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What is a network?

a. WWW;
b. communications system created by linking two or more devices;
c. special software to interact with other users;

local area network…

a. is designed to connect a group of computers in close proximity;
b. large computer network usually spanning a city;
c. spans a large geographic area;

What is a router?
a. intelligent input device
b. intelligent output device
c. intelligent connecting device

what is not a topology of network?

a. ring;
b. bubble;
c. star;

what does IP stands for?

a. special software;
b. internet provider;
c. addressing of a computer;

What is the purpose of an IP Address?

a. A unique location identifier
b. A unique identifier for a computer
c. A network location identifier
d. A intersection path location
What the term LAN stands for?
a. Low addressing network
b. Local area network
c. Line area network
d. Local addressing netspace

What piece of hardware is usually at the centre of a star network?

a. Modem
b. Router
c. Hub
d. Server

Which of the following networks will allow an Internet connection?

a. Ring
b. Star
c. Bus
d. All of the above

Given the network mask id of, how many hosts are there?
a. 216 - 2
b. 224
c. 216
d. 216 - 2

How many Bytes an IP (IPv4) address have

What is one advantage of using a network based on the bus topology over a network based on
the star of ring topologies?
a. Bus topologies are simpler to install and maintain
b. Bus topologies allow faster throughput
c. Bus topologies are more fault tolerant
d. Bus topologies are more secure.

What type of device is used at either end of a bus network?


What is the function of a token on a token-passing ring network?

a.It enables one node on the network to transmit data at any one time
b.It enables multiple nodes on the network to transmit data simultaneously
c.It signals to the rest of the network to listen for traffic
d.It signals to the rest of the network that the MAU is receiving an excessive number of errors

What ring element (in a ring network topology) must a node posses before it is able to
transmit over a ring network?
a.A node on a ring network can transmit at any time without restriction
d.Sender code
When was internet invented?
a. In 1960’s;
b. In 1980’s;
c. In 2000’s;

What do we use «html» for?

a. to define the content of web pages;
b. to program the behavior of web pages;
c. to specify the layout of web pages;

Choose correct email address?

c. Cleo@mail@ru;

What is SMTP used for?

a. to communicate with the remote server in order to send the email from a local client to
the remote server;
b. to communicate with the remote email server and download the emails to a local email
c. to delete email from remote server;

Choose an example of social media storage - services?

a. E-mail;
b. YouTube;
c. Wikipedia;

What does HTML stand for?

Выберите один ответ:
a. Hyper Text Markup Language
b. Hyper Text Mail Language
c. Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
d. Home Tool Markup Language

Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:

a. <head>
b. <h1>
c. <h6>
d. <heading>

What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?

a. <hr>
b. <break>
c. <lb>
d. <br>

What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?

a. <body style="background:yellow;">
b. <body bgcolor:yellow >
c. <background>yellow</background>
d. <body bgcolor="#E6E6FA" >

What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink

a. <a url=""></a>
b. <a></a>
c. <a href="">
d. <a name=""></a>

Which character is used to indicate an end tag (end of the command)?

a. *
b. >
c. !
d. /

Which of these elements are all <table> elements?

a. <table><tr><tt>
b. <table><tr><td>
c. <table><head><tfoot>
d. <thead><body><tr>

How can you make a numbered list?

a. <ul>
b. <list>
c. <ol>
d. <dl>

How can you make a bulleted list?

a. <ul>
b. <ol>
c. <dl>
d. <list>

What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

a. <img alt="MyImage">
b. <img src="image.gif"
c. <img href="image.gif"

d. <image src="image.gif"

What is cloud computing?

a. a possibility to send a file by internet;
b. a possibility to connect to a device via Wi-Fi;
c. a possibility to store and get access to the information by internet;
What type of cloud does not exist?
a. Public Cloud;
b. Computing Cloud;
c. Private Cloud;

Virtualization is…?
a. a bunch of commodity computers networked together in same or different geographical
locations and operating together;
b. a type of cloud that is composed of multiple internal or external clouds;
c. a software translating the hardware instructions to the understandable format for the
physical hardware;

What does «Platform as a service» deliver to customer?

a. a single application through the web browser;
b. CPU clocks with OS level control;
c. development environment;

Why does mobile phone often called cell phone?

a. because we can use it as a mobile device;
b. because of the concept of cellular network used in cell phone;
c. because most phones have power cells;

Where are documents that you place on Google Drive stored?

a. Both on your hard drive and Google servers
b. On your private network
c. On a flash drive
d. In the cloud (Google servers)

On your private network

a. False
b. True
What is “cloud computing”?
a. High level of computations
b. Apple's latest computer operating system
c. Storing files online
d. A new environmentally friendly way of computing

When collaborating on a document, instead of emailing the document back and forth, Google
Docs gives you the ability to:
a. Store your file online for others to download
b. Have everyone working on the same document at the same time
c. Manage the emailing back and forth easily
d. Download files from your colleague computer

When sharing documents there are different user roles, depending on how much access you
would like others to have:
a. Head of department of Google Corporation and managers
b. Course creators and course sharing
c. Friends and family
d. Viewers, commenter or collaborators

Google docs are

a. Only accessible to others that you explicitly share them with.
b. Can be shared only within local network
c. Accessible to everyone on the internet
d. Cannot be shared at all

What type of documents can be created using Google Docs?

a. News Paper Articles
b. None of the above
c. Word Docs, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations
d. Text Messages, Web pages
What are the steps to create a new Google Document?
a. Log into email account, create a new document
b. Log into email account, click the drop down arrow (next to upload), select documents, click
the drop down arrow (next to create new)
c. Log into google drive account, click the create (new) button and choose document from
d. Logout from Gmail account, download Google drive application, click the file button, and
choose document

What happens to your file on Google drive if your computer turns off suddenly
a. The file will be damaged, but through special, third-party services it can be restored
b. Nothing, since all changes on your drive are saved automatically
c. The file will be saved on a local disk
d. Information will be lost

What do you need to download before using Google Docs?

a. I must buy and download Google application in Play Market
b. There's nothing to download. Just go online.
c. My computer should have Microsoft Word and Excel.
d. I need to download the Google Docs application.

What is hypertext?
a.Text that allow non sequential reading and writing;
b.Text that has pictures attached to it;
c.Big amount of information;

Which invention is the progenitor of multimedia?

b.Music record;
How many components are there in multimedia?
c.more than 10;

What are fields in life where multimedia has its dominance?

a.Education and Entertainment;
b.Business and construction;
c.Medicine and Space;

What is Animation?
a.special music effects;
b.series of images that give the impression of continuous movement;
c.matrix of the tiny dots that forms an image;

.... refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of
media,such as text, graphics, video,animation, and sound.
An executable file
Desktop publishing

In a multimedia PC, while the text is stored in digital form, the pictures are stored in analog
b.Text is always represented in ASCII
d.Can not be said

What are some examples of multimedia?

a.Computer-generated graphics
b.Mp3 music
c.Video games, movies, and television
d.Digital pictures

Picture elements are termed as:


PAL is a/an
a.Digital video standard
b.Audio File standard
c.Analog video standard
d.Text File standard

What type of graphics consists of many different line objects, rectangles?

a.3D graphics

What video encoding technology allows you to transfer multiple audio tracks (in a different
languages) in a movie

You need to print a photo with the original size 10x10 cm on A1 paper. What graphics format
will allow you to change the size without loss of quality?
a.3D graphics

The most popular raster graphics editor software is

a.3Ds MAX
b.Adobe Flash
c.Corel Draw

Which type of image format is easier to transform into another

a.Bitmap to vector
b.Vector to mkv
c.Vector to bitmap
d.Mkv to avi

What is smartphone?
a.Stationary phone;
b.Any phone at smart house;
c.Mobile phone with additional functions like music player and navigator;

What is telemedicine?
a.Use of special devices on a medical operation;
b.Use of medical services remotely;
c.Special medical device;

What can not be used as a source of green energy at our days?

c. rocks;

What is a green vehicle?

a.a car painted in green; environment friendly car; that runs on the water;

How green technologies help reduce garbage? converting it into cars; recycling it; using it as fertilizers in agriculture;

What is a Smart Home stands for?

a.It’s one of the the computer devices
b.It’s one of the computer system
c.It’s acomputer system that is situated in some environment
d.It’s one of the applications- of Smart technologies within our home

What is a term IoT stands for?

None of the above
b.A set of devices which can communicate to achieve some goal
c.Technique that allows you to not to pay for internet
d.Access to internet from some unusual device (fridge for instance)

The main risk in using the internet of things is related to

a.Unauthorized access to equipment via Internet
b.Increasing equipment cost
c.High energy cost
d.The need to provide additional cooling for devices

Disturbed technology in which information can be presented in the form of blocks connected
to each other
a.Unauthorized access to equipment via Internet
b.Increasing equipment cost
c.The need to provide additional cooling for devices

The Internet of things concept is based on technologies such as

a.WSN and RFID
b.IoT and WAN
c.WSN and LAN
d.Big data and RFID

....a concept(s) that involves a comprehensive modernization of all the methods and
technologies used in these processes.
All of the above
Smart education
Smart management
Smart cities

ICTs allow city authorities to directly monitor what is happening in the city
a.Only if they have access to police systems
b.Only when they are in same town
c.No it’s not true

..... a method of automatic identification of objects by means of radio signals


The key concept of smart education

a.High availability of knowledge
b.Very few interactions with teachers
c.Varieties in choose of teachers
d.Lack of homework

What are the main changes associated with the development of smart homes
a.the ability to control home appliances remotely
b.round-the-clock monitoring of the situation (access to sensors) in the house
c.reduced utility costs
d.all of the above

Уровень 1
Вопрос №1
V1 What is the smallest unit below used for Data measurement?
0 Megabyte
0 Gigabyte
0 Byte
1 Bit
0 The power supply for the device

Вопрос №2
V1 What does RAM stand for?
0 Random All Memory
0 Read All Memory
1 Random Access Memory
0 Reset all Memory
0 Random All Managment
0 Redone All Memory

Вопрос №3
V1 Which one of the following is a term for systems used to store, retrieve, process and
transmit data?
0 Internet & Communication Technology
0 Internet & Information Technology
1 Information & Communication Technology
0 Information & Computer Technology
0 Information & Computation Technology
0 Information & Computation Transfer
0 International & Communication Technology

Вопрос №4
V1 Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?
0 Goods can be advertised and prices compared
1 There is physical contact between buyer and seller
0 Transactions can be processed quickly
0 Services are available 24 hours a day

Вопрос №5
V1 Which one of the following would improve computer performance?
0 Using a larger monitor
0 Increasing the number of applications running
0 Using a faster printer
1 Increasing the size of RAM

Вопрос №6
V1 Electronic computers are divided into generations. For computer technology, first of all,
the speed of change of generations is characteristic - in its short history of development,
four generations have already changed. One of the signs in the attribution of computers to
a particular generation is their element base. What is the elemental base of the second
0 Electronic lamps
1 Semiconductor devices
0 Large integrated circuits
0 Linear Integrated Circuits
0 Electronic circuits
0 Vacuum transistors
0 Slash cards

Вопрос №7
V1 Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers?
0 Transistors
0 Integrated Circuits
1 Vacuum Tubes
0 VLSI Microprocessor
0 Linear Integrated Circuits
0 Electronic circuits
0 Vacuum transistors
0 Slash cards

Вопрос №8
V1 ENIAC Computer belongs to
1 First Generation Computers
0 Second Generation Computers
0 Third Generation Computers
0 Fourth Generation Computers
0 Neither

Вопрос №9
V1 The term "generation of computers" means:
0 all calculating machines
1 all types and models of computers built on the same scientific and technical principles
0 a set of machines designed to process, store and transmit information
0 all types and models of computers created in the same country
0 all calculating mechanism of machines

Вопрос №10
V1 Which speed up could be achieved according to Amdahl’s Law for infinite number of
processes if 5% of a program is sequential and the remaining part is ideally parallel?
0 8
0 5
1 20
0 25
0 12
0 50
Вопрос №11
V1 What is hardware?
1 Physical parts of the computer including system case, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.
0 The operating system and other programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power
0 Neither
0 The set of computer software applications
0 All of the above

Вопрос №12
V1 Application of a binary numeric system in modern computers is based on the principles
of operation of ____ .
0 Operating systems
1 Transistor
0 Capacitors
0 Analog - Digital Converters
0 Central memory
0 Analog devices
0 Digital - Analog Converters
0 Vacuum devices

Вопрос №13
V1 In the simplest (and general) terms, a computer is a machine that stores and processes
____ .
0 Operating System
1 Data
0 Games
0 Pictures
0 Graphics
0 Music
0 Video files
0 Text files

Вопрос №14
V1 ___ - is the most common and familiar color model for humans.

