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NĂM HỌC: 2021 - 2022
(Thời gian làm bài 120 phút)

Phần ghi điểm Họ tên, chữ ký Số phách

Bằng số: Bằng chữ:
- Giám khảo số 1 :.................................
- Giám khảo số 2 : ................................

A. LISTENING (3 points) (The recording will be played TWICE)

Part 1(Q1-5). Listen to the recording and write T(True) or False (F) (1.0 p)
True/ False
1.The new science-fiction movie was very attractive …………………

2. It was cold and wet sometime at the beach. …………………

3. The terrific novel was interesting. …………………

4. The second speaker loves tennis. …………………

5. She has to study for an exam all the weekend. …………………

Part 2: Listen and write. There is one example (1p)

Visit to the museum

Will go by: (0) train

Leave school at: (1) …………………………..

Name of museum: (2) …………………………… Museum.

Will see: (3) ….…..………………........

Must take: (4) …………………………...

Must wear: (5) …………………………...

Part 3. Listen to Sarah talking to her friend, Jane about a new job. For questions 1- 5,
circle the correct answer (1p) .
0- Sarah’s boss wants a new
A- manager B- shop assistant C- secretary
1- Sarah usually starts work at
A- 6.00 B- 8.30 C- 9.00
2- In the new job, Jane can earn
A- £ 160 a week B- £ 180 a week C- £ 210 a week
3- Sarah has lunch

A- in a cafe B- in a park C- at home
4- In the new job, Jane can have
A- 3 weeks’ holiday B- 4 weeks’ holiday C- 5 weeks’ holiday
5- The manager’s name is Mr
A- Fawset B- Fawcett C- Fausett
B. PHONETICS (1 point)
I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. birthday B. author C. athletics D. together
2. A. changes B. coaches C. stripes D. classes
3. A. equation B. collection C. dictionary D. direction
4. A. notice B. lost C. ghost D. grow
5. A. watched B. naked C. liked D. looked
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others. (0.5p)
6. A. perform B. collect C. movie D. explore
7. A. wonderful B. expensive C. remember D. important
8. A. education B. opposition C. activity D. demonstration
9. A. cartoon B. arcade C. invite D. author
10. A. interesting B. necessary C. beautifully D. electrical
Your answers:
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences. (2.0 ps)
1. Now Hoa is used to ________ the busy roads in the city.
A. to cross B. crossing C. for crossing D. cross
2. The news on TV lastnight __________ very good.
A. was B. has C. were D. be
3. “Thanks a lot for the lovely dinner” - “ _______________”.
A. You’re welcome B. Thank you,too
C. It’s allright D. Please don’t say so
4. I have two close friends, but ______________ of them lives in Yen Dinh.
A. none B. both C. all D. neither
5. My Son _____________ as a world heritage site by UNESCO.
A. recognizes B. recognized C. is recognizing D. was recognized
6. His son hurts himself badly when he fell _____________ the high fence.
A. down B. out from C. out of D. over
7. “Pass me that pen please” – “ _______________”
A. No, it isn’t B. Here you are C. Yes, please D. It doesn’t matter
8. Not only ______________ but she is also intelligent.
A. beautiful she is B. she is beautiful C. is she beautiful D. beautiful is she
9. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous ________________.
A. view B. scenes C. scenery D. sights
10. Of the two students, he is ______________ .
A. tall B. taller C. the taller D. the tallest
11. Come here. We have _____________ good news for you.
A. a B. many C. a lot D. some
12. Khue Van Pavilion is ________________ as the symbol of Ha Noi City.
A. considered B. regarded C. surrounded D. expected
13. You'd better __________ an umbrella because it's rainy.
A. taking B. to take C. will take D. take
14. He made the soup by mixing _____________ meat with some rice.
A. little B. few C. alittle D. a few
15. I _____________ such nice and enthusiastic volunteers before
A. never meet B. have never met C. never met D. has never met
16. The new film has good audience figures _____________ poor reviews in the press.
A. despite B. in spite C. although D. nevertheless
17. If we go on wasting electricity, we _______________ pay a lot next month.
A. have to B. has to C. will have to D. had to
18. The cars which are generated by solar energy are called __________ cars.
A. solar-wasted B. solar-powered C. solar-friendly D. solar-daily
19. Disease spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas, _____________ ?
A. isn’t it B. doesn’t it C. is it D. does it
20. The opposite of “reduce” is _____________
A. decrease B. increase C. destroy D. pollute
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
II. Put the verbs in bracket into the correct form. (2ps.)
a. Most people prefer spending money to (1. earn) _________________ it .
b. You (2. wait) ______________ a minute while I (3. look) _____________ through the text?
c. Mary and Tom are neighbors. They (4. know) _______________ eachother for a long time.
d. I don’t enjoy (5. laugh) _____________ at by other people.
e. The boy (6. fall) ________________ and hurt him self while he (7. ride) _______________
his bike yesterday
f. His doctor advised him (8. give up)______________ smoking.
g. Nothing (9. do) _______________ till they reach a decision.
h. They (10. build) _________________ a hydro power station here at this time next year.
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Give the correct form of the word in each bracket in the following passage. (2ps)
1.The university grows and receives _____________ from the society. (RECOGNISE)
2. I don’t think it is goo for young kids to see ____________ on TV. (VIOLENT)
3. We were ___________ with the service at the cinema. Everything was terrible. (SATISFY)
4. Vesak Day is a _____________ festival for those who follow Buddhism. (RELIGION)
5. The film was ____________ though they spent millions of dollars making it. (SUCCEED)
6.There are a lot of cultural and ______________ activities held as part of this festival. (ART)
7.Waves will be used as an _______________ friendly source of energy. (ENVIRONMENT)
8. There will be a _____________ of energy in the near future. (SHORT)
9. In the future the buildings will be ____________ by solar energy (HOT)
10. What is the correct ______________ of this word? (PRONOUNCE)
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Find and circle the word/ phrase A, B, C, or D in each sentence that needs correction
1. There are a lot of food in the fridge, so help your self.
2. You should take a taxi although it is raining hard.
3. Would you like coming to my birthday party?
4. Lan has to look at her younger sister when her mother is away from home .
5. It has been a long time since we last talked together, isn’t it?
6. Lots of information are stored in the computer
7. Either Nam or his father know how to connect the printer.
8. My jet pack is on the ground and her is on the table.
9. There used to be less unemployed people in this city five years ago.
10. The children felt extremely terrifying when they watched that horror film.

