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Albert Panganiban ART APPRECIATION


The City of Malabon, a historic and culturally rich locale in the Philippines, has always been
a beacon of quality education and excellence in service. As a student of City Malabon
University (CMU), I am privileged to be part of this legacy, and it is my duty to uphold and
apply these principles in my academic journey.

Malabon's commitment to quality education is evident in its investment in institutions like

CMU. The university’s curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and
knowledge to excel in their chosen fields. As a CMU student, I am committed to making the
most out of this opportunity. I strive to excel not only in academics but also in other aspects
of my university life. I participate in various extracurricular activities, which helps me develop
leadership skills and a sense of community.

Excellence in service is another cornerstone of Malabon's legacy. The city is known for its
warm and hospitable people who are always ready to lend a helping hand. As a CMU
student, I embody this by being of service to my fellow students and the community. I
volunteer in university-led community outreach programs and use my skills and knowledge
to contribute to the city's development.

Moreover, I believe that the pursuit of excellence and quality education should not be
confined within the university walls. I strive to apply these principles in my daily life. I am
conscientious of my actions, knowing that they reflect the values I learned from CMU and the
City of Malabon. I treat others with respect and kindness, understanding that excellent
service starts with how we treat people around us.

Furthermore, I understand that quality education is not just about gaining knowledge but also
about learning to apply this knowledge in real-life situations. I take every opportunity to apply
what I learn in the classroom to solve problems and make a positive impact in my

being a CMU student in the City of Malabon means carrying the legacy of quality education
and excellent service. It is about striving for excellence in everything I do, using my
education to contribute to my community, and treating everyone with kindness and respect.
As I continue my journey in CMU, I am committed to upholding this legacy and making my
city proud.

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