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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17(Suppl 2): 45-50

Specific 13C functional pathways as diagnostic

targets in gastroenterology breath-tests:
tricks for a correct interpretation
Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Division, School of Medicine,
Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, Polyclinic “A. Gemelli”, Rome, Italy

Abstract. Breath tests are non-invasive, non- starting from the administration of a specific sub-
radioactive, safe, simple and effective tests able strate. Several substrates may be used for the
to determine significant metabolic alterations due purpose, although the most important in clinical
to specific diseases or lack of specific enzymes.
Carbon isotope 13C, the stable-non radioactive practice remain H2 and 13C.
isotope of carbon, is the most used substrate in Carbon isotope breath test have been devel-
breath testing, in which 13C/12C ratio is measured oped three to four decades ago for testing specific
and expressed as a delta value, a differences be- patterns in pancreatic and hepatic metabolism.
tween readings and a fixed standard. 13C/12C ratio The first breath test introduced in clinical practice
is measured with isotope ratio mass spectrome- used medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) trioc-
try or non-dispersive isotope-selective infrared
spectrometer and generally there is a good agree-
tanoate-1-14C4 for studying steatorrhea. In normal
ment between these techniques in the isotope ra- subjects, MCTs passively diffuse from the GI
tio estimation. 13C/12C ratio can be expressed as tract to the portal system without requirement for
static measurement (like delta over baseline in modification and are metabolized by liver with
urea breath test) or as dynamic measurement as production of 14C-carbon dioxide that is eliminat-
percent dose recovery, but more dosages are ed by lungs. In subjects with steatorrhea there
necessary. 13C Breath-tests are involved in many was lower production of 14C-carbon dioxide1.
fields of interest within gastroenterology, such as
detection of Helicobacter pylori infection, study
C breath tests were good models for studying
of gastric emptying, assessment of liver and ex- metabolic pathways and develop correct mathe-
ocrine pancreatic functions, determination of oro- matical algorithm, but this isotope cannot be used
caecal transit time, evaluation of absorption and routinely in clinical practice due to its radioactiv-
to a lesser extend detection of bacterial over- ity, with decaying with a half-life of about 5,730
growth. The use of every single test in a clinical years. More recently, 13C was introduced in gas-
setting is vary depending on accuracy and sub-
strate costs.
troenterology and suddenly became more utilized
This review is meant to present 13C the mean- until substituting almost completely 14C.
ing of 13C/12C ratio and static and dynamic mea- Although since the beginning the importance
sure and, finally, the instruments dedicated to of 13C utilization in functional pathways in gas-
its use in gastroenterology. troenterology was clear, the relevance of 13C
A brief presentation of 13C breath tests in breath testing was consolidated when 13C urea
gastroenterology is also provided. breath test was utilized for diagnosing Heli-
cobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection.
C/12C ratio, C13 hysotope, Mass spectroscopy, In- 13
C isotope in human
frared spectroscopy breath test.
and in external environment
Carbon is the most diffused element in living
organisms, plants and animals. It is a non-metallic
chemical element, tetravalent, making four elec-
trons available to form covalent chemical bonds. In

Breath-tests are based on the collection of the human body, carbon is the second most abun-
breathed air samples at certain time intervals, dant element by mass (about 18,5%) after oxygen,

