Tech Edge - Sapphire Foods

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KOTHARI Date: 2024.03.20 11:06:23 +05'30'

CMP : 1570 Stop Loss : 1350 Target: 2000 Upside : 27.30% Timeframe : 6 Months

▪ After the listing in year 2021, SAPPHIRE made several attempts to clear the zone of 1550.
▪ Finally, we are witnessing that major range breakout and the price action is accompanied with decent volumes. There is also a bullish
pattern which resembles an inverse bullish Cup and Handle.
▪ Thus, we advise traders to go long in the stock in the range of 1560 - 1580 with a stop loss of 1350 for the upside target of 2000 in 3 –
6 months.
Stock Data Company Background

• Sapphire Foods is one of the largest franchisees of Yum! Brands Inc. in the
subcontinent, with a track record of successfully operating more than 700
BSE Code 543397 KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants across India, Sri Lanka and the
• Sapphire Foods India Limited was initially incorporated with the name
Face Value(Rs.) 10 'Samarjit Advisors Private Limited' on 10 November 2009. Subsequently the
Price / BV (x) 7.22 Company changed the name to 'Sapphire Foods India Private Limited' on 07
January 2015.
52 week H/L (Rs.) 1616 / 1138
• Thereafter Company converted into a Public Limited Company and name of
Market Cap (Rs In Cr) 9903 the Company was changed to Sapphire Foods India Limited on 15 June
• It is engaged in the franchise business of KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants in
India. The Company started their operations in September 2015 following
the acquisition of about 270 KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants in India and Sri
Lanka by a group of leading Private Equity firms and managed by a team of

Analyst Certification

❑ The views expressed in this Research Report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst(s) about the subject securities or issuers and no part of the compensation of the research analyst(s) was, is, or will be
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bearing whatsoever on any recommendation that they have given in the Research Report

Anand Rathi Ratings Definitions

❑ Analysts’ ratings and the corresponding expected returns take into account our definitions of Large Caps, Mid-Caps & Small Caps as described in the Ratings Table

Ratings Guide (12 months) Buy Hold Sell

Large Caps (Top 100 companies) >15% 0%-15% Below 0%
Mid Caps (101st-250th company) >20% 0%-20% Below 0%
Small Caps (251st company onwards) >25% 0%-25% Below 0%
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❑ Answers to the Best of the knowledge and belief of ARSSBL/ its Associates/ Research Analyst who is preparing this report

Answers to the Best of the

Sr. knowledge and belief of the
No. ARSSBL/ its Associates/ Research
Analyst who is preparing this report

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ARSSBL/its Associates/ Research Analyst/ his Relative have actual/beneficial ownership of one per cent or more securities of the subject
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