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Texas City docks,

16th April, 1947

Texas fertiliser plant,

17th April, 2013

Part 1

Dr Carolyn Dillon
Tues 10.30am -12.30pm
Room: 18.129

Structure of course
• Fundamentals
• Atoms ions and molecules – electrons Wks 2-5
holding it all together – atomic scale ideas
• Gases, liquids, solids – macro scale
related to the atomic scale Wks 6-7
• Reactions:
thermochemistry Wk 8
– How hot
– How likely thermodynamics Wk
– How far 9/10
– How fast

What makes an explosive?

Building demolition,

What is Thermochemistry?
• Branch of Thermodynamics

Heat Work


Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycle and Lattice Energies

What is Thermochemistry?
• Thermodynamics is the science of heat and
work and transformations of one to the other.
• Energy is the capacity to produce heat.
• Energy is also the capacity to do work.
• There are 2 kinds of energy:
– Kinetic energy:
– Potential energy:
• Thermochemistry is the branch of
thermodynamics that examines the heat
involved in chemical reactions.

Energy: The Joule

James Prescott Joule –

English physicist and

1 J = 1 kg.m2.s-2


Energy Units = Joule

1 J = 1 kg.m2.s-2

“Calories” vs. calories

1 calorie = 4.184 J
= energy to heat 1 g of H2O by 1°C
1 “Calorie” = 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories

Types of energy

Potential (Ep)

Kinetic (Ek)

Etot = Ek + Ep

Types of energy (molecular)

Potential Energy

Kinetic Energy
(heat, q)

Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work, state functions?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycles and Lattice Energies

State Function
• We have no way of knowing the “absolute” internal
energy of a system.
• This would be too difficult to measure.
• We DO know that the internal energy is
independent of the path by which it was achieved.

Chemical reactions and energy

So a substance in any state has potential and kinetic energy…
Let’s examine what changes during a chemical reaction…
e.g. Simple dissociation reaction:
(important reaction in photochemical smog)

N2O4 (g) + heat  2 NO2 (g)

Internal Energy (U)

2 NO2

N 2O4

Chemical reactions and energy

N2O4 (g) + heat  2 NO2 (g)

Chemical reactions and energy
Internal Energy, U

heat 2 NO2

N 2O4
What kind of U have we changed?
• nuclear?
• atomic?
• vibration?
• bond?

Chemical reactions and energy

e.g. More complex reaction
(transfer reaction, important in ozone depletion)

O3 + NO  O2 + NO2 + heat
O3 + NO

O2 + NO2

Chemical reactions and energy

O3 + NO  O2 + NO2 + heat
N2O4 + heat  2 NO2

Chemical reactions and energy


Endothermic reactants

U > 0 heat products

U < 0

Chemical reactions and energy

Note: difference in Eint = heat

Internal Energy = U = q
These expressions have the same meaning.

Simple version of
“First Law of Thermodynamics”

Therefore - measuring heat  U (calorimetry)

- tabulating U  estimating heat

Systems and Surroundings

What is a System?
• The region where the reaction is taking place

What are the Surroundings?

• The region outside the system,
ie. A water bath that the reaction
vessel is sitting in.

What is the Universe?

Universe = system + surroundings

Energy is conserved: any energy lost by

the system is gained by the surroundings =
1st Law Thermodynamics

Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycles and Lattice Energies

Measuring Heat…

Heat versus Temperature

A “thought” experiment:

20ºC 20ºC

Full pan Almost empty pan

Heat Capacity (C and c)

So the more you have of a substance, the less the
temperature will rise for a given input of heat…

* In addition, different substances will change temperature

by a different amount (e.g. copper vs ceramic)

q = constant x T
The “constant” must be mass (or moles) dependent, and
be different for different substances…

m = mass of substance (g)

q = m c T n = amount of substance (mol)
c = specific heat capacity (J g-1 K-1)
q = n C T C = molar heat capacity (J mol-1 K-1)

A Thought….…
• If there was no WATER on the earth but only
….it would take only 0.7 J of energy to
increase the temperature of each g of rock
by 1 K.
…this would result in high daytime
…it would also result in freezing
temperatures at night.