Вопрос №15
V1 What does a storage unit provide?
0 A place to show data
0 The connector that allows you to attach the device to a computer
0 A place to store currently worked on information
1 A place to store information
0 Connection to data servers
0 A place to erase information

Вопрос №16
V1 In order to decode in binary system one of the standard 256 characters, it is enough to use
____ .
0 32 bits
0 2 bytes
1 8 bit
0 16 bytes
0 14 bytes
0 14 bit
0 256 bit
0 256 bytes

Вопрос №17
V What are the four basic components of a
1 computer?
0 File explorer, operating system, Microsoft
Office, My computer
0 Input devices, output devices, printing, and
1 Input devices, central processing unit,
memory, and output devices
0 Input devices, monitor, output devices, and
0 Input devices, central processing unit,
memory, and file system
0 Input devices, central processing unit,
memory, and operation system
0 Output devices, central processing unit,
memory, and operation system
0 DRAM, central processing unit, memory,
and output devices
Вопрос №18
V1 Special software which is designed to fix errors in installed programs - ____.
0 Driver
0 Bug
1 Patch
0 Software installer
0 Antivirus

Вопрос №19
V1 What are examples of storage devices?
0 Motherboard, USB, hard disk
0 Keyboards, flash drive, printer
0 Flash drive, RAM
1 Hard drive, flash drive
0 RAM, Motherboard

Вопрос №20
V1 The central component of a computer that controls data flow between all other
components is a ____ .
1 Motherboard
0 HDD drive

Вопрос №21
V1 The code and information of programs executed by the processor at the current time are
stored in ____ .
1 Random access memory
0 Visual memory
0 Permanent memory
0 Integrated memory
0 Storage devices

Вопрос №22
V1 _____ - is an independent peripheral device which displaying the graphical user interface.
0 Display
0 Plotter
0 Video processor
1 Monitor
0 Video card

Вопрос №23
V1 Commonly _____ of a file determines which program will be used to open it.
0 Name
1 Extension
0 Size
0 Location
0 Shortcut image
0 Shortcut placement
0 File path
0 File sort order

Вопрос №24
V1 What is an Operating System?
0 It is an interface between the user and the hardware
0 It is the first software that runs when the computer boots up
0 It provides a platform for the user to run applications
1 All of the above
0 Neither of the above

Вопрос №25
V1 Which of the following are typical roles of an Operating System?
0 Memory Management
0 Virtualising the hardware to make it easier for the user to use a computer
0 CPU management
1 All of the above
0 RAM table managment

Вопрос №26
V1 In order to work with peripheral equipment, installation of _______ is mandatory.
0 Hardware Utilities
1 Hardware Drivers
0 System applications
0 Network connection
0 Malware software

Вопрос №27
V1 _______ is a generic term for organized collection of computer data and instructions.
0 Firmware
1 Software
0 Hardware
0 None of the above
0 Malware
0 Utilities

Вопрос №28
V1 The distribution of all computer resources between its components is carried out by ___ .
0 System utilities
1 Operating system
0 System defragmentation utilities

Вопрос №29
V1 ______ are system programs, which are responsible for proper functioning of hardware
1 Device Drivers
0 Language translators
0 System defragmentation utilities
0 Operating system
0 Firmware
0 Malware

Вопрос №30
V1 In general, to which of type applications does antivirus software belongs?
1 Utilities
0 Network firewalls
0 Drivers
0 Firewalls
0 Malware

Вопрос №31
V1 It is the set of programs that enables your computers hardware device and application
software to work together.
0 Antivirus system
0 Helper software
1 System software
0 Application software
0 Database management systems
0 Graphical interfaces
0 File systems
0 Firmware software

Вопрос №32
V1 The response of the operating system to user actions is displayed by ___ and peripheral
1 Graphical interfaces
0 System utilities
0 Software installers
0 Network equipment
0 Firmware software

Вопрос №33
V1 Using what type of commercial software you can be offered by a trail version for a
certain period before buying it?
0 Malware
1 Shareware
0 Freeware
0 Liteware
0 Interware
0 Exeware

Вопрос №34
V1 In general terms, operating systems are related to _____ .
0 Hardware applications
1 System applications
0 User applications
0 Device utilities
0 Data storage software

Вопрос №35
V1 The most appropriate definition of a computer file is
0 Drive letter usually separated by a period from the file name and contains three or four
letters that identify the type of file. For example, .jpg
0 Logical drive and folders, which you must go through to get to the folder of file that you
0 Is a container that provides the means of organized programs, operation systems and
documents on a disk
1 A complete, named collection of data. Examples include: spreadsheets, documents,
graphics, pictures, databases, etc.
0 Is a container that provides the access to peripheral devices and device drivers.

Вопрос №36
V1 Depending on its purpose computer software can be divided into _____ categories.
1 System, malware, application
0 Application, licensed, archival
0 System, malware, licensed
0 Licensed, approved, freeware
0 Freeware, utilities, firmware
0 Licensed, copyrighted, duplicated

Вопрос №37
V1 Use ______ command (commonly) in case if you have to save a file with a different file
0 Save
0 Save Now
0 Save Never
1 Save As
0 Save in extension

Вопрос №38
V1 The most extensive category of software (most commonly applied by users), which
includes the bulk of computer programs, is ___ .
1 Application software
0 Antivirus software
0 System software
0 Network software
0 Utilities software

Вопрос №39
V1 Microsoft Excel files will be saved in the following extension: .exl
0 True
1 False
0 No, the file will be saved in .mxls extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.excl extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.exx extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.tbl extension

Вопрос №40
V1 Processes of running programs, the execution of which is not required at a given time, but
can be called without restarting the program are ____ by operating system.
0 Deleted
1 Transfer to background mode
0 Archived
0 Transferred for execution to other programs
0 Erased from hard drive for a short period of time

Вопрос №41
V1 When a desktop icon or other file is selected, pressing «Shift+Del» does what?
1 Deletes indicated file without storing it in the Recycle Bin
0 Removes all objects from the clipboard and copies only this one
0 Allows the user to rename file
0 Does nothing to the file, just shuts down the computer
0 Opens file in a new window

Вопрос №42
V1 You have made an error while typing a document. What key combination should you use
to quickly undo it?
0 Ctrl+R
0 Ctrl+Y
1 Ctrl+Z
0 Ctrl+U+N
0 Ctrl+Alt+Del

Вопрос №43
V1 Pressing the “Prnt Scrn” (“PrtSc”) button does what?
0 Automatically prints via the most commonly used printer
0 Starts the screensaver
0 Closes all connections between the computer and any printers
1 Saves a «screenshot» of what's currently on the screen to the clipboard
0 Saves a «screenshot» of what's is not on the screen at that moment to the clipboard

Вопрос №44
V1 To instantly go to the bottom of a webpage or other program that provide scrolling
(within page), what key combination should you use?
0 Ctrl+Page Dn
0 Ctrl+Space
0 Alt+Space
1 Ctrl+End
0 Ctrl+↓

Вопрос №45
V1 To quickly open the explorer window what shortcut keys you must use?
0 Ctrl+End
0 Shift+E
0 Ctrl +E
1 Win ( ) +E
0 Win ( ) +Home

Вопрос №46
V1 To quickly minimize all opened windows what shortcut keys you must use?
1 Win ( ) +D
0 Win ( ) +M
0 Ctrl+ Shift+M
0 Pause/Break
0 Win ( ) +E

Вопрос №47
V1 To quickly clarify the properties of the operating system (in the system properties
window) what shortcut keys you must use?
0 Win ( ) +S
1 Win ( ) + Pause/Break
0 F4
0 Win ( ) +F4
0 F1

Вопрос №48
V1 To quickly create a new folder in the Explorer window what shortcut keys you must use?
0 Win ( ) +N
0 Shift+N
1 Ctrl+ Shift+N
0 Ctrl+ N
0 Alt+Shift+N

Вопрос №49
V1 The main purpose of a File Explorer
1 To provide a graphical user interface
0 To launch programms
0 To start system software
0 To display system information
0 To provide a software utilities ability to work with other applications

Вопрос №50
V1 What happens when you press F12 in office applications (commonly)?
0 The file will be saved and automatically closed
0 Same as pressing Alt + f4
0 Same as pressing Alt + Tab
0 A file “format” window will open
1 A file “save” window will open
0 A file “parameters” window will open

Вопрос №51
V1 In a database table, what does each row in a table represent?
0 Table
0 Field
0 Database
1 Record
0 File name
0 Query
0 Table relationship pointer
0 Record pointer

Вопрос №52
V1 An ordered structure that does not directly include objects and entities, but stores data
about them and provides access to them is a ____ .
0 Firewall
1 Database
0 Operating system
0 Network driver
0 Data storage drive
0 Digital file

Вопрос №53
V1 In general terms, a database is:
1 Set of interrelated data about an object organized and stored on external media in a
special way
0 Arbitrary set of information
0 Set of programs for storing and processing large amounts of information
0 Interface that supports the filling and manipulation of data
0 System that supports the modification and manipulation of files

Вопрос №54
V1 One of the significant differences between databases and file systems is ___ .
1 Ability to simultaneously search and edit data
0 Operation speed
0 Possibility of multiple data duplication
0 Ability to change the internal logic of systems
0 Increased amount of operations per cpu cycle
0 Decreased amount of operations per cpu cycle

Вопрос №55
V1 The tables of the relational database (DB) may contain:
0 Extremely homogeneous information (only one type of data)
0 Text only
1 Heterogeneous information (different types of data)
0 Only logical quantities
0 Neither of above

Вопрос №56
V1 Creating, configuring and working with databases is carried out by ____ .
0 Database utilities
0 Database managers
0 Database operating systems
1 Database management systems
0 Database file containers
0 External management systems
0 Database initial setup managers

Вопрос №57
V1 In the Microsoft Access database, such field types are allowed to be used:
1 Logical, date, numeric, monetary, OLE
0 Numeric, character, graphic, array
0 Table, form, query
0 Numeric, text, protected
0 Images, audio, text

Вопрос №58
V1 The parameters of database entities are determined at the stage of database ____ .
1 Design
0 Opening
0 Testing
0 Operation
0 Modification

Вопрос №59
V1 In a database table, each separate collection of data (characterized by some common
parameters) , such as last name, first name, or address, is called a ___________ of a
0 File
1 Field
0 Record
0 Table
0 Name

Вопрос №60
V1 A database, the basis of the data structure of which is a table, each row of which contains
a set of properties of one of the objects of the domain, and each column is a set of values
of a certain property of the objects of the domain.
0 Addressable
0 Hierarchical
0 Network
1 Relational
0 Tabular

Вопрос №61
V1 In general terms, primary key in a database is _____.
0 Field that has not a unique value for each record
1 Field that has a unique value for each record
0 Code that allows the user to open the database
0 Code that allows one database to connect to another
0 None of the above

Вопрос №62
V1 SQL term stands for ___.
0 Structured question language
1 Structured query language
0 System query language
0 Structured query location
0 System for query location
0 System with query listings
0 Structured question listing
0 Structured query limitation

Вопрос №63
V1 Which of the following is NOT a part of a common database?
0 Tables
0 Records
0 Fields
1 Worksheets
0 Queries

Вопрос №64
V1 The relational database table record contains ___ .
0 Links to file storage addresses
1 Data (concrete) about one of the characteristics of the object
0 Description (name) characteristics of the object
0 Description of Stored Data
0 Data (common) about several of the characteristics of the two or more objects

Вопрос №65
V1 In Microsoft Access, there is NO query for _________ data.
1 Download
0 Update
0 Delete
0 Adding
0 Search

Вопрос №66
V1 In order to get data from several tables at once (within a database), you first need to
create ____ .
1 Relationship between tables
0 One common table in which there will be data from the required tables
0 Separate database
0 Database button-form
0 New database file

Вопрос №67
V1 The feature of the “Counter” field in Microsoft Access is that
1 it has the property of auto fill in
0 the data is not stored in the field itself, but in another place, but only the pointer is stored
in the field
0 the maximum size of the number stored in it cannot exceed 255
0 it is intended to fill in with integers data
0 it is intended to fill in with hyper-links data
0 it is intended to fill in with monetary data

Вопрос №68
V1 Each column of the relational table must have a unique name within ____ .
0 Next query set
0 Following worksheet list
0 Query
1 Current table
0 File system
0 Current database
0 Database management systems
0 Current file

Вопрос №69
V1 The basic SQL tool for searching and modifying information in databases.
0 Table fields
0 Reports
1 Queries
0 Data structure
0 Table primary keys

Вопрос №70
V1 To uniquely identify a particular record in relational databases ____ is used.
0 Unique tuple number
0 Table column name
1 Table primary key
0 Database key
0 Record counter number
0 Record field type

Вопрос №71
V1 In Microsoft Excel formulas, to raise a number to a power (for example, the number 2 to
5 power) uses the syntax:
0 =2>>5
0 =2@5
1 =2^5
0 =2(5)
0 =2“5”
0 =2**5
0 =2#5#
0 =2!5

Вопрос №72
V1 The user needs to create an arithmetic progression in the Microsoft Excel line within the
[0: 150 000] with steps of 200. To do this, it is recommended to use (shortest method):
0 Function "Build" and specify the boundaries of the range
0 Function "Create progression", specify the boundaries and line
0 With the function "New progression" select "Arithmetic" and indicate the step
1 Function "Fill" select "progression" indicate the boundaries and step
0 Function "Progression" and select the desired cells of the range

Вопрос №73
V1 Consecutive cells of the Excel table column: “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Thursday”. The last
two cell is active. The mouse points to the lower right corner of the list cell, while the
plus sign is visible below the right corner of the cell. What happens if you “stretch” the
mouse a couple of cells down?
1 The next two cells of the column will be filled with the continuation of the list:
“Saturday”, “Monday”, etc.
0 The next two cells will be formatted in the same way as the last cell in the list, and their
contents will remain empty.
0 The next two cells of the column will be filled with the continuation of the list: “Friday”,
“Saturday”, etc.
0 The following two cells will be filled with the text: “Tuesday”, “Thursday”
0 Cells will remain empty and error message will appear

Вопрос №74
V1 All calculations in Microsoft Excel using formulas and functions always begin with the
__ sign.
0 ≡
0 !
1 =
0 #
0 @

Вопрос №75
V1 In order to automatically (without accessing any menu) change the width of the column
in accordance with the maximum length of the data stored in the cells of this column:
0 Enable the "automatic width adjustment" parameter in the worksheet settings
0 When you finish entering data into the cells, press the key combination “Alt” + ”Enter”
1 Double-click the left mouse button on the border between the columns (with the
corresponding mouse indicator)
0 Double-click the right mouse button and select "Auto Width" (with the corresponding
mouse indicator)
0 Select two rows, double-click the right mouse button and select "Auto Width" (with the
corresponding mouse indicator)

Вопрос №76
V1 The user needs to, when entering numeric values into the cells, they are perceived and
used in the formulas as percentage data. To do this, it is necessary to modify____.
0 Column format
0 Row format
0 Spreedsheat format
1 Cell format
0 Table format
0 Workbook settings
0 File settings

Вопрос №77
V1 To select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would _____ while
0 Hold down the c key
1 Hold down the CTRL key
0 Hold down the SHIFT key
0 Hold down the ALT key
0 Hold down the ENTER key
0 Hold down the CTRL+TAB key
0 Hold down the ALT+CTRL key
0 Hold down the SHIFT +CTRL key

Вопрос №78
V1 In order to change the type of a line on a chart added to the spreadsheet:
0 Select the chart and select “Rebuild” in the context menu
0 Delete the chart and rebuild it with the necessary changes
0 Select a line and change its parameters by going to the “View panel”
1 Select a line and select "Change chart type" in the context menu
0 Delete the spreadsheet and rebuild it with the necessary changes

Вопрос №79
V1 The development of ICT technologies have a huge impact on:
0 Medicine
0 Programming
0 Business
1 All of the above
0 Industrial engineering
Вопрос №80
V1 What the term “Cloud computing” stands for?
1 Distribution and access to information resources on remote servers
0 Outdoor work
0 Use of free technology
0 Access to information via wireless networks
0 Access to information via global networks (e.g. Internet, EUNet, etc.)

