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7rsr2024 Lets not fl to Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alton for industrial testing | Forbes hu ( Let's not fly to Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are building the Airbnb of industrial testing APRIL 44, 2021 In the sharing economy system, the Hungarian Labshare would unite the demand and supply side of the test industry. The business, which started in November, promises not only a good sing opportunity, but also a professional community. Industry experts in Europe, China and India a also speaking appreciatively of a platform that digitally connects lab publishers and testers. htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! 1a zrav2021 Lets not yf Japan which not necessary - Hungarians are bung Arbab for industria testing | Forbes The conformity assessment testing , or testing, an essential part of innovation. Large manufacturing and development companies are often unable to test all of their new products in- house, so they often have to look for an external test lab. Since November 2020, a Hungarian company has been helping the parties find each other. Labshare’s founding community met on the client side of the test market: they worked in the test departments of large corporations, where they often faced market imperfections. Levente Bakos, CEO of Labshare, had several personal experiences with this. Sometimes they wanted to organize a test for an established German partner laboratory, but even such a secure relationship did not guarantee a secure place. In the end, they had to go to Japan, which not only the geographical distance but also the price of the test jumped a lot: what the Germans would have done for 20,000 euros was what they undertook in Japan for 60,000 euros. htpssiorbes.huluzlovipa-tesz!dabshare-statup! 213 7rsr2024 Lets not flo Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alroab for industrial testing | Levente Bakos, CEO of Labshare. Photos: Laszlé Sebestyén Not good yet, not good yet, no longer good In order for various innovations to enter households and become part of our daily lives, they need to be thoroughly tested, and a separate market in the industry has been built for this. At the dawn of the testing industry, it was past international expansion and asset ownership that would get the best deals. Everyone has embarked on frantic investments and developments to have as many locations and capacities as possible. By doing so, market participants wanted to secure not only their own developments, but also business acquisition. Whoever wanted to carve out a bigger slice of the market has built up even bigger and even more lab capacity. | The crazy pace eventually led to unused test parks. The primary cause of underutilization is poorly disseminated information. Millions of euros of test equipment are empty, while elsewhere a Bosch-sized company will have to wait in line for months to get adequate capacity. When a well-established partner doesn't work, market knowledge is @&@ htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! ana rea00t Lots notty'o Japan, which s nt necessary - Hungarians rebuilding Arbab or dustrial sting | Forbes hu usually lacking to help customers find the right collaboration in time and money. Here, Google doesn’t help either: the usual search engine can’t throw effective results for the special needs of the tests. Don’t own, be more efficient Eventually, a radio interview gave Levente the initial impetus to look for a solution in the form of his own business. Listening to an interview with the CEO of Parkl, a Hungarian ( company dealing with smart parking and e-mobility , he realized that their problem could also be solved with the method of the sharing economy (business model based on sharing). htpssiorbes.huluzlovipa-tesz!dabshare-statup! ana 7rsr2024 Lets not flo Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alton for industrial testing | »Szazmillidt vesz ki a zsebiinkbdl az ingyenes parkolas” A kézterilleti parkolas ingyenessé tétele teljesen szétverte a Parkl iizleti tervét: év elején a 350 millids 4rbevételt l6tték be, az Uj cél a 250. They now know that there is a need not to increase publishing capacities, but to combine existing supply and demand. | ithe test market, it is no longer possible to win by owning assets. The market can be dominated by one who has the trust of customers with a good quality and reliable service. They are referred to several times as the Airbnb of test labs. They connect lab publishers and “inbound” testers on a reliable and user-friendly platform. htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! 