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A320 study guide CAPT NAIF ALHARTHI 28 june 2011 * IR supplies : ~ heading, > attitude, = angular rates, - flight path vector, ~ track, = accelerations, = ground speed = aircraft position, ADR supplies : ~ barometric altitude, ~ airspeed, mach, - angle of attack, - temperature and - overspeed warnings, ON BAT LIGHT - The aircraft batteries are powering one or more ADIRU. ~ When power is lost, ADIRU’s 2 & 3 will remain ON BAT for 5 minutes, to retain alignment data while generator power can be restored, ADIRU 1 or whichever unit the captain has selected will remain ON BAT until generator power is restored. - The ON BAT light also comes on for 5 seconds at the beginning of a complete IRS alignment. = Its does not come on in the case of a fast alignment. IR PIB OFF : Inertial data output disconnected. FAULT light : This amber light comes on with an ECAM caution when a fault affects the respective IR. Steady : the respective IR is lost. Flashing : the attitude and heading information may be recovered in \TT mode. NAV SELECTOR OFF : The ADIRU is not energized. ADR and IR data are not available. NAV : Normal position for alignment and navigation. Full alignment requires 7-10 minutes. Fast alignments take 3 minutes, A fast alignment may be accomplished only if the IR”s have been previously aligned. Fast alignment is ‘accomplished by selecting each IR to OFF then ON within 5 seconds and entering a new present position. ATT : IR mode supplying only attitude and heading information if the system loses its ability to navigate. The heading must be entered through the MCDU and has to be reset frequently (about every 10 minutes). ADR P/B OFF Air data output disconnected. FAULT: This amber light comes on with an ECAM caution if a fault is detected light in the air data reference system. capt naif alharthi FLT CTL ELAC 1 SEC 1 FAULT FAULT OFF OFF FLT CTL P/B ON corresponding computer is active . OFF corresponding computer is not active . selecting OFF for 10 sec then on resets computer. FAULT failure of a computer is detected . Extinguishes when OFF is selected . Note: ELAC FAULT is normally displayed for 8 sec after initial power up (power up test) or power interruption . nes tan], ! He -SPD-BRK— —SPD-BRK ——@-seLR — ——@0-sPLR—, ROL ——— 123567 e](v][e)[y)[e)e. an! 6 |B 12 mK BB 112°” se B] sFce 1 THS HYDRALLIC srec 2[¥ MOTORS SATS G | sece 2 fot seec 1[ 6] (je) 1Rv Lim ‘YAW DAWPER B ‘ACTUATOR. * 6 FAC 2 Y fee i AE ym mot era cae ene wri B][¥] indicates the hydraut power source (green, blue, or yellow) ‘for each servo control. capt naif alharthi 2ELAC: control the elevator ,aileron and stabilizer . 3 SEC: control spoilers , standby elevator and stab. — Normal pitch and roll — Alternate pitch — Direct pitch and roll — Abnormal attitude — Normal roll (by controlling the spoilers) — Speedbrakes and ground spoilers — Alternate pitch (SEC 1 and SEC 2 only) — Direct pitch (SEC 1 and SEC 2 only) — Aileron droop — Acquisition of autopilot orders. — Direct roll — Abnormal attitude. 2FAC: 4. Yaw function — Yaw damping and turn coordination — Rudder trim — Rudder travel limitation 2. Flight envelope function — PFD speed scale management » Minimunr/maximum speed » Maneuvering speed computation — Alpha-floor protection 3. Low-Energy Warning function 4- Windshear detection function FLIGHT : NORMAL LAW FLIGHT : LATERAL MODE : PTICH: LOAD FACTOR DEMAND + AUTO TRIM + 4 PROTECTIONS :| coMBINATION OF AILERON , SPOILER, RUDDER 1+ LOAD FACTOR PROT: --- THS limited up to 3.5° ND . 2.5G TO -1G CLEAN CONFIG 2G TO 0G OTHR CONFIG. 2-PITCH ATT: 25° NOSE UP IN FULL CONFIG 30° NOSE UP IN OTHER CONFI 45° NOSE DOWN. 3- HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK : IF ANGLE > & PROT — THS limited up to 3.6° ND. (0.MAX GAN NOT BE EXCEEDED . WHEN SIDESTICK RELEASED IT RETURN TO ©. PROT. AP DISCONNECT AT 0. PROT +1’. (FLOOR IS ACTIVATED IFO.>cFLOOR . 4- HIGH SPEED PROT : --- THS limited up to11° NU SPEED ABOVE VMO/MMO . i AUTO TRIM IS LIMETED- MAX BANK ANGLE 40°. NOSE UP ORDER. AP DISCONNECT. 75 KNTS ELEV MAX DEV FROM 30° TO 20° CHANGES FROMGNDTOFLT PITCH:5SECAFTERPITCHATT>8 LATERAL:0.5 SEC AFTER PITCH ATT > 8 ROLL RATE PROPORTIONAL TO SIDESTICK. BANK ANGLE PROTECTION: WHEN BANK ANGLE ABOVE 33°. -NO AUTO TRIM. z - BANK > 33 THEN RELEASED RETURN TO 33. - MAX BANK 67 ° - IF AOA PROT ACTIVE --MAX BANK 45 5 - IF HIGH SPEED PRO ACTIVE - MAX BANK 40, ‘AFTER LNG ‘STAB RESET TO ZERO IF PITCH < 2.5° > GND: PITCH : DIRECT RELATION FLARE MODE START AT 50 FEET NO AUTO TRIM MEMORIZE ATT. LATERAL: DIRECT AT 30" PITCH IS REDUCED TO AIL AND SPOILERS REACH 2 DEG ND IN8 SEC ROLL ELEVATOR STABILIZER | RUDDER 2SERVOJACK| 4 SPOILERS | 2 SERVOJACK 2 HYD motors 3 SERVOJAC 1AIL+ SEC1-2 ELAG 2,1,SEC2,1 3ELEC motors | ELAC calculate and ELAC1-2 | IF FAIL 3 MODE : ELAC 2,1 SEC 2,1 | send order to FAC. IF FAIL RETRACT activedamping,centering | MAX 13.5° NU, 4°ND | MAX 3.4 AT SPEED 380 DAMPING | MAX 35° NO ELEC—BOTH CENTRING MAX 25 AT SPEED 160 MAX 25° GND SPLR 50° | NO HYD ---BOTH DAMPING if both FAC failed , max MAX 30° NU, 15°ND deflection avail with slat capt naif alharthi 4-LOAD FACTOR 2-LOW SPEED STABILITY : when 10 KNTS ABOVE STALL SPEED: a-NOSE DOWN SIGNAL. b-CONSTANT AOA. c-STALL WARNING. 