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Paper Number 32

July 1999

Social Assessment of the

Azerbaijan National
Environmental Action Plan:
A Focus on Community Responses
to the Caspian Sea Environmental

Ayse Kudat
Ahmed Musayev
Bulent Ozbilgin
Social Development Papers

Paper Number 32
July 1999

Social Assessment of the

Azerbaijan National
Environmental Action Plan:
A Focus on Community Responses
to the Caspian Sea Environmental

Ayse Kudat
Ahmed Musayev
Bulent Ozbilgin
This publication was developed and produced by the Social Development Family of the World Bank.
The Environment, Rural Development, and Social Development Families are part of the Environmentally
and Socially Sustainable Development (ESSD) Network. The Social Development Family is made up of
World Bank staff working on social issues.

Papers in the Social Development series are not formal publications of the World Bank. They are
published informally and circulated to encourage discussion and comment within the development
community. The findings, interpretations, judgments, and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of
the author(s) and should not be attributed to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of
the Board of Executive Directors or the governments they represent.

Copies of this paper are available from:

Social Development
The World Bank
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Washington, D.C. 20433 USA

Fax: 202-522-3247

Acknowledgments ii

1. Overview 1

Objectives 1
Achievements 1
Participatory Process and the NEAP 2
Project Implications 3
Social Development Concerns and Main Findings of the Socioeconomic Studies 3
Main Findings 4

2. Background 7
Neftchala Region 8
Lenkoran Region 8
Astara Region 9
Methodology of Social Analysis 9
Analyses 10
Priority Problems and their Relation to the Caspian Sea Rise 12
Impacts on Employment 15
Impacts on Health 15
Impacts on Education 17
Impacts on Local Infrastructure 18
Migration versus Relocation 20
The Situation in Baku 22

3. Recommendations Proposed by Residents of Affected Communities 25

4. Epilogue 28


The Social Assessment is funded by the Environment Action Plan; Janis Bernstein
Swiss Trust Funds that helped establish made valuable contributions to this earlier
Social Science Networks in a number of draft. It was subsequently re-drafted by
Central Asian countries. The authors are Ayse Kudat as part of the Bank-wide
grateful for the generous support of the Social Assessment Thematic Team’s effort
Swiss Government. to make available case studies of such
assessments to a broader audience within
The National Environment Action Plan for and outside the Bank. Thanks are due to
Azerbaijan (NEAP) was task managed by the Rockefeller Foundation for hosting the
Kristalina Georgieva of the World Bank. author as a resident scholar in the
This paper was originally drafted in late Rockefeller Foundation Study and
1996 by the authors as an input to the Conference Center in Bellagio during the
finalization of Azerbaijan National preparation of this document.

This SA is dedicated to Professor Ahmed Musayev, Director of the

Sorgu Institute for Applied Social Science Research and the founder
of the Azerbaijan Social Science Network. Professor Musayev died in
December 1997, an an early age. His contributions to innumerable
social assessments of Bank projects are invaluable.

1. Overview

Objectives Achievements

The SA represents a partial attempt to The SA objectives were planned to be met

identify stakeholder perspectives for priority in several stages:
environmental action in Azerbaijan within
the framework of the National Environment 1. Develop an understanding of
Action Plan (NEAP). At the outset of the environmental priorities of communities
preparation of the NEAP, the intention was affected by the rise of the Caspian Sea
2. Reach out to the rest of the population,
• Systematically identify social with a focus on internally displaced
development and participation issues that people, and rural and urban residents
resulted in segments of the population
suffering from environmental problems 3. Use this information as representing the
and/or hindered their ability to affect views of the ultimate stakeholders (the
improvements in their environment people at large) and facilitate other
stakeholder (including institutional
• Define a sustained participation agents) consultations around them
framework to ensure stakeholder needs
are integrated in environmental planning 4. Analyze existing local and national
and management environmental planning and
management processes to facilitate
• Identify appropriate institutional sustained stakeholder participation
mechanisms to ensure that environmental
action is inclusive and responds to the 5. Organize stakeholder workshops to
needs of the poor and the vulnerable integrate social development and
sustainable participation concerns into
• Propose a monitoring and evaluation the NEAP.
framework, including social impact
monitoring, for the management of the However, as a result of budgetary
environmental agency and for constraints only 1 and 5 of the stages
environmental projects. outlined above were carried out. As such, the

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

SA presented here represents a partial • Extent of social and human damage

effort. In the main body of the SA report,
the main findings of the participatory • Danger of irreversibly losing natural
information-gathering efforts carried out in resources
the Caspian Sea communities are
summarized and the implications for the • Adverse employment conditions, loss of
NEAP and the follow-up investment project income, and other economic hardship to
are presented. Information available be suffered by impact populations.
through other SAs carried out by the
Azerbaijan Social Science Network also Using these criteria, the SA pointed to the
drew attention to environmental priorities of following priority actions:
displaced populations—namely, demining.
• Relocation of households in the affected
Participatory Process and the NEAP regions of Neftchala, Lenkoran, and
The NEAP process was carried out by a
joint team of Azerbaijani professionals, • Prevention of secondary pollution of the
international consultants and World Bank sea from oil-related activities
staff, supervised by a high-level
governmental steering committee. During
• Restoration of some of the Sea-based
the process, a multidisciplinary team of local
industries and re-creating the jobs lost as
experts prepared environmental and natural
a result of damage to these industries
resource sector studies and analyzed
environmental issues within their physical,
• Restoration, relocation or protection of
sectoral, and institutional contexts. Experts
infrastructure of national importance,
from the Committee of Ecology, other
such as critical land-based
governmental and nongovernmental
transportation links.
organizations, the Academy of Sciences,
and representatives of local administrations,
The participatory approach helped
industries, ministries, the media, universities
incorporate citizens’ needs and priorities
and regional authorities were closely
into the national planning process. It
involved throughout the development of the
promoted greater ownership of NEAP
NEAP and, in particular, during the
objectives and follow-up action. The process
identification and discussion of national
also increased the visibility of environmental
environmental priorities and criteria for
institutions within the government, as well
ranking those priorities.
as in the country as a whole. In addition,
environmental awareness was enhanced
Within the NEAP, about 50 different
and the capacity of institutions dealing with
actions were recommended to address
environment was strengthened. During the
existing environmental damage and to
NEAP preparation, media coverage of
prevent more damage in the Caspian
environmental issues increased and civil
communities alone. To carry out all these
society organizations, including national
actions would have been beyond the
associations of women, took greater interest
financial means of the government; thus,
in environmental protection. However,
setting priorities was particularly important.
ensuring sustained stakeholder participation
The SA, based on people’s views, assisted
in the environment may prove difficult due
the NEAP team in using the following
to the pressing economic and political
criteria in prioritizing these actions:


