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Mol Cell Biochem

DOI 10.1007/s11010-017-3108-8

Aegle marmelos differentially affects hepatic markers of glycolysis,

insulin signalling pathway, hypoxia, and inflammation in HepG2
cells grown in fructose versus glucose-rich environment
H. Aggarwal1 • J. Nair1 • P. Sharma1 • R. Sehgal1 • U. Naeem1 • P. Rajora1 •

R. Mathur1

Received: 7 March 2017 / Accepted: 1 July 2017

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Fructose consumption is responsible for the and glucose-rich environment were compared, then (1) IR
onset of insulin resistance (IR), and metabolic syndrome. It was more pronounced in former; (2) AM performed better
possesses no functional utility in body and its detrimental in former; (3) metformin and pioglitazone were equivocal
effects on hepatic metabolic milieu are beyond those pro- in either; (4) rutin and quercetin showed deviant effects
duced by glucose. The need of the hour is to identify from AM; and lastly (5) effects of rutin were closer to AM
fructose-induced IR as an unique pathological state to be than quercetin. We hypothesize that AM ameliorates
managed differentially. The effect of aqueous leaf extract fructose-induced IR through a mechanism which is distinct
of Aegle marmelos (AM) on hepatic markers of insulin from standard drugs and not shared by individual phyto-
resistance using HepG2 cells cultured in either fructose or constituents in toto.
glucose-rich environment is investigated. Human hepato-
cellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) were grown under stan- Keywords Fructose  Glucose  Insulin resistance 
dard conditions in either—DMEM without glucose (NC), HepG2  Aegle marmelos  Rutin  Quercetin
DMEM with high glucose 25 mM (Glu), DMEM-glu-
cose?0.55 mM fructose (FC1), DMEM-glucose?1 mM
fructose (FC2) or DMEM-glucose?1 mM fruc- Introduction
tose?0.1 lM insulin (FC3). The cells were treated with
either AM, rutin, quercetin, metformin or pioglitazone and Insulin resistance (IR) is the pre-diabetic state with com-
assessed for levels of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase plex phenotype involving altered glucose metabolism,
(PFK), aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphatidylinositol dyslipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance, pro-inflamma-
kinase (PI3K), signal transducer and activator of tran- tory and hypoxic state. This silent scrooge often preludes
scription-3 (STAT-3), mitochondrial target of rapamycin type-II diabetes, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders
(mTOR), hypoxia-induced factor (HIF-1a), vascular with increased risk of morbidity and mortality [1]. Glob-
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumour necrosis ally, a quarter of adult population is said to have
factor (TNF-a). Summarily, when results from fructose- unknowingly fallen prey to IR [2].
Increased prevalence and early incidence of IR are
mainly attributable to lack of physical activity and con-
sumption of fructose-rich diet [3]. Fructose or fruit sugar, is
a simple ketonic monosaccharide, and has been identified
as the most harmful of all the sugars, especially with regard
to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and obesity [4]. For
& R. Mathur thousands of years, the fructose consumption by humans was quite stable (@16–20 g/day) and largely derived from
1 vine fruits, berries, honey and root vegetables. However,
Department of Pharmacology, Delhi Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR), Pushp due to westernization of diets, the fructose consumption
Vihar, Sector-3, MB Road, New Delhi 110017, India has now escalated to about 85–100 g/day [5]. Most of the

