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Interviewer: Good morning, I'm Melvin M. Navarro, and I'm here to interview Mr.

Arrogante about OCD. So, firstly, what are your insights about obsessive-compulsive

disorder (OCD)? What comes to mind when you hear that term?

Interviewee: Obsessive?

Interviewer: Yes, obsessive. And compulsive disorder.

Interviewee: About that... Well, to my understanding, it's like when someone is really

fixated on something they like and can't get it out of their mind, to the point where it might

put them or others in danger. When someone with OCD runs after someone like that, it

feels like the person being chased might not like it, and it's a bit risky having that kind of


Interviewer: I see. have your experience or have you seen an experience about this

mental health disorder? Could you share it with us?

Interviewee: Hmm, there was this one time during my childhood when I was about 12

years old. There was a girl who had a crush on me, but I didn't feel the same way. I only

saw her as a friend, but I could sense her feelings for me. So, when I went on vacation to

the province, instead of staying long, I cut it short because I felt uncomfortable with her

feelings towards me. I didn't like it, so I got scared and went back home to Quezon City.

Interviewer: I see. Next question, how does OCD affect a person's life? How do you think

it impacts someone?
Interviewee: Well, I think it could affect a person in many ways, like maybe they can't

sleep because of that feeling, there are various ways it could negatively affect them.

Interviewer: I understand. if you have this mental health disorder how would you cope

with it? How would you handle it if you had OCD?

Interviewee: It really depends on the person because some might not be able to handle

it while others can, depending on the situation and circumstances.

Interviewer: I see. Can you give advice to someone struggling with OCD or any mental

health disorder? What advice would you give?

Interviewee: My advice would be, first of all, to those who develop feelings for someone

with OCD, to be sensitive to their situation and avoid putting them or themselves in

danger. And for those with OCD, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Interviewer: Alright, that's all. Thank you.

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