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EA Service Planning Tool


The purpose of this template is to help you identify and define a set of EA services that the EA program should provide to th
template in conjunction with the blueprint, Design an EA Strategy to Articulate the Value Proposition of the EA Function.


Step 1: Select one sub-service on tab 2. Service Planning and read its definition. Refer back to the identified list of EA contr
Proposition phase of the blueprint, Design an EA Strategy to Articulate the Value Proposition of the EA Function. Identify al
an EA contribution can be matched to by writing in "Yes" in the "Should EA Deliver This Service?" column.

Step 2: From the set of EA contributions that did not have a match with the pre-populated services on tab 2. Service Planni
services should be defined to satisfy those contributions.

Step 3: Once the full set of sub-services your organization has committed to providing has been identified, define the details
completing the Service Trigger, Service Provider, and Service Requestor column on tab 2. Service Planning. Discern if the p
those columns for each relevant service needs to be edited. Use the grey-text prompts below each column heading (row 6)

For acceptable use of this tool, refer to Info-Tech's Terms of Use. These documents are intended to supply general informa
professional or personal advice, and are not intended to be used as a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Use thi
whole or in part as a basis and guide for document creation. To customize this document with corporate marks and titles, si
Tech information in the Header and Footer fields of this document.
program should provide to the organization. Use this
osition of the EA Function.

o the identified list of EA contributions from the Value

of the EA Function. Identify all of the sub-services that
e?" column.

vices on tab 2. Service Planning, determine if new

en identified, define the details of each service by

rvice Planning. Discern if the pre-populated text in
each column heading (row 6) to assist with editing the

ded to supply general information only, not specific

f professional advice. Use this document either in
corporate marks and titles, simply replace the Info-
EA Service Planning
Use the following table to plan the EA services your EA program will deliver to the organization. In the column "S
service. Edit the data in those columns if necessary.

Groups of
services that
Breakdown of each service within the category.
have the same

Business Strategy Development

Business Case Development

Business Performance Assessment

Strategy Development

Business Opportunity Identification

IT Strategy Development

IT Investment Analysis and Planning

Business Process Modelling

Organization Change Management

Technology Trend Analysis


Innovation Management

Technology Capability Management

Target State Business Architecture Development

Target State Technology (Data, Applications, Infrastructure,
Security) Architecture Development

Portfolio Management Advisory


Portfolio Roadmaps

Business Continuity Planning

Risk and Security

Security Vulnerability Assessment

Risk Management

Disaster Recovery Planning

Technology (Data, Applications, Infrastructure, Security)

Architecture Reference Model Development

Architecture Assessment

Architecture Policy Management

Solution Development

Business System Analysis

Solution Architecture

Deliver Technology Solutions

Vendor Assessment
eliver to the organization. In the column "Should EA Deliver This Service?" type "Yes" or "No." If "Yes," think about the service

Should EA Deliver This


Should the EA team provide this

The activities of each sub-service.
service? (Yes/No)

Assist in the development of the organization's long-term vision and

strategic initiatives to achieve the goals laid out by the board of
The development of business cases by individual business units to
solicit the approval of initiatives that support the overall business
Evaluating the performance of the business segment from a holistic
perspective that includes all the aspects of people, process, and
Reviewing the business internal and external operating environment to
identify areas for improvement.
The development of the IT organization's strategic direction and
initiatives to support the achievement of organizational goals.

Review IT projects/investments, identify cross impacts, and create a

practical roadmap.

Model the business processes that support the organization's


Review both planned and in-progress projects to identify changes and

manage smooth rollout of the change within the organization. This
involves addressing all aspects of people, process, and technology that
are impacted by the changes.
Monitor technology trends and identify opportunities for the application
of technology to address existing challenges or capitalize on business
Brainstorm, ideate, test, analyze, and iterate in order to creatively
address business problems or capitalize on business opportunities.
Help establish a culture of non-linear thinking and capability to tackle
issues from various perspectives.
Assess existing technology capabilities and determine which
capabilities to develop, retire, or maintain in order to best support the
direction of the business and the technology landscape.
Define the necessary business architectural elements of the value
creation process that the business needs to develop in order to support
its corporate goals and its ability to compete in the market.

