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SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 /ESSEL INSPECTION REPORT VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT (Bop oO, Chemical & Gas antes) | gt See |opeons tite ection: “TMO Number: 3.52 20s saz | Ziatanchor Datsea LD Balasting Cl Bunkering | LCowin progress (1 Debattasting {Discharging Oldie | ies in operation (Loading (I Major repairs! Drydock — [_] Repairs under way | CURivertransit , C18tS operations Other: .. ‘| | Port of last PSC inspection: — CHINA | Ifthe vessel was dolained or if deficiencies were ideniiied check/verily close out. Open items, memoranda, Conditions of Class, recommendations, notations, etc. (tre an reads exttossstuctral issue cf creas. stom pra Time schedule for close rod dlls as 1 att and eases fan. If eco Inde tha measures eve | Due dates ‘out: bean fan o ads or resi lss of ong or transerse stent, ord cas & rept undo), Date oflast Dry Dock: 9f Jul 22d ee [Date ofinspection: 44-94-2922. Place of inspection; — SINGAPORE: Inspectors (nares signatures) [Ray yn Kt Ze Master (remo - signee) “NGuyen Van Sit Chief Engineer nano-sionaee) “Duc mig eamat i Chiel Officer fname signdrs) ry patna hE Ff INTERNAL CIRCULATION Copy sont to: ote Reviewed by: Nae? Signateo GENERAL DIRECTOR/DEPUTY fu tre? GENERAL ORECTOR DEPUTY —_ sosennosenye dn DPA A ip B022 DPA_H6 SY CH, x HSGE MANAGER Mie. HSQENANAGER _g1uoné- Buumnl cuore We TECHNICAL MANAGER gv Ap maze. «—~CTEGHNCAL MANAGER Meg? ie MARINE MANAGER. Abe 2 MARINE NANAGER suo auba/ cupo art Ye OPERATIONS MANAGER py pze OPERATIONS ANAGER_NBUYER Thay Th Tru (CREW MANAGER, fe met CREW MANAGER DAL aie TRL Tz ee VESSEU'STEGHNICALSUPT Pt M02 VESSELSMARNESUPT _fwonG- 6) en nl’ cu ae i VESSELS MARINE SUPT 4]. fxd VESSEL'S TECHNION. SUPT Qin ‘Responsible: Master/ C/07 Ci /OMtice | Fill in: Atleast one complete report anally (maybe ae ‘after multiple attendances) Chapter 10 Tssuo Not /Dale 01.18.21 Revision No.0 / Dae 00 0.00 t Page 1 of 46 ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021; VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT INDEX PART 4; HULL & SUPERSTRUCTURES.. PART 2: E/R MACHINERY .. PART 3: CARGO RELATED EQUIPMENT... PART 4: DECKIMOORING/ANCHORING EQUIPMENT. PART 5: FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. PART 6: SAFETY EQUIPMENT PART 7; POLLUTION PREVENTIOH PART 8: NAVIGATION& COMMUNICATION. PART 9: SECURITY ISSUE: PART 40: PMS / DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM. FILL IN INSTRUCTIONS: Tick “Yes” or “No” for each inspection item, For items not seen tick “NS”, For items not available onboard tick “NA”. For inspections of tanks, etc. please attach form M 020 to this report. Vessels should be inspected at least annually by shore staff, according to this form, During these inspections, the Company's Superintendents (on behalf of the Company) may inspect as many felds included in this form as, possible, depending on their expertise, the available ime or the vessel's operational status. The completion of all parts ofthe form M 021 may be effected during several such inspections. The Technical Manager is responsible to ensure that all parts ofthe form M 021 are reviewed at least once within a period of one year. 6. All these inspections/visits, superintendent should have superintendent visit's instructions with the instructions/pending issues from all concerned department (form Z003), 7. During these inspectionshvsits, formal safety meeting are also held with Officers and crew in order for the level of Implementation of the SMS to be assessed, verified and improved. The result of meetings are records in Safety and Environmental Committee meeting minutes (form Z 004). 8. The resuls of these inspectionsvsis are recorded in this form, which is forwarded to the Company for review, if a detailed attondance reports compiled then completion ofthe ths form is optional 9. Allform M024, Z 002 and Z 003 must be filed ashore accordingly, Issue No.04 | Date: 01.11.24 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00, Page 3 of 46 ‘Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/2/Ottice | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe z staff ster multiple attendances) eee ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 INSPECTION REPORT Inspected Satisfactory Results Inspected ters Part 1. HULL & SUPERSTRUCTURES Part 2. EIR MACHINERY Part 3. CARGO RELATED EQUIPMENT Part 4, DECK/MOORINGIANCHORING EQUIPMENT Part 5, FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Part 6. SAFETY EQUIPMENT Part 7, POLLUTION PREVENTION Part 8, NAVIGATION& COMMUNICATION Part 9, SECURITY ISSUES Part 10. PMS | DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM Yes [i NoC] Yes NoO] Yes (Wf NoC] Yes 14 Nol] Yes W No ves oO eae Yes [No] Yes (Y Nol] ves t@f Nol] SR EBARS EBA TRAINING NEEDS IDENTIFI ‘TRAINING NEEDS ADDRESSED: SAFETY MEETING HELD ONBOARD —_[ Wives ACTUAL SHIP CONDITION [0_| IFNO EXPLAIN REASON. ‘SAFETY DRILL CONDUCTED ONBOARD | [7] YES 10 | IF YES SPECIFY TYPE: ot ‘SAFETY DRILL CONDUCTED ONBOARD | [ | YES | [V/NO_| IF YES SPECIFY TYPE: PMS RECORDS COMPARED WITH =| (7/veg | No | COMMENTS (IF ANY): WORKIREST HOURS RECORDS CROSS: CHECKED WITH LOGBOOKS Wives | Clno ‘COMMENTS (IF ANY): {issue No.0 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 5 of 6 Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/E/ Office | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staff after multiple attendances) cee ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS! ‘Manual 10 PART 1: HULL & SUPERSTRUCTURES "ACHOLL EXTERNAL STRUCTURE (Check for ds carosion. cong cancion, cracks, king, missing pas, o hs, maine gow, et: Ess tht as has been Irvoed when sient demepetept tas cooured, hack at each ares, inhi Src pence les canal, als fc wena salsacy candion and hat hey ae dean, panled and popy mantaned. The edtence of doubles hin vesots _Stucture and deck srapring must be reported). atstactor] 3 1. TOPSIDES (P&S) [2 BOOTTOP (Pas) UNDERWATE 3. “4. BOW AREA (PAS) 7 SHIPS NAWE, PORT OF REGISTRY anion sie le Bow ind tare adel ade 0 ea welded plate). Ep aoe e 8. BOW THRUSTER, BULBOUS BOW, TUG PUSH POINT MARKS (Painted both sides of madef seeded ae) a : IMO FR WELDED AND PAINTED AT STERN AND ACCOMMODATION FORWARD BULKHEAD (O No, pmanenty mare in ste place on ser rn ater Se fl aishigsPSoron font ot xpaeractut,consing cok and> 2000 het. Addonly,rating> OO height in easy a itor asf IR Wh ooo i. PILOT LADDER MARK (To be prominently painted). 