Heat Capacity
• Using the equation: q = c  m  T,
– you can determine the heat capacity of a
substance if the change in temperature
is known,
– If the heat capacity of a substance is
known then you can calculate the “heat”
energy transferred to/from the

Determining the Specific Heat
Capacity of an Unknown Solid
• And q = c  m  T, where:
 q = heat, J
 c = heat capacity, J/g∙K, J.g-1K-1
 m = mass, g
 T = temperature, K

• NB: The heat of the system is numerically

equal to the heat of the surroundings but
opposite in sign: -qsolid = qwater

Specific Heat
Q: How much energy (heat) does it
take to heat an Al saucepan (0.200 kg)
containing 1.00 L of water from room
temp. (20.0ºC) to boiling? Assume
thermal equilibrium between the pan
and water at all times.

= (1000 x 4.184 + 200 x 0.9) x 80
= 3.49 x 105 J (349 kJ)

Specific Heat Capacity

• Lucy finds a cut stone on the footpath that looks remarkably
like a diamond. In her enthusiasm she uses her 1st year
chemistry knowledge to determine its heat capacity. She heats
the 0.500 g stone to 477.0 C and plunges it into 20.0 mL of
water housed in a coffee cup calorimeter. The temperature of
the water increases from 22.2 – 23.7 C. Assuming all the heat
is transferred to the water, determine the heat capacity of the
stone. NB. cdiamond = 0.519 J.g-1K-1, czirconia = 0.214 J.g-1K-1.


So where are we now…..

•So far we have only considered:
U = q
• First Law of Thermodynamics (Simple version)
• measuring heat provides U (calorimetry)
• tabulating U allows estimates of heat

BUT WAIT!!!!!.......THERE’S MORE!!!!!!!!

Energy is the capacity to produce heat.

Energy is also the capacity to do work.

Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycles and Lattice Energies

Lets build on what we know…
Recognition that there are other types of energy

In each case, which has higher potential energy?

Other types of energy

Other types of energy:
Type chemical example field equation
electrical battery electrochemistry E=VIt
light “glow stick” photochemistry E=h
piston engine thermochemistry E = -P V
spring rubber band mechanics E = ½ k x2

Exercise: Convince yourself in each case that the equation above has
units of energy (J). You will need to look up unknown symbols and their
units in any First Year Chem text.
[ Joule = kg m2 s-2 ]

Other types of energy

• electrical
• light We call these
• piston “work” (w)

First Law of Thermodynamics:

Simple version: U = q

Full version: U = q + w

So, if we leave until later…
Electrochemistry (next session)
Photochemistry (2nd & 3rd year chem)
Mechanical energy

Then we only consider, for now, w = -P V

So… U = q – P V
In words… when the internal energy changes in a reaction it
produces (uses) heat and pressure/volume changes in the

Other types of energy…

SO….the energy changes in a chemical reaction are not
confined to one type of energy:
C8H18 (l)+ 12.5 O2 (g)  8 CO2 (g) + 9 H2O (g)

U = q U = q + ?
from Silberberg, p.227

An Example:
Q. When gas burns in an engine, the heat
released causes the CO2 and water vapor to
expand, pushing the pistons outwards.
Determine the change in energy in J and kJ
if the expanding gases do 451 J of work on
the pistons and if the system loses 325 J to
the surroundings as heat.

Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycles and Lattice Energies

Recall…… U = q – P V

Rearrange… U + P V = q  H

H =

It is the experimentally observed heat change

for a chemical reaction under conditions of
constant pressure.
Notice: under conditions of constant volume, H = U

Why is this so important?
Many practical chemical reactions are performed under constant
pressure, rather than constant volume conditions, for example:
• laboratory experiments in open containers
• biological reactions in living systems
• atmospheric reactions
• combustion reactions
So, if you were to measure the heat change in the reaction, you would be
measuring H, not U

Therefore 1. At constant P, calorimetry gives H

2. Tables of H predict heat change under experimental cond’ns
Additional Note: Even for gases, H and U are very close

At constant pressure, the “coffee-cup”
calorimeter measures the heat of reaction, H.

