Balinese Culture

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Exploring Balinese Culture

Grade Level: 1st Grade


● Introduce students to basic elements of Balinese culture through interactive and

creative activities.
● Foster curiosity and interest in different cultures.


● World map or globe

● Pictures of Balinese traditional art, dance, and landmarks
● Craft supplies (colored paper, markers, glue sticks, safety scissors)
● Balinese traditional music (optional)

Introduction (5 minutes):

​ Gather students in a circle and show a world map or globe.

​ Point out Bali's location and explain it's an island in Indonesia.
​ Spark curiosity by mentioning that we'll be learning about a special island far
away today.

Cultural Exploration (10 minutes):

​ Show colorful pictures of Balinese dance, art, and landmarks.

​ Engage students by asking questions like, "What do you see in these pictures?"
​ Briefly explain that Bali has special dances, music, and beautiful places.

Language Activity (5 minutes):

​ Teach students a simple Balinese greeting: "Om Swastiastu" (Hello).

​ Encourage students to say the greeting with enthusiasm and in a friendly tone.

Creative Craft Activity (10 minutes): Balinese Dance Masks:

​ Provide pre-cut mask templates and a variety of colorful materials.

​ Instruct students to decorate their masks using vibrant colors and patterns.
​ While crafting, play soft Balinese traditional music in the background for

Movement and Dance (5 minutes):

​ Explain that Balinese people love to dance and move.

​ Play a short snippet of Balinese music and encourage students to dance freely.

Sharing and Discussion (5 minutes):

​ Have students show their decorated masks and briefly describe their designs.
​ Discuss how their masks and dancing relate to Balinese culture.

Wrap-up and Cultural Appreciation (5 minutes):

​ Gather students back in a circle and briefly review what they've learned.
​ Emphasize that every culture is unique and special, just like Bali.

Assessment: Assessment can be based on participation in the craft activity,

engagement during dancing and discussion, and their ability to enthusiastically greet
using the Balinese phrase.

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