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Original Article
Rosekeila Simões
Ana Flávia
Neutrophil‑to‑lymphocyte ratio and Carrijo Chiovato,

platelet count as prognostic factors in Beatriz Ferreira


ovarian malignancies
Rafael de
Carvalho da Silva,
Beatriz Martins
ABSTRACT Eddie Fernando
Candido Murta
Objective: The objectives of the present study were to demonstrate the influence of neutrophils, platelets, and neutrophil–lymphocyte
ratio (NLR) in the ovarian cancer prognosis and to compare these parameters with benign ovarian neoplasms. Department of
Materials and Methods: Records of patients underwent surgery for ovarian cysts were evaluated. There were 72 malignant neoplasms
Research Institute of
and 213 benign neoplasms. Age, parity, histologic type, tumor stage, type of surgery performed, chemotherapy, disease-free survival, Oncology (IPON)/
serum levels of tumor markers, neutrophils, lymphocytes, platelets, and NRL were recorded. The Mann-Whitney, the Chi-square Discipline of
test and multiple linear regression were used. A P-value < 0.05 was established as the significance level. Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Federal
Results: Higher values of platelets, neutrophils, and NLR were found in malignant tumors (P = 0.0132, P = 0.0208, and P < 0.0001,
University of
respectively), while lymphocytes values were higher in benign group (P < 0.0001). Preoperative platelet count 300,000/mm3 was Triângulo Mineiro,
related to less aggressive histological types (P = 0.0148). NLR <3 was related to the initial stages (P = 0.0053), and patients Minas Gerais
with disease-free survival >24 months had most often neutropenia during chemotherapy (P = 0.0482). After multivariate analysis, State, 1Department
platelets, NLR, and serum levels of CA15.3 were considered independent variables related to tumor staging (P = 0.028, P = 0.028, of Biochemistry,
Pharmacology and
and P = 0.035, respectively).
Physiology, Research
Conclusion: NLR and serum levels of platelets may represent potential prognostic factors in ovarian cancer, and they may also Institute of Oncology
serve as therapeutic targets in the future treatment strategies. (IPON)/Discipline
of Pharmacology,
Federal University of
Triângulo Mineiro,
KEY WORDS: Histological grade, neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio, ovarian neoplasms, platelets count, staging
Uberaba‑MG, Brazil

For correspondence:
INTRODUCTION neutrophils mediate a negative effect by Prof. Rosekeila Simões
promoting angiogenesis and immune
Research Institute of
Ovarian cancer is currently the leading cause suppression, as well as the migration, invasion, Oncology (IPON)/
of death among gynecologic cancers. An early and metastasis of tumors.[6] Thus, the presence Discipline of
diagnosis for this cancer is difficult because of tumor‑infiltrating neutrophils, neutrophilia, Gynecology and
patients present with nonspecific symptoms in the and a high neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in Obstetrics, UFTM,
Av. Getúlio Guaritá,
early stages of disease.[1] Consequently, a diagnosis the blood have been associated with poor clinical 214, Bairro Abadia,
of Stage III or IV ovarian cancer is usually made. prognosis in various human cancers, including 38025‑440
Despite improvements in surgical techniques ovarian cancer.[7,8] Uberaba‑MG, Brazil.
and the advent of new chemotherapy regimens,
the rates of survival have remained relatively Other parameter associated with tumor prognosis Submitted: 28-Mar-17
unchanged.[2] is platelet count. Preoperative thrombocytosis is Revised: 18-Aug-17
a frequent finding in cases of ovarian carcinoma, Accepted: 25-Feb-18
Recent studies have demonstrated the importance and an association between advanced cancer Published: 24-Dec-19
of a patient’s inflammatory response in combination stage and high‑grade carcinomas has been
with genetic and environmental predisposition identified, thereby suggesting that platelets may Access this article online
for carcinogenesis and cancer progression. There Website:
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
are multiple types of cells in tumors that can Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which
DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_304_17

contribute to tumor development.[3,4] In particular, allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as Quick Response Code:

endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and inflammatory appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

cells have key roles.[5] Among inflammatory cells, For reprints contact:

Cite this article as: Nomelini RS, Carrijo Chiovato AF, Abdulmassih FB, da Silva RC, Tavares-Murta BM, Murta EF. Neutrophil-
to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet count as prognostic factors in ovarian malignancies. J Can Res Ther 2019;15:1226-30.

