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Guay Short Messages Practice @ Questions I - 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. Menu of the day * Chicken-mushroom soup * Spaghetti agllo oglio * Grilled vegetables + Mango pudding 2. | New message From: To _: Help! Did you attend Mr. David's English lecture today? I got caught up with my brother's homework and now I'm so lost! Early Birds Aler! Half price admission fee for the Go Green ‘Campaign. Date: Care for something sweet? You can order A. aplate of pasta. B awarm bow of hearty soup. C_acold dish served with a yellow fruit. ‘A. At Ling refused to join Mr. David's lesson. B Ah Ling needs help with her English homework. Ah Ling wants Katherine to help her with her brother's homework. A Only people who come early to the campaign will be charged full fee. B_ Those who register early will receive a 50% discount on their admission. C There Is no fee for the campaign. © Ponerbitan Pelangy Sdn. Bhd WN panase inggerts Yours toss wb 5 | Hi Candice, — = There has been a power cut at my | neighbourhood. | was wondering If | [could come by your house till the | situation Improves okay over here. | Let me know, okay? Jeena 6. 911: Hello, what's your emergency please? Paul: Please help! My friend broke his leg while rock climbing. He is screaming and crying. I don't now what to do! Practice Questions | - 6 For each question, choose the correct answer. '. G Tuesday , 6” July 2022 5 Dear Diary, “5 What a tiring day! Started off with a three online classes before a quick ( lunch. Then, piano lesson for an (2 hour before rushing for my weekly ‘swimming session. Luckily, it was e coach Dominic so, it was bearable. i Love, > Meghan © Pemrtitan Peart Sdn Bd A. Year 6 students of the school can join the singing competition. B All students from Subang are invited to Join the singing competition. C Children below the ages of 10 can contact the school about the singing competition If you were Candice, what would you do? A Suggest that she contacts her neighbourhood management fo solve the problem. B Invite her over so both of you can study together. € Tell her to go to her grandparents’ house. What kind of emotions are running within Paul? A. excited and overwhelmed. B panicky and worried. € calm and composed. ‘A Meghan enjoyed her swimming lesson the most despite having a tiring day. Meghan did not enjoy the entire day because she was exhausted from all the activities. Meghan hod to rush the whole day because she had back to back online lessons. Interviewer: Congratulations! Were you always into javelin? Aiden: Yes I love ii. But I sfill think Kaysha deserves this medal more than me. Hasel You are too kind. I truly believe you deserved it! Camping trip Students with no outdoor experience are encouraged to join Dear Kaelan, How are you? | want to share some great news with you! | just received an email from school. | ranked highest achiever in our state and I'm so excited! Call me soon, okay. From, Kaysha New message From: To _: aizat@gmailcom Subject: Invitation to our party We are planning a farewell party for my brother who is leaving to Australia soon. He finally got a place at a top ranked university there. The details of the party will be sent fo you later. Take care. Dayland Theme Park Every 25 minutes 30 minutes RM 10 Return Trip: RM 15 Bahasa Inggeris voor tosis SS ‘A. Hosel definitely thinks she is a way better Javelin thrower than Aiden. B Aiden won the javelin competion. C Aiden and Hasel took part in a marathon together. A. Students with more outdoor experience should join this camp. B_ Students are not allowed to join in the camp without experience. Students can lear a lot about outdoor camping by joining this trip. What should Kaelan do? A Email Kaysha and congratulate her. B Call her immediately to share her joy. C Send a text message on the phone to wish her. A. The party will be held at Aizat's house before his brother's leaves to Australi. B_ Richard will not share the details of the party until Aizat gives him an answer. C_ Richard's brother is moving to Australia to further his studies. A The journey by bus to the theme park takes 30 minutes. B_ The waiting period for each trip is 20 minutes. C_ The total amount to be paid for both trips is RM 35. (© Penertton Pelongi Sdn. Bhd Wii y NS banase inggerts voors rts Gm Text Matching For each question, choose the correct answer. e . fe | Who said that the class teacher was the main contributor to the victory? Who mentions about the school magazine? - Who