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Created using Diary by Droid-Veda LLP Jun-29-2023

Life ⁄part 1with Misgana

Life is very difficult .I think God gives everything for us with challenges and its solution .In this case there is no difficult question

without solution that God gives for us.So getting solution for this challenges is our responsibility .knowing the exact way for those

challenges ask a great to get this wisdom we must rely on God’s⁄⁄ WISDOM ⁄.What is wisdom? I think wisdom is is

using our knowledge in proper manner. Now the the mian point is to get this wisdom what shall I do .hooo I think I Understood

onething to get this wisdom.The realiable source of wisdom is Bible⁄.Reading bible is leading the exact way to those solution to

solve the challenges .MISGANA don’t worry about what challenges ›U confront in your life because every challenges have its

solution in this world ,so be happy God⁄gives a chance to solve this challenges .U are special man b/c new day,new

life,breathing ,peace are given to you to confront this challenges.Wowwww Misge U are lucky man⁄⁄⁄⁄.

Created using Diary by Droid-Veda LLP Jun-29-2023

Created using Diary by Droid-Veda LLP Jun-29-2023


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