• thermally insulating
• usually used for liquids
• esp. good for
• heat of dissolution
• heat capacity of solids
• aqueous reactions

Your prac class in week 10

Systems and Surroundings

What is a System?
• The region where the reaction is taking place

What are the Surroundings?

• The region outside the system,
ie. A water bath that the reaction
vessel is sitting in.

What is the Universe?

Universe = system + surroundings

Systems and Surroundings

Open system: exchange of
both matter and energy with
Closed system: fixed amount
of matter but energy can be
exchanged with the
Isolated system: No contact
with surroundings: hot
coffee in a vacuum flask.

At constant volume, the “bomb” calorimeter
measures the internal energy change, U
(PV = 0 therefore q = U)

• thermally insulating
• usually used for
combustion reactions
• must know the heat
capacity of the

Relationship between H and U

• We just saw that the bomb calorimeter (constant
volume) and the coffee cup calorimeter (constant
pressure) measure two slightly different things.

Remember U + P V = q  H
• At constant volume, q = U
• At constant pressure, q = H

But what does this mean???

If we use a bomb calorimeter to measure q for
glucose, we are measuring U, internal energy BUT if
we want to know how much energy glucose will provide
for our bodies, we need to look at constant pressure!
And we need the enthalpy of reaction, H.

Relationship between H and U

• For reactions where no gas is produced or
consumed, little expansion work will be done.
• Hence the difference between H and U will
be negligible so we assume that H = U.
• But if a gas is formed, work will be done.
• Hence we need to use the ideal gas equation
to relate H and U.
Remember U + P V = q  H
You will recall from gases that: PV = nRT
U + nRT = H,
where n = nfinal - ninitial

Relationship between H and U
U + PV = q  H
Coffee-cup Bomb Calorimeter

Relationship between H and U

So how can we use this….
Q: A constant-volume calorimeter showed that the
heat loss accompanying the combustion of 1.000 mol
glucose molecules in the reaction:
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) → 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(g)
is 2559 kJ at 298K. What is the change in enthalpy
for the same reaction?

What makes an explosive?

ANS: The reaction must

produce a large amount
of energy (exothermic),
released in the form of
a pressure wave (i.e.
PV-type work is done)

Building demolition,

What makes an explosive?
Which of the following would make a good explosive?

A) C3H5N3O9 (l )  1.5N2(g) + 3CO2(g) + 2.5H2O(g) + 0.25 O2(g)

B) CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)

C) BrO3¯(aq) + 5Br¯(aq) + 6H3O (aq)  3Br2(aq) + 9H2O(l)

D) C7H5N3O6(s)  6 CO(g) + 2.5 H2(g) + 1.5 N2(g) + C(s)

Key chemical concepts:
• What are energy, heat and work?
• Energy level diagrams
• What is heat capacity
• How can we calculate the work, heat and U (Eint)
of an expanding gas?
• What is Enthalpy, and how do we determine it?
• What are the common “Heats of reactions”?
• How can we use bond energies to determine
enthalpy change
• Hess’s Law, for calculating reaction enthalpies
• Born-Haber cycles and Lattice Energies

Enthalpies of common reactions

Enthalpy of combustion:
e.g. BBQ fuel (butane)
C4H10 (g) + 6.5 O2 (g)  4 CO2 (g) + 5 H2O (g) Hcomb = -2877 kJ mol-1

Enthalpy of atomisation:
e.g. butane
C4H10 (g)  4 C (g) + 10 H (g) Hatom = +5544 kJ mol-1

Enthalpy of formation:
eg. ethanol
2C(graphite) + 3 H2(g) + ½O2(g) → C2H5OH(l) Hf = -277.69 kJ mol-1

Standard Reaction Enthalpies
• An enthalpy reaction also depends on the conditions that
the expt is performed under. For example the pressure will
influence the enthalpy.
• For this reason, all reaction enthalpies in data booklets are
reported for reactions in which the reactant and products
are in their standard state…the form they are in at 1 bar,
eg water exists as a liquid at 1 bar, rm temp.
• Also standard reaction enthalpies are reported for
25 C = 298.15 K.
• The standard conditions for an aqueous solution are also
1 M.

