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Volume 1, Section 1: Foundations of Chínese Energetic Medicine

During the fifth lunar month, the mother's
Spleen Channels are responsible for completing
the development of the four limbs (Figure 2.64).
At this stage, the fetus begins to have its own res-
piratory movement. At this stage, the Fire Jing is
accepted into the fetus, creating internal energy
that stabilizes the Qi of the five Yin organs.
The Role of the mother’s Spleen Channels
The mother's Spleen Channels direct the de­
velopment and completion of the four limbs.
Fire Jing Formation
During the fifth lunar month, the Fire Jing en­
ergy generates and controls, protects and integrates,
as well as divides and harmonizes the fetus' inter­
nal energies. Because it promotes emotional and
spiritual well-being, any faltering of the Fire Jing
energy is associated with problems of right (Yin)
and left (Yang) Brain communication, such as in-
temal imbalances between the rational male energy
and intuitive female energy. These psychological
disturbances may be evident at birth or develop
Figure 2.64. The mother’s Spleen Channels are
later in life. responsible for the fifth lunar month of creation. The
Energetic Formation of the Five Orbs development of the fetus’ four limbs is completed. The
At this stage of development, the Prenatal Five Five Agents are distributed within the fetus’s Five Orbs
Agents (Five Virtues) are distributed to the Five (five Yin organs). The Fire Jing is accepted by the fetus’
Orbs through the influence on the Middle Hun, body.
"Shang Ling" (see end of Chapter). The Five Orbs
are both spatial cavities (i.e., intemal organ tissue
chambers) and extended spheres of energetic influ­
ence. These Orbs refer to pools of Essence, Qi and
Blood, as well as to the channels and Body Fluids
of each of the five Yin organs. Additionally, the en­
ergetic Orb of each Yin organ also ineludes the cor-
responding tissues, emotions and spiritual quali-
ties that are extended throughout the entire body,
and are not limited to the organ itself (see Chapter
8). The Prenatal Five Agents are distributed as fol-
lows (Figure 2.65):
• Kindness to the Liver
• Order to the Heart
• Trust to the Spleen
• Integrity to the Lungs
Figure 2.65. During the fifth lunar month, the Five Agents
• Wisdom to the Kidneys
are distributed into the Five Orbs through the influence
The even distribution and balance of the Pre­ on the Middle Hun (Shang Ling).
natal Five Agents allows the energetic nature of
Chapter 2: understanding ancient Chínese metaphysics

the Hun to stabilize within the fetus' organs, cre-

ating peace and order within the fetus' Shen.
TlSSUE Formation

At the end of the fifth month, the fetus' body

systems develop rapidly. Its head is less dispro-
portionate to the rest of the body, and the mother
often feels the spontaneous muscular movements
of the fetus.
During the sixth lunar month, the mother's
Stomach Channels govern the development of the
fetus and the Six Pitches are established within
the body's storage areas. At this stage, the Metal
Jing is beginning to be accepted by the fetus' body.
The Role of the Mother’s Stomach
In the sixth lunar month of creation, the
mother's Stomach Channels begin to establish the
fetus' muscles (Figure 2.66).
Metal Jing Formation
Figure 2.66. The mother’s Stomach Channels govern the
As previously mentioned, during the sixth lu­ sixth lunar month of creation. The Six Pitches are
nar month, the Metal Jing is established in the established within the body’s storage areas, and the Metal
fetus' body, stabilizing the sinews and connective Jing is accepted by the fetus’ body.
tissues. The Metal Jing energy is responsible for
fetal tissue and structural formation, and the abil-
ity to form and maintain emotional bonds with
others. Any faltering of the Metal Jing energy is
associated with problems of emotional attach-
ment, such as autism. These psychological distur-
bances may be evident at birth or develop later in
Formation of the Six Storage Areas
During the sixth month, the Yang organs be­
gin to develop (i.e., the Stomach, Gall Bladder,
Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Urinary Bladder,
and Triple Burners). The Six Storage Areas of the
body's Yang organs are constantly filling and
emptying. Each of the Yang organs receive, move,
transform, digest, or excrete substances, described
as follows (Figure 2.67):
1. The Stomach stores the food. This Yang or-
gan is responsible for receiving, storing, rot-
ting, and ripening food.
2. The Gall Bladder stores and excretes bile. Figure 2.67. During the sixth lunar month, the Yang organs
develop the Six Storage Areas.
This Yang organ is responsible for storing and


releasing bile into the Small Intestine.

3. The Small Intestine stores and transíorms liq- The energy of
uid matter. This Yang organ receives, stores, the Lung
transforms, and digests food and releases its Channels
waste producís into the Large Intestine. flows down
4. The Large Intestine stores the solid waste. the center of
This Yang organ receives, stores, and absorbs the torso into
the Uterus,
food and releases waste.
¡nfluencing the
5. The Urinary Bladder stores, and releases the creation of the
uriñe. This Yang organ is responsible for re- fetus’ bones,
ceiving, storing, and releasing uriñe. skin, and hair.
6. The Triple Bumers store the body's Qi. These
three areas of the body receive, store, absorb,
and move Qi.

The Six Pitches nourish the Qi and both sup-

port and stabilize the Lower Burners (see Triple
Burners, Chapter 8). They are established within
the Six Storage Areas, also known as the Six Yang
The Six Pitches are six specific tone resonances Figure 2.68. The mother’s Lung Channels govern the
(notes) that vibrate within the body's internal or­ seventh lunar month of creation. The Seven Essential
gans, stimulating specific organ and tissue areas. Stars open the fetus’ orífices to let in the light from
These Six Pitches relate to the Five Prenatal Heaven and Earth. The Wood Jing is accepted by the
(Heaven) Elemental Sounds of "Jue" (Wood), fetus’ body.
"Zhi" (Fire), "Gong" (Earth), "Shang" (Metal), and
The Role of the Mother’s Lung
"Yu" (Water) (see Chapter 4). The sixth note, "Xi,"
relates to the Postnatal (Earth) Fire Element and
During the seventh lunar month, the mother's
corresponds to the Pericardium and Triple Burn­
Lung Channels create the Bones, skin, and hair
ers. The ancient Chínese used these Six Pitches
(Figure 2.68).
for specific clinical treatments. The sound "Yu"
for example, spoken in a low tone, will vibrate Wood Jing Formation

and influence the lower abdominal area and is As previously mentioned, during the seventh
used for the treatment of Kidney and Urinary lunar month, the Wood Jing is beginning to be in-
Bladder problems. corporated into the fetus' body. The Wood Jing en­
ergy govems the assertion and direction of the fe­
Tissue Formation
tus' emotional and spiritual aspects. Any faltering
In the sixth lunar month of formation, the
of the Wood Jing energy is associated with psycho-
fetus' eyelids sepárate, the eyelashes form, and
logical problems, such as passive-aggressive per-
the skin becomes wrinkled.
sonality disorder. These psychological disturbances
Month Seven may be evident at birth or develop later in life.
The mother's Lung Channels govern the sev- Seven Essential Stars
enth lunar month of creation. The Seven Essen- In the seventh lunar month, the fetus' Stom-
tial Stars open the fetus' orífices to let in the light ach and Intestines are stabilized, and the Seven
from Heaven and Earth. At this stage, the Wood Essential Stars open the body's upper orífices to
Jing is beginning to be accepted by the fetus' body. absorb the light from Heaven and Earth. These


Figure 2.69. During the seventh lunar month, the body’s Six Openings are stimulated into energetic awakening.

stars consist of the sun, the moon, and the five 1. The eyes absorb images into the Liver which
planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Júpi­ affect the Hun (The Three Ethereal Souls).
ter). Each star is associated with one of the body's 2. The ears absorb sounds into the Kidneys
upper orífices: which affect the Zhi (Will Power).
• The Right Ear: Saturn 3. The nose absorbs smells into the Lungs which
• The Left Ear: Júpiter affect the Po (The Se ven Corporeal Souls).
• The Right Nostril: Mars 4. The mouth absorbs tastes into the Spleen
• The Left Nostril: Venus which affect the Yi (Intent/Intellect).
• The Right Eye: Moon 5. The physical body absorbs sensations into the
• The Left Eye: Sun tissues which affect the Shen (Mind and Emo-
• The Mouth: Mercury tions).
These orífices serve as receiving and project- 6. The spirit (along with the physical body) ab­
ing energetic portáis for Jing, Qi, and Shen. They sorbs sensations into the Heart which also af­
also serve as messengers of the body's Five Yin fect the Shen (Mind and Emotions).
Organs. Thus, the Liver expresses "itself" through TlSSUE Formation
observa tion, the Heart through speech, the Spleen During the seventh lunar month, there is a
through taste, the Lungs through smell, and the substantial increase in the weight of the fetus, and
Kidneys through hearing. These energetic mes- its head and body are even more proportionate.
sages are received by the body's Wu Jing Shen and At this point, the fetus can survive if born prema-
emotionally, as well as energetically interact turely (between 27 and 28 weeks); however, its
through the body's Six Openings. temperature regulation (a function of the hypo-
The Body’s Six Openings thalamus) and the lungs' production of surfactant
The energetic messages received through the (a phospholipid substance important in control-
body's Six Openings are described as follows (Fig­ ling the surface tensión of the air-liquid emulsión
ure 2.69: present in the lungs) is still inadequate.

Volume 1, Section 1: Foundations of Chínese Energetic medicine

Month Eight
The mother's Large Intestine Channels gov-
ern the eighth lunar month of creation. During
the eighth lunar month, the mother's Large Intes-
tine Channels complete the formation of the fetus'
skin, harmonizing the Heart (the Shen) and qui-
eting the breath. At this stage, the Earth Jing is
accepted by the fetus' body. The energy of the
Large Intestine
The role of the mother’s large
Channels flows
up the arms and
The mother's Large Intestine Channels con­ down the center of
trol the fetus' orifices. At this stage in develop- the torso into the
ment, the fetus' flesh is formed (Figure 2.70). The Uterus, completing
formation and consolidation of the fetus' Jing is the formation of
now complete. The fetus' Zhen (True) Qi is now the fetus’ skin,
fully developed and circulates in the body's chan­ harmonizing the
Heart, and calming
nels and collaterals, nourishing the Yin and Yang
organs, and fighting disease. respiration.
Earth Jing Formation
As previously mentioned, during the eighth
lunar month, the fetus receives the Zong (Essen-
tial) Qi from the mother's Spleen. Zong Qi is en-
ergy collected from Heaven and Earth which ac-
cumulates within the chest. At this stage, the Earth
Jing is accepted by the fetus' body, completing the
formation of the skin.
The Earth Jing energy govems the quality and
maturation of the fetus' emotional and spiritual
bonding and boundaries. Any faltering of the
Earth Jing energy is associated with problems of
severe psychological disturbances, such as schizo-
phrenia. These psychological disturbances may be
evident at birth or develop later in life.
Tissue Formation
At the end of the eighth month, the Bones of
the fetus' head are soft, the skin is less wrinkled,
and there is subcutaneous fat deposited through-
out the body. If the fetus is a male, its testes will
now descend into the scrotum.
At this stage, the fetus will normally assume
an upside-down position in preparation for birth. Figure 2.70. The mother’s Large Intestine Channels
If the fetus is born prematurely, its chances for govern the eighth lunar month of creation. At this stage,
the Earth Jing is accepted by the fetus’s body.
survival are now much greater.

Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese Metaphysics

The mother's Kidney Channels govern the
ninth lunar month of creation. At this stage, all of
the fetus' spatial cavities and energetic boundaries
are now firmly established.
Kidney Channel’s Responsibility
During the ninth lunar month, the mother's
Kidney Channels control the amount of energy
the fetus absorbs from the mother through the um-
bilicus (Figure 2.71).
Function of the Umbilical Cord
The fetus absorbs Qi and the nutrition derived
from the mother's Blood by way of the umbilical
vein which connects to the fetus' Liver. From the
Liver, nutrients are processed and absorbed into
the Blood to be distributed throughout the fetus.
The umbilical cord attaches to the placenta
from the abdomen of the fetus. The placenta,
which forms on the uterine wall after the first
week of pregnancy, consists of tissues from both
the mother and the embryo. Within the placenta,
Qi and nutrients are transported from the
mother's Blood to the Blood of the fetus. Although
the circulation of the two come cióse, they never
actually connect.
The function of the umbilical cord is to remove
waste products and pass food, energy, and oxy-
gen from the mother's bloodstream to the fetus.
The mother's Kidney Channels regúlate the flow
of Qi and Shen into the fetus through the umbili­
cal cord. Figure 2.71. The mother’s Kidney Channels govern the
After the umbilical cord has been severed, the ninth lunar month of creation. At this stage, all of the
fetus' umbilical veins still remain. These umbili­ fetus’ spatial cavities and energetic boundaries are now
cal veins eventually become the ligamentum teres firmly established.
that connect from the umbilicus, up along the in­
terior surface of the abdominal wall, through the Jing (Essence) safe.
free margin of the falciform ligament to the right At this stage of energetic formation, all of the
and left lobes of the Liver. This maintains the fetus' energetic spatial cavities (internal organ tis-
baby's connection between its Liver and its Lower sue chambers) and energetic boundaries are ar-
Dantian (navel). ranged to prepare the fetus for its birth.
Energetic Formation Tissue Formation
In the ninth month, the Infernal Palaces and In the ninth month, additional subcutaneous
the Nine Dantian Chambers (nine internal Dantian fat accumulates throughout the fetus' body. Ex-
cavities) are created within each of the fetus' Three ternally, the fetus' fingernails will extend to the
Dantians, and are established to keep the fetus' tips of the fingers and sometimes beyond.


The mother's Urinary Bladder Channels gov-
ern the tenth lunar month of creation. At this stage,
the baby's Dantians and the spatial cavities that
surround the major organs are completely devel-
oped to maintain the safety of the fetus' Jing.
Heaven and Earth Qi settle into the fetus' Lower
Dantian in preparation for birth.
The Role of the mother’s Urinary
bladder Channels

During the tenth lunar month, the mother's

Urinary Bladder Channels harmonize all five Yin
organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidneys)
and five Yang organs (Gall Bladder, Small Intes-
tine, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Urinary Blad­
der) (Figure 2.72).
Energetic Formation
After ten lunar months in the womb, the fetus'
Three Dantians are fully established. Also, the en-
ergy of the Wu Jing Shen are now active within the
internal spatial cavities that surround the major or­
gans. The internal spatial cavities are developed to
maintain the safety of the fetus' Jing. The fetus is
now ready to be released into the world.
The process of birth begins when Heaven Qi
Figure 2.72. The mother’s Urinary Bladder Channels
and Earth Qi settle into the fetus' Lower Dantian
govern the tenth lunar month of creation. At this stage,
(Figure 2.73). The ancient Chinese described the the fetus’ Dantians and the spatial cavities that surround
birth transition as "a ripe melón falling off the the major organs are completely developed to maintain
stem," noting that the fetus breaks out of its am- the safety of the fetus’ Jing.
niotic sac and emerges head first towards the Earth
and with its feet towards the Heavens.
With its first cry, the infant comes in contact
with the environmental air. As the infant inhales,
the air (considered Postnatal Qi), mixes with the
infant's innate primordial original energy (Yuan
Qi, also considered Prenatal Qi). The ancient Dao-
ists believed that the innate Prenatal Qi supports
the tissues of the body, while the acquired Post­
natal Qi supports the tissue's function. The Post­
natal Qi depends on the Prenatal Qi to support
the respiratory system (breathing in and out),
while the Prenatal Qi depends on the Postnatal
Qi to nurture the vascular system.
At the moment of the infant's first cry, the an­
cient Daoists also believed that the acquired con-
scious spirit (Shen Zhi) enters into the opening and

Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese Metaphysics

merges with the baby's primordial original spirit

The Taiji Pole
(Yuan Shen). The congenital Yuan Shen depends on (which was ¡n Upper
the acquired Shen Zhi to exist, while the Shen Zhi the process of Dantian
depends on the Yuan Shen for awareness. dropping from Taiji Pole
the fetus’
According to ancient Daoists thought, the mo- to the Huiyin Middle
ment the baby cries, the "sealed enclosure" of Early area) ¡s now Dantian
Heaven is broken and the baby's Yuan Jing, Yuan stabilized in the
Qi, and Yuan Shen divide into three sepárate enti- Dantian
ties. This división causes the energy of baby's Fire Huiyin
(Shen) to sepárate from its Water (Jing), and begins
Figure 2.74. As the fetus develops, the Eight Extraordinary
the Later Heaven patterns of energetic existence.
Vessels govern the development of the Twelve Primary
The ancient Daoists also believed that at the Channels.
moment of birth, the conscious Acquired Spirit
(Shen Zhi) merges with the child's Original Spirit baby's chest area). In ancient China, it was be­
(Yuan Shen). The Yuan Shen depends on the Shen lieved that the energetic influence of Early Heaven
Zhi to survive within its new environment, while begins to mix with the acquired influence of Later
the Shen Zhi depends on the Yuan Shen for effec- Heaven at the moment of the child's first breath.
tive awareness. These energies combine within the chest and ac­
The energy of the Po are responsible for the tívate the "genetic" potential stored within the
first physiological processes after birth, allowing child's Original (Yuan) Qi.
the child's eyes to see, ears to hear, and Heart to After birth, Gu Qi (energy derived from air,
perceive. The Po also govern the movements of food, and drink) is created within the baby's Stom-
the hands and feet, as well as the baby's breath- ach while it nurses. The baby is no longer receiving
ing patterns. nourishment from the mother internally via the
The Medical Qigong doctor studies the ten lu­ umbilical cord, but is now receiving extemal nour­
nar month process of fetal developmental to create ishment, transforming it into Gu Qi through the
a foundation for understanding the formation of Stomach and Spleen. Gradual development of the
the patient's physical and energetic structure. This baby's Spleen and Stomach is important, and the
knowledge also aide in the comprehension of the air, food, and drink that the mother consumes will
initial formation of the Five Elemental Constitu- directly affect the nursing baby if she breast-feeds.
tions. The Five Elemental Constitutions are de- As the Gu Qi establishes itself within the
scribed in the next chapter of this volume. baby's Stomach and Spleen, it helps to form Qi
POSTNATAL CHANNEL FUNCTION and Blood. The Qi and Blood then become ener-
During prenatal development, the Eight Ex- gized and flow within the Twelve Primary Chan­
traordinary Vessels (see Chapter 6) are responsible nels, nourishing the organs and tissues. The
for transporting, transforming, and producing Qi Twelve Primary Channels will now assume the
and Blood for the fetus, while the Twelve Primary responsibility of circulating Qi and Blood through-
Channels (see Chapter 8) are still in the process of out the baby's entire physical and energetic struc­
gradual development. While in útero, the energetic ture. The Eight Extraordinary Vessels shift their
activity generated from the fetus' Lower Dantian function from sustaining and directing tissue de­
and Eight Extraordinary Vessels resonates through- velopment to regulating the baby's Channel Qi.
out its body, creating tissue development. Additionally, the Taiji Pole which was in the pro­
Once the umbilical cord is severed, the pri­ cess of dropping from the fetus' Mingmen area to
mary focus of energy shifts from the Lower the Huiyin area is now stabilized in the perineum
Dantian to the Middle Dantian (located in the (Figure 2.74).


The natural resonant vibration of the baby's

Taiji Pole (energetic core) initiates an energetic ex­
pansión and contraction. This projection and re-
ception simultaneously affects the baby at five dis-
tinct levels: physical, mental, emotional, energetic,
and spiritual. Balanced physical growth will only
occur when all five levels are in equilibrium. The
physical body is generally the slowest realm to
respond to growth and change. Matter does not
move at the same rate as energy, mind, or spirit;
thus, the energy, mind, and spirit must wait pa-
tiently for the physical body to evolve before pro-
gressing as a whole.
Energetic Flow of the microcosmic Orbit
In ancient China, it was taught that at birth
the individual's original nature (known as De, or
virtue) is stored within the five Yin organs' Pre­ Figure 2.75. Children have a natural tendency
towards psychic and intuitive insights.
natal Wu Jing Shen, and was directed by the Yuan
Shen (congenital mind) of the Heart (rooted in the in direction facilitates the child's cognitive devel-
Middle Dantian). Additionally, the individual's opment and the ability to control emotions and
destiny (known as Ming) is stored within his or impulses. The time of the Microcosmic Orbit's en­
her Kidneys and rooted in the Lower Dantian. The ergetic reversal varies depending on the child's
Upper Dantian, acting as a spiritual axis, facili- physical constitution, state of health, and his or
tates the subtle influences of energetic and spiri­ her environment.
tual awakenings, as well as divine insights needed Children have a natural tendency towards
to guide and direct the individual's spiritual path psychic and intuitive insights due to a number of
(life purpose). factors, which are described as follows (Figure
The term "Microcosmic Orbit" generally re- 2.75):
fers to the flow of energy moving through the 1. The flow of energy moving through the child's
Governing Vessel (Sea of Yang) and the Concep- Water Cycle maintains the child's psychic and
tion Vessel (Sea of Yin). One of the functions of intuitive insights.
the Microcosmic Orbit is to connect the energetic 2. The overactive Hun going in and out the
and spiritual centers of the Three Dantians. Once child's body allows him or her to see into the
an individual has been born, his or her Microcos­ Spirit world.
mic Orbit will naturally flow in the direction of 3. The child's connection to the energetic reso-
the Water cycle, with the energy moving up the nances of the Taiji Pole and center core (Eter-
front of the body (Conception Vessel) and down nal Soul) is still open and subconsciously ac­
the back (Governing Vessel). This energetic move- tive. This allows the child to receive energy
ment naturally facilitates the child's spiritual, in- and information directly from his or her Eter-
tuitive, and psychic perceptions. This energetic nal Soul.
pattem generally continúes until the child reaches 4. The child's superior cranial sutures are still
puberty, at which time the energy reverses its di­ open, allowing his or her Taiji Pole to be more
rection and flows up the back (Governing Vessel) receptive to the vibrational resonance of the
and down the front (Conception Vessel) which is subtle energetic fields, henee facilitating the
the direction of the Fire cycle. This energetic switch child's ability to spirit travel (Figure 2.76).


Side View

Acces s Area
for :he
Taiji Pole
At Birth

Top View

Figure 2.76. At birth, the baby’s superior cranial sutures Figure 2.77. After two years, the baby’s superior cranial
are completely open and susceptible to the vibrational sutures cióse, making the child less susceptible to the
resonance of the subtle energetic world. vibrational resonance of the subtle energetic world.