Вопрос №81
V1 Wireless networks technologies are based on:
0 Reducing the cost of information transmission in comparison with wired networks
1 Transmitting information via radio waves
0 No need for internet connection
0 Internet connection only via smart-phones
0 Transmitting information via optical cable connections
0 Internet access from absolutely anywhere in the world
0 Internet connection only via mobile devices

Вопрос №82
V1 Augmented reality and virtual reality are the same
0 True
1 False
0 True, but augmented reality does not transmit sounds
0 True, but virtual reality technology is much cheaper
0 Cannot be said

Вопрос №83
V1 Absolutely NOT recommended when installing software (commonly):
0 Close all other running programs
0 Run any other applications
1 Install third-party free programs that are not required by the installed software
0 Leave the computer without attention
0 Disconnect peripheral equipment (mouse, keyboard, etc.)
0 Disconnect from internet

Вопрос №84
V1 Version type of a software, that can be run without installation called _______ .
0 Shareware versions
0 Prepaid versions
1 Portable versions
0 Licensed versions
0 Firmware version
0 Freeware version

Вопрос №85
V1 Common format (extension) of the installation file in Microsoft Windows systems
0 .div
1 .exe
0 .docx
0 .exl
0 .rtf
0 .spd
0 .ins
0 .lgr

Вопрос №86
V1 The installation of the program (directly recording information on the hard disk in an
orderly manner for its further work) occurs at the moment
0 Immediately upon starting the executable file
0 Automatically after downloading the executable file from the Internet
1 After specifying the parameters and installation location
0 After closing the executable file
0 After run (opening) the executable file

Вопрос №87
V1 The first thing (commonly) that is recommended after downloading the executable file (as
well as any other type of files) from the Internet:
0 Launch it immediately
1 Check it for malwares
0 Check the version of the program (paid, shareware, freeware)
0 Move it to another place on the hard disk
0 Rename file and change its extension type

Вопрос №88
V1 An trial period to use licensed programs is usually valid for
0 1 year
1 1 month
0 10 days
0 30 hours
0 1 day

Вопрос №89
V1 What is the main function performed by peripheral devices?
1 Input and output data
0 Processing the information
0 Information storage
0 Management of computer for a given program
0 None of above

Вопрос №90
V1 _________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed
network and provide access to various user services.
1 Cloud
0 Firmware
0 Soft
0 Parallel
0 Internet

Вопрос №91
V1 The term Moodle stands for
0 Modular orientation of objects in distance learning
1 Modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment
0 More object-oriented dynamic learning education
0 Movie oriented organization for distant learning environment
0 Modular opening of objects in distance learning
0 More open-oriented dynamic learning education
0 Modular object-oriented distribution of learning entertainment

Вопрос №92
V1 When creating a Moodle course you login to the system as
0 User
0 Engineer
1 Administrator
0 Teacher
0 Student

Вопрос №93
V1 How are courses organized in the Moodle system?
0 Consistent
1 Hierarchical
0 Each separately
0 Without an organized structure
0 Neither of the above

Вопрос №94
V1 Due to which features (in general) ICT technologies develop much faster than other
1 Their use in almost all areas of activity
0 The cheapness of the all hardware devices
0 Relatively long history of development - these technologies have developed longer than
0 No need for deep knowledge’s for implementation
0 No need for studying digital data implementation

Вопрос №95
V1 Term GNU in ICT stands for
0 Graphical Numeric Unit
0 Good & New Unit
1 General Public License
0 General Private License
0 Graphical Public Languages

Вопрос №96
V1 The use of ICT in what field of activity poses to literally save human lives?
0 Marketing
1 Medicine
0 Education
0 Business
0 Economics
0 Education

Вопрос №97
V1 The most popular and effective educational technique via Internet is
0 Distance data storages
1 Distance learning
0 Educational tv transmission
0 Use of search services
0 Web blogs

Вопрос №98
V1 Which of the following services allows you to create online courses?
0 Search engines
1 Moodle
0 Apache server
0 Web searching
0 File transfer protocol
0 Distributed mail services

Вопрос №99
V1 The number 0.70 is entered into the cell and the percentage format of the cell is applied.
What will be the result displayed in the cell?
0 0.7%
1 70%
0 7000%
0 700%
0 7%

Вопрос №100
V1 Specify the address of the e-government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Уровень 2
Вопрос №1
V2 Which one of the following would improve computer performance?
0 Using a larger monitor
0 Increasing the number of applications running
0 Using a faster printer
1 Increasing the size of RAM
1 Increasing a CPU clock
Вопрос №2
V2 What is hardware?
1 Physical parts of the computer including monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.
0 Operating system and other programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power
0 Neither
0 Both
1 Peripheral devices: monitor, system case, keyboard, mouse, etc.
0 Set of application software

Вопрос №3
V2 In order to decode in binary system one of the standard 256 characters, it is enough to use
____ .
0 32 bits
0 2 bytes
1 8 bit
0 16 bytes
1 1 byte
0 14 bit
0 256 bit
0 256 byte

Вопрос №4
V2 Vacuum lamps were replaced in _____ generation of computer development by _____ .
1 Transistors
0 Integrated circuits
0 Punch cards
0 Very large integrated circuits
1 Second generation
0 First generation
0 Third generation

Вопрос №5
V2 The exchange of information between peripheral equipment and computers would be
impossible without the use of ____ .
0 Permanent memory
1 Motherboard
0 Monitor
0 Network card
1 Motherboard buses

Вопрос №6
V2 Control over the exchange of information, as well as program management of all
components of the computer provides by _____ .
0 Motherboard
1 Operating system
0 Avira antivirus
1 Microsoft Windows
0 Microsoft Outlook

Вопрос №7
V2 When the computer starts, data about its configuration is downloaded from ____ .
0 Operating system
1 Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
0 Hard drive
0 DDR3 memory
0 System applications
0 File servers

Вопрос №8
V2 _____ - are responsible for the stable operation of computer hardware and software, and
communication between them.
1 System applications
0 Network applications
0 Antiviruses
1 Drivers
0 User’s application
0 High level programming languages
0 Low level programming languages

Вопрос №9
V In order to work with peripheral equipment,
2 installation of _______ is mandatory.
0 Hardware Utilities
1 Hardware Drivers
0 System applications
0 Network connection
0 Malware software
1 Wire or wireless connection with device
0 Fast speed or low speed connection to
Вопрос №10
V2 In general, to which of type applications does firewall software belongs?
1 Utilities
0 Network firewalls
0 Drivers
1 Application software
0 Malware software

Вопрос №11
V2 The response of the operating system to user actions is displayed by ___ and _______.
1 Graphical interfaces / output devices
0 System installers / perepherial devices
0 Software installers / storage devices
0 Network equipment / utilities
0 Firmware software / storage devices
1 Graphical interfaces /perepherial devices
0 Operation system / utilities

Вопрос №12
V2 Microsoft Excel files will be saved in the following extension: .exl
0 True
1 False
0 No, the file will be saved in .mxls extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.excx extension
1 No, the file will be saved in.xlsx extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.tbl extension
0 No, the file will be saved extension

Вопрос №13
V2 What does key combination «Ctrl+Esc» do?
1 Opens the “Start” Menu
0 Closes all programs
0 Ends a non-responsive program
1 Same as the “win” ( ) key
0 Switching to another running programm

Вопрос №14
V2 What happens when you press F12 in office applications (commonly)?
0 The file will be saved and automatically closed
0 Same as pressing Alt + f4
0 Same as pressing Alt + Tab
0 A file “format” window will open
1 A file “save” window will open
0 A file “parameters” window will open
1 Same as pressing “Save as” command

Вопрос №15
V2 The tables of the relational database (DB) may contain:
0 Extremely homogeneous information (only one type of data)
0 Text only
1 Heterogeneous information (different types of data)
0 Only logical quantities
0 Neither of above
1 Text, numeric, hyperlinks data

Вопрос №16
V2 Which of the following is NOT a part of a common database?
0 Tables
0 Records
0 Fields
1 Worksheets
1 Logical drives
0 Primary key
0 Table relationships

Вопрос №17
V The feature of the “Counter” field in
2 Microsoft Access is that
1 it has the property of auto fill in
0 the data is not stored in the field itself, but in
another place, but only the pointer is stored
in the field
0 the maximum size of the number stored in it
cannot exceed 255
0 it is intended to fill in with integers data
0 it is intended to fill in with hyper-links data
1 each new record will be automatically filled
with next in order number ( increased by 1)
Вопрос №18
V2 In order to present the chart as an independent sheet in a workbook, you must:
0 Select a chart - select “On a separate sheet” in the “Chart” context menu
1 Select a chart - in the context menu or the «Designer» menu, select “On a separate sheet”
0 Copy chart - open new sheet - paste chart
0 Copy the chart - on the new sheet select "Paste" - "Chart"
0 Select chart – press ctrl+A+→
1 Select a chart – select “On a separate sheet” in the context menu or the «Designer» menu
of the chart properties

Вопрос №19
V2 The names of the days of the week are entered in consecutive cells of the Excel table
column: “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”. The last two cell is active. The mouse
points to the lower right corner of the list cell, while the plus sign is visible below the
right corner of the cell. What happens if you “stretch” the mouse a couple of cells down?
0 The following two cells will be filled with the text: "Wednesday".
0 The next two cells will be formatted in the same way as the last cell in the list, and their
contents will remain empty.
0 This will copy the contents of the active cell.
1 The next two cells of the column will be filled with the continuation of the days of the
week list: “Thursday”, “Friday”, etc.
0 Nothing, cells will remain empty
0 A program error will occur
1 Following cell will be filled with “Thursday”, “Friday” and so on.

Вопрос №20
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$A23 + C$21 will
NOT be changed:
1 A
0 C
1 21
0 23
0 A23
0 C21

Вопрос №21
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$F15 + K$44 will
be changed:
0 F
1 K
1 15
0 44
0 K44
0 F15

Вопрос №22
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =G$3 + $H21 will
NOT be changed:
1 H
0 G
1 3
0 21
0 G3
0 H21

Вопрос №23
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$F15 + A$44 will
be changed:
0 F
1 15
1 A
0 44
0 A44
0 F15

Вопрос №24
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$G$3 + $H$21
will NOT be changed:
0 H
0 G
0 3
0 21
1 G3
1 H21

Вопрос №25
V2 The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$F$15 + $A$44
will be changed:
0 F
0 15
0 A
0 44
1 A44
1 F15

Вопрос №26
V2 The cell A1 contains “F$4+$C$1” (without quotes). A User copies this cell to 1 row
down (to A2). The addresses of which rows and columns (in F$4+$C$1 expression) will
be changed in result and what will be displayed in A2 cell?
0 F
0 4
1 None of the above
0 C
1 F$4+$C$1
0 Cells F$4 and $C$1 addition result

Вопрос №27
V2 The cell A1 contains “H$3+$G$3” (without quotes). A User copies this cell to 1 row
down (to A2). The addresses of which rows and columns (in H$3+$G$3 expression) will
be changed in result and what will be displayed in A2 cell?
0 H
0 G
1 None of the above
0 3
1 H$3+$G$3
0 Cells H$3 and $G$3addition result

Вопрос №28
V2 The cell A4 contains “A$14+$C101” (without quotes). A User copies this cell to 1 row
down (to A5). The addresses of which rows and columns (in A$14+$C101 expression)
will be changed in result and what will be displayed in A5 cell?
0 F
0 4
1 None of the above
0 C
1 A$14+$C101
0 Cells A$14 and $C101addition result

Вопрос №29
V2 The cell B12 contains “B$24+F$11” (without quotes). A User copies this cell to 1 row
down (to B13). The addresses of which rows and columns (in B$24+F$11 expression)
will be changed in result and what will be displayed in B13 cell?
0 F
0 4
1 None of the above
0 C
1 B$24+F$11
0 Cells B$24 and F$11 addition result

Вопрос №30
V2 To confirm the entry in a Microsoft Excel cell user have to _____ .
1 Press the enter key
0 Press F key
0 Press A key
1 Press the TAB key
0 Press A+End key

Вопрос №31
V2 Constructing the formula, you have to enter the cell reference. What do you should do for
1 Click on the desired cell with the left mouse button
0 Press F4
0 In the formula bar, call the context menu
0 Press TAB while on the desired cell is selected
1 Manually type cell address inside formula

Вопрос №32
V2 In cells A1 and B2, the numbers 24 and 12 are entered, respectively. In cell C1 entered:
“A1/B1”. What will be displayed in cell C1 as result?
0 2
1 “A1/B1”
1 Text message “A1/B1”
0 48

Вопрос №33
V2 In cells A1, C1 and C3, the numbers 150, 30 and 15 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 30, C3 = 15). In cell B1 entered: “=C3” and in A2: “=A1/B1”. What will be
displayed in cell B1 as result?
0 30
0 10
0 5
0 #Error
1 15
1 Same as in C3
0 Same as in A2
0 Same as in C1

