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Câu 1: According to ASCM: Components of a subsidy:

A. A financial contribution
B. by Government
C. Confers a benefit
D. All of the above
Câu 2: When a large country imposes import tariff, its welfare will:
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Either increase or decrease
D. Stay the same
Câu 3: Which statement is TRUE about Technical regulation?
A. Marking requirements
B. Restricted use of substances
C. Labelling requirements
D. All of the above
Câu 4: The US announced that: “ Illegally cultural property is not allowed to
import”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import prohibition
B. Government procurement
C. Import Quota
D. Import licence
Câu 5: Which one is a technical barrier to trade?
A. Export licence
B. Animal quarantine
C. Tolerance limits for residues
D. Pre - shipment inspection
Câu 6: Which countries have the highest Trade to GDP ratio?
A. Countries have small economic size and are centers for shipping goods
B. Countries have small GDP
C. Countries have large economic size and are centers for shipping goods
D. Countries have large GDP
Câu 7: According to ASCM, a subsidy applies to:
A. customers within the territory of a Member of WTO
B. Foreign customers
C. Foreign producers
D. Producers within the territory of a Member of WTO
Câu 8: In the past, which products were traded the most?
A. Consumer goods

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B. Agricultural products and materials
C. Capital goods
D. Foods and beverages
Câu 9: The US announced that: “Medical Devices must be approved by the Food
and Drug Agency”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Sanitary and phytosanitary
B. Import prohibition
C. Import licence
D. Financial measures
Câu 10: Which types of goods were mostly traded before World War I?

A. Basic processed consumer and capital goods

B. Raw materials and Basic processed goods
C. Raw material
D. Agricultural processed goods
Câu 11: Which of the following factors reduce the volume of trade?
A. Freer trade
B. High tariff
C. Global economic growth recession
D. All of the above
Câu 12: What is the exemption from National treatment?
A. Government procurement
B. Countries with large trade deficit
C. Countries with large trade surplus
D. Promoting environmentally friendly
production Câu 14: WTO makes its decisions through
A. Vote and compromise
B. Vote and consensus
C. Consensus and agreements
D. Voting, consensus and agreement
Câu 15: Which statement is TRUE about government purchase?
A. Government could only choose domestic supplier
B. Government could choose domestic supplier and foreign supplier on NT
C. Government could only choose domestic product
D. Government could prefer domestic suppliers than foreign ones due to
the NT exception.
Câu 16: Country A announced that: “the maximum residue level of pesticides in
fruit is required to test before entry”. What kind of NTMs is?

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A. Import license
B. Import prohibition
Câu 17: The US Food Safety Modernization Act 2011 regulates:
A. Food collecting
B. Food processing
C. Food selecting
D. None of the above
Câu 18: Country B imposes voluntary export - restraint to country A. Who earns
A. Country B exporters
B. Country B importers
C. Country A exporters
D. Country A importers
Câu 19: Country A announced that: “With regard to vegetables, disclosure of
information about the location of the farm, name of the farmer required”. What
kind of NTMs is?
A. Import licence
B. Import prohibition
C. Sanitary and phytosanitary
Câu 20: Vietnam released Decree 116/2017/ND-CP, which further tightens
conditions for automotive manufacture. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import licence
B. Import prohibition
C. Sanitary and phytosanitary

Câu 21: Calculate injury margin with given data:

Domestic producer Foreign producer Foreign producer


Price 150 140 156

Expected profit 10%

A. Exporter Y: 15.2% Exporter Z: 5.5%
B. Exporter Y: 5.8% Exporter Z: 17.9%
C. Exporter Y: 17.9% Exporter Z: 5.8%

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D. Exporter Y: 7.1% Exporter Z: 4.0%
Câu 22: Given information as follows:
A Producers submitting the application 350