• Now we can tell if the reaction enthalpy is for

standard state conditions because it is written as:

Heats of Formation
• The heat of formation for an element
in its standard state is 0:
– eg Hf Ca(s) = 0
• A formation reaction is the reaction of
the elements in their standard state
added together to give the desired
• Hf CaO(s) = -635.1 kJ/mol
corresponds to the equation:
• Ca(s) + ½ O2(g) → CaO(s)

Other tables can be found in

your text and in your SI data
book under properties of
These are in their inorganic or organic
standard state. compounds.

Standard Enthalpies of Formation

• The standard enthalpies of formation can also be used to determine
the enthalpy of a reaction using the following equation:

Hr = nHf(products) - nHf(reactants)

2 NH2CH2COOH(s) + 3O2(g) → H2NCONH2(s) + 3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)

Enthalpies of common reactions
We also know that heat is also associated with
reactions of physical change.
For instance:
Enthalpy of fusion:
Eg. Ice (H2O(s)) melting
H2O(s) → H2O(l) Hfus = +6.01 kJ.mol-1

Enthalpy of vaporization:
e.g. H2O at 100 oC
H2O (l)  H2O (g) Hvap = +40.7 kJ mol-1
If we consider the same reaction from 25C, H = 44.0 kJ.mol-1

Enthalpy of special reactions

This process can be explained in a heating curve:

From Atkins and Jones, Fig 6.26.

Standard enthalpies of physical change

From Atkins and Jones

Standard Reaction Enthalpies
• Consider the H for the two reactions shown below.

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) H = -802 kJ

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = -890. kJ

• Why are they different?

• In the first reaction the water is produced as a gas but
in the second it is produced as a liquid.
We also know from 2 slides ago that Hovap = 44 kJ.mol-1 ,
hence for 2 moles Hovap = 88 kJ
This explains the difference between the 2 reactions.
We will come back to this later……

Lets look a bit closer still…

• At standard temp and pressure the reaction
enthalpy for the reaction:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l) Ho = -890kJ
• The enthalpy change refers to the equation as it
is written, that means that H = -890 kJ is the
reaction for 1 mole of methane and 2 moles of
• Hence if I double the reactants and products,
what does this mean for H??

Lets look a bit closer still…

• At standard temp and pressure the reaction enthalpy for
the reaction:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l) H = -890kJ

• What happens if we turn the reaction around?

So let’s determine Ho from experimental
• Benzene (0.113 g) is burnt in excess oxygen in a
calorimeter with a heat capacity of 551 J (C)-1 and
the temperature rises by 8.60 C. Calculate the
reaction enthalpy for 1 mole benzene.
1. Write out the reaction:

2. Does the temperature rise or fall??

3. Next work out qcal

4. Now q = -qcal, therefore q = -4738.6 J

So let’s determine Ho from

experimental data…..
• Benzene (0.113 g) is burnt in excess oxygen in a
calorimeter with a heat capacity of 551 J (C)-1 and
the temperature rises by 8.60 C. Calculate the
reaction enthalpy for 1 mole of benzene.
5. But this is for 0.113 g benzene, how many moles is

6. OK… but what then would be the H for the

combustion of one mole of benzene?

Bond enthalpies

Silberberg Table 9.2

Bond enthalpies and Hatom
The atomisation enthalpy is the sum of the
individual bond enthalpies:

Q: What is Hatom for methanol?