Mol Cell Biochem

consumed fructose is in the form of caramel, syrups and and the present study uses rutin to authenticate the aqueous
molasses that are rampantly used in the preparation of leaf extract of AM [16].
beverages, energizing drinks and bars, breakfast cereals,
baked goods etc. [6]. Fructose is highly lipogenic and
reportedly contributes to tissue insulin insensitivity, meta- Materials and methods
bolic defects, hepatic inflammation and development of a
pre-diabetic or IR state [7, 8]. Collection and identification of plant material
Following oral ingestion, fructose is absorbed by facil-
itated transport from the jejunum into the portal vein where Fresh leaves of A. marmelos (Linn.) (Family-Rutaceae)
the insulin facilitates its hepatic influx via glucose trans- were collected locally. The taxonomy of the plant was
porters (GLUT). In the pathogenesis of IR due to chronic authenticated by Principal Scientist—National Bureau of
ingestion of excess fructose, the following events are Plant Genetic Resources (Indian Council of Agricultural
reported to occur (i) paradoxical insulin independent Research) Pusa campus, New Delhi, India and the voucher
fructose absorption with no quantitative defects in insulin specimen is deposited at the NBPGR herbarium with ref.
receptor, (ii) altered hepatic metabolic milieu in favour of NHCP/NBPGR/2014-16.
lipogenesis and glycogenesis and against glycolysis and
gluconeogenesis, (iii) diminished hepatic insulin down- Extract preparation
stream signalling cascade (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bis-
phosphate 3-kinase/mechanistic target of rapamycin, PI3K/ The collected leaves were weighed and washed with tap
mTOR), (iv) raised oxidative stress (tumour necrosis fac- water, shade dried, powdered and mixed with distilled water
tor-a, TNF-a), and (v) raised hypoxic state (Hypoxia in 1:10 w/v ratio. The mixture was shaken for 2 h on a
Inducible Factor-1a, HIF-1a and vascular endothelium mechanical shaker (Scientech Technologies, India) and
growth factor (VEGF)) [9, 10]. These markers are identi- filtered. The filtrate was frozen at -20 °C and lyophilized at
fied as hallmark characteristics of fructose-induced hepatic -80 °C (Allied Frost, India) to obtain aqueous leaf extract
IR and are widely documented and studied as therapeutic of A. marmelos (AM) and was stored in a desiccator.
targets [11–14].
Aegle marmelos (Rutaceae), commonly known as bael, Extract standardization: quantification of rutin
is a medicinal plant, the leaves of which are an important in AM
drug in the ancient system of medicine and attributed with
anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-lipidemic and hep- Rutin, a flavonoid reported to be present in leaves of A.
atoprotective activities [12, 15]. However, the effect of marmelos was quantitatively analysed by reversed phase
bael leaf extract in curtailing the metabolic and hormonal high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) using
downstream alterations induced by fructose, leading to the Prominence UFLC system (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto,
onset of IR remains unclear, and the present study evalu- Japan) connected by Prominence communication bus mod-
ates the same. ule (CPM-20, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) to data
Several potentially active compounds in leaves of A. processing software, LC solutions (Shimadzu Corporation,
marmelos have been identified: c-sitosterol, aegelin, lupeol, Kyoto, Japan) installed in windows 7 operating system. The
rutin, quercetin, marmesinin, b-sitosterol, flavone, gly- chromatographic separation was performed using isocratic
coside, O-isopentenyl halfordiol, marmeline and pheny- elution (methanol:water::50:50, pH 2.8 with ortho-phos-
lethyl cinnamamide [12]. The pharmacological activity of a phoric acid), pumped by Prominence liquid chromatograph
plant extract (in this case, aqueous leaf extract of A. mar- (LC-20AD, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) at a flow
melos) is the combined effect of the cocktail of phyto- rate of 1.0 ml/min in a reverse phase analytical enable C-18
chemicals and cannot be pinned down on a single unique G column (250 9 4.6 mm ID, S/N WL06-082). The system
phytoconstituent. In accordance with international guide- was maintained at room temperature which yielded a column
lines that have been unanimously set by global agencies back pressure of 2200–2400 psi. Prior to injecting samples,
like the World Health Organization (WHO), United the column was equilibrated for at least 30 min with the
Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), mobile phase. The samples were injected by Hamilton syr-
and International Certification Services (ICS), the plant inge (Microlitre TM #702, 0.0025 ml) into the 20 ll loop
extract under investigation should be authenticated using a Rheodyne manual sample injector with switch (Rheo-
phytochemical reference standard (PRS), which may either dyneÒ Injector P/N 7725i), for run time of 10 min and the
be a therapeutically active compound or any compound effluent was monitored at 256 nm by Prominence diode-ar-
unique to the plant or its major phytochemical constituent, ray detector (SPD-M20A, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto,