The soft apertures (fontanels) in the baby's of Qi flow are treated by Tonifying (strengthen-
skull slowly begin to cióse during the third month ing) the Eight Extraordinary Vessels. In some
after birth. Several Qigong Masters believe that cases, it is necessary to first Purge the pathogenic
psychic and intuitive insights, as well as the abil- energy from the Eight Extraordinary Vessels be-
ity to spirit travel, gradually wane as the baby's fore Tonifying to consolídate and regúlate the
superior cranial sutures continué to cióse. In Ti- patient's Prenatal Qi.
betan Qigong practices (specifically in the teach- ACQUIRED DISEASES
ings used to prepare an individual for death), the The patient can generally be cured of acquired
individual's superior cranial sutures are trained diseases when an effective selection of points and
to become once again soft in order to facilítate the Qi emission methods are used for Purgation,
final exit of the Eternal Soul (Figure 2.77). Tonification, and Regulation according to the im­
CONGENITAL OR ACQUIRED DlSORDERS balances of Qi circulating within the Twelve Pri-
mary Channels.
Understanding the energetic process of fetal
development provides the Qigong doctor with an
overview of the energetic components of tissues,
organs, and channel function. This understanding Prenatal and Postnatal
is essential for diagnosing the causes of a disease, Energetic Patterns
whether it is either congenital or acquired in ori- In ancient China, an individual's physical, en­
gin. Unlike Western medicine, Chínese medicine ergetic, and spiritual strengths and weaknesses, as
treats the root of the illness and not just its mani- well as his or her destiny were believed to be influ-
fested symptoms. Both congenital and acquired fac- enced by both Yang and Yin energetic patterns. The
tors should be considered in every case. This is nec- Prenatal energetic patterns were believed to origí­
essary because both the origin and development of nate at the moment of conception and were consid­
a disease may result from either a congenital or ac­ ered Yang, while the Postnatal patterns were seen
quired source, or a combination of both. to origínate at the moment of birth and were con­
In Medical Qigong channel therapy, cases of The ancient Chinese calculated the strength
congenital Qi deficiency or congenital disorders or weakness of an individual's Prenatal (congeni-


Figure 2.78. After birth, the Daily Qi, Blood, and Heat Cycle ¡s constantly being influenced by the interactions oí the
Celestial and environmental energetic fields.

tal) and Postnatal (acquired) energetic patterns ac- tiñe (Yang stem) and Heart (Yin stem). The
cording to interactions of the Heavenly and fifth and sixth stems correspond to the Earth
Earthly energetic fields. These energetic and spiri- Element, beginning with the Stomach (Yang
tual interactions were manifested through the in- stem) and Spleen (Yin stem). The seventh and
fluences of the Ten Heavenly Stems and the eighth stems correspond to the Metal Element,
Twelve Earthly Branches. beginning with the Large Intestine (Yang
As the internal organs develop within the stem) and Lungs (Yin stem). The ninth and
forming fetus, the Ten Heavenly Stems are respon- tenth stems correspond to the Water Element,
sible for the Prenatal regulation of all Jing forma- beginning with the Urinary Bladder (Yang
tion, growth and internal power. The Twelve stem) and Kidneys (Yin stem) (Figure 2.78).
Earthly Branches are responsible for Postnatal in­ • The Twelve Earthly Branches are Earth ener-
teractions with the universal (Heaven) and envi­ gies and are represented in "Man" as the Twelve
ronmental (Earth) energetic fields. The Ten Heav­ Primary Channels. They also represent the an-
enly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches are cient Chinese systems of time, space, and fate
described as follows: calculation (known as Ming Shu).
• The Ten Heavenly Stems relate to the ener-
gies of Heaven and are represented in "Man"
as the Yin and Yang aspects of the Five Ele- Ancestral Traits
ment organs of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and According to ancient Chinese esoteric teach-
Water. The first and second stems correspond ings, when the sperm joins with the ovum at con-
to the Wood Element, beginning with the Gall ception, a polar axis is created that forms the
Bladder (Yang stem) and the Liver (Yin stem). embryo's Taiji Pole. The energetic vortex thus cre­
The third and forth stems correspond to the ated draws universal and environmental energies,
Fire Element, beginning with the Small Intes- as well as the Etemal Soul (Shen Xian) into the em-
Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese Metaphysics

Figure 2.79. The Pathway of the Earth through the Twenty-Eight Constellations influences Prenatal Jing, Qi and
Shen formation.

bryo. The Prenatal energetic pattems of the body ences of that particular Asian population. This sub-
are determined at the time and place of conception. conscious energetic attraction is considered a natu­
As a general rule, to determine the time of concep­ ral phenomenon due to the subtle influences of the
tion, the ancient Wu Yi would count back forty location's spiritual and ancestral vibrations. The
weeks from the time of birth. The time and place of subconscious energetic attraction can indirectly af-
conception establishes the inherent strength or fect an individual in several ways, described as fol-
weakness of an individual's spiritual constitution, lows:
as well as his or her ancestral traits (food prefer- 1. The natural environment surrounding the lo­
ences, manner of dress, preferences of art, spiritual cation of an individual at conception exerts a
beliefs, affinity for certain cultures, and so on). strong influence on his or her environmental
It is for this reason that the time and location of preferences. This often manifests as a general
conception also determines the na ture of the ances­ preference or attraction to environmental pat-
tral spiritual influence on the individual. As the terns and locations similar to those at concep­
Divine infuses the fetus' soul, the energy of the Eter- tion. People conceived by the ocean, for ex-
nal Soul (Shen Xian) combines with the environ- ample, may find within themselves an uncon-
mental spiritual influences of the geographic loca­ scious need to live by the ocean. Likewise,
tion (the Orient, Europe, North América, etc.). This people conceived in the mountains, valleys,
infusión of geographic spiritual energy creates tropics, deserts, etc. may find feelings of peace
within the individual a predisposition towards spe- or ease envelop them when visiting such places.
cific ancestral traits and cultural attractions. 2. The time of an individual's conception also ex­
At conception and throughout pregnancy, the erts a strong influence. The energetic formation,
mother absorbs the natural environmental energy strength and weaknesses of the fetus' infernal
through respiration (breathing Qi through the organs are also determined by the positions of
mouth, nose, and pores), digestión (absorbing nu- the sun, moon, and stars at the moment of con­
trients from the food and soil), and visual/auditory ception. These Heavenly energies affect on the
absorption (observing and experiencing the sur- fetus at the time of conception and continué
rounding environment). The entire history of each influencing the fetus' formation throughout the
cultural environment is encoded within the natu­ entire pregnancy.
ral energetic fields contained within that environ­ The Heavenly influences on Prenatal Jing,
ment. Therefore, an individual conceived in the Qi and Shen formation can be understood by
Orient may find him or herself unconsciously mapping the pathway of the Earth through
drawn to the social and cultural pattems and influ­ the Twenty-Eight Constellations (Figure 2.79).

Birth and the Postnatal Physical Cycle

Energetic Patterns
The ancient Chínese believed that after birth,
the degree to which an individual can draw upon
and absorb spiritual energy depends on his or her
karma (the momentum of previous intentions,
0 11.5 23
thoughts and actions which manifest as destiny).
The Physical Cycle ¡s 23 days long. The first 11.5 days
The Postnatal energetic patterns of the body are the positive side of the cycle, in which the individual
are determined by the time and place of birth. The experiences an increase physical strength and
time and place of birth also mark the beginning endurance. The second 11.5 days are the negative side
of the individual's energetic biorhythms (physi- of the cycle, marked by a gradual decrease in the level
cal, emotional, and intellectual cycles). of endurance, and a tendency towards fatigue.
These biorhythms are developed according to
the energetic influence of the Heavens (position of
the sun, moon, planets and stars), as well as the
energetic influence of the Earth (i.e., geographic lo-
cation: mountains, valleys, desert, ocean, etc.). This
infusión of the Earth's geographic energy and
Heaven's stellar energy crea tes within the indi­
vidual a predisposition towards specific psychologi-
cal traits, described as follows:
1. The location of birth strongly influences the The Emotional Cycle is 28 days long. The first 14 days
individual's desire to seek or surround him or are the positive side of the cycle, in which the individual
herself with a similar environment. feels increasingly optimistic, cheerful, and cooperative.
For the second 14 days, a negative stage of the cycle
2. The time of birth may also have an uncon-
results in a tendency to be more moody, irritable, or
scious influence on the individual's living pat­
terns. For example, some individuáis born at
night often become "night people," while oth-
ers born in the morning function better dur-
ing the morning hours. Intellectual Cycle
The body's biorhythms, which react to univer­
sal and environmental energetic vibrations, are di-
vided into three distinct cycles and energy flows
(Figure 2.80). Each rhythm follows a cyclical pro-
cess of waxing and waning, creating times of physi-
0 16.5 33
cal, emotional, and intellectual peaks, as well as
times of reflection and withdrawn behavior. These The Intellectual Cycle is 33 days long. The first 16.5
three cycles begin at the moment of birth and con­ days are the positive side of the cycle, in which the
tinué with regularity until death. The conditions of individual experiences greater success in learning new
the cycle are divided into positive (the first, waxing material and pursuing creative, and intellectual activities.
half) and negative (the second, waning half) at- The next 16.5 days are the negative side of the cycle,
tributes. These rhythms influence the time during in which the individual is encouraged to review oíd
material rather than attempting to learn new concepts.
which many illnesses occur or worsen, as well as
how fast a medication takes effect and how long
the effect lasts. Therefore, Medical Qigong therapy, Figure 2.80. The physical, emotional, and intellectual
as well as herbal therapy are prescribed at spe­ cycles begin at birth.
cific times of the day in order to enhance the ef-
Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese Metaphysics

fect on the patient's body. Upper Dantian

The body's biorhythms are but one example of (Intuitive Communication)
Tai Yi
the influence of Heavenly energy on the physical, “Great
emotional, and intellectual cycles of mankind. By Divinity” Resides in
understanding the energetic potential of the cycles the Head
of the sun, moon, and stars, the Qigong doctor can (Light)
direct the universal energy of Heaven to regúlate
Resides in Middle Dantian
and balance the patient's Qi. the Heart (Empathic
Additionally, by understanding the energetic (Vibration) Communication)
potential of local seasonal changes, the Qigong
doctor can direct the environmental energy of
Si Ming
Earth to regúlate and balance the patient's Qi.
of Destiny”

Ancient daoist archetypes Bai Yuan Wu Ying

Regu lates
of the Human Soul Regu lates
the Seven the Three
Ancient Chinese medicine describes the Eter- Po Hun
nal Soul (Shen Xian) as consisting of three spiritual
energies called the "Lords of the Three Dantians,"
which oversee the influences of the individual's
human soul (Yuan Shen). This terminology is meta-
phoric, in that it is used to describe the various en­
Resides in
ergetic aspects of the human soul. Lower Dantian
the Navel
Once the human soul has established its resi- (Kinetic
(Heat) Communication)
dence within the Taiji Pole, it separa tes its Yin and
Yang spiritual energy into three distinct spiritual
aspects. These three spiritual aspects oversee the Xia Tao Kang
differing internal energies and powers of the “Below Healthy
body's Three Dantians. They are referred to in eso- Peach” (Life)
teric Daoist traditions as the Lords of the Three
Dantians: Tai Yi, Si Ming, and Xia Tao Kang. They
are named according to their function: Tai Yi trans­
lates as Great Divinity, Si Ming translates as The
Administrator of Destiny, and Xia Tao Kang trans­
lates as Below Healthy Peach (Life).
During conception, these three spiritual ener­ Figure 2.81. The Lords of the Three Dantians: Tai Y¡,
gies are given to each individual from the divine to Si Ming, and Xia Tao Kang
maintain the spiritual residence of the Yuan Shen.
These three energies reside in the innermost subtle Yuan Shen to shine externally), and rules all
aspects of the body and are described as follows: the activities of the mind (including the po­
1. The Tai Yi (Great Divinity) resides within the tential of the enlightened mind). Tai Yi facili-
Upper Dantian in the región between the eyes, tates awareness of the Three Ethereal Souls
in the area known as the "Celestial Realm," (Hun) and advocates personal spiritual en-
and is considered the Lord of the Nei Wan (In­ lightenment (Figure 2.81).
nermost Palace). Tai Yi governs a multitude 2. The Si Ming (The Administrator of Destiny)
of the body's spirits (causing an individual's resides within the Middle Dantian in the región