created a special dipping sauce for the prawn? - Who still imagines the aroma of the prawns? - Who talks about the teacher's advice on cooperation? . Who took a lot of time to serve the prawns on the plate? - Who is looking forward for a similar competition? Hazel (© Ponertitan Pelangl Sdn. Bhd. ~ Bahasa Inggerls Years Toss SS Cooking Competition My classmates and I were thrilled to find out we won second place in a cooking competition. The host informed us that they ‘are going to feature us on this month's school magazine! The Judges were very impressed by the way we plated our dish. Deep-coating the prawns before frying fo perfection required lot of time and patience. Then, we had to carve the tomato into a flower and added some chilies sliced thinly as garnish. I can't wait for the next competition to show off my plating skills again. Our class teacher could not stop talking about our victory to teachers from other classes. She kept talking about how we worked hard for weeks to perfect our dish. Our teacher truly deserves most of the credit for guiding us. She sent us YouTube links on how to clean the prawns well, how to make the soft yet fluffy batter to get that final crisps on the prawns after deep frying them and finally how to utilize our | hour well with the right amount of teamwork and self-determination. Hazel The food we made looked so beautiful and I'm sure it tasted even better than it looked. The aroma of the prawns as they were deep fried is siill in my nose. I was in charge of creating a special sauce that would go with if. My teacher guided me with the mayonnaise but I added my own twist with cheese ‘and yogurt. Let's not forget a hint of spice to bring out the whole flavour. I'm sure the judges were excited fo try the prawns with the sauce together. It must have blown their minds away! Froncis 5 (© Penerttan Polangi Sch. Bd 1h BY panaan inggeris. Yours Tost For each question, choose the correct answer. |. Who mentions about a family member being unhappy with the owlet? ih - Who talks a lot of about the characteristics of an owlet? e . Who thinks dad is a caring person? . |. Who believes one of the parents is certain the owlet will be too much to care for? | 5. Who wants to adopt the owlet? 6. Who wishes mom to change her mind about the | owlet? | 7. Who is inspired by dad's good will? Sujay Alay A B A B A B A B A B A B A 8 Vijay (© Penarbitan Pelangl Sd. Bhd. 6 5 Bahasa Inggerls Years Test | SS The Owlet Dad brought home a special bird - Ms. Owlet. He did not intend to bring it home but as he was jogging around the neighbourhood last week, he noticed a few people gathering and looking at something on the ground. Only when he approached it, he noticed it was an injured owlet. Dad immediately kept it in a cage and brought it home. I think dad is amazing for always caring for animals in need. Dad stayed up few nights treating its injury since he is in the medical field, I don't think mom was too happy with the owlet. She kept on saying it will be time consuming to care for it since we are always out of the house. Furthermore, an owlet's food is not the same as the ones regular birds eat. They feed one mice or worms. Mom is not sure how we will be able to find them for the owlet. Vijay T think the owlet is a remarkable bird. It has the most charming eyes and sings when it sees us. Ear-holes, strong talons and sharp clutching claws are also some of iis uniqueness. They have a flat face and a feathered facial disc around their eyes. They have 14 vertebrates in their neck which aids its rotation to 270 degrees. Owls have zygodactyl feet - 2 toes pointing forwards and 2 toes pointing backwards. I really want to keep it as a pet though it's going to be impossible to convince my mother, 7 (© Penertstan Polanyi Sdh. Bhd. 1] if IN nanasa tnggerts veore mont GUY Text with Muttipte-choices | CPractice For each question, choose the correct answer. Junk food is very harmful because it slowly destroys the health of our young children. The | ‘word itself gives an impression that it is not healthy and dangerous to our body. As it tastes 0 delicious, people become addicted to eating it on a daily basis. Advertisements on social media showing mouth-watering junk foods does not spread the correct message to audience on the harmful effects of junk food. The problem is more serious than you think. Various studies show that junk food impacts | our health negatively. They contain higher levels of calories, fats, and sugar. On the contrary, they have very low amounts of healthy nutrients