Вопрос №34
V2 In cells A1, C1 and C3, the numbers 150, 30 and 15 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 30, C3 = 15). In cell B1 entered: “=A2” and in A2: “=A1/C3”. What will be
displayed in cell B1 as result?
0 30
1 10
0 5
0 #Error
0 15
0 Same as in C3
1 Same as in A2
0 Same as in C1

Вопрос №35
V2 In cells A1, C1 and C3, the numbers 150, 30 and 15 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 30, C3 = 15). In cell B1 entered: “=A1” and in C3: “=A1/C1”. What will be
displayed in cell B1 as result?
0 30
0 10
0 5
0 #Error
1 150
0 Same as in C3
1 Same as in A1
0 Same as in C1

Вопрос №36
V2 The Microsoft Excel file in general is a ____.
1 Set of worksheets representing a workbook
0 Set of related workbooks
0 Set of related tables
0 Set of unrelated formulas
1 Table processor
0 Table redactor

Вопрос №37
V2 Microsoft Excel worksheet names ____.
0 Always consist of number and name
1 Can be changed by user
0 Fixed and assigned by the program
1 Cannot be duplicated within single workbook (each has to have unique name)
0 May contain only numeric values

Вопрос №38
V2 The type of data contained in cells in a Microsoft Excel worksheet is ___.
0 Indicated before entering data and cannot be changed
1 Сan be changed or cleaned at any time
0 Defined when a new workbook is created and cannot be changed
0 Must be specified manually before entering data
1 Can be represented in different types (text, symbolic, numeric, etc.) even on single

Вопрос №39
V2 What is the purpose of an IP Address?
0 A unique identifier for a computer
0 A unique location identifier
1 A network location identifier
0 A intersection path location
1 A unique identifier for a computer within network

Вопрос №40
V2 What software you should have to create Moodle courses?
1 Google chorme
0 Word processor
0 Photoshop
0 Microsoft Excel
1 Web browser
0 Microsoft Outlook

Вопрос №41
V2 The most important component of E-business is
1 E-marketing
0 E-knowledge
1 E-commerce
0 E-labor market
0 E-addressing

Вопрос №42
V2 In e-commerce, all activities are carried out through
1 Online stores
0 Online portal administrators
0 Banks
1 Online services
0 Shops
0 Postal services
0 Online file transfer services

Вопрос №43
V2 VLE term in E-learning means
0 Visual Learning Education
0 Virtual Lesson Encouragement
1 Virtual Learning Environment
0 Visual Lesson Encryption
1 Mechanism to provide distance education
0 Mechanism to provide distance economics

Вопрос №44
V2 In which year the e-government portal was launched in Kazakhstan
0 2012
0 2004
0 2008
1 2006
0 According to the decree of the head of government in 2012
0 According to the decree of the head of government in 2004
0 According to the decree of the head of government in 2008
1 According to the decree of the head of government in 2006

Вопрос №45
V2 Analog of personal signature in digital form is a
1 Digital signature of citizen
0 Electonic private database key
0 Private text key
0 Electronic credit card
0 Personal voice playback
1 Electronic digital signature

Вопрос №46
V2 In which section of the portal you can get information about government
symbols and the anthem
1 Link to open government section
0 Services
1 Open government
0 Open state info
0 For citizens
0 Link to e-documents

Вопрос №47
V2 What is Not the concept of the electronic government?
0 Provision of public services online
0 Making payments online
0 Providing information about the current government
0 All of the above
1 Providing online movies (commercial) players
1 Neither of the above

Вопрос №48
V2 Any e-technology would be impossible without applying knowledge and methods from
0 Software developing
0 Business
0 Education
0 State system
1 Network communications

Вопрос №49
V2 What is a Smart Home stands for?
1 It’s one of the applications- of Smart technologies within our home
0 It’s acomputer system that is situated in some environment
0 It’s one of the computer system
0 It’s one of the the computer devices
1 It’s the system provides automatic control of all services inside the house
0 It’s a new communication technologies between users

Вопрос №50
V2 What is a term IoT stands for?
1 The system provides automatic collaboration of devices through network
1 System and a set of devices which can communicate via Internet to achieve some goal
0 Access to internet from some unusual device (fridge for instance)
0 Technique that allows you to not to pay for internet
0 None of the above

Вопрос №51
V2 The main risk in using the internet of things is related to
0 High energy cost
1 Unauthorized access to equipment via Internet
0 Increasing equipment cost
0 The need to provide additional cooling for devices
1 Interference and security risks when using wireless networks
0 All of the above

Вопрос №52
V2 Disturbed technology in which information can be presented in the form of blocks
connected to each other
1 Technology, in which all the blocks of the data chain are connected with each other
0 Iot
1 Blockchain
0 Block-datagramm

Вопрос №53
V2 The Internet of things concept is based on technologies such as
0 Big data
0 IoT
0 Databases

Вопрос №54
V2 ICT allows city authorities to directly monitor what is happening in the city _______ .
1 True
0 No it’s not true
0 Only when they are in same town
0 Only if they have access to police systems
1 In real time mode

Вопрос №55
V2 ____ is a method of automatic identification of objects by means of radio signals
0 Internet of Things
1 Radio Frequency Identification
0 IoT

Вопрос №56
V2 The key concepts of smart education
0 Lack of homework
0 Very few interactions with teachers
0 Varieties in choose of teachers
1 High availability of knowledge
1 The possibility of widespread use in the presence of the Internet

Вопрос №57
V2 What are NOT the main changes associated with the development of smart homes
0 Reduced energy utility costs
0 Ability to control home appliances remotely
0 Round-the-clock monitoring of the situation (access to sensors) in the house
0 All of the above
1 Neither of the above
1 Increased energy utility costs

Вопрос №58
V2 ____________ refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than
one type of media,such as text, graphics, video,animation, and sound.
1 Usage of different types of information simultaneously as one object
0 An executable file
0 Desktop publishing
1 Multimedia
0 Hypertext
0 Usage of single (general) type of information

Вопрос №59
V2 A type of graphic that accurately (conveys the whole spectrum of color transitions from
one to another) displays the various shades of colors and shadows of a digital drawing.
0 Analog graphics
1 Bitmap
1 Raster
0 Colored shape
0 True color HD
0 Vector

Вопрос №60
V2 The graphics parameter "resolution" defines ___ of the picture.
0 Mathematical representation
0 Pixel Depth
0 The amount of digital information
1 Image size in pixels
1 Image width and height (via pixels or dots per inch)
0 Image color depth (via pixels or dots per inch)

Вопрос №61
V2 In a multimedia personal computer (PC), while the text is stored in digital form, the
pictures are stored in analog form
0 True
1 False
0 Text is always represented in ASCII
0 Can not be said
1 All types of data in PC are stored in digital form
0 Neither of above

Вопрос №62
V2 Unlike bitmap, in vector graphics _____ are in use to display images.
0 Pixels
1 Curves and reference points
0 Key frames
0 Reference frames and control points
1 Mathematical formulas
0 Text specification
0 Numberic specification
0 Visual specification

Вопрос №63
V2 The shape and curvature of the control curves in the vector graphics is set by the
corresponding ______.
0 Key frames
0 Reference frames and control points
1 Mathematical formulas
0 Text specification
0 Numberic specification
1 Mathematical operators and formulas

Вопрос №64
V2 What are some examples of multimedia?
1 Video games, movies, and television
0 Mp3 music
0 Digital pictures
0 Computer-generated graphics
1 Video presentations
0 Commercial network devices

Вопрос №65
V2 When working with printed materials and in polygraphy, _________ is most commonly
0 Point-based images (constructed using pixels)
1 Vector graphics
0 Multimedia technologies
0 Raster graphics
0 3D graphics
1 Curves-based images (vectors, constructed using mathematical formulas)

Вопрос №66
V2 The image presented in the __________ type of graphic does not lose quality when
changing its size.
1 Vector graphics
0 Multimedia technologies
0 Raster graphics
0 3D graphics
0 Point-based images (constructed using pixels)
0 Digital
1 Curves-based images (vectors, constructed using mathematical formulas)

Вопрос №67
V2 Raster picture elements from which the image is formed, are termed as:
0 Phosphor
1 Dots(points)
1 Pixels
0 Blocks
0 Curves (references)

Вопрос №68
V2 Converting from _______ graphics to ________ is quite easy, there are even many online
services for this conversion.
0 3Dgif (to) vector
0 Bitmap (to) vector
1 Vector (to)bitmap
0 Bitmap (to) 3Degif
1 Curves (vector) to pixels (raster)
0 Pixels (raster) to curves (vector)

Вопрос №69
V2 The container of the video file contains ____.
1 Different types of information
0 Information structured by a single specific type
0 Video information Only
0 Only video and audio information
0 Executable specifications for launching video file players
1 Audio tracks, video tracks, text
0 Only video specification data

Вопрос №70
V2 PAL is a/an
0 Digital video standard
1 Analog video standard
0 Audio File standard
0 Text File standard
1 Uncompressed video format
0 Compressed video format

Вопрос №71
V2 The main reason for compressing video files and placing them in specialized containers is
0 Extending the possible retention period of video information without damaging it
1 Very large amount of video in uncompressed format
0 Lack of algorithms for combining audio and uncompressed video
0 Lack of algorithms for combining captions and uncompressed video
0 Slow playback speed of uncompressed video
1 Reduction of the space required for storing a video file

Вопрос №72
V2 In a video file, each still picture (1 frame) represents ____.
1 Single static image
0 Set of frames
1 Single frame
0 A unified structure of a multitude of personnel
0 Dynamic frame sequence
0 Set of dynamic images

Вопрос №73
V2 What type of graphics displayed by rendering of set of different objects: line, rectangles,
curves, etc?
0 IoT graphics
1 Vector
0 Raster
0 Engineering
0 3D graphics
1 Digital graphics based on the calculation of mathematical formulas (curves and key
0 Digital graphics based on the construction of a mosaic of many points, each of which
stores its own parameters

Вопрос №74
V2 ______ are a Photoshop tool that allows you to divide (mark) an image into different
parts without changing the image itself
0 Select
0 Selection wizard
0 Highlight
1 Rulers
1 Guides

Вопрос №75
V2 A combination of keys to quickly copy the current layer to a new one in Photoshop.
0 Ctrl + v
0 Ctrl + Insert
1 Ctrl + J
0 Ctrl + Insert + N
1 Duplicates “Layer> New> Layer via Copy” command
0 Dublicates “Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options” command

Вопрос №76
V2 What video encoding technology allows you to transfer multiple audio tracks (in a
different languages) in a movie
1 Matroska Multimedia Container (.mkv)
0 Audio Video Interleave (.avi)

Вопрос №77
V2 _______ - Photoshop tool, which allows you to arbitrarily change the position, size and
angle of the image.
0 You can access to it with Ctrl + Alt command
1 Free Transform
0 Free Rotate
0 Modify
0 Resize
0 You can access to it with F3 + T command
1 You can access to it with Ctrl + T command

Вопрос №78
V2 To create key frames of an animated image in Photoshop, you need to display the _____
1 Palette from Window> Animation menu
0 Create key frame
0 Video frame
1 Animation
0 Multimedia
0 Palette from Video> Animation menu

Вопрос №79
V2 You need to print a photo with the original size 10x10 cm on A1 paper. What graphics
format will allow you to change the size without loss of quality?
0 Raster
0 3D graphics
1 Digital graphics based on the calculation of mathematical formulas (curves and key
0 Digital graphics based on the construction of a mosaic of many points, each of which
stores its own parameters
1 Vector

Вопрос №80
V2 In order to give a certain effect to the image layer in Photoshop you need to specify the
settings in the menu _______.
0 3D graphics
1 Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options
0 Image settings
0 Image modify
0 Color options
1 Blending Options of selected leyer in Layers panel

Вопрос №81
V2 To save a finished animated Photoshop file in the gif format, you need to select the menu
item _______.
1 Select gif format in Save optimized As… menu
0 Save As ...
1 Save Optimized As ...
0 Save Optimized for Web ...
0 Optimized As ...

Вопрос №82
V2 Within designing of a Microsoft Access database, which of the following is NOT a part of
a common database?
0 Tables
0 Records
0 Fields
1 Worksheets
0 Queries
1 Conversion labels
Вопрос №83
V2 If, after you added video and audio fragments to the Windows Movie Maker project, you
delete them from the hard drive, then the next time you open the project file ________.
1 You should add all the files once again (in order them to display in your project
0 You can continue work with those video and audio files
1 Your project will be empty
0 You should rename those video and audio files
0 You should immediately save your project to not to lose data.