Corresponding Author: Franco Scaldaferri, MD, Ph.D; e-mail: 45

M. Pizzoferrato, F. Del Zompo, F. Mangiola, L.R. Lopetuso, V. Petito

but the main element found in organic compound: halation. The timing and the quantity of breathed
in sugars, chitins, alcohols and fats it is conjugated 13
C distribution is helpful for discrimination of
with oxygen and hydrogen, in proteins it is conju- pathological conditions, because they may reflect
gated with nitrogen and sulfur while in nucleic the alteration of a specific metabolic pathway; the
acids (DNA and RNA) with phosphorus. time production and the quantity of 13C labeled
Carbon exists in nature in few isotopic forms; carbon dioxide in exhalation is determined by the
the most widespread forms are 12C, 13C and 14C cleavage of the substrate in GI lumen, the trans-
isotopes. While 14C is instable radioactive isotope, port processes and the enzymatic degradation. Al-
with a half time decay of 5730 years, only 12C and terations in each of these points can modify the
C are stable forms. Most of the carbon is 12C concentration of 13C carbon dioxide in the exhala-
(98.98%), with 1.11% being 13C. These isotopes tion and alter the usual 13C-12C ratio. For example,
are unevenly diffused among the different com- in Urea Breath test, the difference between DOB
pounds deriving, for instance from different re- at baseline and DOB following external 13C urea
gions or part of the world, and this isotopic distri- administration, is considered positive in case of
bution can reveal information about chemical, differences among the two values of 2.5 or 3.5 or
physical and metabolic processes during carbon 5, depending on the protocol utilized.
transformation. Several data demonstrated that Tracer could be detected and expressed as sta-
C is diffused in a higher quantity in carbonates tic or dynamic variable. In the first case it’s con-
and plants (corn and cane sugar), while it is ab- sidered simply the delta over baseline, like in
sent in fossil fuels. In the human body the pool of urea breath test. In the second case 13C/12C can be
C is approximately 2 g/kg body weight and up expressed as recovery rate per hour or percent
to 25 mg/kg are additionally ingested every day. dose recovery and more than 2 dosages are nec-
essary and special algorithms are used.
Moreover, in order to get accurate results,
Meaning of 13C/12C iso-type ratio measurement or estimation of basal 13C value is
and its application in breath testing recommended. This value is usually approximat-
Because the 13C and 12C are stable isotopes, the ed to 300 mmol CO2/m2 bsa/h and is potentially
information inherent in the 13C/12C ratio is invari- influenced by any condition able to alter endoge-
ant as long as carbon is not lost, but its variation is nous CO2 production or excretion. Hence, breath-
the consequence of isotope effects expressed dur- test results may be affected by several conditions
ing the formation and destruction of chemical including fever, physical exercise, respiratory dis-
bonds involving carbon atoms, that are affected by eases, food ingestion and dys-thyroidisms. More-
atomic mass. 13C/12C ratio indicates the propor- over, 13C recovery is never complete as a substan-
tions of the two different isotopes in a specific tial amount of tracer is retained in the carbon pool
compound or in a specific metabolic flow, and this of the body. Therefore, 13C breath test analysis is
difference is expressed with a Delta, a value given a semi-quantitative diagnostic tool.
in parts per thousand or per million. Delta value
does not express absolute isotope abundance but C/12C ratio detection
the difference between sample readings and one of

and available technologies

the widely used natural abundance standards Breath samples are analyzed by high-resolution
which are considered delta = zero. The common mass spectrometers, which are able to measure the
reference for delta 13C was obtained from Belem- slight mass difference of one neutron between 13C-
nitella Americana, a genus of belemnite from the labelled carbon dioxide and the naturally most
late cretaceous of Europe and North America, that common carbon dioxide with the carbon isotope
has the higher 13C/12C ratio than nearly all other 12
C, on the base of different light absorbance be-
natural carbon-based substances. For convenience tween the two isotopes. The precision of high reso-
it is assigned a delta 13C value of zero, giving oth- lution mass spectrometers is very high, so very low
er samples negative delta values. isotopic quantity can be detected, thus, permitting
C breath-tests are based on a 13C-labelled the use of small samples of exhaled air; however,
substrate, specifically designed for a gateway en- mass spectrometers are highly expensive, they
zyme in a specific metabolic pathway. The have relatively long analysis time and they require
turnover of the substrate can be measured by con- well trained personnel for their use.
trolling the unidirectional decomposition to 13C-la- Core elements for mass spectroscopy are the
belled carbon dioxide, that can be found in the ex- ion source, the magnet chamber and the detector.

Specific 13C functional pathways as diagnostic targets in gastroenterology breath-tests

Table I. Main clinical indication for 13C breath tests and their description.

Indication Substrate Substrate Static/ Clinical Diagnostic

costs Dynamic importance alternative

Helicobacter 13
C-urea Low Static High Fecal antigen test, histology,
pylori rapid urease test, culture,
infection serum antibodies
Gastric 13
C-octanoate Low Dynamic High Scintigraphy
emptying – 13
C-spirulina High
solid phases
Gastric 13
C-acetate Low Dynamic Moderate Scintigraphy
emptying – 13
C-glycine Low
liquid phases
Liver function 13
C-aminopyrine Moderate Dynamic Moderate Clinical scores, MEGX-test,
C-methacetin Low Static/Dynamic Galactose elimination
C-galactose High Dynamic capacity, Indocyanine green
C-phenacetin Moderate Dynamic retention test
C-phenylalanine Moderate Dynamic
C-erythromycine High Static
C-caffein High Dynamic
C-methionine High Static
acid Moderate Dynamic
C-octanoic acid Low Dynamic
Exocrine 13
C-mixed Moderate Dynamic Low Secretin pancreozymin test,
pancreatic triglycerides faecal fat analysis,
function faecal elastase
C-triolein High Dynamic
C-trioctanoin Moderate Dynamic
C-tripalmitin High Dynamic
C-hiolein High Dynamic
octanoate High Dynamic
C-protein High Dynamic
C-starch Low Dynamic
Absorption 13
C-palmitic acid High Dynamic Very low Faecal fat
C-olein High Dynamic
C-protein High Dynamic
Orocoecal 13
C-lactosoureide High Dynamic Low Lactulose and inuline
transit H2 breath test, scintigraphy
Carbohydrate 13
C-lactose High Very low H2 breath tests, measurement
assimilation 13
C-fructose Moderate of enzyme activity in
C-glucose Moderate the duodenal biopsy
C-starch Low
C-saccharose High
Bacterial 13
C-glycocholate High Low Glucose H2 breath test,
overgrowth 13
C-xylose High microbiological culture
from jejunal aspirate

