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EcoHero Project - Saving the Plants presented as a chart:

4: Exceeds 3: Meets 1: Below

Criteria Expectations Expectations 2: Developing Expectations

Counts and Uses data

Demonstrates an Struggles to count
categorizes plants collected from the
understanding of or categorize
Math (Investigating and animals investigation to
odd and even objects accurately
the Environment) accurately during create graphs or
numbers during during the
the environmental charts to represent
counting activities. investigation.
investigation. findings.

Participates actively Describes the

in the impact of Applies scientific Shows minimal

Science environmental environmental knowledge to interest or

(Understanding the investigation, disruptions on suggest possible understanding of

Environment) demonstrating plant life with solutions for the environmental

curiosity and accuracy and saving the plants. investigation.

engagement. clarity.

Writes a Uses appropriate Demonstrates

well-structured and vocabulary and creativity and Struggles to

English (Creative descriptive short language originality in develop a coherent

Storytelling) story about their conventions to developing the and descriptive

EcoHero's express ideas EcoHero character story.

adventures. effectively. and plot.

Creates a visually

appealing and Designs an

unique EcoHero imaginative and
Art (EcoHero attention to detail Puppets lack
puppet, considering distinct EcoVillain
Puppet and and craftsmanship creativity and
its appearance and puppet, reflecting
EcoVillain) in constructing the effort.
superpowers its motivations and
related to saving the appearance.


Contributes actively
Participates in the Displays
to the composition Shows minimal
puppet show with enthusiasm and
Music (EcoHero of the EcoHero involvement or
appropriate music confidence during
Theme Song and theme song, enthusiasm during
cues and timing to the performance
Puppet Show) showcasing an music-related
enhance the of the EcoHero
understanding of activities.
storytelling. puppet show.
rhythm and melody.

Overall Project Proficient Developing Emerging (1-5

Evaluation Exceptional (15-16 points) (11-14 points) (6-10 points) points)

[Insert personalized comments on

each criterion, highlighting the

student's strengths and areas for

improvement, as well as

suggestions for future growth and


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