B Producers expressing support for the application but not 280

involved in submitting it

C Producers express opposition to the application 500

D Producers not expressing an opinion about the application 720

Dumping submission conditions are approved if the support is, respectively:
A. 51.64% and 42%
B. 55.75% and 34.05%
C. 51.64% and 34.05%
D. 55.75% and 42%
Câu 23: A tariff for which a WTO Member accepts a legal commitment not to
raise it above a certain level is called:
A. Tariff peak
B. Tariff escalation
C. Bound tariff
D. Applied tariff
Câu 24: Calculate the tariff revenue if the US levies a mixed tariff of 26.5% ad
valorem or $130 specific tariff on imported electronic devices, whichever is
higher. Each computer is worth $590 and there are 1500 computers imported
into the US.
A. $429,525
B. $234,525
C. 195,000
D. $39,525
Câu 25: Calculate Japanese net national loss from tariff if: Tariff rate on Thailand
imported 16-seat car is 76.5%; imported quantity reduced by 16%; import value
affected by tariff is 2.3% GDP; GDP is 13,500 billion USD.
A. 19.003 billion USD
B. 19,003 billion USD
C. 38.005 billion USD
D. 190,026 billion USD
Câu 26: If the trade-to-GDP ratio is 36% and the value of exports and imports is
$120billion and $240 billion, then the GDP and trade balance is respectively:
A. $1,000 billion and a deficit of $120 billion
B. $360 billion and a surplus of $120 billion

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C. $1,000 billion and a surplus of $120 billion
D. $360 billion and a deficit of $120 billion
Câu 27: In which sector do tariff peaks often appear?
A. Technology sector
B. Labour-intensive sector and Agricultural sector
C. Labour-intensive sector
D. Agricultural sector
Câu 28: What is the difference between a country’s total value of exports and its
total value of imports?
A. Trade barrier
B. Trade surplus
C. Trade deficit
D. Trade balance
Câu 29: Japan announced that: “Live animals must be checked for disease at the
border”. What kind of NTMs is?
B. Import licence
C. Import prohibition
Câu 30: Calculate the tariff revenue if the US levies a mixed tariff of 31.5% ad
valorem or $252 specific on imported telecommunication devices, whichever is
higher. Each Samsung Galaxy $10 is worth $870 and there are 3470 phones
imported into the US.
A. $874,440
B. $950,953.5
C. $76,513.5
D. 1,825,393.5
Câu 31: Contingency measures are categorized as:
A. Trade remedies
B. Commercial bank loans
C. Tariff
Câu 32: Calculate France net national loss from tariff if: Tariff rate on China
Imported men jacket is 12.5%; Imported quantity reduced by 37%; import value
affected by tariff is 1.8% GDP; GDP is 2,480 billion USD.
A. 1,032 billion USD
B. 1.032 billion USD
C. 10,323.000
D. 2.065 billion USD

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Câu 33: WTO Members have retained their right to impose anti-dumping
A. To protect environment
B. To protect animal wealthfare
C. To protect consumer interest
D. To correct the competitive imbalances created by unfair practices when
they cause injury to domestics industry
Câu 34: Given information as follows:
A Producers submitting the application 250

B Producers expressing support for the application but not 280

involved in submitting it

C Producers express opposition to the application 560

D Producers not expressing an opinion about the application 310

Dumping submission conditions are NOT approved if the support
is, respectively:
A. 37.85% and 48.62%
B. 48.62% and 37.85%
C. 48.62% and 46.08%
D. 37.85% and 46.08%
Câu 35: Country A announced that: “Certain restrictions exist for food and food
additives used for colouring, preservation or sweeteners”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import licence
D. Import prohibition
Câu 36: If the trade-to-GDP ratio is 60% and the value of exports is $250 billion,
trade surplus is $100 billion, then the GDP and imports value is respectively:
A. $350 billion, $100 billion
B. $500 billion, $100 billion
C. $500 billion, $150 billion
D. $350 billion, $150 billion
Câu 37: Calculate injury margin with given data:

Domestic producer Foreign producer Foreign producer


Price 400 385 407

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Expected profit 10%
A. Exporter Y: 14.29% Exporter Z: 8.11%
B. Exporter Y: 12.50% Exporter Z: 7.5%
C. Exporter Y: 3.90% Exporter Z: 1.75%
D. Exporter Y: 8.11% Exporter Z: 14.29%
Câu 38: Country A announced that: “An annual quota of 1,000 tons of fish can
take place any time of the year and there is no restriction on the country of
origin of the product”. What kind of quota is?
A. Permanent and Global allocation
B. Temporary and Global allocation
C. Permanent and Country allocation
D. Temporary and Country allocation
Câu 39: Tariff-rate quotas could be applied for:
A. More than four products with the same tariff
B. Three products with the same tariff
C. A same product with different tariff for a certain
D. Two products with the same tariff
Câu 40: Which one is correct about the definition of like products in MFN?
A. WTO does not have an official definition of like products
B. Using consumer preferences to define
C. Using HS code and consumer preferences to define
D. Using HS code to define
Câu 41: How can NTMs be used to protect consumers?
A. By connecting producers and consumers
B. By labelling to provide adequate information of good for consumer to
identify quality
C. By arranging trade dispute between consumers and producers
D. By making commitments from producers with consumers
Câu 42: A country currently has 2 product lines with Initial tariff rates of
Postcard and Smartphone are 20% and 50%. Providing that reduction in the
average 60% is used and the rate for Postcard stays the same after negotiation.
The tariff rate of Smartphone after negation is (%).

A. 20
B. 6
C. 8
D. 22
Câu 43: Which type of goods were predominant in international trade before
World War I?

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A. Raw materials
B. Basic processed goods
C. Highly processed consumer and capital goods
D. Raw materials and Basic processed goods
Câu 44: What is not the drawback of Trade Balance with Gross:
A. Products are counted several times
B. Focus on specific origin of products
C. Complicated calculation
D. All of these above
Câu 45: Which bodies is in charge of reviewing inconsistence between Member’s
law and the WTO law?
A. The Appellate Body
B. The specific committee
C. Ministerial Conference
D. WTO Secretariat
Câu 46: Which tariff structure provides the highest ERP? Assume that the price
of raw material and final products are fixed
A. Raw materials: 5%; Final product: 30%
B. Raw materials: 5%; Final product: 25%
C. Raw materials: 10%; Final product: 25%
D. Raw materials: 10%; Final product: 30%
Câu 47: Which agreement signed to establish the WTO?
A. GATT 1947
B. GATT 1994
C. GATS 1994
D. Marrakesh agreement 1994
Câu 48: How does the WTO make decisions on amending articles?
A. Through consensus
B. Through voting. Decide by a three-fourths majority of the Members
C. Through voting. Decide by a more than a half of the Members
D. Through consensus. If cannot making decision, based on the importance
of the articles to decide the majority of voting.
Câu 49: Which one is not WTO’s principles
A. Promoting fair competition
B. Encouraging development and economic reform
C. Freer trade through binding and transparency
D. Trade without
discrimination Câu 50: The Swiss
A. Reduces the tariff disparities/differences

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B. Increases the tariff disparities
C. Equalizes the tariff disparities
D. Doesn’t affect tariff disparities
Câu 51: Tariff peaks are
A. The highest tariffs
B. Any tariff greater than 3 times national average tariff
C. Any tariff greater than 3 times bound tariff
D. Any tariff greater than 3 times 15%
Câu 52: “Value added” in the context of international trade refers to:
A. The difference between the value of the imported inputs and the value of
the exported product.
B. The additional value a worker provides to a firm when she is hired.
C. The value added by being able to Purchase goods in a competitive market.
D. The value added by import brokers when they mark up the price of the
Câu 53: Which tariff negotiation technique can solve the problem of tariff peaks
and tariff disparities?
A. Simple average reduction
B. Reduction in the average
C. Swiss ABI formula
D. Linear reduction
Câu 54: A country has initial negotiating right (INR) if
A. It is the country sending offer list and the tariff concessions are made
B. It is the country sending offer list and the tariff concessions are not made
C. It is the country sending request list and the tariff concessions are made
D. It is the country sending request list and the tariff concessions are not
Câu 55: Which is not an exception of the MFN?
A. Forming FTA
B. Forming custom union
C. Developing countries
D. Cinematographic films
Câu 56: What is the aim of this financial measure: “Permit from the central bank
and an import license are required for imports of motor vehicles”.
A. To increase the cost of foreign exchange
B. To define terms of payment
C. To regulate the access of foreign exchange
D. To reduce demand exchange rate