Вопрос №84
V2 You can add ______ to the Windows Movie Maker project.
1 Audio, video, graphics and text data
0 Only audio and video data
0 Only video data and graphics
0 Only video data
1 Different types of data
0 Only video recorded via web- cameras

Вопрос №85
V2 Which type of image format is easier to transform into another
0 Bitmap to vector
1 Vector to bitmap
0 Vector to mkv
0 Mkv to avi
1 Curves (vector) to pixels (bitmap)
0 Pixels (raster) to curves (vector)

Вопрос №86
V2 ______ - allows you to change the duration of a video clip in a Windows Movie Maker
0 Selection tools (select and cut points)
1 Trimming tools (set start and end points)
0 Select and cut tool
1 Trim tool
0 Resize frame tool
0 Modify frame tool

Вопрос №87
V2 In order to set the priority of one of the audio tracks in the Windows Movie Maker
project, you need to configure the parameters on the _______ panel.
1 Sound mixer settings
0 Sound settings
0 Audio settings
1 Sound mixer
0 Sound priority

Вопрос №88
V2 An examples of vector graphics processing software are _______ .
0 Sony Vegas studio
1 CorelDraw
0 Microsoft Paint
0 Microsoft Azura
1 Adobe Illustrator
0 Adobe Photoshop
0 Adobe Cloud

Вопрос №89
V2 An examples (common) of multimedia files are _______ .
0 .docx
1 .avi
0 .xlsx
0 .psd
1 .mkv
0 .rtf

Вопрос №90
V2 Where are documents that you place on Google Drive stored?
0 On your local personal computer
1 In the cloud (Google servers)
0 Both on your hard drive and Google servers
0 On a flash drive
0 On your private network
1 On a remote server (connected to global internet network)

Вопрос №91
V2 In order for the search engine to search for the exact match of the specified phrase on the
Internet, it should be placed inside the operators ____ in the search line
0 ! !
1 “ “
0 # #
0 * *
1 Duplicated by “exact word or phrase:” in advance search menu
0 Duplicated by “any of these words:” in advance search menu
0 Duplicated by “all these words:” in advance search menu

Вопрос №92
V2 In order for the search engine to search on the Internet only files of a certain type
containing the search phrase, the operator ___ must be used in the search line
0 Duplicated by “Find pages that you are free to use yourself” field in advance search
1 Duplicated by “Find pages in the format that you prefer” field in advance search men
1 Filetype:
0 Type of file:
0 Fileextension:
0 Search for:

Вопрос №93
V2 You can upload any file to your Google Drive.
1 Any file from your local computer
1 True
0 False
0 Only text files
0 Only text, graphic and spreadsheet files

Вопрос №94
V2 Correct setting of the parameters of the search engine operator to search for information
only on a specific site:
0 Site only:kz.kaznu
0 Site:
0 Search in:
0 Site
0 Site: –searh only
0 Site include:

Вопрос №95
V2 Modern cloud technologies provide users with the opportunity to ____ .
1 Share email
0 Access files on a peers local computer
1 Use a number of programs without having to install them on a local computer
0 Work without access to the Internet
0 Create IoT devices

Вопрос №96
V2 What is “cloud computing”?
0 A new environmentally friendly way of computing
1 Technology of online computations and storing data
0 Apple's latest computer operating system
0 High level of computations
0 New user-friendly “Inernet of things” technology
1 A technology that allows users to store data on remote servers and work with single data
(file) together in a real time mode
Вопрос №97
V2 To perform the same type of operations with many files at the same time on your Google
disk (for example, moving them to a specific folder) you need to
1 Select files with ctrl key pressed
0 Select files with alt key pressed
0 It is possible to work with only one file at a time
0 Select files with the end key pressed
1 Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with ctrl button pressed)
0 Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with alt button pressed)
0 Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with alt+a button pressed)

Вопрос №98
V2 The shortest way to display all available operations on Google disk files is
0 Mouse double-clicking on the file shortcut
1 Mouse right click on file shortcut
0 Selecting a file and pressing enter
0 Selecting a file and pressing F3
1 Apply same actions as in local PC file system (right click on file)
0 Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select file with ctrl button pressed)

Вопрос №99
V2 When collaborating on a document, instead of emailing the document back and forth,
Google Docs gives you the ability to:
1 Have everyone working on the same document at the same time
0 Manage the emailing back and forth easily
0 Store your file online for others to download
0 Download files from your colleague computer
0 Protect your document from any third-party access
1 Share access to single file for all users in a real-time mode

Вопрос №100
V2 To start working with a new Google document, users need to
1 Log in into google drive and click on “New/create@ button
0 Create a file on the local device and upload it to the service
0 Download google drive app
1 Create a document on Google drive
0 Get permission to create a document on Google drive

Уровень 3
Вопрос №1
V2 What does a storage unit provide?
1 A place to permanently store user data
0 The connector that allows you to attach the device to a computer
0 A place to store currently worked on information
1 A place to store information
0 Connection to data servers
0 A place to erase information
1 Hardware to save user data

Вопрос №2
V2 What are examples of storage devices?
0 Motherboard, USB, hard disk
0 Keyboards, flash drive, printer
0 Flash drive, RAM
1 Hard drive, flash drive
0 RAM, Motherboard
1 HDD drive, SDD drive
1 HDD drive, flash drive

Вопрос №3
V2 Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal, hexadecimal systems
94810 and 76310
1 Octal: 1664 and 1373
1 Binary: 1110110100 and 1011111011
0 Binary:111110201 and 111111111
1 Hexadecimal: 3B4 and 2FB
0 Octal: 54 and 137
0 Hexadecimal: 112 and 0FB
0 Octal: 154 and 1327
0 Binary:111110201 and 112111111

Вопрос №4
V2 Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal, hexadecimal systems
56310 and 26410
1 Binary: 1000110011 and 100001000
0 Binary:111210101 and 111101
1 Hexadecimal: 233 and 108
0 Octal: 5416 and 789
0 Hexadecimal: 25D and 512
1 Octal: 1063 and 410

Вопрос №5
V2 Convert the following numbers from binary, octal and hexadecimal to decimal
1110001112 and 3358 and 14C16
1 455
0 273
0 38
1 332
0 10A
1 221
0 111001

Вопрос №6
V2 Convert the following numbers from binary, octal and hexadecimal to decimal
1100010010 and 4168 and 21516
1 786 and 270 and 533
0 B24
1 270
0 38
0 6F7
0 1110
1 533

Вопрос №7
V2 What is an Operating System?
1 It is an interface between the user and the hardware
1 It is the first software that runs when the computer boots up
1 It provides a platform for the user to run applications
0 System that stores information
0 Neither of the above
0 Graphical interface between computer and peripheral devices

Вопрос №8
V2 Which of the following is NOT system software?
0 Operating System utilities
0 Device Drivers (e.g. Printer Driver)
1 Microsoft Word processor
0 Defragmentation utilities
0 System register manager
1 Anti - malware utilities
1 Firewalls

Вопрос №9
V2 Microsoft Excel files will be saved in the following extension: .exl
0 True
1 False
0 No, the file will be saved in .mxls extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.excx extension
1 No, the file will be saved in.xlsx extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.tbl extension
1 No, the file will be saved in.xls extension
0 No, the file will be saved in.exls extension

Вопрос №10
V2 What happens when you press F12 in office applications (commonly)?
0 The file will be saved and automatically closed
1 A window will be opened in which you can choose in what extension you can save
current file
0 Same as pressing Alt + Tab
0 A file “format” window will open
1 A file “save” window will open
0 A file “parameters” window will open
1 Same as pressing “Save as” command
Вопрос №11
V2 The tables of the relational database (DB) may contain:
0 Text only
1 Heterogeneous information (different types of data)
0 Only logical quantities
0 Neither of above
1 Text, numeric, hyperlinks data
1 Query results, numeric, hyperlinks data
0 Various types of files

Вопрос №12
V2 In the Microsoft Access database, such field types are allowed to be used:
1 Logical, date, numeric, monetary, OLE
0 Numeric, character, graphic, array
0 Table, form, query
0 Numeric, text, protected
1 Counter, monetary, short text
0 Active, numeric, standart
1 Hyper-Link, Counter, short text

Вопрос №13
V2 In Microsoft Access, there is NO query for _________ data.
1 Download
0 Update
0 Delete
0 Adding
1 Linking with another database file
1 Restoring

Вопрос №14
V2 Microsoft Excel is a multifunctional
1 Spreadsheet package
0 Communication S/W Package
0 Word processing package
0 DBMS package
0 Database system management
1 Tool for data processing using various function types
1 Software for data processing, diagrams and charts creation

Вопрос №15
V2 In order to add a display of banknotes ($, € etc.) in a cell you have to modify ____.
1 Monetary field in cell format menu
1 Settings in Number label of cell format menu
0 Spreedsheat format
1 Cell format
0 Table format
0 Workbook settings

Вопрос №16
V2 A menu button symbol “fx” (without quotes), by default, located under the Microsoft
Excel menu bar, is responsible for ____.
1 Creation of some sort of formulas
0 Adding symbols on lists
1 Adding functions to a Spreadsheet
0 Checking proofreading
0 Formula syntax Check
0 Add characters to a formula
1 Adding an object, which always will be started with “=” sign

Вопрос №17
V2 Formulas for calculations can be inserted in cell
0 Only "manually" from the keyboard
0 Only through the menu Insert-> Function
1 Manually (from the keyboard)
0 None of the above
1 From Formulas menu
0 Right click on cell – add - Formulas
1 From Function library menu field of Formulas menu

Вопрос №18
V2 Information on the dollar exchange rate is in cell D5. The user needs to repeat the value
specified in D5 in some cells on the worksheet; for this, it is necessary to indicate in
those cells: ___.
1 Link to D5 cell with the help of = operator
0 →D5
1 =D5
0 ≈D5
0 #D5
0 “=D5”
1 The same values, which is in D5 cell
0 =“D5”

Вопрос №19
V2 A new (empty) XLS (XLSX) file contains as default:
0 Only one table
1 One workbook with one/several spreadsheets
0 Several workbooks, forming a workarray
0 Only one spreadsheet
0 Set of empty cells in which user can enter data only after modify cell formats
1 Set of empty cells in which user can enter data immediately
0 A table with various function templates on spreadsheet
1 Spreadsheet with numbered (individual addresses) columns (letters by default) and rows
(numbers as default)

Вопрос №20
V2 To format text as superscript/superscript, Microsoft Excel user must open the menu ___ .
1 Font (same as in Microsoft Word)
0 Constructor (as well as in Microsoft Word)
0 Format (same as in Microsoft Word)
0 Text spelling (same as Microsoft Word)
0 Format and set text settings in Text field
1 Font and set text settings in modification field
1 Font and set proffered text settings

Вопрос №21
V2 What elements of an Microsoft Excel application window are specific (not used in other
Microsoft Office application windows)?
0 Horizontal scroll bar
1 Formula bar
0 Task pane
1 Sheet management area
1 Function library
0 Vertical scroll bar

Вопрос №22
V2 Types of cloud services:
1 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service-Infrastructure as a Service) ...
1 PaaS (Platform as a Service-Platform as a Service) ...
1 SaaS (Software as a Service-Software as a Service) ...
0 CaaS (Communications as a Service-Communication as a Service)
0 All answers are correct
0 Neither of above

Вопрос №23
V2 Main benefits of cloud services:
1 Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
1 Ability to work with data anywhere within network connection available area
1 Ability to store data without using your own disk data drives
0 High price
0 Data confidentiality is in doubt
0 Increased data security compared to local computers
0 Ability to work without access to the Internet

Вопрос №24
V2 Disadvantages of Cloud Services:
0 Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
1 Ability to work only with access to the Internet
1 Slightly decreased data security compared to local computers
0 Ability to store data without using your own disk data drives
0 Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
1 Need for a paid subscription to gain access to certain services

Вопрос №25
Choose correct numbers in the hexadecimal system
0 H
1 F
1 4
0 G
1 9

Вопрос №26
V2 By default, in Microsoft Excel to access “fx” (Function Wizard) menu you have to switch
to ___ menu tab.
0 Only Data menu
1 Main menu
1 fx shortcut is accessible from any menu tab
0 Only Insert menu
1 Any menu tab
0 Only Formulas menu

Вопрос №27
V2 In order for a cell to be used in calculations, its address must ____ .
0 Be absolute
0 Be mixed
1 Be indicated in the formula
0 Have a unique username
0 Be hybrid
1 Contain corresponding column and row names
1 Be unique within spreadsheet

Вопрос №28
V2 In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=C3” and in A2: “=A1/B1”. What will be
displayed in cell A2 as result?
0 #Div/0!
0 10
1 15
0 #Error
1 Same as in C1
0 0
1 Result of A1/B1 division

Вопрос №29
V2 In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=C3” and in A2: “=A1/B1”. What will be
displayed in cell B1 as result?
0 #Div/0!
1 10
0 15
0 #Error
0 Same as in C1
1 Same as in C3
0 Result of A1/B1 division
1 Result of 150/15 division

Вопрос №30
V2 In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150,
C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=A2” and in A2: “=A1/C1”. What will be
displayed in cell B1 as result?
0 #Div/0!
1 10
0 15
0 #Error
1 Same as in C3
0 0
0 Result of A1/B1 division
1 Result of A1/C1 division

Вопрос №31
V2 In a “new economy” what is predicted to be most important part?
0 Money
1 Information
0 Employees
0 Natural resources
1 Information technologies
0 Analog devices
1 Digital devices
0 Analog data transition mechanisms

Вопрос №32
V2 What is an E-technologies
0 Technologies based on the division of labor
1 Technologies based on electronic devices and services
0 Technology based on an electronic vision
0 Technology based on clean energy sources
1 Technologies based digital data transfmition
1 Technologies based some types of internet services

Вопрос №33
V2 Any e-technology would be impossible without applying knowledge and methods from
1 Software developing
0 Business
0 Education
0 State system
0 Online business
1 Network technologies

Вопрос №34
V2 What is a Smart Home stands for?
1 It’s one of the applications- of Smart technologies within our home
0 It’s acomputer system that is situated in some environment
0 It’s one of the computer system
0 It’s one of the the computer devices
1 It’s the system provides automatic control of all services inside the house
0 It’s a new communication technologies between users
1 The system provides automatic transmission of information between devices at home

Вопрос №35
V2 _____________ a concept’s that involves a comprehensive modernization of all the
methods and technologies used in these processes.
1 Smart education
0 CLU development
0 Hard disk managment
0 Neither of the above
1 Smart management
0 DMBS managment
0 ALU development
1 Smart devices

Вопрос №36
V2 The key concepts of smart education
0 Lack of homework
0 Very few interactions with teachers
0 Varieties in choose of teachers
1 High availability of knowledge
1 The possibility of widespread use in the presence of the Internet
1 Ability to create flexible learning schedules

Вопрос №37
V2 The graphics parameter "resolution" defines ___ of the picture.
0 Mathematical representation
0 Pixel Depth
0 The amount of digital information
1 Image size in pixels
1 Image width and height (via pixels or dots per inch)
0 Image color depth (via pixels or dots per inch)
1 The total number of pixels that form the image
0 Type of graphics in which the image is presented

Вопрос №38
V2 What are some examples of multimedia?
1 Video games, movies, and television
0 Mp3 music
0 Digital pictures
0 Computer-generated graphics
1 Video presentations
1 Commercial movies
0 Network visual keys

Вопрос №39
V2 The container of the video file contains ____.
1 Different types of information
0 Information structured by a single specific type
0 Video information only
0 Only video and audio information
0 Executable specifications for launching video file players
1 Audio tracks, video tracks, text
0 Only video specification data
1 Digital representation of some kind of movie or video record

Вопрос №40
V2 Within designing of Microsoft Access database, there is NO query for _________ data.
1 Download
0 Update
0 Delete
0 Adding
0 Search
1 Neither of above
1 Convert

Вопрос №41
V2 In order to save changes made to Google Drive files, you need to run the commands
0 File - save file
0 File - update file
0 File - upload changes to the server
1 All modifications are saved automatically.
1 None - the service saves all documents automatically
0 Drive - save file as …
0 Drive - save file
1 All documents on your Google disk are saved automatically, in real time.

