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 2002 年第 6 期 敦煌研究 NO1612002


( 浙江大学人文学院  古籍研究所 ,  浙江  杭州  310028)

  内容摘要 : 唐五代一般百姓获得宅舍的途径与相关社会制度的变迁有着密切的关系 。唐初 ,在均田制下 ,百姓

的宅基地主要来自官府授地 。中晚唐五代敦煌文书中出现的“口分舍”,很可能指百姓在归义军政权所授的园宅地
上修建的屋舍 ,它可以父子相承 。
唐五代百姓向官府请赐的宅舍一般为绝户和逃户的宅舍 。政府向百姓授园宅地 、
时 ,也意味着百姓须向政府承担赋役 。吐鲁番文书中百姓宅舍随舍行之役使 , 至中晚唐五代发展为政府要向百姓
征收房屋税 。
关键词 : 唐五代 ; 宅舍 ; 分配
中图分类号 : K877 ;D909  文献标识码 :A    文章编号 :1000 - 4106 (2002) 06 - 0029206

  收稿日期 :2002202202
作者简介 : 盛会莲 (1972~) ,女 ,甘肃省武威人 ,浙江大学人文学院古籍研究所 。

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An Analysis of The Relative Issue on Distribution
of The Living House for the Common People
of Tang and Five Dynasties
SHENG Hui - lian
During the period of Tang Dynasty and The Five Dynasties ( 7th - 10th century) , the fact was showed by
the written materials of The History that the way for the commoner to obtaining right for the ground of living
house changed a lot according to the relative institutions of the society unevenly. In the Early - Tang period ,
the house ground for the common people were mainly authorized by the government under the System of Even
Distribution Public Land to a Person for the Farming purpose. Among the Dunhuang MS which was dating from
the period of the mid - Tang and the later - Tang dynasties until the Five dynasties , a term ’Kou Fen She’
(the distribution of house - ground per person) appeared repeatedly. It may indicate the fact that the com2
moners could built a living house on the ground which were granted in perpetuity by Gui Yi J un ( The Dun2
huang local government of The Return to Allegiance Army) that even could hand down to next generations.
The house - ground that commoners had granted from government generally belong to families either heir2
less or refused to make entries in government register. At the same time when they had the land , they had
committed certain levy to the government . The fact had showed very specifically in Turfan Documents that com2
moners had to employed as a servant for certain amount of house - ground. Up to the period of the mid - Tang
and the later - Tang dynasties until the Five dynasties ( 8th - 10th century) , the formation of the levy of land
tax by the government were gradually taken into shape as a normal tax.

The Penalty Scenes Found in Dunhuang

Narrative Paintings
XIE Sheng2bao
This article try to discussing the penalty of ancient time and its background of legal provisions by analysis
the penalty scenes represented on Dunhuang narrative paintings. The discussion mainly concentrated on those
narrative paintings : the scene of How the 500 Bandits Restored Their Eyesight 、
The Cause - Effect Story of
WEI MIAO , a Buddhist Nun 、
The Cause - Effect Story of a Yong Monk Commit Suicide 、
The Story of King’s
Exemplary Punishment For The Thief .

The Sport of Polo In Tang Dynasty :

An Textual Research On ZHANG QIAN FEI
DUAN Xiao2qiang 、
ZHANG QIAN FEI , is a piece of Dunhuang manuscript about the sport of Polo which was dating from
Tang Dynasty. By a textual research of this piece of Dunhuang Manuscript , we come to understand how was
sport of Polo played at Tang Dynasty : the detail information about appliances for the sport , the playground , the
sport ruler of Polo of one of the popular sport of Tang Dynasty
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