The first element is the ion source, which is the Although the capability of mass spectrometry
chamber where gases become ionized and then in measuring the difference of one neutron be-
pushed into the magnet chamber. Magnet cham- tween 12C and 13C, the introduction of infrared
ber, which is kept with vacuum, is the place where technologies (non-dispersive isotope selected in-
ions are separated in order to be able to reach the frared spectrometers, NDIRS), based on the use
sensor according to each ion weight mass. of photo-acoustic detectors, made this goal
Usually, measures from a mass spectroscopy cheaper with adequate accuracy.
display standard deviation of only 0.1-0.2‰ of The ability of photo-acoustic detectors, in
delta values. fact, is that of being able to measure variation in

M. Pizzoferrato, F. Del Zompo, F. Mangiola, L.R. Lopetuso, V. Petito

Figure 1. Schematic representation of Delta from different products from soil, plants, food or air.

the absorbance of the light through different breath test is probably the best known, best stan-
combination of circuits using standard gases. The dardised and most widely used breath test; the non-
measure is, therefore, not depending directly on invasiveness of this breath test results in a high ac-
mass weight like for mass spectroscopy. It is ceptance in patients. The easy execution and the
easy to understand that in this case standard devi- safety of this test make it also applicable for prima-
ation for measures coming from infrared based ry testing in adult, young and paediatric patients.
spectrometer is usually 0.2-0.3‰ of delta values. Moreover, multiple studies and a meta-analysis in-
Operating and handling of NDIRS is easy, even cluding more than 3500 patients demonstrated ex-
for non-experienced users. This enables not only cellent sensitivity (95%) and specificity (>95%)
the performance, but also the diffusion of 13C- compared to histology and faecal test; so 13C urea
breath tests in primary care settings. Generally, breath test remains a cornerstone in diagnosis and
there is a good agreement between mass spec- control of H. pylori infection4,5. The 13C urea breath
troscopy and infrared-based technology, for 13C/12C test is based on the action of bacterial enzyme ure-
ratio estimate, particularly for Urea breath test2,3. ase: in subjects affected by Helicobacter infection
For dynamic tests, however, and when a major pre- 13
C-urea is hydrolyzed by the bacterial urease activ-
cision of the parameter is required, the real validity ity to ammonia and 13C-labelled carbon dioxide,
of infrared instrument needs to be checked accord- that is eliminated by lungs, therefore an increase of
ing to protocol of validation of the given test. 13
CO2 in breath appearing 30 min after drinking a
test solution containing 75-100 or 125 mg 13C-urea
reliably detects H. pylori infection. Since the first
description by Graham et al6 who performed 13C-
Urea breath test with a test meal containing 350 mg
Clinical applications in gastroenterology
C Breath-tests are involved in many fields urea, doses have been gradually reduced until the
of interest within gastroenterology, such as de- standard of 100 mg or 75 mg or less.
tection of H. pylori infection, study of gastric Urea breath tests is the only available test us-
emptying, assessment of liver and exocrine pan- ing a well defined metabolic pathway determined
creatic functions, determination of orocaecal by the presence of urease, a key enzyme utilized
transit time, evaluation of absorption and to a by Helicobacter to survive in the stomach.
lesser extend detection of bacterial overgrowth. Other breath tests, as they are more related to
The use of a single test in a clinical setting digestion or metabolic functions of the host
varies depending on accuracy and substrate costs. rather than a single chemical reaction, require a
Among the breath tests utilizing a single differ- longer observation period as they are more influ-
ence measurement of 13C/12C ratio, there is the urea enced by time and concomitant factors. That is
breath test for diagnosing H. pylori, the first cause the reason while “dynamic” measures have been
of peptic ulcer disease and dyspepsia. The 13C-urea adapted to synthetize complex phenomena.

