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Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan: Introduction to Embroidery Stitches

At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different kinds of embroidery stitches;
b. demonstrate skills in creating embroidery stitches; and
c. value the importance of possessing the skills in making embroidery stitches.

Materials Needed:
1. Embroidery hoops
2. Fabric squares or scraps
3. Embroidery needles
4. Embroidery floss in various colors
5. Scissors
6. Printed instructions or diagrams of basic embroidery stitches
7. Marking tools (pencils, washable markers)

Lesson Duration: 2 hours

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction (15 minutes)**

- Welcome students and introduce the topic of embroidery stitches.
- Discuss the history and cultural significance of embroidery.
- Show examples of different embroidery stitches and their applications.

**2. Demonstration of Basic Stitches (30 minutes)**

- Demonstrate the following basic embroidery stitches:
- Backstitch
- Running stitch
- Satin stitch
- French knot
- Chain stitch
- Provide printed instructions or diagrams for students to refer back to during

**3. Practice Session (30 minutes)**

- Distribute fabric squares, embroidery hoops, needles, and floss to each
- Encourage students to practice each stitch on their fabric using different
colors and combinations.
- Provide guidance and assistance as needed.

**4. Project Assignment (15 minutes)**

- Introduce the project assignment: creating a small embroidered design using
the stitches learned.
- Encourage students to sketch out their design ideas on paper before
- Provide examples of simple designs or motifs for inspiration.

**5. Project Work (30 minutes)**

- Allow students to begin working on their embroidery projects.
- Circulate around the room to provide feedback, answer questions, and offer

**6. Conclusion and Sharing (15 minutes)**

- Have students share their completed projects with the class.
- Encourage them to discuss their design choices and the techniques they
- Provide positive feedback and constructive criticism.

**Homework (Optional):**
- Encourage students to continue practicing their embroidery stitches at home
and to explore more advanced stitches if they're interested.

- Assess students based on their participation in the practice session, their
completion of the project assignment, and the quality of their embroidery

**Extension Activities (Optional):**

- Invite a guest speaker who is skilled in embroidery to demonstrate advanced
techniques or share their experiences.
- Organize a field trip to a local museum or gallery featuring embroidery or
textile art.

By the end of this lesson, students should have a solid understanding of basic
embroidery stitches and how to apply them creatively in their own projects.

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