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Script Kịch

Character :
Huyền Trang 9C (Student 1)
Ngọc Diệp 7B (Student 2)
Huy Trọng 9E (Student 3)
Phương Linh 6A (Student 4)
Tuấn Phát 9B (Student 5)
Thúy Ngân 9E (Teacher)
Hùng Dũng 9D (Storyteller)
Main character: Khánh An 7B
First scene :
Mở đầu kịch là lời dẫn của Hùng Dũng về nhân vật chính : An
is a shy, unsociable girl. She has just moved to a new school
in a fearful mood worrying that she would not be able to get
on well with everyone.
*trên sân khấu có 3 bàn học, 1 bảng, các bạn học sinh ngồi
vào 2 bàn trên*
Expectation :
*Khánh An walks into the classroom*
*She hears everyone in class talking*
S4 P. Linh: Hey guys, is that the new student?
S2 N.Diệp: Yeah, that's right. Look at her clothes. It's out of
fashion now. Nobody will make friends with her
S3 H.Trọng: You are right. How ridiculous and awful her hair
S1 H.Trang : . Look at her belly. She looks like a pig. Don’t
sit beside me
S5 T.Phát: That's our new friend? She doesn't deserve to be in
this class.
All : *laughing loudly* *keeps chatting about her*
*An chạy xuống ngồi bàn cuối cùng*
An (talking to herself): Oh no, I don't want to study in a
horrible school like that. I can't stand those people who
always make fun of me. It hurts when I have to suffer all of
those offenses, I just want to run away from them *sobbing*
Storyteller: But in reality, when An entered a new school,
everything was different from what she thought.
Reality :
*An walks into classroom*
Classmates: Hello teacher!
Teacher: Sit down, please. So, we have happy news today
that we will have a new student. I hope our class welcomes
Classmates : *clapping*
S2 N.Diệp: Helloooo there, I’m happy that our class will have
one more friend!
S1 H.Trang: I’m looking forward to being friends with you,
I'm very kind, we can be best friends!
S3 Trọng: Can I ask you a few questions? Don’t be scared,
we’re all friendly
S4 P. Linh: Introduce yourself, please! I want to know more
about you.
An: Ok… Hi guys I’m Khanh An, I have just moved here, and
I hope I will receive your help.
S2 N.Diệp: Sure, let’s be friends, you can sit beside me
S3 Trọng: No, the seat next to me must be hers!
An : Sorry guys, I just want to be alone *đi xuống bàn cuối
S5 T.Phát: Come on, we just want to be friends with you,
why are you so scared of us?
*trống vào học*
Teacher: Chatting time is ended, let’s get into the lessons
right now
*học sinh lấy sách vở đặt lên bàn*
Teacher: Is there anyone who still can’t get this exam?
S1 H.Trang: I’m pretty sure with you there’s no one because
this exam just not only like a piece of cake to me but also
An : *struggling* Umm… I can’t get it. I wish there could be
someone who can help me.
S4: P. Linh: You should ask Quan, he is excellent at Maths
S5 T.Phát: Who just called me? Do you need some help, An?
I’m ready to give you instructions, let me see.
An: Thank you so much…
*trống đánh ra chơi, các học sinh đi ra ngoài trừ An*
Storyteller: Although everyone tries their best to
communicate with An, she still seems shy and does not want
to get involved in the conversations.
An: I don’t think I can join them; they are energetic and
friendly. Maybe I should only stay here
*3 bạn chạy vào lớp*
S2 N.Diệp: Come out and play with us! We have a lot of
surprises to show you, you will love them
S5 T.Phát: You must see them, they are all students’ product
An: OK then, let’s see what you’ve got.
*Các bạn kéo An ra ngoài sân*
*chuyển cảnh : khiêng bàn, bảng xuống, đưa sản phẩm stem,
tranh vẽ lên*
Second scene :
*walking towards those products*
An: Wow, these are so beautiful. I don't think these are all
handmade crafts. Please tell me more about it.
S2 N.Diệp : So, as you can see. This is a model of a stilt
house - a typical kind of house in the Highlands, which was
built with only bamboo strips, glue, and other supplies. The
amazing hands of the pupils create this amazing model.
An: I was amazed by how it looks, in my old school, there
were not any events to boost students’ creativity like that
S4: P. Linh: I also have this to show you. It is the model of
Turtle Tower in Hanoi. The colors of it are vintage, it reminds
us of some ancient buildings in our country. It’s such a
beautiful craft, right?
An: I agree with you, Linh. You guys must have such a
creative spirit to create this. It deserves big prizes for its
beauty. I will definitely join the STEM club to find out more
S5 T.Phát: Do you want to join the Art Club? Not only these
technological products but our school also offers chances for
students to show their artistic talents.
S3 Trọng: It’s true, these are the prettiest pictures in our
competitions. Those pictures describe the activity on
Teacher’s Day. They all look so happy through the
brushstrokes of the students.
An: Wow, I love the bright colors in this picture! The people
are also adorable. Maybe I will give it a shot.
S1 H.Trang : But from my point of view, this masterpiece is
the best of all. It describes a scene of the Mid-autumn
Festival, each kid is carrying a lantern with happiness on their
*mọi người bàn luận*
Teacher: What are you doing?
S5 T.Phát: We are showing our new friend with those
Teacher: Do you want to see more? There are several
masterpieces too. Come and see
All: Wow *chạy ra xem*
Teacher: What do you guys think about it?
S2 N.Diệp: They are such good pictures, and they represent
an upcoming event too - which is Teacher’s Day.
S1 H.Trang: I have an idea for this event, who wants to join?
An: Can I take part in it? I can’t wait to do something special
in our school
Storyteller: Through their conversation, An began to open up
and feel comfortable to express her feelings. She has changed.
S5 T.Phát: It seems like you are talking much more, An,
doesn’t it?
An: At first, I thought that I couldn’t get on well with you
guys, but now things are different.
S4: P. Linh: Do you love your new school? I mean, “our
happy school”
An: Absolutely!
*tất cả cùng bước ra sân khấu*


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