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Câu 57: Country A announced that:“ Disclosure of information about fertilize
used, may be required”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import quota
B. Import licence
câu 58: “Medicines should be stored below a certain temperature”. What kind of
NTMs is?
A. Import quota
B. Import licence
Câu 59: Domestics importers receive rent form:
A. Government procurement
B. Voluntary export-restraint
C. Import quota
D. Export quota
Câu 60: VietNam Government announced that: the maximum residue level of
pesticides is required to test before entry. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import prohibition
D. Import licence
Câu 61: Japan announced that : ''Environmentally friendly fishing method is
required'' That means:
A. Higher cost for VietNam exported fish
B. Lower cost for VietNam exported fish
C. This statement has no effect on Vietnam exported fish
D. This is easy to access Japanese market
Câu 62: Which one is used in case of a surge of imports that causes or threatens
to cause, serious injury?
B. Escape clause
Câu 63: Trade remedies are used to protect:
A. Consumer interest
B. Technical assistance
C. Domestic industry from unfair practices

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D. All of the above
Câu 64: Yellow box policy consists of
A. Actionable prohibition measures
B. Actionable subsidies which can cause adverse effects
C. Actionable NTMs
D. Actionable Subsidies which are unspecified
Câu 65: Countervailing measures are applied for maximum
A. 5 years
B. 4 years
C. 3 years
D. Depend on cases
Câu 66: What is SCM?
A. Substitute and Countervailing measure
B. Subsidy and Countervailing measures
C. Substitute and Contracting measures
D. Subsidy and
Contractingmeasures Câu 67: Escape
clause are
A. Temporary measure to deal with trade restriction
B. Temporary measure to deal with trade liberalization
C. Permanent measure to deal with trade restriction
D. Permanent measure to deal with trade liberalization
Câu 68: Effect of dumped imports on domestic producers could lead to:
A. Potential decline in sales
B. Potential increase in sales
C. Potential decline in reputation
D. Potential increase in number of labor
Câu 69: Most-favored nation principles is not applied for:
A. Quota
B. Tariff quota
D. all of the above is wrong
Câu 70: Safeguard measures are applied for
A. like producers
B. import substitutions
C. unlike producers
D. like and directly competitive or substitutable producers
Câu 71: What does price undercutting mean?
A. situation in which subject imports are priced below domestic like

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B. situation in which the price of domestic like products has declined, due to
the presence of subject imports.
C. situation in which the price of domestic like products has not increased as
it should, due to the presence of subject imports
D. all of above are correct
Câu 72: Country A imposes a quota of 5,000 tone sugar. Who collects rent?
Suppose that the country A auctions this quota
A. Country A consumers
B. Country A producers
C. Country A exporters
D. Country A governments
Câu 73 Dumping does not occur if normal value of a product is
A. less than its import price
B. more than its export price
C. less than its export price
D. more than its import price
Câu 74: What is the aim of this financial measure: “Foreign exchange is not
allocated for imports of jewelry”?
A. to regulate the access of foreign exchange
B. to reduce demand exchange rate
C. to increase the cost of foreign exchange
Câu 75: Country A announced that: “the maximum residue level of pesticides in
vegetables is restricted not exceeding 0.025% and tested before entry”. What
kind of NTMs are there?
A. Import quota
Câu 76: The US Food Safety Modernization Act 2011 regulates: (Food safety, Food
processing, Food packaging)
A. Shipment inspection requirements
B. Food selecting
C. Food packaging
D. Food security
Câu 77: Foreign exporters receive rent from:
A. Government procurement
B. Voluntary export - restraint
C. Foreign importers

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D. Export quota
Câu 78: Australia announced that: “sweeteners for cake preservation are
restricted not to exceed 5 mg per kg”. What kind of NTMs is?
B. Import restriction
D. Import licence
Câu 79: Which one is NOT Technical regulation?
A. Shipment inspection requirements
B. Traceability requirements
C. Testing requirements
Câu 80: Conditions for the application of antidumping measures are:
A. Dumped imports
B. Injury to domestic industry producing the like product
C. Causal link between dumped imports and the injury
D. All of the above
Câu 81: In which case, anti - dumping measures are NOT imposed?
A. An imported product is sold less than its normal value
B. Unfair practices when they cause injury to domestic industry
C. Environment pollution
D. None of the above
Câu 82: The “first golden age” of trade was:
A. The period from 1890 to 1913, when tariffs were increased between
B. The period from 1890 to 1913, when steamships and railroads increased
C. The period between 1919 and 1935.
D. The inter-war period.
Câu 83: When was the WTO established?
A. January 1994
B. January 1995
C. January 1996
D. January 1997
Câu 84: What is WTO’s fundamental principle?
A. Trade with discrimination
B. Freer trade gradually through negotiation
C. Predictability through negotiation
D. Promoting competition