problems the Republic is facing. • Protecting sturgeon from extinction

Project Implications • Preserving the value of sturgeon as a

source of medicine.
To make sure that implementation of the
most pressing actions would not be delayed Social Development Concerns and Main
until the finalization of the NEAP, the Findings of the Socioeconomic Studies
Urgent Environmental Investment Project
was initiated in 1997, financed by the World The key social development concern was
Bank and other donors. This project for vulnerable populations. These were
represented a first step toward NEAP grouped into those once displaced by armed
implementation in Azerbaijan and conflict that had returned (or intended to
addressed the following components: return) to their original homes, and those
displaced or otherwise impacted by the
• Sumgayit city mercury cleanup environmental disaster caused by the rising
• Sturgeon hatchery development level of the Caspian Sea. The concerns of the
• Oil pollution mitigation internally displaced populations (IDPs) were
• Institutional strengthening. addressed through a comprehensive process
of SA, initiated in 1994 and completed in
The SA’s contributions were limited1 to 1998 (Brown 1998)2 and through the
developing the sturgeon hatchery, but an Azerbaijan Pilot Reconstruction Project
earlier SA on the Baku Water Supply and financed by the World Bank and other
Sanitation Project had, in 1994, called donors. The concerns of the populations
attention to oil pollution problems. affected by the Caspian Sea disaster were
incorporated in the NEAP and in the follow-
The sturgeon hatchery component up Urgent Environment Investment Project
included in the Urgent Environment as described above. While measures have
Investment Project that would help address been taken to strengthen national and
the decline in sturgeon stock and would regional institutions to oversee the relevant
provide relatively high-income jobs to a environmental actions, no specific social
number of people in one of the most impact monitoring has been incorporated in
economically depressed regions of the the Project’s Monitoring and Evaluation
country. Additional incomes would be (M & E) component.
earned from fishing and caviar production,
and trading. The service and manufacturing A series of consultative and systematic
industries that support fishing and caviar information activities was carried out in the
production would also be aided. Thus, in preparation of the SA. In early 1996, a team
the long term, the component would of local social scientists and Bank social
improve the sustainability of sturgeon assessment specialist visited the Caspian Sea
fishing and caviar production and help communities and carried out a rapid
preserve sturgeon’s historic importance to assessment based on ten focus group
Azerbaijan’s culture and economy. meetings and a large number of semi-
Additional benefits include: structured individual interviews. The team
also visited local government representatives
• Increasing the commercial value of and central government institutions.
sturgeon Secondary data were collected and the
potential relevance of SAs carried out for

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

other Bank-funded projects was assessed. exposure to poor sanitary conditions as a

Subsequently, a team of local social scientists result of the sea rise. Seventy-one
and members of the local Association of percent of Neftchala residents think that
Women in Development were trained to their health was better before the sea
carry out surveys and focus group meetings started to rise, and 36 percent indicate
in affected areas as described in the rest of that their current health situation is
the paper. The findings were presented to poor; the situation is similar in other
the relevant government agencies and were regions. All of these regions reported
shared with the NEAP team. They were also cases of asthma, tuberculosis, and
presented to the national stakeholder rheumatism. In Lenkoran and Astara
seminar organized to establish regions, in particular, there has been an
environmental action priorities for increase in snakes and bugs in
Azerbaijan. residential areas and homes due to a
proliferation of swamps by receding sea
Main Findings water.

The following were the main findings of • The sea rise has serious indirect impacts
the SA: on the level and quality of education
available in these three regions, mainly
• Income and employment are the most because of the heavy damage to
important concerns for local people transportation and communication lines.
living in coastal settlements of Neftchala, Even though the majority of educational
Lenkoran, and Astara. The rising sea facilities are not directly affected by the
level is perceived to be a priority concern sea rise, many roads are blocked and
only where it is recognized as a main communication among settlements is, at
cause of unemployment. In Neftchala, best, irregular. Consequently, it has
for example, most unemployment is become extremely difficult to find
perceived to be related to the sea rise teachers willing or able to go to schools.
because it was responsible for destroying The declining quality of education
the sturgeon hatcheries and fishing in further erodes the base on which new
that region. Consequently, the majority local development initiatives can be
(almost 90 percent) of the people in this started. Unless the road infrastructure is
region views the rising level of the improved and the local educational
Caspian Sea as a priority concern. In institutions start functioning, the future
Lenkoran and Astara, by contrast, the could result in further economic decline
rising level of the sea is not perceived as in the coastal settlements.
a hazard. Although the rising level of
the Caspian caused some households to • Local basic infrastructure has
suffer, region-wide impacts are less deteriorated due mainly to the effects of
important than those in Neftchala. And the sea rise as well as poor construction.
unlike many of the residents of Electricity is the only source of energy
Neftchala, the people of these regions for most people, but the supply is
have access to other means of survival unreliable. In each of the three regions
such as subsistence farming. surveyed, rising ground waters have had
a significant effect on the water supply.
• Residents of coastal settlements In most cases, good quality drinking
experience severe health problems from water is not available. People usually


have to fetch water from a distance, and infrastructure, lack of opportunities for
in most cases, pay for the water. A alternative employment). Furthermore,
majority of households that cannot these three regions have different
afford to pay, use poor quality water, socioeconomic characteristics (for
which results in added health problems. example, Neftchala has oil wells
whereas Lenkoran and Astara are on an
• Households in the city of Baku are not important international railway route).
directly affected by the sea rise. In the Different measures for different regions
suburbs of Baku, there are very few should be envisioned.
cases in which the rise in sea level has
directly affected houses. Most concerns • Most people trust the central
stem from the economic and government and think that their
environmental effects of the sea rise, problems can only be solved through
such as the blockage of sewerage lines government intervention. Favoritism,
and the deterioration of production together with adverse conditions caused
enterprises. by the sea rise and economic conditions,
have caused people to lose trust in local
• For most households in the affected administrations. Therefore, people do
communities, migration to other regions not have many expectations with respect
is not viewed as a desirable option. But a to local governments. If they have a
large percentage of the population who choice, they prefer to give local
are directly affected would be willing to governments a limited role in further
move to other areas of the same village. impact mitigation. They expect the
Even though some relocation has been central government to take the initiative
undertaken by the authorities, it has to start mitigation measures in
been limited in scope and in most cases, collaboration with international
falls short of the real needs of people. organizations who are experienced in
Many households that do not want to such activities.
migrate do so because they do not want
to change their lifestyle. Some families • Because the adverse impact of the rising
think that they can stay in their homes sea levels vary widely from one region to
until they are directly affected by the the other, a case-by-case assessment of
rising sea. Others continue living in the affected communities is necessary to
homes that are largely inundated by sea achieve maximum protection. In some
water. Their main reasons appear to be settlements, for example, almost half the
their perception that those resettled are villages have been destroyed by the sea.
not faring well. While migration is not a In other settlements, by contrast, only a
desirable option for most households in small number of households are directly
affected coastal communities, relocation affected. In designing mitigation
will be acceptable if livelihood in the strategies, therefore, it is important to
new locations are sustainable. Any assess the actual level of damage in each
actions involving relocation should settlement.
consider its long-term sustainability with
respect to further (indirect) impacts of • In one area, it is possible to reverse
the sea rise (for example, further economic conditions by improving the
salinization of the land, lack of fishing industry. The relevant
transportation, lack of basic investments recommended by the

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

communities include: drainage works in undertake only limited measures to save

the delta of the Kura River to deepen the the day until the sea returns to its former
river and restore the operation of fishing levels. Recognizing the uncertainties
boats (it is believed this measure will surrounding the sea rise, residents in all
allow fish to swim into the mouth of the three regions expressed a need to
river and will revitalize the operation of forecast the sea rise through scientific
fishing stations); constructing a canal methods requiring the involvement of
extending from the Kura River to the international organizations. Perhaps
Caspian Sea to ensure the flow of Kura more importantly, long-term land use
waters into the sea, thus enabling fishing regulations are required to ensure future
boats to move and restoring fishing safety.
stations; and supplying the necessary
means to help create fishing teams, _______________
including the reconstruction of the fish
plant for selling fingerlings. 1
Since the onset of the NEAP in 1996, the water
level in the Caspian Sea has declined slightly.
• There is a clear need for timely and This has a significantly altered the relative
order or priority action in the NEAP as
accurate information regarding the
protection measures became less urgent, and
cyclical nature of the sea rise, expected time was gained to develop a coastal zone
sea level changes, and future mitigation protection plan before new areas were flooded.
measures. Although people are Nonetheless, the damage was pervasive, with
somewhat aware of the cyclical nature substantial social, environmental, and
of the sea rise, some believe that the sea economic costs. Moreover, damage is on-going
level has stopped rising, and is now in some areas, because of wave action and
regressing. This perception, coupled significantly higher groundwater levels.
with peoples’ desire to stay in their
birthplaces (often located on valuable
Jonathan Brown. Listening to People in
Azerbaijan, Post-Conflict Reconstruction: A User’s
pieces of seaside land), cause them to
Perspective. The World Bank. 1998.
stay in heavily affected areas and