3-HIGH SPEED STABILITY: WHEN SPEED > VMO/MMO a-NOSE UP. b-AURAL WARNING (OVERSPEED). ROLL: DIRECT LAW - NO BANK ANGLE PROTECTION. YAW: YAW DAMPER ONLY. WILL BE DEGRADED TO DIRECT LAW WHEN SELECTING L/G DOWN PROTECTIONS ALTERNATE LA\ W/O REDUCED PROTECTION ONLY LOAD FACTOR AVAILABLE + STALL AND OVERSPEED WARNING MOST LIKELY WHEN SELECTING L/G WITH ALTERNATE LAW. PICH ; DIRECT RELATION VARIES WITH CG. ROLL: DIRECT RELATION VARIES WITH CONFIG. YAW : MECHANICAL - NO PROTECTION - NO AUTO TRIM - NO YAW DAMPING -NO TURN COORDINATOR ‘STALL AND OVERSPEED WARNING AVAILABLE . DIRECT LAW WHEN COMPLETE LOSS OF ELECTRICAL POWR. PITCH :MANUAL TRIM TO THS: LATERAL :MECHANICAL WITH RUDDER PEDALS . MECHANICAL (BACKUP) ABNORMAL ATT LAWS PITCH : ALTERNATE LAW WIO PROTECTION (ONLY LOAD FACTOR) ROLL :DIRECT LAW. AFTER RECOVERY AUTO TRIM REGAINED . THIS MODE LAST UNTIL LND. The ailerons extend 5° down when the flaps are extended (aileron droop). capt naif alharthi EMER ELEC PWR ae Suns EMER GEN TEST pb (guarded) normally performed by maintenance .test the emergency GEN wio deploying the RAT. Pressed and held : If AC NORMAL BUSES are supplied : — The EMER GEN is driven hydraulically if the blue electric pump is running. The AC ESS BUS and the DC ESS BUS are connected to the emergency generator. (The DC ESS SHED and AC ESS SHED buses are not powered.) — ECAM displays the ELEC page automatically (only on the ground). + If only the batteries supply the aircraft — The static inverter powers the AC ESS BUS. o4c> GEN 1 LINE pb sw OFF + GEN 1 line contactor opens. The AC BUS 1 channel is supplied from GEN 2 through bus tie contactors. This is used for smoked drill. #1 fuel pump in each wing tank is powered from the GEN1 feeder. SMOKE It : smoke detected in the avionics ventulation duct comes on with ECAM warning and FAULT litin the BLOWER and EXTRACT P/B RAT/EMER GEN AUTO : When the following conditions are met : 4- AC BUS 1 and 2 is not electrically supplied. 2- nose landing gear up. 3- Aircraft speed is greater than 100 knots. — The RAT extends. — The blue hydraulic system drives the emergency generator. — the emergency generator is connected to the aircraft network RAT GEN POWER: 1-ACESSBUS. 2-ACSHEDESS 3- DC ESS BUS. 4-DC SHED ESS: 5-ESS TR Pressed : This selects manual RAT extension. Emergency generator coupling occurs 3 seconds after the RAT is supplying the emergency generator. FAULT It This light comes on red if the emergency generator is not supplying power when AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are not powered. comes on also during the 8 second extraction capt naif alharhi GPWS GIS MODE FLAP MODE LOG FLAPS GPWS MODES : from 10 ft to 2450 ft. xcessive descent rate —+» sink rate excessive terrain closure —» terrain terrain . Ititude loss after 0 | —» Dontsink . insafe terrain clearance —» Too low flap ,, too low gear. xcessive GS deviation —» Glideslope. + PREDICTIVE FUNCTIONS (EGPWS) : based on a worldwide terrain database and climb performance capability of when the predictive functions are operative , MODE2 EGPWS display is not available in either plan mode or while WX radar is displayed TERR pushbutton OFF FAULT light Inhibits the predictive modes of the GPWS. : This amber light comes on, along with an ECAM caution, if the predictive modes fail. The terrain is not shown on the ND. The basic GPWS mode 1 to mode 5 are still operative SYS pushbutton OFF : All basic GPWS alerts (Mode 1 to 5) are inhibited. If OFF is selected, the ECAM caution NAV GPWS FAULT is displayed FAULT light : This amber light comes on, along with an ECAM caution, if the basic GPWS mode 1 to 5 malfunction. Note : If ILS 1 fails, only mode 5 is inhibited. Consequently, the FAULT light does not come on, and the GPWS FAULT warning is not triggered. G/S MODE pushbutton OFF : Glideslope mode (mode 5) is inhibited. FLAP MODE pushbutton OFF : Flap mode (“TOO LOW FLAPS” mode 4) is inhibited. (To avoid nuisance warning in case of landing with flaps setting reduced). LOG FLAP 3 pushbutton ON : Flap mode is inhibited when FLAPS CONF 3 is selected (to avoid nuisance warning in case of landing in CONF 3). In this case, LDG MEMO displays “FLAPS...3” instead of “CONF..FULL". CAPT NAIF ALHARTHI RCDR QD GND CTL CVR ERASE CVR TEST A °° ly ON | 7 ———— GND CTL pushbutton (s; loaded) —ON CVRand DFOR are energized . The ON light is on. The ON light will extinguish after engine start — AUTO The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and DFDR are energized automatically — on the ground during the first 5 minutes after the aircraft electrical network is energized — on the ground with one engine running — in flight On the ground, it is stopped automatically 5 minutes after the last engine shutdown. The system automatically switches from ON to AUTO at the first engine start, and also in case of an electrical transient. CVR ERASE pushbutton : Pressed for 2 seconds This completely erases the tape, if : — The aircraft is on the ground, and — The parking brake is on. CVR TEST pushbutton : Pressed and held This activates the test, if the CVR is on (the GND CTL pushbutton pressed, or during the first 5 minutes after energization of the aircraft electrical network), and the parking brake is on. A low freq tone is heared if a headset is plugged in . (CVR) records : direct conversations between crew members in the cockpit — all aural wamiings sounded in the cockpit communications received and transmitted by radio — intercommunication conversations between crew members — announcements transmitted over the passenger address system, if PA reception is selected on the third audio control panel. Only the last 2 hours of recording are retained. The Flight Data Recording System (DFDR) which records the mandatory parameters The DFDR can store the last 25 hours capt naif alharthi o4e> MASK MAN ON pushbutton The guard keeps this button in the AUTO position. AUTO: The mask doors open automatically, when the cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft (+250 , -750 ft ) and a pre-recorded message plays in the cabin The mask receives pure oxygen under positive pressure for about 22 minutes, until the generator is exhausted. Pressed : The mask doors open. PASSENGER SYS ON light This light comes on in white, when the control for the oxygen mask doors is activated, and it remains on until the TMR RESET pushbutton is pressed ( maintenance panel). CREW SUPPLY pushbutton This pushbutton controls the solenoid valve. On: The valve is open, and supplies low pressure oxygen to the masks (normal position in flight). F : The valve is closed, and the white light comes on. [An amber half frame appears, on ECAM DOOR page when oxygen pressure is < 1000 psi. CALLS 26068 MECH pb Pressed (and held) : COCKPIT CALL lights up blue on the external power panel in the nose L/G bay. An extemal hom sounds. Released : COCKPIT CALL remains lighted. The ground mechanic can extinguish it by pressing the RESET button on the external power panel, The external horn stops sounding. EWD/AFT pushbutton When pressed, the following aural and visual alerts will trigger in the cabin : — Two lights come on in pink on the FWD or AFT area call panel, as applicable, — On the Attendant Indication Panel (AIP), the “CAPTAIN CALL” message appears and a light comes on in green. — A high-low chime sounds in the FWD or AFT section of the cabin, as applicable. capt naif alharthi ALL pushbutton When pressed, all the stations simultaneously respond, as indicated above. EMER pushbutton-switch (quarded) When pressed, the following aural and visual alerts will trigger in the cabin : — Two pink lights flash on all area call panels. — The “EMERGENCY CALL” message appears on all APs. — A high-low chime sounds three times, on all of the loudspeakers. Also, on the cockpit CALLS panel, the ON light flashes in white and the CALL light flashes in amber. If the cabin handset has an EMER CALL key, the following aural and visual alerts will trigger in the cockpit, when an emergency call is made from the cabin to the cockpit : — On the EMER pb-sw : The ON light flashes in white, and the CALL light flashes in amber. — The ATT lights will lash on all Audio Control Panels (ACPs). — Three buzzers will sound consecutively (for approx. three seconds each). The cabin call system will reset, when the cabin crewmember hangs up the handset. RAIN RPLNT WIPER WIPER RAIN RPUNT WIPER rotary selector Each rotary selector controls its wiper at low or high speed. When turned off, the wiper stops out of view. MAX SPEED TO OPERATE : 230 KTS RAIN RPLNT pushbuttons Each of these buttons controls the application of rain repellent fluid to the corresponding side of the front windshield When the flight crew pushes the button, the timer applies a measured quantity of rain repellent to the windshield, To repeat the cycle, the flight crew must push the button again. This function is inhibited when the aircraft is on the ground and the engines are stopped. capt naif alharthi ENG 1 (2) FIRE pb This pushbutton’s normal position is in, and guarded. The pilot pushes it to release it. It pops out, sending an electrical signal that performs the following for the corresponding engine : 4 — Silences the aural fire warning 2 — Amms the fire extinguisher squibs 3 — Closes the low-pressure fuel valve 4 — Closes the hydraulic fire shut off valve 5 — Closes the engine bleed valve 6 — Closes the pack flow control valve 7 — Cuts off the FADEC power supply 8 — Deactivates the IDG ENG 1 (2) FIRE LIGHT This red light comes on, regardless of the pushbutton’s position, whenever the fire warning for the corresponding engine is activated, with an inoperative loop, the system will reconfigure to a single loop operation. Losing both loops within 5 sec will cause a FIRE warning. 2 gas detection loops A and B located in pylon , fan and core sections. 2 extinguisher bottles for each ENG AGENT 1 and AGENT 2 pb Both of these buttons become active when the flight crew pops the ENG FIRE button for their engine. A brief push on the button discharges the corresponding fire bottle, — “SQUIB” lights up white when the flight crew pops the ENG FIRE button for its engine to help the flight crew identify the AGENT pushbutton to be activated, —“DISCH" lights up amber when its fire extinguisher bottle has lost pressure, TEST pb This button permits the flight crew to test the operation of the fire detection and extinguishing system. — When the flight crew presses it : 1 — A continuous repetitive chime sounds. 2 2 MASTER WARN lights flash. 