and lack dietary fibers. Parents must discourage their children from consuming junk food because of the ill effects it has on one’s health. Junk food is the easiest way fo gain unhealthy weight. The amount of fats and sugar in the food makes you gain weight rapidly. However, this is not a healthy weight. I! is more of fats and cholesterol which will have a harmful impact on your health. Junk food is also one of the main reasons for the increase in obesity nowadays. This food only looks and tastes good, other than that, it has no positive points. The amount of calorie your body requires to stay fit is not fulfilled by this food. For instance, foods like French fries, burgers, candy, and cookies, all have high amounts of sugar and fats. Therefore, this can result in long-term illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure. This may also result in kidney failure. So, it is important not to indulge in too much of junk food because there ‘re many long-term side effects, (Adapted from:} | 1. Why are many people addicted to junk food? A The amount of sugar, fat and oil in them makes people gain weight and look healthy. B Affordable price and easy access is what people like. C It tastes way tastier than regular healthy meals. 2. Why do you think advertisements about junk food on social media look attractive? A People will crave for them as they are curious to know how the food taste. B Companies have a lot of funds and time to advertise them. This is to make sure people loose focus on staying healthy. 3. What is the role of the parent on junk food? A They should advise their children that junk food should be consumed at least 5 times week. B They have to teach and discipline children to eat only healthy food. C Parents and children must completely stop buying junk food. (© Penerstan Polangs Sdn Bnd 8 Bahasa Inggerts Yeare vost SS 4. sich of the following is an effect of consuming too much of junk food especially among children’ A Pneumonia B Obesity C Stress 5. Where should awareness about eating junk food start from? A School —= B Home Workplace = Cractice @) For each question, choose the correct answer. Cima r rear Ome Ore Friday, 22™ October So, Saturday wasn't exactly bad but it was so hot that any amount of clothes on the skin was just too much. I drank more than I have ever done in that one day compared to what I had in a whole week (reminder to self, start drinking more water). My parents and I had had some good food and enjoyed our Saturday. Without us realizing, it started raining heavily outside. Now, I know I did not like the humid weather earlier in the day, but the cold was not really helping at night! I felt sharp pricks on one of my toes. Not a big thing, but I om a litle ctybaby especially when it comes to my feet. Mom says it's ingrown toenails but dad says it's something sharp stuck inside. They decided to soak my feet in salt water to make me feel better. An hour later, they checked but could not find anything. But there I was, stil feeling the pain in my toes. So, imagine an unknown cause to the pain I was feeling with a cold night, what a great combination right?! Thank God for the delicious dessert mom had made earlier in the day. I gobbled 3 bowss of it with extra whipping cream. Not exactly healthy I know, but I was in pain, so who. cares! It was finally time for bed and my parents promised to drive me to the clinic if the pain still continues. I hope to get some good rest now and have a good start tomorrow. That's all I have today. Let's see if anything exciting happens tomorrow! Tora 1. What do you think Tara did on Saturday night? A She went out for dinner and enjoyed dessert desert with her parents. B She stayed home whole day because she was under the weather. She wrote a diary about how she spent her day. q (© Penertitan Pelangi Sdn. Bh. SN panasa inggerte Youre tot 2. Whot habit did Tara remind herself to change from Saturday onwards? A To drink more water B To look after her toe © To spend time with her parents 3. Which of the following was no! Tara's parents’ opinion about her toe? A Something that’s not blunt is stuck inside. B_ The nail had started growing inwards. € The toe had hit a solid surface. 