Mol Cell Biochem

Japan). All chromatographic data were recorded and pro- Cell treatment and sample collection
cessed using LC solution software.
The cells in the different groups were treated either with
Preparation of standard stock and sample solution DMSO (0.1% v/v, VC Glu-VC3), AM (75 lg/ml, AM Glu-
of rutin and AM AM3), rutin (3 lM, RUT Glu-RUT3), quercetin (7 lM,
QUER Glu-QUER3), metformin (5 mM, MET Glu-
The standard stock solution of rutin (1 mg/ml) was diluted MET3), pioglitazone (15 lM, PIO Glu-PIO3) for 48 h
with the mobile phase to give a working concentration range under standard conditions (37 °C, 5% CO2). The super-
of 5–80 lg/ml. The AM was dissolved in prefiltered distilled natant and cell lysates were collected and preserved at
water to get the final concentration of 1 mg/ml, filtered and -80 °C for further analysis.
ultrasonicated. The stock (1 mg/ml) was further diluted to
500, 200, 100 lg/ml with mobile phase. Hexokinase estimation

Calibration curves The hexokinase activity was estimated through a coupled

reaction with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase as per
Calibration curve was constructed by analysing the con- the method described earlier [17]. Different concentrations
centration of standard rutin in the range of 5–80 lg/ml. The of the standard hexokinase enzyme (Merck, Germany)
AM was spiked with of standard rutin (40 lg/ml) in the ratio were added to the samples and increase in absorbance due
of 1:1 and an aliquot of 20 ll of the solution was injected. to reduced NAD was recorded spectrophotometrically at
The recovery of rutin from AM was calculated to measure 340 nm for 4 min. Change in absorbance per minute was
accuracy of the developed method. Further, the developed plotted against concentration of standard hexokinase
method was validated for parameters such as linearity, limit enzyme to calculate hexokinase activity in each sample.
of detection, limit of quantification, accuracy, and precision
in accordance with ICH guidelines. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) estimation

Cell culture The aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity was esti-

mated based on the reduction of NAD as per the method
The human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2) described earlier [18]. Different concentrations of standard
was obtained from National Centre for Cell Sciences ALDH enzyme (Merck, Germany) were added to samples
(NCCS), Pune, India, and grown in culture medium con- and increase in absorbance was recorded spectrophotomet-
sisting of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), rically at 340 nm for 5 min. Change in absorbance per
supplemented with heat inactivated fetal bovine serum minute was plotted against concentration of standard ALDH
(FBS, 12%) and Penicillin–Streptomycin Antibiotic (1%) enzyme to calculate ALDH activity of in each sample.
(HiMedia Laboratories, India) and cultured in a humidified
5% CO2 incubator (Shel lab, USA) at 37 °C. The culture Biochemical estimations
medium was replaced every 48 h and cells were passaged
at 80–90% confluence. Biochemical estimation of Phosphofructokinase (PFK)
(Kinesis DX), PI3K (Bioassay Laboratory Technology),
Experimental design: IR induction by insulin p-tyr-STAT-3 (Ray Biotech), mTOR (Ray Biotech) and
and fructose treatment HIF-1a (Ray Biotech) were conducted in the cell lysate.
Supernatant was used to estimate VEGF (Krishgen
Confluent flask of HepG2 cells was trypsinized (Trypsin, Biosystems) and TNF-a (Krishgen Biosystems) using
0.25% ? EDTA, 0.02%), centrifuged (800 rpm 9 8 min), respective human ELISA kits, in accordance with the
re-suspended, counted, and seeded (1 9 105 cells/well/ protocol detailed by the manufacturer.
2 ml). The cells were divided into different groups and
grown for 48 h either in—DMEM without glucose (NC), Stastical analysis
DMEM with high glucose 25 mM (Glu), DMEM-glu-
cose?0.55 mM fructose(FC1), DMEM-glucose?1 mM All data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3). To evaluate
fructose (FC2) or DMEM-glucose?1 mM fruc- the significance of differences between the groups, one-
tose?0.1 lM Insulin (FC3). way ANOVA, followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple

Mol Cell Biochem

comparison test, was performed utilizing Graph pad prism rutin in AM was calculated to be 8.52 lg/mg of AM
5.0.1 installed in Windows 8.1 operating system. p \ 0.05 (Fig. 1).
was considered statistically significant.
Effect of AM on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes

Results Effect of AM on hexokinase

Quantification of rutin in AM Maximal increase in hexokinase activity was recorded in