3 — ENG FIRE warning appears on ECAM. 4 ENG FIRE pushbutton lights up red. 5 - SQUIB lights come on white if discharge supplies are available, 6 — DISCH lights come on amber. 7 - The FIRE lights come on red (pedestal) with BAT power only : 1 — ENG FIRE pushbutton lights up red. 2 - SQUIB lights come on white if discharge supplies are available. 3 - The FIRE lights come on red (pedestal) 4 - DISCH lights come on amber. capt naif alharthi APU FIRE PUSH oO SQUB DISCH |] AGENT APU FIRE pb sw This switch’s normal position is in and guarded The pilot pushes it to release it. It pops out, sending an electrical signal that perfo the following for the APU : 11— shuts down the APU 2— silences the aural warning 3— arms the squib on the APU fire extinguisher 4— closes the low-pressure fuel valve 5— shuts off the APU fuel pump 6 — closes the APU bleed valve and 7— closes the X bleed valve 8 — deactivates the APU generator The red APU FIRE light comes when the APU fire warning is activated, regardless of position of the pushbutton, ‘on the ground APU will automatically shutdown and discharge the fire bottle in 10 sec — 2 gas loops — one extinguisher bottle Oe AGENT pb This button becomes active when the pilot pops the APU FIRE button. The flight crew presses it briefly to discharge the fire bottle. — SQUIB lights up white when the pilot pops the APU FIRE button, — DISCH lights up amber on when the fire extinguisher bottle has lost pressure. Note : A red disk, which is outside at the rear of the fuselage, signals that the agent is not discharged overboard due to bottle overpressure. TEST pb This button permits the flight crew to test the operation of the fire detection and extinguishing system for the APU. — When the flight crew presses it : 4— A continuous repetitive chime sounds. 2— 2 MASTER WARN lights flash 3— APU FIRE warning appears on ECAM. |~ The APU FIRE pushbutton lights up red. 4— The APU FIRE pushbutton lights up red. |— The SQUIB light comes on white, 5— The SQUIB light comes on white. — Discharge light 6— The DISCH light comes on amber. with BAT power only Note : The automatic shutdown of the APU on the ground will not occur ~~" while the flight crew is performing this test. * The test in maintinance panel will shutdown it capt naif alharthi GREEN SYSTEM BLUE SYSTEM YELLOW SYSTEM ENG PUMP ELECTRIC PUMP ENG PUMP. PTU RAT ELECTRIC PUMP. PTU HAND PUMP Normal pressure 3000 + 200 psi ENG 1 (2) PUMP pb On OFF : The pump pressurizes the system when the engine is running. : The pump is depressurized. The generation of hydraulic power stops. FAULT It : This amber light comes on, and the ECAM caution appears, if — The reservoir level is low (2.4-3.5 tt) — The reservoir overheats (88-92 c). — The reservoir air pressure is low (22-25psi) — The pump pressure is low (inhibited on the ground, when the engine is stopped). (1750-2200 psi ) This light goes out, when the crew selects OFF, except during an overheat. (The light stays on as long as the overheat lasts). RAT MAN ON pb The flight crew may extend the RAT at any time by pressing the RAT MAN ON pushbutton. provides 2500 psi to the blue hyd sys. in this case no GEN Note : The RAT extends automatically if AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are lost , Speed > 100 kts and nose L/G up . BLUE ELEC PUMP pb (ac bus #1) AUTO OFF : IFAC power is available, the electric pump operates : — In flight = On the ground, if one engine is running — if the crew has pressed the BLUE PUMP OVRD pushbutton on the maintenance panel. : The pump is de-energized. FAULT It : This amber light comes on, and a caution appears on the ECAM, if : — The reservoir level is low ( tr — The reservoir overheats (86-39 «) — The air pressure in the reservoir is low (22-25psi — The pump is delivering low pressure (inhibited on the ground, when the engines are stopped) 1450-1759psi) — The pump overheats. The light goes out, when the crew selects OFF, except during an overheat. (The light stays on as long as the overheat lasts), capt naif alharth o<= PTU pb sw AUTO OFF FAULT It : The bidirectional power transfer unit is armed and both the yellow and the green electrohydraulic valves are open, The power transfer unit runs automatically when the differential pressure between the green and yellow systems is more than 500 PSI. Note: The PTU is automatically tested during the second engine start. : Both the green and the yellow PTU electrohydraulic valves close. Power transfer stops. This amber light comes on, and a caution appears on the ECAM, if : — the green or the yellow reservoir overheats — the green or the yellow reservoir has low air pressure — the green or the yellow reservoir has a low filuid level. The light goes out when the crew selects OFF, except during an overheat. (The light stays on as long as the overheat lasts). The PTU is inhibited on ground, 1-for cargo door operation. Until 40 sec after door ops. 2- during the first engine start 3- PTU PIB is off. 4- On GND and one ENG is runing and *Parking brake is on OR *NWS deactivation pin installed YELLOW ELEC PUMP pb sw (springloaded) (ac bus #2) ON : The electric pump is ON, If the electrical power supply is removed, the pump will remain off when electrical power is applied again. Off : The pump is off. It comes on automatically when a crewman sets the lever of the cargo door