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DEN TREASURE] 01. Write a short biography of RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY using the following ; information. Name : Raja Rammohan Roy Date of Birth : 10th May, 1774 at Radhanagar, Hooghly. Father and Mother : Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Devi. Education : Learnt Arbic, Persian, Sanskrit, Scholar in English, Latin, Greek, French, Tibetan Countriesvisited — : Tibet, England Achievements - : Champion of the Brahmo Samaj (1828), abolished the cruel custom of Sati (1829), wrote books on various subjects. Last visit : To England in 1831 to present a case of India in the British Parliament. Death : 27th September 1833, buried in Bristol, England. RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY Raja Rammohan Roy was the 'moming star’ of Indian renaissance. He was bom on May 10, 1774 at Radhanagar, Hooghly. Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Devi were his parents. Rammohan had great passion for knowledge. He went to Patna to learn Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit. He also learnt English, Latin, Greek, French and Tibetan very well. He visited Tibet to know more about Buddhism. Pleased with his work, the last Mughal Emperor conferred on him the title ‘Raja’. Raja Rammohan Roy was a great social and religious reformer. He fought relentlessly against injustice, prejudices and superstitions, In 1828 he abolished the cruel custom of ‘Sati with the support of Lord Bentinck. He shocked the entire orthodox Hindu Society. For reforming Hinduism he founded Brahmo Samaj in 1829. He edited the upanishads and wrote books on various subjects. In 1931 he went to England to present india's case in the British Parliament. This great man breathed his last in Bristol on September 27, 1833 and was buried there. @momingstar - Saye —@ relentlessly - “tet © founded - afesracatarr @ renaissance - 7aat © conferred - eHlNeafH © various - fier @ passion - STB © prejudices - Wafer © buried - sareeaaRet 02.. Using the following information write a paragraph on ISWAR CHANDRA VIDYASAGAR. [1] Date of birth : September 26, 1820 [2] Place of birth : Birsingha, Midnapore [3] Parents : Thakurdas Bandopadhyay, Bhagabafi Devi [4] Education : at village, later in ‘Sanskrit College, Kolkata [5] Service : Principal of Sanslait College — an ocean of learning [6] His books = Baro Parichay, Sitar Bonobas, Bhrantibilas etc. [7] Activities : wrote many -'. books, helped people in distress, set up many schools for women, did his best for remarriage of '<” Hindu widows [8] Death : July 29, 1891. [1ocrapry writinc] ISWAR CHANDRA VIDYASAGAR pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar was one ofthe makers of modern India. He was. great polat, an educationis, a social reformer and, above all, alover of men. Iswar Chandra was 01 ,,on 28th September, 1820 ata vilage called Bisingha in Midnapore. His father Thakurdas bet dyopadhaya was a man of small means, Bhagabati Devi, a kind and pious lady was his other. He received his primary education at the village pathsala. Then he studied at Sanskrit wylea®: Kolkata and later became its Principal. Iswar Chandra was an ocean of learning; he called ‘Vidyasagar’. He dedicated himselto the cause of education. He set up many schools the spread of education, His heart wept atthe sight of human distress, He was successful in ing the Widow Remaniage Bill passed by the Government. He stood against all oppositions. He was a bold reformer, He had also a great contribution to the growth of Bengali prose. Barnoporichay’, ‘Sitar Banobas’, ‘Bhrantibilas’ etc. are his famious books. Vidyasagar was & rman of strict principles. He was also known forhis kindness. ‘Dayarsagar’ Vidyasagar breathed fislast on 29th July, 1891. We remember him with deep regards and reverence. for @ pious = ae © spread > Ree @ dedicated ~ Sentara e distress - A — © contribution - aaa © gowh - ae @ remarriage - 7Af%I2 © famous = Rae © regard - et @ known -_ afr @ kindness - Fat © reverence - 7ST 03. Using the following information write a paragraph on RABINDRANATH TAGORE. [1] Date of birth : May 7,1861 [2] Place of birth : Jorasanko, Kolkata [3] Father : Debendranath Tagore. [4] Education : No regular education, studied at home. Sent to England for higher studies. [5] Literary career : wrote hundreds of poems, many essays, short stories, novels and dramas [6] Other sides of his career : painter, patriot, great teacher [7] Great work : set up Viswabharati at Santiniketan. [8] Award : Nobel Prize for the 1913 [9] Death : August 7, 1941. RABINDRANATH TAGORE Once in a century a great genius like Rabindranath Tagore is born. We are fortunate that this great poet was born in our country. Rabindranath was born on 7th May, 1861 at Jorasanko in Kolkata in a respectable family. Maharshi Debendranath Tagore was his father. Rabindranath ° had no regular school education. He was taught at home by his father and private tutors. Later was sent to England for higher studies. Rabindranath was a man of versatile genius. Besides fundreds of poems, he wrote novels, dramas, short stories, essays and a large number of songs. Inall these we find the beauty of his thought and language. He loved Nature and man; he loved Be [HIDDEN TREASURE] God. The ‘Gitanjali’ that contains his noblest poems brought him the Nobel Prize in 1913, ‘Sonar Tar’, ‘Kheya’,‘Balaka’, etc. are his other great works, Rabindranath was a good painter, a patriot, a great teacher and an educationist. His songs are sung everywhere every day, He founded the Viswabharati University at Shantiniketan in 1902. This great poet breathed his last on August 7, 1941. He will live for ever in his immortal creations. @ versatile - 7 © genius > afeenmate® founded - acai © noblest = -_ BePBOM @ contains = atararg «© painter «=~ fata © patriot —--_ critetfite@ educationist - frafet © immoral - OA 04. Study the following information and write a paragraph on SWAMI VIVEKANANDA. Name : Swami Vivekananda Original name: _‘Narendranath Dutta Date of birth : 12 January, 1863 Place of birth: Simla, North Kolkata Parents : Biswanath Dutta, Bhubaneswar Devi Education : Metropolitan School, Scottish Church College, Kolkata Change in life: Found his Guru in Sri Ramakrishna Deva; became his disciple, New Life : Became a monk after his Master's demise. Great works : Attended the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893, Established Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Passed away : duly 4, 1902 at Belur. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA Swami Vivekananda in saffron robe was a spirited monk of mother India. This man of heroic character was born on January 12, 1863 at Shimla in North Kolkata. His original name was Narendranath Dutta before he became a monk. Biswanath Dutta and Bhubaneswari Devi were his parents. He passed the Entrance Examination from Metropolitan School and obtained his B.A. degree from Scottish Church College. In his youth he came in close contact with Sri Ramakrishna and became his disciple. After his Master's demise he became a monk. He attended the World Religious Conference at Chicago in 1893. His lecture on the unity of all religions drew admiration of all. Returning home, he set up Ramakrishna Mission to serve the suffering humanity. Swamiji was a symbol of endless energy, courage and strength. “Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached” was his inspiring message. This great Indian monk passed away on July 4, 1902 at Belur Math. His ideas and ideals will always guide us to build a prosperous nation. disci - tpt @ endless EIS i zs . © admiration at @ courage | - WT iptain' - © =‘suffetinghumanity - - ah sees St eS study the followin, - 0 OSHBANDHU CHI formation chart and write a paragraph on o IJAN DAS, Name + Chittaranjan Das, Lifetime + 1870-1925, place ofbirth :Telitbagh village in Dhaka. Education : Re from a missionary school in 1887, passed B.A Examination from the sidency College, went to England and became a barrister. Service : successful lawyer, had large practice, fought the famou is case of Aurobindo Ghosh. Political Career: Joined Non - cooperation Movernent, formed Sarajya Party in 1924, became the first Indian mayor of Calcutta Corporation. Titleof Honour: Deshbandhu (sacrificed all his wealth for the country.) Death : dune 16, 1925, DESHBANDHU CHITTARANJAN DAS Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das was a great leader of the freedom movement of India. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose found his guru in him. He was a true patriot, a famous lawyer, a poet anda high- souled man. Chittaranjan Das was born on November 5, 1870 at Telirbagh village, Dhaka. He passed the Entrance Examination in 1887 from a missionary school in Calcutta. After passing the B.A Examination from the Presidency College he went to England and became abarrister. He fought the famous case of Aurobindo Ghosh.A very successful lawyer, Chittaranjan hada large practice. He could spend his life in luxury and comfort. But at the call of the country he gave up practice and joined Gandhiji’s Non-co-operation Movement. In 1924, he formed the Sarajya Party and published the ‘Forward’, a daily. He was elected the first Indian mayor of the Calcutta Corporation. Chittaranjan was nobly generous. He gave away all his wealth for the service of the country. The great son of mother India passed away on June 16, 1925. He was tuly a friend of the nation. Man never forgets a lover of man. movement - aaa GICIM® gaveup _- UTTAR @ formed -_ DASA successful - >t © dedicated - Berige @ Non-co-operation - SrRTAtst © patriot —- crate @ high - souled-7eryer © generous - aa [HIDDEN TREASURE] 06. Using the following information write a paragraph on SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE. [1] Name : Subhas Chandra Bose - a great patriot and a freedom fighter of India. [2] Date of birth : January 23, 1897 [3] Place of birth : Cuttack, Orissa [4] Parents : Janakinath Bose and Prabhabati Devi [5] Education : A brilliant student; second in Matriculation Examination ; fourth in the I. C. S Examination [6] Career : refused to serve the British Raj; joined freedom movement; became mayor of Kolkata Corporation ; President of the Indian National Congress, twice—formed the Indian National Army [7] Conclusion : Death mysterious; We shall never forget him. NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a symbol of burning patriotism. He was a great freedom fighter of India. The country fondly called him 'Netaji- the Leader. Subhas Chandra was born on January 23, 1897 at Cuttack in Orissa. Janakinath Bose and Pravabati Devi were his parents, Abrilliant student, Subhas Chandra passed B.A examination from Scottish Church College. He became an I.C.S. officer but refused to serve the British Raj. He joined the freedom movement under the leadership of Deshbandhu C.R.Das. A popular leader, Subhas Chandra was elected the Mayor of Calcutta Corporation. He became the President of the Indian National Congress, twice. He had to spend most of his days in prison. He was a threat to the British Government. During the Second World War he secretly left India and went to Germany and Japan. He formed the Azad Hind Fauz. Fighting against the British he came up to Kohima and hoisted the Indian National Flag. But he could not see India achieving freedom. In 1945 he was reported to have died in a plane crash. But itis still shrouded in mystery. Asan inspiring force he will always live in the hearts of millions of Indians. “Cpatriotism-criem popular -@rN — Oformed = ATA @ brilliant -wee cet — @ imprisonment - alge eet © hoisted > Boer aaa @refused - etoturr sale © threat Sie /fem = @shrouded «= - BAT @movement - SICH @ secretly = CATT @mystery = - FT 07. Here are some information about MOTHER TERESA. Write a short life history of the Mother covering the information given below. (i) Great humanist; (ii) date of birth : August 2, 1910; (iii) place of birth : Albania in Yugoslavia; (iv) Education in a Government school in Albania: (v) 1928 : To Calcutta with the assignment of some missionary work; (vi) Dedicated herself to the service of the suffering humanity; (vii) Founded NIRMALHRIDAYA in Calcutta: (viii) Life style : modest living, simple dress-white, blue-bordered shari ofa female sweeper-avoids publicity-silent worker (ix) Awarded Nobel Prize in 1979 in recognition of her self-less service; (x) Got Bharat Ratna in 1980 for her services to the suffering humanity. [Blocrapy warng] ee 2,1910 in Albania, Yugoslavia. Mother’s original a i ssi ion in a government in Albania, she came to c Le awatingt a msonary Works. In Caleta she ae aa Convent. Buta get cated herself to the oe hetcsicht of sum dwellers moved her. She gave up teaching ates “Calcutta, To sonnet the suffering humanity, She founded the Missionaries of ity in ¢ ue + SO serve the helpless she set up Nirmal Hriday and Nirmala Sishubhavan. speestablished many such organizations throughout the world She spent her whole life for the se of the poor, the omphan and the distressed, Modestliving, simple dress-white, blue-bordered gatiof@ sweeper silent work and apathy to publicity matked her lifestyle. She received the nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna in 1980, The great soul passed away on september 5, 1997. But her spitit lives on, Lovers of men live in the hearis men. embodiment =— - FSqe4 founded - afettecaam apathy - At hallowed - AREAL @helpless - eR © publicity - 261 ededicated - Berfaaticer e@omhan - wart @pride - 14 suffering humanity- SB -heatatpT © distressed - beter @devotee - SE 08. Read the following information about SIR JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE and ‘write a paragraph on this great scientist. : Date of birth : 30.11.1858. Place of birth: Mymensingh, now in Bangladesh. Education : Village Pathsala at Faridpur, St. Xavier's School & College, BA (1884) from St. Xavier's College; obtained degree in science from the University of Cambridge; London (1887); was also awarded D. Sc. by the University of London in 1896. Service Career —_: Professor, Presidency College. Research : On electromagnet and plant life. Founder : The Bose Institute in 1917. Literary work : Abyaktadiban, Death : 23.11.1937. SIR JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE Sit Jagadish Chandra Bose, well-known as Sir J.C. Bose, was one of the great scientists of Sur country. He was born on 11th November, 1858 in the district of Mymensingh, now in ngladesh. He got his early education from the village pathsala at Faridpur. Later he came to [HIDDEN TREASURE] Calcutta and studied att. Xavier's School and then att. Xavier's College. In 1884 he passed the B.A. Examination from St. Xavier's College and sailed for England. He obtained the degree in science in 1887 from the University of Cambridge in London. He then retumed to Calcutta and joined the Presidency College as a professor. SirJ.C Bose made researches on electromagnet and plantlife. These researches added a new dimension to the world of science. For his great discovery on electrical waves he was awarded D.Sc. degree by the University of London in 1896. He was the first to discover that plants grow, feel and die like other living beings. For advancement of scientific research he set up the Bose Institute in Calcutta in 1917. Itwasa great achievement of the great scientist. His literary genius found expression in his book named ‘Abyakta Jiban'. Sir J.C Bose breathed his last on 23rd November, 1937 causing immeasurable loss to the world of science. @well-kmown - ¥A"e © received _- CAtafe © electromagnet - Sisepye @ sailed ABA FA = @ «obtained. -_Atweafzw © discover - wafers @ advancement - SesfS © achievement - @f& © immeasurable - sfc 09. Write a short paragraph on SATYAJIT RAY on the basis of the points given below. Name : Satyajit Ray. Dateofbirth : 2ndMay, 1921. Place of birth : Garpar in Calcutta. Parentage : Sukumar Ray (Writer) and Suprava Ray. Education : Ballygunge Govt. High School; Presidency College, Calcutta; learnt art and painting at Santiniketan. 1955 : 'Pather Panchaii’ - turning point in life. 1957 : His Second film was awarded the highest prize at the Venice Film Festival. Films &books : — Hisnoted films-‘Apur Sansa, Charulata, Jalsaghar’, ‘Gupi Gayen Bagha Bayen' etc. His noted books - ‘Sonar Kella’, Professor Sanku’, Joy Baba Felunath’ etc. 1992 : ‘Oscar’ for lifetime achievement, ‘Bharat Ratna’. Death : April 23, 1992. SATYAJIT RAY WwW Satyajit Ray was one of the great Indians of the last century. He was a famous artist, a great writer, a celebrated film maker and a gifted musician. He was born at Garpar in Calcutta on 2nd May, 1921: He was the only son of Sukumar Ray, the famous litterateur and Suprava Ray. Upendra Kishore Roychowdhury was his grandfather. Satyajit Roy studied at Ballygunge Govt. High School and Presidency College, Calcutta. He also received lessons on art at! Santiniketan. His first film, ‘Pather Panchali’ was released in 1955. Itwas a grand success and was the turning point his life. In 1957 his second film ‘Aparajita’ was awarded the highest prize at the Venice [BloGRaPHy writinG] stival. Some of his noted films are 'Ay sy ut , 'Gupi Gayen yn Fe ; . fe 'Apur Sansar’, 'Charulata’, 'Jalsaghar’, 'Gup are Bayen’ etc. is famous books include ‘Sonar Kella’, ‘Professor Sanku’. In 1992 he was ed with cA brestigious Oscar for lifetime achievement in film making. The Government of india honoured him with the Bharat Raina, the highest civilian award of the country. This great a ofmother India breathed his last on April 23, 1992, a qfied 5 a © celebrated - / OS eliterateur - 7ST — @ released =. af cori @ homage - werd egand = WAREZ @ owned. PRexuficr @ success - RT e prestigious - HINES — © tumingpoint - féret/ae © honoured - 7aIRS- wea TT 10. Write a biography of PRAFULLA CHANDRA ROY, who was a great Indian Scientist. You can use the following hints : Birth : 1861, Khulna, now in Bangladesh - Education : village pathsala, Hare School, Albert School, passed Entrance examination (1897), FA. from Metropolitan College (1882) — won Gilchrist scholarship (1882) - went to London ~ B.Sc. from Edinburgh University (1882-84), D.Sc. Edinburgh University (1884 - 87) - career : Professor of Presidency College (1889) — first to prepare Mercurous Nitrate in laboratory (1896) ~ established Bengal Chemicals (1901) - joined Science College as Palit Professor (1916); retirement from service (1930) - Death : 1944. PRAFULLA CHANDRA ROY Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy, the celebrated scientist was an illustrious son of Bengal. This great patriot, scientist and educationist of our country was born on August 2,1861 in Khulna, now in Bangladesh. After his primary education in the village pathsala he came to Calcutta. In 1879 he passed the Entrance examination from Hare School. He also studied in Albert school forsome time. From Metropolitian College he passed the FA. examination in 1882 and won the Gilchrist Scholarship. He then went to London and obtained his B.Sc. degree in 1884 from the Edinburgh University. He obtained D.Sc. in 1887 from this university. Returning home he joined the Presidency College as a professor in 1889. He was the first to prepare Mercurous Nitrate in 1896 and four years later he established the famous Bengal Chemicals. He was appointed the . Palit Prefessor of the Science College in 1916. Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy retired from ser- Vice in 1936. This dedicated scientist passed away on 16th June, 1944 leaving the mantle on his Young students. Silustious — 38] © educationist - PHRT © established — >a ace celebrated - stare © obtained = «CATHRATAA«@ «passed away — GRBttaaa ® patriot - crcefie © prepare = ayer © mantle = Be . DEN TREASURE] [ 11.Development the following points and write a paragraph on NELSON MANDELA. Birth - July 18, 1918 in Transkei, South Africa. Education - After matriculation he was admitted into Fort Hai university of Witwaterstrand, qualified in law in 1942, | Profession - Lawyer ~ gave up practice - Joined African National Congress, was engaged in anf ~ apartheid movement. . A great leader - Imprisoned by Apartheid Government since 1962 - released in 1990 after twenty. seven years - became a symbol of freedom around the world. Positions held — President, African National Congress (1991) Africa (1994 - 1999). re college in 1939. At 21, went to the ), The First Black President of South NELSON MANDELA Nelson Mandela stands for struggle against tyranny and oppression. This great South African leader fought all his life against racialism, iniquity and injustice. He was bom on July 18, 1918 in Transkei, South Africa. After passing the Matriculation Examination he was admitted into Fort Hare Collage in 1939. When he was twenty one, he went to the University of Witwaterstrand to study law. He became a lawyer in 1942 but soon gave up his profession. He joined the African National Congress and was involved in the struggle against apartheid. He devoted himself to the task of ensuiring equality of all Africans-black and white. In 1962 Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for life by the Apartheid Government. He was released by the white regime in 1990 after long twenty-seven years. Mandela won freedom for himself and all South African blacks. He became a symbol of freedom for millions of people around the world. In 1994 the living legend of South Africa became its first black President. After five years in 1999 he retired from his office to enjoy the freedom he had fought for. The whole world pays homage to this undaunted spirit and fearless fighter. @ tyranny > BSAA @ oppression - SSiibist @ apartheid attaate @ iniquity - OT @ injustice - UfDIt @ profession —- 7811 @involved —_- BABTA ACTHARTATT© imprisoned - Watge eta @ released Tea @racialism — - atfefacae @ homage - at © undaunted - Se 12. Write a paragraph on SIR DONALD BRADMAN on the basis of the points given below. Bom in New South Wales (August 27, 1908) ~ first appeared against New South Wales, scored a century (118) — highest innings in Australia : 452 not out against South Australia in 1927- 28 —started his career as a leading cricketer — captained Australia in 1936 - national selector in 1938 — the only Australian cricketer to be knighted — published autobiography, ‘Farewell to Cricket in 1950 — became chairman of Australian Cricket Board in 1960 — scored 29 centuries, 13 half centuries, 6996 runs at an average of 99.94 runs in Test Cricket - died - Feb. , 2001. {MP.