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The Commitment Approach

The commitment approach is a teaching method that focuses on fostering a sense of dedication
and responsibility in students towards their learning and personal growth. It emphasizes the
importance of setting goals, staying motivated, and persevering through challenges. It also
enables students to perceive themselves not merely as passive reactors or as free individuals but
as inner relative members of a social group and system.

Teaching the Commitment Approach

1. Goal Setting: Encourage students to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound (SMART) goals. Help them understand the importance of having clear objectives and how
they can contribute to their overall growth.

2. Self-Reflection: Teach students to reflect on their progress regularly. Encourage them to

assess their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness will help
them stay committed to their learning journey.

3. Growth Mindset: Foster a growth mindset in students by emphasizing that intelligence and
abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance. Teach them to embrace challenges,
learn from failures, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

4. Resilience Building: Help students develop resilience by teaching them coping strategies and
stress management techniques. Encourage them to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a
positive attitude towards their learning journey.

5. Accountability: Teach students to take ownership of their learning by holding them

accountable for their actions and choices. Encourage them to take responsibility for their
progress and actively participate in their education.

6. Supportive Environment: Create a supportive classroom environment where students feel

safe to take risks, ask questions, and seek help. Foster a sense of community and collaboration
among students to enhance their commitment to learning.

7. Celebrating Progress: Recognize and celebrate students' achievements and milestones along
their learning journey. This positive reinforcement will motivate them to stay committed and
continue striving for success.
Example of Commitment Approach in Values Education

Through the use of real-life scenarios and case studies. Teachers can present students with
various situations that require them to make ethical decisions or demonstrate certain values.
The use of role-playing activities. Students can be assigned different roles and asked to act out
scenarios that involve ethical dilemmas.
Through community service projects. By engaging in activities that promote social responsibility
and empathy, students are given the opportunity to apply their values in real-life situations.

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