shall so order.
Voting on Second Reading
 Committee report describes the purpose and scope of the bill,
explains any committee amendments, indicates proposed  Senators vote on the second reading version of the bill. If
changes in existing law and such other materials that are approved, the bill is calendared for third reading.
relevant. Moreover, reports are numbered in the order in
which they are filed and printed.
 Bills shall be submitted to final vote by yeas and nays after  If the House-approved version is compatible with that of the
printed copies thereof in the final form have been distributed Senate’s, the final version’s enrolled form is printed.
to the members at least three days prior to their passage,
except when the President of the Philippines certifies to the  If there are certain differences, a Bicameral Conference
necessity of their immediate enactment to meet a public Committee is called to reconcile conflicting provisions of both
calamity or emergency, in which case the voting on third versions of the Senate and of the House of Representatives.
reading may take place immediately after the second reading. Conference committee submits report on the reconciled
version of the bill, duly approved by both chambers. The
Senate prints the reconciled version in its enrolled form.

Voting on Third Reading Conference Report

 Printed copies of the bill’s final version are distributed to the  When the conferees have reached agreement on a bill, the
Senators. This time, only the title of the bill is read on the conference committee staff writes a conference report
floor. Nominal voting is held. If passed, the approved Senate indicating changes made in the bill and explaining each side’s
bill is referred to the House of Representatives for actions.
 Once a conference committee completes its works, it can now
 Note: When the President of the Philippines certifies to the be submitted to the floor for its approval. Debate on
necessity of their immediate enactment to meet a public conference reports is highly privileged and can interrupt most
calamity or emergency, the voting on third reading may take other business.
place immediately after the second reading.
 Approval of the conference report by both houses, along with
 any amendments on disagreement, constitutes final approval
of the bill.
At the House of Representatives
 After both houses have given final approval to a bill, a final
 After the bill is approved on third reading, it will be submitted copy of the bill, known as the “enrolled bill,” shall be printed,
to the Lower House. and certified as correct by the Secretary of the Senate and the
Secretary General of the House of Representatives. After
which, it will be signed by the Speaker of the House and the
 The Lower Chamber follows the same procedures (First
Senate President.
Reading, Second Reading and Third Reading). Exception:
Unless a House bill on the same subject has already been
reported out by the appropriate committee and placed on the Submission to Malacañang
 Final enrolled form is submitted to Malacañang. The President
Back to the Senate either signs it into law, or vetoes and sends it back to the
Senate with veto message.
 A bill may become a law, even without the President’s from receipt in his office. A bill may also become a law without
signature, if the President does not sign a bill within 30 days the President’s signature if Congress overrides a presidential
veto by two-thirds vote.

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