Volume l, Section 1: Foundations of chínese Energetic medicine

of the Heart, in the area known as the "Ter- the patient's Hun (Ethereal Soul) and Po (Corpo­
restrial Realm." Si Ming regula tes the body's real Soul). The spiritual components and influ­
Qi, and is the source of the mind and its emo- ences of the Hun and Po are considered to be sepá­
tional connections. Si Ming challenges our re- rate entities, or archetypes, acting upon the
actions to various internal and external ob- patient's Shen and affecting the human soul.
stacles. Although Si Ming controls and main- These two archetypes are regarded as spirit
tains the residence of the human soul, the souls that can exert a positive or negative influ-
body's Shen is free to make decisions that af- ence on a person's life according to the nature of
fect life and health based upon the individu- the individuaos human soul. The positive or good
al's free-will (the interaction between the Yuan internal influences are manifested through the
Shen and the Shen Zhi). Thus, the individuaos Hun, while the negative or primal internal influ­
free-will manifests through his or her ences are generally manifested through the Po.
thoughts and actions. Si Ming also controls The Hun or Po can either motiva te or hinder per­
the spiritual energies of Wu Ying and Bai Yuan sonal growth, as well as cause illness and even
which affect the body's Jing, Qi, and Shen via the demise of the body.
the breath. The Hun (coming from Heaven) and the Po
• The Spirit Wu Ying (Without Excess) occu- (coming from Earth) are both established within
pies the left side of the body and regulates the fetus's internal organs at conception, yet they
the Three Ethereal Souls (Hun). In ancient remain dormant until the third lunar month after
China, the Three Hun were called Tai Guang conception. This is because at the third lunar
(Eminent Light), Shang Ling (Pleasant Soul) month, the fetus' organs Orbs are sufficiently
and Yu Jing (Hidden Essence). formed to house, support and maintain the spiri­
• The Spirit Bai Yuan (Puré Origin) occupies tual energies of the Wu Jing Shen. One ancient
the right side of the body and regulates the belief is that the Hun and Po, although residing
Seven Corporeal Souls (Po). In ancient China, in the fetus, frequently leave and return together
the Seven Po were known as Flying Poison, to gather and absorb universal and environmen-
Unclean Evil, Stinking Lungs, Corpse Dog, tal Qi. The Hun will naturally connect with celes­
Fallen Arrow, Yin Bird and Devouring Rob- tial spiritual beings, as well as with the Divine.
ber. The Po will naturally connect with nature spirits
3. The Xia Tao Kang (Below Healthy Peach/ and environmental spirits.
Life) resides within the Lower Dantian in the The Three Ethereal Souls are collectively re-
región of the navel, in the area known as the ferred to as the Hun. Traditional Chinese Medi­
"Water Realm." It is responsible for procre- cine therefore often refers to the Hun as a singu­
ation and for the preservation of the body's lar entity. The Seven Corporeal Souls are tradi-
Jing- tionally referred to as the Po, with the assump-
tion that this term depicts all seven Po. Traditional
Chinese Medicine, therefore often refers to the Po
The Ethereal Soul and as a singular entity.

Corporeal Soul The Hun: Three Ethereal Souls

In Western culture, an individual's internal The Liver stores the Hun, also called the Three
dialogues are sometimes associated with the spiri­ Ethereal Souls. The Hun are rooted within the
tual influences of good or evil. In Chinese medi­ Liver, specifically the Liver Yin and the Liver
cine, internal dialogues influencing the patient's Blood. The Hun represent spiritual consciousness,
psyche are also divided into good and evil. These provide the energetic movement of the Mind, and
spiritual and emotional influences are considered are associated with the Qi of Heaven and the Five
to be the specific good and evil characteristics of Agents.

Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese Metaphysics

The Chínese have maintained that there are

three Hun since the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 220
A.D.). The Hun represent energetic and spiritual
activities operating at three levels of influence,
which directly inspire and are inspired by the
The Three Hun origínate from Heaven, which
the ancient Chínese considered a state of subtle
and nonmaterial energies and beings (Figure 2.82).
Therefore, the Hun are a part of the spiritual as-
pects of an individual that can spirit travel. Addi-
tionally, upon the death of the body, the energetic
spiritual essence of the Hun ascends back to Figure 2.82. The Three Ethereal Souls of the Hun are
named (1) Tai Kuang (2) Shang Ling (3) Yu Jing. The
Hun represent spiritual consciousness, provide the
Although they reside in the Liver Orb, the energetic movementof the mind, and are associated with
Hun also resonate from the Three Dantians (like Qi of Heaven and the Five Agents. The Hun are the
a vaporous mist extending from the Liver and fill- spiritual part of Man which ascends to Heaven after death.
ing the body's three Dantians). The Hun are ener-
getically associated with the following: Yang,
Heavenly soul, bright, light, Shen, constructive
emotions and inspirations.

The ideogram for the Hun has two parts. The

character to the right represents the Earthly spir-
its, Gui (Ghost), depicted by a head suspended
above a vaporous form of a body with an append-
age (symbolizing the whirlwind that accompanies
the movements of the Earthly spirits). The char­
acter to the left is the image for clouds, seen as Figure 2.83. The Chínese character for “Hun,”
vapor rising from the Earth and gathering in the also known as the Ethereal Soul or Cloud Soul
Heavens (Figure 2.83). The Hun move within the
body as freely as clouds, following the Yi (Will) of energy is said to be able to leave the body and
the "Heavenly breath, within the celestial vault" then return, thus indicating a relationship with
(following the will of the Eternal Soul stored out-of-body travel into the spirit world.
within the Heart and originating in the Taiji Pole).
Tai Guan, Shang Ling, and Yu jing
From this ideogram we also get a distinct pie-
In ancient China, the Daoists described the
ture of the spirit (Hun) rising to the Heavens. The
Eternal Soul (Shen Xian) is considered energeti- Three Hun as having different personalities spe-
cally and spiritually different from the Hun in clas- cific to the spiritual responsibilities of an
sical Chínese philosophy. In that context, the Eter- individuaos incarnated soul. The Three Ethereal
Souls were called Tai Guang, Shang Ling, and Yu
nal Soul is seen as the more personal of the two,
Jing; they are described as follows:
while the term "spirit" (as in the Hun and Po) is
1. Tai Guang: The Hun known as Tai Guang
seen as more universal temperaments or arche-
resides within the Upper Dantian and is situ-
types. The ancient medical classics state that there
ated in the cranial cavity just below the Baihui
are Three Ethereal Souls (Hun) and Seven Corpo-
GV-20 ("One Hundred Meetings") point. Tai
real Souls (Po) which symbolize different at-
Guang literally means "eminent light," and it
tributes of the human being. The Hun's spiritual

is considered to be the highest expression of Yin Organ Element

Congenital Acquired
Agent Emotion
Yin and Yang energy harmonized within the
human form. It is connected energetically Liver Wood Kindness Anger

with the Upper Dantian and Heaven, and Heart Fire Order Excitement
strives for physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual purity. Spleen Earth Trust Worry

2. Shang Ling: The Hun known as Shang Ling Lungs Metal Integrity Grief
resides within the Middle Dantian. It is situ-
ated in the Heart and the corresponding ves- Kidneys Water Wisdom Fear

seis, and is linked to the body's Five Agents.

Figure 2.84. The Five Virtues of the Five Yin Organs
Shang Ling literally means "pleasant soul,"
and it is considered to be transformed Yin en­ body's Jing. The Five Elemental energies (Wood,
ergy. It is connected with the Middle Dantian Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) that internally sup-
and is the expression of the Hun concerned port the Five Agents encompass not only the tis-
with compassion towards others. It is through sues of the physical body, but all of the phenom-
the influence of the Hun Shang Ling that the ena of nature, combining and recombining in in­
five virtues of each of the Five Agents mani- finite ways to produce our manifested existence
fest. (Figure 2.84). The internal blending of the Five
The Five Agents of Shang Ling Elements along with the Prenatal Wu Jing Shen
The Five Agents influence our desire to be in­ are described as follows:
volved in a variety of social interests and respon- • The Wood Agent: The Virtue of Kindness.
sibilities. The Five Agents are energies that are This Agent represents the Prenatal virtues of
linked to a person's moral qualities; they can be love, benevolence, kindness, patience, unself-
categorized as the five congenital virtues of the ishness and compassion. This congenital
five Yin organs (Prenatal Wu Jing Shen). The Five agent is connected to the Hun and is stored
Agents are similarly categorized into Five Ele- in the Liver. The Wood Element also affects
ments. The psycho-emotional virtues of the Pre­ the Liver and Gall Bladder organs and the
natal Wu Jing Shen and the acquired thoughts, flow of energy in the Liver and Gall Bladder
beliefs and emotional states of the Postnatal Wu Channels. The Wood Agent govems the en­
Jing Shen are both stored within the body's five ergy of the tendons, ligaments, small muscles,
Yin organs. Both influences are felt and expressed peripheral nerves, iris of the eyes, visión, tears,
as the child grows into adulthood. When one of bile, nails, and external genitalia. After birth,
the internal organs is stimulated, a Yang (positive) through the influence of the Po, the Liver
or Yin (negative) psycho-emotional reaction is cre- stores the acquired Postnatal emotions of frus-
ated. Psycho-emotional energetic interactions are tration, irritability, stubbornness, anger,
feelings expressed through either the positive blame, rage, resentment, rudeness, impa-
moral qualities of the congenital Prenatal Wu Jing tience, jealousy and depression. When excess
Shen (the Five Agents of kindness, order, trust, anger is eliminated, the congenital energies
integrity, and wisdom) or the negative emotional of benevolence, compassion, and love for oth­
experiences of the acquired Postnatal Wu Jing ers flourish and emanate from the Liver Orb,
Shen (the five emotional states of anger, excite- through the influence of the Hun.
ment, worry, grief, and fear). • The Fire Agent: The Virtue of Order. This
The Five Agents are commonly known as the agent fosters social harmony and represents
Prenatal Wu Jing Shen (Congenital Five Essence the Prenatal virtues of peace, pleasure, joy,
Spirits: Hun, Shen, Yi, Po, and Zhi) and are stored contentment, tranquility and boundary set-
within the energetic elemental natures of the ting. This congenital agent is connected to the

Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient CHINESE METAPHYSICS

Shen-Spirit and is stored in the Heart. The Fire acquired Postnatal emotions of grief, sorrow,
Element also affects the Heart, Small Intestine, sadness, shame, disappointment, self-pity,
Pericardium and Triple Burners, as well as the guilt, and despair. Once excess sorrow is re-
flow of energy in each of these channels. The lieved, the congenital energies of justice, righ­
Fire Agent governs the energy of the Blood teousness, integrity, dignity, and social re­
Vessels, complexión, perspiration, and the sponsibility flourish under the influence of the
tongue. After birth, through the influence of Hun.
the Po, the Heart stores the acquired Postna­ • The Water Agent: The Virtue of Wisdom.
tal emotions of nervousness, excitement, This agent represents the Prenatal virtues of
shock, anxiety, overexcitement, heartache and rationality, clear perception, self-understand-
mania. Eliminating excess nervousness allows ing, self-confidence and wisdom. This con­
the congenital energies of order, forgiveness, genital agent is connected to the Zhi-Will
and peace to be experienced. The environment (mental drive and determination) and is
is then conducive for contentment and order- stored in the Kidneys. It affects the Kidney
liness, which allows self-esteem to grow, and Urinary Bladder organs and the flow of
through the influence of the Hun. energy in the Kidney and Urinary Bladder
• The Earth Agent: The Virtue of Trust. This Channels. The Water Agent also governs the
agent represents the Prenatal virtues of faith, energy of the Brain, inner ear, hearing, spinal
honesty, openness, acceptance, virtue and cord, cerebrospinal fluid, Bones, Bone Mar-
truthfulness. This congenital agent is con- row, ovaries, testes, head and pubic hair, anus,
nected to the Yi-Intention (thoughts and ideas) urethra and sexual fluids. After birth, through
and stored within the Spleen. It affects the the influence of the Po, the Kidneys store the
Spleen and Stomach organs and the flow of acquired Postnatal emotions of fear, paranoia,
energy in the Spleen and Stomach Channels. terror, panic, horror, loneliness, and insecu-
The Earth Agent also governs the energy of rity. Once excess fear is eliminated, the con­
the large muscles, lymph, saliva secretions, genital energies of the mind become rational
mouth, lips, and taste. After birth, through the and wise under the influence of the Hun.
influence of the Po, the Spleen stores the ac­ 3. Yu Jing: The Hun known as Yu Jing resides in
quired Postnatal emotions of worry, remorse, the Lower Dantian. Yu Jing literally means
regret, obsessiveness, self-doubt, self- "hidden essence." This Hun is considered
centeredness and suspicion. Eliminating ex­ mixed (or combined) Yin energy. It is con­
cess worry allows the congenital energies of nected to the Lower Dantian and is associated
trust and peace of mind to flourish, through with the Earth, producing our desire for en-
the influence of the Hun. joying life's pleasures and comforts, as well
• The Metal Agent: The Virtue of Integrity. as the desire for the purity of life.
This agent represents the Prenatal virtues of FUNCTIONS OF THE HUN
righteousness, dignity, generosity and social The Hun ha ve eight primary functions: the
responsibility. This congenital agent is con- Hun control sleep and dreaming; The Hun assist
nected to the Po-Seven Corporeal Souls and the Shen in mental activities; the Hun maintain
is stored in the Lungs. It affects the Lung and balance in one's emotional life (under the leader-
Large Intestine organs and the flow of energy ship of the Shen); the Hun are responsible for the
in the Lung and Large Intestine Channels. The eyes; the Hun influence a person's courage; the
Metal Agent also governs the energy of the Hun control planning and the sense of direction
skin and mucous membranes, body hair, nose, (with the aid of the Shen); the Hun control Spirit
and the sense of smell. After birth, through Travel; and upon death, the Hun document and
the influence of the Po, the Lungs store the report the actions, thoughts and deeds of the in-

Volume í, Section 1: Foundations of Chínese Energetic Medicine

Figure 2.85. The Eight Functions of the Hun

dividual to the spirits of destiny to determine the fested through images, symbols, and ideas
person's degree of cultivated virtue (Figure 2.85). from the divine, as well as through the ener­
These eight functions of the Hun are described as getic state of the Wuji. These images, symbols,
follows: and ideas are stored in the individuaos mind,
1. The Hun control sleep and dreaming: They affecting his or her spiritual life. Without this
reside in the eyes during the day and lodge interaction, the patient's inner mental and
in the Liver at night. When residing in the spiritual life would become deficient in ideas,
eyes, they see; when lodging in the Liver, they images, and dreams.
dream. Dreams are the roaming of the body's The Hun not only control dreams, but also
Hun. It is the na ture of the Hun to wander. At daydreaming, as well as the ideáis, aims, and
night the Hun must be anchored and rooted the overall direction of an individual's life.
in the Liver; for this reason the Liver Blood The absence of these dreams, objectives and
and Liver Yin must be strong. If the Liver goals results in feelings of worthlessness and
Blood and Liver Yin are not strong, the Hun depression.
wander, and the person dreams too much or If the body's Liver Yin is depleted, the Hun
has unpleasant dreams. Patients who suffer are deprived of their residence, resulting in
from severe Yin Deficiency may experience a such conditions as fear, excessive daydream­
floating sensation just before falling asleep. ing, insomnia, and a lack of sense of direction
This symptom is due to the Hun not being or purpose in life (one of the main features of
adequately rooted in the patients' Yin. depression).
Dreams are an example of the information Traditionally, sleepwalking is associated
gathered during the Hun's out of body travels. with the Hun. When sleepwalking, the body's
The ancient Chinese understood that the body's Shen is not active and functioning; instead,
Hun can instantaneously traverse the Nine Lev­ the Hun are moving the individual. This is
éis of Heaven or Nine Levels of Earth. why a common treatment for a patient who
The Hun store the sum total of past experi- suffers from sleepwalking involves the emis-
ences. The expressions of the Hun are mani- sion of Qi into the patient's Hunmen UB-47


(Door of the Hun). In modern research, how- they collect; they pass on the information to
ever, some Qigong doctors have begun to the Shen, which is responsible for rational
theorize that the Po may also take an active thinking, intuition, and inspiration. The Shen
role in sleep walking, especially when the helps distinguish between useful and irrel-
sleep state involves violent actions (e.g., pa- evant information.
tients who thrash about, hurt people, or de- There is an interesting connection between
stroy things when sleep ing). the Hun controlling sleep and dreaming, and
If the patient does not sleep well because the the Hun being rooted in the Liver Blood and
Hun are wandering, the Qigong doctor can pre­ Yin. The Hun's movement in and out of the
scribe sour and astringing herbs (i.e., Bai Shao, Liver governs the free flow of Liver Qi, and
Mu Li, Suan Zao Ren) which affect the Liver the free flow of Liver Qi is a manifestation of
and encourage the Hun back into the body. the swimming energy of the Hun as it moves
2. The Hun assist the Shen in mental activi- in and out of the tissues. Therefore, if the Liver
ties: This relationship is very important, as the Yin or Liver Blood are deficient, the Hun can-
energy of the Shen and the Hun must con- not move freely and the individual will expe-
tinually be coordinated. The Shen is related rience restlessness (especially at night).
to rational thinking and inspiration. The Hun 3. The Hun maintain balance in the individual's
give the Shen a sense of direction and project emotional life under the leadership of the
the Shen outwards. The Shen needs to direct Shen: It is normal for everyone to experience
the Hun to condense and "gather the Hun." emotions in life. The Hun are responsible for
The Hun give the Shen its movement and di­ maintaining a balance so that the emotions do
rection, encouraging the Shen to relate with not become excessive, which can cause disease.
people, to socialize and to bond. The Hun, in The Hun have a regulatory function closely re­
turn need to be gathered and restrained by lated to the balance between Liver Blood (Yin)
the Shen. If the Shen is weak and does not and Liver Qi (Yang).
control the Hun, the Hun will move about too The Postnatal Shen discrimínales, while the
much, resulting in the individual having Hun does not. The relationship between the
many ideas but never accomplishing any- Shen and the Hun is very similar to the con-
thing, leading to frustration. cepts of the conscious-mind and unconscious-
It is essential that the Shen allow the Hun to mind in Jungian terms. The Hun are a reposi-
move in and out of the body, though it is equally tory of images and archetypes connecting the
important for the Hun to give the Shen direc­ (personal) subconscious mind with the collec-
tion and purpose. The Hun inspire us and give tive unconscious. If the Hun are unsettled, then
us dreams. That is why the words "movement," the Shen (consciousness) is cut off, confused,
"coming and going," and "swimming" are of- isolated, aimless, sterile, and without dreams.
ten used in connection with the Hun. In fact, The movement of ideas in the body has to
many doctors say that the Hun are actually the be controlled or it can lead to madness. Mad-
coming and going of the body's Shen. When ness can occur to the degree that the Shen
the spirit of one person enters another's body, doesn't control the Hun, resulting in an un-
as in a médium in trance, it is the individual's controlled amount of emotional, mental, and
Hun that comes in, while the host's Shen is tem- spiritual input. All of the energies and sym-
porarily disabled. bols coming through the Hun have to be inte-
Because knowledge is dependent on the grated and assimilated, otherwise there can
awareness of the Three Ethereal Souls, the be serious mental illness and possibly psycho-
Hun are therefore considered the collectors of sis (except in the case of young children who
information. The Hun however, do not inter- are continually full of ideas, have active imagi-
pret, rationalize, or analyze the knowledge nations, and are also able to intégrate and as­

similate these energies and symbols at a phe- body's "true spirit." The ancient Chinese be-
nomenal rate). In a child, the Hun are very ac­ lieve that, in the presence of a disorder (ei-
tive, and the Shen is not as restraining; so there ther physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual)
is a continuous flow of energies streaming from the Hun sometimes fly away (like startled
the unconscious world of symbols into the birds in a yard). This vacancy of the Hun
child's consciousness without causing psycho- causes the body's Corporeal Soul (Po) to ei-
logical problems. ther stir about thoughtlessly in the absence of
4. The Hun are responsible for the eyes: When effective control (clinically known as "disas-
the Hun wander in through the eyes, the eyes sociation" or commonly called "spacing out"),
can see. The Hun give us visión, both men- or to become animalistic in nature and attack
tally and spiritually. or flee for the sake of survival.
5. The Hun influence a person's courage: If the 8. The Hun are spiritual souls and leave the
Hun are not strong, the person is timid and body, ascending back to Heaven, at the time
fearful. If the Hun are strong, the person is of death: Upon death, the Hun exit the body
fearless, can face difficulties in life, and can through the Baihui at the top of the head and
take appropriate action. A patient with weak ascend to the Big Dipper. While at the Big Dip-
Hun will have difficulty gathering informa- per, the Hun will report the individuaos ac-
tion, making decisions, and will lack courage. tions, thoughts and deeds from his or her life-
The patient may also become easily discour- time to the celestial spirits that preside over
aged or apathetic. the individuaos destiny. The celestial spirits
6. The Hun control planning and the sense of will then determine the degree to which the
direction with the aid of the Shen: The men­ individual had cultivated virtue during that
tal and spiritual confusión about one's role in incarnation.
life (what to do, what goals to set, etc.) can be The Spiritual Awareness of the Hun
compared to the aimless wandering of the The Hun spiritually and energetically respond
Hun; this is a feature of depression. If the Liver to the energetic grids of Heaven (universal ener-
is strong while the Hun are firmly rooted, the getic fields). The stars and planets within these
person has a clear sense of direction. Heavenly grids exert an influence on the Hun caus­
7. The Hun control Spirit Travel: By housing ing each individual's body to react to certain astro-
the Shen for "spirit travel" (the spirit journey- logical configurations (full moon, new moon, equi-
ing outside the physical body), it is possible nox and solstice). An individual's positive or nega-
for the Qigong doctor to consciously direct the tive emotional reactions are sometimes based on the
Hun's travelling. This is difierent from soul affinity of the vibrational rate of the Hun with the
travel, which is the human soul journeying energies of a particular astrological alignment.
outside the physical body while connected to The Hun are classified as Yang spirits; they
the Middle Dantian by a silver "cord of life." can be cultivated and refined. Imagination, visu-
The Hun, accompanied by the individual's alization, and positive affirmation in the form of
consciousness, act as one unit which is some- prayer and incantations (Mantras), meditation,
times referred to as the spirit-soul. The spirit- and Hand Seáis (Mudras) are traditionally used
soul allows the doctor to know the exact lo- to awaken and establish an active relationship
cation of the "spirit routes" travelled when it with the Three Ethereal Souls. Energetically, the
leaves the body. Otherwise, when the Hun Hun can be stimulated through the Hunmen UB-
wander, the individual "Shens out" and has 47 ("Gate to the Hun") points located on the back
no recollection of where he or she has been of the body below the shoulders. These points are
when in the spiritual realms. used clinically to treat difficult or chronic disor-
The Hun and Po are expressions of the ders by regulating Liver Qi flow.