1, 16, 16, FUNNEL, cee Pore 17. FORWARD MAST (Check condion of steps, cabiewars, equipment suppor, plaforms and catle damps. Ipod, Ns cig PURISE sass! Oo jojoo afacssictera a [o|ofeo of oeodsoq = a eeoood oO oo Pas nt accept). _ 18. AFT MAST: ‘condition of steps, cableways, accept) 18. “DECK COMPRES 20._HYDRAULICLINES 21. HYDRAULIC OPE a1 BALLAST VALVES z aa 22. DECK WORKING AREAS (Lighting aequate, lay ienied nan Sip surfaces. Check sae areas for walchkeepers, safe use of mooring equipment, monioing of deck area for spilsfeakages, monitaing of alldeck eas andthe adjacent surounding ares lo prevent unauthorised aocess) [3.7 RALS AND BULWARKS (No saat cos, no cscstomaion. REMARKS (/f “NO” state reasons): ATISHACIO Bs) | SB 8 gee 5 ao Ao foo o beeper 0 Goo [0 oooodod do Ae 1B RULE INTERNAL STRUCTURE ‘(Check for dons, tacts, corasion, contact darage, ove of under pressurization of tanks, brackel and menhole knfe- ‘ge, wasage Olddets& hand ris cracks, coating conden, anode colon, detiis. Check BHDs, decks, btm & thet slfenng, web frames, taizortal stingers. Check constuction deals ig. Brackets & that 10s, ighionng tales, scallops; bg, etc. Check piating under belmculhs& other areas for pling, Check for sens of bucking. Check fr sans | ofhararst. Check manholes. Fr delaled repr pertankald use fom M 020), 1. CARGO TANKS (Leakage trom adjacent tanks or vahe glands may be indeated by an ol shoan on the ball, Sound o fling qi) Igsue No.O4 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 6 of 46 Responsible: Master /C/O/ C/E/ Office | Fillin: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staff after multiple attendances) Chapier 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT BLHULL INTERNAL STRUCTURE Satisfactory) {Check for dents, Iractures, corrosion, conlact damage, over or under pressurization of tanks, bracket and manhole knife ‘edges, waslage of adders & hand rails, cracks, coating condiion, anode Conditon, debris, Chack BHDs, decks, bottom & ther sttenng, web frames, hofzontal stingers. Check consrucon dtals .o. backs & ther toes, Sghoning les, LYES NO [NS | NA scalons igs ec Chek pang under bstmoulhs & ler teas opting. Check er sof bucking Check for ss lhc rst: Chock manholes For dotaled regr par enkhaGise fr M 020, }Ol O}O ovo oro Olo Olo of Og ao wore oO oro ro O]O OO [7a IS PIPES Oyo 49. LADDERS | olor REMARKS (If'NO" state reasons: SATISFACTORY Z C. TANK CLEANING SYSTEM 1 BBG VALVES fp ces nw es PG TREN MOAT 7 | ojo foo oo [4 o REMARKS {If NO" state reasons}: z LAL a0 coni.fro ___ oe D.LOADLINE EMS ate {. WEATHERTIGHT DOORS. AROUND ACCOMMODATION AND AT DECK STORE ROOMS (No clearance wien door dosed, Check hinges! csng handles for excessive eae, lel suture for coneion rubber packing conn, Check 0a, Ientlleatlonmarkings, calor code tanks served indcaled, plugs in plana, save-Rs, lame screens, spl ays around bgo, ot, Ensure that vent heads ae requir dsmanted e.g t DD), jas and dscharges, drainage of spaces above 6 SIDESCUTTLES, PORTHOLES, WINDOWS, DEADLIGHTS (Check no wale leakage, deadights on main ___dectiel). SEE aap eet eet Ee a Tssv0 No.0 / Date: 01.17.21 Revision No.00/ Date: 00.00.00 Pope 7of46 Responsible: Master/CJO/ Ci /Oitice | Fill: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe stat ‘iter mulipe attendances) Chapter 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT DLLOAD LINE TEMS 7. WHEELHOUSE DOORS (Ensure no wator ents possible). 8. VENTILATOR / DANIPERS / FIRE FLAPS (Fee io paras, nated, von WG, Cols Os tbr gases, os Vo 8. Fro daar oper! ein ded ene Sop, spc saved eae! | | rf] | Vers equiped wh fre dampers wh aso menual operon, man ils 8 ous tose fom ese space sen 9. CARGO TANK AND OTHER SPACES ACCESS HATCHES (Watertight, gaslight & capable of being properly | sues Check coarngs ‘or eran, cack a deck comer canatin of uber pac ard oes | (2 |__artengement. sme of space is marked. Check 0. TANK CLEANING OPENINGS (Water and gas tigh). a Ti. FLUSH DECK ORENING (Chec wale, atts ad i gol nin Vs) Nanw of pace rare, Check carosin condo ste coves espera and os ats) REMARKS (if “NO” stato reasons): anna Mus pened VENTILATOR OF EXHAUST. PORPIERS spaces coi60 060 AOD HOLES E, ACCOMMODATION, STORE ROOMS AND OTHER SPACES Bere] (Clean iy. verizon iohing, noise, vibrato, eects cutlets & ts, ee), YES ‘& CREW CABINS, iz lit d 2 PUBLIC SPACES, MESS ROOMS (LSA & FF taining manual available, signsioosiers in piace, Company S, PASSAGEWAYS (No obstucions, escape IMO signs stengays. Eris mated, Automate dosing devices offre dors in ede, no doar keplepan by stings, hols) DRIES (F 5. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, DISTRIBUTION SWITHCBOARDS, CABLE TRUNKS (otter swches a sorkels, 10 exposed cabing, tks ea of he equpment and clean). 6 ACCOMMODATION LIGHTING (Satsfacory level of lgbtng, feo _fuorescent gts, no broken fire covers). ~REFRIGEF dolol lola ooo od ogolog Colinjaga a avaiable and crew aware of ls use. Medicin log, Ceticale by chemist, no expired medicin, Fist id guide avaiable, po broken tls or missing handles/oiders, vention dfusers condi). TOILETS (Cian & ty, shower cu ‘HOSPITAL = MEDICAL CHEST - FIRST AID EQUIPMENT (Resusdiaion eq, condiion, insirucions | dl Lp. et). eae eee 7 ee 17. GALLEY AREA (Fire blankel, fre extngulshas, check oloctic appliances, deep fat cooking triers fitted with temperature tps, accumulate of nts fo cal dapsts in gale range, within Hs pipes nr cons of ai oo 0 obo oc ogo ons IEMICAL STORE ROOM (Ad hazardous substances io be marked, segregated, secured, WSDS posted, _Spagst and gloves avalible), —_ protection equipment ino 6. FORECASTLE DECK (Fiee of water. Check ij slowage & securing coniton of bige wel & rele pou sermenerts checks sol & deck ste! Src or dens, | cre a | olaop a ol ojo aig ojo o o.a (iy i ak a, ir as a as | 7 ‘weaiherlight, lights approved gastight & switch outside, roam identified, protective goggles & gloves, safety Inirucions posted). REMARKS (f'NO" stato ressono, |All 376 AA _IN _puoeauiy (caution a) Issue No.04 / Date: 01.11.24 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 8 of 6 Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/E/Office | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staf aftr multiple attendances) Chapter 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT PART 2: E/R MACHINERY ‘SMS Manual 10 ‘A. NAIN ENGINE (Chock spares, operational dala, measurement records, PMS recorded running hows for a k i ‘Components, tems due for inspocion soon and overdue ems, Test ME ste from emergency sland, ew familar with opera), Ge 1. GENERAL APPEARANCE (Cieanness, leskages, loose tems, in cons, mising covers, missing insulaon, | ___upiekeltading, leaks, abnownal sound, ZCRANKCASE SPACE (Crankcase zea, vn. syto unbiocke, no mals) 3 SCAVENGE TRUNK 7 8 "TCYLNDER COVERS (Chat alana he Hang va, fel vad, Ga ala sala Va | cearies "VALVES (Check aero oases gaa ge VENGING VALVES (Chock they ao seain a ss inassaanaaaaa 7, PISTONS AND CYLINOER LINERS (Clearance moasuramonis to be alached i lame Inepeded icy i, dak reso eo mig fn AIS. Geen uo ‘CRANKSHAFT DEFLECTION MEASUREMENT Last Dato: Ca ie BIBLE — oe (Compare wi | manufacturers recommended limits, check avail, slowage and condtion of fhe callin dock, ensure measurements ae laken tthe corect manufacturer markings. Ensue condition of vessel (ie, add fs 10. ‘Ti. CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS (Check last bearing inspection repor, bearing suraces (if possible) and earonoes epats). ‘6 45. %6. 