Glu (p \ 0.05) as compared to NC (Fig. 2a). The hexoki-
A sensitive isocratic RP-HPLC method was developed and nase activity was reduced in AM-Glu, RUT-Glu and
standardized with precise interday and intraday values to QUER-Glu but significantly increased (p \ 0.05) in MET-
give well-separated peaks of AM with LOD and LOQ as Glu and PIO-Glu (Fig. 2b). AM1, RUT1, MET1 and PIO1
0.18 and 0.55 lg/ml, respectively. Under these conditions, but not QUER1 significantly increased (p \ 0.05) hexoki-
rutin was detected at Rt = 7.12 ± 0.04 min, with linearity nase activity as compared to FC1 (Fig. 2c). Hexokinase
between 5 and 80 lg/ml (r2 = 0.998). The concentration of activity was significantly increased (p \ 0.05) in AM2–3,

Fig. 1 RP-HPLC Chromatogram of aqueous extract of leaves of rutin was detected at 256 nm in extract and standard eluting at
Aegle marmelos (500 lg/ml) (a), standard rutin (40 lg/ml) (b), and Rt = 7.12 ± 0.04 min using methanol:water (1:1), pH 2.8, at flow
AM spiked with rutin. Well-separated, finely resolved, sharp peak of rate of 1 ml/min

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 2 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on hexokinase activity (IU/ml), a insulin resistant state (FC2), hexokinase activity was significantly
key glycolysis enzyme. The activity of hexokinase was recorded elevated by AM and rutin that was greater than that by metformin or
highest in hepatocytes grown in high glucose medium (Glu) and pioglitazone (d). When insulin was externally provided to fructose-
lowest in high fructose medium (FC2) (a). Metformin (5 mM) and induced insulin-resistant state (FC3), AM performed highest to
Pioglitazone (15 lM) but not AM, rutin (3 lM) or quercetin (7 lM) augment hexokinase activity towards sugar utilization. Each value is
augment hexokinase activity in Glu (b). Rutin and AM augment the mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way
hexokinase activity, specifically in fructose-rich medium (FC1) and ANOVA, followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test
out-perform metformin or pioglitazone (c). In fructose-induced-

Mol Cell Biochem

RUT2–3, MET2–3 and PIO2–3 but not QUER2–3 as significantly reduced level of STAT-3 as compared to FC1,
compared to FC2–3 (Fig. 2d, e). but not MET2 and PIO2 as compared FC2 (Fig. 6c, d).

Effect of AM on phosphofructokinase (PFK) Effect of AM on mTOR

The PFK activity was increased significantly (p \ 0.05) in The level of mTOR was increased significantly (p \ 0.05)
FC2 and FC3 as compared to NC (Fig. 3a). Significant in Glu, as well as FC1–3, as compared to NC (Fig. 7a).
reduction (p \ 0.05) in PFK activity was recorded in AM- AM-Glu and PIO-Glu recorded significantly (p \ 0.05)
Glu, RUT-Glu, QUER-Glu, MET-Glu and PIO-Glu as reduced level of mTOR as compared to Glu (Fig. 7b). The
compared to Glu (Fig. 3b). PFK was significantly reduced mTOR level was significantly (p \ 0.05) lowered in
(p \ 0.05) in AM1–3, RUT1–3 and QUER1–3 but raised AM1–3, RUT1–3, QUER1–3, MET1–3, PIO1–3 as com-
in MET1–3 and PIO1–3 as compared to FC1–3, respec- pared to FC1–3, respectively (Fig. 7c–e).
tively (Fig. 3c–e).
Effect of AM on hypoxic and inflammatory
Effect of AM on aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) mediators

The activity of ALDH was increased significantly Effect of AM on VEGF

(p \ 0.05) in Glu, FC1–3 as compared to NC (Fig. 4a).
Significant elevation (p \ 0.05) in ALDH activity was The level of VEGF was increased significantly (p \ 0.05)
recorded in AM-Glu, RUT-Glu, QUER-Glu and PIO-Glu in Glu, FC1–3 as compared to NC (Fig. 8a). Significant
as compared to Glu (Fig. 4 B). In AM1–3, RUT1–3, reduction in the level of VEGF in AM Glu-AM3, RUT
QUER1–3, MET1–3 and PIO1–3, significant reduction in Glu-RUT3, QUER Glu-QUER3, MET Glu-MET3, PIO
ALDH activity was observed as compared to FC1–3, Glu-PIO3 was recorded as compared to Glu, FC1–3,
respectively (Fig. 4c–e). respectively (Fig. 8b–e).