Chapter 2: Understanding ancient Chínese metaphysics

The po: The seven Corporeal Souls

The Lungs store the Po, the Seven Corporeal
Souls, which are physical in nature and are con-
nected to the body's Jing and Qi. The word Po is.
defined as "the soul of vigor, animation, or Ufe."
The Po are closely linked to the body's Jing (Es-
sence), and manifest through the body's Essence in
the form of hearing, sight, and tactile sensatións.
The Po are considered to be the soul of the senses.
The Seven Corporeal Souls are energetically as-
sociated to the following: Yin, Earthly soul, shadow,
heaviness, Jing, negative emotions and negative Figure 2.86. The Seven Corporeal Souls are
composed of the Seven Po.
inspirations. They are the Earthly aspects of the
human soul, and are considered the counterpart of Gui
the Hun. The energetic functions of the Po pertain
White (Earthly Spirits)
to the individual's animal nature and his or her in-
stincts and drives (Figure 2.86). The Po are passion-
ate and advócate experiencing life in its fullest mea-
sure. Being attached to the physical body, they are,
however, in a constant state of dying.

There are two parts to the Po ideogram. The

character to the right represents the Earthly spir-
its-Gui (ghost), depicted by a head suspended
above a vaporous form of a body with an append- Figure 2.87. The Chínese character for “Po,”
age (symbolizing the whirlwind that accompanies also known as the Corporeal Soul, or White Soul
the movements of the Earthly spirits). The char­
acter to the left is the image for the color white. be described as follows (Figure 2.88):
The color white can be represented by the image 1. The Po are the somatic expressions of the
of dried bones lying on the Earth (Figure 2.87). Human Soul: They are related to the reflex­
Thus, the Po are linked with a descending move- ive nervous system and limbic system (the
ment of energy and with the Jing. The Seven Cor­ "reptilian brain"). They manifest through the
poreal Souls are also said "to come and go, enter body's sensatións of feeling, hearing, and see-
and exit," in association with the body's essences. ing. The Po have an impulsive tendency to-
Functions of the po
wards action and correspond to the deep ani­
The Po have six primary functions: the Po are mal instincts within the Mind (personal sub-
the somatic expressions of the Etemal Soul related conscious) and cells. Our reflexes are a Po re-
to the reflexive nervous system and limbic system action. They also provide us with the animal
(the "reptilianbrain"); the Po are responsible for all strength and resources necessary to mobilize
physiological processes during childhood; the Po the body and perform incredible feats of
are related to weeping and crying; the Po are closely power. The "animal within" is driven by the
linked to breathing; the Po are connected to sexual- Po. They are the manifestation of the body's
ity on the level of sensation; and the Po lea ve the Jing in the sphere of sensatións and feelings.
body via the anus (considered to be the "door of Just as the Three Hun provide the individual
the Po") upon death. Spiritually, the Seven Corpo­ with the energetic movement for the Shen, the
real Souls are the counterpart of the Hun and can Po provide the individual with the energetic


Figure 2.88. The Six Functions of the Po

movement of the body's Jing. Shen, and allow access to the higher Hun
2. The Po are responsible for all physiological states. The movement of the breath is the pul-
processes during childhood: In the beginning sation of the Po. Each emotional change the
of life, the Po are responsible for the sensations body experiences correlates to a shift in the
of pain and itching (growing pains). The Po body's respiratory pattern. The quality of Qi
serve as the intermediary between the Jing and and its circulation is dependent upon the
the body's other vital substances. At concep- method of breathing (depth, speed, duration
tion, the energetic interactions of the body's and rhythm). To support the greatest longev-
transforming Jing not only create the embryo ity possible, it is important to utilize long,
but also establish the Po within the tissues. The slow, and even breaths. The breath (air from
Po are stored in the Lungs and they remain at- Heaven) interacts with the Po in the Lungs,
tached to the body until death, at which point and plays a significant role in the Heaven-
their energy disintegrates and disperses into the Man-Earth concept of balancing the emotions.
Earth within a few days. The virtues of the Lungs are righteousness
3. The Po are related to weeping and crying: and courage. These virtues give a person the
The connection between the Po and Lungs is drive and strength to do the "right thing"
very important from an emotional point of when the need arises. These virtues manifest
view. When the Po's movement in the Lungs and promote good health when a balanced
is constricted, grief and sadness are sup- energetic alignment with the Po is achieved
pressed in the chest through shallow breath- (the alignment between the Lungs' breathing
ing. Additionally, if the patient feels dull and pattern and the Po).
depressed upon waking, it is a sign that his 5. The Po are connected to sexuality on the level
or her Shen is clinging to the body. In other of sensation: The Po are linked to the basic in-
words, the patient's Shen is constricted by the stincts and perceptions of the body. All instinc-
excessive energy of the Po. tive sexual reactions and passions come under
4. The Po are closely linked to breathing: The the authority of the Po. The Po provide the fun­
Po influence the sympathetic and parasym- damental biological energy and are the source
pathetic nervous systems. Because the Po re­ of biological needs and impulses. They are
side in the Lungs, all forms of breath control driven by basic instincts and urges, and their
are methods used to regúlate the Po, calm the solé concern is the immediate satisfaction of


Figure 2.89. The Location and Realm of Influence oí the Hun (Ethereal Soul) and Po (Corporeal Soul)

biological needs and impulses (emotional and and waste. Upon death, the Po return back to
physical sur vi val, reproductive urges, etc.). the Earth, descending out the body through
Most self-destructive behavior, such as an at- the individuaos anus.
traction to unhealthy and dangerous life-styles, ANATOMICA!. LOCATION OF THE PO
is due to imbalances of the Po. The Po are a composite of Seven Corporeal
6. The Po leave the body via the anus upon Souls which origínate from Earth, are housed
death: Since the Corporeal Souls have a rela- within the Lungs, and reside in specific areas in
tionship with the Lungs and Large Intestine, the body. The Seven Po are located along the line
the anus is considered the Po Men or "the door between the Huiyin (CV-1) and the Baihui (GV-
of the Po." The anus acts as a doorway for the 20) points, embracing the body's Taiji Pole (also
elimination of the waste producís from the called the "Center Thrusting Channel") at the fol­
five Yin organs by draining off impure liquids io wing locations (Figure 2.89):

1. The Po of Life (Soul of Heaven) is consid­ 7. The Po of Sex (Soul of Earth) is considerad the
erad the Po of the Upper Dantian. It is located Po of the Lower Dantian. It is the only one not
below the Baihui (GV-20) point in the Ni Wan located within the Taiji Pole but is also located
Palace (Hall of the Upper Dantian) area. at the bottom of the feet in the Yongquan (Kd-
2. The Po of Qi (Soul of the Five Element 1) points. It is considerad a neighbor of the Po
Wood) is considerad the Po of the Liver. It is of Essence because of its relationship and ener-
located below the diaphragm. This Po is the getic connection to Earth.
counterpart to the Hun's Wood Agent (the Negative Attributes of the Po
virtue of kindness: love, benevolence and The Po's natura is one of survival, and their
compassion). This Po manifests through the energies can be directed towards self-preservation
acquired emotions of anger, irritability, blame, or self-destruction (devouring and robbing the
rage, resentment, jealousy and depression. body of life-force energy). In ancient China, it was
3. The Po of Yang (Soul of the Five Element believed that the Po would sometimes desire to
Fire) is considerad the Po of the Heart. It is rejoin the damp, dark underground springs whose
located anterior to the Mingmen (GV-4) point moist, heavy natura they share. Therefore, the Po
behind the Taiji Pole. This Po is the counter­ would seek to undermine and rid themselves of
part to the Hun's Fire Agent (the virtue of or- the constraining human body that they were pres-
der: peace and boundary setting). This Po ently inhabiting. This was accomplished while
manifests through the acquired emotions of their host was asleep and the Hun were spirit-trav-
nervousness, shock, and excitement. eling. The Po would beckon to passing ghosts and
4. The Po of Essence (Soul of the Five Element disease-demons, inviting them into the
Earth) is considerad the Po of the Spleen. It is individual's body to take possession and work
located at the midpoint of the Taiji Pole. This towards the destruction of the body.
Po is the counterpart to the Hun's Earth Agent Therefore, the Seven Corporeal Souls (Po)
(the virtue of trust: faith, honesty openness, were sometimes called the "seven animáis," the
acceptance and truthfulness). This Po mani­ "seven sentient souls of the body," or the "seven
fests through the acquired emotions of worry, turbid demons." When afflicted or not kept in
regret, remorse, obsessiveness, and self-doubt. check, the animal naturas of the seven Po quickly
5. The Po of the Spirit (Soul of the Five Element become restless and hostile. In this context, the
Metal) is considerad the Po of the Lungs. It is Po are given different ñames to express the differ-
located posterior to the Tanzhong (CV-17) point ent negative thoughts and emotions specific to
inside the mediastinum near the Middle each Corporeal Soul. Each Po has a characteristic
Dantian. This Po is the counterpart to the Hun's mantra that it whispers to an individual's mind
Metal Agent (the virtue of integrity: righteous- for influence and control. The Po's seven turbid
ness, dignity, generosity and social responsibil- demon naturas are described as follows (Figure
ity). This Po manifests through the acquired 2.90):
emotions of grief, anxiety, sadness, shame, dis- 1. Fei Du (Flying Poison): The Fei Du Po mani­
appointment, guilt and despair. fests through feelings of anger and rage. The
6. The Po of Yin (Soul of the Five Element Wa­ indignation and wrath that it helps to genér­
ter) is considerad the Po of the Kidneys. It is ate can produce hostile, destructive, and vio-
located between the navel and the Taiji Pole. lently aggressive reactions. This Po can cause
This Po is the counterpart to the Hun's Water an individual to suddenly explode with ven-
Agent (the virtue of wisdom: rationality, clear omous thoughts and evil intentions.
perception and self-understanding). This Po 2. Chu Huí (Sprouting Filth): The Chu Hui Po
manifests through the acquired emotions of manifests through haughty behavior and feel­
fear, loneliness, and insecurity. ings of pride and arrogance.