manual selector valve to OPEN or CLOSE. This inhibits the operation of other yellow system functions (except alternate braking and engine 2 reverse). FAULT It : This amber light, accompanied by an ECAM caution, comes on if : — the reservoir level is low (2.4-3.6 itr). — air pressure in the reservoir is low (22-25psi). — the reservoir overheats (28-93 c), — pump pressure is low (1450-1750psip. — the pump overheats. The light goes out when the crew selects OFF, except during an overheat. (The light stays on as long as the overheat lasts). PRIORITY VALVES Priority valves cut off hydraulic power to heavy load users if hydraulic pressure in a system gets low. capt nat ainarnt rmen ENG 1 apy _X FEED NG 2 OPEN ACT ON. jt Kh AD ia a woe set AP 2 q te BS 7 FO] 0 aur | le [Feuer FAULT | |] FAULT In normal operation each engine is supplied by one pump in the center tank or two pumps in its own side wing tank. All wing tank pumps remain on throughout the flight. They are fitted with pressure relief sequence valves which ensure that, when all pumps are running, the center tank pumps will deliver fuel preferentially, L(R) TK PUMPS 1(2) pushbutton On = Pump is on but fuel feeds only when center tank pumps delivery pressure drops below threshold. OFF : Pump is OFF, and the OFF button comes on white. FAULT light : Amber light, and ECAM caution, comes on, when the delivery pressure drops. It does not come on when OFF is selected. ACT pushbutton (additional center tank) AUTO _: Control of the ACT << transfer is automatic. from ACT to CTR tank via pressurization of the tank. — The automatic forward transfer occurs, if : The aircraft is in flight, and - The slats are retracted, and - The ACT low-level sensor is wet, and - The center tank hightevel sensor has been dry for at least 10 minutes. — The automatic forward transfer stops, as soon as one of the above conditions is not met. FWD. : The manual transfer to the center tank is initiated by opening : — The ACT transfer valve — The ACT inlet valve. The ACT transfer pump is then commanded on. FAULT light: Amber light and associated ECAM caution come on, when : — The center tank has less than 3000 kg of fuel, and the ACT {has more than 250 kg of fuel, and — The ACT pushbutton is on AUTO, MODE SEL pushbutton AUTO + Control of center tank pumps is automatic. - They run at engine start and in the following 2 min regardless of slat pos. « Before or after the engine start sequence, the pumps run if the slats are retracted, - They stop automatically : — 5 minutes after center tank low level is reached. — when inner tank overfill from fuel returned from IDG cooling sys, untill 500 kg is burned from inner tank. MAN + Flight crew manually controls the center tank pumps with the center tank pumps’ pushbutton. FAULT light : center tank has more than 250 kg of fuel and the left or right wing tank has less than 5000 kg capt naif alharthi On : Pump runs, if MAN mode is selected on the MODE SEL pushbutton. + Pump is automatically controlled when AUTO mode is selected. There is no gravity feeding from center tank. Left pump feeds left ENG , right pump feeds right ENG . OFF : Pump is OFF and OFF button comes on white. FAULT light : Amber light and associated ECAM caution come on, when the pump is in operation and the delivery pressure drops. X FEED pushbutton Off : The valve closes, and the pushbutton does not come on. ON : The valve opens, and the ON pushbutton comes on in white, OPEN light : This green light comes on, when the valve is fully open. ouren | INNER | CENTER | cy TOTAL WITH TANKS | TANKS | TANK NNO ACT aa (KG) cou] ss7axz[ 6476 zaig[ 19004 [ 21359 fuel feed sequence: 1- CTR and if installed ACT (transfers to center tank), 2- INN , down to 750 kg, '3- OUTER tank ( transfers to inn) via transfer valves FUEL RECIRCULATION fuel goes from HP line (ENG) to cool IDG then back to outer tank fuel then overflow to inner tank through a spill pipe. and when overfil, CTR pump goes OFF and inner will feed the ENG by 500 kg then back to CTR tank. (controlled by FADEC) . Fuel recirculation to the tank is inhibited (FVR closed) in the following cases : — at engine shutdown — during takeoff and climb — wing tank level is below about 300 kg — there is fuel overflow in the surge tank — uel feed is by gravity only. —when fuel temperature in the wing tank in flight is above 52.5°C special pump feed APU start if fuel press low. refueling to CTR tank and outer tank only when outer tank is full, fuel overflows to inner through a spill pipe |Gravity refueling can be done throgh points on top of the wings. MAX FUEL TEMP A1 = +54C MIN FUEL TEMP A1 =~ 43C -When open, the intercell transfer valves will stay open until the next refuel operation, when they will be closed by 2 signal from the FQIC. = During 2 refuel using battery power, the intercell transfer valves are not energized and will not operate. If the intercell valves are in the open position, they will not close and it is not possible to refuel to maximum capacity. During a refuel using APU or External power the intercell transfer valves are energized and it is possible to refuel to maximum capacity. capt naif alharthi BAT 1 ea 2 BAT 2 C Teas TCI 49, possseceo [ 268 | Feteerd | ens. ; ESE L te " | i ms aif a Sa po FAULT jo ‘AVAL FAULT FAULT ID OF Tox] OF Cc BAT 1(2) ind. Shows battery voltage in white, Controls the operation of the corresponding battery charge limiter. ‘Auto : The battery charge limiter controls automatically the connection and the disconnection of the corresponding battery to the DC BAT BUS by closing and opening of the battery line contactor. OFF FAULT It — The batteries are connected to the DC BAT BUS in the following cases : 1- APU starting (MASTER SW at ON and N < 95%). Note ; The connection is limited to 3 minutes when the emergency generator is running. 