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Câu 85: If a country's GDP is $20 trillion, its exports are $1 trillion, its imports are
$1.5 trillion, what is its trade-to-GDP ratio?
A. 5%
B. 7.5%
C. 2.5%
D. 12.5%
Câu 86: Large countries tend to have … shares of trade relative to GDP because…
A. larger… much of their trade occurs internationally
B. smaller… much of their trade occurs internally
C. larger… much of their trade occurs internally
D. smaller… much of their trade occurs
internationally Câu 87: Which one has the highest power
in the WTO?
A. General Council
B. Ministerial Conference
C. Ministerial Council
D. General Conference
Câu 88: Which one is the correct answer? Trade remedies are
A. Temporary measures to deal with trade restriction
B. Temporary measures to deal with trade liberalization
C. Permanent measures to deal with trade restriction
D. Permanent measures to deal with trade liberalization
Câu 89: When the large country applies tariff, the more it can lower the world
A. The more it benefits
B. The less it benefits
C. The more the world benefits
D. None of the above
Câu 90: The US imposes a $2.5/kg on imported chicken feet. A Vietnamese
company wants to export 50,000 kg of chicken feet valued $20/kg to the US.
Calculate the tariff revenue of the US government. Because of the H5N1
pandemic, the US temporarily prohibits importation of products from chickens.
However, they still accept the importation of products from pigs.
A. $125,000 million
B. 0
C. $0.125 million
D. None of the above
Câu 91: Calculate the tariff revenue if the US levies a mixed tariff of 10% ad
valorem or $20/kg specific tariff on imported durian, whichever is lower. Each

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kg of durian is worth of $100 and there are 1000 kg of durian imported into the
A. $10,000
B. $20,000
C. $30,000
D. None of them are correct
Câu 92: In 2017 Vietnam has the total value of imports is 236 billion USD and the
total value of exports is 243 billion USD. Vietnam’s GDP is 224 billion USD. What
is the trade balance of Vietnam and its openness index?
A. 7 billion USD and 213.84%
B. 7 billion USD and 3.13%
C. 7 billion USD and 108.48%
D. 243 billion USD and 3.13%
Câu 93: Price of an imported shirt is $200. Price of imported cotton is $160. An
imported shirt is charged 20% ad valorem. What is ERP if tariff on imported
cotton is 30% ad valorem?
A. -20%
B. 20%
C. -25%
D. 25%
Câu 94: A tariff can have… an equivalent quota
A. Similar net welfare effect with
B. More protective effect than
C. Similar net welfare and less protective effect than
D. Similar net welfare and more protective effect than
Câu 95: According to ASCM: Which one is excluded from government subsidy?
A. ODA from developed countries to developing countries
B. The provision of services
C. The provision of goods
D. Direct transfer of funds
Câu 96: Country A imposes that: “For food containers made of polyvinyl chloride
plastic, vinyl chloride monomer must not exceed 1 mg per kg”, which chapter
and section should UNCTAD put this statement on?
A. Chapter B, Section B21
B. Chapter A, Section A22
C. Chapter A, Section A32
D. Chapter A, Section A21
Câu 97: What is the sunset review?
A. Review after at the latest 5 years of applying antidumping measure

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B. Review after 1 year of applying antidumping measure
C. Review after 4 years, or at the latest 5 years of applying antidumping
D. Review after 5 years, or at the latest 7 years of applying antidumping
Câu 98: What is time limit of filling application stage in Antidumping
A. 1 years
B. No time limit
C. 5 years
D. 60 days
Câu 99: Statement: "Live animals born and raised in one country and vegetables
that have been grown and harvested in one country are considered to be wholly
obtained" should be put in?
A. Chapter O
B. Chapter B
C. Chapter A
D. Chapter N
Câu 100: Which trade remedy measure is used the most today over the world?
A. non-tariff
B. antidumping
C. safeguards
D. subsidy-countervailing
Câu 101: Unspecified subsidy should be put in:
A. Green box
B. Yellow box
C. Prohibited box
D. Red box
Câu 102: The NTMs classification published by UNCTAD stated that: “Before
shipping from an exporting country, controlling price, quality and quantity of
goods is conducted by….”
A. Inspecting department of importer
B. Independence inspecting agency
C. Authority of importing country
D. Authority of exporting country
Câu 103: “Imports of alcoholic beverages are permitted only by hotels and
restaurants” is a NTM which could be put in:
A. Chapter E: Prohibition
B. Chapter E: Licensing

