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1. Do you welcome RA 10647? Why? Or Why not?

Yes, I welcome RA 10647, also known as the "Ladderized Education Act,"

is a law in the Philippines that aims to provide a ladderized system of education.
This law allows students to earn a certificate or diploma at each level of
education they complete, making it easier for them to enter the workforce or
pursue higher education.
RA 10647's ladderized educational structure provides pupils with several
benefits. It enables them to obtain practical skills and knowledge at every level
of study, increasing their employability and competitiveness in the labor market.
Additionally, this rule encourages lifelong learning by allowing people to
continue their studies while working.
As a future teacher, I can take advantage of RA 10647 to enhance my
teaching strategies and curriculum. By incorporating the ladderized system of
education into my classroom, I can help my students develop a strong
foundation of skills and knowledge while also preparing them for future
educational and career opportunities.
RA 10647 is a positive step towards improving the education system in the
Philippines. It opens doors for students to pursue their dreams and achieve their
goals. As a teacher, you play a crucial role in implementing this law and guiding
your students towards success.
Let's embrace RA 10647 and work together to provide quality education and
opportunities for all students!

2. Does RA 10647 encourage enrollment in tech-voc courses? Explain

your answer.

Yes, Republic Act 10647, also known as the "Ladderized Education Act,"
encourages enrollment in technical vocational courses. This law aims to provide
a seamless education system that allows students to easily transition from
technical vocational education and training (TVET) to higher education and
vice versa. It promotes the integration of TVET programs into the formal
education system, making it more accessible and attractive to students. The law
also provides incentives and support for TVET graduates, such as the creation
of a National TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System. Overall,
RA 10647 aims to promote the development of a skilled workforce and enhance
the competitiveness of the country's labor market. This act also encourages
students to be practical nowadays. It helps students to pursue their dreams in
order for them to be employed later on. Through this act, improving and
enhancing their skills is one of the aims of this in order for them to be
competent. And with that, they can easily apply and get a job to sustain their
living and help their family.

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