2- Battery voltage below 26.5 V (battery charge). The charging cycle ends when battery charg = on ground, immi — in flight, after a time delay of 30 minutes. 3+ Loss of AC BUS 1 and 2 when below 100 knots (EMER GEN not supplying). — If AC BUS 1 and 2 are not energized and emergency generator is not ‘supplying : - battery 1 supplies the AC STAT INV BUS, and, if speed is greater than 50 kt, the AC ESS BUS. battery 2 supplies the DC ESS BUS. Note : Note : open. In normal configuration the batteries are disconnected most of the time. A battery automatic cut-off logic prevents the batteries from discharging completely when the aircraft is on the ground (parking). Automatic battery contactors open when : — The aircraft is on the ground. — The BAT pushbutton switches are at AUTO. — The main power supply (EXT PWR + GEN) is cut off. = Battery voltage is low. The flight crew can reset the contactors by switching the BAT pushbutton switch to OFF then to AUTO. : The battery charge limiter is not operating : the battery line contactor is OFF comes on white if the DC BAT BUS is supplied. Hot buses remain supplied. : Comes on amber, accompanied by an ECAM caution, when the charging current for the corresponding battery is outside limits. In this case the battery contactor opens, capt naif alharthi powered by BAT when all GEN off : 1- HOT BAT BUS. \2- STAT INV. 3- if speed>50 —AC ESS. |4- DC ESS. 5- if speed <100 DC BAT. lwith any GEN on , BAT will be connected to| -HOT BAT BUS (all the time) 2-DC BAT BUS if: a-apu start. b-BAT voltage <26.5 for charging. c-loss of AC 1and 2 and speed < 100. GALY & CAB pushbutton AUTO: Main galley, secondary galley buses are powered. The main galley are automatically shed — In flight ; when only one generator is operating. — On the ground : when only one engine generator is operating. (All galleys are available when the APU GEN or EXT PWR is supplying power.) OFF —_; The main galley, secondary galley, in-seat power supply << and the IFE system <1 are not supplied. FAULT It : The amber light, and ECAM caution come on, when the load on any generator is more than 100 % of rated output. IDG 1 (2) (Integrated Drive Generator) pb sw (guarded The IDG switches are normally springloaded out. Pressing this switch disconnects the IDG from its driveshaft : only maintenance personnel can reconnect it. FAULT It: Lights up amber, and ECAM caution comes on, i — IDG oil outlet overheats (above 185°C), or — IDG oil pressure is low (inhibited at low engine speed : N2 below 14 %) It extinguishes when the IDG is disconnected. GEN 1 (2) pb sw ON : The generator field is energized and the line contactor closes if electrical parameters are normal. OFF —_: The generator field is de-energized and the line contactors opens. The fault circuit is reset. FAULT It : Lights up amber, and an ECAM caution comes on, if : — The associated generator control unit (GCU) trips it. Note ; if a differential fault trips the protection, reset action has no effect after two attempts. — Opening of the line contactor (except if the GEN pushbutton switch is selected OFF) APU GEN pb sw ON: The APU generator field is energized and the line contactor closes if parameters are normal and the EXT PWR line contactor is open. The bus tie contactor 1 (2) closes automatically if GEN 1 (2) is not operating OFF ——_: The generator field is de-energized and the line contactor opens. The fault circuit is reset. FAULT It : Same as GEN 1 or 2 FAULT The APU GEN FAULT light is inhibited when APU speed is too low or if the APU GEN line contactor opens after EXT PWR or ENG GEN takes over. capt naif alharthi BUS TIE pushbutton AUTO: The bus tie contactors (BTCs) automatically open or close to maintain power supply to both AC BUS 1 and 2. — One contactor is closed, when : One engine generator supplies the associated AC BUS, and The APU generator, or external power supplies the other side. — Both contactors are closed during single-engine operation, or operation on the APU generator, or external power supply. OFF: Both bus tie contactors open. AC ESS FEED pushbutton NORMAL: The AC ESS BUS is normally supplied by AC BUS 1. It is automatically supplied by AC BUS 2, when AC BUS 1 is lost. ALTN —: Comes on when manually selected. The AC ESS BUS is supplied by AC BUS 2. FAULT It : The amber light, and ECAM caution come on, when the AC ESS BUS is not electrically supplied. Note : In case of a total loss of the main generators, the AC ESS BUS is automatically supplied by the emergency generator, or by the static inverter, if the emergency generator is not available. EXT PWR pb (momentary action| AVAIL light comes on green if : priority — extemal power is plugged in, and 1- ENG GEN. — extemal power parameters are normal. 