Fitness Components Assessment Task

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Leading to A Bright PE

Physical Education


TASK DESCRIPTION: Fitness Components & Training Methods - Short answer response

TASK CONDITIONS: 2 x 40 minute lessons - Individual or in Pairs

Permitted materials: Research materials permitted

IB Learner Profile Attributes:

 Knowledgeable
 Thinker
 Inquirer

This term you have been studying the skill and health-based fitness components that are required
for a variety of sports and positions. Based off your knowledge of fitness components and training
methods complete the following information. You will be required to evaluate and justify your
choices with examples of activities that can be included in a training program.

A* A B C D E
Student selects highly Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies
appropriate fitness appropriate fitness appropriate mostly appropriate inappropriate inappropriate fitness
components and components and fitness fitness fitness components and does
comprehensively thoroughly details components and components and components and not support with
details specific specific movements suitably details details basic provides specific movements
movements within within the sport to movements movements within superficial from the sport
the sport to support support choice within the sport the sport to movements within
choice to support choice support the sport to

Student Student thoroughly Student shows a Student shows a Student Students identifies
comprehensively evaluates how good satisfactory demonstrates training method that
evaluates how appropriate the understanding of understanding of limited evaluation does not target
appropriate the chosen training how appropriate how appropriate of chosen training chosen fitness
chosen training method is and uses 2- the chosen the chosen methods with component and
method is and uses 3 examples to training method training method is minimal provides no
multiple (4+) support choice using is and uses and uses 1 basic supporting evaluation to support
examples to support 1-2 basic example to examples
choice examples to support choice
support choice
Chosen Sport: ________________________ Position (if applicable):___________________

Fitness Component 1:___________________________

Why is it needed in this sport? Provide 3 examples of specific movements that utilise this

a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________
Most appropriate method of training to improve fitness component ability.


Evaluate and justify why each method of training would be suitable to improve your chosen
fitness component. Provide examples of the exercises you would include in your training.


Fitness Component 2:

Why is it needed in this sport? Provide 3 examples of specific movements that utilise this

a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________

Most appropriate method of training to improve fitness component ability.


Evaluate and justify why each method of training would be suitable to improve your chosen
fitness component. Provide examples of the exercises you would include in your training.


Fitness Component 3:


Why is it needed in this sport? Provide 3 examples of specific movements that utilise this

a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________

Most appropriate method of training to improve fitness component ability.


Evaluate and justify why each method of training would be suitable to improve your chosen
fitness component. Provide examples of the exercises you would include in your training.


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