2. Background

Among the republics of the Former Soviet meters below ocean level. The sea is
Union (FSU), Azerbaijan has the most expected to continue to rise until about
severe environmental problems. The country 2020, when it is expected to reach the level
inherited (from the Soviet period) an observed in 1900 (25 meters below ocean
inefficient environmental management level). The principal productive sectors
system and massive environmental affected by the sea rise are the oil and gas
degradation related to the high level of industry, chemical industries, agriculture,
industrial development (particularly oil and fisheries.
extraction and processing, chemical and
metallurgical production in the Absheron Apart from the long-term fluctuation of
peninsula where the capital, Baku, and the the average sea level, there are also seasonal
industrial city, Sumgayit, are located). In fluctuations ranging from 20 to 55 cm. This
addition to these environmental concerns, results from seasonal fluctuations of the
the Caspian Sea level is rising rapidly, inflow of rivers and evaporation. The sea
flooding industrial, urban, and agricultural reaches its highest level in June and July.
lands. Due to the direction of winds and changes
in atmospheric pressure, the level may rise
The Caspian Sea, the biggest inland sea as high as 80 cm. Tidal variations are limited
body in the world, is approximately 1,200 to 2 to 6 cm.
km. long and, on average, 320 km. wide
with a total area of 350,000 km2. The total The Kura River delta (Neftchala region)
length of the coast is 6,500 km, of which 800 with impacts on sturgeon fisheries, caviar
km belong to Azerbaijan. Fishing, especially production and sturgeon processing plants
for sturgeon, is important to local and the southern areas of Lenkoran and
economies. The sea is also rich in natural Astara with impacts on housing, transport,
resources such as oil and natural gas. and energy infrastructure are among the
Currently, a serious environmental concern priority areas identified. In addition, large
for the Government of Azerbaijan is the parts of the Absheron Peninsula, including
cyclical rise of the Caspian Sea level. Baku and Sumgayit, where rising Caspian
Historically, the sea level has fluctuated and groundwater levels may cause severe
greatly. In 1977, the lowest water level of pollution by flooding old oil fields and waste
the last 500 years was recorded—29 meters ponds, sewage systems, and hazardous and
below ocean level. In the last two decades, radioactive waste sites are also priority areas
the water rose two and a half meters to 26.5 to be considered.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

Neftchala Region fishing plants,2 and 500 households in

various settlements.
The city of Neftchala is located 170 km.
south of Baku in the delta of the Kura River. In addition to large parts of the region
At its current level, the town is only a few which are already flooded, the level of the
meters above the sea level. The local Kura River is also rising with the sea level.
economy heavily depends on sturgeon Major portions of the sturgeon hatchery in
hatcheries and cotton production. The total the region are permanently flooded and the
land area of the region is 1,500 km2. rest have been damaged during storms.
According to local authorities, the Buildings of the hatchery have also been
population of the region is 67,700 of which flooded several times. The production
19,300 live in urban areas (28.5 percent) and capacity of the plant is currently about 20 -
48,400 live in rural areas (71.5 percent). 30 percent of what it was before.3 Revival of
Most areas in the region are flat and below the hatcheries is of great economic
sea level. The oil field of Neftchala region is importance as Azerbaijan’s sturgeon and
located 12 km to the south of the mouth of caviar production is directly linked to the
the Kura River. After iodine and bromine number of fingerlings released.
were discovered in the region, an iodine-
bromine plant was also set up here; Impeded drainage, the rising ground
however, the plant is currently not water levels and salt water intrusion during
operational. The main agricultural products storms cause salinization of the land in the
are cotton and grain. The total area of land region. As the sea rose, the mouth of the
that can be used for agriculture is 49,300 ha. Kura River became partially blocked by
Fishing is one of the most important sources sedimentation caused by the fluctuations of
of income: the region has the biggest fish the sea level, creating an obstacle for fishing
plant and largest fishing grounds of boats. To keep the river accessible for boats,
Azerbaijan. However, this industry has been a canal has been constructed, which
damaged by the rise of the Caspian Sea, reconnects the river and the sea. However,
greatly affecting the livelihood of residents. flooding has occurred several times even
around the canal. Therefore, the local
According to the data provided by economy is heavily affected by the sea rise
executive authorities of Neftchala, the rise of and living conditions have considerably
the Caspian Sea level has already affected worsened.
2,866 ha. in the region which has a coastal
line of 17.5 km. Overall, eighteen settlements Lenkoran Region
along the coast have been affected.1 In
addition, 210 oil wells, which used to The territory of Lenkoran region is 661
produce 142 tons per day, have been km2. Its total population is 190,000 people,
affected by water. Other facilities and of which 58,000 (30.5 percent) are urban
infrastructure that were damaged due to the and 132,000 (69.5 percent) are rural.
sea level rise are: roads (40 km., of which 20 Lenkoran is the most densely populated
km. belong to the state and 20 km. belong to region of Azerbaijan. There are two cities,
the local administrations), electric and Lenkoran and Port-Ilich, and eighty villages
communication lines (50 km.), oil and gas in the region. Average population density is
pipeline (35 km.), Neftchala iodine-bromine about 230 people/km2. The territory of the
production association, agricultural land region is not flat—there are both plains and
(1,500 ha), pastures and wildlife preserve, mountainous areas. The economy of the


region depends on agriculture. The main The main road to Iran, crossing through
products are vegetables and tea, but the Lenkoran and Astara, is an important
region is also well-known for its citrus international road link. The railway passing
plants. There are 27 industrial enterprises in through the region is heavily used to
this region, which include 2 vegetable/fruit transport passengers and goods from Astara
canning plants, 6 tea plants, 2 fish and Lenkoran to Baku. However, in some
processing plants, 3 textile plants, 3 car areas, the coast is so eroded that the railway
building plants and 1 electronics plant. and the roads have been undermined and
washed away. The current condition of
According to information obtained from roads seriously hampers land
regional authorities, around 850 households transportation. In this area, coastal
are affected by rising sea levels along the protection against the rising sea level and
coast, which has a total length of 40 km. In wave action is insufficient or completely
Lenkoran town, for example, 672 houses absent.
and 18 public buildings along the coast have
been evacuated due to permanent flooding. Methodology of Social Analysis
In addition, the economy of the region is
also heavily affected. The Narimanov fish The main goal of the socioeconomic
plant, Lenkoran nutria facilities, and the surveys and qualitative investigations
Lenkoran branch of the Baku knitwear carried out for the SA was to examine the
plant are closed. The total agricultural area social, economic, and psychological impacts
covered by water is approximately 200 ha. of the Caspian Sea rise and the attitudes of
In addition, 900 ha. of pastures and 90 ha. the people living in the coastal communities
of wildlife preserves have been lost to floods. of Azerbaijan. The specific objectives of the
assessment were to assess the number of
Astara Region households affected by the sea level rise;
determine the extent to which they are
The total area of this region is 616 km2. affected; explore the problems of households
Its population is 77,000 people, of which living in these coastal communities; explore
17,000 are urban (22 percent) and 60,000 these communities’ responses to the
rural (78 percent). There are fifty-six villages environmental problems and their coping
and one city in the region. The local methods; assess their attitudes toward
economy depends on tea and vegetable further rise in sea levels; and based on these
production as well as on fishing. As in findings, contribute to the NEAP process by
Lenkoran region, citrus plants are cultivated making recommendations on actions for
here. According to information obtained mitigating further impacts of the Caspian
from local authorities, around 30,000 people Sea rise.
are affected by rising sea levels: 560
households in the region are directly Following rapid assessments and
affected at the coastal line which is 21 km. evaluation of secondary data, the
long. Industrial enterprises and institutions socioeconomic analysis comprised
that were affected include the Motor interviews with 432 households in affected
Vehicles Agency in the rayon, asphalt plant, communities of Neftchala, Lenkoran, and
and Shahagaci tractor park. In addition, 400 Astara regions and seven focus group
ha. of cultivated land in the region were discussions in these regions and Baku. In
washed away by rising water and an addition, in-depth interviews were
another 600 ha. became marshland. conducted in the communities and

