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The Respondents Assessment to Communication Skills

Statement Sufficient Weighted Mean Verbal

1.2.1 Joining the organization has 2.9 DA

helped me focus on the purpose of
supporting and ensuring a positive
mindset as well as improving
concentration for the attainment of

1.2.2. I managed to improve my 3.2 A

skills in planning concerning project
development through the AHRMS

1.2.3. I listen to the pros and cons of 3 A

implementing group activities and
tasks not only to expand the
collaborative ideas of the group but
also to be versatile in every
situation in creating strategies.

1.2.4 I collect all statistical data and 3.5 A

facts and at the same time draft the
whole information from the
simplest form to the most effective
course of action.

1.2.5. I have acquired the skill of 3.1 A

critical thinking and paying attention
to different facets to come up with
an effective strategic plan

TOTAL 3.14

Table 4 proves that the AHRMS Organization has greatly supported the development concerning the
skills of the majority pertaining to the respondents, as it has been revealed through the survey with a
weighted mean of 3.14 agree. Thus, it indicates that the respondents' transparency in the course of the
conversation as well as the gestures, confidence and open-mindedness have been greatly refined
subsequent to joining the AHRMS Organization.
According to Hannawa and Spitzberg (2015), proficiency in communication is essential for our well-
being, relationships and in our journey as functional humans. Moreover, studies have shown a
comprehensive and positive connection in effective intrepersonal skills with a range of benefits on either
side such as greater happiness in life, resilience to stress in addition to psychosocial problems, along
with enhanced academic and professional achievements. (Müller, Peter, Cieza, et al., 2015; Hargie,

Hargie , O. (2019, September 7). Communication skills (7 skills everone needs). OptimistMinds. Retrieved
December 26, 2022, from

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