4. How did Tara feel about the day? =_ ‘A She was worried because she was not able to sleep due fo the pain on her toe. = B She was unhappy as the weather was too cold and her toe was painful. She was overjoyed because she enjoyed a scrumptious meal. 5. What did Tara's parents suggest if the pain still continues the next day? A They will buy her more ice-cream to cheer her up. B They will set an appointment with a doctor. € They will soak her feet again. Guy Text with Multiple-choice Gaps Lrectiee D For each question, choose the correct answer. From _: mikael@gmailcom To __: onig@gmailcom Subject : Interesting Activilies at Tioman Island | Hello Aniq, | Tmo t______that you are coming down to Molaysia. thnk the last ime we | | met was 5 years ago. Since we have (2)_______ to. go somewhere fun, one place came | | to mind was Tiomaan Island, We will stay there for three days and two nights. | There are many interesting (3) _________. that we can do that such as scuba diving, snorkeling, boat riding and even fly kites on the seashore. I also heard there is 0 | (4) restaurant there that serves delicious seafood dishes within our | (5) — 1am very sure we are going to have a blast over there with my family. I suggest you look up the Internet fo get an idea of how the island looks. You are surely going to be blown away by its (6) ___________ view. See you next month. Take care. Your cousin, Mikoel © Penartitan Polangl Sdn Bhd 0 mt S Bahasa Inggeris I. A excited B astonished C curious 2. A hoped B decided € informed 3. A places B food C activities 4. A famous B lousy C attractive 5. A pocket B budget spend 6. A different B pale C picturesque Cractice For each question, choose the correct answer. One day, a poor old lady who only had one piece of bread to eat, was walking down a busy lane in the city. As she (I) _________past a restaurant, she noticed an empty table with leftover food, A (2) of unfinished soup made her saliva drool. She quickly went towards it to dip her bread info the soup. Just then, an (3) ___ waiter came rushing out of the restaurant and yelled at her. He told the old lady to pay for the soup. However, the lady had no money besides the bread in her hand. So, the waiter brought the old lady to the back of the restaurant to meet the (a) The owner who was busy with other work was shocked fo see both of them. After he learnt what the waiter had done, he scolded him for his (5) _______ behaviour. He advised him to be more kind to people in need. The owner offered the old lady a place to sit in the restaurant to eat anything she (6) _______. The old lady was so touched by his kindness that she left the restaurant with the biggest smile on her face after enjoying her meal. |. A travelled B rushed C walked 2. A plate B bowl Cc cup 3. A angry B calm C happy 4. A owner B genitor C cleaner 5. A doubt B rude C polite 6. A planned B expected C desired " (© Ponerbtan Pelangi Sdn. Bh cy 4 \ SY panasn inggerts. Yours rest (GEE Text with Gaps Practice For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. From : Liyana To : Yuddi \ ag (0)}___An___ unforgettable incident happened to me yesterday. I was heading | fg | home after school when a man from nowhere pulled over on his motorcycle beside me. He | asked for directions to get to my school. I gave him a quick answer and started walking away. Before I knew it, {I} ______ grabbed my arm and threw me against the ground. | I thought I was going (2) ________ faint but luckily my school guard happened to pass by and she quickly screamed (3)________ help. The man got frighten and sped off. She immediately brought me to a nearby clinic to treat my wound. T suffered minor bruises (4) ______ my shoulders and legs. A few hours later, she dropped (5) _________ off at home. | T felt so happy fo see my parents. I couldn't stop crying as I told them about the | incident. We should really (6) _______ careful of our surroundings. I am never going | to walk on that road again! Lractice @) For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. There (0) ____ofe__ many types of vehicles such (I) _______ buses, trucks, | motorcycles, cars, bicycles on the road these days. Therefore, it is important that strict road safety measures are obeyed fo avoid road accidents. Many valuable lives are lost (2) accidents because of many reasons like speeding, careless driving, overtaking without signals, driving (3) opposite lanes, drunk driving, tiredness, using smartphones and ignoring road signs. It (4) avoid committing such offences, death rates could decrease. So, road safety rules are very important to avoid accident (5) ____________ everyone's. life is precious. (6) — Proper awareness campaign should also be spread throughout the country regarding traffic rules. (© Ponerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bid. 12

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