Effect of AM on secondary messengers of insulin Effect of AM on HIF-1a

The level of HIF-1a was increased significantly (p \ 0.05)
Effect of AM on phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in Glu and FC2 as compared to NC (Fig. 9a). Significant
3-kinase (PI3K) (p \ 0.05) reduction in level of HIF-1a was achieved in
AM-Glu and RUT-Glu as compared to Glu (Fig. 9b).
The level of PI3K was increased significantly (p \ 0.05) in AM1–3, RUT1–3, QUER1–3 and PIO1–3 but not MET1–3
Glu and FC1 as compared to NC (Fig. 5 A). As compared recorded significant lowering of HIF-1a level, as compared
to NC, significantly reduced level of PI3K was recorded to FC1–3 (Fig. 9c–e).
FC2 that was elevated in FC3 (Fig. 5a). The level of PI3K
in AM-Glu, RUT-Glu, QUER-Glu, MET-Glu and PIO-Glu Effect of AM on TNFa
remained significantly lowered as compared to Glu
(Fig. 5b). Significantly elevated level of PI3K was recor- The levels of TNFa were increased significantly (p \ 0.05)
ded in AM1, RUT1 and PIO1 but not QUER1 and MET1, in Glu, as well as, FC1–3 as compared to NC (Fig. 10a).
as compared to FC1 (Fig. 5c). Level of PI3K in AM2–3, The level of TNFa was significantly (p \ 0.05) reduced in
RUT2–3, QUER2–3, MET2–3 and PIO2–3 was increased AM Glu-AM3, RUT Glu-RUT3, QUER Glu-QUER3,
significantly (p \ 0.05) as compared to FC2–3, respec- MET Glu-MET3 and PIO Glu-PIO3 as compared to Glu-
tively (Fig. 5d–e). FC3, respectively (Fig. 10b–e).

Effect of AM on p-try-STAT-3
The level of STAT-3 was increased significantly
(p \ 0.05) in FC1–3 as compared to NC (Fig. 6a). STAT-3 Insulin resistance is a lifestyle-associated pathological state
remained significantly (p \ 0.05) elevated in AM-Glu, that is assuming epidemic proportions, largely due to shift
RUT-Glu, QUER-Glu, MET-Glu, PIO-Glu as compared to in dietary preferences towards fructose-based products.
Glu (Fig. 6b). AM1–3, RUT1–3, QUER1–3 showed sig- The metabolic effects of fructose as compared to eucaloric
nificant reduction in level of STAT-3 as compared to glucose are more deleterious and exacerbated on energy
FC1–3, respectively (Fig. 6c–e). MET1 and PIO1 recorded homeostasis [19].

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 3 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on concentration of phosphofruc- metformin and pioglitazone (c). With progressive rise in fructose
tokinase (ng/ml), a major irreversible regulator of glycolysis. PFK concentration (FC2), concomitant fall in PFK activity is recorded in
levels in HepG2 cells were significantly high in FC2 vs. NC. Insulin- AM-, rutin- and quercetin-treated HepG2 cells (d). In FC3, AM, rutin
stimulated three-fold increase in PFK levels in FC3 vs. FC2 (a). PFK and quercetin further reduced PFK levels but not metformin or
concentration was significantly lowered in Glu following treatment pioglitazone (e). Each value is the mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05,
with AM, rutin (3 lM), quercetin (7 lM), as well as metformin p \ 0.05, #p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way ANOVA, followed by
(5 mM) and pioglitazone (15 lM) (b). In fructose-rich environment, post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test
FC1, PFK levels were lowered by AM, rutin and quercetin but not by

In order to study the metabolic milieu in hepatocytes fructose, (iv) higher fructose and lastly, (v) higher fruc-
when provided with an environment that is either (i) glu- tose ? insulin, HepG2 cells were grown in media as in NC
cose deficient, (ii) high glucose (25 mM), (iii) high (-glucose), Glu (?25 Mm glucose), FC1 (?0.55 mM