Вопрос №42
V2 When sharing documents there are different user roles, depending on what type of
permissions you would like others to have (comment, collaborate or just view):
1 Viewers
0 Friends
0 Drive file managers
0 Head of department of Google Corporation and managers
1 Commenter
0 Colleagues
1 Collaborator
0 Managers

Вопрос №43
V2 To provide access to Google Drive files, user needs to open the menu
1 Which will provide an opportunity to share the file with a colleague
0 Send to
1 Share
0 Send file
0 Provide access
1 To configure access rights to the shared file

Вопрос №44
V2 The most effective and fast way to provide access to the Google Drive file to a large
number of users is to provide access through
1 Link to a shared file
0 Newsletter
0 File Transfer by Mail
0 Individual mailing
1 Sending links to a file
1 By specifying user emails in the “People” field of Share menu

Вопрос №45
V2 Google docs on user Google Drive are ________ .
1 Stored on remote servers
0 Accessible to everyone on the internet
1 Available only to users who have authorized access to them.
0 Cannot be shared at all
0 Can be shared only within local network
0 Neither of above
1 Save all changes made by users automatically

Вопрос №46
V2 To get (or send) a link to a Google Drive file for sharing, user need to
1 Open the Share menu and select Get shareable link
0 Open the Edit menu and select Get shareable link
0 Upload the file to some of Google services and copy the generated link
0 Open the File menu and select form a link
1 Specify the email addresses of users in the “People” column of Share menu and click
1 Locate and select the file you want to share on your Google drive, click Share button,
then click Get shareable link.

Вопрос №47
V2 What type of documents can be created using Google Docs?
0 Video files
1 Web pages
1 Text documents, Spreadsheets
1 PowerPoint Presentations
0 3D animation
0 Animated graphics

Вопрос №48
V2 In order to access the full functionality of the Google search engine and flexibly
configure the search for information, users need to go to the ___ tab or use ____.
1 Search operators in search field
0 Relative search
1 Advanced search
0 Enchased
0 Enhanced user search
1 Search tools panel (under the search field)

Вопрос №49
V2 A Google Drive user can share a document with ___ at a time.
0 Only one colleague
1 Random number colleagues
0 Only to those users with whom he corresponded in gmail
0 Only to those users, who is on his contact list
1 Several colleagues
1 More than one
0 Ten

Вопрос №50
V2 What happens to your file on Google drive if your computer turns off suddenly
1 All data will be saved in the state in which it was before turning off the computer
0 The file will be saved on a local disk
1 Nothing, since all changes on your drive are saved automatically
0 The file will be damaged, but through special, third-party services it can be restored
0 Information will be lost
1 Information is saved in Google documents automatically - it will not be lost

Вопрос №51
V2 When creating file sharing, the user indicated public access and opened it through a link
to the Google Drive file. In this case, ___ will have access to the file.
1 Users of Google services, as well as third-party services who has a link (shared access) to
a file
0 Only Google service users
1 Only users who get a link to the file
0 All cloud service users
0 Only Google management department
1 Users who has a link (shared access) to a file and actual Gmail account
0 Only user neighborhoods

Вопрос №52
V2 What do you need to download before using Google Docs?
1 Modern operating systems include Internet browsers as part of the software - nothing else
needs to be downloaded
0 My computer should have Microsoft Word and Excel.
1 There's nothing to download. Just go online.
0 User must buy and download Google service application in Play Market
1 Nothing, you only need access to internet
0 User need to download the Google Docs application.
Вопрос №53
V2 The user moved the shared file for from the «Shared with me» folder to the «Documents»
user folder on Google Drive, in this case user ___.
1 Will retain the ability to work with the file in shared mode with colleagues
0 Will no longer be able to work with the file in shared mode with colleagues
0 To continue working together, user will need to re-request permission to access file from
its author
0 To continue working in shared mode, the author will have to resend the file to user
0 Should rename file to have the ability to work with it
1 Will retain the ability to work with the shared file immediately after copying is finished
1 Will retain the ability to view shared file and leave comments with colleagues (who has
access to the same file)

Вопрос №54
V2 What does the term HTML stand for and what is its purpose?
0 Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
1 Hyper Text Mail Language
0 Home Tool Markup Language
1 Hyper Text Markup Language
1 Language for creating markup for Internet resources
0 Language for creating hyper-speed internet applications

Вопрос №55
V2 What does the term CSS stand for and what is its purpose?
0 Case style system
1 Cascading style sheets
0 Cascading style system
0 Comand style sheets
0 Creating control scripts for web pages
1 Creating style sheets for web pages
1 Adding Design to HTML web pages elements
0 Creating command style for web pages
Вопрос №56
V2 Choose the correct HTML element for insert heading on page:
1 <h1>
0 <head>
0 <heading>
1 <h6>
0 <header=1>
0 <header size=1>
0 <header>
1 <h2>

Вопрос №57
V2 You are going to specify the name of your site, which will subsequently be displayed as
the site title on the browser tab (not on the page itself). Choose correct form to do this.
1 <head> <title> name of the site </title> </head>
1 <title> name of the site </title>
0 <header> name of the site </header>
0 <site> name of the site </site>
0 <URL> name of the site </URL>
1 <head> <title> name of the site

Вопрос №58
V2 The first tag in html file, that notifies your system of the beginning of html code
0 <web page>
0 <start>
1 <html>
0 <http>
1 Includes all other page tags (all other page markup tags are inside it)
1 Is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language within < > signs
0 Is an abbreviation for World Wide Web file within < > signs

Вопрос №59
V2 In order to use any image as the background image of your web page, you will add the
1 <body background = "image.jpeg">
0 <html background = = "image.jpg">
0 <page background src = "image.jpg">
1 <body background = "image.png">
0 <system background = "image.jpg">
1 <body background = "image.jpg">

Вопрос №60
V2 What is the correct HTML syntax for inserting a line break (single) inside text?
1 Paragraph text <br> string on web page
0 Paragraph text <br> string </br> on web page
1 Paragraph <br> text string on web page
0 Paragraph <break line> text string on web page
0 Paragraph text string <line enter> on web page
1 Paragraph text string on web <br> page

Вопрос №61
V2 In order to place a horizontal line, which always (in case of changing window size) is half
the width of the screen, you will add the code:
1 <HR width="50%">
0 <HR size="5" width=”500px” color=”#ff0000”>
0 <HR size="5" height="50%" color=”#ff0000”>
1 <HR size="5" width="50%" color=”#ff0000”>
0 <HR height ="50%" color=”#ff0000”>
0 <HR size="5" height="50%">
0 <Line size="5" width="50%" color=”#ff0000”>
1 <HR width="50%" color=”#ff0000”>

Вопрос №62
V2 What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?
1 < body bgcolor="black" text="#008000">
1 <body bgcolor="#E6E6FA" >
0 <background>yellow</background>
0 <body style="background:yellow;">
0 <body bgcolor:yellow >
1 < body bgcolor="white">

Вопрос №63
V2 In order to define a font family, you must specify it in the ___ attribute of the ____ tag
1 Face attribute
0 <body> tag
1 <font> tag
0 Font family attribute
0 <text> tag
1 Face attribute and <font> tag
0 Neither of above

Вопрос №64
V2 In order to align the paragraph text in width, you have to add following code to the html
file _____ .
0 <align= "justify">
1 <p align= "justify">
1 <p align= "center">
0 <p align text = "justify">
1 <p align= "left">
0 <p align text = "left">
0 <p text align= "justify">
0 <p text align= "center">

Вопрос №65
V2 What is the correct HTML code for creating a hyperlink
1 <a href=""> </a>
0 <a name=""></a>
0 <a url=""> </a>
0 <a></a>
1 <a href=""> W3Schools </a>
0 <a src =""> Link to a site </a>
1 <a href=""> Link to a site </a>

Вопрос №66
V2 Most common types of html page links (anchor tags) are:
1 Within single web page (between different page elements)
1 Within system (web pages on a local computer)
0 Between remote servers
0 Within data base
0 In cloud (on a cloud service server)
1 External (on a different sites over network)

Вопрос №67
V2 Which of these html elements are relate to <table> element?
0 <table header>
1 <table>
1 <tr>
0 <thead>
1 <td>
0 <tb>

Вопрос №68
V2 In order to create an empty cell of the table, in html, the <td> </td> tag (to indicate an
empty cell value) must contain symbol:
0 *
1 Space
0 #
0 For an empty cell, adding the td tag is not required
0 For adding an empty cell user should enter alt+enter command within <td> </td> tags
1 Remains empty, but user should enter “Space” (without quotes) symbol in it
1 Non-printing “Space” (without quotes) symbol

Вопрос №69
V2 To set the text size, you can specify parameters in the “size” attribute of the <font> tag as
1 =“12pt”
1 =“+1”
1 =“5”
0 =“10points”
0 =“!10”
0 =“*10”

Вопрос №70
V2 It is necessary that in the absence of a picture on the server, instead of it at the same place
on the web page, the inscription "Error" should be displayed. To do this, html code
should be used:
1 <img src="image.jpeg" alt="Error">
0 <img src="image.gif" “Error">
1 <img src="image.gif" alt="Error">
1 <img src="image.png" alt="Error">
0 <alt src="image.gif" src ="Error">
0 <img src="image.gif"> <alt="Error">
0 <alt="Error"><img src="image.gif"> </alt>

Вопрос №71
V2 What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?
0 <img alt="MyImage"> image.gif </img>
0 <img href="image.gif" alt="MyImage">
1 <img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage">
0 <image scr="image.gif" alt="MyImage">
1 <img src="image.png" alt="MyImage">
1 <img src="image.jpeg" alt="MyImage">

Вопрос №72
V2 What kind of information can be stored in the table cell of the html page?
1 Text data
1 Numeric data
0 Neither of above
1 Symbols
0 Cannot be said

Вопрос №73
V2 Which of the following is the best definition for cybersecurity?
1 The process by which an organization manages cyber security risk to an acceptable level
1 The protection of information from unauthorized access or disclosure
0 Protection of paper documents and intellectual property in form of verbal or visual data
1 Protecting information assets by addressing threats to information that is processed,
stored or transported by interworked information systems
0 Developing of application software for automatic management of Internet services

Вопрос №74
V2 In order to organize reliable protection of the digital information from various cyber
attacks and to prevent cyber violations within some Company, it is necessary to provide
1 Installation of a reliable antivirus and firewall
1 Regular software updates
0 Neither of the above
1 Differentiation of rights to physical access for employees to company equipment
0 Daily check of employee workplaces
0 Checking the skill level of company employees (can they work with 3d applications or

Вопрос №75
V2 To gain access to data stored on a secure server, users need to go through the procedure
0 Malware сhecks
1 Registration
1 Authentication
0 Server source redirect
1 Authorization
0 Administrator rights checking
0 Drive defragmentation
Вопрос №76
V2 Choose statements that is not a cyber crime
1 Remote checking for updates available for shareware application software
1 Cracking down the computer security in order to improve the weaknesses
0 Stealing PINS at the ATM
0 Spoofing and stealing information
0 Buying credit card information and extracting the money
1 Creating reliable system protection against malwares

Вопрос №77
V2 The main sources of malware infection are
1 Malware-infected files transmitted over a network (e.g. over mail services)
1 Mail services
0 News Portals
0 Secure data servers
0 Remote computers
1 Fake Internet resource
0 Anti-malware application softwares

Вопрос №78
V2 The main type of software used to prevent data loss and malware infection on a computer
system (including real-time network protection software):
1 Firewalls
0 Brand - maureas
1 Anti - viruses
0 Anti - encoders
0 Anti - decoders
1 Anti – malwares

Вопрос №79
V2 When using this type of software, there is an increased likelihood of data loss due to
1 Malware
0 Protected
1 Pirated
0 Freeware
0 Shareware
1 Not licensed
0 Licensed

Вопрос №80
V2 What is the generic term for computer programs that can wreak havoc on your devices?
1 Malware
0 Damagedroids
0 Rudebots
0 Dangerware
1 Viruses
1 Pirated

Вопрос №81
V2 From this type of cyber threats, 100% protection with anti-malware software is NOT
0 License updeates
1 Viruses
0 All of the above
1 Spyware
1 Network worms

Вопрос №82
V2 This technologies (methodology) allows users to restore data in case of accidentally
deleting it from the local computer
0 Data licensing
1 Storing files on cloud technologies
1 Regular data backup
0 Data archiving technologies
0 Data defragmentation technologies
1 Storing a copy of data on secure removable devices
Вопрос №83
V2 The threats to information security of some Company may come from (commonly):
1 Hackers
1 Users
1 Malwares
0 The kind of architecture style in which the company building is built
0 Servers
0 RFID sensors
0 Licensed firewall software
0 WSN sensors

Вопрос №84
V2 Using the «ipconfig command» in command line (without additional attributes) the user
can find out ___ of host
0 Subnet Mask only
0 IP Address only
1 DNS suffix
0 Local Network provider company name
1 Subnet Mask
0 Neither of the above
1 Default Gateway
0 Local Network provider company ip address

Вопрос №85
V2 What type of hardware is usually used in a local networks?
0 IP subnet devices
1 Modems
1 Hub
1 Router
0 Software interconnectors

Вопрос №86
V2 Which of the following network topologies will allow an Internet connection?
0 Car
0 Fast-internet
0 Plane
1 Bus
1 Star
1 Ring
0 Neither of the above

