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What is Philippine Literature?

-It refers to the body of literary works produced by Filipino writers, both in the Philippines and abroad. It
encompasses various genres, including poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction. Philippine literature
reflects the country's rich cultural heritage, history, and social issues.

There are different periods in Philippine literature, each characterized by distinct themes and styles.
Some notable periods include:

1. Pre-colonial period: This period covers the literature produced before the arrival of the Spanish in the
16th century. It includes oral literature, such as epics, folktales, and proverbs.

2. Spanish colonial period: The Spanish colonization greatly influenced Philippine literature. This period
saw the emergence of written works in Spanish, including religious texts, poetry, and dramas.

3. American period: With the American occupation in the early 20th century, English became more
prevalent in Philippine literature. Writers during this period tackled themes of nationalism, social issues,
and political struggles.

4. Contemporary period: This period encompasses the post-independence era up to the present day.
Filipino writers continue to produce literature in various languages, including Filipino, English, and
regional languages.

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