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VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI I/II Semester BE Program (For Scheme 2022) Basic Sciences and Humanities Composite Board VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI Jnana Sangama, VTU Main Road, Machhe, Belagavi Karnataka - 590 018 y VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI \ /__ ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK } Sensor: Chemical sensor is a device which is capable of giving real information about a test sample. > Electro chemical sensor forDO, M"™* + 0, + H,0 M(H), > Li-lon Batteries {(Li/Li', C/ LiPFe in ethylene carbonate / Li"= MOz/ Li-MO;)} Types of Electrodes CulCuSOs, Zn|ZnSOs Hydrogen Electrode HglHg,Ch|cr Glass electrode Pb-Hg/ Pb** yeep es 6. Nemst Equation 0.0591 n logiofM”*] Where, n= no of electrons E=E°+ 7. Concentration cell 591 [cathode] 7m °819"Fanode] Where, n= no of electrons E= 8. Glass Electrode ;— 0.0591 pk 9, Determination of p" using the Glass Electrode y! BG ~ Econ ~ Esce 0.0591 2[Page . UNIVERSITY, BE} SVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL Y, BELAGA. V ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK VI 10. Organic/ Polymer Electronic devices Bulbs sa, Th Polydivinylbenzene Tetracene phihalocyanine Polystyrene 11, Organie memory materials FoF OF FF CeccemmEceeees Pentacene Perfluoropentacene 12. (i) Number average molecular mass (7) = NM, +N2M,+N3M; +- N,+N2 +N. Where N, is the number of molecules of the ith type with molecular mass ¥,- 3[Page VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK (ii) Weight average molecular mass (i7,) = But Where x, is the number of molecules of mass .¥,. 13. Corrosion 4Fe (OH): +O: +2H:0 ——+ 2 [Fe:03.3H20] (Rust) 14. Anodization 2Al+3H:;0 ——* Al:03+3H2 1S. Corrosion Penetration Ratio, cpr=— k= D(p)x Ax T Where, W- is weight loss after exposure T- is exposure time in corrosive medium. D- is the density of metal. A -is surface area of exposed specimen. k- is constant. Where | mile is equal to 0.00linch CPR in mpy CPR in mmpy = 534 87.6 W (wt loss) mg mg ©p gem gem A inch” cm’ t hrs hrs 4|Page = \) VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVER ITY, pp ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HAND nog hy 16, Gross Calorifie value cova +U)AD*S Ky /Kg (0.09*%H* neva [W+o)ianes 7 u| kJ/kg 17, Faraday’s First Law of Electrolysis m«Q (1) Where: m= mass ofa substance (in grams) deposited or liberated at an electrode, Q= amount of charge (in coulombs) or electricity passed through it On removing the proportionality in above equation (1) m=ZQ Where 2 isthe proportionality constant, Its unit is grams per coulomb (y/C). I is also called the clectrochemical equivalent. Z is the mass of a substance deposited at electrodes during electrolysis by passing 1 coulomb of charge. Faraday’s Second Law of Electrolysis we E Where w= mass of the substance equivalent weight of the substance Jt can also be expressed as, wilwimE uivalent weight or chemical equivalent of a substance can be defined as the ratio ofits atomic weight and valency, One mole of electrons is required for the reduetion of one mole of ions, As we know, the Charge on one electron is equal 10, 1.602110", SiPage @ 18. Throwing Power % of throwing power = 19. 100 (A - B) A+B-2 Where As dy (where dd) and B= way Electrochemical Series: Standard reduction electrode potential VALUES: VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK M"M. E?(V) LivLi -3.05 Mg" /Mg_ Zn /Zn Fe" /Fe CHICE HVE Cu" /Cu Agy/Ag Pept Au 7Au 20. Galvanic Series 6|Page Mg. Mg alloys Zn Al Cd ‘Alalloys Mild steel Cast steel Pb ‘Sn Brass Cu 8% Ni) Ti Ni Stainless steel (18% Cr & jAg ‘Au PL sqejow aseg sreiou a190N ) VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAy, ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK DM. ENE CH ae NH-CO(CH-CO-}, + HO. Nylon 6,6 Ziegler-Natta catalyst - such as EGAUTI (OCH) 2 For | Anode | Cathode | Electrolyte electeoplating | | With copper Cu | Object | cate, rater 80, With silver | ae | Object ALelevyt With nickel | Ni | Object | Nickef ummonium | | sulphate With gold | dw | Object ALdeW gt With zinc | Z| tron | as80, | objects | With tin Sn | tron S80, | objects 24. Molar conductivity, in A=— M where, Mf is the molar concentration. IEAFis in the units of molarity Le., moles per litre (mo! £").the amay be expressed as, — *x1000 M A 71Page ) VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK 2. 