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

discussions were held with local leaders. statistics on affected households differ
Table 1 lists settlement names, their somewhat from SA findings. This is due
populations, the number of households, and partly to differences in the date of data
the number of families affected by the sea collection and to the criteria used for
rise for settlements included in the sample. classification. The SA results are based on
Interviewers conducted the survey by going people’s judgments on the nature and type
into each of these settlements and of adverse impacts.
interviewing every third house on all streets
according to the numbers on houses. In case Analyses
the house was empty, or the family did not
want to be interviewed, interviewers Household Composition
proceeded to the next house. The sample is
representative for coastal settlements at the Households in affected communities are
region level. Settlements which are further relatively large and many host a small
away from the sea (and therefore not extended family of a couple, their children,
directly affected) are not included in the and a widowed parent. Family members
sample. Table 1 illustrates the official help each other to cope with enormous
population data and data on the number of difficulties imposed upon them both by the
houses directly affected by the sea rise as environmental disaster and by the
identified by the interviewers. Official transition. Out-migration from Neftchala

Table 1. Population in Social Assessment Communities

Settlement Population Seriously Partially

Region Name (thousands) Households Affected Affected

Lenkoran Lenkoran Town 46,000 9,000 672 n/a

Por-Ilich town 11,182 2,049 50 170
Narimanabad 7,100 1,400 70 150
Veyli 4,000 800 13 50
Sirinsu 2,000 420 0 50
Siyavar 2,000 350 0 15
Subtotal 75,482 14,549 825 480

Astara Astara Town 20,000 3,500 50 150

Gamishovka 200 40 5 20
Shahagaci 7,000 200 25 130
Kaladaniya 350 60 10 20
Subtotal 27,550 3,800 90 320

Neftchala Sarigamish 320 65 43 22

Mikayilli 400 81 0 20
Mayak - I 551 137 28 40
Mayak - II 371 76 15 15
Subh 336 72 27 25
Banke 7,000 1,200 0 50
Subtotal 8,978 1,631 113 172

TOTAL 112,010 19,980 1,028 972

Source: Local Executive Offices of Neftchala, Lenkoran, and Astara regions, 1996.


where employment opportunities have country, this is particularly evident. In

dramatically shrunk resulted in substantially Lenkoran, where the adverse impacts of the
smaller household size in this region: while disaster is particularly pronounced in terms
in Lenkoran and Astara households room of agricultural productive capacity, monthly
5.6 and 5.4, respectively. In Neftchala, 4.6 household incomes are as low as U.S.$58;4
persons live in a household. In Lenkoran in the two other regions the monthly
and Astara, there are many Talish people household incomes are slightly lower than
who practice polygamy and value extended $80 (Figure 1). The Caspian Sea rise has
family traditions. This is yet another reason inundated many citrus gardens and resulted
for larger household size in these regions. in a loss of cultivable land. More
The out-migration of working-age importantly, the rise of the water table and
populations from Neftchala is also reflected extreme increases in its salinity have made it
in the relatively younger composition of the impossible for the people to produce citrus
households in Lenkoran and Astara: In and to raise livestock. In the region, once a
Neftchala the average age of the household major exporter of these goods, collective
is 29, in the other regions, it is 27. Young farms have been unable to pay farmers.
people in Neftchala usually go to Baku, the More so than other regions of the Republic,
capital, for work. reported wage and pension arrears were
high, with households barely able to cope
Income Levels with subsistence agriculture and with
occasional incomes earned in Baku.5 The
Incomes throughout the communities inability to trade with Russia and enhanced
affected by the rise of the Caspian Sea are difficulties of getting employment in Russia
low. In comparing these with incomes further added to their problems. In
revealed by the poverty surveys for the Neftchala, the local economy, which once





Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

provided some 1,200 jobs directly within the losses of income suffered by households,
sturgeon hatchery and larger numbers in however, is less evident and more difficult to
supporting industries and services, is capture through the methodology employed
likewise severely affected. As a result, in the social assessment. In Baku, affected
people in Neftchala fully attribute their areas were previously used for leisure or for
current unemployment problems to the commercial activities. Other parts of the
environmental disaster. In the other regions coast were used for industrial purposes by
perceived linkages between current enterprises that no longer function as a
employment conditions and rising sea level result of transitional economic problems.
are weaker. Needless to say, the loss of commercial and
industrial activities might have caused
In Neftchala, despite severe damage to actual losses and increased opportunity
the local fishing industry, some people cope costs. The overall productive capacity is
by fishing, although this is not legal. perceived to be much less affected by the
Similarly, in other regions informal activities environmental disaster in Baku than in
supplement incomes.6 A similar pattern is other coastal settlements.
observed in Astara. Income levels in Astara
are slightly higher than those in the other Priority Problems and their Relation to
two regions. This is partially due to the level the Caspian Sea Rise
of informal economic activities in the region.
For example, during focus group In the affected coastal communities,
discussions, residents of Shahagaci village in economic problems of transition and
Astara region reported that they earn most problems caused by the rise of the Caspian
of their revenues on “private economies.7 ” Sea are considered the most important
Villagers are engaged in fishing which is concerns in daily life. Other concerns such
done informally and, in some cases, illegally. as employment, health, education, and
This is no doubt the case in many villages in demographic problems are all connected to
the coastal areas of Azerbaijan. Even these two major problems.9 According to
though open sea fishing is prohibited, in the household survey, about 86 percent of
most villages, it is the only way of sustaining the households in Neftchala relate their
a livelihood for many families due to the economic problems to the rise of the
losses of arable land, livestock, and the Caspian.
salinization of available land.8
People who had to move from their
In addition to cash income reported as homes consider the sea level rise as an
wages, salaries, pensions and/or part- time important factor affecting their livelihood in
jobs, etc., households generate some income general even in their new locations (Table 2)
from their garden plots; however, as even though their situations seem to be
mentioned earlier, the rising sea level has better than those who did not move. For
adversely affected the ground water and example, only 37 percent of the households
caused deterioration of soil conditions, thus, that moved relate their health problems
making it difficult for families to have a directly to the rise of the Caspian; the
reasonable return to their agricultural region’s average is 68 percent. The majority
activities. of residents links ecological problems such
as formation of swamps and polluted ponds
The coastal areas of Baku are also and infrastructure problems directly to the
inundated by the rising Caspian Sea. Direct sea rise.10


the rise of the Caspian as compared to

Table 2. People’s Perceptions of the residents of other regions. One possible
Relationship between Priority Problems and
reason for that is Neftchala’s flat landscape
the Sea Rise (percent of interviewed households)
and its heavy reliance on sturgeon fisheries,
Problems Neftchala Lenkoran Astara which have been heavily damaged by the
flooding sea waters. Currently the water has
Economic 88 62 67 regressed to some extent and exposed some
Employment 85 45 51
Infrastructure 79 70 89
land; however, this land is saline and not fit
Health 68 43 60 for agriculture. In Neftchala region, 100
Ecological 96 62 93 percent of the households agreed that
Education 58 12 51
Demographic 42 44 44 salinization of land is an important problem
Other problems for them. Unemployment problems caused
caused by the sea rise 100 95 98
directly by the sea rise are compounded due
Source: Caspian Sea Communities, Household Survey, 1996 to the flat geography of the region. While in
higher elevations in Lenkoran and Astara
some people can raise livestock and fruits,
There are significant differences among the flat terrain in Neftchala, and the fact
communities with respect to the perceived that almost all the land is at the same level
relationship of current economic problems as the sea, makes a shift to agriculture more
with the rise of the Caspian Sea level are difficult. The settlements in Neftchala region
(Figures 2, 3 and 4). More people in are somewhat universally affected by the
Neftchala region connect their economic, sea rise, whereas in Lenkoran and Astara,
employment and infrastructure problems to the impacts can better be analyzed on a

























Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP







L H R R O\ O\ D
\ Q Q Q S G S G K Q D
W LO  O  S H S H  
 G O R D R W H Z V H
V H U X X Q \ U R W O

 H J X G R
U U W  S D
V H F 

J U G U U U ) ( N Q W
Q R G Q S J S : V R R
L S  , U U D U R
K V H H $ H U E V Q
) D H H
U 3

Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996 .










( + URS
P , R

( )

Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.


community basis. In Neftchala, the sea rise latter that previously had employment
affects the livelihood of residents in almost opportunities. Residents of these settlements
all settlements due to flooding from the think it crucial for their livelihood to have
Kura River and the flat geography of the the fish processing plant brought back into
region. operation (to resolve their unemployment
problems). The closing of the fishing plant
Impacts on Employment hit the local economy, including nearby
villagers, hard.
According to the household survey,
fishing was the most common employment In Astara, too, people do not heavily
source in Neftchala before the relate their unemployment problem to the
environmental disaster. About 24 percent of sea rise. A number of industrial enterprises,
the population (older than 20) were directly social facilities and enterprises located along
engaged in the fishing business. However, of the seaside had to close due to the rise of the
this 24 percent, the majority (66 percent) are sea level. Among people who are older than
currently unemployed, the main reasons 20, a high portion was working in
being that people are unable to find agriculture (25 percent) before the sea rise.
employment that matches their skills and However, currently only 16 percent of the
qualifications. The premises of the fish plant population between ages 16 and 65 are
(including special pools for fingerlings and reported to be employed. The local economy
workshops) are currently in poor shape. in small coastal settlements of Astara region
According to focus group participants, a depended heavily on fishing. The local
high number of workers were dismissed on population is experienced in fishing and
grounds of redundancy. In addition, raising citrus trees, and sees these activities
because of silting in the Kura River delta, as the main sectors of the economy in the
fishing boats cannot be used—fishing future as well. They expect government
stations close and employees are laid off. In action to reverse conditions. Table 3 and
this region, almost everybody has an Figure 5 summarize the economic impacts of
employment problem and 85 percent link the sea rise as perceived by the residents.
these problems to the rise of the Caspian.11
Impacts on Health
According to focus group discussions, in
Lenkoran, even though wage employment The sea rise has adverse effects on the
problems are important, they do not have health of the local population in the affected
the absolute priority that they have in coastal regions of Azerbaijan. For example,
Neftchala, and people seem to think that a significant portion of the people in coastal
these problems are not necessarily settlements of Neftchala (71 percent) think
connected to the rise of the sea, but rather, that their health was better before the sea
to the transition to a market economy. Sixty- started to rise, and 36 percent of the people
five percent of the respondents in the region say that their current health situation is
consider wage employment problems poor. On average, this region’s residents
important. Even though some production were sick for 5.98 days during the month
facilities in the region were seriously before the survey. Their complaints include
affected by the rise of the sea level and rheumatism, asthma and, in some cases,
consequently ceased operations, not all tuberculosis. During focus group
unemployment is caused by the disaster. discussions, some villages in the region
Indeed, small settlements are more affected indicated that they have no medical facilities
as compared to larger towns and it is the

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

Table 3. Perceived Economic Impacts of Rising Sea Levels in Coastal Communities of

Neftchala, Lenkoran, and Astara

Problem % Households who find a particular problem important

Neftchala Lenkoran Astara

Fishing industry ruined 73 70 75

Industrial enterprises ceased working 37 26 56
Agricultural enterprises ceased working 38 26 78
Employment problems increased 95 58 78
Transportation and communication lines not working 59 31 71
Food supply worsened 78 67 90
Water infrastructure not working 78 91 96
Energy infrastructure not working 54 64 91
Personal plots are non-usable 96 90 92

Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

because rising water encompassed those worsened. On average, people here were
buildings, barring access. sick for 3.7 days out of one month. This
average is slightly lower than that for
The rise of the Caspian Sea caused health Neftchala. In focus group discussions, it was
problems in Lenkoran, too, where about 20 established that in Lenkoran, the quality of
percent are in poor health, and more than drinking water has worsened considerably
80 percent think that their health has and that the increase of swamps has













Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.


resulted in bad sanitary and hygienic Lenkoran, cases of snakes entering houses
conditions. The number of registered cases were reported.13
of rheumatism, asthma, and infectious
diseases went up. The increase of swamps Impacts on Education
led to an increase in the number of snakes in
residential areas.12 Sector-specific ecological In the affected communities, most
assessments are necessary to evaluate the schooling facilities were not directly affected
current conditions of swampy areas and by water; however, indirect impacts have
marshlands, which are major causes of serious implications for the level and quality
diseases. of education in these regions. In Neftchala
region, 60 percent of the schools were not
affected directly by the rising water. Yet, in
Especially in the Shahagaci and Narimanabad focus groups, it was emphasized that the
villages of Lenkoran, health conditions were quality of education had deteriorated. For
very bad. At least one person in each
example, regardless of the fact that the
household was afflicted with tuberculosis or
asthma. In Port-Ilich, an entire family was lost Sarigamysh school was moved to Mikailly
as a result of tuberculosis and poor nutrition. village, classes are not held. There are no
People tend to go to state hospitals and clinics teachers in the village and teachers from
for treatment of tuberculosis; however, most of outside cannot travel to Mikailly for lack of
the sick here do not stand a chance of receiving transportation. There is no way for children
treatment. As one person said, “. . . our situation to study somewhere else. Thirty-four
is worse than even the refugees, but we can’t percent of the respondents indicated
talk about it. At least the refugees have financial and work-related reasons for not
international aid and their health problems going to school, and 6 percent complained
are somewhat taken care of. Here, we get sick
about the school being too far to travel
and die, but nobody knows about it even just
outside the settlement . . . “ without adequate means of transportation.
Source: Focus group discussions, 1996
There are hardly any jobs in Sarigamysh village.
The only available means of sustaining a
Deteriorating health conditions were also livelihood are through fishing and livestock
reported in Astara region. Twenty percent raising. Jobs may be available in other villages,
but the lack of transport and the poor state of the
of the population in this region are in poor
roads make commuting almost impossible. After
health, and 87 percent indicated that their
the local collective farm and the iodine plant in
health was much better before being Neftchala closed down, residents were left with
impacted by the sea rise. On average, no employment opportunities. There are no
residents of this region were sick for 4.49 educational facilities in the village—flooding
days of one month. Cases of rheumatism, waters have made the school buildings unusable.
tuberculosis, and asthma among people
living at the seashore increased. The number Of the total 56 households in Sarigamysh, 43
of marshes and pools with dirty water also were completely ruined. Currently 22 house-
increased due to the fluctuations of sea holds remain in the settlement (33.8 percent of
the original). Some of these households had to
levels, which exacerbated sanitary
relocate to other relatively sites within the
conditions and led to a spread of contagious
villages. Others moved to Mikailly village, about
diseases such as malaria and skin diseases. 3 km. away.
Here, too, the number of snakes at the sea _________
shore has considerably increased. As in Source: Focus group discussions, 1996.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