17._ FUEL PUMPS (Check clan recor, Pee ee eee ree ee eae 18. PROTECTION OF HOT SURFACES AGAINST OIL LEAKAGE T SPRAY [le desl eng otbasis and oer bot surfaces in vy of fel, D0, LO and hycraule Opies. Fuel pipe comactons must bo screened to avoid leakage and spray Hot srfaces (> 20 0) whch may be impinged a ars of oak {rom al syst flue mus bo insuatd inthe vst of igh pressure ol pies, Prsautens to provent of that may escape under pressure om any pump fie ot heals tom cing in contact wth heated surfaces). lolale Cola oO) 0 poopooo aol oO o Oo jola jod a ‘oo ‘on ir IGH PRESSUI DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM AND LEAKAC smal hight pressure fue! defvery nes between fe high pressure fuel pumgs and fue Injectors shal be protected wih a |2cetad piping system. The jacketed piping systom shal Include @ means for colecton af lekages and an ‘alam ofa fuel ne faire. Check alarm, no leak 28, GOveFOR AND FUEL PUMP RACKS AD.USTVENT SHSTEN (Gio eit cal wal i change, Choc ransision rods, pn nee i 2], WE TURBOCHARGERS (Check ci lve er, EIR loghook & PMS forms for operational daia, last | dean dl, est oven We ELECTRIC BLOWERS fol o 24. WE PROTECTIVE DEVICES (Tost LO, FW, lemperstur and pressure darns and ips, # possible, Check teat ooacds in PMS and EIR logbo nn a _| 25. WE BEARING TEMPERATURE MONITORS OR CRANKCASE OIL MIST DETECTOR {femal ‘combustion engines>2,250 KW o- having cylinders of more than SOO mim bore to be provided wih crankcase cil mist detectors or engine bearing (emperature monitors or equa, Test of the detector alam either lecrericaly or by removing a cover and blocking the sensor path. Check operation, lat test and last ovetha ooogd Issue No.04 / Date: 01.14.24 Revision No.00/ Date: 00.00.00 Page 10 of 46 Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/E J Office | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe stat after muiple attendances) Chaprer 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10, FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT "ROWAN ENGINE [Check spurs, opeinal dla, measure rer, PWS recordid ining hous Tr al components, hems due for napctin soon an overdue lems, Test WE sat tem emergency stand, ce famiar | wit opera. 26, MIE AIR COOLERS (Check condo of covers & exemal body, S.. piping & valves fr corosio. Check temperate gauges & pressure lubes. Chock PMS fr lst ceaningoverhaulast change of zinc rounds. _Cheek ER logbook for tmperatire & pressure cop ents). 27._ EXHAUST PIPING (Check insulation, no eciaust gas lato) 28. COOLING WATER AND LO ANALYSIS (Check records and Fequer nping plns es per manufacuersinsuctons). | [ 38. BRIDGE - E/R CONTROL CHANGE OVER SYSTEM (Vary cones opraon and hal enginears ae etx wit is operation [30 PMS: RECORDS OF MEASURENENTS, CLEARANCES AND OPERATIONAL DATA | REM NO” state reasons): {AAU in)Caoad CoOL UDw/ Bi. DIESEL GENERATOR Nas====5(check operation unde? 8vdden Joad change; aso If Spare governor's | Sallstactory ] ‘vai & overhauled, DIG, remote sianslop. Test al least one SUby OIG ftom OR and vty DIG prtecion YES] NO] NS | NA) des, lin one poge ff och ain OG). | 1. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE (Cleanliness, leakages, ose lls, On cas, missing coves, missing | 5 olo Insulation, ot) coe Hy 2 CRANK 7 rmanulacturers recommended limits, check aval, stowage and condition of the calibration clock, ensure | oy do ‘meesuremen(s ae taken at tho correct manufacturer markings. Ensue condition of vessel (vim, loaded et) Is ‘eportd in PMS ooo}; o oO CYLINDER COVERS (Chek tachment aring ve, wal vas, oO ng pipes, cleeness)._ PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS (Check PMS forts! overhaul, running haus, os cance and o |___ovaly measurements). 7 3___ MAIN AND CRANKPIN BEARINGS (Check last in o [et Oo 7 FUEL PUMPS uaaiens (o| 8 PROTECTION OF HOT SURFACES AGAINST OIL LEAKAGE (Foci pie connadtons must be sreened to avoid leakage ara spay, Hol surfaces ( 22900) must be adequately insulated inthe viet of o __ high pressure ci ip) | as F.0. PIES DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM AND LEAKAGE ALARA (Check lam, ro oO ‘SYSTEM (Check records of ast vernal and last LO.change, Cheek transmission as, pins, el. for excessive clearances). ooooojo0 a0 lemperaure gauges & pressure tubes. Check PMS for last cearingloverhaul. Check EIR logbook for ‘temperature & pressure drop enies). ocd REMARKS (If "NO" state reasons) SHUS FACTUE. Sy i ott if ey Balai E B2_ EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR Yes] NO] ns | NA Issue No.0t | Date: 01.11.21 ‘Revision No.00// Date: 00.00.00 ‘Page 1! of 46 ‘Responsible: Masier/CJO/ ClE/ Office | Pill Atleast one complete report anavally (maybe 7 staff after multiple attendances) eseataes | SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 1. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE (Cleanliness, leakages, loose lems, tn cans, missing covers, missing Insulation, ef). ‘manufacturers reoommended limits, check availabilty, stowage and condition of calibration clock, ensure measurements are taken athe covet manuacuex ings. Ensure tal conden of vessel (i, led =! {5 reported in PMS form) eee Slee eet 3 PROTECTIVE DEVICES (Tesi LO, FW, lemoeralr and pressire dams and tps. heck let roca in PMS andthe ERR ioghon ‘secondary sel) and charger, Chack if spate slrtr motors avalabla, Staring system must make possible 3+3 consecutive stats, Allomatively a manual sacondery staring system (hydraulic or mechanical) must be FUEL TANK LEVEL & FUEL TANK QUICK CLOSING VALVE (Fel must bo adequate for 18 hours of ‘operation, Quix cosing valve fo be operabe fom outside fhe EDG space incase o fir, fs if possible, check forair eats n dos 2 CRANKSHAFT DEFLECTION MEASUREMENT 7 Last Date: p7c6/e02@ ~~ (Compare with io oa; a a 10,_PMS, RECORDS OF MEASUREMENTS, CLEARANCES AND OPERATIONAL DATA _REMARKS (if Sats ecsaty ee C, TURBOGENERATOR Salitactoy YES [NO 1. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE (Cleanliness, lokages, loose lems, tn cans, missing coves, missing inguin, 0), | REMARKS (if-NO” slate reason \CATESAActOk A / -D, AUXILIARY: OIL FRED BOILERS 7, BOILERS, INCLUDING WASTE HEAT & DOMESTIC BOILERS (Wher ited wih avonatd bor, be operated in automate mode. Boller coils should not be 0 od). 