26. Various Types of Half — cells Type Example Half—cell reaction Q= | Reversible | Electrode Potential to (oxid"), E= Gas ion half cell |i | Lie) srepie m [we F-00591 watt) PACT CE(o9), —— 1 ao E* +0.0591 bos} ceprtage | Metal — metal ion | Ag\ 4s"Cog), ‘A(s) > Ag"(ag) +e Lae’) ‘As’ (E? = 0.0391 tog 4g") half—cell Metal insoluble | aeaeci cry | uswsere— acre [1 [er P0091 wc salt anion half— (a7 cell Calomel electrode | He.He,ci, Crvea) | 2/et)+2Cr (oa) > ~ fw 40.0591 wel] HagyCly(s)+ 2e- (an. Metal — metal “He, Hg0| O1-(on) | Hei) 20 (om) > a low B+ 0.0591 we(OH] oxide hydroxide e0G)+ #0026 (ont half - cell ‘Oxidation — Pi ket, Fe FE) Fea re™ (ey) | rere a reduction half — ta Ea ey ie cell 27. Cell EMF and the spontaneity of the reaction: Nature of reaction AGeraG) | Eq Gr Esa) Spontaneous - + Equilibrium 0 0 Non — spontaneous + = a[Page VISVESV ARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL ESIVERSITY, MEL AG (yy EXGINEDRING CHEMISTRY FORMELS HANDIC oobteer a , |) VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY. BELAGAST ‘ ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK 29. Seven Basie SIL exis Length | Mass Time cece (m) | Rioemn (iz) | Seomtie) ‘Molar vohme | cable mere per mole we mat ‘Molar concenstion mole per cubic mere a peau (\) pascal (Pa) jeokU) ‘BI. Standard prefites ase to redace the basic was ‘Malipe | Saba | 1 L i | 10° i | iw | | | Energy work i B/G )8/5/B)e] 8/8 ne VISVESVARAY A TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAYV] ___ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK 32. Conversion factory fm +3937 inch | test=4aneay [ teote ofa gas = 12.4 Lat STP t ————— | t mote a substance = Ny molecules Tinh =item vst 109 sah Vere = tenn mt | DeV-anom -O8 SU mot! | Tae 101 [ fgatom = Nyt Tacs 159L | Fame 9 IAM Pees eww [SORT —— ee SS { Feemton Tig ane Hhoee power = THA watt | F year = 2 4S%66 10's | 13> 1 Newt Ap mt debye (Y= L «1 esa 1 joute ~ 10" erg 33. Molecular mase { stotceutae mace = MAs*oF one motecute of the substanc V12 «Mass of one atom of C- u Normality [=x No.of millimotes} Strength in gm litre Eq. wt. aN ox Molarity: = 35, Normality formula, 36, Comparison of mass, charge and specific charge of electron, proton and neutron ‘of constant [Omit Electrone) | _Proton(p') ‘Neutron(n) 1 ama ouwosts, —— raae T0899 Mass (nd) ig | 94090 | 16734107 1.675 « 107” Relative vss7 | 1 1 Coulomb (C) = 1.602 «107 +1602 « 10" Zero Charge(e) Esa ~4810" +4810" Zero Retative “1 + Zero ‘Specific charge (e’m) Ce L76*10° | 958= 10" Zero Density 1 Gram fee 27x10" | _tang< 10" 15x10" UpPage ae ISVESVARAYA TEC ENGINEERING CI ILOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVE EMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK 37. Standard ambient temperature and pressure Condition T P ¥, (Molar volume) STPINTD[27R1SK [Tam | 224180 SATP[20815K | bar [24.8007 38. Chemical Equilibrium Rate of reaction —» Tine a Fai ite 39. P" Scale wry [tor Acidic solution | > 10 i" 107 ‘Neutral solution | 107 a Basic solution [<107 | (pit of some materials Material | pif | Material pul Gastric juice | 14 | Rain water 65 [Human saliva [7.0 [thlood plasmas | 4 | Tears }74 | gg [tH Cow's milk, | Houschold fits | ammonia L | Page 40. Thermodynamics 4. i 13.7 kcal/mol = 57 kd/mol (bs of Tea=4.2 Joule) yi ihalpy of fusion of iee per mole is 6 kJ mol. “Order of bond energy in halogen Clp > Bry > Fy> I. Toul Ants o.n.| product | 0.8. Chnnge tn Fant O.Noper mole 0; +6 ea 4 3 3x2-6 Mol. wes (C,0, 3 } +4 1 Te2=2 Mol. wt? 5,07 42 +25 05 5x26 Mot. wt HO; = = 1 txa=2 Malawi? HO; -1 0 1 Ix2e2 Mol, wt? a | fam | oa | ss Setes Mat.wus (Acidic medium) Mae +7 [Mn0;) +4 3 3xle3 Molow/3, (Neutral medion) ws, 7 | aOR] +6 | beret Mat wt (Alkaline medium) | | \ VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI /__ ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY FORMULA HANDBOOK 43. Products of electrolysis of some electrolytes Electrolyte Electrode Product at cathode _| Product at anode ‘Aqueous NaOH Pt or Graphite 2H* +2e" = Hf; 20H- +40, +H,0+26" 50st Ha Fused NaOH Pt or Graphite Na* +e" > Nal 20H- 40, +H,0+26" ‘Aqueous NaCl Prot Graphite BHT S26" Hy Ror > Ch, +207 Fused NaCl Prot Graphite Nat 4e > al 2CF > Ch +20" ‘Aqueous CuSOs Ptor Graphite Cu H2 Gu 20H» 4.0,+1:0+26- $04 Ha ‘Aqueous CuSO, Cu electrode [att e2e= > Cul Gi oxidised to Cu? ions Dilute 1250, Prelectrode pate bon +10, +H,0+26" 50:4 Cone. H2SOx Prelectrode 2H +20 > Hy Peroxodisulphuric acid (H;8;0,) ‘Aqueous AgNOs Prelectrode Agi +e" Az 20H- Lo, +H,0+267 z ‘Aqueous AgNO; ‘Ag electrode [des +67 Ae iz oxidised to /4g* ions 44, Ohm's law Vv l=— = x or V=IR 45. Electro chemical series 14|Page Top Oxidisine ature Bottom (Strongest reducing agent) Highest negative reduetion potential (Minimum reduction potential) (Strongest oxidising agent) Reducing ature Highest positive value of reduction potential

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