Hatom to estimate Hc

CH4(g) + 2 O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2 H2O (l); Hc = ?

All units kJ mol-1

Adapted from Silberberg, p.369

Hatom to estimate Hc

In chemical language:
kJ mol-1

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g)  C (g) + 4 H (g) + 4 O (g) H = 2648

C (g) + 4 H (g) + 4 O (g)  CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g) H = -3468

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g)  CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g) Hc = -820

This is called HESS’S LAW

In words… If you add up chemical equations to form a new (overall)
equation, then the overall enthalpy is the sum of the enthalpies.

Note: Using Hatom to estimate reaction enthalpy is only

approximate (a “simple” level of understanding)

Hess’s Law
Hess’s Law is one of the most important Laws
of chemistry. It allows us to estimate
thermodynamic quantities for reactions we
haven’t (or can’t) measure.

It doesn’t only apply to atomisation: H (kJ/mol)

CO (g) + ½ O2 (g)  CO2 (g) -283.0
NO (g)  ½ N2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) -90.3

CO(g) + NO(g)  CO2(g) + ½ N2(g) -373.3

Lattice Energies
• So let’s consider an ionic salt, for example
potassium chloride.
• We know from our previous lectures, that it is
an array of positive and negative ions.
• We also learnt that these ions are held
together by an energy…
– The lattice Energy
which is defined by the charge and distance between
the atoms.

Born-Haber Cycle
• For a given solid, the difference in molar
enthalpy between a solid and a gas of widely
separated ions is called the lattice enthalpy
of the solid, HL.

HL = Hm(ions,g) – Hm(solid)

• So…the lattice enthalpy can be identified by

the heat required to vaporise a solid into its
ions at constant pressure.

Born-Haber Cycle
• Lattice enthalpy of a solid cannot be
measured directly…..
…………So what could we do???

We can use:
Hess’s law
the first law of thermodynamics
And remember that enthalpy is a state function

Born-Haber Cycle
So let’s have a go…..
Devise a Born-Haber cycle to calculate the lattice
enthalpy of potassium chloride
K+(g) + e(g) + Cl(g)

K+(g) + Cl(g)

Lattice Energy


Texas City docks,
16th April, 1947

Texas fertiliser plant,

17th April, 2013

Part 2
Dr Carolyn Dillon
By appointment, email for on
campus consult, Rm 18.129 OR
See moodle for online times and
zoom link.

How hot thermochemistry
How likely thermodynamics
How fast
How far


Energy spontaneously disperses

if it is not hindered from doing so.

Types of energy

Potential (Ep)

Kinetic (Ek)

Thermodynamics and the
Facts of Life

• Hot objects cool down

• Iron rusts
In each case:
each case:

• Sugar dissolves in water Where

the energy
• Cars disintegrate on impact coming from?
• Air escapes from a balloon
• Batteries go flat Where is the energy
going to?
• Paper burns in oxygen
• There is always cleaning to do

How to be Spontaneous in
A spontaneous process has a tendency to occur

– it does not necessarily take place rapidly

– or instantaneously
– or at all on a human timescale
– but once started, however, it is self-

It has nothing to do with speed (That’s kinetics!)

H2 + O2 will react to give water and we can mix the two
and they will be stable for millenia. But, add a spark……

Blocking the Spontaneous
A spontaneous process can be prevented from
occurring by:

– Physical means:
• Holding onto a ball to prevent it rolling down a hill
• Closing a valve to prevent gas escaping into a
larger volume

– The Activation Energy (Ea) of a reaction

which is linked to temperature.. (see kinetics
lectures later).

Blocking (T) the Spontaneous


Once these means are overcome, the reaction or

process is self-sustaining: spontaneous.

Brown, et al. Ch 14, p 528

How to be nonspontaneous
• Nonspontaneous processes:

– Driving a gas into a smaller volume by pushing down

a piston (e.g. Bike pump, E = P V)

– Charging mobile phone batteries by plugging them

into a source of electricity (E = ItV)

– Heating objects up by placing them over a Bunsen

flame (E=mCT).

