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“eject of Madetias ot Weornks of Deformore Boaics qqody forces ccting on votes (ot rigid aie SHaties of ghd Bodies Gnd Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Reference * sjergyh_ of Ferdinond Singer + wearontes oF Moberidts oy tivoeter Matenais vy Andren yet and Saenple Stress, ny simple Stes + umfarmiy aisyrvares tout for: = uniform distrivutken. from poiat 4 to pein 2 _consrant area Homogencous material 6-9, iF lumiqum, ajumnum are a materials used 10 @ problem: Types of simple. Stress 1. ermal sires sa stress 2+ sheating Stes) 2° bearing stress, "general. foreman for simgie stress. Os stress, Po s orcay A. Axial Stiess_, 0 (nermnat sxness)__ 7 16.0 force qetiag petpendicula? to ne area. perensior forma: ot Te types oF moreno est 4 campresut acess, Be ea svsin o_o. Forenato: 6. + te — ‘ Pee corpse fie N Prampressine S189 shorters 47 mail incces - compress se 80 M orca_ym* 2 Kemsite stress, Or GP NOG 4 Remy sO forma ete ots Oy tenstie cers) Pe Rope tense fue ho ora amt |b romaqeneeus $80 Lg var AB is supatas — #MATO 7 4) ‘ether of by 2 GEE. CAULUIOE Tae semaest w(o)- P0007 £0 orca & cach COVE IF Ane Ses6 8 OH coecedtd 980 N (5m) - PoClom =O ps OMEN + Sut 0% P52 92H N Gompa im brome ond 100 MpA in. steel Figure from eq. fe 1848 = Ps rps (1848-2428 JN P57 3924N selee now for Ap jy 2k vP aono'ps > = Giver Wr Sooty 100 ST THkEN O51 doripa 7 URE = "a0 x10 Re jan’ to 6 + ovipa Aes + 100.4108 pa Soe for! Ap ond As soli FBP of Bor Ab for_steel cable say gr Ee Ayr Daz loo xio"ta x = - As * 3.928 x10 Spx x Demme o wx an AS” 39.24 mm’, eee rer! Ap? area of bronze cable)” Ye> five in_prenae cite». Oy + stress in bronte@Mie, * saive for Po and Ps. First. {suming fe har_15_inequillbums Fiyto Potts WN Perf WHEN _-e4' Exompre 2 ar section 1 apo . 2p OeAn = JCOBRS pa ™ @ 2 z T 1 P= 10000N ' Testing? + TF P=10 OW ,ynen Og = ooMRa! JooNpa * 100g Y (epdition MUS We s< Wotna fs 258 65 Ey pets ston, 05 5 FE pee EM vat » tf Pe WOVON , O,*? BE 1 5 (\9000m) Ss hs “too © [oo Mea Loo tiga < \4OMea V oy Condition RAT VE TERT OOO, Op’ By. loon wsieg ep sire Tae? An from eq ty 2 > 9k, Me “An aoope “BSS, Ga? 25 Mpa 27 _Wooon, 25Mpa <100Mpa Vv” etn % P=10000N met the quatification oe cr ceeding, , Te wen » Os> 14oHRa, O-stress in Steel IMO Mpa, pluminurn OF FoHoa, HOMPa* MOMGa or Bronte oF 100 Mow cy ea Ma rTP? HOON 1 Gat (bn 4 10Hga But, Ker us test first the otter value oF P befae ve D+ oO Ms ., Ga? We condude: fre Fina ansiiee An AA QD 5 = using £42. (PA), AMIN Gp> 29 How Par Ga Laorpa VO Pas Opha Gone Ame Te onthe SY be Pa * AOBee Swe Rvs looHea PL 2 (Ro) Mea Pare? 3G000N : 2 SE, BARRON 5 Mea ‘ rower a Testing 7 TE P* D600ON, B= AV Ha a7 HO Mpa a 7 F0M—a Vv omen 140 7 WOMpA onaiticn must OE é ¥ Trp gr >e000 , Os (gs <1907 Congition 9B * 190 Mpa was mol med reject 27 180008 = SP wing gg BSE bs (300m) te. Trerefore , Sop" _ pe Prax 10 00018 ae Gs %6O Mea eoMpa 7 140 x Condition 05.140 A> Bi met reject R72 2EOON

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