Astara residents also mentioned adverse According to the household survey, about
effects of the rise of the sea level on 93 percent of households in Lenkoran have
education, which led to an increase in the electricity and everybody interviewed in
number of school absences. Fourteen Narimanabad has it. However, central
percent of the population interviewed heating is unavailable for almost all
mentioned financial problems as reasons for households interviewed, and central water
children not going to school. Generally, supply is low in Lenkoran (10 percent in the
education possibilities for children from affected communities of the region).14
coastal communities have been considerably
restricted. Children from households located Water Supply. The supply of drinking
in the remote parts of villages have to walk water is problematic in Neftchala region.
long distances to get to school. Table 4 About 78 percent agree that their water
provides a snapshot of people’s views of the supply has worsened as a result of the sea
perceived social infrastructure impacts of rise. Focus groups found out that drinking
the sea rise. water is brought by trucks at a price of
70,000 manats per truck. Most households
cannot afford this amount, and are forced to
Table 4. Perceived Social Impacts of Rising Sea drink salinized or dirty water, or carry
Levels in Coastal Communities of Neftchala,
Lenkoran and Astara
water from far away, on foot. There is also
no drinking water for animals, which causes
% Households who find a livestock to perish as they are forced to
Problem particular problem important drink salty sea water.
Neftchala Lenkoran Astara

Health problems Availability of good quality drinking

became more acute 70 44 60 water also constitutes a serious problem for
people living in affected cities of Astara
Education levels fell 62 16 37 region. For example, 97 percent of
Housing is destroyed 88 83 96
households say that good quality drinking
water is not available, and 90 percent link
_____________ their worsening local water supply to the
Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household rise of the Caspian Sea. The local population
Survey, 1996 .
uses water from wells for drinking;
however, due to the rise of the sea, the
water in shallow wells has become saline
Impacts on Local Infrastructure and there are even cases where sewerage
waters have mixed with drinking water
According to the focus group from wells. Currently, people living at the
participants, the road connecting Mayak-I seaside are forced to bring drinking water
village and the regional center is in poor from the upper part of the town, but this
shape. This is verified by the household water, too, is not of good quality.
survey, which shows that almost everybody
in Mayak-I agrees that the sea rise ruined The majority of the households
their transportation and communication interviewed reported that they were
lines. The physical damage caused by sea affected by the rise of the sea level one way
rise in other villages is similar. or another (84 percent in Neftchala, 91
percent in Lenkoran, and 93 percent in
Electricity is supplied on an irregular Astara). About 34 percent in Neftchala were
basis to the affected communities. completely flooded by the Caspian at some


Narimanabad village, Lenkoran region, was affected from all directions as it is located on an island. There used
to be 1,732 households in Narimanabad, of which about 500 were affected: over 200 of these were completely
destroyed. Some affected households received aid in cash (300,000 manats per household) and construction
materials (5 sacks of cement per household but these measures compensated for only a small portion of the
damage incurred, and did not satisfy the local people. There are reports of land allotments (60 square miles);
however, these pieces of land are too small, and too far away from the city. Even if people had the means to
move to those land plots, they would not be able to sustain a living on them.

Residents who used to live in the flooded parts of Narimanabad village did not move out of the village,
choosing instead, to relocate to other parts of Narimanabad. These households’ conditions are particularly
bad: they lack access to even basic utilities. Only a few residents succeeded in salvaging their property.

In Shahagaci village, where many houses on the shoreline were completely ruined, the situation is even worse.
The distance between shoreline homes and the sea used to be between 500-1,000 m. before the sea levels rose.
Today, most houses are less than 500 m. away from the sea, and are thus in a constant state of danger, especially
during high tides and strong winds. The sea washes away walls and groundwork of these houses. In total, 85
houses in the village were reported to be directly affected by the water. Of this number, 40 were completely
destroyed. The rest face a similar fate.
Source: Focus group discussions, 1996.

point, and 59 percent reported partial Neftchala than in other regions are
flooding. More than 90 percent indicated completely flooded, more land plots have
that their land plots were rendered useless become useless, and access to farmland from
as a result of flooding (Table 5). the city is blocked in many instances. Not
surprisingly, people in Neftchala more
Although the situation is similar in other commonly link the reasons for their poor
regions, Neftchala residents report a more living conditions directly to the sea rise in
acute deterioration in living conditions. contrast to the residents of Lenkoran and
About twice as many households in Astara. With respect to communications

Table 5. Type of Adverse Household-Specific Impacts of the

Environmental Disaster (percent of households)

Neftchala Lenkoran Astara

Impacts on the homes 84 91 92

House partially flooded 59 57 69
House completely flooded 34 20 20
Yard flooded and became useless 97 91 92

Impacts on infrastructure
Roads to farmlands blocked 97 76 82
Electricity and communication lines
to house ruined 68 62 68
Drinking water supply worsened 95 99 97

Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

and electricity infrastructure as well as houses on their own, and were not able to
access to drinking water, all three regions take most of their property with them. Some
are similarly affected by the sea rise. moved to the house of their relatives, others
moved into public buildings, while some
Focus group discussions and household households failed to find any refuge, and
visits in Lenkoran revealed that people in had to stay in the affected areas. Regardless
some homes lived practically in water: first of the fact that households affected by the
floors of multi-story buildings were filled water were offered new sites in safe parts of
with water, so families live on the upper the town, no construction work is
floors. Snakes and other bugs were underway there, due to a lack of finances.
commonplace—when one interviewer
wanted a demonstration, household In Neftchala, the impact of sea rise on the
residents went downstairs and promptly livelihood of people in terms of their
returned with a snake to show her. economic situation and hopes for the future
Regardless of the fact that plots in the safe is severe. Most households in coastal
part of the village were allocated for settlements are completely ruined: their
households affected by the water, people gardens have perished, and their land is
did not have the means to construct new salinized. Local authorities allocated plots in
houses. Although families living in houses safe areas of the region for residents of
which were completely destroyed found Subh, Mayak-I and Yenikend, but villagers
refuge in different parts of the village there are unwilling to move to these new plots,
appeared to be a general resistance to leave. mainly due to lack of money, and because
The fact that many of those who were the small size of these land plots makes it
allocated land by the government elsewhere nearly impossible to raise livestock,
in the settlement or the region did not fare vegetables, or fruits.
well, and had severe difficulties in building
their homes, had much to with the peoples’ Perceived impacts of the rising level of
apparent willingness to continue to live in the Caspian Sea were not confined to
homes largely inundated by floods. economic and social problems. Residents of
coastal communities were particularly
The coastal part of Astara city in the articulate about their concern with
Astara region has been severely affected by ecological damage caused by the sea.
the rise of the Caspian Sea. According to Indeed, there was far greater agreement
residents, there used to be three rows of among residents of all regions about this
houses at the seaside. All houses in the first damage (Table 6). Less clear to all was
row were completely ruined and residents whether any of this damage was
had to leave. The same happened in the reversible—many sought clarification and
second row, but the majority of households scientifically valid explanations to address
in this row did not leave their homes, even their concerns.
when seriously impacted, because of their
inability to move, or reluctance to change Migration versus Relocation
their lifestyles. About 150 houses are
partially affected and 50 households have Migration to other regions unaffected by
already moved because of the rising water the rising sea was not seen as a desirable
in Astara town. option by most households in the coastal
communities. In Neftchala, only 24 percent
Focus group discussions showed that of the households were willing to migrate.
most people in Astara moved from their Thirty-five percent in Lenkoran, and 17