2.” EXTERNAL CONDITION (Cleanliness, steam and water leakage from pipes, valves, inspection access olols H SAFETY VALVES (Condton, remote acuaton wis, lat Oval slings and teal recurs ln tho presence of lass sue pcre rere SE EH Here Pee PH & GLASS LEVEL GAUGES (Ccndion, cosines, vonole pari tolalon vee, Wonnalon, wal ter. 7. PROTECTIVE DEVICES (Check swichtoar! and rors of ast Wal othe presence of Cass surveyor Conduct ow evel ip if possibe Where bole 2 ted wih aulmaic operation cen syst they mus be |____opraedinaomate mate, Boer cons should nat be exertion o ‘8 PROTECTION OF HOT SURFACES AGAINST OIL LEAKAGE (Fuel ppp consecions mist Ba screened to avid of lakayo ard spray. Ht sures ( 220 06) must be insulated inthe wily of igh st ING (Check ht week ests re propery rexorded). Boo o/o /olojodolols Goo Oo} ojojojo REMARKS (Y'NO" tte reasons SAIS FACTORY Issue No.04 / Date: 01.14.24 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00) Page 12 of 16 Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/B./ Office [Fill i: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staff afte multiple attendances) Chapier 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 D. AUXILIARY OIL FIRED BOILERS E, EXHAUST GAS BOILER 1. EXTERNAL CONDITION (Cleaniness, steam & water leakage rom pipes, valves, inspecion ancess holes, j SAFETY VALVES (Conditen emote actuation wires, 2s overau seling and test ec in he presence of lass survey. BO PROTECTIVE DEVICES (Check sutchboad and records of last lest inthe presence of Class surveyor. | ‘Conduct ow level ip if possible), ET/ OUTLET DUCTS AND REGULATION DAMPER (Check for exhaust gas leaks and missing insti), al ao lojodols go ='y|o[alo “lwjololo! gwiociolo wooo a|ojolo REMARKS (If NO" state reasons): AK F. SEAWATER COOLING SYSTEM 7. WAIN & AUXILIARY SEA WATER COOLING PUMPS (Check or conosion, giand or mechanical sal lcaages, high bearing tomperatres and ran, adequate a fom wae pe) 2” SEACHEST VALVES (Check for carasin, leakage foe, freely operable, regular operation, reaords of uh 3 AND INTERMEDIATE VALVES (Check ciping Is fee of corosion, piting, soft patches, leakages, leroray epi, ves al 2c, 4, SEACHESTS {interne Eoaly (al crytoc) tock gangs, bots Secued adequate acces welded, sucon pipes dared fom tamale ; 5. FLOW REGULATOR | REMARKS (1'NO" state reasons SATISEACTORY. G. FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM Yes [NO|-Ns | NA. Issue No.01 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.0 Date: 00.00.00 Page 13 of 16 Responsible: Master/ C/O/ CIE/ Office | Fillin: At least one complete report annually (maybe - staff ator multiple atendances) Chapter 10 SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT & 3 G. FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM eS 1 JACKET FW COOLING PUMPS (Corrosion, clan or mechanical seal eakages, igh bearing temperatures 1 adequate moor proteton rom walrspllage, couplings and moving pats screened), 'W COOLING PUMPS (Corrosion, gland or mecharcal seal leakages, hgh bearing temperatures and vbraion, adequate motar protection rom watrspllage, ccuplings and moving pars screened). 3 PIPING leakages, valves nol stack, te of corosion, iting and sof __palehes or aes ter ooo oools oo oooo0 a0 ooe 4. Mie FW COOLERS (JACKET, PISTON, ETC’) (Check inlcatel pressive and lamporatue dfeencs, avalabily of gauges, as cleaning records, sel Mes and pipes to be carosion free (shal and tube type), hou cartosion and deformation {plate type)). a a/ala(al Galo PISTON @ FUEL VALVES COOLING observation windows clean). Eee 1 “D/G FW MAIN COOLER (Check iret / cult pressure and temparature difrence, avalliy of gauges, leat deening records, shel fubes and pies to be corosion free (shel ad tube type), plates end packings ‘thou carrasion and deformation (late type) 9” FRESH WATER GENERATOR (Check evaporator and condenser, gauges, oclr purps,educor, iter. REMARKS (If"NO" slate reasons): SETISEACONY Rees H. FUEL OIL SYSTEM ves NA 1. BUNKER TANKS (Conlon ofan ois, tmporatue neo, vent heads, ulae ports and gauges), | [ET Lo 2.” SERVICE AND SETTLING TANKS (Check sin condlan. Glass lovel gauges to 63 prcected against boakago & self cocng fi sal & nol nied, clang cocks fied, Double bottom tank } ‘lage gauges clean & with operable se Gosing covers. Level alarms & temperature sonsors operaing, do | CU’ o ‘ny ils around and ee of of, Check healing call. Tanks arrangement fr ow & igh sup FO avalebe a gE ny qo Oo paste Sth en sags 7 eee | ba | CT Oo 5.”HEATERS AND ASSOCIATED AUTOMATION (io eaages, donuts radaien, ean fow el | >!) | _—systeminde : mo ‘&_scosereR a tAteRn en nen 7. JETER (In good condlon, by pass arrangement instaiad and operational (isolating valves, by-pass i olola ates) A 7 ot = ea 3.0, PURIFIERS (Cree gravid, cect lain praising, da es, are oparain | EY] Oy | Cy (narul or uta) —hetetaten woo [10 PURE 5 AREAS (Veni ard can) ee ee H {Free of comosion,piting, sol palches and other temporary repairs), Mio oro REMARKS (IF NO" state reasons): SCE eee eeeeeee SASTRY i‘ 1 DIESEL OIL SYSTEM, Wor Neca 7 BUNKER TANKS (Chock sounding pipes wih self closing covers & vent heeds). : Molo) oOo 2° SERVICE TANKS (Check stucturl condition. Gas ovlgavges tobe protcod agains breakage ond sa Pty”) olo |__esng led, Level aanms operating, dip yoyo Issue No./Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.0 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 14 0f 46 Responsible: Mester /C/07 C/B/ Office | Filin: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe stall ater muipeatendances) Cn ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 automat). ae : ea ai SIN ER (Fe of carosion [REMARKS (if NO" sfate reasons) SATISFACTORY. eee i ‘J, LUB OL SYSTEM. Ei ing ips wise IPS (Condon, no leakages, check ove ecard). WIE LO COOLERS. (Check inlet ‘cuts! pressure and lemperatre difrence, availablity of gauges, Iasi clearing recads, sol utes and pipes careion fee (aha & tbe pe, labs & pacirgs wibout «cvroson/efrmaton (lat pe). 4 RII (Coirect gravity disk, correct olf heating (manual or automat). 5,__ PURIFIER HI RS (Last clean records, lemperature o control system, sult). [4 2 ME 3. MIE dala eyes comet operation Fas. a 6, PIPING ANO VALVES Fe of corosion, st patches temporary reais) REMARKS (If ‘NO" stale reasons): | Sptiseacwoky K. COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM 1. AIR COMPRESSORS (MAIN & EMERG) & LOW PRESSURE AIR SYETEM (Check soley vas, ‘uleate stoping doves, neocing dovins,statsiop inter, & oaks, eva, cong, nace, elon eae dae Ses 3 ere ee so. a pene) REMARKS (If NO” state reasons): LCT FACTORY _ LL. STEAM AND CONDENSATE SYSTEM - staf ater multiple atendances) YES Ns | NA 1, STEAM PIPING & VALVES [Check anges and gaskets condition, no leakages, no missing insulation, fee | ry | | | Gf signlloat corosicn pling and sf peiches or ther temporary reps) ue Eee CONDENSER (Check lat cleaning records, vacuum sysiem (if eppicabe), no corasion of SW. and slear olo Oo) Oyo sae neee LOlO 5. DISTILLED WATER TANK Oto REMARKS (if ‘NO state reasons): _ _— ae pb ee | SITISEALIOR Y. ae Isaue No.01 / Date: 04.14.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page [5 of 46 ‘Responsible: Maste/CiO/ CiE/ Office | Fillin: Atleast one complete report anaually (maybe oaera couping cavers avatable), BILGE WELLS (Suchons fied wih r,s of debi, ay rags). ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT | M. BFR BILGE & SLUDGE SYSTEM See dae 1. BILGE PUMP (Condtion, no leakages, motor protacted against oll / water spilage, shaft coupling covers atte) gyojoio iERAL SERVICE PUN (Canton no eka, w BILGE HIGH LEVEL ALARUS (Opratona, ested eo, aa -MERGENCY BILGE SUCTION (C crew aware ot psiton). (lean, fe of water and, pa see ‘OVERBOARD VALVES & PIPE CONNECTIONS TO THE HULL FOR LEAKS, PATCHES ETC (Locked, poste “Do nol open wihout CFE permission) Ea @ ~ SLUDGE PUMP AND PIPING (Ping has ro cn system eno2pi common I connect. Ping re of corrosion, pling, sot pales and oor tarporary ops). 70__ SLUDGE TANK Ti. CONNECTION BETWEEN EIR BILGE PIPING AND CARGO SLOP TANKS (Ping aangonent to be approved by Css). id Bee fe 42. OILY WATER SEPARATO? avaetie, Nomally supped with is own supply pump, which cer pump or craw wale through the soparatng uni. Cont that OWS piping has nol been atered, plyscay by-passed or fted with connections to by-pas the un, Vay thal sensing equipment has no ben interfered with. Request @ demonstration of how the oi content alarm is tested, check familaniy of crew. of ‘15ppm tes, aa aude & vse, insucons/an patuton warning depay, Piping fo & from sudge tanks must net have dct comecson overboard, other kan standard discharge connection to deck required by 'MARPOL. NO direct vertoard dscharge which bypasses OWS from a dedcaled sludge or lge pump. In por (OWSiring overboard discharge valves) cose & secured. Check ORB Past | for correct enirias regarding OWS operat) El ea Peete reer 1AS THE OWS BEEN FITTED WiTH ALARM & AUTO STOPPING DEVICE? (Sao socion 22 0 | To Form of OPP Cot no itsould nt be used in a Speil Ava, a o go g | C1 o| dg oO [alolo ojoja [a REMARKS (if NO” state reasons): LgaTisenctogy presenco tank levels, pumps valves, sampling point) Satisfactory N. PROPELLER, INTERMEDIATE SHAFT AND STERNTUBE EQUIPMENT TET TO] we | wa 1. PROPELLER SHAFT (Ghost Tal ropa: shal Cans hepocion SUNDT eal 7 mig cto [2 PROPELLER (Check blades ener ships al a shal dal). ore 3. NTE eck inlemedte shat connecing flanges & als, cooing axon torus 8 cin of btn sa bars nit of eatg saan ae, | C'] CD | C1 | cables 4 STERN TUBE & SEALS (posite check sea suface naar propa fr of leakage, check temiibe [Te] | | | aarance meesurements dung last 00). LO COOLING SYSTEM (Check oil system correct setings and operation, fst of analysis for S.W._ | dg REMARKS (if NO” state reasons): LSATISEActORY. (0. REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING PLANT ‘COMPRESSORS (Opto, ran, piocve vos], iz Te ‘2. S.W. FREON CONDENSERS (Valves, ialed piping, Freon indicaior, free of corrosion, pitting, of patches or cher temporary rape), Issue No.04 / Dat 01.47.24 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 16 of 46 Responsible: Master ‘C/O / C/E Office | ill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe stat ater multiple attendances) Chaprer 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021; VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 (©, REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING PLANT & 3 5. parang) eee 8. FREON CONSUMPTION AND RECOVERY PRACTICES DURING REPAIRS (EIR Officers aware of | ‘Company procedures and MARPOL An. Vi REMARKS (If "NO" stale reasons): SATISFACTOLY eee pete P. STEERING GEAR COMPARTMENT YES | NO 7 STEERING GEAR WECHANIGH (\o of leakage, ro walor ekage om adler pos dard, opraon of rotor of hydraule cyinders, check tunig Ume with one & two hr. pumps in operation & compare win! | O|O)O St. : ate ao a [wo too ‘9. EMERGENCY STEERING ARRANGEMENT (Instructions posted, marked according lo insiracions & all enciecew fa, Teslfgosble. One cl hs seem systems MUST operate ponerse. Vesos>*6 | my! | | ID es wih = na on uly set neg 2 een tml a dae mpassin he en towing ge = cal st. postion fe ola 3 OYo Sletng poston. Goren uder angle Indcalor wih 200 ango on ler & coret readings wih nase | OY} | OO} O indicator in ECR and bridge). E eee 7, ACCESS AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Access outside machinery ‘space, aniisip decks inst wlolola ____comparen) aoe a (ee ‘8. FIRE - WEATHERTI ‘DOOR FROM ERR (St. tp ER marked “TO BE CLOSED DURING gwlololo SEA PASSAGE"? lor. firo puis st gp). [! J |S. ADEQUATE FIRE FIGHTING AND DETECTION ARRANGEMENTS: P| [T “0. COMPARTMENT BILGE SYSTEM (Gperable, comparinent fee of water. Polkiion prevention nalioes | posted, The overboard valves secured against acidental opening). t I o REMARKS (1f'NO" state reasons): _ SATISFACTOCY. Q.E/R ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT T._MAIN & ENERGENCY SWITCHBOARDS (Ciean rubber mais af around (for swods>220V), protection against wale spilage f required, lamps, indicators, switches, el. in order, Megohm meters show infite ELECTRIC GENERATORS INCLUDING SHAFT GENERATOR (Gleanness, ar suain fiers, exer | rings vibration, healing resistance operation). (seve No.01 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 17 of 46 Responsible: Master/C/O/ C/E/Omice | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staff attr multiple attendances) Chapter 10 SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 ‘3, ELECTRIC GENERATOR PROTEC VE DEVICES (Test records for reverse power, overcurrent alams __ ips. Ensure he engineers are falar wih power a change-over racedes). e'|@)o|o/o [LOCAL STARTER PANELS ( eo oo 5M wale splage, cable conocton boxin or). eToys 3. MEGGER TEST RECORDS (Avalele annually Chock inslalon values). im ooo 7. (stuns, warnings, eniica eaupren, spl precede dspy fe exingsher, mut In fe acts, able ala isa ication of | my | 9 | Cy | Cy ‘each alarm, alam connection to CFE cabin & publ rooms acivlod when alam rat tent in due time, cela __fggor, pout Sle, avaible & visual alarm on Big. eae 8 MW RING & RECORDING SYSTEM Ee ceeeereeeaeeeEe whoo [ 8. DEAD HAN ALAR (wo; oro 10.166? SYSTEM a ereyo TRANSFORMERS wloTolo REMARKS (If"NO” slate roasons): te SAUSFACIORY. taste R.INERT GAS PLANT PRESSURE AND OKYGEN RECORDERS, FANS, AND VALVES {Check records to cont ales of |p Hpshavebeen canied ou, 9 o coos ‘8, HYDRAULIC AGGREGATORS PLANT (Clean, noo leakages), aggregate pumps ae cated wihin the engine compartment tis advise thal anol mst detector be ited), ns | na 7,_ HYDRAULIC AGGREGATORS fio axessve raion, co 2 a) using sysem and Gearing ero oO} oO reo, uly opr & led ragury. vessels dened umes cven by hyo pressure packs, presi in th tansission pes can be vey gh. ihe | | | | REMARKS (If°NO" state reasons) ‘T. OTHER AUXILIARY MACHINERY & ITEMS 7, INCINERATOR (Bumer dean, instuctons (do not use Inport), operation recoded in OR, prceaive use, fogs kop eee ee eee ‘3 SEWAGE PLANT (Check sewage shore comnecon, ping and ied sale fer eaveslon, check chemical dosage sytem, check overboid valve oe labled "Do nol open without CE parison’, check pumps fr leakages. Issue No.O4 / Date: 01.44.24 Revision No.00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 