913 7rsr2024 Lets not fl to Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alton for industrial testing | Forbes hu ry The angel investment ( round was recruited to the contact hdléjukb6l. Levente was seen by his partners in a large corporate environment as a young, emerging, very reliable, responsible colleague. Angel investor Zoltan Kardszi is happy to recall the first 4.5 years of previous joint work, when a team of founders dedicated to his profession developed new procedures compared to the existing methods. He said the playful, experimental approach has remained since its launch in November 2020, while Levente has become a determined leader who is able to gather his colleagues and companions around him. Don’t fly to Japan, which you don’t need Behind the Labshare platform lies a well-compiled lab database. A condition for a laboratory to enter the platform is to be officially accredited, which certifies what tests a laboratory is able to perform. In addition to accreditation, Labshare also provides the customer with a more detailed picture of the quality of laboratory service. First, an automated evaluation process categorizes newly added labs to the platform. After a few transactions, this is replaced by market valuation J htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! ens rea00t Lots notty'o Japan, which s nt necessary - Hungarians rebuilding Arbab or dustrial sting | Forbes hu With a system of personal recommendations, you can see how the testers found the lab's service. They can also evaluate the quality, communication, technical competence and time management of the laboratory. hitps:orbes.hufuzlevipartesz!abshare-startup! Trsr02 Lots not fy t0 Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are building Arbnb or industal testing | It’s time to make industrial testing sustainable. Labshare's service extends to linking supply and demand, with tests already carried out by laboratories and testers. Labs can choose a sales commission or an annual subscription, which currently provides the company's main revenue. Their goals go beyond market improvement: as a tepresentative of the sharing economy, they work on the sustainability of the test industry. They provide an opportunity for local partners to find each other so that they don’t have to fly something to Japan if they could test it in Europe as well. With the spread of their solution, not only the ecological footprint of shipping, but also new investments may decrease, so | the role may be to optimize existing capacities. The epidemic helped them The epidemic made it easier to build the network behind the database. They didn’t have to travel to expensive conferences to get to know the international labs, instead they could sit at their desks and present themselves at online fairs. The epidemic situation was also affected by the fact that even in normally crowded laboratories, open ears were encountered. Due to the automotive recession, there were vacancies in several places where the calendar is usually full. htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! ana 7rsr2024 Lets not flo Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alton for industrial testing | Magyar biotechnoldgia a vilag élvonalaban - ime, a legforrébb magyar startupok Forbes- listaja Magyar cégek, amelyek tébb milli dollart kaptak a vilég legelismertebb befektetditél, technolégisjuk a vildg élvonaldban, és (zletileg is hatalmas bennik a potencidl. A legforrébb magyar startupok listajat masodszor allitotta dssze a Forbes, Manufacturers of the automotive, consumer electronics and medical devices industries are currently being linked to labs. According to Levente, testing is similar for all products, so you can definitely imagine expanding into other industries in the future. In the long run, they do not see a limit to growth geographically either. As Levente puts it: “The kind of vali everywhere on this planet; despite the great geographical distances, there is a relatively close connection between the markets’. jon we can do is based on physics and the laws of physics are the same They are currently present in Europe, China and India. Their Hong Kong partner, ECTest CEO Norton Yuen, puts it “a long-running gap has filled a gap between labs and testers with the arrival of Labshare”. In Hong Kong, in addition to the world’s highest rents, there has previously been an organic sharing of labs, with the digitization of which Labshare has shaken up scattered actors. Their Indian partner, CEO of Tubrotics, Mahesh Dave, spoke with similar appreciation about the solution. There are 150 well-equipped labs in India that do not reach customers due to lack of money, contacts and advertisements. The confusion is also well expressed in Mahesh's wording: | "No one knows what he's doing. htpstorbes huluzlovipartesz!Jabshare-startup! ona 7rsr2024 Lets not fl to Japan, which is not necessary - Hungarians are bulding Alton for industrial testing | He sees that Labshare’s solution will fill its status with new content from unused devices and incomplete communication. In addition to expansion, the team is also thinking about developing a business model and new sources of revenue. A base of English and German experts has developed around them, who can also assist laboratories in designing validation tests, evaluating test results, and dealing with problems that arise. Labshare aims to add another layer to the platform and expand its service to labs through engineering consulting firms. Many people believe in the popularity of the idea, as evidenced by the fact that they are already expecting advertising revenue in the near future. They are also looking for a new investor. The replenishment of the HUF 42 million seed ( ( involved so far is also being negotiated with several venture capital funds ( and a global professional investor. 387 htpssiorbes.huluzlovipa-tesz!dabshare-statup! 1013

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