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TIME: 1hr CHAPTER-7 (Control and Coordination) MM: 35

NOTE: Q.1 to Q.10 contain 3 marks each and Q.11 contain 5 marks.

Q.1) Which is the largest and most prominent part of the brain. Explain?
Q.2) (a) Name one gustatory receptor and one olfactory receptor in human
(b) Write a and b in the given flow chart of neuron through which information
travels as an electrical impulse.

Q.3) Write the main functions of the following:

(a) sensory neuron (b) cranium (c) vertebral column (d) motor neuron.

Q.4) “Reflex arcs continue to be more efficient for quick

responses”. Justify this statement giving reason.

Q.5) (a) Draw a neat diagram of a neuron and label (i) dendrite and (ii) axon.
(b) Which part of the human brain is:
(i) the main thinking part of the brain?
(ii) Responsible for maintaining the posture and balance of the body?

Q.6) Mention three major regions of brain. Write one function of each.

Q.7) What is meant by tropic movements? Explain?

Q.8) Name the mineral that is responsible for synthesis of hormone secreted
by thyroid gland

Q.9) Give the full form of TSH. Give one use of it?

Q.10) Why is chemical communication better than electrical impulses as a

means of communication between cells in a multicellular organisms?

Q.11) Draw the label diagram of human brain and Explain the 3
parts (only parts)?


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