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
D. READING (5.0 points)
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the
passage. (1.0p)
In the United States of America, the nationnal language is (1) ................ Enlish.Four
hundred years old, some English people came to North America to live and they
brought(2) ................. language to this country.
Now in the USA, people(3) ................ English. Most of the words are the (4)
...................... in America and British English, but the America say some English words not as
people (5) ................... in England. Canada is (6) ……........... to the North of the United States
of America. It is the larger (7) ........................ the United States. In Canada, many people (8)
...................... English because they also came from England many years (9) ................... But in
some parts of Canada, people speak (10) ............... because they came from France
1. A. also B. like C. as D. not
2. A. French B. English C. Chinese D. Canadian
3. A. British B. American C. Russian D. Chinese
4. A. various B. similar C. same D. like
5. A. do B. say C. talk D. speak
6. A. lies B. situated C. at D. in
7. A. than B. as C. more D. less
8. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak
9. A. ago B. later C. there D. here
10. A. France B. French C. Russian D. Italian
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II. Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE suitable word. (2.0ps)
Rivers are one of the world's (1) __________ important natural resources. Many cities are on
large rivers, and almost every country has at least one river that (2) __________ an important
part in the lives of its people. Besides transportation, rivers (3) _____ food, water for crops,
water to drink, and opportunities for recreation for people who (4) _________ along their banks.
And in (5) _________ to get water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam (6) _________ a
river and let the water become a lake behind the dam. Then people can use their water not (7)
__________ to irrigate fields but also to make electricity for homes and industries. (8)
____________ , the water often becomes polluted when cities on river (9) _____________ grow
in size and the number of industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to keep rivers
clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of the (10) _____________ resources.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct option marked A, B, C or D to
answer the questions(1p).
They called New York “the Big Apple”. Maybe it is not exactly like an apple, it’s certainly very
big. There are too many people, that’s the problem. The streets are always full of cars and
trucks, you can never find a place to park.
If you have enough money, you can take a taxi. New York cabs are yellow. They look all the
same. But the drivers are very different. Some were born and raised in New York, but many are
newcomers to the United States. A few drive slowly, but most go very fast. Cab driving is a
difficult job. It can be dangerous, too. Thieves often try to steal the drivers’ money. Drivers
sometimes get hurt.
If you don’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus or you can take the subway. The subway is
quick and it’s cheap, but parts of it are old and dirty. Lights don’t always work and there is often
fire on the track. On some subway lines, there are new, clean, silver trains. But you can’t see the
color of the old trains easily. There is too much dirt and too many graffiti, inside and outside.
1. What is the problem in New York? - _____________.
A. It has too many apples B. It is too big
C. It looked like an apple D. It is too crowded
2. What does a “cab” mean?
A. a truck B. a bus C. a taxi D. a driver
3. Cab drivers in New York _____________.
A. can be dangerous B. look the same
C. can be attacked by thieves D. were all born in New York
4. The world “track” can best be replaced by __________.
A. roadway B. station C. light bulb D. train
5. Subways in New York ____________.
A. have no lights B. are quick but dirty
C. are clothes D. often cause fires
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV. Read the following text then choose from the list A - F the best sentence to fill each of
the spaces . There is one extra sentence which you do not need(1p).
I have recently become very worried about my 15 - year -old , Nick. Althought he was
never brilliant at school, he used to get reasonable good marks (1) ...................
He used to be such a good swimmer that he won serveral prizes. But now he has given up
training . And instead of neat clothes he used to wear , all he ever puts on is the same pair of
shabby of old jeans and a dirty sweatshirt.
(2) ............... Nick was in the kitchen. The radio was so loud that he didn't hear me come
behind . My handbag was on the table. (3).................

