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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Q) Why did Sir Syed support the two nation theory? [7]
Q) Why did Sir Syed wish to improve relations b/w British and Muslims? [7]
Q) Why did Sir Syed oppose Indian National Congress? [7]
Q) What was Hindi-Urdu controversy? [4]
Q) Which of the following was the most important service rendered by Sir Syed for the Muslims of the
i. Improving relations b/w British and Muslims;
ii. Political services;
iii. Educational services
Give your answer with reference to all the three above. [14]
Political Services:
Improving Relations with the British:
For British:
Ø He wrote a pamphlet “Causes of the Indian Revolt” in 1858.
Ø He wrote “Loyal Muhammadans of India” in which he explained the services of Muslims who
remained loyal to British.
Ø He explained the word “Nadarath” to be supporter of Muslims.
Ø He wrote “Tybeen-al-Kalam” in which he explained similarities between Islam & Christianity (people of
the book).
For Muslims:
Ø He asked to remain loyal to the British as they were rulers and were to stay in India for long.
Ø Muslims must learn English to acquire modern education in order to progress.
Creating Political Awareness Among Muslims:
Ø He asked Muslims not to take part in politics unless they acquire modern education, or they will be left
behind in every field by more educated Hindus.
Ø He also asked Muslims not to join INC when it was formed in 1885, for it was a Hindu dominated
Ø He was against introduction of democracy and elections in India, as it would have benefitted Hindus
Educational Services:
Ø 1859 – He set up a school in Muradabad (where both English and Urdu were taught).
Ø 1861 – He set up another school in Ghazipur (where both English and Urdu were taught).
Ø 1863 – he established Scientific Society in Ghazipur (this society would translate modern western
works into Urdu).
Ø 1866 – Aligarh institute gazette was published.
Ø 1869 – Went to England and was impressed by the educational systems of Oxford & Cambridge. He
planned to set up a modern institute on similar lines in India.
Ø 1875 – He set up Muhammadan Anglo Oriental (MAO) school.
Ø 1877 – It was upgraded to the status of a college and later a university (in 1920).
Ø 1886 – Muhammadan Educational Conference (MEC) was set up (to discuss methods and ways to
promote education among Muslims).
Social Services:
Ø He wrote “Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq” in which ethical aspects of Islam were explained.
Ø He opened up orphanages.

Hindi-Urdu Controversy:
Ø Started in 1867 in UP.
Ø Hindus started protests in favor of Hindi.
Ø They were demanding that Urdu (written in Persian script) be replaced with Hindi (written in Deva
Nagri script) as official language.
Ø As a result in 1900, Hindi was given a status equal to that of Urdu.
Ø This event disappointed Sir Syed Ahmed who was convinced after this, that Hindus and Muslims can
never work together.

Q) Why was INC opposed by Sir Syed? [7]

Ø Initially he was a supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity.
Ø Hindi-Urdu controversy (1867) drove him away from Hindu-Muslim unity, towards Two Nation Theory.
Ø He opposed INC for,
• It was Hindu dominated from the beginning.
• Initially it claimed to represent all communities of India, but INC would later support Hindu
interests only.
• INC demands and policies were against/injurious to Muslim interests e.g:
1. INC demanded introduction of democracy and elections.
2. INC also demanded exam for civil services.
Both these demands were against Muslim interests as they were in minority + lagging behind in

Q) Why did Sir Syed support Two Nation Theory? [7]

Ø Initially a supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity.
Ø Hindi-Urdu controversy convinced him that these two nations can not work together.
Ø He was also convinced that Hindus and Muslims have two completely different ways of life.
• They had different customs, cultures, traditions, art, architecture, dress, cuisines, and had
different religions.
• So he believed that these differences make Hindus and Muslims two different nations.
Ø For the same reason he also opposed INC, which he thought was only supportive of Hindus.
Ø He is known as the pioneer of Two Nation Theory.

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