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Unveiling Quality Education Internationally”



In partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Practical Research

Sunny Boy Lakim

John Wayne Bugwat
Joenell Catarata
Julmalyn Daul
Josel Deasis
Jonas Gaspar
Darwin Gonzaga
Ken Maverick Ibanez
Ralph loureen Rojas Tarro
John Kevin Planos
Richard Rebollos
APRIL 2024



The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in Students is increasing globally, and similar

trends may be observed in the young population. Our objective was to estimate the

awareness and use of e-cigarettes among the students of Global technical school of

Zamboanga and to identify the factors that may influence their decision to use e-cigarettes

and their possible adverse effects.

Background of the study

Electronic cigarette use is growing in popularity and accessibility among youth in the

Southeast Asia region. Smoking is a very common addictive behavior among men’s . Each

day, about 2000 minors smoke their first cigarette, and according to the Center for Disease

Control (CDC), 14% of all adults were cigarette smokers in 2017. Tobacco contains an

addictive substance called nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant that has multiple harmful

effects, such as yellowing of nails, sexual impotence, cough, abdominal pain, and lung

cancer. Traditional tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars, contain over 500

harmful and carcinogenic substances. This may be one reason that many have turned to e-

cigarettes (also known as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, or ENDS) under the

erroneous belief that e-cigarettes are safer than tobacco. However, e-cigarettes are only

shown to be more harmful, as e-cigarettes contain the same nicotine that is found in

cigarettes, plus they contain vapor that can produce inflammatory chemicals and impair
alveolar macrophages in the lungs, which function to remove organisms and objects that

harm the lungs Studies show that students are more susceptible to e-cigarette use because

of their flavors, attractive packaging, price promotions, and use among peers E-cigarettes

are often marketed as a cessation device or substitute for cigarettes; however, they have the

potential to increase nicotine addiction among young adults and youth who do not smoke.

school levels. The study discovered that smoking had a negative effect on academic.

performance, which was especially strong for students who smoked cigarettes. The

smoking rate in the population was 64.36%. Smoking rates differ by gender, with men

smoking more than women. Female smokers on other hand, are in the minority. According

to Ullan (2019) it is recommended that the university should take action to make

dormitories and common areas smoke free because the growing and troubling prevalence

of smoking among boarder students. For researchers and public health professionals

working in the field of health promotion and education more specifically, undergraduate

students in a multicultural and multi-ethnic nation, this study is highly significant. This

would support the development of fresher, more potent strategies for enhancing academic

performance and quitting smoking. We the researcher will research the impact of smoking

in academic performance in Grade 12 students. Therefore, the aim of this study is to

identify the effect of cigarette smoking on the academic performance among students.The

Philippines may be facing an uphill struggle in the vaping epidemic. The Global Youth

Tobacco Survey (GYTS) which was done last 2019 showed that the country is facing

an alarming prevalence of using ENDS among the youth. 1 in every 7 students, aged

13-15 years old, is already using e-cigarettes According to Department of

Health . (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Philippines)2019, - an age group far less than
what is allowed by existing laws. In addition, the survey highlights that there is an

easy accessibility for tobacco products as a whole, with 37.1% of the youth not being

prevented from buying these products regardless of their age, both from stores or

street vendors and as advertised in social media. (Global Youth Tobacco Survey

Philippines)2019, Health professionals on the frontlines in the country also play a

crucial role in tobacco control activities. In a prevalence study done in the Visayas

region, Palmes et al. found that nursing students lacked sufficient knowledge of e-

cigarettes, but held a favorable stance toward not using them. According to(Palmes

M,)2021 What is worse is that the dangers of this practice are often clouded in social

media where most Filipinos derive their news from Social media, particularly

Facebook, is widely used in the Philippines not just as a social media platform but also

as a major news source and e-commerce platform. The app dominates the social

media market in the country, reflected in the increasing number of Filipino

users. (Palmes M,)2021 However, this is also the top social media platform for

misinformation that can be exploited.