1226 © 2018 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Nomelini, et al.: NLR and platelets in ovarian cancer


play a role in tumor growth and progression.[9,10] A shorter Data were analyzed with GraphPad Prism software 6 (La
disease‑free survival period has also been observed in Jolla, CA, USA) and SPSS software (Version 22.0. Armonk, NY:
patients with epithelial ovarian cancer and preoperative IBM Corp). Mann–Whitney test was used to compare benign
thrombocytosis.[9] and malignant groups, and Chi‑square test was used to assess
prognostic factors. Subsequently, a multivariate analysis
The identification of new markers and methods for an early was performed (multiple linear regression). A P < 0.05 was
diagnosis of ovarian cancer, as well as new prognostic factors, established as the significance level.
are needed. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to
assess and compare the platelet count and NLR in the peripheral RESULTS
blood of patients with benign versus malignant ovarian tumors
before surgery, identify possible associations between NLR Platelet counts, absolute number of neutrophils, and NLR were
and preoperative platelet count with clinical, laboratory, and higher in malignant ovarian tumors group compared with
pathological prognostic factors in cases of malignant ovarian benign ovarian tumors group (P = 0.0132, P = 0.0208, and
P < 0.0001, respectively). In contrast, absolute lymphocyte
cancer, and verify whether chemotherapy‑induced neutropenia
counts were lower in the malignant tumor patients compared
during treatment is related to disease‑free survival.
with the benign tumor patients (P < 0.0001) [Table 1].
A NLR <3 was associated with Stages I and II ovarian
tumors (P = 0.0053), thereby suggesting a better prognosis.
This retrospective study was approved by the Research
However, there were no statistically significant associations
Ethics Committee of the University. Patients who were
identified between NLR and tumor grade, histological type, or
treated at the Pelvic Mass Clinic and underwent surgery lymph node status. Regarding histological grade, platelet serum
for an ovarian cyst were evaluated. Each cyst received a levels <350,000/mm3 were found to be related to histological
confirmed pathological diagnosis of malignant (n = 72) or
benign (n = 213). The criteria for surgical treatment were Table 1: Neutrophil‑lymphocyte ratio, absolute number of
anechoic cysts with a maximum diameter of <7 cm, with neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelets in the peripheral
persistence of alteration for more than 6 months and normal blood in benign and malignant groups
tumor markers; altered tumor markers; anechoic cysts with Benign Malignant
a maximum diameter ≥7 cm; ovarian masses with solid NLR 1.9 (1.3‑2.7) 2.6* (1.9‑4.5)
contents, presence of intracystic vegetation, thick septa, 2 or Neutrophils ×103/mm3 4.3 (3.4‑5.6) 5.0+ (3.7‑6.8)
Lymphocytes ×103/mm3 2.2 (1.9‑2.8) 1.8* (1.2‑2.1)
more fine septa; bilaterality; presence of ascites; and Doppler Platelets ×103/mm3 250 (211‑300) 275+ (236‑333)
color with resistance index ≤0.4.[11,12] Laparotomy was the *P<0.0001, P<0.05 compared with the benign

approach of choice except for anechoic and small cysts. Patients group (Mann‑Whitney). Values are medians (25‑75 percentiles).
who needed chemotherapy used platinum‑based regimens. NLR=Neutrophil‑lymphocyte ratio

The inclusion criterion was the histological diagnosis of ovarian

neoplasia. Exclusion criteria were torsion of the adnexal
pedicle, secondary malignant ovarian neoplasia (metastasis),
previous antineoplastic treatment; immunosuppressive
diseases; and relapse.

Regarding histological grade, malignant neoplasms were

classified as well differentiated (Grade 1), moderately
differentiated (Grade 2), and poorly differentiated (Grade 3).
Well‑differentiated tumors and Stages I and II (FIGO) were
considered tumors of better prognosis than moderate and
poorly differentiated tumors and Stages III and IV.

For each patient, age, parity, histologic type, tumor stage, type
of surgery performed, chemotherapy, disease‑free survival, Figure 1: (a) Association between neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio and
and serum levels of tumor markers, neutrophils, lymphocytes, tumor staging (P = 0.0053). (b) Association between platelet counts
and platelets were recorded. NLR was evaluated during and histological grade (P = 0.02). (c) Association between neutropenia
chemotherapy and was also recorded. during chemotherapy and disease‑free survival (P = 0.0482)

Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - Volume 15 - Issue 6 - October-December 2019 1227
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Nomelini, et al.: NLR and platelets in ovarian cancer

