Steady - SET 1

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Ready, Steady, Go!

Acreditaciones para Nivel Inicial

Early Childhood Certifications

Detailed assessment sequence for the Steady level

La secuencia detallada a continuación tiene el solo fin de orientar a las instituciones

sobre la dinámica de la sesión de evaluación Steady. Si bien se espera que los niños
estén familiarizados con el vocabulario, historias, canciones y rutinas propuestas, es
importante que no se practiquen o ensayen con el mismo formato, ya que se perdería la
esencia de esta instancia evaluativa que se centra en el disfrute de las actividades por
parte de los niños. Es en su espontánea participación, que se observarán y evaluarán
los marcadores de progreso.

1- Hello song, introductory game and the weather routine: (5 minutes max.)

A- Hello song: Children are invited to sing the usual hello song students always

B- Who is in the box?

(The box and puppet of a monkey must be provided by the school)

A box is passed around and students have to knock on the box and guess what is
inside according to the clues provided by the examiner. Sample clues: It’s an
animal. It is brown.It likes bananas.

© Path Examinations Ltd. 1/5

Ready, Steady, Go! Acreditaciones para Nivel Inicial

Early Childhood Certifications

Detailed assessment sequence for the Steady level

Find below the links to possible songs to be played or sung by the examiner for
the activity. Children do not need to sing it

Knock, knock son

1, 2, 3 song

C- Interaction with puppet and the weather routine:

The props for the weather routine must be provided by the school (e.g: weather
chart, magnets, etc…)

Sample questions
What’s your name
What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather? (Is it sunny/cloudy/rainy?
How are you feeling today?

© Path Examinations Ltd. 2/5

Ready, Steady, Go! Acreditaciones para Nivel Inicial

Early Childhood Certifications

Detailed assessment sequence for the Steady level

Useful songs which may be used to practise this activity

The Weather song (Descubriendo en inglés

How's the weather? (Super Simple Songs)

2- Storytime: (7 minutes max.)

-Rhyme by the examiner to set ground rules. Children do not need to know it.

1, 2, 3

3, 2, 1

Storytelling has begun

Cross your legs

Fold your arms

Ready your ears

Ready your eyes

And hush hush hush!

-Children help the examiner reconstruct a story by answering questions,

pointing or shouting out (specific vocabulary)


What colour is/are the…?

How many….are there?

Is it/he/she feeling sad or happy? What animal has got a long trunk/ bushy tail/long
neck/pink wings/ a shell, etc?

The video below shows how interaction is encouraged during a retelling


© Path Examinations Ltd. 3/5

Ready, Steady, Go! Acreditaciones para Nivel Inicial

Early Childhood Certifications

Detailed assessment sequence for the Steady level

Possible stories for assessment session 202

The Colour Monster by Anna Llena

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carl
The Mixed up Chameleon by Eric Carle

Note: the 3 books in their classic versions must be ready for the examiner to use
on the date of the session. Only one will be chosen.

3- TPR activity “Simon says”: (3 minutes max.)

Children are to follow simple commands. Sample commands: “Simon says: walk,
stop, jump, turn around, point up, point down, sit down, clap your hands, stomp your

4-Game using flashcards: (5 minutes max.

Two big dice must be provided by the institution: One with pockets, another
with numbers.

The flashcards used in the game will be provided by Path Examinations in pdf
format. They must be printed in color by the institution and be ready to be
used by the examiner the day of the assessment session. The vocabulary will
be revised with the children before starting the game. They will be
encouraged to repeat.

© Path Examinations Ltd. 4/5

Ready, Steady, Go! Acreditaciones para Nivel Inicial

Early Childhood Certifications

Detailed assessment sequence for the Steady level

Students play collectively a vocabulary game using flashcards

Sample games: memo-test, bingo, throw the dice and name (as a group) the
object in the flashcard. Even though the children will be expected to repeat
and produce the vocabulary as a group, they will also be encouraged to answer

Vocabulary which may appear in this game

Cardinal Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, te
Colours: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, brown, pin
Weather: sunny, cloudy, rain
Toys: ball, doll, car, block, train, tedd
Parts of the face: eyes, ears, mouth, nos
Parts of the body: head, shoulders, knees, toe
People: mother, father, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, baby, boy, gir
Animals: (pets) dog, cat, fish, bird. (farm) sheep, pig, cow, horse, rabbit.

(insects) fly, spider, mosquito, caterpillar, butterfly. (wild) monkey, lion, 

hippo, elephant, giraffe, crocodile, penguin, bea
Nature: flower, sun, moon, stars, rainbo
Food and drink: (fruit and vegetables) apple, orange, pear, banana, carrot,
(others) water, chocolate, cake, ice cream, sandwich, pizza,

spaghetti, cookies, cheese, milk, juic

Clothes: hat, dress, shirt, T-shirt, pants, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks, boot
Home: (rooms) kitchen, living-room, bedroom, bathroom, garden.

(objects) table, chair, bowl, spoon, bed, lamp, carpe

Adjectives: (feelings) happy, angry, sad, scared, tire
Size: big, small, long, short, tal
Others: hot, cold, hungry, sick

5- Bye bye song/chant: the children sing with the examiner a good-bye song/
chant. They are encouraged to say good-bye individually.

© Path Examinations Ltd. 5/5

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