Independent variable (IV) Dependent variable (DV)

Education and Awareness of E-cigarette

Information Impacts


Peer Influence

(Figure.1) Conceptual framework

Figure 1 present the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of three variables

Education and Information as an independent variable, and Awareness of E- cigarette

Impact of Usage as the dependent variable. Peer Influence as Moderating variable

Statement of the problem

This study aim to examine and evaluate the impact of E-Cigarette usage to the student

awareness.. It focuses on examine the technical vocational livelihood students’ awareness

and sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the current level of awareness among Grade-12 Technical

Vocational Livelihood students regarding the potential impact of e-cigarette

usage in terms of:

a. Health

b. Social well-being

c. Academic performance

d. Future prospects

2. How does peer influence moderate the relationship between education and

information interventions and Grade 12 technical vocational livelihood

students' awareness of the impact of e-cigarette usage?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between Grade 12 technical vocational

livelihood students' exposure to education and information about e-cigarette usage and their

awareness of its impact.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to examine the students’ awareness of usage of E-Cigarette

usage to the students. This study aim to identify the impact of usage of E-Cigarette usage

on students’ health. It also aimed to understand how often students modify their devices,

identify toxic compounds in e-cigarette, and determine where they seek information. The

explore that while students are aware of many health risks associated with e-cigarette, they

lack knowledge about harmful substances.

Significance of the study



USAGE” is significant because it seeks to understand how e-cigarette usage effects to the

health of students’. This study is significant because it seeks to identify practical strategies

for helping students’ awareness.

The study will be beneficial to the following;

Students – it helps students to obtain information more systematically and practically that

E-cigarette is harmful to their health

Parents – To gain a comprehensive understanding of why young people are drawn to

using e-cigarettes and how their availability Not using of E-cigarette . As an additional

approach in Guiding the students to the Impact of usage of E-cigarette

School Administrator – , this study provides them with insight on the Using of E-

cigarette system regarding the Impact to the health of the student and which may give

them the idea to Ban it to the school .

Community – prior to the implementation of the Vape Law. Local initiatives to assess

the prevalence of e-cigarette use in the youth in the coming years must be sought,

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of the this study is to d examine the students’ awareness of usage of E-

Cigarette usage to the students.. The study consider the Health of the G12 Students of

Global technical school of Zamboanga Inc.

The researcher limited the study of 30 male and female grade 12 students enrolled in

Second semester of the school year 2023-2024 of GLOBAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF

ZAMBOANGA INC. Only grade 12 students were chosen to participate the study.

Definition of Terms

This study aimed to provide valuable information on Examining grade 12 Technical

Vocational Livelihood Students Awareness of the Impact of usage of E-cigarette.

Examining - To look at or consider a person or thing carefully and in detail in detail in

order to discover something about them.

Awareness - In philosophy and psychology is a concept about knowing, perceiving and

being cognizant of events. Another definition describes it as a state wherein a subject is

aware of some information when that information is directly available to bring to bear in

the direction of a wide range of behavioral actions.The concept is often synonymous to

consciousness and is also understood as being consciousness itself.

Impact -The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is

a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them.

Usage - A usage is a meaning that a word has or a way in which it can be used.

E-cigarette - E-cigarette is a device shaped like a cigarette, containing a nicotine liquid

which is breathed in as steam rather than smoke.



This chapter of the study presented the Related literature,Local studies,Foreign literature.

Local studies / Literature

The Philippines have implemented e-cigarette legislation, such as the Rules and

Regulations on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)According to Puyat C.V.M.

(2022)and the Republic Act No. 10643 According to Loreto-Garin J.P. (2023), which

requires health warnings on tobacco products. However, despite its well-intention purpose,

ENDS reduced the minimum age for accessing vaping products from 21 to 18 years of age

According to Sese L.V.C.,(2022). In May 2021, the Philippines adopted the Non-

Combustible Nicotine Delivery Systems Regulation Act, which regulates the manufacture,

distribution, sale, use, packaging, promotion, and advertisement of electronic nicotine

systems, non-nicotine delivery systems, heated tobacco products, and novel tobacco

products . This law prohibits the sale of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products to an

individual under the age of 18 years . Additionally, the law prohibits the use of vaporized

nicotine at any indoor public establishment, except in a Designated Vaping Area (DVA) .

