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The Horn of Nimraug

Part I - Fire and Ice

The adventure

Copyright ©1999 Craig Pay

Edited for The Guild Companion by Joe Mandala, August 2000

First Impressions (Day 1)

As the PCs approach the village they see figures dashing into their houses
and then as they move closer four figures re-emerge grasping strange
barbed spears in a defensive manner. One of them, the only woman in the
group, steps forward. As well as the ornate bone spear in her right hand she
holds in her left hand a long, straight, thin white horn, unlike any that any
of the PCs will have ever seen before. She bows slightly, and then speaks to
the PCs in accented Westron (level 3).
"Why are you here Big Southern Men? Our mothers have taught us that your kind have always
brought trouble."

The others mumble their approval.

Alaric eventually persuades the woman that he and the PCs mean no harm.
She then invites everyone into a nearby snow-house, whilst the other three
Lossoth wait outside.

Inside the snow-house it is surprisingly warm and the PCs may be a little
worried at the burning fire in the center of a house made from snow! The
woman sits down on a wooden platform on the floor, and then beckons
Alaric and the PCs to sit on other platforms around the edge of the snow-
"I am Lumijalat, that means Snow-foot from your mouth. This place is Mulkan Kaupunki and I am
their viisas."

Alaric introduces himself and beckons for each of the PCs to do likewise. He
then launches straight into his trade negotiations, which start badly with
Lumijalat saying things like "We need nothing from you and we have nothing to give you.
What then to trade?" and "Southern metal sticks fingers outside. Ivory, bone and sealskin is strong
and does not stick…" but Alaric persists. Eventually Alaric strikes a deal that, in
exchange for some Arthedain clothing, the Mulkan will provide enough food
for the return journey as well as accommodation for the next two nights,
when they will have rested enough to return south. Lumijalat then bids
them farewell.
"You stay here in pyöreä talo and we will make one more for you, and one other for Southern
animals. But you may not go into Mulkan. Our Henkinimittäjä who is called Unipyydystäyä, which
in your tongue is dream-catcher says two nights ago she dream of strangers with bad luck following.
So I say that you may not go into Mulkan or you leave on end of spear."

Lumijalat then stands and leaves the snow-house. After briefly talking with
the three other men, Lumijalat strolls off into the village (to see
Unipyydystäyä). The three Lossoth men then start building two more snow
houses. The snow-house for the ponies is larger, with a large opening and a
central post to which the ponies are tied. Both snow-houses are built within
the hour, something the PCs may marvel at. One of the men brings some
fish for the PCs’ supper and as night falls the village falls silent.

A Perception roll from each of the PCs will reveal that, strangely enough,
Alaric seems little bothered that the negotiations have gone so badly.

Negotiations (Day 2)

Although the PCs are not allowed within the village, the Mulkan Lossoth
soon take an interest in them. At any time during the following days there
will be D10-1 spectators hanging around the PCs snow-houses, usually
youngsters. The PCs can now start interacting with the Lossoth people,
should they wish.

Alaric continues with his trade negotiations with the Mulkan Lossoth.

Koiramies Returns (Evening)

That evening, as the sun is setting, Koiramies returns to Mulkan Kaupunki

and causes much excitement with his story of “The giant beads in the belly
of the frozen, wooden bird”.

Have each of the PCs make a Perception roll to hear him ‘swoosh’ past on
his sled and the excited chatter of the villagers.

A Better Welcome (Day 3)

The following morning Lumijalat visits the PCs in a much better mood and
grants them access to the village. If asked why, they have just received
unexpected good news and the spirits have told Unipyydystäyä, their
Henkinimittäjä, that this is a sign that the PCs are good people. If asked
what the good news is, Lumijalat pauses, and then says, "That story belongs to
Koiramies, you must ask him".

Koiramies’ Tale

At Mulkan Kaupunki Koiramies continues to cause excitement with his

story. The PCs can now enter the village, track down Koiramies’ house and
persuade him to tell them his story. As the PCs arrive, Koiramies is just
getting ready to leave for a special day’s hunt on the coast and in very poor
Westron (rank 1) says, "You want story, you hunt with me" .

That evening the PCs witness a song duel between two villagers over a
broken spear.

The Hunt

The PCs are invited by Koiramies on a seal hunt (as per p.96 Northern
Wastes sourcebook). This could be an ideal opportunity for the PCs to
question Koiramies about his story.

When the PCs bring back Koiramies’ tale, Alaric tells the PCs the story of
King Arvedui and the palantíri. Could these ‘spell beads’ be the lost
palantíri? Alaric then tries to persuade the PCs to set out to visit the wreck
the following day to investigate.

Journey To The Wreck (Day 4)

Alaric, the PCs, Koiramies and 3 other Lossoth depart on dog sleds
(maximum of 3 people per sled) bound for Arvedui’s Wreck.