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C. Chapter B: TBT
D. Chapter A: SPS
Câu 104: Country A imposes an import quota of 20,000 tone sugar priced by
auctioning. Who collects rent?
A. Country A producers
B. Country A exporters
C. Country A consumers
D. Country A Government
Câu 105: Developing countries are negligible if:
A. Volume of the dumped import smaller than 3% of total volume of import
in the importing Member
B. Injury margin is smaller than 3%
C. Dumping margin is smaller than 3%
D. Value of the dumped import smaller than 3% of total value of import in
the importing Member
Câu 106: When countries import more than they export, they have:
A. Trade surplus
B. Trade barrier
C. Trade deficit
D. Trade balance
Câu 107: MFN
A. A WTO member that reduces a tariff on imports from one WTO trading
partner is required to apply the lower tariff to imports from all others
B. A WTO member that increase a tariff on imports from one WTO trading
partner is required to raise the tariff on imports from all others WTO
C. A WTO member that reduces a tariff on imports from any trading partner
is required to apply the lower tariff to imports from all others WTO
D. A WTO member that increase a tariff on imports from any trading partner
is required to raise the tariff on imports from all others countries
Câu 108: The VN Government announced that: “Deposits of 100% of the
transaction value are required at VCS”. What kind of NTMs are that?
A. Sanitary and phytosanitary
B. Import prohibition
C. Financial measures
D. Import license
Câu 109: According ASCM: What are types of specifility?

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A. Enterprise
B. Industry
C. Regional
D. All of the above
Câu 110: Japan announced that: “substances that deplete the ozone layer are not
allowed to import for reasons of national security”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import quota
B. Government procurement
C. Import licence
D. Import prohibition
Câu 111: Country A announced that: “All imports of pharmaceutical products and
medicines must be covered by import license because of the industry of
Healths”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import prohibition
B. Import license
C. Sanitary and phytosanitary
Câu 112: Iphone is an example of
A. Production involving various country
B. Production involving China and the USA only
C. Production involving China only
D. Production involving USA only
Câu 113: Country A announced that: “Refrigerators must carry a label indicating
size, weight and level of electricity and consumption”. What kind of NTMs is?
A. Import licence
C. Sanitary and phytosanitary
D. import prohibition
Câu 114: When the tariff rate applicable to a product increases with the level of
processing. It is called?
A. Tariff escalation
B. Applied tariff
C. Tariff peak
D. Bound tariff
Câu 115: A minimum quantity that is authorized to import is:
A. Tariff rate - quota
B. Quota
C. Specific tariff
D. Price control

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Câu 116: There are 4 producers in the domestic industry, A accounts for 20% of
total production of like products, B 10%, C 13%, and the rest belong to D. The
applicant will be qualified to send an application of antidumping measure if
A. A and C support the application
B. Only C supports the application
C. B and C support the application
D. Only A supports the application
Câu 117: There are 2 exporters exporting the same product to country X.
Exporter A sells product at $100, exporter B sells product at $130, all at
ex-factory price. The same product is sold in domestic market of A and B at $110,
A. Only exporter A dumped its products
B. None of exporter dumped its products
C. Only exporter B dumped its products
D. Both exporter A and B dumped its products
Câu 118: Calculate the ratio betweenJapanese net national loss from tariff and
GDP if: tariff rate on US imported 4 - seat car is 46.75%; imported quantity
reduced by 4%; import value affected by tariff is 2.4% GDP; GDP is 13500 billion
A. 3.029 billion USD
B. 3,029 billion USD
C. 0.02%
D. 0.0002%
Câu 119: “An annual quota of 1,224 tons of pork that will only be applied for
three years where there is no restriction on the country of origin of the
product” should be put on:
A. Chapter E, Quota, seasonal, global allocation
B. Chapter E, Quota, temporary, country allocation
C. Chapter E, Quota, temporary, global allocation
D. Chapter E, Quota, seasonal, country allocation
Câu 120: Using underselling method, calculate injury margin with given data:
Price of domestic producer X, Foreign exporter Y, foreign exporter Z are 400,
385, 407 respectively
A. Exporter Y: 14.29% Exporter Z: No injury
B. Exporter Y: 12.50% Exporter Z: 7.5%
C. Exporter Y: 3.9% Exporter Z: No injury
D. Exporter Y: 14.29% Exporter Z: 8.11%
Câu 121: According to ASCM: Which subsidy is prohibited?
A. Import subsidy

