SiMO Welcome To Slovenia

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Welcome to Slovenia!


Hello and welcome to our SiMO community!
It's our great pleasure to welcome you to Slovenia!
We will try to satisfy your needs in the best possible way. As you’re just beginning
with the new experience, you have to know that the first days are filled with new
information so we ask you to remain patient; get used to the new country, different
culture, your workplace and in general to your new ‘’home’’ for a couple of months.

We are sure that it will be a unique experience for you.

Make the most from it, make it positive!

SiMO team is here for you if you will need anything!

Have a pleasant stay in our lovely city, Maribor!

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns

you into a storyteller.''

Important informations

+386 41 626 252 (Žana)

+386 41 280 892 (Miha)
How to get around
Bus services

City bus transport

You can check the arrival of the city buses on the mobile app

Android APP iOS APP

The internal bus transport is very well organized and inexpensive.

International buses drive every day to and from different European cities.

Train station
Center, 2000 Maribor

Phone: +386 2 707 1212 Android APP iOS APP

Useful phone numbers

Slovene country code: +386 or 00386
Slovene exit code: 00
Police: 113
Fire brigade: 112
Emergency first aid: 112
Road assistance: 1987
The citezens of EU Member States can come ro Slovenia with the European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC). EHIC makes it possible to obtain emergency treatment or
necessary medical services from medical practitioners and dentists in public
health care institutions, as well as from private practitioners having contractual
agreements with the health Insurance Institute of Slovenia-HIIS (Zavod za
zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije - ZZZS).
If you have to pay for health services in Slovenia, you will be reimbursed when you
return home. the card (EHIC) covers all necessary medical care to allow you to
continue your stay in Slovenia.
For citizens of other countries, before arriving in Slovenia it is the best to make
international travel insurance, including health insurance. General travel
insurance is also recommended.

Map of Maribor
Speaking Slovene
Yes Ja
No Ne
Maybe Mogoče
That's great! Kul!
Good morning Dobro jutro
Good afternoon Dober dan
Good evening Dober večer
Goodbye Nasvidenje
Good night Lahko noč
Hello Zdravo/Živijo
Of course Seveda
Excuse me Oprostite
Please Prosim
Thank you Hvala
What's your name? Kato ti je ime?(familiar)/Kako vam je ime?(formal)
My name is Ime mi je
I come from Sem iz/Prihajam iz
How are you? Kako si?(familiar)/Kako ste?(formal)
Excuse me, How can I reach Oprostite, kako pridem do
I don't understand Ne razumem
I don't know Ne vem
Cheers! Na zdravje!
Shop Trgovina
Train Vlak
Trian station Železniska postaja
Bus Avtobus
Bus station Avtobusna postaja
Post office Pošta
Breakfast Zajtrk
Lunch Kosilo
Dinner Večerja
Bread Kruh
Milk Mleko
Water Voda
Coffee Kava
Tea Čaj
juice Sok
Beer Pivo
Wine Vino
Meat Meso
Vegetable Zelenjava
Fruit Sadje
Traveling outside of
When you travel outside of Maribor, you can go by train, bus
or even by plane. You can find the bus and the train station in
the center of Maribor, both are quite cheap.

By air
Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, 20 km from the centre of
Ljubljana, has good connections with other European airports.
Airport shuttle buses take passengers to the centre of town.

By train
Maribor has good railway links with all large European cities.
The railway station is in the center of Maribor. Train travel
within Slovenia is very convenient and inexpensive.
I feel Slovenia
1 and 2 January New Year’s Day

8 February Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday

17 April Easter

18 April Easter Monday

27 April Day of Uprising against Occupation

1 and 2 May May Day Holiday

8 June Primož Trubar Day

25 June Statehood Day

15 August Assumption Day

Day of Slovenes in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother

17 August

Day of Restoration of the Primorska Region to the

15 September

23 September Slovenian Sports Day

25 October Sovereignty Day

31 October Reformation Day

1 November All Saints Day

23 November Rudolf Maister Day

25 December Christmas

26 December Independence and Unity Day

Facts about Slovenia

Full name: Republic of Slovenia
Capital: Ljubljana
National flag:
National Anthem: based on "Zdravljica", a poem by France Prešeren, set
to music by Stanko Premrl
Official language: Slovene (Recognised regional languages: Italian and
Neighbouring countries: Austria, Italy, Hungary, Croatia
Currency: Euro (€) (EUR)
Population: 2,108,708
Highest mountain: Triglav, 2,864 m
Phone dial code: +386 / 00386
Internet domain: .si
Time zone: Central European Time GMT+1
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