This Act aligns with the WHO MPOWER, a set of evidence-based strategies for reducing

the demand for tobacco, specifically advocating for enforced bans on tobacco advertising,

promotion, and sponsorship strategy According to Sese L.V.C.,(2022).. The Republic Act

11900, known as the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act,
became law on 25 July 2022, following rigorous scrutiny in the Philippine Congress. This

legislation seeks to regulate e-cigarettes and offers cessation techniques to people who use

tobacco. However, the law lowered the minimum age for accessing vaping products from

21 to 18 According to Sese L.V.C.,(2022) evaluate the long-term effectiveness of this

policy approach, continued surveillance of tobacco use, including e-cigarette use, is needed

to track prevalence changes in the Philippines [)According to Puyat C.V.M.(2022) There is

evidence that policy interventions to reduce youth tobacco use should be considered,

including the MPOWER framework.

This study is subject to several limitations. Because this is a cross-sectional study, we

cannot examine the causal effects between the covariates and outcome variables (e.g.,

current use, ever use, and awareness of e-cigarettes). This study is only generalizable to

students aged 13–15 years who attended formal schooling, so we cannot extrapolate the

results to those who may have dropped out of school, those who are not enrolled in school,

or students in different age groups in the Philippines. Additionally, students may

underreport due to their perceptions of social norms, which may have led to self-reporting

bias and/or social desirability bias. Furthermore, information bias can arise from incorrect

interpretation of questions and inaccurate answer selection, leading to misclassification of

e-cigarette use. While the GTYS survey was conducted in 2019, youth usage patterns do

also change rapidly.

Foreign Studies / Literature

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), also called vapes, are popular nicotine delivery devices.

The systems are usually powered by a battery, heating a liquid solution that mostly

contains nicotine into an inhalable aerosol or vapor according to (Gorukanti A,

Delucchi)2017. E-cigarettes were originally designed and marketed as a smoking cessation

aid. However, e-cigarettes have some potential harms on the health of users. First, nicotine

is highly addictive and may have a detrimental impact on brain development in youth

according to (Klein MD, Sokol NA,)2021. Second, vapor from e-cigarettes has also been

shown to contain toxicants according to (Goniewicz ML,)2012 that may lead to cancer .

Additionally, exploding batteries can also be harmful

Although the role of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation is still a controversial public health

issue, e-cigarettes are increasingly popular worldwide, especially among youth Goniewicz

ML,(2012). In the United States, rates of e-cigarette use surpassed those of cigarettes

among youth in 2014, and e-cigarette use is a national epidemic with high prevalence

among high school and middle school students (27.5% and 10.5%, respectively).

According to a national survey in New Zealand, 40.5% of university students indicated that

they had ever used e-cigarettes7. A study showed that vaping was 1.5 times higher among
university students compared to the general population in Austria, with 32.4% of the

students reporting having tried vapes at least once Gorukanti A, Delucchi(2017). At a

Saudi university, 43.2% of dental students had ever used an e-cigarette In China, 4.6% of

university students in Shanghai who were surveyed in 2018 had used e-cigarettes at least

once In addition, the prevalence rates of e-cigarette use among students who were at

college or university in Shanghai in 2017 and Shandong in 2015 were 7.7% and 4.0%,


Regarding knowledge about and attitudes regarding the use of e-cigarettes in university

students, the situation is not ideal. Previous research has indicated that 21.6% of the

university students in Shanghai, China, thought e-cigarettes have carcinogens, and 63.1%

thought that e-cigarettes were less addictive than conventional cigarettes

With the rapid increase of e-cigarette use among university and college students, there is an

urgent need to understand the factors associated with use. It was reported that university

students who were males and cigarette smokers were more likely to use e-cigarettes .

