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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the correct 3 Complete the sentences with words and phrases
comparative or superlative form of the adjective related to technology.
in brackets.
1 In fifty years’ time, space travel could become a
1 Technology is much more important in today’s popular holiday option for many people around the
world. It has also made the world a much smaller world.
place than it used to be. (important / small) 2 If you live in the UK and are 65 or over, your doctor
2 It’s far cheaper to fly by plane these days and it is can give you a free flu vaccionation.
also one of the safest ways to travel. 3 Communication satellites receive and send data
(cheap / safe) quickly from one place to another. They make it
3 His marks in the last test were slightly lower in possible for us to connect with people all around the
maths, but much higher in English. (low / high) world.
4 The new restaurant was a lot busier than we expected 4 Antibiotics are a powerful type of medicine that help
but now we know why. Their food was the most our bodies fight against a lot of different types of
delicious we’ve ever tasted. (busy / delicious) infection.
5 Our new car is a little bit more economical than the 5 Solar power is created from the sun’s energy and is a
last one and is also a lot easier to drive. (economical clean form of energy which produces no pollution.
/ easy) 6 One day, genetic engineering may make it possible
6 I’m not sure if this is the quickest way to get to their to design babies that are free from inherited disease.
house but it certainly is a much better one because of
the scenery. (quick / good) 5

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
There are two extra words you do not need.
2 Write the correct question tag.
argue debate inquire look into
1 You already know my brother James, don’t you? quarrel reply research wonder
2 Catherine didn’t call you last night, did she?
3 You haven’t cancelled our hotel yet, have you? 1 Do you ever wonder how humans began to create a
4 Margaret hasn’t passed her driving test, has she? spoken language with grammatical structures?
5 Richard wasn’t working in South Africa then, was 2 I watched a fascinating debate on nuclear power last
he? night on Channel Four. The arguments given by
6 Pablo’s getting the 10.30 train from Waterloo, isn’t those in favour of it and those against it really made
he? me think.
7 Susan and Michael aren’t coming to the wedding, are 3 The company said that customer services would into
they? the complaints they have had about poor service.
8 You knew I wouldn’t be able to get here early, didn’t 4 After their quarrel, my two brothers refused to talk to
you? each other. It made life at home very difficult.
9 The rest of the class will be at the concert tomorrow, 5 Why didn’t you reply to any of my text messages?
won’t they? Have I done something wrong?
10 Zhen’s already finished university, hasn’t he? 6 He’s doing research into the long-term health effects
11 The police will never tell anyone about this, will of spending hours sitting at a desk in front of a
they? computer.

10 5

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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of Function

the word in CAPITALS.
7 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c).
1 After completing his undergraduate degree in
biological sciences he decided to continue his studies 1 Could you tell me a ?
and research animal behaviour. a) what the time is
BIOLOGY b) what’s the time
2 The more he looked into the situation, the more he c) what time is it
realised how hopeless it was. There really was no 2 Could you your car for the weekend?
solution. a) borrow me
HOPE b) lend me
3 He lied when he told the doctor that the injury wasn’t c) give to me
painful. He just didn’t want to take any medication. 3 Do you know nearest garage is?
PAIN a) where is the
4 Her house was so messy that we decided to help her b) where
tidy it up. It took most of the week but in the end, it c) where the
was worth it. 4 Would you me a taxi?
MESS a) mind to book
5 She designed a very effective system to keep b) to mind booking
a record of the overtime worked by employees at the c) mind booking
factory. 5 Could you tell me ?
EFFECT a) where the bank is
6 Please could I speak to the person who is responsible b) where is the bank
for dealing with customer complaints? c) where to get to the bank
RESPONSE 6 Do you know what time ?
a) does the bakery open
5 b) is the bakery open
c) the bakery opens
7 hold the line, please?
6 Complete the sentences using one word from Box a) Could you
A and one from Box B. b) Do you
Box A c) Would you mind
break computer memory out 8 Could you tell me who to?
strange switching a) I should speaking
b) should I speak
Box B
c) I should speak
crashed down noise off order stick
9 Do you know delayed?
a) if the plane is
1 Your car seems to break down quite often. Maybe b) when does the plane
it’s time to get a new one. c) if the plane has
2 Why does your computer keep making that strange 10 Could you this machine works?
noise? I think you need to get it sorted out. a) show me how does
3 I’m sorry sir, the lift is out of order b) show me how
at the moment. I’m afraid you’ll have to use c) show me does
the stairs. 11 Do you know to the post office?
4 Oh no! My computer has crashed again. I hope a) where to get
I haven’t lost the document I was working on. b) how to get
5 Have you tried switching it off and on again? My c) how do you get
printer often works fine after I do that.
6 I’d suggest you save a copy of that onto a memory 10
stick as a backup.
Total: 50