We had a terrible now . Finally, he broke down and confessed everything . He has been
going every day to a big amusement arcade near his school and playing electronics games with
nick names like Space Warrior and Alien Invaders. I had always thought they were harmless. (4)
He has promised he won't go there again, but I think he's too addicted to stop.
(5) ................. What can I do to help him ?
A . But now I realize that he's so hooked on them, he'll even steal from his own mother in order
to pay for the habit.
B . Even if he wanted to he couldn't - and he doesn't.
C . I often leave it there so that I won't forget it when I go out.
D. He had taken some money out of it and was just about to put it in his pocket.
E. But that isn't all. Last Sunday , I got up earlier than usual.
F. But now his work has become o bad that his teachers say he is just wasting his time
Your answers:
1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

E. WRITING (5.0 points)

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it (2.0ps).
1. She last ate this kind of food in January
→ She has not ______________________________________________________________.
2. Listening to music is more interesting than watching TV
→ I prefer _________________________________________________________________.
3. You don’t have to finish the work today
→ It is not _________________________________________________________________.
4. I got to work in half an hour yesterday.
→ It took _________________________________________________________________.
5. My new jeans are more expensive than yours.
→ My new jeans aren’t ______________________________________________________.
6. When did you buy the computer?
→ How long is ____________________________________________________________?
7. How far is it from your hometown to school?
→ What is ________________________________________________________________?
8. They are going to build a new school here next year
→ A new school ____________________________________________________________.
9. With luck, She will win the cookery competition.
→ If _____________________________________________________________________.
10. In spite of having to work the next day, Tom watched films on DVD till midnight.
→ Even though _____________________________________________________________.
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not
change the form of the given word (1.0p).

