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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz



A. Content Standard Understanding art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills.
B. Performance Standard Performs/participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression
(verbal/non-verbal) from the Neoclassical and Romantic Period;
C. Learning Competencies/ • Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and Romantic
Objectives: Write the LC code periods. (A9EL-IIIba-2)
for each • Identifies representative artists from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods.

II. CONTENT Arts of the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods

1. Neoclassical Sculptures
2. Neoclassical Architectures
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material’s Pages from 3 to 7
3. Text book Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response or
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson To recall the previous lesson, the teacher will ask
or the following questions.
Presenting New Lesson
What can you say about Neoclassical Period?

What are the characteristics of the Neoclassical The characteristics of

arts? Neoclassical arts are as
 Portrayal of Roman
 Formal composition
 The use of diagonals to
show the peak of an
emotion or moment
(versus a regular
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz
 Local color
 Overall lighting
 Classic geo-structure

Who are the two famous painters in the The two famous painters
Neoclassical period? during the Neoclassical
period are Jacques-Louis
David and Jean-Auguste-
Dominique Ingres.
B. Establishing a Purpose for Jumbled Letter Game! (5 minutes)
the Lesson
The students will arrange the letters to form the
correct word.

1. ATECHRCITRUE 1. Architecture
2. SLUPCUTRE 2. Sculpture
3. NOESSLCAICAL 3. Neoclassical
4. SETYLS 4. Styles
5. MTHYOGOLY 5. Mythology
6. SLUPCOTR 6. Sculptor
7. BUILINGDS 7. Buildings
8. RLIEGOIUS 8. Religious
9. CLUONMS 9. Columns
10. MRALBE 10. Marble
C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the Lesson
Who can recall what are the elements of arts? - Line
- Shape
- Color
- Space
- Value
- Texture
- Form

Without the elements of art, can you make an


What is the importance of the elements of arts?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz

D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will discuss about Neoclassical

and Practicing New Skills #1 sculptures and the Neoclassical architecture.

The neoclassical period was one of the great ages of

public sculpture. Artists looked to Roman styles
during the time of Alexander the Great for
inspiration as well as to mimic their style.

Who are the famous Neoclassical sculptors?

The famous Neoclassical sculptors are Antonio
Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen.

Who is Antonio Canova?

Canova was a prolific Italian artist
and sculptor who became famous
for his marble sculptures that
delicately rendered nude flesh. He
opened the idea of discrete sexual
pleasures by using pure contours
with his mythological compositions.

Famous artworks:
Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss
(A. Canova)
A marble sculpture portraying the
relationship of Psyche and Cupid.

Washington (A. Canova)

This is a marble sculpture of
Washington currently displayed at
North Carolina Museum of history.

Who is Bertel Thorvaldsen?

Thorvaldsen was the first
internationally Danish artist. He
executed sculptures of Mythological
and religious themes characters.

Famous Artworks:
Christ (B. Thorvaldsen)
A marble sculpture image of resurrected
Christ currently located at the
Thorvaldsen Museum.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz
Lion of Lucerne (B. Thorvaldsen)
A sculpture of a dying lion in
Lucerne. Switzerland that
commemorates the Swiss guards who
were massacred in 1972 during the French

Neoclassical Architecture

What is Neoclassical architectural style?

It is a style principally derived from the
architecture of classical Greece and Rome and the
architectural designs of the Italian architect Andrea

When does the Neoclassical architectural styles

Neoclassical architectural styles started in Mid-
18th century.

What are the three types of Neoclassical

The three types of Neoclassical sculpture are the
temple styles, Palladian style, and classical block
What does the temple building style look like?

Pantheon, Paris

The temple looks like the

ancient temple. Many temples
style building features a
peristyle (a continuous line of
columns around a building), a rare feature of
Renaissance architecture.

La Madeleine de Paris.

What is Palladian architectural style?

Palladian building was based on Andre Palladio’s
style of villa construction.

Who is the famous architect in this era?

One of the famous architects in this era is Robert
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz
Who is Robert Adam?
He was known as the Palladian architect of the
Neoclassical who designed two well-known
American civic buildings – the White house and the
United States Capitol. He had also designed many
country houses.

White House

United States Capitol

Classical Block Style

The building features a rectangular or square plan,

with flat roof and exterior rich in classical detail.
The exterior features a repeated patterns or series of
arches and or columns. The overall impression of
such building was a huge, classically decorated
rectangular block.

Who are the famous architects of this

architectural style?
Famous architects of this architectural style are
Henri Labrouste and Charles Garnier.

Library of Sainte-
Genevieve (H. Labrouste)



Artwork’s functions are classified into (2) two:

Motivated and Non-motivated.

Motivated Function of Art (Functional) – refers

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz
to artworks that are made intentionally for use in
conscious actions of the creator or artist. It
illustrates another discipline that people could take
advantage of or make use of the artwork, utilizing
to make their lives comfortable. Examples are
architecture, Furniture, Weaving, etc.

Non-motivated Function of Art (Non-functional)

– refers to artworks that are integral to being a
human. It transcends the individual or does not
fulfill a specific external purpose, but for internal
use that somehow balances harmony as an aspect of
being human beyond utility. Example are Painting,
Sculpture, Literature, Music, and Theater Arts.

The teacher shows different pictures and the

students will identify either if its Functional or


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz

Non- functional



E. Discussing New Concepts

and Practicing New Skills #2 S and A!

The students will guess and write letter S if the

artist is a Sculptor and A if he is an Architect of
Neoclassical Period. 1. S
_______1. Antonio Canova 2. A
_______2. Robert Adam
3. S
_______3. Bertel Thorvaldsen
_______4. Henri Labrouste 4. A
_______5. Charles Garnier 5. A

F. Developing Mastery (Leads What can you say about Neoclassical sculpture and
to Formative Assessment 3) architectures?
G. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts and
Skills in Daily Living
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz

The teacher will ask the students to give some 1. Malacañang Palace
examples of buildings that have the influences of 2. Department of Tourism
the architectural style of Neoclassicism in our building
country? 3. National Museum of Fine
4. Rizal Memorial Library -

H. Making Generalization and Let the students generalize the lesson/ or the teacher
Abstractions about the Lesson may say

I. Evaluating Learning The students will choose one artwork in each of the
paintings, sculptures, and architectures in
Neoclassical period. Describe the characteristics of
each artwork/ 15 pts.

Artist Artwork How do you

describe the

J. Additional Activities for Research at least 1 other paintings, sculptures, and

Application or Remediation architectures of the neoclassical period. Paste it in
your notebook.


Prepared by:

Leomel D. Duron
Student Teacher
Checked by:

Grant Emmanuel M. Bertuldo

Cooperating Teacher
Noted by:

Ma. Josephine D, Tungol

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz

Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

President Roxas, Capiz
MT-I/ MAPEH Coordinator

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