Tun Zei Que Yin Fu Shi ShiKou Chou Fei Chu Huí Fei Du
T & A
Á. i
Yin Fallen Corpse Stinking Fiying
Bird Arrow Dog Lungs Filth Poison

Figure 2.90. The Po’s Seven Turbid Demon Natures (Source: Taishang Chu Sanshi Jiuchong Baoshen Jing,
Highest Scripture of the Great One and the True One)

3. Chou Fei (Stinking Lungs): The Chou Fei Po known as the "night tormentar," it is espe-
manifests as hopelessness, and it smells of cially active at night, manifesting via night-
death. It destroys hope and faith, and feeds mares, restless sleep, and insomnia.
on ignorance, which can lead to a sense of de- 7. Tun Zei (Sipping Thief): The Tun Zei Po
spair, spiritual apathy or inactivity. It mani­ manifests by stealing the individuaos life-
fests through victimization and martyrdom. force energy and devouring it through nega-
4. Shi Kou (Corpse Dog): The Shi Kou Po mani­ tive judgements and bitter emotions such as
fests through feelings of greed. It is expressed jealousy, envy, and resentment.
through selfish desires and covetous actions. The Spiritual Awareness of the Po
5. Fu Shi (Fallen Arrow): The Fu Shi Po mani­ The Po are classified as Yin spirits and they
fests through feelings of lust. It entices the can be controlled and refined through breathing
individual by tempting or luring him or her exercises and quiescent meditations. When the fe-
into a desirable place or situation through un- tus begins its movement, its Yin energy tranquil-
ethical actions. It then creates distress in the izes the Po which act as guardians of the fetus'
form of guilt which genera tes shame. This body. The seven Po help to develop the growth of
spirit further creates anxiety and fear of be- consciousness by providing obstacles to test the
ing discredited, dishonored, or disgraced, and individuaos faith and devotion. Many times the
then immediately generates the feeling that Seven Corporeal Souls will work in conjunction
attempting to correct the situation is fruitless. with hostile external energetic forces to test the
It also manifests in addictions and compul- individual's spiritual endurance.
sions. Energetically, the Po can be accessed through
6. Que Yin (Yin Bird): The Que Yin Po torménts the Pohu (Door to the Po) UB-42 point located on
the individual by causing him or her to expe- the back of the body and between the shoulders.
rience extreme pain and severe anguish by This point is also used clinically to treat energetic
dwelling on unresolved past emotional issues, imbalances of the Lungs. The energetic nature of
present anxieties, and future fears. Also the Po responds to the energetic grids of the Earth,


Figure 2.91. The Influence of the Hun and Po on the Yuan Shen

and can cause an individual to resonate in har- The ancient Chinese viewed the Shen as the
mony or disharmony with certain ecological con- emperor; the Hun as a loyal minister; and the Po
figurations (mountains, ocean, forest, valley, etc.). as a powerful general. If the general (Po) is left in
An individuaos attraction to a particular environ- control (being only concerned with the survival
ment, or a feeling of not belonging there, depend of self and the body), he or she will start to spiri-
on the vibratory affinity (or lack thereof) between tually and energetically dominate the individual's
the individual's Po and the environmental energy thoughts, emotions and actions (a condition com-
of a particular area. monly referred to as "a rebellious general control-
The Effect of the Hun and Po on the ling a weak emperor").
Yuan Shen When the general (Po) dominates the
In Medical Qigong therapy, the human soul individual's thoughts, emotions and actions, the
(Shen Xian) is seen as being strongly influenced individual's acquired mind (Shen Zhi) takes over,
by two main divisions of internal spiritual ener- and the individual becomes overly concerned
gies, the Hun (Ethereal Soul) and the Po (Corpo- with his or her own survival. Thus, the individual
real Soul). becomes absorbed in the protection and mainte-
The Yuan Shen is a manifestation and expres- nance of his or her ego. In this context, the pur-
sion of the human soul, and is primarily affected pose of spiritual cultivation is to subdue and con­
by the energetic and spiritual influences of the trol the rebellious general and transform him into
Hun and Po. The combination of intuitive percep- a servant. Once the inner government is orderly,
tions provided by the Hun (Yang Souls) and the the strong and violent nature of the Po becomes
Po (Yin Souls) create the foundational input for tame. Then, through the wise council of the loyal
the body's Original Spirit (Yuan Shen). It is minister (Hun), the individual's Shen can walk a
through this input that the Yuan Shen organizes path of virtue.
and controls the psycho-emotional aspect of the Virtue is the enlightened path that leads the
body's five Yin organs (Figure 2.91). individual's Shen. Therefore, by cultivating vir-

1 12

tue, the individual's consciousness becomes domi-

nated by the council of the loyal minister (Hun)
and produces healthy choices for the Yuan Shen.
When the Hun control the energy body and
are nourished by the Five Virtues, the energy body
then becomes a vehicle for the Heart's Shen. When
the Heart's Shen is no longer dominated by the
Yin and Yang souls (Hun and Po) and the destruc-
tive aspects of the acquired Five Element emo-
tions, the individual returns to an awareness of
his or her connection to the universe (Wuji) and
the Divine. This state of balanced consciousness
is sustained through prayer and meditation.
The Yuan Shen and Spirit Travel
The initial separation of the individual's en­
ergy body or "dream body" from the physical
body generally leaves the patient's Shen in a weak- Figure 2.92. The Yuan Shen and Spirit Travel
ened state (referred to as Yin Shen). The weak-
ened Yin Shen must be protected. This Yin Shen is Tai, compiled by the Daoist Tai De during the Xia
part of the Hun and leaves the body naturally Dynasty (2205-1600 B.C.), historically the Shen
whenever the patient is weak, sick, in shock, or and Ling are believed to be the origin of all living
asleep. It may also leave during the early stages beings.
of Qigong meditation or Taijiquan (Tai Chi The Nine Levels of Heaven and Earth
Ch'uan) practice, as the practitioner encounters The Nine Levels of Heaven are nine spiritual
blocks and obstacles within the unconscious mind. planes which exist within Heaven's energetic
The spiritual travels of the Yin Shen are gen­ grids. In the lower levels of the energetic grids
erally confined to the lower spiritual planes, and there are enlightened beings coexisting with other
a scattered Yin Shen sometimes needs to be re- spiritual entities. The Nine Levels of Earth are nine
claimed through "soul retrieval." Once the Shen spiritual planes which exist within the Earth's en­
has been cultivated, refined, strengthened, forti- ergetic grids. In these levels of Earthly spiritual
fied, and controlled through the proper develop- planes there exists various dimensions of animal,
ment of the energy body, it is then referred to as a vegetable, and mineral powers, as well as Earthly
Yang Shen, sometimes referred to as a Shenming spiritual beings.
("bright spirit" or "spirit of light"). When the en­ The Concept of Spiritual Virtue
ergy body spirit travels, the developed Yang Shen In ancient China, the concept of an
can transverse the Nine Levels of Heaven or the individual's virtue (De) and his or her destiny
Nine Levels of Earth in an instant (Figure 2.92). (Ming) were closely connected. Destiny (associ-
The terms Ling Qi ("supernatural energy"), ated with the Yuan Jing, Qi and Shen) was believed
Ling Hun ("supernatural soul") and Ling Shen to origina te from Heaven at the time of birth, af-
("supernatural spirit") are ancient expressions ter which it was stored in the individual's
used to describe the Yang Soul manifesting effec- Mingmen (Gate of Destiny) area between the Kid-
tive power and influence, either while residing in neys (Figure 2.93). The individual's Ming becomes
an individual, or being in a disembodied state. the spark of life and the dynamic potential un-
Accordingly, the expression of the Ling is be- derlying his or her thoughts and actions. Although
lieved to be the very manifestation of the human the subtle impulses emanating from the
soul. According to The Book of Rites of the Sénior individual's Ming are generally hidden from the

1 13

conscious mind, through Shengong meditations a

deeper realm of understanding can be intuitively Shen
discovered and accessed. (Order)
It is up to the individual to consistently act in
accordance with his or her Ming throughout life.
E ement
This action is based on the individual's conscious
use of his or her intention (Yi). The intent to re- Spleen:
main congruent with the "will and intent of Love) Element De E ement
heaven" (Zhi Yi Tian) is what gives the individual (Virtue)
virtue (De). It is through the development of his
or her virtue that the individual establishes a
7/^ í Water^FyiMetal j \
healthy relationship with the Dao, Heaven and / l Element J 1 Elementy \
the spirit world. | ------ ’íungs: 1
The Five Limitations 1 Kidneys: \ / Po A
The ancient Chinese believed that as the hu­ Integrity
man soul journeys into the material world, it be-
gins to lose its divine connection with the Dao.
Once the individual is born, he or she begins to
replace the subtle interconnections of the spiritual-
self with those of the sensory survival instincts of
the material self (Po).
As the Eternal Soul envelopes itself within its
physical housing, the spiritual core becomes
veiled by the illusionary existence of matter, space,
and time. At this point in the individuaos orien-
tation and spiritual adjustment, the energetic
fields of matter begin to dominate the individuaos
Yuan Shen (original spirit), giving rise to the birth
and development of the individuaos Shen Zhi (ac-
quired personality). Along with the individual's
disconnection from his or her spiritual core and (Destiny)
the development of the Shen Zhi, are also included
the development and formation of the belief in
Kidney Kidney
five specific limitations. These five specific limi­
tations inhibit the individual's personal power
and potential, and are described as follows:
• The belief in the limitation of the individual's
power and potential to accomplish all things. Mingmen
• The belief in the limitation of the individual's
power and potential to know all things.
• The limitation of the ability to utilize the Figure 2.93. After the Five Lights escort the human soul
into the world of matter, the Etemal Soul’s De (virtue) rises
individual's power and potential by creating
upward, to later become the spiritual energy of the Five
desire and attachment, thus giving rise to Agents, rooted within the five Yin organs. Simultaneously,
unceasing discontentment. the Etemal Soul’s Ming (destiny) sinks downward to
• The limitation of utilizing the individual's become stored between the Kidneys, rooted within the
power and potential by creating the illusion individual’s Ministerial Fire.


of time related life changes (e.g., birth, growth,

maturation, waning and death).
• The limita tion of utilizing the individual's free
will by creating fate, thus binding an indi­
vidual to the endless cycles of birth and death.
The development of the belief in the five spe-
cific limitations causes the individual's subtle con-
nection to the soul to "fall asleep," whereby al­
io wing certain unique survival patterns to become
initiated, facilitating the creation and development
of the individual's ego. The Shen Zhi's investment
in emotional and mental survival allows the
individual's ego the ability to develop and acquire
its unique personality.
Figure 2.94. The Four Spiritual Paths of the Human Soul
The conscious state of the ego operates
through the individual's physical body via the Four Spiritual Paths of the Human Soul
senses and analytical mind. The subconscious The ancient Chinese believed that the initial
state of the ego operates through the individual's Jodo ("will of heaven") or "trae" purpose for the
spiritual body via the dream state. When the in­ human soul's joumey into the material world is to
dividual is in a deep sleep or a meditative state, evolve through four stages of spiritual transforma-
the ego retires into the energetic body in the form tions: the Path of Desire, the Path of Renunciation,
of inner awareness. the Path of Service and the Realization of Immor-
In order to reconnect with the divine, a spiri­ tality (Figure 2.94). These four spiritual paths allow
tual "awakening" must occur, allowing the indi­ the individual to uncover and control the acquired
vidual to remember and reexamine his or her lost patterns of the ego, to deepen the energetic and
spiritual state of existence. Once this "awakening" spiritual connections with the Heavenly and Earthly
occurs, the individual must then come to the real- realms, and augment a relationship with the divine.
ization that he or she no longer needs to be at- These four spiritual paths are described as follows:
tached to the acquired ego, acquired intellect, ac- 1. The Path of Desire: The first challenge for the
quired memories, and acquired thought patterns. young human soul is to overeóme the pur-
These four principies (acquired ego, intellect, suit of the "four worms:" pleasure, wealth,
memories, and thought patterns) constitute the fame and power. These four "worms" are said
médium through which the individual's con- to eat away at the individual's spiritual
sciousness and Shen Zhi act. It is the human con- growth. Each has its own inherited limitations
sciousness that distinguishes the domain of man, and illusions and none of them can ever be
separating him or her from the animal, plant and fully satisfied. These illusions, however, are
mineral kingdoms. considered to be necessary obstacles for the
The individual's relationship with the ego is experience and development of young souls.
considered the paradox of creation. Although the As the soul matures, it will eventually over­
ego binds an individual to the material plañe of eóme the fascination of the Path of Desire and
existence, it also allows for objective experiences. seek something more fulfilling.
On the other hand, the ego must be completely 2. The Path of Renunciation: The next stage that
eradicated in order to allow the individual the the human soul will experience is the Path of
ability to reconnect with the trae self (human soul), Renunciation. This entails avoiding any indul-
and to begin experiencing trae liberation through gences that inferiere with the spiritual growth
increased spiritual intuition. of the individual.