- 2002] Don, the legendary Cricketer ofthe last cen wee BRAD cick Theres = PONE to replace him, es Donat Bra gust 27, n New South Wales, Austral 'S Celebrated ith Wales. He hit a ma ificent con.” la. He hita bri dman was a wonder in the: world Australian cricketer was born on o illiant debut playing against New jnings F852 (not out against Sou ad! L18runs, In 199 ae 7 he played his highest individual jncricket. From 1936 the Aug '2. Sir Donald Bradman soon became a celebrity 4938 Sit Donald was appointed a po Paved underhis able captainship for several terms. In : ceived a knighthood, Sir Donald ym! Selector. He was the only Australian cricketer who farewell to Crictet in 1959 Tn 1960 2Satthinker He broughtout ne autobiography, eels? Donald Bradmor p S228 cticketer became tho Chairman of the Australian Panalfcenturies with a record a Jad anamazingtecordto his credit. He scored 29 centuries, tend speaks ofhis Cass as are eon aNeag O89 Testericket. Thisastounding eat 2001, A cticketer. The father figure of Australian cricket breathed his last @legendary - x nder fear @celebrated \~ atens debut _~ ae magnificent - ease © able FRR/ PE @ thinker - rae © amazing - frameq © astounding = -_-wfaearat 13.Write a biography of ANNIE BESANT within 100 words based on the hints given below. Hints : Born on Ast of October 1847 in London — famous British writer - will known socialist, activist in Indian politics — joined the Indian National Congress — became the fist woman President of the Indian N; lational Congress in 1917 ~Passed away on 20th September 1933 in Madras, India. [Bliss, Lesson - 3] ANNIE BESANT ————————— Annie Basant was one of the Prominent national leaders during the British regime in India. 'e was born of Irish parents in London in October 1, 1847. A famous British writer, Annie int was a well known socialist. Throughout her life she fought for women's rights. In 1893 came to India and never looked back. India became her home. As the President of the “osophical Society she founded many schools in India. She participated in Indian politics and joined the freedom movement. Later she established the ‘Home Rule League' in 1916, It @ great role in India's struggle for freedom. In 1917 she became the first woman President of e Indian National Congress. She fought for the dominion status of India. She passed away on September 1933 res We owe her a great debt of gratitude. She was a foreigner 0 lived in India, loved India and died in India. Sh she Mildon TreasurestX-X : 025 —z [H1DDEN TREASURE] inion status - ATE THR @ domini ‘@ movement a @regime - “IFT © socialist - 7arerait © established - 7amrreaterrr © debt @ founded - afebraafice @ struggle - *RAFL @ ingratitude = 14.Study the following information about Dr. A.PJ- ABDUL KALAM and urite q paragraph on him. Fullname + AvulPakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. Date of birth : October 15, 1931. Place of birth © Templetown Rameshwaram in TamilNadu. Education : Passed B.Sc. from Saint Joseph College, Thiruchirapalli. Joined Madras Institute of Technology. Career + Joined Defence Research and Development Organisation and Indian Space Research Organisation; Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India; President of India (2002-2007). Honours Recipient ofthe Padma Bhusan (1981); Padma Vibhushan (1991) ; Bharat Ratna (1997). Death : 27 duly, 2015. DR. A.PJ. ABDUL KALAM i Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam was the former President of India. He was a great scientist and a great teacher. But above everything else, he was a lover of man. Dr. Kalam's full name was Avul | Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, He was born on October 15, 1931 at Rameshwaram in Tamil " Nadu. He passed the B.Sc. examination from Saint Joseph College in Thiruchirapalli. He then joined the Madras Institute of Technology. Dr. Kalam held various positions at the Indian Space Research Organization and the Defence Research Development Organization. He became the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India. After a distinguished scientific career Dr. Kalam became the eleventh President of India. He served the country from 2002 to 2007. For his great contribution to the country he was awarded the Padma Bhusan in 1981; Padma Vibhusan in 1991 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997. This saintly person breathed his last on July 2, 2015. He will be remembered for his great achievements. He will be reveared asa great man of our time. @ former - fe" © contribution - saa © saintly - amuarnae © principal - eta @ awarded —- HORTA © achievement- AS © advisor - tatwfitst © distinguished - oprtetaet © revered = - are — nn Bio-chart ca Paragraph cre *arsta Gay COTW eA | KB Writing item-a wad Tea gaan (Biography) cece fy Ge Point wtsica creat ate! OA emia FES ea eB CERI paragraph FRCS

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