Roll random encounters throughout this journey (Lódalf, Wash Tundra:

p.178-179 Northern Wastes sourcebook).

Arvedui’s Wreck (Day 5)

By evening Alaric, the PCs, Koiramies and the 3 Lossoth arrive at Arvedui’s
Wreck, only to discover that a hole has been smashed into the boat and the
‘spell beads’ have gone. Deep sled tracks lead out across the ice and a
broken Verinen Metsästäjät ice axe lies on the floor of the boat’s cargo hold.

On From The Wreck (Days 6 - 8)

Alaric, the PCs and the Mulkan Lossoth may now wish to leave Arvedui’s
Wreck. From here they may either follow the tracks towards Nimraug’s
Cave (3 days) or return to Mulkan Kaupunki (2 days).

Roll random encounters throughout this journey (Lódalf, Wash Tundra:

p.178-179 Northern Wastes sourcebook).

Nimraug’s Cave (Day 8)

If the PCs are tracking the Verinen Metsästäjät then they arrive at
Nimraug’s Cave in the evening, three days after they left Arvedui’s Wreck.
The remains of several Verinen Metsästäjät can be seen lying near to the
cave. Nimraug is inside the cave (Hard Perception roll to hear a faint
snoring) and will poke his nose out if he hears anything (further Hard
Perception roll to notice that the snoring has stopped), but will only attack if
provoked, he’s feeling full and sleepy!

If the PCs circle the Cave they will find two sets of tracks (Routine
Perception rolls): a Light (+10) Tracking roll reveals that the first set come
towards Nimraug’s Cave (from the Verinen Metsästäjät village): a further
Light (+10) Tracking roll reveals that the other set lead away from the Cave
for about a mile, where some kind of camp was made and then on towards
Mulkan Kaupunki (this will worry the Mulkan Lossoth). Both sets are of
many people and several sleds. A Success in either Tracking roll will reveal
that there are less tracks in the second set (leading to Mulkan Kaupunki)
and that neither set of tracks includes the deep sled tracks that were present
in the tracks from Arvedui’s Wreck to the Cave.

The PCs may correctly guess that the palantíri are now with the Icedrake in
the cave. The PCs must now decide what to do and where to go from here.
Their Mulkan Lossoth companions would prefer to return to Mulkan
Kaupunki, but will accompany the PCs if they insist on continuing to the
Verinen Metsästäjät.

To Verinen Metsästäjät (Day 9)

The journey to Verinen Metsästäjät takes 1 day. Roll random encounters

throughout this journey (Lódalf, Wash Tundra: p.178-179 Northern Wastes

The PCs follow the tracks to the Verinen Metsästäjät village and arrive this
evening to a hostile welcome. The Verinen Metsästäjät will think that they
have come for the Horn of Nimraug and there could be some confusion as to
who wants what. The Verinen Metsästäjät obviously outnumber them and
the Mulkan Lossoth wish to return to Mulkan Kaupunki.

From here the PCs have little choice but to return to Mulkan Kaupunki.

Return To Mulkan

Returning to Mulkan Kaupunki the PCs arrive to find the village in disarray
after the Verinen Metsästäjät attack. Lumijalat meets the PCs, her left arm
is now in a sling and she is using her spear more for support than as a
weapon. Many of the Mulkan villagers have obvious injuries and that
evening the PCs witness the sad sight of an injured elder ‘going for a walk’
(p.58 Northern Wastes sourcebook).
That night Nimraug, sensing the disappearance of the Horn and possibly
smelling blood on the wind, attacks the village. Several more villagers are
killed as well as both of Alaric’s ponies.

The next day Lumijalat visits the PCs and asks for their help in journeying
to the Verinen Metsästäjät to retake the Horn of Nimraug. Due to her
injuries Lumijalat cannot go with them, but Koiramies and 20 other Mulkan
villagers will accompany them.

The journey to the Verinen Metsästäjät village takes 1 day; roll random
encounters throughout this journey (Lódalf, Wash Tundra: p.178-179
Northern Wastes sourcebook).

Verinen Metsästäjät, In Force!

After a possibly violent encounter with Rautakäsi and the 15 remaining

villagers (10 injured), the PCs discover that Riimulaulaja, Kylmyyskala and
a group of the Verinen Metsästäjät have already left for Nimraug’s Cave.

Back To Nimraug’s Cave

The PCs and the Mulkan Lossoth chase after Riimulaulaja and Kylmyyskala
to Nimraug’s Cave. They arrive in time to see Riimulaulaja scare away
Nimraug with the Horn. The PCs and the Mulkan Lossoth do final battle
with the final remaining 15 uninjured Verinen Metsästäjät. During this
battle Kylmyyskala uses Leaving III and Invisibility spells to get to the cave.
She then slips the smaller of the two palantíri (Annúminas) into her furs
and using another Leaving III spell jumps to where her White Warg is
waiting for her and then sprints away to the East.

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