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 4 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on level of aldehyde dehydrogenase (b). In FC1–3, ALDH levels were significantly lowered by AM, rutin,
(IU/ml), a glycogenesis enzyme. Relative level of ALDH was quercetin, metformin and pioglitazone (c–e). Each value is the
significantly elevated in the order Glu \ FC2 \ FC1 = fc3 (a). Rutin mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way ANOVA,
(3 lM), quercetin (7 lM), metformin (5 mM), AM and pioglitazone followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test
(15 lM) significantly elevated ALDH levels in glucose-rich medium

fructose), FC2 (?1 mM fructose) and FC3 (?1 mM fruc- action of AM leaf extract (75 lg/ml) under the different
tose?0.1 lM Insulin), respectively. The choice of provid- conditions was studied and compared with standard com-
ing fructose in the environment at the concentrations of pounds rutin (3 lM), metformin (5 mM) and pioglitazone
0.55 or 1 mM was made to simulate the physiological (15 lM).
concentration of fructose available in portal vein after a The highlights of the present results are, firstly, it is
fructose-rich meal [20]. Further, protective mechanism of established that excess fructose (FC2) and excess Glu

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 5 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the activity of PI3K (ng/ml) in (15 lM) (b). Rutin, AM and pioglitazone but not metformin
cultured HepG2 cells. Significantly elevated PI3K activity was improved insulin signalling by significantly increasing the activity
recorded in Glu and FC1 as compared to NC. Significantly diminished of PI3K in FC1 (c). Highly significant elevation of PI3K activity was
PI3K activity, indicative of defective insulin signalling pathway, was recorded with AM, rutin, quercetin, metformin and pioglitazone in
recorded in FC2 and slightly elevated with insulin in FC3 (a). In Glu, FC2 and FC3 (d, e). Each value is the mean ± SD of n = 3.
the PI3K activity was significantly lower in AM, rutin (3 lM), *p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way ANOVA, followed by post hoc
quercetin (7 lM), as well as metformin (5 mM) and pioglitazone Tukey’s multiple comparison test

initiate divergent metabolic processes in hepatocytes and One of the crucial rate-limiting enzymes of glycolysis is
IR-state is more definite in former than latter. Secondly, the hexokinase, that was recorded highest in the group Glu
molecular responses elicited by AM were cohesive as indicating that in hepatocytes, hyperglycaemic state is first
compared to, isolated phytochemicals or standard drugs, an managed by elevating mechanisms of glucose utilization.
observation supported elsewhere [21, 22]. Even though FC1 is also a hyperglycaemic environment,

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 6 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the activity (mAU) of signal and pioglitazone (15 lM) significantly raised STAT-3 activity in Glu
transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT-3), a metabolic (b). Rutin, quercetin, metformin, AM and pioglitazone inactivated
marker responsible for inducing insulin resistance. Glu and FC1–3 signalling molecule STAT-3 in FC1–3 (c–e). Each value is the
exhibited significantly increased levels of STAT-3, in cultured HepG2 mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way ANOVA,
cells (a). Rutin (3 lM), AM, quercetin (7 lM), metformin (5 mM) followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test

the hexokinase activity was lower than that in Glu which fructose-induced-IR state as shown by hexokinase activity
may be explained based on lower affinity constant (Km) of in FC3. The standard drugs metformin and pioglitazone
hexokinase for fructose than for glucose. However, FC2 augmented sugar oxidation via raised levels of hexokinase,
recorded the lowest hexokinase activity, suggesting that the irrespective of sugar-type. However, AM and rutin were
mechanisms that control energy homeostasis are not more effective in reinforcement of hexokinase-mediated
effective against onslaught of fructose and the pathogenesis glycolytic pathway to mitigate the fructose-induced IR
of IR may have been initiated. Insulin marginally alleviates state.

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 7 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the activity (mAU) of mam- activity in Glu (b). Fructose environment provoked the rise in mTOR
malian target of rapamycin mTOR, a marker of cellular processes activity in FC1–3 was significantly reversed by AM, pioglitazone,
leading to insulin resistance. Glu and FC1–3 exhibited increased rutin, quercetin and metformin (c–e). Each value is the mean ± SD of
mTOR activity (a). Pioglitazone (15 lM) and AM, but not rutin n = 3. *p \ 0.05, $p \ 0.05 vs. control using one-way ANOVA,
(3 lM), quercetin (7 lM) or metformin (5 mM) reduced mTOR followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test