1. Mr and Mrs Smith are flying to Hanoi now. (travelling)
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
2. What is the price of a bowl of beef noodle soup? (cost)

3. Why are you going to Da Lat in December? (for)
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
4. We often played these games when we were small. (used)
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
5. I will be busy working while you are on holiday. (during)
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
III. Make up meaningful sentences using the words and phrases given(1.0p).
1. It / easy/ start/ diet/ but/ it/ much harder/ keep/ to it.
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
2. The Temple/ Literature/ considered/ one/ most important hisstoric sites/ Viet Nam.
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
3. Nam/ like/ play/ badminton/ but/ not like/ skip.
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
4.We hope/ give more/ green color/ the town/ and earn/ money/ group.
→ _________________________________________________________________________.
5. People/ use/ public transports/ reduce/ number/ private vehicles/ road.
→ _________________________________________________________________________.


NĂM HỌC: 2021 - 2022
(Thời gian làm bài 120 phút)
A. LISTENING (3.0 points )
PART 1. (1.0 p) (0.2 p for each correct answer)
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T
PART 2. (1.0 p) (0.2 p for each correct answer)
1. 8.00 / eight 2. Harding 3. insects 4. (a) snack(s) 5. (the) (school)
(o’clock) /lunch/ uniform(s)/
(some)food school clothes
PART 3.(1.0 p) (0.2 p for each correct answer
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B
B. PHONETICS (1.0 point – 0.1pt or each correct answer)
I. I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others.(0.5 p)
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B
II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others. (0.5 p)
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. D
I. Choose the best word or phrase (2.0 points – 0.1 pt for each correct answer)
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C
11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. B
16. A 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. B
II. Put the verbs in bracket into the correct form.
(2.0 points – 0.2pts for each correct answer)
1. earning 2. Will .. wait 3. am looking 4. have known 5. being laughed

6.fell 7. was riding 8. to give up 9. will be done 10. will be building

III. Write the correct form of the bold-typed words in the following passage.
(2.0 points – 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1. recognition 2. violence 3. dissatisfied 4.religious 5.unsuccessful
6.artistic 7. environmentally 8. shortage 9. heated 10.pronunciation
IV. (1 point - 0.1pt for each correct answer)
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B

D. READING (5.0 points)

I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
(1.0 point – 0.1pt for each correct answer)

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
II. Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE suitable word.
(2.0 points - 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1. most 2. plays 3. provide 4. live 5. order

6. across 7. only 8. However 9. banks 10. natural

III. Read the passage and circle the best answer A, B, C or D (1point - 0.2pt for each answer)
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B
IV. Read the following text then choose from the list A - F . There is one extra sentence (1p).
(1.0 point - 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1- F 2- E 3- D 4- A 5- B
E. WRITING (4.0 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (2.0ps - 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1.→ She has not eaten this kind of food since January
2.→ I prefer listening to music to watching TV.
3.→ It is not important/ (necessary) for you to finish the work today
4.→ It took me half an hour to get to work yesterday
5.→ My new jeans aren’t as/ (so) cheap as yours
6.→ How long is it since you bought the computer?
7.→ What is the distance between your hometown and school?
8.→ A new school is going to be built here next year
9.→ If she is lucky, She will win the cookery competition.
10.→ Even though Tom had to work the next day, he watched films on DVD till midnight.
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not
change the form of the given word. (1.0 point - 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1. Mr and Mrs Smith are travelling to Hanoi by plane now.
2. How much does a bowl of beef noodle soup cost?
3. What are you going to Da Lat in December for?
4. We used to play these games when we were small.
5. I will be busy working during your holiday/ During your holiday, I will be busy working.
III. Make up meaningful sentences using the words and phrases given. (1.0p)
(1.0 point - 0.2pt for each correct answer)
1. It is easy to start a diet but it is much harder to keep to it.
2. The Temple of Literature is considered one of the most important hisstoric sites of/ (in)Viet Nam
3. Nam likes playing badminton but he does not like skipping.
4.We hope to give more green color to the town and earn some money for our/(the) group.
5. People should use public transports to reduce the number of private vehicles on the road.
----The end---


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