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B. Private donation
C. Export subsidy
D. Private subsidy
Câu 122: Using undercutting method, calculate injury margin with given data:
price of domestic producer X, foreign exporter Y, foreign exporter Z are 330,
328, 345 respectively:
A. Exporter Y: 0.61% Exporter Z: No injury
B. Exporter Y: 10.67% Exporter Z: No injury
C. Exporter Y: 9.64% Exporter Z: 4.96%
D. Exporter Y: 10.67% Exporter Z: 5.22%
Câu 123: Calculate dumping margin with given data: CIF sale price is 450,
excluded cost of normal value, producer X, producer Y are 30, 60, 65,
A. Producer X: 6.67% Producer Y: 7.78%
B. Producer X: 15.38% Producer Y: 16.88%
C. Producer X: 7.69% Producer Y: 9.09%
D. Producer X: 16.88% Producer Y: 7.69%
Câu 124: Given information as follows: The out of producers submitting the
application, Producers expressing support for the application but not involved in
submitting it, Producers expressing opposition to the application, Producers not
expressing an opinion about the application are 40, 35, 50, 25 respectively.
Dumping submission conditions are approved if the support is:
A. 50% and 68.18%
B. 60% and 68.18%
C. 60% and 50%
D. 50% and 60%
Câu 125: According to the GATT, a tariff applied under the safeguard provision
A. Apply to all imports
B. Be permanent
C. Be no higher than 10%
D. Be temporary
Câu 126: Which legislations are involved in antidumping case?
C. All the them
D. Domestic legislation
Câu 127: 121. The out of producers submitting the application, Producers
expressing support for the application but not involved in submitting it,

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Producers expressing opposition to the application, Producers not expressing an
opinion about the application are 40, 20, 80, 25 respectively. Dumping
A. 42.86% and 36.36%, approved
B. 42.86% and 36.36%, not approved
C. 42.86% and 48%, not approved
D. 48% and 36.36%, approved
Câu 128: Government procurement allows Government to:
A. Decrease tax
B. Increase tariff
C. Favor foreign suppliers
D. Favor domestic suppliers
Câu 129: Tariff - rate quotas could be applied for:
A. More than four products with the same tariff
B. Two products with the same tariff
C. Three products with the same tariff
D. A same product with different tariff for a certain volume of imports
Câu 130: Given information as follows: Group A: 190 Group B: 220 Group C:
380 Group D: 170. Dumping submission conditions are approved if the support
A. 42.70% and 53.25%
B. 51.89% and 42.70%
C. 53.25% and 51.89%
D. None of the above
Câu 131: There are 3 products in the domestic industry. A account for 30% of
total production of the like product, B 45% and C 25%, the applicant will be
qualified to send application ao anti dumping measure if:
A. Only A supports the application
B. Only B supports the application
C. A and C support the application
D. None of the above
Câu 132: Which priority is used to determine normal value? (i) Constructed
normal value; (ii) Price in the market of the exporting country; (iii) Price at a
third country.
A. i-ii-iii
B. i-iii-ii
C. ii-i-iii
D. ii-iii-i
Câu 133: Antidumping duties:
A. Can exceed the margin of dumping in some special circumstances