1 15

3. The Path of Service: At this stage, the indi­ ancient Daoists to be the "death roots of the womb."
vidual has overeóme the fascinations of plea- According to same ancient text, an individuaos life
sure and success, and genuinely devotes him also contains a "morbid" breath, and its energetic
or herself to the role of service. As the indi­ root is tightly formed into these twelve embryonic
vidual continúes to mature spiritually, how- knots. Therefore, an individual also receives death
ever, he or she will eventually recognize that at the same time that he or she receives life.
society is finite and that even patriotism, and The ancient Daoists believed that these twelve
all forms of social as well as communal ac- embryonic knots have twelve nodules, and are di-
tivities cannot fully satisfy the human soul. vided into three groups of four, described as fol-
4. The Realization of Immortality: At this final lows:
stage, the human soul understands "infinite • The Upper Four Nodules: these knots are lo-
beingness," experiencing and comprehending cated in the Upper Dantian, eyes, cheeks, and
the infinite awareness and bliss present within mouth.
his or her own core self. This realization al- • The Middle Four Nodules: these knots are
lows the individual to feel and experience con- located in the viscera, Stomach, Large Intes-
nectedness with the divine and to all creation. tine, and Small Intestine.
• The Lower Four Nodules: these knots are lo­
The death Roots of the womb cated in the Urinary Bladder, reproductive
In ancient China, Daoist mystics believed that organs, anus, and feet.
Man was formed through the unión of Yin and The ancient Daoists believe that when an
Yang, created from the interaction of contrary en- individuaos fate was cut short, it was because the
ergetic movements originating from Heaven and twelve embryonic knots became too tight, caus-
Earth. The energy of Heaven is animated by Yang ing the morbid breath to be released.
clockwise descending movements, while the en­
ergy of Earth is animated by Yin counterclockwise The Final Exit of the Human soul
ascending movements. From the most ancient times, the Chinese have
According to the ancient Daoist text, The Book considered death itself as a temporary state of
ofthe Superior Transformations ofthe Cinnabar Nine transition which may be followed by the return
into the Essence of the Embryo, as the embryo de- of the Eternal Soul. At the time of death, the indi­
velops, it receives (on a month to month basis) vidual will begin to release his or her energetic
the "nine breaths" of the Nine Primordial Heav- accumulations of the Five Elements that consti-
ens. These nine breaths are responsible for the spi- tute the energetic matrix of his or her physical,
ralling energetic transformations that occur dur- energetic and spiritual bodies. Each Element will
ing the process of Jing, Qi, and Shen embryonic disperse back into nature. As the Five Elements
development. Once the nine Heavenly breaths are begin to decompose, the physical body, the ener­
all present, birth occurs in the tenth lunar month. getic body, and the spiritual components of the
Progressive development of the fetus during true Five Elements (responsible for the energetic
pregnaney is attributed to the intervention of a di­ creation and formation of the Prenatal tissues)
vine influx of spiralling Yin and Yang energy, known return back to their original nature as puré elemen­
as the "motion of the nine revolutions of cinnabar." tal light, dissolving into the Wuji. The individual's
Mankind is therefore believed to be the product of released human soul and original spirit are re-
the energetic condensation of the spiritual breaths turned back into the energetic spiritual form of a
of the Nine Heavens, which are knotted and con- Ling Zi, and are released back to the Wuji. Once
tained inside a person's Jing, transformed into spirit, released, the Ling Zi travels through the Six
and then formed into a human being. Realms to be reincarnated in a new form.
During the time of pregnaney, these congenital As the tissues of the physical body begin to
knots (twelve in number) were considered by the die, the Yuan Shen prepares the human soul for

Chapter 2: Understanding Ancient Chínese metaphysics

its final journey home. This internal movement man soul, manifested from the individual's Po (see
of the patient's spiritual energies is crucial. At the Volume 2, Chapter 20). The ancient Chinese con­
time of death, it is important that the human soul siderad death to be a separation of Yin and Yang.
disconnects from the Heart and Middle Dantian As a individual ages, for example, the Yin in­
area, and exits the dying patient through the creases at the expense of the Yang, and death
Baihui area at the top of the head. marks the total separation of the two. Likewise,
The ancient Chinese believed that the human the human soul also contains both elements of Yin
soul can exit the body through one of nine orí­ and Yang. The Yin aspect of the soul is called a
fices. According to Zhu Yunyang's Commentary on Gui (ghost) the Yang aspect of the soul is called a
the Can Dong Qi, by Wei Boyang (142 A.D.), the Shen (spirit).
nine orifices that connect an individual to the Later Emanating from the human soul is the
Heaven world of sensory experiences inelude the individual's Yuan Shen. The Shen consists of Yang
left eye, ear, and nostril, the right eye, ear, and substance and is associated with the body's Qi and
nostril, the mouth and two excretory organs (anus the Hun of Heaven; the individual's Gui consists
and urethra). of Yin substance and is associated with the Po and
It was believed that the area from which the Earth. The unión of the energetic and spiritual
patient's soul exits the body is determined by the substances of the individual's Gui and Shen con-
state of his or her spiritual attachment or evolu- stitutes the matrix of his or her internal being, al-
tion (i.e., if the patient is attached to visión, he or lowing for the connection and absorption of both
she will be more inclined to lea ve through the eyes, universal and environmental Five Element ener­
etc.). This ancient Daoist belief preferred that the gies. According to writings from Wei Liaoweng
individual depart the body through the Baihui at during the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368 A.D.), "The
the top of the head in order to avoid dissolving Hun joins and gathers energy into a mass while
into the lower energetic realms of existence. the Po unites and consolidates it."
PREPARATION FOR DEATH Upon the death of the physical body, the Hun
In China, when the Medical Qigong doctor is ascend, becoming a Shen and return to Heaven,
assisting a terminally ill patient, treatment focuses the Po descend becoming a Gui and return to
primarily on purging stagnant spiritual energy Earth, while the energy of Tai Yi and Xia Tao Kang
from the patient's body. Spiritual purging is re- envelop the Eternal Soul (stored in Si Ming). These
quired to purify and cleanse the patient's human three spiritual energies (Tai Yi, Xia Tao Kang, and
soul. As the patient's soul is cleansed, and all ma­ Si Ming) blend together, combining into one en­
terial, emotional, and spiritual attachments to this ergy that completes the integration of the human
life are released, the patient becomes peaceful. The soul (Figure 2.95).
patient attains a sense of completion and wel- The human soul leaves the body as a shining
comes the final adventure of going home. The last Shenming ("bright spirit" or "spirit of light") and
rites performed by various clergy and ministers returns to the source from which it carne, through
in Western culture serve a similar purpose. the tunnel of light, the energetic field of the Zhi Yi
The Qigong doctor then guides and encour- Tian (Will and Intent of Heaven) and back towards
ages the patient's human soul to leave the body the divine light.
through the top of the head (Baihui). Souls that At this phase, the Eternal Soul experiences the
are more highly evolved exit the body through judgement and subsequent consequences of the
the top of the head, while souls of lesser evolu- individual's actions and non-actions when it was
tion exit the body through lower portions of the in the form of a human soul. Otherwise, if it still
physical structure. possesses strong emotional attachments, the human
The formation of a Gui or ghost is said to soul cannot elevate its vibrational resonance and it
emerge from the untransformed energy of the hu­ becomes stuck in the lower vibrational plañe, wan-
dering the Earth in its Yin form as a Gui (ghost).

Spiritual Energy Resides in Purpose

Governs the body's spirits, makes

Upper Dantian
Tai Yi the head life shine forth, and encourages
Great Divinity as light mankind to know the spirits of
his or her Three Ethereal Souls

Wu Ying (Without Essence),

occupies the left side of the body
The Eternal Soul—regulates the and regulates the Three Hun
primal energy of life (Qi) and is
Dantian (Ethereal Souls), associated
Si Ming the source of emotions and the
the Heart with the Liver
Middle Dantian mind
Administrator of
as vibration (empathic Bai Yuan (Puré Origin) occupies
Destiny Controls the Wu Ying
communication) the right side of the body and
and Bai Yuan Spirits
regulates the Seven Po
(Corporeal Souls), associated
with the Lungs

Xia Tao Kang Lower Dantian

the navel Preserves the root of the body’s
Below Healthy Peach (kinetic
as heat Essence (Jing)
(Ufe) communication)

Figure 2.95. The patient’s human soul resides in his or her Taiji Pole, and relates with Si Ming, the Administrator of
Destiny. Upon the death of the physical body, the three Hun return to Heaven and the seven Po retum to Earth, while
the energy of Tai Yi and Xia Tao Kang envelop the Etemal Soul (stored in Si Ming) and combine into one energy. The
human soul leaves the body through the particular gate (solar plexus, third eye, or top of the head) associated with
the patient’s degree of spiritual evolution, and returns through the tunnel of light to the divine.

In China, when an individual dies, there is a take place during the body's Prenatal develop-
traditional ceremony performed called, "Zhao ment, the relationship of fetal development to the
Hun" or "the calling of the Hun." This ceremony formation of the adult body, and to the dying and
entails someone (a relative or loved one) going to after-death states. Ancient Chinese medicine fur-
the roof of the deceased individuaos house and ther addresses the potential of spiritual involve-
calling to the deceased person's Hun, begging it ment as a cause or cure of specific psychophysi-
to return to its body. If the Hun do not return, then cal diseases. It is through the complete study of
the Po will then begin their descent into the Earth an individual's physical, mental, emotional, en-
and the body's tissues will start to decay. In order ergetic, and spiritual aspects that doctors of Medi­
to insure that the Po stay in the body after it has cal Qigong therapy ascertain when and how to
been buried (and that they will not come out to treat their patients.
annoy the living) the relatives seal all of the orí­ Every human is a multidimensional being, ex-
fices (exits) of the body, in order to trap the Po isting within three energetic fields. The energetic
inside. Generally, the orífices of the body are forms of Jing, Qi and Shen compose our present
plugged with either jade or rice (depending on personality yet exist within three different dimen-
the deceased individual's financial status). sions of vibrational frequencies. These energetic
fields are linked together by their corresponding
OVERVIEW relationships to the alchemic transformations that
One of the unique aspects of ancient Chinese maintain their vitality.
medicine is that it addresses all aspects of the The metaphysical abilities of the individual's
individuaos body, energy and spirit. It explores Shen are spiritual manifestations of the Eternal
in great detail the spiritual transformations that Soul. Once the Qigong doctor regulates his or her


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