18 of 6 Responsible: Master /C/O/ C/E / Office | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe staff afer multiple attendances) Chapter 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT a | rm Qo rosion and dif) Se 7 —| ‘SOUNDING PIPES OF OOUBLE BOTTO TANKS (Emsue coe ao of sof osha ine woo TG] || concen ot keptopen). ae | U 7 JAROS (Al moving wor} REMARKS (1f’NO" stato reasons} PEeHeeeeHeeee eee | SATIS pt. fok SSSEIESEEEEESzERE| : e Satisfactory | U, EiR SPARES, STORES AND WORKSHOP, SAFETY ITEMS TEST WO] ns | NA 1,_CLEAN Y arora ee eae see MOO to LATHE, DRILL, GRINDING MACHINE and other JR maine tools Fed win proeatve eeensfor pe | Oy | | OT = es - Sea ‘WELDING MACHINE (ostucionspostod, cable instlaton, older nsulation). wloforo mene macies al aces poston). wo Sto 4 | wo a ao a R te i : - 4 O)O 9. ACCESS LADDERS, GANGWAY, WORK PLATFORMS, GRATINGS, ETC. (Filed wit anisip ayoyo) mater’, handrals ind) E Ee SreE eee oer 10,” EMERGENCY ESCAPE ROUTES (Naked, ree of obsiuetions). nid o i ING LEVEL : ojo; ‘GRYGENIACETYLENE BOTTLES @ CUTTING EQUIPMENT (Saey gudalnes posed tates soured | CP CD) OP] CI {pressure reducers wi gauges in goad conn, hoses with fame arestors fie, torches & bumers in ‘ter. Store eutside accommodation & EF & wel venilated. Oxygen cylinders painted biack, Acatene i 102.3% catben & 7.7% hycogen, is Ife than ai & is highly fammable wih a LEL of 25% Ahn ‘oyindrs painted maroon & bat separaten i recommended. Storage wel veiled & away from ary heat source. A hazard waming noice dspayed ouside. Cylinders Kept up secured. Protective caps tobe Secured on cylinders not in use. n-useoylnders may be stored In same compartment but separated ata [_dtance” . Cyn eed wien nol in use). a — = fag fpf | 73" FIXED PIPING INSTALLED FROM GAS CYLINDERS T0 OPERATING POSITION (Piping of seal | COP CT | 1] C1 ‘welded consucion, Caper, uber or braided nes ot used, but raed les may be used fo he shart _lengh om eying heads to mani in sorage space. Pipework tings fee of grease). on oe 14, HAND TORCHES (Approved for use in gas-hazardous areas. This includes torches in use on dock, in EIR. ayo 0 and ese sup fr use wh remesoutts) | REMARKS (i "NO" state reasons): assess [SALIS factogy. a Issue No.0f J Date: 01.41.21 Revision No.00/ Date: 00.00.00 Page 19 of 45 ‘Responsible: Master /C/O / CIE / Office staff Fill ia: At Least one complete report ennually (maybe after multiple attendances) Chapter 10 “SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT PART 3: CARGO RELATED EQUIPMENT ‘SMS Manual 10 CHEMICAL TANKERS are vessels with CoF for Cariage of Dangerous Chemicals in Buk or In, Pollution Prevention Cet for Carriage ‘of NLS. The IBC Code appies only to vessels with Keel aid on or ater 1/7/86, The BCH code applies to vessels with keel lad or which were ata similar stage of constuction on or after 12/472. Effective 1/1/07, revisions fo MARPOL Annex Il re-categoised products into XY, Zand Other Substances (OS). Categories X, Y & Z carriage requirements are sot out in Chapter 17 of IBC. Category Z cargoes ‘are set out in Chapter 18 of IBC along with OS cargoes. The NEPC.2 Circular issued in December each year provides a provisional categorisation of iquid substances, ‘A. CARGO PUNP ROOM EQUIPMENT (Punp oon ree of significant eas Fon machine, pipework, vave | SsTetoy | lands and instumentaion, Check evidence of regular testing). YES CARGO PUMPS (Condon, no weaon and excessive lemperlies, 0 oas, pressure gages aval, | —_paformance cues aratia) a 2 CARGO PUMP EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN SYSTEM (Pump alam & tis, Tex a ais we | CARGO “& BALLAST PUWP BEARING, CASING & SHAFT GLAND” TENPERATURE MONITORING. (There is onl a requirement o provide an alam, Theres no reqiteren fr temperatures to be dspayed or for a hgh temperature io to operate, Cargo pu bearings must not nave temporary cookg mA 7 a a og 93, ARRANGEMENTS FOR BILGE RESIDUES SAFE TRANFER/ EMERG. DISPOSAL OF PIR BILGE AGCUMULATIONS (Check if residues can be ischargd via permanent poing directly to sop tents. Check tipping system to enable lines and pumps lobe drained ta a cargo or Sop tank. There shoud be an eetve ‘means to ie up ard operate th bige system by remote operation from PIR top, cluding where necessary 2 __.. focal for pro-seing of valves lo onsure tal system can be operated & bles pumped dung the voyage. | 10. DISCHARGE PRESSURE GAUGES PROVIDED OUTSIDE ORDER, E CARGO PUMP ROOM & IN | i BULKHEAD SHAFT WECHANICAL SEALS (Coe a 12. PIPING & VALVES (Wo lela, vale easy operie, naked azcoring to mmic dagen or iy arosn, pt, 20 pats and tes eporay e ‘OR (Sansors and cabling in god contlon, alarm sen an 1 PUMP ROOM GAS MONITORING SYSTEM IN’ ORDER & REGULARLY CHECKED (Gampling pons or deloctor ead located in suieble positon to detec al potential leakages. When hydrocarbon gas ‘concentration reaches a pre-set level<10% of LEL, a continuous aube & visual lem signal automaticaly ‘fected in pun ccom & CCR. Alam automaticaly efected in pump reo, ECR, CCR & bridge an vessals consisted 1702 75. TANK CLEANING HEATER (isolation om COW ina, ‘perl rm uiside. Often the vet. stom ited wih high eel sutone ater above the olom gratings, tho eps of which are operate rom PR to, inode alow fans o be operated when biges are fodod and | _faps shel under om = See eee ¥7-LIGHTING FIXTURES (Ex. roo and in good condion, no broken or cached covers, adequate ling, | 3 paid over. Fuorescont tings wl sat each en). 48. ODME (Check grin out ecrds, ODME eleronis Leo conier mets, uta sloping dev, pumps and ‘ing must be working sastactoy). Issue No.0 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 00,00.00 Page 20 of 46 Responsible: Master/ C/O GIB/ Office | Fillin: Atleast one compete report anavally (maybe ; staff afer utp attendances) Camere ‘SEAMAN JSC ‘SMS Manual 10 FORM M024: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT 2, PIRIGH LEVEL BIL 3 5 (Fee of cago resdues clean). : 5 23. ARRANGEMENT FOR LIFTING UNCONSCIOUS PERSON [Check Fiacle and rescue Famess i set ___upand ready operat) ‘VENTILATION OF PIR SPACES (Mechanical vnilaied & cisaigos fom exhaust fans edo sae place cn deck Changes of aF>20 per hou. The vent shal be of sation ype using fans of naresparking ype, On ‘esslsconstucled alr 177202 the el dls eranged so thal all spaco is eflctvey vant. On some ‘er vessals the ver, system operates wih one fan on supa & the oer on etacon.Nevedthlos, fore ‘Shou be exracien rom bath ses of IR tle area. iting, except em. Fn, inkelocked wh ven. such ‘ha fhe vent. shal be in operaton when swing onto ighing, Fare of en. shal not cas he igh to {0 ot ony on extacfon fan, hee sould be atemaine arrangements to re-etalish extraction in case of fale, 2. gare moor, o te by to reverse he poly ofa sop fan) cae - 3 CARGO SAMPLE LOCKER SITUATED WITHIN THE MAIN CARGO AREA iN” ORDER, [ADEQUATELY VENTILATED & SUITABLY CONSTRUCTED TO PREVENT BREAKAGES (Only if locker contains farmable Huds, xe SOLAS fre extinguishing arangomentsrequeed. The stowage space AMS (Test nd check records). sree sre Gal did ince: si siting ote ote ate wjo;ojo “Nose mola ay ested iis nnd be soe nd + Ehupped mi aguas vanttin arengret | Sangies sh Tout win sac Ofer dtp shodd rc be slowed dose o each fer. Samples oa {ane on rt geo eacssny,Mecnoncal etn so eqaad) ‘PORTABLE CARGO PUMP AND ASSOCIATED HYDRAULIC AND CARGO HOSES (Pump & hoses ee woarely siren an cosy axossble soe, Ensice he equipment sdequy ened ster use). | =-WASH, WHERE REQUIRED, PROVIDED IN MARKED LOCATIONS? (For Chemical tankers on deck in convenient tocations & operable in all ambient toner, a ein al anrt consis, ilo stam oye in use prow “ARE CARGO LINE INS POSITIONED TO PRECLUDE LIQUID REMAINING IN THE LINE AFTER DRAINING? 