1 Recording 11 Listen and tick (✓) the correct

answer, a), b) or c).
1 Jo could be Native American.

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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

5% 15% 50%
3 Recording 12 Listen and answer the questions
a) b) c) ✓ below.
2 The floor stopped moving after the woman . 1 Where was the Virtual Doctors project implemented?
Rural areas (of Zambia)._________________
got dressed went outside got under the table 2 How many doctors are there in Zambia?
a) b) c)
3 Why does it often take people in rural areas
3 Laughing when stressed can make you feel . days to reach their nearest healthcare centres?

confused better satisfied 4 When did Virtual Doctors do their first telemedicine
a) b) c) trial?

4 Nate is about Jane’s first job. 5 Which college is helping the Virtual Doctors
to develop their telemedicine project?
jealous amused surprised
a) b) c) 6 What are Virtual Doctors currently working on?

5 The shop doesn’t have a .

price list computer dishwasher
a) b) c) Grammar
6 The man thinks self-parking cars are . 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
effective a waste of time too expensive 1 Do you need to set an alarm to wake you up
a) b) c) tomorrow morning? What time does your flight
leave? (leave)
5 2 It’s your own fault that you’re so tired today. You
Shouldn’t stay up so late last night watching that
2 Recording 11 Listen again and decide if the terrible film! (stay up)
following sentences are true (T) or false (F). 3 On holiday last year, I was running along the beach
when I suddenly heard someone shouting for help.
1 Jo’s family tree showed that she has distant relatives Fortunately, there was a lifeguard nearby. (run, hear)
from sub-Saharan Africa. F 4 I didn’t know how to contact my friend because I had
2 The woman followed the advice given to lost my phone and had no other way of getting in
her about what to do in an earthquake. touch with her. (not know, lost)
3 The man thinks people might be concerned 5 I know it’s hard to believe, but Jo seems to have lost
if someone started laughing when stressed. her car keys again! You haven’t seen them anywhere
4 Nate admits that he only enjoyed being a by any chance, have you?
parking attendant when the weather was (seem, not see)
good. 6 Suzanna and Christopher look absolutely terrified!
5 The customer is running out of time and Poor things! They haven’t flown in a helicopter
decides to buy the smaller dishwasher. before, have they? (fly)
6 Alice’s mum no longer needs anyone to
help her park her car. _ 5

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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