Table 2: Multivariate analysis considering staging, therapeutic results have been achieved when neutrophil counts
histological grade, and lower neutrophil value during are high.[7] High preoperative and postoperative NLRs have also
chemotherapy treatment
been associated with advanced stage tumors and suboptimal
Variable P surgeries, respectively.[24] For patients with ovarian cancer, high
Staging Histological grade preoperative values of NRL have been associated with a worse
Age 0.359 0.859 response to platinum‑based, first‑line chemotherapy, and poor
Platelets 0.028 0.141 clinical outcome.[25] NRL has also been related to advanced FIGO
NLR 0.028 0.568
CA‑125 0.322 0.951
stage, higher CA‑125 serum levels, more extensive ascites, less
CA‑15.3 0.035 0.241 chemotherapeutic response,[26] and shorter overall survival
CA‑19.9 0.274 0.305 and disease‑free survival.[8] CA‑125 positively correlates with
Multivariate analysis (multiple linear regression). NLR=Neutrophil‑lymphocyte neutrophil count and inversely correlates with lymphocyte
count, thereby suggesting that tumors secrete CA‑125 and
neutrophilic growth factors.[27] These data are in agreement
Grade 1 (P = 0.02). An analysis of the absolute number of with our study, in which NLR <3 was associated with Stages
neutrophils present in patients undergoing chemotherapy I and II ovarian tumors. Multivariate analysis demonstrated
demonstrated that the incidence of neutropenia during that NLR is directly related to staging.
treatment was related to disease‑free survival. In particular,
patients with a disease‑free survival period longer than One of the parameters associated with tumor prognosis is
24 months more frequently developed neutropenia (a neutrophil platelet count and preoperative thrombocytosis frequently
count <1200/mm3) during chemotherapy (P = 0.0482) [Figure 1]. presents in cases of ovarian carcinoma. For patients with
advanced epithelial ovarian cancer, an association between
Subsequently, multivariate analysis (multiple linear regression) advanced tumor stage and poor prognostic factors of survival
was performed. Platelets, NLR, and serum levels of CA15.3 have been observed.[9,15,28] A high platelet count at the time of
were considered independent variables related to tumor debulking surgery has also been associated with suboptimal
staging (P = 0.028, P = 0.028, and P = 0.035, respectively). resection and a shorter overall survival period.[29] This can
Regarding the histological grade, no significant association be explained by the direct proliferative effect of platelets on
was found [Table 2]. cancer cells that have been observed both in vivo and in vitro,
thereby suggesting that patients with ovarian cancer and
DISCUSSION thrombocytosis have high rates of tumor proliferation compared
with patients with normal platelet counts.[30] In the present
An inflammatory response can lead to an increase in study, circulating platelet levels <3,50,000 platelets/mm3 were
neutrophil levels and a reduction in lymphocyte levels.[13] For associated with well‑differentiated tumors, and this would
ovarian tumors, platelet count may be higher in malignant suggest a better prognosis. In multivariate analysis, absolute
tumors compared with benign tumors.[14‑16] In a study that platelet value was directly related to staging.
evaluated the association between preoperative NLR and
histopathologically diagnosed adnexal tumors, higher Conventionally, neutropenia is considered a side effect
NLR values predicted ovarian cancer with a cutoff value of chemotherapy that should be avoided. Moreover,
of 3.35 (sensitivity 55% and specificity 81%).[17] The NLR, chemotherapy‑induced neutropenia has been associated with
platelet–lymphocyte ratio, and neutrophil, CA‑125, and platelet prognosis in various types of cancer.[31‑35] In a meta‑analysis,
values were higher in the malignant neoplasms compared with chemotherapy‑induced neutropenia or leukopenia was found
the benign tumors, whereas lymphocyte values were lower in to be related to improved survival in patients with advanced
cases of ovarian cancer.[18] One study demonstrated that the cancer or hematological malignancies.[36] However, in another
association of thrombocytosis with CA‑125 levels improves study, no relationship between chemotherapy‑induced
specificity and positive predictive value in the diagnosis of neutropenia and prognosis in ovarian cancer was observed.[37]
malignant adnexal tumors.[16] In the present study, NLR and In the present study, patients with a disease‑free survival
absolute neutrophil counts were higher, while the absolute period longer than 24 months more frequently developed
number of lymphocytes was lower, in the cases of ovarian neutropenia during chemotherapy.
cancer that were examined. There is visible strong need of
more numerous study groups for analyzes the role of NLR in The discovery of new prognostic factors in ovarian cancer
the differentiation between benign and malignant neoplasms. may lead to better treatment. Thus, more aggressive
adjuvant treatments may be performed in patients with
Blood count parameters have been linked to the prognosis worse prognostic factors. In addition, the blood count is an
for both malignant and borderline ovarian tumors.[19‑23] For inexpensive and affordable test.
tumor‑infiltrating neutrophils, elevated blood neutrophils
and a high NLR have been associated with a worse prognosis The main limitation of the study is the small amount of patients.
for several types of malignancies. In addition, less effective Further studies with a larger sample are needed to better

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