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Excretion Name: __________________

Carefully read slides 1 – 14 from the clas Power point on MS Teams (Animals.pptx)
Link for key terms: Excretion in humans (

The Excretory System

1. Label the diagram

Lungs: excrete CO2 produced in respiration

Liver: converts excess amino acids into fat and urea
Kidneys: excrete urea and excess water and salts
Skin: excretes water salts and some urea as sweat

2. Describe the role of the liver and kidney with respect to urea

3. Watch the video on The Urinary System - An Introduction | Physiology | Biology | FuseSchool

4. Label the diagram of the urinary system.

The urinary system

Renal Artery Kidney Ureter Urethra Renal Vein

Bladder Sphincter Muscle

4. Complete the table matching the structure with its correct function

Structure Function
Brings the ‘dirty’ blood to the kidney
Takes the ‘clean’ blood away from the kidney
Organ that filters and cleans the blood
Tube that takes the urine to the bladder
Organ that stores the urine
Tube that takes the urine from the bladder out of the
Muscle that relaxes to allow the bladder to empty

Renal Artery Kidney Ureter Urethra Renal Vein

Bladder Sphincter Muscle

The Kidney

5. Label the diagram of the kidney

Renal Artery Nephron Ureter Cortex Pelvis

Medulla Renal Vein

6. Complete the table matching the structure with its correct description

Structure description
Outer layer of the kidney with the Bowman’s capsules in
Inner layer of the kidney with the Loop of Henle
Entrance to the ureter
Structure that filters and ‘cleans’ the blood

Nephron Cortex Pelvis Medulla

7. Complete the notes by filling in the gaps using the words below

The __________ is brought to the kidney in the renal__________. The kidney will __________ the
blood to remove the__________, some water and some__________. This forms ___________. The
ureter takes the urine to the _________ where it is stored. When the bladder is full the urine travels
down the _________ and out of the body.

Salt, urethra, blood, urine, urea, artery, bladder, filter

The structure in the body which filters the blood is the ____________. Pressure is used to push all
the _________ molecules out of the blood into the nephron. Then the useful substances are

_____________ and the ____________ substances for the urine. The amount of ______ reabsorbed
helps us control the concentration of our ___________.

reabsorbed, blood, small, water, waste, nephron

8. Outline the meaning of the term selective reabsorption

9. Describe the role of the nephron in urine formations.

10. Describe and explain the effect of drinking a lot of water on the production of urine.

11. Describe and explain the effect of sweating on the production of urine

12. Identify situations where you might sweat

13. Watch the challenge video: How the Kidneys Remove Urea | Physiology | Biology |

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