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B. Cannot exceed the margin of dumping
C. Can exceed the margin of injury in some special circumstances
D. Cannot exceed the margin of injury
Câu 134: Safeguard measures are applied
A. Like products
B. Import substitution
C. Unlike products
D. Like and directly competitive or substitutable products
Câu 135: According to ASCM: Which one is NOT a component of financial
A. A private donation
B. Direct transfer of funds
C. The provision of goods and services
D. All of the above
Câu 136: Material injury is based on evidence of factors:
A. Volume of dumped imports
B. Effect of dumped imports on prices
C. Impact of dumped imports on domestic producers
D. All of the above
Câu 137: MFN principle is NOT applied for:
A. Vers
B. Anti dumping
C. Both of them are correct
D. Both of them are incorrect
Câu 138: Japan announced that: “Environmentally-friendly fishing method is
required” That means:
A. Higher cost for Vietnam exported fish
B. Lower cost for VietNam exported fish
C. This statement has no effect on Vietnam exported fish
D. This is easier to access Japanese market
Câu 139: The Vietnam Government announced that: “Deposit of 100% of the
transaction value is required at VCB”. What kind if NTMs is:
A. Import prohibition
B. Financial measures
D. Import licence
Câu 140: The US Food Safety Modernization Act 2011 regulates:
A. Food Safety
B. Food processing

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C. Food packaging
D. All of the above
Câu 141: Trade remedies can be understood in other word like:
B. Safety values
Câu 142: Calculate Russia net national loss from tariff if: Tariff rate on
Bangladesh imported clothes is 15%; imported quantity reduced by 9.4%; import
value affected by tariff is 3.3% GDP; GDP is 1.178 billion USD
A. 2,740.617 billion USD
B. 0.548 billion USD
C. 0,274 billion USD
D. 0.274 billion USD
Câu 143: When determining injury in an antidumping case, the injury is
A. Material
B. Potential
C. Actual
D. Material or potential threat to material injury
Câu 144: Calculate Japanese net national loss from tariff if: tariff rate on
Thailand imported 16 - seat car is 76.5%; imported quantity reduced by 16%;
import value affected by tariff is 2.3% GDP; GDP is 13500 billion USD.
A. 0.14%
B. 19.003 billion USD
C. 0,14%
D. 19,003billion USD
Câu 145: “Reference prices for agricultural products are based on the farm-gate
price, which is the net value of the product when it leaves the farm, after
marketing costs have been subtracted” should be put on:
A. Chapter on Measures affecting competition
B. Chapter on Finance measures
C. Chapter on Price control measures
D. Chapter on TBT
Câu 146: Calculate dumping margin with given data: CIF sale price is 350,
excluded cost of normal value, producer X, producer Y are 20, 42, 45,
A. Producer X: 6.29% Producer Y: 7.14%
B. Producer X: 13.63% Producer Y: 14.75%
C. Producer X: 7.14% Producer Y: 8.2%

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D. Producer X: 14.75% Producer Y: 7.14%
Câu 147: The factor that influences the amount of goods and services shipped
across international borders is called
A. Trade barrier
B. Trade balance
C. Trade deficit
D. Trade surplus
Câu 148: How many UN Sustainable Development Goals are there?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Câu 149: Which one is Contingent Trade- protective measures
A. Hygienic requirement
B. Labelling, marking and packing requirement
C. Safeguard measures
D. Import license
Câu 150: The reason that NTMs are needed
A. Free trade
B. Increase import
C. Health and safety of consumers choice
D. Larger market access
Câu 151: Trade remedies include…
A. Dumping and Subsidy and contingency measures
B. Escape clause, safeguard and dumping
C. Antidumping, countervailing and safeguard
D. Subsidy, safety valves
Câu 152: The definition that A system of multiple tariff rates applicable to a
same product the lower rates apply up to a certain value or volume of imports
and higher rate are charged on imports which exceed this amount is
A. Voluntary export restraint
B. tariff rate quotas
C. import quota
D. technical and product standard
Câu 153: What time is the “First golden age” of trade
A. After 1950
B. After world war I
C. After 1945
D. From 1980 until world war I

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Câu 154: Which legislation are involved in antidumping case?
C. Domestic legislation
D. All of above
Câu 155: Country a announced : An import authorization from the Ministry of
health is required for milk” What is NTMs?
C. Import quota
D. import prohibition
Câu 156: Who set maximum quantity / value
A. Government of an exporting country
B. Government of an importing country
C. Exporters from an exporting country
D. importer from an importing country
Câu 157: Quota is
A. The minimum quantity imported
B. The minimum quantity exported
C. The maxim quantity imported
D. The maxim quantity exported

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