Define the necessary technology architectural elements, which IT

needs to develop to support the business' value creation process.

Assist with prioritization, feasability, and risk assessments of projects

within the portfolio.

Assist with project planning at a portfolio level by identifying cross

impacts and creating practical roadmaps.

Create a strategy that recognizes the threats and risks facing an

organization to ensure that organizational assets are protected and
can function in the event of a disaster.
Define, identify, and classify the security gaps/vulnerabilities in the
information technology infrastructure.

Identify vulnerabilities and threats to the information technology assets

used by the organization and design countermeasures aimed at
reducing risk to an acceptable level.

Document the process or set of procedures to recover and protect the

IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster.

Facilitate the creation of architecture standards for applications and

associated services within the organization.
Conduct project solution architecture assessments to ensure that the
standards and best practices are being followed. Provide
recommendations to address non-compliance items.
Create and manage the relevancy of architecture policy that is
grounded and can be enforced.
The process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing, and
agreeing on requirements, and then controlling change and
communicating to relevant stakeholders.
The process of creating architectural plans to meet project
The introduction of a new or updated software or system to the
relevant end users.
Evaluate and recommend potential and existing vendors within the
think about the service triggers, service providers, and service requestors that will be impacted by the

Service Triggers Service Provider Service Requestor

The trigger that signals the need Who in the EA team will provide Who outside of the EA team
for the service. the service? has requested this service?

Beginning of business planning Enterprise Architect, Business

Executive leadership
session. Architect

Enterprise Architect, Solution PMO, project sponsor, project

Project initiation.
Architect initiator

People/process/technology Enterprise Architect, Domain Line of business leadership,

current state assessments. Architect executive leadership
Business and IT strategic Enterprise Architect, Domain Executive leadership, line of
planning initiatives. Architect business leadership
Enterprise Architect, Domain
IT strategic planning initiative. IT leadership
IT strategic planning initiative,
Enterprise Architect, Domain
budgeting sessions, IT portfolio IT leadership

Business process optimization

Enterprise Architect, Solution Line of business leadership,
initiatives, ongoing process
Architect executive leadership

Business and technology

Solution Architect PMO, project sponsor
initiative implementation.

Business and IT strategic

Enterprise Architect, Domain
planning initiatives, innovation Business and IT leadership

Formalization of innovation as a
capability, business and IT Enterprise Architect Business and IT leadership
strategic planning.

Enterprise Architect, Domain

IT strategic planning. IT leadership
Architect, Technical Architect
EA-driven initiative. Business Architect EA leadership

Enterprise Architect, Domain

EA-driven initiative. EA leadership

As a part of regular prioritization PMO, business and technology

Enterprise Architect
sessions. leadership

Business and technology PMO, business and technology

Enterprise Architect
strategic planning. leadership

BCP planning initiative, in case

Enterprise Architect, Business Line of business leadership,
of disaster or business
Architect executive leadership
As a part of regular Enterprise Architect, Security Ranking security officer or
assessments. Domain Architect executive leadership
Risk and security strategic
Enterprise Architect, Security
planning sessions, risk
Domain Architect, Solution Business and IT leadership
management process design and
Architect, Technical Architect

DR plan creation and Enterprise Architect, Domain

Business and IT leadership
maintenance, in case of disaster. Architect, Technical Architect

Enterprise Architect, Domain

EA-driven initiative. EA leadership
Architect, Technical Architect

EA-driven initiative. Solution Architect EA leadership

Enterprise Architect, Domain

EA-driven initiative. EA leadership
Architect, Technical Architect

Requirements gathering for PMO, project sponsor, project

Solution Architect
projects. initiator, project manager

As needed during a project. Solution Architect Project manager

Enterprise Architect, Solution
As needed during a project. Project manager
RFP/RFI building, vendor Enterprise Architect, Domain
assessment. Architect, Solution Architect Business and IT leadership

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