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Production title: Nothing Matters - The Last Dinner Party

Producer: Sophie Terry-Short

Date of survey: 12th April 2024 Proposed filming date: 23/04/24

Location Address:

Ralph’s Wood, Brent Knoll, Highbridge, TA9 4DF

Permission needed: (contact details)

Sophie Terry-Short – 07872 627382

Kayley Difford – 07395 520948

Audio/visual problems:

There won’t be any audio problems due to not needing to record any audio for the music video.

There is a chance for visual disruptions at this location, for example, people are likely to be walking
around since it’s a public place. If this occurs, we will wait for people to pass and will have to refilm
any shots with people in the background. To help prevent this, we will try and find spots that are
quieter and more out of the way of people.

Weather conditions:

The weather is due to be sunny with a bit of cloud and low winds of 8-10 mph. If it does end up
raining, we will have to reschedule because we need the ground to be relatively dry as we’re putting
a blanket on the grass. Because the ground is likely to be slightly wet regardless of the weather, I will
be brining waterproof dust sheets to put under the blanket. We will also bring bags and cases to put
the equipment in to prevent it from getting wet.


It’s unlikely that anything will change visually at this location because it’s just trees, grass and mud
which would naturally be moved anyway (for example, leaves being blown in the wind). On the
blanket, there will be a glass with wine in it, a book and strawberries. In case we need to re-film this
scene, I will take a picture of where everything is placed on the blanket so it’s the same in all the

Electricity/Lighting issues:

There won’t be any electricity due to being outdoors so we will be using completely natural lighting.
I’ll also be using an ND filter to control the amount of light entering the camera.

Set dressing:

For the dress setting there will be a white blanket, a glass of red wine, a book and strawberries.

Since Kayley lives near these woods, we will be able to use the toilet at her house if we need to. We
will bring bottled water with us as well as snacks.

Parking/Public transport to location:

Kayley and I will be getting dropped off and picked up at this location.

Possible dates for filming:

Tuesday 16th April 2024 – Sunday 28th April

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