7 REMARKS (If NO” stafo reasons): Z | SATiseccoky. aSSEEEEES B. CARGO CONTROL ROOM & MONITORING EQUIPMENT (Al vessels must cary the folowing potable | Satisfactory ‘as detection equipment: 2 explosimetors, 2 oxygon analysars & toxic gas detectors or analysers sutabe for the YES] NO | NS | NA products cared. Al leas! one MSA tankscone or equivalent for measuring hydrocarbons on vessels operating wih IGS. tis preferred thet pessoal mutiple gas detecting alarm uns are used by each person working in a polenily hazardous area, Toxic gas delators for H2S mus be cetfedspocicay for use in alo: nan ineiedalmosphere) 1. CARGO PUMPS CONTROL, ALARM AND SHUT-DOWN SYSTEM {Check alarm seitings, bearing wlolojo temper reading, oneepssure gage eadrgs nOCR oon tr Cherie nes) ojo 2 CARGO AND BALLAST PUMPS BULKHEAD SHAFT MECHANICAL SEALS (Check temperature olola alarm. and readings). _ a eee SEES Pee PERMANENT OXYGEN AND GAS DETECTOR (Check analyzing wi, calloralon records and Laie) a Caer @[ololo &.” PORTABLE OXYGEN, GAS DETECTORS AND TANKSCOPES (EXPLOSIVE GAS IN IG span g2s, calbration mee u o| cs | O| RS le pny etna aapreaiogme Se GTQ) wo oO cegatas eld by ls) g|ofojo| fine PPNG DAGSaN whoo Issue No.01 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00/ Date: 00.00.00 Page 2! of 6 ‘aspnsbie: Maser/ C107 OBTORice Pll At eas one complete report anally (maybe staff after multiple attendances) Chapter 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 [B. CARGO CONTROL ROOM & MONITORING EQUIPNENT (Al vesscls must cany the kllowing portable gas detection equipment: 2 explosineters, 2 axygen analysers & toxic gas delecors o analysers sulable fet the Products cared, Atleast one MSA tankscope or oquvalnt for measuring hycracarbons on vessels operating with GS. Its prefered that personal mule gas detecting alam units sre used by each person working ina potently hazardous area. Tovic gas delecios for H2S must be cetfied specially or use a orin an inerted atmosphere). ‘Sallstactory YES | NO 9, CARGO TANKS HIGH & HIGH-HIGH LEVEL ALARMS PANEL. (Highievel alam system independent of both the gsucing devices and the overfon-cottol alam, & lark overlow enntal system shal: f.come ito operation when the normal tank losing procedures fll o stop the liquid level exceeding the nor fl condition; 2. give a visuat & audible tank-overfow alam; and 3. provide an agreed signal for sequent _shuldowa a enshowe pumps or vales or bah & of ships valves. The signal & the pump & valve shuldown may be dependent on operator’ inlevenion, Use of shipboard automatic closing vals is permed only when approval oblaned ftom Adminstration and the Port Authory cancemed. High level alarms to be in operation __duting both loading! dscharging), EE He 10. CARGO TANKS REMOTE PRESSURE GAUGES AND ALARM (Tost alarm system, insted in feu of secondary venting syste) g ao Fi. TANKS LEVEL GAUGE REMOTE INDICATORS OR HARDWARE / SOFTWARE WONITORING TEM (Chock cata by spel and regulary by UTI doutlechockig). 42 TANKS LEVEL AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS AND CABLING (No danages caftraton records by reoogtzed cago inspection og (gla 8) jon), {8 VESSEL CAPABLE OF OPERATING IN A CLOSED CONDITION IF VOLATILE OR TOXIC PRODUCTS ARE HANDLED, INCLUDING ULLAGING & SAMPLING (A tankers with fixed IGS fo be provided wih a closed ulage system. Open and restricted gauging lowed only where opan venting is alowed by the Code or means ae provided for refeving tank pressure before gauge. On a Chemical tanker, cosad? loading is require at al ines. n such cases, use of portable UTI tapes is net permite, [A oa precuct is potoleum having 2 flash polt <6O0C. fa cargo is being handled at 3 temperature win 100C ofits lashpoint, shoud be consieted volatla Therefore @ cargo wih a flashget of BDDC is considered volatile rhandle eta tempeature of 700C or above.) a a 14, LOCAL ULLAGE PORTS FOR USE WITH UTI TAPE (Equipped ler closed oparaon (valves, cov _ place), extending to tank baton). = oe 16 F FIXED (closed) TANK GAUGES ARE NOT FITTED, ARE THERE SUFFICIENT PORTABLE UTT TAPES TO GAUGE EVERY TANK BEING WORKED SIMULTANEOUSLY? (UT tapes cansitte a “Testi typeof gauging and shouldnt be used wih cargos nat require “cosed" operations, Thea sould be 2 spare tapes. The number of fpos la uso rust bo spect, Potable tapes shouldbe celbraod 3 per make’ recommendabons & valid calbrton certicales should be provided foreach nsruamenl. Effectively _ batted before used in tanks fr avldngeecostaic azar). i 76.” PORTABLE CLOSED SAMPLING EQUIPMENT (Condition, Gi fair wih eperaton, sere Bolles valta), 7. Oit RECORD Bi operation coos, quanites, et). _ 18. CARGO OPERATIONS LOG AND FORMS REVIEW (confmaon of adherence lo seasonal loading ones, wale ove, pt estos a highact ns, includng maximum cago capacies and Toading Fes seceastte 49. LOADING RATES (& RELAXATION PERIODS) POSTED AND ELECTROSTATIC HAZARDS PRECAUTIONS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY C/O REMARKS (If NO" state reasons): C. CARGO PIPING AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 1. CARGO MANIFOLD VALVES AND GAUGES (Manifold pressure gauges filed with valves or cocks, | "check vaves condton, gauge quick couplings and cocks avait outboard of ves, lank anges equivalent tobe ited, reducers secur {sue No.04 | Date: 01.11.24 Revision No,00 / Date: 00.00.00 Page 22 of 46 Responsible: Master/ CIO / C/E / Office | Fit in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe stat after multiple attendances) Chapter 10 ‘SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 . CARGO PIPING AND RELATED EQUIPMENT MANIFOLD BLANK FLANGES OF AN EQUIVALENT RATING TO THAT OF THE MANIFOLD PIPELINES (Stee! banks of same thickness asthe flanges to which they are attached, but tis wil not recessariy result i the pressure capably being the same as that of the associated pipework. I is the pau ae to rk wes pn If such blanks are no ited, check docuetation to prove that fing is adequate fo the service}. 