Table 6. Perceived Ecological Impacts of Rising Sea Levels in Coastal

Communities of Neftchala, Lenkoran, and Astara

Problem % Households who find a particular problem important

Neftchala Lenkoran Astara

Fish species endangered 81 82 49

Water pollution became acute 88 98 96
Salinization of land increased 100 98 99
Formation of swamps spread 99 99 100
Humidity increased 95 99 96
Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

percent in Astara had the same view. For were also worried about employment
those who wanted to migrate, the most opportunities or bad living conditions in
important reason was the level of damage to other regions, and were reluctant to migrate
their homes. The second reason was the lack without prior reliable knowledge or
of support provided by the regional and guarantee of employment, income and
central government to their situation. Many assets.
households indicated that while they did
have confidence in the future, they also An important portion (82 percent) of
knew that they would have to continually those who did not want to migrate felt that
rely on family, relatives, and friends to be even if things change for the worse, they
able to survive. Moving elsewhere was not would rather stay in their home towns and
an option as it would result in loss of social move to places where water would not
capital. In Neftchala the majority of people affect them, than leave their communities
felt that living conditions elsewhere were (Table 7). The facts that Neftchala has oil
better. This perception was less dominant in wells and foreign companies that produce
other regions. oil, and Lenkoran and Astara are on an
important international railway (which the
The households that did not want to government hopes to restore), increase the
migrate offered, as a reason, their perceived opportunity cost of migration.
unwillingness to change their lifestyle. As However, even relocation within a narrow
mentioned earlier, to many this meant the geographical area is a source of concern to
deprivation of social networks and the fear many, with implications of high opportunity
of losing their community. Also, some costs in terms of potential loss of access to
families felt that they could stay in their social networks and basic infrastructure.
homes until they were more directly affected Thus, while both the donors and
by the rising sea. There were fears that life government were interested in relocation as
in other regions would be similar to life in a potential remedy to the disaster, few
their own region. Therefore, a large portion people who were actually facing the related
showed willingness to move to other areas problems were eager to move. Table 7
of the same village or region only in the presents the attitudes of people with regard
event that their homes and plots were to relocation.
completely inundated by floods. People

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

Table 7. Attitudes toward Migration (percent of households)

Neftchala Lenkoran Astara

Willing to migrate. Priority reasons to migrate 24 35 17

(among those who want to migrate)
Home seriously damaged 41 34 52
Lack of government support 21 36 13
Better life conditions in other places 7 2 0
No trust in the future 24 27 13
Other reasonsa/ 7 1 22

Reasons for not wanting to leave settlement

(among those who do not want to migrate)
Unwilling to change lifestyle 40 36 44
Home not affected yet 34 24 29
Potential employment problems 2 6 8
Potential bad living conditions 6 12 9
Would not migrate; move to other parts of village 18 22 10

a/ Other reasons for migration include family and health reasons.
Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

The Situation in Baku in summer houses at the coast—many of

these recreation places are flooded now and
There are very few cases reported in trees and vegetables in their gardens have
Baku in which the rise of the Caspian Sea been killed by salty water.
brought direct damage to households in the
city. These were mainly in the Govsany The rise of the Caspian Sea level affects
suburb of Baku and in summer cottages. the level of ground water under the city of
However, participants mentioned some Baku. The water table in some parts of the
damage to industrial enterprises of Baku. A city is reported to have risen by two meters
number of industrial enterprises on the coast and its effects can be seen on the vegetation
were seriously affected such as a ship yard, in the city. Pollution from Baku City and its
harbor, and the Govsany fish plant. This surroundings goes directly into the sea and
plant used to have a large production results in diminishing the number of fish in
capacity. Now its capacity has considerably the sea. Some types of fish that can live in
diminished and it is practically out of polluted water have been reported.
Participants of the focus group in Baku
Social infrastructure in Baku has also evaluated environmental conditions in the
been affected by the rise of the Caspian Sea. city, in particular, and in Azerbaijan, in
A number of beaches, boulevards and other general, as very bad, placing special
recreational areas have fallen into disrepair importance on education. They mentioned
partially due to the rise of the sea level. that the rise of the sea level led to increases
Residents of Baku used to spend the summer in the number of contagious diseases and


created favorable conditions for the spread Azerbaijan before the sea started to rise. It was
of infection. Water pipes in the city of Baku a popular place for people from around the
are old and in poor shape. Leaks cause Soviet Union to come and spend their
polluted water to mix with the drinking vacations. Because of that, there are many
beautiful houses in the village and people
water supply. And the rise of the sea level
sometimes do not want to leave these houses
only hastens the destruction of the city’s because of their previous value. The region is
pipes. in a sub-tropical zone and the soil used to be
good for agriculture. Even though the ground
Members of the focus group believed water is salinized in coastal villages, there are
strongly that the resolution of the still areas in which small-scale agriculture can
environmental problem caused by the rising still be undertaken.
sea level should not to be left to Azerbaijan
alone, but should be handled at the 7
“Private Economies” refer to mostly informal
international level. The felt it important that economic activities such as selling produces at
an international institution or center be set the market. It can, in some cases, be illegal i.e.
up in the Caspian Sea area to research the fishing and selling fish to neighbors and
periodicity of the rise in the Caspian Sea
level for future forecasts and devise 8
At first, people did not want to talk about being
protection mechanisms. engaged in illegal fishing because fines are
heavy and there is favoritism on the part of
________ some local authorities, who sometimes “fine
people they do not know well (or do not like)
These settlements are as follows: Neftchala and turn a blind eye to their friends and
town, Banke, Hasanabad, Sarigamysh, relatives doing the same thing.” Local people
Mikailli, Gyzgayitli, Hakhverdili, Yenikend, say that whenever they feel they will not be
Mayak-I, Mayak-II, Subh, Shirvankend, Yeni caught, they go for open sea fishing, that is, if
Gyshlag, Khazar, Mirzabanly, Dalga, Kurdili they can find a boat in working order. Even
and Sahil villages. though people understand that the sturgeon
population is decreasing and fishing is doing
Neftchala fish breeding plant; Kura mouth harm to it, they see fishing as the only way to
(Upper Kura) sturgeon breeding plant; Kura sustain their livelihood while waiting for the
mouth fishing industry; fish processing plant economic conditions to improve in their
(750 tons of fish annually); Oryat pool facilities villages.
(800-1,000 tons of fish annually).
People living in coastal regions think their
For example, the plant used to release 10.7 situation is as bad as the conditions
million fingerlings a year. Currently, the experienced by the Internally Displaced People
production is down to 2.7 million fingerlings (IDPs) who are dispersed throughout the
per year. country because of the conflict with Armenia.
However, they say “we can’t voice our
Exchange rate at the time of the survey was complaints because it would not be
4,050 manats per one dollar. appropriate while there are 600,000 refugees
all over our country.” Even though they need
About 40 percent in Neftchala, 13 percent in help, they are hesitant to ask for it.
Lenkoran and 44 percent in the interviewed
settlements of Astara say that they lost their 10
One woman in a focus group in Neftchala
jobs directly as a result of the Sea rise. region said “Once, during Soviet times, there
was an increase in mosquitoes around our
According to focus group participants, village. Special people came from the capital
Lenkoran region was one of the best regions in and exterminated the mosquitoes and then

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

took care of the swampy areas. Now, the 13

Some people live on second and third floors of
situation is much worse. We, our health, are all houses in which first floors are flooded. They
suffering because of mosquitoes and all kinds say, “. . . we have snakes all over the place. As I
of other bugs, but no one seems to care about it. go to my bed at night, I always check under my
We need help to deal with this problem and we mattress to see if there are any snakes hiding
need it urgently.” there, and almost always there is one there . . .”