5 Correct two mistakes in each sentence.
7 Match 1–7 with a)–g).
1 When we were young we will would often be
spending spend hours playing in the woods behind 1 Children who grow up in a bilingual home e
our home. 2 Nate has always been into psychological c
2 Are Marie and Rob likely want something to eat 3 There’s going to be a vote to decide if we
when they are arriving arrive tomorrow? go on strike b
3 Alex has had been the national diving champion 4 Liz had found the exam a piece of g
twice before he was winning won his first Olympic 5 These days you have to think outside the d
gold medal. 6 Janice hates doing housework so she
4 Why is it that whenever I chose choose the shortest bought a robot vacuum a
queue in a shop, it is always slowest slower than the 7 The first time he tried to chat someone f
other ones?
5 When If Bob took practice sessions more seriously, a) cleaner that sweeps the floor for her.
he could be winning win his next game. b) over pay or find an alternative approach.
6 You know I would’ve lend lent you some money if c) thrillers and loves the mix of mystery, action and
you told me you were in trouble. horror.
d) box if you’re searching for a job with career
5 prospects.
e) can develop more than one mother tongue.
f) up was a complete failure because he was so
6 Complete the text with one word in each gap. nervous.
New words, same language g) cake, having spent weeks revising for it.
As with most languages, the English language 1 is
constantly developing as a result of changes occurring 6
around the world, particularly to do with technology
and forms of social communication. 8 Underline the correct alternative.
If you were to try and find a list of new words
from the current year, you would be likely 3 to find 1 My brother loves acting and always takes part on/in
many you have 4 never heard of, simply because school plays.
there are so many new words being created. Do you 2 I got/made on with Gina immediately. She’s such a
know, for example, what an earworm is? And has friendly and warm person, it’s impossible not to.
anyone 5 ever called you an infomaniac or said you 3 If you dropped it by chance/mistake, you should
have a tech neck? Let’s hope not. apologise.
An earworm, just 6 so you know, is a tune or song 4 Chris has said/told so many lies over the years that I
that gets stuck in your head and keeps repeating itself can’t believe a word he says.
over and over again. What about an infomaniac? 5 In the long term/time, it is hoped that scientists will
Surely you can guess this one. Well, it actually refers find a cure for all diseases.
to someone who 7 is always checking and 6 It was obvious that the class weren’t
responding to emails and text messages. I’m sure most hearing/listening so I stopped speaking until I had
people can think 8 of someone like this if they try. their attention.
And then there’s tech neck. Could you work out 9 7 Ahmet has been promoted to middle management
what that means? It’s hardly a compliment as it refers and is now in charge/run of a small team.
to the wrinkles and lines around the neck that are 8 Wendy was on the way to the airport when her car
caused by frequently looking down at phones, tablets, crashed/broke down.
etc. So, next time you meet up with a friend and 9 When was the last time you did something really
they’re 10 more interested in checking their emails embarrassing/embarrassed?
than talking to you, you could teach them 11 a few 10 We were very worried about missing/losing our jobs
new words to get the conversation started. during the economic crisis.

10 9

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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

9 Complete the words in the sentences. 11 Match gaps 1–6 in the conversation with
a)–f) below.
1 The class is showing a lot more e n t h u s iasm for
maths since the arrival of the new teacher. A: So, let’s decide when to hold the school’s charity
2 Sheila never listens to music while studying – she run. In 1 f , April would be the best month.
says she gets too dis t r a c t e d by it and it stops her B: Mmm… I’m not sure 2 d , actually. Don’t you
from being able to concentrate. remember what happened last year? Everyone was
3 A lot of people who spend hours commuting to big halfway through the race when
cities for work find it completely c there was a thunderstorm and we had to stop
ex h a u s t i n g and would prefer to live closer so it.
they don’t have to get up so early. C: That’s right! It was a complete disaster! What
4 The police gave a press conference to share the a it sometime in the summer when the
results of their recent i n v e s t i g a tion. weather is better?
5 There are fewer h o m e less people sleeping on the A: That’s a 5 e , actually. How about if we hold it
streets now there are more shelters for them. in August?
6 To avoid cultural mis u n d e r s t a n d i n g s when B: I’m 6 b won’t be practical because the children
visiting another country, it is always a good idea to will be on summer holidays. Let’s check our diaries
find out about its culture before travelling there. and see when might work…