30” ALL FLANGE CONNECTIONS FULLY BOLTED This is iy ino wich Bag used ro ict DURING CARGO TRANSFERIDISCHARGE FOR MANIFOLD VALVE LEAKAGE (Wanfld pressure gauges ited cuboard of he merold yates ann rd. Eee HCH ES MUST BE ‘TO IDENTIFY THE TANK(S) THEY SERVE ‘6. WANIFOLDS FITTED WITH ORAIN LINES & PURGE POINTS & MUST BE VALVED & CAPPED | pti cans capped inorder) \WITH FULL DEPTH SOUNDING PIPES (Sounding pipes should extend te ful dap ofthe tank, earthed to structure af each end and sloted Io preven any pressure diferent bulding up within the pipe. Ths wil ‘low operatons tobe carted oat any tne because it wil nt be possible or any sigrifcanteletrcal charge to accumulate on thesurtace othe liquid wiki the pipe. Ino, static precautions must be taken in partcular ‘atoning 2 telexalion period before taking ullges or sampling, Corrections for dalum eves & for it & tim to -____be checked & aporaved by the authority if ulages om vapour locks are used for cargo caleulaten). 7.” PRESSURE GAUGES FITTED TO THE OFFSHORE MANIFOLDS & REGULARLY CHECKED |” 7." VAPOUR LOCKS calbraied and certified by a recngnised cargo inspection organisa & FITTED | a a oid op a ECARGO MANIFOLD SPALL TRAY (Emply & suiatle means of draining to a cargo tank or spi lank orov Manisids & Associated Equipment). ‘CARGO PIPING (Conesion of flnges, gaskets, suppots, expansion lois. Piping fee of corasion, Sat __palches, tng and emporary reps. Grodin cables fied between ferges). ‘i vecs UNE ‘AND MANIFOLD (Manfoldis marked accorég to requemants,presanitn flange wih std ‘a 120'dock positon. Piping fee of coresin and lerporary repairs, VECS systemin operational condition). 12. CARGO HOSES (Condition, signs of wear or permanent deformation, Fressuro lest annually Eames cy LOCIME atestaton by Cass over 25 yeas), alate) 78. STERN LINE INSPECTION (Ai welded consiruction, self drank ee ‘with main cargo line. Spit tray fited in way of valve. Manifold fited with sp ray and pumps with smergency st [> VAPOUR RETURN WANFOLDS {To prevent the aocdental connection of cargo line, vapour marfoids should have a stud fited atthe 12 o'iock position and the blank fiange should hava a coresponding hole to |___recalve the stud). 17, CARGO MANIFOLDS (For vessels>i6, side should be 4600 men. The height of centres of presentation flanges above deck<2100 mm. The working Hate be gate ‘of saveal) shouldbe fied to allow 900 mm between the level ofthe patfarm and certves ‘of presentation flanges). [78 PIPING SYSTEM FREE OF UNAUTHORISED INTER-CONNECTIONS STWEEN CARGO, }6-BULKHEAD SEALS TO Be GAS TIGHT AND, REQUIRED, WELL LUBRICATED es iad fom sis | ooo Oo golo ooo Qa a ood a REMARKS (IF'NO” state reasons): | SATISFACTORY. jeipeaiee D. CARGO TANK VENTING ARRANGEMENT (inorder & operat corey. Check contion of PV valves, rast ses, en tacks, vapour lines, vacuum valves and lame sores). ns | NA Issue No.O4 / Date: 01.11.21 Revision No.00 / Date: 09.00.00 Page 23 of 45 Responsible: Master /C/O/ CIE/Office | Fill in: Atleast one complete report annually (maybe aff aftr multiple attendances) Chapter 10 , SEAMAN JSC FORM M021: VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT ‘SMS Manual 10 1D. CARGO TANK VENTING ARRANGEMENT (In oder &opefatedcovocy. Check condone PIV vas, mastrises, vet stacks, vapour res, vacuum valves and flame screens). 7 INDIVIDUAL PIV VALVES: Date of last calibraion: ......0...n order, Inspedied @ deaned reguaty. High jet cones & flaps shout not be jacked open, paricuary wen loading. High jl vents not ited wilh lame screens & thir correct operation refs on a pressure bull-up within te compartment which opens the valve ata predetermined level & resus in a gas ext velociy>90 misec, This result in protection against passage of ame, the speed of which f 75 msec. Request the manual bing of PIV valves. P/V valves ‘checked for ftee movement prior tothe commencement ofeach cago operaton as required by the Ship fo Shore Safely check fst. Condition inspection, last ovechal and regular maintenance rocords, salting, test, (lass attestation, vacuum sie nin cod co ass 2” FLAME SCREENS IN ORDER, EASILY ACCESSIBLE, REMOVABLE AND INSPECTED @ CLEANED REGULARLY. (Check ecords) ‘3 COVIMON VENT. inciation. Responsible Otis secures padlock keys n kay cabine). VENTING SYSTEM AS PER SOLAS SECONDARY VENTING ARRANGEMENT REQUIREMENTS (A secondary means of fll fow roof of vapour, alr or 1G mixtures shall be provided. Atematively, pressure sonsors may be fit In each tank protected ty the primary venting arrangement with @ monitoring system in CCCR ox poston rom whic cargo operations are cari out Such monitoring eaulpment sal iso provide an alarm whieh is actvaied by detection of overpressure or under-pressuro conditions within a tank. Tho IBC ‘Code require: Controled lank verting systems should const of s mary and a sacondary means of allowing fulfon tell f vapour lo preven ove-pressure r under-pressure inthe even of falure cf ane mean), “¢COWNON VENT LNE STOP VALVES (Sop vas fed wih oag ‘atangement and openvcose MAST RISERS (Corrosion, seif dining, ited wi lame screens in good condiion, al leasi 60 m above a Qo oO oO ooo Oo} aX o o a REMARKS (If "NO" sfafe reasons): | GATISEACiOR / NG ON DECK fo cores png, sot panes RN VALVE (Check jest inspection “4. PIV BREAKER (iis led with water, the quid should be protected agains oozing by ani-feaza,F ____needed. Check water level, ve indicat). 5._CAPABILITY OF INERTING D VOID § z EE i 6. THE READINGS ON LOCAL, BRIDGE & CCR OXYGEN & PRESSURE RECORDERS AGR’ (instumentatonfited for oninucusyincatng & peminonly recording when Ks supped: 2. The pressure ofthe 1G supoy forward of the nore devies; and The oxygen content of in IG supp mes on discharge side ote gas bowers. The devices placed in CCR orin 2 position accesso to the Otice in charge of cargo oparatons Meters shal lobe fied: «ne bridge to ineate a limes the pressure of he IG main forward ofthe nonetum devices; 6. nthe machinery control roam orn the machinery space lo nal the oxygen coniento the I in 1G supply mains on tne discharge si of he gas Bowes). i 7. VAPOUR SPACES IN CARGO TANKS MAINTAINED AT POSITIVE PRESSURE (Caro tarks must plo postive eave pressure (about 30 10 ald atmospheric oxygen ingress EN CONTENT IN CARGO TANKS MEET IMO REQUIREMENTS 9,_WAS THE FIXED OXYGEN ANALYSER CALIBRATED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO USE OF IG? 0. STOP VALVES WHICH IDUAL TANKS FROM THE CON VENTING SYSTEM PROVIDED WITH POSITIVE LOCKING ARRANGEMENTS (Keys under the contol of a responsible Oficor. Where arrangements are combined with ether cago tanks, eer stop valves ‘or other acogplabla means provided te soale each cargo tank. There shal be a lar vital indiaton ofthe operational slaus of he valves or ales acoeplable means). Issue No.04 / Date: 01.11.24 Revision No.00/ Date: 00.00.00 Poge 24 0f 46 Responsible: Master/ C/O C/E /Ofiee | Pill in: Atleast one complete eeport annually (maybe staff after multiple attendances) Chapter 10

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