Another key enzyme that possesses regulatory as well as as the energy charge falls [23]. In this light, the present
catalytic role in glycolysis is PFK. Its irreversible catalytic results evidence that of the three-excess sugar environment
action makes it the control site that sets the pace of (Glu, FC1, FC2), the energy homeostasis is skewed max-
mammalian glycolytic pathway. Interestingly, high levels imally in FC2. Despite high substrate availability (fruc-
of ATP allosterically inhibit the enzyme in the liver, thus tose), the PFK levels are highest, suggesting that ATP
lowering its affinity for the substrate, fructose 6-phosphate. levels may be lowest in FC2 as it may be the most con-
Thus, the activity of PFK increases when the ATP/AMP ducive environment for mitochondrial uncoupling and
ratio is lowered or in other words, glycolysis is stimulated phosphorylation inefficiency. Further studies that

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 8 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the concentration (pg/ml) of provoked rise in VEGF concentration in FC1–3 was significantly
vascular endothelium growth factor, VEGF, a marker of vascular reversed by AM, rutin, quercetin, metformin and pioglitazone (c–e).
inflammation and insulin resistance. Glu and FC1–3 exhibited Each value is the mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05, vs. control using
significantly raised the concentration of VEGF (a). Rutin (3 lM), one way ANOVA, followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison
quercetin (7 lM), metformin (5 mM), AM and pioglitazone (15 lM), test
reduced VEGF concentration in Glu (b). Fructose environment

corroborate this hypothesis are required and are being formation. But, in fructose-rich environment (FC1), PFK
planned in our lab. As insulin is a known stimulator of PFK levels were lowered by AM, rutin and quercetin but not by
[24], a three-fold rise in FC3 was expected. Significantly, metformin and pioglitazone, suggesting former can possi-
low PFK levels were observed in Glu following treatment bly mitigate fructose-induced mitochondrial uncoupling, an
with AM, rutin, quercetin, as well as metformin and important pharmacological property lacking in latter. With
pioglitazone, indicating that they may have been effective progressive rise in fructose concentration (FC2), con-
in restoring coupling of substrate oxidation to ATP comitant fall in PFK activity is recorded in AM-, rutin- and

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 9 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the concentration (ng/ml) of HIF-1a concentration in FC1–3 was significantly reversed by AM,
hypoxia-induced factor, HIF-1a, a marker of hypoxia and insulin rutin, quercetin, and pioglitazone but not by metformin (c–e). Each
resistance. Glu and FC1–3 exhibited significantly raised the concen- value is the mean ± SD of n = 3. *p \ 0.05, $p \ 0.05 vs. control
tration of HIF-1a (a). Rutin (3 lM), AM, quercetin (7 lM), using one-way ANOVA, followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple
metformin (5 mM) and pioglitazone (15 lM), reduced HIF-1a comparison test
concentration in Glu (b). Fructose environment provoked rise in

quercetin-treated hepatocytes, further strengthening the more effectively than latter, and, metformin and pioglita-
hypothesis. In insulin supplemented fructose-rich environ- zone may act in latter but fail miserably in former.
ment (FC3), AM, rutin and quercetin decrease PFK levels Interestingly, the activity of PFK is also regulated by
effectively but not metformin or pioglitazone. In conclu- metabolites that are formed under anaerobic conditions in
sion, PFK results show that between fructose- and glucose- liver. It is known that excess fructose initiates anaerobic
induced IR state, AM, rutin and quercetin combat former metabolism to maintain energy homeostasis [25, 26] and

Mol Cell Biochem

Fig. 10 Effect of AM (75 lg/ml) on the concentration (pg/ml) of Glu (b). Fructose environment provoked rise in TNF-a concentration
tumour necrosis factor, TNF-a, a marker of inflammation and insulin in FC1–3 was significantly reversed by AM, rutin, quercetin,
resistance. Glu and FC1–3 showed significant rise in concentration of metformin and pioglitazone (c–e). Each value is the mean ± SD of
TNF-a that was higher in glucose than in fructose-rich environment n = 3. *p \ 0.05, vs. control using one-way ANOVA, followed by
(a). Rutin (3 lM), AM, quercetin (7 lM), metformin (5 mM) and post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test
pioglitazone (15 lM), significantly reduced TNF-a concentration in

corroborated in present study by elevated levels of HIF-1a increase in levels of pro-inflammatory marker, TNFa, was
and VEGF. Aegle marmelos, rutin, metformin and piogli- observed in FC groups. TNF-a is a very important cytokine
tazone annulled HIF-1a and VEGF activity to mitigate that is responsible for inflammatory assault in pathogenesis
hypoxia and inflammatory responses. Further, significant of metabolic disorders by inhibiting insulin signalling

Mol Cell Biochem

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