Digital Fluency

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SEDF101 Reg. No. I Semester B.C.A. (Odd) Degree Examination, May/June - 2022 COMPUTER SCIENCE Digital Fluency (NEP Scheme) Time : 1% Hours Instructions to Candidates: Answer alll Parts. PART-A a Answer any Five questions, Each question carries 2 marks. Define operating system. Give any two examples. Name different office automation tools. ‘What is the purpose of spread sheet? Define the terms. a) Gateway. b) IOT. ‘What is malware? Mention any two malwares. What is an antivirus? Define the terms : a) Database. b) DBMS. What is meant by digital foot print? Maximum Marks : 30 (5x2=10) Pro. CAL i @ 10. il. 12. 13. 14. PART -B Answer any Four questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Explain different office automation tools. a) Differentiate between HTTP and HTTPs. b) Write a note on types of networks. Write a note on hackers and crackers. Write a note on any two types of networking devices. a) MODEM. b) Ethemet card. ©) Hub. Discuss various E-learning platforms. Mention the steps to create google questionnaires. SEDF101 (4x5=20) @ @)

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