2- EXT PWR. Pressed momentarily : 3 APU. — If the AVAIL light was on : - The external power line contactor closes. The AVAIL light goes off. The ON light comes on blue. — If the ON light was on - The external power line contactor opens. The ON light goes off, « The AVAIL light comes on. Note : The ON light stays on even when the engine generators supply the aircraft. CIRCUIT BREAKERS (C/B: The aircraft has two types of C/Bs : — Monitored (green) : When out for more than one minute, the C/B TRIPPED warning is triggered on the ECAM. — Non-monitored (black). The Wing Tip Brakes (WTB) C/Bs have red caps on them to prevent them from being reset. The C/B TRIPPED warning on the ECAM indicates the location of the affected C/B. The following panels are monitored : OVHD PNL, L(R) ELEC BAY, REAR PNL J-M or N-R or S-V or W-Z. capt naif alharthi PACK FLOW sel + Permits the selection of pack valve flow, according to the number of passengers and ambient conditions (smoke removal, hot or wet conditions). LO (80 %) — NORM (100 %) — HI (120 %). - Manual selection is irrelevant in single pack operation, or with APU bleed supply. In these cases, HI is automatically selected. + If LO is selected, the pack flow can be automatically selected up to 100 % when the cooling demand cannot be satisfied. HEATER CAPT (F/O) switch OFF : The foot heater is off. Air outlet temperature is based on the COCKPIT selector, LO: Air temperature at heater air outlet increased by 12.5°C HI: Air temperature at heater air outlet increased by 25°C Zone temperature sel control the trim air vave . — 12 o'clock position : 24°C (76°F). — COLD position : 18°C (64°F). — HOT position : 30°C (86°F). HOT AIR pushbutton On —_: The valve regulates hot air pressure. OFF ; The valve closes, and the trim air valves close. The FAULT circuit is reset. FAULT :-The amber light, and associated ECAM caution come on when duct overheat is detected. The fault circuit detects an overheat when the duct temperature reaches 88°C (190°F). The valve and the trim air valves close automatically. The FAULT light goes off when the temperature drops below 70°C (158°F), and the flight crew selects OFF. ~ light come on also with valve disagreement . HOT AIR closes: 4-no air 4- duct ovrht 2- PRESSING HOT AIR PB 5- cockpit trim valve fail 3-2 lane of one ACSC fail 6- both cabin trim valve fail. heat exchanger inlet flap closes -TO_ : TO PWR and main L/G struts compressed . -LND : main LIG compressed and speed > 70 knts . reopen 20 sec after speed < 70 knts . capt naif alharthi PACK pb On : The pack flow control valve is automatically controlled. It opens, except in the following cases : 4 — Upstream pressure below minimum. 2 — Compressor outlet overheat 3 — Engine start sequence : 1. If the crossbleed valve is closed, the valve located on the starting engine side immediately closes, when the MODE selector is set to IGN (or CRK). 2. It remains closed on the starting engine side (provided the crossbleed valve is closed) when : + The MASTER switch is set to ON (or the MAN START pushbutton is set to ON), and - The start valve is open, and +N2 < 50%, Note ; if the crossbleed valve is open at engine start, both pack flow control valves close. 3. On ground, reopening of the valves is delayed for 30 seconds to avoid a supplementary pack closure cycle during second engine start. 4 — The fire pushbutton, of the engine on the related side, is pressed, 5 — Ditching is selected. OFF : The pack flow control valve closes. FAULT It : Comes on amber, and a caution appears on the ECAM, 1- if the pack flow control valve position disagrees with the selected position,or 2- compressor outlet overheat or 3- pack outlet overheat or RAM AIR pb (guarded ON : The ON light comes on white. If the DITCHING pushbutton, on the CABIN PRESS panel, is in normal position : — The RAM air inlet opens. — If Ap > 1 psi; The outflow valve control remains normal. No emergency RAM air flows in. — lf Ap < 1 psi: The outflow valve opens to about 50 % when under automatic control. It does not automatically open when it is under manual control. Emergency RAM airflow is directly supplied to the mixer unit. Off : The RAM air inlet closes. - Each air conditioning system controller regulates the temperature of its associated pack, by modulating the bypass valve and the ram air inlet flap. - also regulate flow by modulating the associated pack flow control valve. Pack outlet temperature RAM AIR inlet a | Je oa ‘ Pack bypass valve position | wl soe AIR Pack compressor I Lev a outlet temperature | | ~——_ Pack flow T Pack flow control valve capt naif alharthi ENG 1 and ENG 2 BLEED pb sw ON : bleed valve open if : 1- upstream pressure is above 8psi . 2- APU bleed off or APU bleed valve closed . 3- there is no return flow . 4- ENG FIRE not popped out 5- start valve closed . 