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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English 1

I. Objectives

At the end of within 30 minutes class, the pupils are expected to:

a. identify the action words being used in a sentence,

b. share in the class the importance of using action words in our daily lives; and
c. perform different example of action words.

II. Subject Matter

1. Topic : Action Word

2. References : English Curriculum Guide 1
3. Author : Benita N. Miranda
4. Materials : laptop, powerPoint presentation, visual Aid, and scotch
5. Valuing : Cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

May I request everyone to please

Sammer, kindly lead the prayer please.

Ok teacher.
Classmates are you ready to pray?
Yes, we are!
Let us pray!

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be

Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. AMEN
Thank you, Sammer.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

How are you this morning class? We’re great teacher.

I’m glad to hear that you’re all doing


By the way, I am your teacher in

ENGLISH for today. My name is Theresa
Faye Oliquino and you can call me teacher
Faye for short. Okay teacher Faye.

3. Checking of Attendance

Okay, before we check the attendance, try

to look outside. Do you know what is the
weather today? Our weather today is sunny day!

Very good! So now, let us check who are

present this morning. Let’s start with the girls.
All of us are present today!

Wow, that is good! Let’s give three claps

for girls.
1,2,3 (clap)
How about for boys? Who are present
this morning?
All of us are present today too, teacher!
Very good! Let’s also give three claps for
the boys.
1,2,3 (clap)
4. Setting of Standard

Before we start to our new lesson, let us

recall first our classroom rules. Everybody
repeat after me.
1. Always be kind.
1. Always be kind.
2. Listen to your teacher.
2. Listen to your teacher.
3. Listen when someone is talking.
3. Listen when someone is talking.
4. Raise your hands before you speak.
4. Raise your hands before you speak.
I hope that everyone will follow our
classroom rules for us to have a smooth
discussion. Am I understood?
Yes, teacher!
Very good!

5. Drill

This morning we will have a new lesson

but before that, let us sing first an action song
entitle “Walking walking”

Everyone please stand!

Are you ready class?

Okay, let us start now! Yes, teacher!

(Showing the video)
(Pupils are participating)
Did you enjoy class?
Yes, teacher!
That is really good to hear class! Because of
that let’s give everyone a Mcdo clap for

1,2,3 (clap)
6. Review

So last meeting you’ve learned about what

lesson class? We learned about Rhyming words, teacher.

Very good! Again, what is a rhyming word? Rhyming words teacher has the same
Very good! Rhyming words are two or
more words that has the same ending sound.

For example:

Are these rhyming words class?

How about this one. Top-Fit, is this an

example of rhyming word? Yes, teacher!

Very good everyone! It seems some of you

already know what is rhyming and non- No, teacher!
rhyming words.

7. Motivation

Now class, I brought here with me my

friend because she wants to see you.

Do you want to see my friend?

Okay. This is my friend.

Yes, teacher.

Do you know her?

Who is she? Yes, teacher!

Yes, you’re right. My friend is Dora and she She is Dora, teacher.
want to play with you this morning.

When Dora said “shake your hand” you will

shake it. Am I understood?

(The teacher will begin the game “Dora

said”) Yes, teacher!
1. Shake your hands

2. Jump your feet

(The pupils shake their hands)
3. Raise your hands
(The pupils will jump)
4. Clap your hands
(The pupils will raise their hands)

(The pupils will clap their hands)

(The pupils will sit down)

5. Sit down

Very good everyone!

B. Developmental Activity

We shake our hands, teacher!

1. Presentation of the Lesson

We jump, teacher!

No, teacher.

Action words - are words that express an


Yes, teacher.
Alright class, what are the things we did a
while ago? Can you identify one?

Very good! What else?

Very good! Our lesson this morning is all Planting, teacher!

about Action Words.

2. Discussion

Do you know class that the actions we did a

while ago are the so called “Action words or
Verb”? Washing dishes, teacher!

Okay. Everyone repeat after me.

Action words – are words that express an

Now, I will show you some picture and all

you have to do is to identify what is in the Sweeping the floor, teacher!
picture. Is that understood class?

Very good! Let us start now. What is the

boy doing?

Praying, teacher!

Very good! Next, what is the girl doing?

Running, teacher!

Very good! This

one ?
Crying, teacher.

Very good!

This one, what are they doing?

Very good! Next

picture, what is the boy doing? Yes, teacher!

Writing, teacher!

Very good! And the

last one.

Eat, teacher.

Very good class! So, these are some

example of action words.

3. Enrichment Activities
Yes, teacher!

This time we will have an activity. I will

read a sentence and all you have to do is to
identify the action words in the sentence.
Watching, teacher!

Very good! Are you ready?

1. The girl is writing on the paper.

1,2,3 (Jollibee clap)

Who can tell me what is the action words in
the sentence?

Very good! Writing is the action word in the

It is all about action words, teacher!
2. I eat quickly.
What is the action word?
Running and eating, teacher.
Yes, you’re right! Eat is the action word.
Jumping and drinking, teacher!
3. Ethan is drinking water.
What is the action word?

4. Sophia’s father is watching a news. So, we can describe the things that we do,
What is the action word? teacher.

Very good everyone! all of you got the

correct answers and because of that let us do a
Jollibee clap for everyone.

4. Generalization

So again class, what is our lesson today? Yes, teacher!

Very good! Can someone give an example No, teacher!

of action word?

Very good! What else?

Very good answers! Okay, for you class

why learning action words are important?

Brilliant answer! Learning action words is

very important to our everyday lives because
they allow us to tell things that we have

Do you understand class?

Do you have any clarification?

Okay. If none, let us proceed to our next Yes, teacher!

5. Application

This time we will have an activity. I will (Group 1 demonstrate running)

divide the class into 4 groups.

Direction: When I ask each group a

question, you will demonstrate the action 1,2,3,4,5 (clap)
words. For example, I will ask group 1, What
will you do if you are hungry? Then they will
demonstrate "eating,” or they will act out the (Group 2 demonstrate drinking)
words eating here in front.

Is my instruction clear class? 1,2,3,4,5 (clap)

Very good! Let’s start now!

Okay, group 1 come here in front.
(Group 3 demonstrate swimming)
1st question: what will you do if you see a
1,2,3,4,5 (clap)
Good job group 1! Let us give them five

Next group 2: what will you do when you

are thirsty?
(Group 4 demonstrate dancing or singing)

Good job group 2! Let us give them five

claps. 1,2,3,4,5 (clap)

Come here group 3: what will you do when Yes, teacher!

you go to the beach?

Good job group 3! Let us give them five

claps also.

And the last group is the group 4, please

come to the front.

Here is the question: what will you do when

you hear a music?

Very good group 4! Let us give five claps to

group 4.

Do you enjoy class our fun activity?

Glad to hear that class!

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

Direction: Make at least 5 simple sentence using action words.

Example: Mike is drinking water.

Pareja Integrated School

A Detailed Lesson Plan in
English 1

Submitted by:

Theresa Faye O. Oliquino

Practice Teacher

Submitted to:

Ms. Claris J. Bautista

Cooperating Teacher

April 8, 2024

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