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Name Muhammad Usama

Reg no FA19-EPE-081

Section EPE - 6B

Assigement Lab 4

Teacher Mam Rabya Bahadur

Date 4/4/2022
Lab:04 Frequency domain modeling of electromechanical

A DC motor is one the basic electro-mechanical system and is used in almost 95% of
the systems for control in one or another form. The DC motor can be used to control
the process speed or in some way position as parameter. The property that it takes
electrical input and produces a mechanical output makes it an electromechanical

Matlab Code.

Graph 1: Represents speed and its impulse and position and impulse.

Different Values:

Now change the values of constants and we check that the values of speed and
position will change.

Matlab code:

In fig 2 we change values and the speed and position graph will increase.
We have learned how we can determine the values of Step response and Impulse
Response of Speed and position. We take different values and check the graph of
Speed and Position.

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