Peers’ e-cigarette use was another factor. It was also suggested that incorrect knowledge

and attitudes may lead to wider use of e-cigarettes among college and university students.

Since 2018, China has implemented strict national regulations and policies to prevent

juveniles from using e-cigarettes. Further, China banned online sales of e-cigarettes on 1

November 2019. In 2021, a clause that e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products shall be

implemented with reference to the relevant provisions on cigarettes was added in the

Regulations on the Implementation of the Law on Tobacco Monopoly of the People’s

Republic of China. However, there is limited information on the characteristics of Chinese

e-cigarette users and trends in e-cigarette use among university students, especially among

students at Normal University, a teacher-training university. Therefore, more studies that

comprehensively examine university students’ specific knowledge about and attitudes

regarding e-cigarettes, and more data on e-cigarette use among university students in China

are needed.

Our study aimed to estimate the prevalence of ever and current e-cigarette use among

university students and to evaluate potential correlates of e-cigarette use including student

sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge about and attitudes toward e-cigarettes.



This chapter present the Research Design, Population and Sample, Research

Instruments,Data Gathering Procedure, and Statistical Treatment used in Investigating the

Examining grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood Students Awareness of the Impact of

usage of E-cigarette.

Research Design

This study employs a quantitative research design to examine Grade 12 Technical

Vocational Livelihood (TVL) students' awareness of the impact of e-cigarette usage.

Quantitative research allows for the systematic collection and analysis of numerical data to

identify patterns, trends, and relationships. The use of a structured questionnaire enables

the measurement of students' awareness levels and facilitates statistical analysis to draw

meaningful conclusions.

Population of Sample

The population of interest for this study comprises Grade 12 TVL students who officially

enrolled for the year 2023-2024 in Global Technical School of Zamboanga . The inclusion

criteria involve students currently studying in TVL programs and voluntarily agreeing to

participate in the study. As the focus is on Grade 12 students, participants should be within

the specified grade level to ensure relevance to the research objectives.

The primary instrument used for data collection is a structured questionnaire designed

specifically for this study. The questionnaire includes closed-ended questions aimed at

assessing students' awareness of the impact of e-cigarette usage. It covers various aspects,

including knowledge of health risks, perceptions of peer behavior, and sources of

information about e-cigarettes. The questionnaire underwent pilot testing to ensure clarity,

relevance, and comprehensibility before its administration to the target population.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure involves several steps to ensure the collection of reliable and

valid data:

1. Ethical Approval: Obtain ethical approval from the relevant institutional review board

to ensure adherence to ethical guidelines and standards.

2. Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from all participants, emphasizing

voluntary participation and the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

3. Questionnaire Administration: Administer the structured questionnaire to Grade 12

TVL students during regular school hours. Clear instructions are provided to participants

on how to complete the questionnaire.

4. Confidentiality and Anonymity: Assure participants of the confidentiality and

anonymity of their responses to encourage honest and accurate reporting.

5. Data Collection Period: Conduct data collection over a specified period to allow for the

inclusion of a sufficient number of participants and ensure consistency in data collection

Statistical Treatment of Data

The collected data will undergo rigorous statistical analysis to draw meaningful

conclusions and identify patterns or relationships. The following statistical techniques will

be employed:

1. Descriptive Statistics: Utilize descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages,

and measures of central tendency and dispersion, to summarize participants' demographic

characteristics and responses to questionnaire items.

2. Inferential Statistics: Apply inferential statistics, including chi-square tests and

regression analysis, to examine relationships between variables and identify predictors of

awareness. Subgroup analyses will be conducted to explore potential differences in

awareness levels based on demographic variables.


This chapter has outlined the research design and methodology employed in examining

Grade 12 TVL students' awareness of the impact of e-cigarette usage. By utilizing a

quantitative approach and a structured questionnaire, this study aims to provide valuable

insights into students' awareness levels and perceptions regarding e-cigarettes. The rigorous

data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data are essential for ensuring the

validity and reliability of the study findings.

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