Вопрос №87
V2 Unified identifier defining the location of the host address in the network
1 IPv4 or IPv6 adresses
0 Subnet mask
1 IP address
0 Network Topology Id
0 Network gateway
1 Combination of system network and host addresseses
0 WWW address

Вопрос №88
V2 What the term LAN stands for?
1 Network connection of systems located relatively close to each other
1 Network connection of interacting devices within a building/company (relatively small
distance between devices)
0 Local addressing netspace
0 Line area network
1 Local area network
0 Low addressing network

Вопрос №89
V2 As a result of the response to the ping command, you received a message about a large
number of lost packets (for example, 100%). It means that ___
0 The requested node has already received all packets earlier
0 User entered the command syntax incorrectly
0 The ping successfully completed its work and provided the required information
1 The requested node is unavailable
0 User entered the command syntax within a wrong time period for a current local system
1 There were problems during establishing a connection (requested system is not
1 Computer which user are pinging is not responding

Вопрос №90
V2 To send messages to all nodes of the network x.167.4.76 (where x – random number from
1 to 255), subnet mask -, the following address can be is used (broadcast):
0 148. 255.15.255
1 148. 255.255.255
0 12. 255.255.11
1 12. 255.255.255

Вопрос №91
V2 The response of the operating system to user actions is displayed by ___ and _______.
1 Graphical interfaces / output devices
0 System installers / perepherial devices
0 Software installers / storage devices
0 Network equipment / utilities
0 Firmware software / storage devices
1 Graphical interfaces /perepherial devices
1 Perepherial devices / output devices

Вопрос №92
V2 Which of the following is a part of a common database?
1 Tables
1 Table Records
1 Table Fields
0 Worksheets
0 Logical drives
0 Primary encoded name
0 Table author fields

Вопрос №93
V2 In e-commerce, all activities are carried out through
1 Online stores
0 Online portal administrators
0 Banks
1 Online services
0 Regular shops
0 Postal services
0 Online file transfer services
1 Online banking

Вопрос №94
V2 Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?
0 Goods can be advertised and prices compared
1 There is physical contact between buyer and seller
0 Transactions can be processed quickly
0 Services are available 24 hours a day
1 To complete any transaction, a personal presence of both parties (seller / buyer)
representatives at an official meeting is mandatory
1 Security of transactions is achieved through many official offline meetings of buyers with

Вопрос №95
V2 One of the unique features of smart technology is the capability to______.
0 Perform calculations quickly
0 To carry out operational collection and analysis of information
1 React, and make decisions independently in response to incoming data
0 Provide convenient user-device interaction
0 Increased reliability data storage
1 Ensure the interoperability of various devices through IoT methods (continuous network
communications between devices)
1 Making independent decisions and transferring data about decisions made to other
network devices

Вопрос №96
V2 What technology has significantly influenced the development of the Internet of Things
1 Development of a distributed network infrastructure in the process control
1 Development of RFID technologies
0 Supercomputer and parallel computing development
0 Discovery of super-capacious storage
1 Development of WSN technologies

Вопрос №97
V2 In history of digital devices developing there are such periods as
0 Short-circuit cards based
1 Vacuum tube based
0 VSDN microprocessor based
1 VLSI microprocessor based
0 Translator based
1 Transistor based
0 Very large system interface based

Вопрос №98
V2 What are NOT an examples of multimedia data?
0 Video games, movies, and television
1 Mp3 music
1 Digital pictures
0 Computer-generated graphics
1 Network keys

Вопрос №99
V2 Which number systems are actively used in digital technology
1 Decimal
1 Binary
1 Hexadecimal
0 Thirty two based
0 Neither of above

Вопрос №100
V2 These statement about virtual reality is rue:
0 A digital world, creation of which is possible without the use of additional devices
1 Digital world created by technical means, transmitted to a user through the human senses
0 It can be implemented without the use of specific software
1 To create a convincing complex of sensations of reality, computer-aided synthesis of
properties and reactions of virtual reality is performed in real time
0 It can be implemented without the use of specific hardware
1 It mimics both impact and reaction to impact

Office suits is…

a. clothes that are worn in the office;
b. programs that make it easier to do tasks of our daily life;
c. TV series;

What program doesn’t belong to Microsoft office?

a. Minesweeper;
b. Word;
c. PowerPoint;

What features of Microsoft Word do not exist?

a. grammar checker;
b. music player;
c. document formatting;

which sign helps you to make absolute reference in Excel?

a. ”$”
b. ”!”
c. ”%”
What program can you use to make presentation with animation and sound?
a. PowerPoint
b. Word;
c. Excel;

In cells A1 and B2, the numbers 24 and 12 are entered, respectively. In cell C1 entered: “A1/
B1”. What will be displayed in cell C1 as result?
a. 2
c. A1/B1

In the formula, you have to enter the cell reference. What do you should do for that?
a. Press TAB while on the desired cell is selected
b. Press F4
c. In the formula bar, call the context menu
d. Click on the desired cell with the left mouse button

Microsoft Excel is a multifunctional

a. Word processing package
b. DBMS package
c. Spreadsheet package
d. Communication S/W Package

Formulas for calculations can be inserted in cell

a. Only through the menu Insert-> Function
b. Only "manually" from the keyboard
c. Manually (from the keyboard) or via Formulas menu
d. None of the above

The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$F15 + K$44 will be
changed (choose two answers):
a. 15
b. K
c. F
d. 44

To select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would ... while selecting
Hold down the ENTER key
Hold down the ALT key
Hold down the SHIFT key
Hold down the CTRL key

The names of the days of the week are entered in consecutive cells of the Excel table column:
“Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”. The last two cell is active. The mouse points to the
lower right corner of the list cell, while the plus sign is visible below the right corner of the
cell. What happens if you “stretch” the mouse a couple of cells down?
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. The next two cells will be formatted in the same way as the last cell in the list, and their
contents will remain empty.
b. The next two cells of the column will be filled with the continuation of the days of the
week list: “Thursday”, “Friday”, etc.
c. This will copy the contents of the active cell.
d. The following two cells will be filled with the text: "Wednesday".

The addresses of which rows and columns when copying the formula =$A23 + C$21 will NOT
be changed (choose two answers):
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. C
b. A
c. 23
d. 21

XLS (XLSX) file contains

a. Only one worksheet with several spreadsheets
b. Several worksheets, forming a workbook
c. Only one table

To confirm the entry in a cell you (choose two answers):

Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. press F key
b. press A key
c. press the enter key
d. press the TAB key

what does IP stands for?

a. special software;
b. internet provider;
c. addressing of a computer;

What is the purpose of an IP Address?

a. A unique identifier for a computer
b. A unique location identifier
c. A intersection path location
d. A network location identifier

What piece of hardware is usually at the centre of a star network?

a. Modem
b. Hub
c. Router
d. Server
Which of the following networks will allow an Internet connection?
a. All of the above
b. Star
c. Bus
d. Ring

What is a Malware?
a. computer program that fights against viruses;
b. free software;
c. computer program that gains unauthorized access to data or disrupt normal processing

A virus signature…
a. is a section of program code that helps to identify virus;
b. is a program that helps to protect you from worms;
c. is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself and spreads to
other files;

What is spyware?
a. is a computer program that seems to perform one function while actually deleting personal
b. program that secretly gathers personal information without the victim’s knowledge;
c. program that helps you to protect against spies;

Which password is more safe?

Выберите один ответ:

a. qwerty;
b. 121212;
c. Ntsp12#aa;

What is a «login»?
a. method that confirms a person’s identity;
b. series of characters that becomes a person’s unique identifier;
c. characters that verifies a user ID and guarantees that you are the person you claim to be;

Which of the following is the best definition for cybersecurity?

a. The protection of information from unauthorized access or disclosure
b. The process by which an organization manages cyber security risk to an acceptable
c. The protection of paper documents, digital and intellectual property, and verbal or visual
d. Protecting information assets by addressing threats to information that is processed,
stored or transported by interworked information systems

What the term EDS key stands for?

a. Electronic datagram system
b. Encoding digital safety
c. Electronic data signature
d. Electronic digital signature

One of the following isn't a cyber crime

a. Buying credit card information and extracting the money
b. Stealing PINS at the ATM
c. Spoofing and stealing information
d. Cracking down the computer security in order to improve the weaknesses

What's the full meaning of DoS?

Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. Direct opening slate
b. Denial of service attacks
c. Direct operating system
d. Denial of Service
What of the following is a DoS attack?
Выберите один ответ:
a. Injecting bogus networking re-configuration commands
b. Continually bombarding a targeted network with fake requests and/or a lot of
information which results in stop of system operation
c. Forcing computers to drop their connections and reconnect with the attacker’s access point
d. Listening in on network traffic to identify the MAC address of a computer

What is the generic term for computer programs that can wreak havoc on your devices?
a. Malware
b. Rudebots
c. Damagedroids
d. Dangerware

What is phishing?
a. Where criminals try to obtain sensitive information by presenting themselves as a
trustworthy source
b. A type of computer virus
c. A pleasant weekend activity by the river
d. Where criminals try to hack into your wireless network

Which of the following describes monitoring software installed without your consent?
a. Spyware
b. Malware
c. Adware
d. Ransomware

The threat to information security may come from:

a. Viruses
b. All of the above
c. Users
d. Hackers
Ensuring information security by differentiating access rights to data is a:
a. Coding
b. Authorization
c. Authentication
d. Identification

What is SMTP used for?

a. to communicate with the remote server in order to send the email from a local client to
the remote server;
b. to delete email from remote server;
c. to communicate with the remote email server and download the emails to a local email

Choose an example of social media storage - services?

a. Wikipedia;
b. E-mail;
c. YouTube;

What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink

a. <a href="">
b. <a></a>
c. <a name=""></a>
d. <a url=""></a>

What is cloud computing?

a. a possibility to store and get access to the information by internet;
b. a possibility to connect to a device via Wi-Fi;
c. a possibility to send a file by internet;
What type of cloud does not exist?
a. Public Cloud;
b. Computing Cloud;
c. Private Cloud;

Virtualization is…?
a. a bunch of commodity computers networked together in same or different geographical
locations and operating together;
b. a type of cloud that is composed of multiple internal or external clouds;
c. a software translating the hardware instructions to the understandable format for the
physical hardware;

Why does mobile phone often called cell phone?

a. because most phones have power cells;
b. because we can use it as a mobile device;
c. because of the concept of cellular network used in cell phone;

What is “cloud computing”?

a. а new environmentally friendly way of computing
b. Apple's latest computer operating system
c. High level of computations
d. Storing files online

When collaborating on a document, instead of emailing the document back and forth, Google
Docs gives you the ability to:
a. Download files from your colleague computer
b. Manage the emailing back and forth easily
c. Store your file online for others to download
d. Have everyone working on the same document at the same time
When sharing documents there are different user roles, depending on how much access you
would like others to have:
a. Friends and family
b. Viewers, commenter or collaborators
c. Head of department of Google Corporation and managers
d. Course creators and course sharing

Google docs are

a. Can be shared only within local network
b. Accessible to everyone on the internet
c. Cannot be shared at all
d. Only accessible to others that you explicitly share them with.

What are the steps to create a new Google Document?

a. Logout from Gmail account, download Google drive application, click the file button, and
choose document
b. Log into email account, click the drop down arrow (next to upload), select documents, click
the drop down arrow (next to create new)
c. Log into email account, create a new document
d. Log into google drive account, click the create (new) button and choose document from

What happens to your file on Google drive if your computer turns off suddenly
a. The file will be damaged, but through special, third-party services it can be restored
b. The file will be saved on a local disk
c. Information will be lost
d. Nothing, since all changes on your drive are saved automatically

What do you need to download before using Google Docs?

a. There's nothing to download. Just go online.
b. I need to download the Google Docs application.
c. My computer should have Microsoft Word and Excel.
d. I must buy and download Google application in Play Market

What is the first type of communication?

a. digital devices;
b. libraries;
c. gestures and drawings;

What is the 3rd stage of digital revolution?

a. digitization;
b. network computing;
c. data processing;

What is the internet?

a. global computer network;
b. two computers connected with each other;
c. website;

What is social media?

a. cloud-based applications designed for social interaction;
b. type of interacting via telephone;
c. some kind of tv program;

How can we access cloud based application?

a. only locally from our home computer;
b. from any computer with internet connection;
c. none of the above;

What is the smallest unit below used for Data measurement?

a. Megabyte
b. The power supply for the device
c. Byte
d. Gigabyte
e. Bit

What does RAM stand for ...?

Random Access Memory
Read All Memory
Random All Memory
Reset all Memory

Which one of the following is a term for systems used to store, retrieve, process and transmit
data ...?
Information & Communication Technology

Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?

a. There is physical contact between buyer and seller
b. Services are available 24 hours a day
c. Goods can be advertised and prices compared
d. Transactions can be processed quickly

Which one of the following would improve computer performance ...?

Using a larger monitorIncreasing the number of applications running
Increasing the size of RAM
Using a faster printer

Electronic computers are divided into generations. For computer technology, first of all, the
speed of change of generations is characteristic - in its short history of development, four
generations have already changed. One of the signs in the attribution of computers to a
particular generation is their element base. What is the elemental base of the second
a. Electronic lamps
b. Large integrated circuits
c. Linear Integrated Circuits
d. Semiconductor devices

Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers?

a. VLSI Microprocessor
b. Transistors
c. Integrated Circuits
d. Vacuum Tubes
ENIAC Computer belongs to
First Generation Computers

The term "generation of computers" means: ...

all types and models of computers built on the same scientific and technical principles
a set of machines designed to process, store and transmit informationall calculating machine
sall types and models of computers created in the same country

Which speed up could be achieved according to Amdahl’s Law for infinite number of
processes if 5% of a program is sequential and the remaining part is ideally parallel?
Правильный ответ: 20

Choose input devices:


What are the differences between a mobile and a stationary computer?

a. Mobile computer is larger;
b. It is faster;
c. it can be used on a go in any place;

What is digital data?

a. a sound wave;
b. information that have infinite scale of values;
c. information that has been converted to discrete digits;
What number system do computers use for calculations ...
duodecimal system;
binary system;
decimal system;

What is a bit?
a. it is a basic unit of information used in computing;
b. it is 8 bytes;
c. it is hardware part of computer;

What is hardware?
a. Both
b. The operating system and other programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power
c. The physical parts of the computer including the monitor, the keyboard, and the
d. Neither

In the simplest terms, a computer is a machine that stores and processes what?
a. Games
b. Data
c. The Operating System
d. Pictures

What does a storage unit provide?

a. A place to show data
b. A place to store information
c. The connector that allows you to attach the device to a computer
d. A place to store currently worked on information

What are the four basic components of a computer?

a. Input devices, monitor, output devices, and RAM
b. Input devices, central processing unit, memory, and output devices
c. Input devices, output devices, printing, and typing
d. File explorer, operating system, Microsoft Office, My computer

What are examples of storage devices?