In addition, favoritism is said to be an 14
Electricity is usually the only source of energy
important problem in the affected available. Before, there were trees which could
communities. People claim that local state be cut down and burned to obtain heat in
enterprises favor their own people who are emergencies; however, salinization of the land
usually relatives or close friends of managers has caused all these trees to die and new ones
of these enterprises. In some cases, people are are not growing, so the wood supply is gone.
put out of their jobs because somebody else Most households use their ovens as a heater,
who knew an important person was placed in trying to obtain heat while food is being
the same job. This naturally decreases trust in cooked. The unreliability of the supply of
local administrations and increases the sense electricity is another serious threat to these
of helplessness that appears to prevail in these people’s livelihood.
once dynamic coastal communities.
According to the survey and in-depth
A resident of Lenkoran region said “ Only interviews, most residents felt that it was
this morning I saw a snake with its tongue out important for scientific studies to be carried out
staring at me. My son told me not to come close to identify protective measures.
to the snake . . . ”

3. Recommendations Proposed by
Residents of Affected Communities

The people involved in in-depth • Digging a new canal from the Kura
interviews, focus groups, and household River to the sea, to ensure the flow of the
surveys were eager that measures be taken Kura’s waters into the sea, enable the
to improve their livelihoods. To this end they fishing boats to move, and restore fishing
hoped to receive international assistance. stations
They proposed many ideas for improving
their situation. However, they felt that they • Supplying necessary means (boat, fuel,
did not have the required information to net, etc.) to help create fishing teams.
make informed decisions.1 For example, due Reconstruction of the fish plant would
to the seasonal fluctuations in the sea level, help the local economy through sales of
most people falsely believed that the sea fingerlings.
would not rise any more, and therefore, did
not invest in shore protection. In fact, Participants of the focus group discussion
forecasts showed that the sea is likely to rise in Lenkoran stated that Goyshaban village
another 1 - 1½ meters. When presented with in Lenkoran was good at raising vegetables
these forecasts, people felt it important to and crops, and fishing, and that it was
receive timely and accurate information on possible to promote these industries in the
the sea level rise and on protection village. Villagers have the necessary know-
measures. how for fishing. It was clear from the focus
group discussion that residents of both
Specific protection measures suggested by Goyshaban and Lenkoran used to have
the coastal communities of Neftchala were higher incomes. Their main sources of
particularly interesting: these were based on income were salaries earned in the state
the assumption that the sea level would sector, revenues from fishing, and yields on
cease to rise. Residents here suggested the their personal plots. However, currently, the
following recommendations: potential for all these activities is severely
limited. Figure 6 summarizes people’s
• Constructing drainage works in the recommendations for measures to mitigate
delta of the Kura River to deepen it and problems caused by the Sea rise.
to restore the operation of fishing boats.
This measure, residents believed, would Many of the priority improvements
allow fish to swim into the mouth of the expected by people require heavy
river and to revitalize the operation of involvement of the central government and
fishing stations international organizations. Trust in the

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP














Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

local and regional government institutions Coastal settlement residents also believe it
has been shaken. Because the natural would be possible to adopt measures
disaster coincided with a period in which through use of modern technology.
the government lacked the means to provide Specifically, they mentioned that it is
people with appropriate assistance, people possible to perform shore reinforcement
felt particularly abandoned by the works and referred to efforts undertaken on
government. The government was able to their own and successful experience of the
provide only a minimal amount of aid to railway agency. People in the settlements
those who were severely affected by the sea included in the SA have already undertaken
rise and the recipients were largely some shore reinforcement works on their
unsatisfied. In spite of that, the majority of own, but these efforts are piecemeal and are
the households favor government-led not adequate to protect the large-scale
integrated projects, which encompass a damage to houses in the villages.
large set of measures as compared to stand-
alone prevention methods. They also favor ___________
the idea of international organization and
experts’ involvement in protection measures. 1
According to the survey and in-depth
Figure 7 presents the priority of stakeholder interviews, most residents felt that it was
responsibilities as identified by the important for scientific studies to be carried out
respondents in coastal communities. to identify protective measures.











 W O V V H

D ]
R H D / Q H WH
* U
,Q P 6 P &
2 G
$ R

Source: Caspian Sea Communities Household Survey, 1996.

SA of the Azerbaijan NEAP

4. Epilogue

The SA presented in this report lacks the is partially a result of lack of funding of the
rigor and depth of analysis of many other NEAP and the follow-up investment project;
SAs carried out in the ECA Region of the the SA team’s participation in the work of
World Bank. Therefore, it is important to re- the technical team assessing the investment
iterate the reasons for this publication and project was not solicited because of lack of
explain why the SA team wanted to share funds.
the results with a broader audience.
The SA has a third weakness relating to
As summarized in Part I of this report, the effort devoted to analyzing the relatively
this SA represents a partial effort in two large body of information gathered on the
senses. First, instead of providing an Caspian communities. The data were
understanding of environmental concerns of presented only with sub-regional
many different groups in Azerbaijan as an breakdowns, rather than exploring
input to the preparation of the NEAP and to differences in the views of significant social
the identification of follow-up priority groups (men and women; younger and
actions to be included in an investment older residents; and occupational groups).
project, the SA focuses on the victims of the This was by design; there was a high level of
Caspian Sea environment disaster. This did agreement among residents of each region
not happen by design of the SA; rather, the on perceived needs and recommended
inadequacy of funding made it impossible action; thus, analyses of data by gender,
for the SA team to complete its work once age, occupational group did not reveal
the Caspian communities were consulted. significant differences. Rather, the more
Secondly, the SA fell short of addressing all direct the adverse impacts of the
four of the basic principles of good SA environmental disaster on the household,
practice and concentrates more heavily on the higher was the level of deterioration of
making information available about the living standards, the perceived failure of
affected communities, their needs and public institutions to provide useful support,
perceptions, and the actions that they and the reliance on the central government
recommend be taken. It does not sufficiently and international financial institutions for
deal with institutional issues, the mitigation action.
participatory framework for investment
projects, or with monitoring and evaluation There were, nevertheless, good reasons
to measure development effectiveness of for sharing the SA results with a broader
actions adopted to improve environmental public despite the above mentioned
conditions in the Republic. This situation too deficiencies.


• Many SAs carried out by the Bank- one—restoration of the sturgeon

financed projects are partial in terms of hatchery—directly responds to the calls
geographical coverage, rigor in of the victims of the disaster and
information collection and analysis, and provides mitigation against some of the
adherence to the four principles of SA adverse economic and ecological impacts
“Good Practice.” It is therefore useful to of the rising sea level. Another
make available explicit information component—capacity building—also
about a partial SA. partially addresses the need of the
affected populations for timely and
• The information contained in the report reliable forecasts on changes in the sea
deals with the problems and level.
expectations of direct victims of one of
the world’s best known environmental • The report also shows how broad the
disasters: the rising of the Caspian Sea. It needs of the affected populations are,
is therefore important to make this and how difficult it would be to
information public. formulate affordable mitigation
measures to deal with the remaining
• While the SA might have been partial in damage caused by the Caspian Sea
terms of the preparation of the NEAP, it disaster. Indeed, the SA shows that the
nevertheless provided a direct input to investment project will only address a
the investment project that resulted from very modest part of the needed
the NEAP process. Of the three major investment package required to mitigate
components of the investment project, the disaster.


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