Specific 13C functional pathways as diagnostic targets in gastroenterology breath-tests

C-octanoate and 13C-acetate are the most used ence of valid intra-luminal lipolysis, the free fat-
substrate in breath testing, respectively used to la- ty acids or monoglycerides can be absorbed and
bel solid and liquid components of test meals and oxidized to produce 13C carbon dioxide.
they represent the main trace element for gastric Sensitivity and specificity of the mixed
emptying. 13C-octanoic acid is mixed into egg triglyceride breath test compared to the stimulat-
yolk and baken and when this compound has ed lipase output in the pancreocymin test is 89%,
passed the pylorus together with the ingested food, respectively 81% 10-12. 13C-labelled starch is a
the 13C middle chain fatty acid is rapidly absorbed good substrate for amylase. But the 13C-starch
in duodenum and jejunum and is oxidised to 13C- breath test is not very sensitive because can be
labelled carbon dioxide, eliminated by lungs. influenced by other pathologies characterized by
Main clinical indications for gastric emptying alteration of amylase; while a 13C-protein breath
breath test are functional dyspepsia and autonomic test based on chicken egg white has been de-
diabetic neuropathy. Simultaneous labelling of scribed for testing the activity of trypsine13-15.
solid and liquid phases, though could be done in If breath tests are valid methods for evaluate
nuclear medicine, is possible in breath-testing on- pancreatic function, the costs of the substrates,
ly with the addition of 14C, whose clinical use is the high time expenditure and the lack of stan-
obsolete because of its long half-time decay7. dardization limit the utilization and the diffusion
C breath tests can be used to study liver in clinical settings.
function: they are non invasive tests that quanti- 13
C breath tests can be used also in the mea-
ties the residual liver function in patients with sure of oro-caecal transit time. For example 13C
chronic hepatopaties, from minimal stages up to lactose has proven to be a valid marker to evalu-
liver cirrhosis. Several substrates have been pro- ate oro-caecal transit time: it resists the action of
posed but the most used in clinical practice are intestinal enzymes and it is metabolized by
methacetin and aminopyrine8,9. colonic microflora in the cecum. The valuation
Most hepatic breath tests measure the micro- of time from ingestion of the 13C labeled sub-
somal dealcylation of 13C-labelled substrates and strate to the first increase in breath 13C/12C ratio
the cytochrome P450 dependent enzymatic sys- indicates the oro-caecal transit time.
tem. The cleaved methyl group is oxidized to
formic acid, which enters the Carbon-pool, and is
finally exhaled as carbon dioxide. Moreover, the
measure of 13C labeled carbon dioxide is propor- Carbon isotope 13C is a stable non-radioactive
tional to liver enzymatic system integrity. isotope of carbon naturally present in nature. The
Another application of 13C breath testing in- study of 13C/12C ratio is able to detect differences
volves the study of pancreatic activity. The se- in compounds with different origin. In human bi-
cretin pancreozymin test is the most accurate of ology 13C/12C ratio could be studied for several
the pancreatic exocrine function tests, but it is in- applications, although the one that resulted in the
vasive as it requires duodenal intubation and hor- greatest success was for the detection of Heli-
monal stimulation of the pancreas, while fecal cobacter pylori infection.
analysis of fat, fecal elastase or chymptrypsine Among 13C breath tests, urea breath test is de-
are more practicable, but less sensitive to detect pending mostly by one metabolic pathway and for
early stages of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. this reason it presents the highest sensibility and
C breath test with 13C labeled triglycerides, specificity. Other breath tests, as they are influenced
cholesterol and proteins can be used as indirect by many physiological functions like digestion and
and non invasive tests for evaluate pancreatic ex- adsorption, need more measurements and display
otic function. These valid substrates of pancreatic different degree of specificity and sensibility.
enzymes are metabolized in the duodenum under Finally most of C13 products rather then urea
physiological conditions, they are easily ab- breath tests, are still missing a clear classification of
sorbed by mucosal wall and metabolized in the their status: they are not registered as drugs and not
liver cells with production of 13C labelled carbon like food supplements.
dioxide, excreted by lungs. Low 13C/12C ratio in 13
C breath tests are interesting tools in gas-
expired air indicate a not completed digestion of troenterology and probably, besides urea breath
marked substrates due to impaired pancreatic se- allow test, they require a major interest in order
cretion. The triglycerides are 13C-labelled at the to let them answering questions still un-answered
carboxy group of the fatty acids. Only in pres- in clinical practice.

M. Pizzoferrato, F. Del Zompo, F. Mangiola, L.R. Lopetuso, V. Petito


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The Authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-

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