Hard drive, flash drive

Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal, hexadecimal systems

94810 and 76310
a. Binary: 1110110100 and 1011111011
Octal: 1664 and 1373
Hexadecimal: 3B4 and 2FB
b. Binary:111001 and 111111111
Octal: 283 and 294
Hexadecimal: 1FD and 2349
c. Binary:111110201 and 111111111
Octal: 931 and 425
Hexadecimal: 4244D and 567GG
d. Binary:1110011 and 111111111
Octal: 842 and 215
Hexadecimal: 56A4 and 745F

Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal, hexadecimal systems

56310 and 26410
a. Binary: 1000110011 and 100001000
Octal: 1063 and 410
Hexadecimal: 233 and 108
b. Binary:111110101 and 111101
Octal: 734 and 2531
Hexadecimal: 739A and 231
c. Octal: 246 and 7897
Hexadecimal: 7A and 512C
d. Binary:111110101 and 1110
Octal: 5416 and 789
Hexadecimal: 25D and 512

Convert the following numbers from binary, octal and hexadecimal to decimal
1110001112 and 3358 and 14C16
a. 455 and 5928 and 38
b. 104 and 225 and 332
c. 273 and 221 and 759
d. 455 and 221 and 332

Convert the following numbers from binary, octal and hexadecimal to decimal
1100010010 and 4168 and 21516
a. 240 and 989 and 533
b. 786 and 270 and 533
c. 2754 and 270 and 853
d. 786 and 283 and 199

what is a computer program?

a. instructions that tell a computer how to carry out a task;
b. hardware that helps computer to perform some task;
c. a programmer that crates a software;

what does not apply to the system software?

a. music software;
b. operation system;
c. driver;

what is cpu multitasking?

a. allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously;
b. allows multiple parts, or threads, to run simultaneously within a program;
c. supports a division of labor among all the processing units;

Which of the following is not an operating system?

a. Windows
b. MacOS
c. Tetris

What is file format?

a. organization and layout of data that is stored in a file;
b. deleting of the file;
c. name of the file;

Which of the following is NOT system software?

a. Defrag Utility
b. The Operating System
c. Device Driver (e.g. Printer Driver)
d. Word processor

are system programs, which are responsible for proper functioning of hardware devices
[Device Drivers ]

[is a complete, named collection of information. Examples include: programs,
documents, graphics, pictures, spreadsheets, databases, etc.]

Use ... when you want to save a file as a different type.

Save Now
Save Never
Save As

It is the set of programs that enables your computers hardware device and application software
to work together.
a. A. Operating system
b. Helper software
c. System software
d. Application software

.... is a generic term for organized collection of computer data and instructions.
None of the above

Excel files will be saved in the following format: .exl

a. True
b. False

What is an Operating System?

a. It is an interface between the user and the hardware
b. It provides a platform for the user to run applications
c. All of the above
d. It is the first software that runs when the computer boots up

Which of the following are typical roles of an Operating System?

a. All of the above
b. CPU management
c. Memory Management
d. Virtualising the hardware to make it easier for the user to use a computer
What is commercial software that offers a trail version of its product for a certain amount time
before you buy it?
a. Freeware
b. Shareware
c. Malware
d. Liteware

What can be used as an output device on computer?

a. monitor;
b. ROM;
c. mouse;

What is the most effective channel for getting information for a person?
a. haptic;
b. visual;
c. auditory;

What is not an element of WIMP?

a. command line;
b. menu;
c. window;

what is AI in computer science?

a. all inclusive;
b. amnesty International;
c. artificial intelligence

what type of interface is easier for human?

a. GUI
b. both;
c. CLI
o quickly minimize all opened windows what shortcut keys you must use?
a. Win ( ) +D
b. Pause/Break
c. Win ( ) +M
d. Ctrl+ Shift+M

Pressing the “Prnt Scrn” (“PrtSc”) button does what?

Выберите один ответ:
a. Saves a «screenshot» of what's currently on the screen to the clipboard
b. Automatically prints via the most commonly used printer
c. Closes all connections between the computer and any printers
d. Starts the screensaver

To quickly open the explorer window what shortcut keys you must use?
a. Shift+E
b. Same as the “win” ( ) key
c. Ctrl+End
d. Ctrl +E
e. Win ( ) +E
What does key combination «Ctrl+Esc» do? (Choose 2 options)
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. Closes all programs
b. Same as the “win” ( ) key
c. Ends a non-responsive program
d. Opens the “Start” Menu

The main purpose of a File Explorer

[To provide a graphical user interface]
To instantly go to the bottom of a webpage or other program that scrolls, what key combination
should you use?
a. Ctrl+End
b. Ctrl+Page Dn
c. Alt+Space
d. Ctrl+Space

When a desktop icon or other file is selected, pressing «Shift+Del» does what?
a. Removes all objects from the clipboard and copies only this one
b. Does nothing to the file, just shuts down the computer
c. Allows the user to rename file
d. Deletes indicated file without storing it in the Recycle Bin

You have made a error while typing a document! What key combination should you use to
quickly undo it?
a. Ctrl+Y
b. Ctrl+U+N
c. Ctrl+Z
d. Ctrl+R

To quickly clarify the properties of the operating system (in the system properties window)
what shortcut keys you must use?
Выберите один ответ:
a. Win ( ) +F4
b. Win ( ) + Pause/Break
c. Win ( ) +S
d. F4

To quickly create a new folder in the Explorer window what shortcut keys you must use?
Выберите один ответ:
a. Shift+N
b. Ctrl+ N
c. Ctrl+ Shift+N
d. Win ( ) +N

what is database?

a. data transferred via network;

b. it is type of hardware;
c. it is specially organized information with easy search;

what is not a centralized database?

a. client-server;
b. file-server;
c. distributed files between two computers;

hierarchical structure of database is…

a. a collection of elements in the form of rectangular tables
b. a collection of elements that are linked together according to certain hierarchy;
c. a collection of elements located in any order;

field in database is…

a. set of similar data;
b. an elementary unit of the logical organization of data;
c. the collection of instances of records of the same structure;

External schema of database is…

a. what the application programs and user see;
b. description of the logical structure of all data in the database;
c. description of physical aspects (selection of files, devices, storage algorithms;

In a database table, what does each row in a table represent?

a. Record
b. Database
c. Table
d. Field

Database is:
a. Interface that supports the filling and manipulation of data
b. Set of interrelated data about an object organized and stored on external media in a
special way
c. Set of programs for storing and processing large amounts of information
d. Arbitrary set of information

The tables of the relational database (DB) may contain:

a. Extremely homogeneous information (data of only one type)
b. Heterogeneous information (data of different types)
c. Text only
d. Only logical quantities
e. Only numeric information

In the Access database, such field types are allowed:

Выберите один ответ:
a. logical, date, numeric, monetary, OLE
b. numeric, text, protected
c. numeric, character, graphic, array
d. table, form, query

In a record, each separate piece of data, such as a last name, a first name, or an address, is
called a _____________.
a. Table
b. Record
c. File
d. Field
Which of he following is NOT a part of a database?
a. Tables
b. Worksheets
c. Fields
d. Records

A primary key is _____.

a. Code that allows one database to connect to another
b. Code that allows the user to open the database
c. None of the above
d. Field that has a unique value for each record

In MS Access, there is NO query for _________ data.

a. adding
b. delete
c. update
d. creature

The feature of the “Counter” field is that

Выберите один ответ:
a. the maximum size of the number stored in it cannot exceed 255
b. it is intended to enter integers
c. it has the property of auto fill in
d. the data is not stored in the field itself, but in another place, but only the pointer is stored in
the field

The relational database is defined by three tables. The relationships between the tables can be
established as follows:
a. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the “Distance code” fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked
through the “Athlete code” fields.
b. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the “Time” and “Record” fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked
through the “Athlete Code” fields.
c. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the “Distance code” field, Tables 1 and 3 are linked
through the “Athlete code” field, Tables 2 and 3 are linked through the “Athlete code” field and
the “Distance code”
d. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the “Distance code” fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked
through the “Athlete code” and “Last name” fields.

What is E-learning?
a.learning in English;
b.experimental learning;
c.electronic supported learning and teaching;

What is a digital repository? an audio or video file that can be downloaded from the Internet;
b.content management systems and the search engines that index them;
c.sorts of quiz and online examination;

Which of the following refers to Synchronous Communication?;;

What is Electronic commerce?

a.none of the above;
b. sale of electronics;
c.use of ICT for commerce;

Choose an advantage of e-government is cheaper; is easier and more transparent;
c.high security of data;

What is an E-technologies
a.Technology based on clean energy sources
b.Technology based on an electronic vision
c.Technologies based on the division of labor
d.Technologies based on electronic devices and services

The most important component of E-business is

b.E-labor market

In e-commerce, all activities are carried out through

c.Postal services
d.Online services

VLE term in E-learning means

a.Visual Learning Education
b.Virtual Learning Environment
c.Visual Lesson Encryption
d.Virtual Lesson Encouragement

In which year the e-government portal was launched in Kazakhstan


Analog of personal signature in digital form is a

a.Electronic digital signature
b.Private text key
c.Personal voice playback
d.Electronic credit card

In which section of the portal you can get information about government symbols and
the anthem
a.For citizens
b.Open government
d.Open state info

What is the concept of the electronic government?

a.Making payments online
b.All of the above
c.Providing information about the current government
d.Provision of public services online

Выберите один ответ:

Any e-technology would be impossible without applying knowledge and methods from sphere
d.State system

What is an e-book? in pdf format;
b.portable hardware + special software that can display a large quantity of readable
textual information; with colorful illustrations;

What is an a search engine?

a.a web site with useful information; a tool that allows a user to enter keywords and retrieve information on websites;
c.engine of modern car;

What are the main parts of a search engine?

a.Spider, Catalogue, WWW;
b.WWW, Catalogue, Search engine software.
c.Spider, Catalogue, Search engine software;

Who invented test for Artificial Intelligence?

a.Bill Gates;
b.Vannevar Bush;
c.Alan Turing;

What is a big data?

a.High-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information assets;
b.Data used for entertainment;
c.Big amount of data;

The term Moodle stands for

a.More object-oriented dynamic learning education
b.Modular orientation of objects in distance learning
c.Modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment
d.Movie oriented organization for distant learning environment

What software you should have to create Moodle courses?

Выберите один ответ:
a.Word processor
b.Web browser
c.Microsoft Excel

When creating a Moodle course you login to the system as


How are courses organized in the Moodle system?

a.Without an organized structure
b.Each separately

Due to which features ICT technologies develop much faster than other technologies?
a.Relatively long history of development - these technologies have developed longer than
b.Their use in almost all areas of activity
c.No need for deep knowledge’s for implementation
d.The cheapness of the necessary hardware

In a “new economy” what is predicted to be most important part?

Выберите один ответ:
a.Natural resources
Term GNU in ICT stands for
a.General Public License
b.Graphical Numeric Unit
c.General Private License
d.Good & New Unit

The use of ICT in what field of activity poses to literally save human lives?

The most popular and effective educational technique via Internet is

a.Distance learning
b.Educational tv transmission
c.Web blogs
d.Use of search services

Which of the following services allows you to create online courses?

c.Search engines
d.Apache server

What is an adaptive learning?

a.the same as distance learning;
b. an educational method which uses computer algorithms to orchestrate the interaction
with the learner; course of computer science;

What does VR stands for in ICT?

a.Visual reality;
b.Various records;
c.Virtual reality;

What perspective technologies are used in transportation?

a.all the above;
b.self-driving cars;

Choose an example of a crypto currency?


What is a quantum computer?

a.non-existing device; with a high level of performance working with bits;
c.device that performs quantum computing working with qubits;

The development of ICT technologies have a huge impact on:

b.All of the above

What the term “Cloud computing” stands for?

a.Outdoor work
b.Outdoor work
c.Access to information via wireless networks
d.Distribution and access to information resources on remote servers
Wireless networks technologies are based on:
a.No need for internet connection
b.Transmitting information via radio waves
c.Internet connection only via smart-phones
d.Reducing the cost of information transmission in comparison with wired networks

Augmented reality and virtual reality are the same

b.True, but augmented reality does not transmit sounds
c.Not true
d.True, but virtual reality technology is much cheaper

Absolutely not recommended when installing software

a.Install third-party free programs that are not required to run the installed program
b.Run any other applications
c.Leave the computer without attention
d.Disconnect peripheral equipment (mouse, keyboard, etc.)

Software versions that can be run without installation are called

a.Shareware versions
b.Portable versions
c.Licensed versions
d.Prepaid versions

The format of the installation file in Windows systems

The installation of the program (directly recording information on the hard disk in an orderly
manner for its further work) occurs at the moment
a.Automatically after downloading the executable file from the Internet
b.After specifying the parameters and installation location
c.After closing the executable file
d.Immediately upon starting the executable file

The first thing that is recommended after downloading the executable file from the Internet:
a.Check the version of the program (paid, shareware, freeware)
b.Move it to another place on the hard disk
c.Check it for viruses
d.Launch it right away

An trial period to use licensed programs is usually valid for

a.1 year
b.10 days
c.30 hours
d.1 month

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