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Ready-To-Run Adventures

Harnalda Map
Phillip Gladney ©1999

The keep, Harnalda, is a recent addition to the eastern lands of the En Egladil. It
was constructed immediately after the Stonearm Wars as a means of countering the
cavalry of Rhudaur, which had before run unimpeded across the plains. This was,
in fact, one of the main reasons that Ermegil, King of Rhudaur, was able to control
the Angle just a few years ago. His mounted troops, comprised mainly of fierce
Easterlings from beyond the Misty Mountains, marched down the eastern side of
the Angle and cut off Thuin Boid. He successfully completed a siege of Fennas
Drunin because the Cantons of Feotar were not able to put up any resistance in
time. Eventually, Bemakinda, the appointed general of the Feotarin army,
mobilized the Northmen and Eriadoran commoners and together they were able to
retake Fennas Drunin and Thuin Boid, but at great cost. Wisely, the council heads
of Feotar undertook a plan to hastily construct a redoubt, which would eliminate or
at least act as a counter to the menace of this swift enemy mobility. Rebuilding a
circular tower from the foundations of an earlier one and adding a wooden palisade
and parapet, crafted from strong timbers from the nearby forest, made Harnalda a
viable fortification.
Eight buildings have been erected inside the bailey to support the troops stationed
there. There are three barracks halls, a smithy, tannery, healing house, a large stable
and an enlarged inn, which provides the men-at-arms with entertainment. These
structures are made of quarried stone with thatch roofs and are noticeably new. A
small detachment of the mercenary unit the Red Lances are stationed here, as well
as a unit of Stoor Hobbits from the southeast region of the En Egladil. These
Hobbits are used mainly for scouting and missile support. In addition to the two
aforementioned groups there is a motley assortment of regular mercenaries. These
warriors hail from all parts of Cardolan and are generally trustworthy. They operate
as an auxiliary unit under the command of the castle commander and perform
garrison duty.
At any given time there will be 10 men manning the walls in three-hour shifts. Two
on top of the gatehouse, two inside the gatehouse, one on top of the tower and five
walking in absolutely random patterns along the parapet. During times of war there
will be twice as many men at each post and they will operate in six-hour shifts. A
warning bell atop the tower will alert the garrison to any potential threat. When this
bell is sounded every man that can carry a weapon will rush to man the walls.

1. The Tower - The tower, which is the focus of the keep, is approximately
forty feet tall. It sits atop a small hill of solid rock, which gives it another
twenty feet of actual height. It rises high above the surrounding landscape
and provides an excellent view of the countryside. Constructed entirely of
stone and housing a large warning beacon on its roof, this fortress is a
formidable barrier to any trying to conquer the region. It has three stories, a
basement and a fighting roof with crenels and merlons. The rooftop also has
a catapult with a swivel base bolted to it just as the tower at Thuin Boid.
During an attack archers could fill the top two levels of the tower and rain
murderous fire upon any would-be attackers. Normally, Hobbit archers
would be positioned here to use their arrows to help contain any breaches
that might develop around the wooden palisade.
The captain of the soldiers in Harnalda, Talathain, who is also a member of
the Red Lances, has a suite on the top floor, as does the leader of the Stoor
contingent, Ballo Point. (Ballo is the younger brother of Dallo Point, the
leader of all Hobbits in the Angle.) The entrance to the tower is on the
second floor and is protected by a large iron door. The first and second
stories house quarters for the officers, a council room and a kitchen. The
basement holds enough dried goods and extra weapons to sit out a short
2. The Gatehouse - The gatehouse of Harnalda, made of stone, is the center
point of the perimeter defense. It is two stories tall and is the second largest
building in the compound. It has two small ballistae mounted on its flat roof
and a goodly quantity of oil to lob at the enemy as well as sand to heat and
pour through the murder holes in the second floor. The double gates are of
iron-reinforced oak and can withstand the most punishing of blows. If the
gatehouse were to fall to any enemy, then the entire bailey would be
compromised and the tower would be the only refuge.
The first floor of the gatehouse is cut in two by the hallway that serves as the
entrance into Harnalda. The entrance hallway is high enough to allow a
mounted individual easy access. On either side are guardrooms that have
arrow slits allowing defenders to pepper invaders with missiles. The second
floor has extra supplies such as weapons, oil and sand and has numerous
arrow slits.
3. Stable - This long building houses anywhere between 25-30 horses at any
given time. They are the mounts of the Red Lance members garrisoned here
as well as the messengers and officers. A few extra horses are also kept here
for emergencies. Run by a stable master with the help of two young boys,
the horses are well fed and cared for. Extra hay is stored in the first floor of
the large building along with spare saddles and the like. Quarters for the
stable master and his helpers are on the second floor.
4. Inn - Called the Lonely Watch, this inn/tavern caters to the garrison of
Harnalda. The name alludes to the fact that Harnalda is a rather secluded
outpost. They get almost no visitors and rarely will any traders make the
long journey off the main road to sell their wares. This proves to be rather
boring after awhile and the soldiers have found that a full tankard of ale or
beer is their only solace. Every night a good number of soldiers not on guard
duty will be found here singing, gaming, fighting, eating, and, of course,
drinking. The mood is friendly, however fights do break out occasionally
due to the confined atmosphere of the border fort. The inn itself is two
stories tall and made of stone like every other building in the bailey. The
bottom floor serves as the common hall and the second floor houses a few
rooms for let as well as quarters for the proprietor, Harvil. Harvil lives here
with his sons, Donnall and Eagil, who help him run the inn. He lost his wife
to the plague a few years ago and is now trying to make something for his
sons to have after he passes on.
5. Barracks - These three stone buildings house the troops which defend
Harnalda. One houses both the 20 Red Lances and 20 Stoor hobbits assigned
to Harnalda. The other two each contain 40 of the Angle auxiliaries. There
are cots for 20-25 warriors on each of the two floors. At any given time there
will be about 10-20 troops sleeping here. When off-duty, the garrison
soldiers prefer to spend their time out in the compound or at the Lonely
Watch .
6. Tannery - A small group of tanners has been commissioned to serve the
garrison of Harnalda. There are four of them and they are for the most part
non-combatants, although they can use weapons to a limited degree to
defend themselves. They live on the second floor and work on the ground
floor. Their jobs are not much different than those of any normal tanner, but
the pay is much better. They spend their days repairing or creating leather
armor and livery items. This keeps them quite busy.
7. Smithy - Similar to the tanners next door, a cadre of three dedicated smiths
have been commissioned to serve the garrison. They also have a work area
on the ground floor and maintain suites on the second. They repair metal
armor and weapons as well as produce the metal items required for the
cavalry such as horseshoes and nails. They are all quite muscular and if
forced into combat would make for formidable foes.
8. Healing House - A Healer maintains a residence and infirmary here. He has
two assistants who help him with the day-to-day affairs. The house has 10
cots on the ground floor for any sick or injured members of the castle
population. The healer, Mathir, has a quatity of herbs in his residence on the
second floor. There is also a kitchen here for the preparation of the herbs as
well as feeding the infirm.
9. Palisade Wall - The wall surrounding the bailey and tower is twenty feet
tall. It is comprised of thick oaken timbers approximately 15 inches in
diameter. The timbers have all been sharpened on top. A parapet of wooden
planks stands behind every section of the wall. Every twenty feet a ladder
provides access to the parapet from the ground. There are also large barrels
of water scattered around the wall under the parapet. These each have a few
buckets nearby and are to put out any fire that may result during battle.

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