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**A. Read the following text about a musician.


*The Musical Journey*

I used to think playing a musical instrument was boring. Unlike my friends who were part of
the school band, I preferred spending my free time outdoors, playing sports or reading books.
My parents, who were both musicians, tried to convince me to take up an instrument, but I
was never interested.

It wasn't until I attended a concert at my school that something clicked. The energy of the live
performance and the skill of the musicians amazed me. I started to develop an interest in
music, although I still hesitated to join any music classes.

Fast forward to my first year of high school, where a classmate invited me to join the school's
music club. At first, I was unsure, but the idea of learning with someone I knew appealed to
me. We had occasionally played around with instruments together, making it feel like a natural
step to join the club.

That was two years ago. Now, I play the guitar regularly and even compose my own music. I
find joy in helping newcomers in the music club, and my teacher encourages me to consider
participating in local music competitions.

**A1. Choose the correct option according to the text.**

1. What does the person say about their parents?

a- They were both musicians.

b- They didn't like music.

c- They played sports together.

2. When the person was younger

a- they joined the school band.

b- they preferred outdoor activities.

c- they spent all their time reading.

3. When the person attended high school

a- they hesitated to join the music club.

b- they immediately joined the school band.

c- they started their own music club.

4. Why did the person decide to join the music club?

a- They had someone to go with.

b- They knew someone who was already in the club.

c- They didn't like playing instruments at home.

5. What does the person say about music?

a- They find it boring.

b- They compose their own music.

c- They prefer reading about it.

B **Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Choose from Present
Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Will/Going to, 1st
Conditional, or 2nd Conditional.**

1. I don't know if Rachel **(attend)** the meeting. She **(not/receive)** the agenda yet.

2. Last year, Emily **(travel)** to Paris, but she **(never/be)** to London.

3. By this time next week, Sarah **(complete)** her project. She **(work)** on it for months.

4. If I **(know)** you were coming, I **(bake)** a cake.

5. We usually **(go)** to the beach in the summer, but this year we **(plan)** a mountain
hiking trip.

6. I'm sorry, I **(not/mean)** to interrupt. Please continue.

7. John **(finish)** his homework before he **(go)** out with his friends last night.

8. If it **(rain)** tomorrow, we **(stay)** indoors and play board games.

9. By the time Jenny **(arrive)** at the party, everyone else **(already/leave)**.

10. They **(buy)** a new car next year because their old one **(break down)** frequently.

C. phrasal verbs:

- After years of being together, Sarah and Mark decided to **break _______** last month.

- The deadline to **hand ____________** the project is tomorrow, so make sure it's ready.

- Sarah is a fast runner; it's hard for others to **keep ______ ______** her pace.

- After working hard for several years, Jack finally had the opportunity to **move -______
_____** a managerial position.

- It's not easy to **get _______** a prestigious university, but Jenny worked hard and

- Learning how to **cope _________** criticism is an essential skill for personal and
professional growth.

- The students had to **line_________** outside the auditorium before the school

D. word formation

Certainly! Here's a word formation exercise similar to the example you provided:

**Word Formation Exercise:**

1. She decided to be more ________________ in her choices, making decisions based on her
own values and beliefs. (DEPEND)

2. It's crucial to avoid ________________ behavior in both personal and professional

relationships. (HONEST)

3. The speaker's ________________ remarks offended many in the audience. (POLITE)

4. The new policy proved to be ________________ among employees, as it limited their

flexibility. (POPULARITY)
5. Taking on the role of team leader requires being ________________ and making thoughtful

6. His ________________ attitude towards others made it challenging for people to connect
with him. (SENSITIVE)

7. The hikers chose a ________________ path, avoiding any risky or dangerous terrain.

8. The CEO's ________________ decision led to financial losses for the company. (WISE)


F- transformacion:


Make an object question and a subject question.

1. The car is in the garage.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

2. Julie loves ice-cream.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

3. The food was on the table.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

4. The student is from Colombia.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

5. David has lost his wallet.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

6. Luke read the textbook.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________

7. The caterpillar became a butterfly.

Object question: _____________________________________________________________

Subject question: _____________________________________________________________


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