6- no overtemperature 7- no overpressure 8- no wing or pylon leak . FAULT It : This amber light comes on, and an ECAM caution appears, if : OFF — There is an overpressure downstream of the bleed valve. — There is a bleed air overheat. — There is a wing or engine leak on the related side. — The bleed valve is not closed during engine start. — The bleed valve is not closed with APU bleed ON. It goes out when the ENG BLEED pushbutton switch is OFF if the fault has disappeared. : The bleed valve and HP valve close. The white OFF light comes on. APU BLEED pb sw ON : The APU valve opens if N > 95 % and there is no leak in the APU or in the left side bleed. (If there is a leak on the right side, the x-bleed valve closes.) when open, ENG bleed valves comanded closed . The blue ON light comes on. : The APU valve closes. Off FAULT light : This amber light comes on, and an ECAM caution appears, when the system detects an APU leak. X-BLEED selector sw AUTO : The crossbleed valve is open if the APU bleed valve is open. The crossbleed valve is closed if 1- the APU bleed valve is closed or 2- wing, pylon, or APU leak (except during engine start). 3- APU fire switch is pushed . OPEN : The crossbleed valve is open. CLOSE : The crossbleed valve is closed. capt naif alharth ANTI ICE PROBE/WINDO\ WING ENG 1 ENG 2 HEAT Faur [==] re}: WING ANTLICE pb sw heat the 3 outbord slats from pneumatic sys . This switch controls the wing anti ice system on the left and right sides simultaneously. ON: It lights up blue. WING A. ICE appears on the ECAM MEMO page. Wing anti ice control valves open if a pneumatic supply is available. On the ground the wing anti-icing control valves open for 30 seconds only (test sequence). Off + ON light goes off. Wing anti-icing control valves close. FAULT : Amber light comes on, and caution appears on ECAM, if : 4 — vave position disagreement 2— low pressure Note: The amber FAULT light comes on briefly as the valves transit. incase electrical failure ----- valve closes ENG ANTI ICE ON bleed from HP compressor heats each ENG nacelle. The ON light comes on blue. The ECAM MEMO displays “ENG A. ICE”. The engine anti-ice valve opens, if bleed air is available from the engine. continuous ignition is turned on Off: The ON light goes off The engine anti-ce valve closes, FAULT : Comes on amber, along with an associated ECAM caution, if the position of the anti-cing valve disagrees with the ENG 1 (2) pushbutton selection. Note: The amber FAULT light comes on briefly, while the valve transits. incase electrical failure ------ valve open PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb AUTO : Probes/Windows are heated automatically : — in fight oF on the ground (except TAT probes) provided one engine is running. ON: Probes and windows are heated permanently. Blue light comes on, windshield and pitot heat operat at low slectrical heating to: and Tin fight 1- windshield power on ground and normal in flig! 3: side windows: 3- pitot tupe 4- static port 5-TAT capt naif alharthi CABIN PRESS, acy aw 0 DITCHING MAN V/S CTL MODE SEL a5 @ |- 2 CONTROLLER UP A cle 3 MOTORS 1% T 2 o . (ea 10° = 6 MAN V/S CTL toggle switch The switch, springloaded to neutral, controls the outflow valve position through operation of the MAN motor, when the MODE SEL pushbutton is in the MAN position. UP: The valve moves towards the open position. DN : The valve moves towards the closed position. MODE SEL pb AUTO — : Automatic mode is operating, One of the two systems controls the outflow vaive. max pos A press 8.6 psi max neg Apress -1 psi cabin warning 9550 ft(+ 350) warning safety valve opens at A press between 8.2 to 8.9 psi. system will automatically changeover to the other system: 1- failure of the active system 2-70 sec after each landing 3- selecting MAN for 10 sec then back to auto . MAN: This legend appears in white, and FAULT does not come on. The flight crew then uses the MAN V/S CTL switch to control the outflow valve. FAULT It : This legend appears in amber and the ECAM caution light comes on only when both automatic systems are faulty. Note : The pilot may notice a variation in the CAB ALT indication on the “~~” ECAM PRESS page, when the system switches from the cabin pressure control AUTO mode to MAN mode, due to the reduced resolution of the backup pressure sensor. LDG ELEV sel AUTO The pressurization system uses the FMGS data to construct an optimized pressure schedule. To exit the AUTO position, pull out and tum the selector. Other positions : The pressurization schedule does not use the landing elevation from ‘the FMGS, but instead uses the landing elevation selected with this knob (from — 2000 to + 14000 feet) as its reference. Note : The LDG ELEY selector scale is only given as an indication ; refer to the ECAM information for accurate adjustment. TO: climb 400 fUmin until A p 0.1 psi DITCHING quarded pushbutton CL: follow fixed pre-programmed law Normal : The system functions normally. according to afc climb rate ON — : The operating system sends RZ : level off alt or and elevation , a “those” signal to whichever is higher. DES: maintain a cabin rate of descent to reach LDG elevation + 0.1 psi shortly before landing max 750] 4- the outflow valve, 2- emergency ram air inlet, 3- ventilation inlet and extract valves, |GND :before 7.0 and 56 see after LND outflow 4 pack flow control valves. valve fully opens .AT touchdown, VS 500 ft/min to release remaining press Note : |ABORT : to prevent cabin from climbing The outflow valve will not close automatically, ~ AIC < 8000 ft OR a change alt < 5000 ft AIC rate of descnt > 200 ft/min for 30 sec fs under manual control -- cabin will be set to T.O alt + 0.1 psi capt n aif alharthi

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