Work must be done and none of these are self-


Spontaneous vs non-spontaneous

that are
in one
are non-
in the
No energy change
Energy Change
No PV

Energy spontaneously tends to flow from
being concentrated in one place to
becoming diffused or dispersed and
spread out –
if it is not hindered from doing so.

Energy Disperses two ways…

How much Energy disperses?
– Hot objects cool down

But often there is no change in energy content of the

system, what then?

How widely does the Energy disperse?

– Sugar dissolves in water
– Ne and Ar gas mixing – ideal gas
– Or Butan-1-ol and butan-2-ol ideal soln

Entropy, S
S = Sfinal  Sinitial Entropy is a state function

Most likely (highest entropy)

Least likely (lowest entropy)

Entropy, S

In chemistry, the energy that entropy

measures is:

Phase change energy

(enthalpy of fusion and vapourisation)

Motional energy
(translational, rotational and vibrational)

S – Measuring the Energy that

• How much energy is dispersed?

(at a specific Temperature)
or Isothermal
• How widely spread out has this
energy become?(at a specific Temperature)

Entropy: Exactly how do we

measure it?

• How much energy is dispersed?

(at a specific Temperature)

“energy dispersed”
Entropy change =
qrev –1
S = J·K
What happens to T when you add energy?

Enthalpy of physical change
The heating curve for water:

40.7 kJ·mol-1
Temperature (°C)

H-bonds, dipole-dipole,
London, etc
intermolecular forces

Solid Liquid Vapourisation Gas

Heat Added

Entropy: Exactly how do we

measure it?

Entropy: Exactly how do we
measure it?
Entropy change: amount of energy that has been
spread out in the water so it could change to steam
divided by temperature (qrev = 40.7 kJ/mol, T = 373K)

Thermodynamics : How
Entropy changes with T
Absolute Entropy, S (J·K–1)

Solid Liquid Gas

At absolute
zero the
entropy is

Temperature (K)

Entropy, S

In chemistry, the energy that entropy

measures is:

Phase change energy

(enthalpy of fusion and vapourisation)

Motional energy
(translational, rotational and vibrational)

Standard Entropy of a

Thermodynamics – Which has
the higher S0?

(A) Hg (l) at 298 K

(B) Hg (g) at 298 K

Thermodynamics – Which has

the higher S0?

(A) Li (s) at 298 K

(B) U (s) at 298 K

Thermodynamics – Which has
the higher S0?

(A) H2O (l) at 298 K

(B) H2O (l) at 323 K

S – Measuring the Energy that


• How much energy is dispersed?

(at a specific Temperature)

• How widely spread out has this energy

become? (at a specific Temperature)

This measurement is the

change in Entropy, S

Entropy: Exactly how do we
measure it?
The S change in entropy when:
a gas expands into a vacuum
when two ideal liquids / two ideal gases
when a perfect solute dissolves in a
In these examples, there is an increase in entropy.


The entropy of the universe always


Suniverse > 0

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics - the 2nd Law
Suniverse (= Ssystem + Ssurroundings) > 0

Ssystem = Sproducts - Sreactants

Ssurroundings = -H/T

Which reaction has the higher

Ssystem = Sproducts - Sreactants

(A) 2NI3 (s) → N2 (g) + 3I2 (g)

(B) 2Mg (s) + O2 (g) → 2MgO (s)

(C) 2H2O2 (l) → 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

Thermodynamics - the 2nd Law
Suniverse (= Ssystem + Ssurroundings) > 0

 When hot objects cool down or water freezes?

 When Iron rusts?
4 Fe(s) + 3 O2 (g)  2 Fe2O3 (s)

Calculate the total entropy change for the
following reaction under standard conditions:

NH3 (g) + HCl (g) → NH4Cl (s) H0 =  315 kJ

S0 (J/K mol)
NH3 (g) = 192.3
HCl (g) = 186.8
NH4Cl (s) = 94.6


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