5 a) about doing
b) afraid that
Function c) all of a sudden
10 Cross out the response that is not possible. d) that I agree
e) good point
1 If we want to move forward, we’ll have to simplify f) my opinion
our company structure.
a) What exactly do you mean? 5
b) I’m afraid I can’t.
c) I don’t get what you’re saying.
2 I really feel this issue needs further discussion. 12 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the
a) I’d have to say I agree. box. There are two phrases you do not need.
b) What did you do? ask you about fine by me have a look
c) You must be joking! should think you know you mean
3 The next thing I knew, I was lying in a hospital bed. you must you repeat
a) So what had happened?
b) Really?
1 Could you repeat the last part, please? Sorry, I didn’t
c) I see what you mean.
4 You’ll never guess what. Simon and I have got hear what time we have to meet on Friday.
engaged! 2 If we’re going to organise a party for Mum and
a) Congratulations! Dad’s anniversary, we should think carefully about
b) Exactly! the best location for it.
3 Excuse me. Do you know whether Mr Bracey
c) You’re joking!
is going to attend today’s management meeting
5 Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
a) Yes, definitely. or not?
b) Sure, go ahead. 4 Well, let me have a look at my appointments book.
c) Of course not. Mmm… I’m afraid I don’t have any free time on
6 Anyway, in the end, we had to sleep in the airport! Thursday 5th but I could fit you in on the 6th. Would
10.30a.m. work for you?
a) That’s awful!
b) You’re kidding! 5 If you need to cancel the trip this weekend, that’s fine
c) Have you? by me. We can always rearrange it for another time.
6 Do you mean to say that the bank has refused to lend
us the money we need? Whatever are we going to

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Intermediate Mid-course test (Units 1–5)

15 Complete the sentences with the words and
13 Read the article and complete the gaps with
phrases in the box. You do not need all the
paragraph headings a–f.
1 b These days, identity theft through the internet is
although by the time during
a very real danger. While some people are cautious
it’s possible that might probably
about the websites they use and the information they
until while
share, others are not.
2 c The criminals who target us know exactly what
they are looking for. They also have a very clear idea 1 I like eating organic food although it is often
of how they will use our information. The biggest quite expensive.
problem is that we don’t understand exactly what 2 She always leaves it until the last minute to revise for
information they are trying to find. Perhaps if we did, exams. She says that feeling under pressure helps her
we’d be more careful when using the internet. focus.
3 f So, what can we do to keep our identity safe 3 Most people probably couldn’t live without their
online? Well, the first piece of advice would be to mobile phones these days.
install anti-virus software on the equipment you are 4 It’s possible that Derek didn’t understand why you
using and to make sure it’s kept up-to-date. were upset with him.
4 a Second, it’s important to create new passwords 5 By the time I heard the news, it was too late.
for different websites. Never use the same one for 6 Ali listens to classical music while he’s studying as it
two sites or purposes, especially the one which helps him concentrate.
accesses your main email account.
5 e Remember also to only use secure online sites 5
when you shop online and to use public wi-fi with
extreme caution. People don’t realise that when 16 Write an essay about the advantages and
they’re using this, it is incredibly easy for hackers to disadvantages of mobile phones.
access their data. You should only use wi-fi Write 120–180 words.
hotspots* for things you don’t mind being public.
6 d So, the next time you’re about to do some online It is easy to understand why so many people use cell
banking or type in a password for a social networking phones in their daily lives. These devices offer a few
site, stop and think. Ask yourself if you really want advantages that have changed the way we
all the information you’re about to share to go public. communicate, work, learn and interact with the world
* a physical location giving wireless internet access around us. The advantages of these devices range from
communication, access to information, improved
a) Diversify access d) Remember where you are productivity in many ways and areas, to ways that
b) A modern threat e) Public vulnerability allow us to maintain our security.
c) Discriminate thieves f) Protect your equipment The disadvantages can be the misuse of social
networks, attachment to the device and to some extent
10 social isolation.

14 Read the article again. Underline True (T) or
False (F).
Total: 100
1 People are becoming more careful about
how they use the internet. T/F
2 People don’t know what these criminals
want so they don’t consider the dangers. T / F
3 Regular updates are optional if you want
to keep anti-virus software effective. T/F
4 Don’t worry if you use the same password
for a few less important sites. T/F
5 Using wi-fi hotspots will help make your
information accessible to everyone. T/F
6 It’s a good idea to always consider what
information you are sharing with everyone. T / F

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